ProceedingsoftheInstitutionofMechanicalEngineersPartB JournalofEngineeringManufacture 2015 Sarkar VKJain

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Nanofinishing of freeform surfaces using abrasive flow finishing process

Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture · September 2015
DOI: 10.1177/0954405415599913


26 1,092

2 authors:

Mithun Sarkar Vijay Kumar Jain

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part B:

J Engineering Manufacture
Nanofinishing of freeform surfaces Ó IMechE 2015
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using abrasive flow finishing process
DOI: 10.1177/0954405415599913

Mithun Sarkar1 and VK Jain2

Freeform complex surfaces have become an essential part of many devices to perform the required functions. Many of
these components require nanometer-level surface finish to perform the desired functions efficiently. In this work, an
attempt has been made to improve the external morphology of freeform surfaces, especially knee joint, by abrasive flow
finishing process. A uniform mirror finished surface with improved finishing rate is achieved for stainless steel knee joint.
Extrusion pressure is varied to reduce final surface roughness value and finishing time. Experimentally, good surface finish
ranging from (Ra) 42.9 to 62.5 nm is achieved at various locations of the knee joint which are within the recommended
American Society for Testing and Materials standard (’100 nm) of knee joint prosthesis. Effects of abrasive flow finishing
process parameters are investigated to develop ‘‘know how’’ of the process on the freeform surfaces. Abrasive flow fin-
ishing process has given 76.56% reduction in finishing time as compared to the time required by ‘‘ball end’’ type tool used
for finishing knee joint.

Freeform surfaces, nanofinishing, knee joint, abrasive flow finishing

Date received: 25 November 2014; accepted: 13 July 2015

Introduction Functions, fabrication, and finishing of

Currently, about 5 million people in the world are dis- artificial knee joint
eased by arthritis. This painful inflammation is often Knee joint implants typically consist of metallic femoral
cured by an artificial knee joint replacement.1 It is a and tibial components with a plastic polyethylene insert
well-known fact that in the developed countries, the kept between them to restore joint function as shown in
percentage of elderly persons within the total popula- Figure 1. The knee joint is subjected to a complex com-
tion is growing fast. This demographic shift has tre- bination of sliding and rotational movements. Wear by
mendously increased the health care demands for abrasion is one of the main causes for failure of artifi-
aged persons.2 Osteoarthritis is the gradual degenera- cial knee joint over time. The relative movement
tion (necrosis) of the natural cartilage tissue, which between the metal and plastic can result in crack forma-
plays an important role in the load bearing and fric- tion or delamination of the polyethylene. It may also
tion minimizing functions of hip and knee joints. The lead to a situation that microscopic particles will break
health problems due to this tissue break down can be off and in turn attack body’s immune system. This con-
treated by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs and dition is known as osteolysis—a loss of bone tissue,
exercise. In extreme cases, the replacement of all or which can lead to the failure of the implant. As a result,
part of the knee joint with artificial implants or pros- the patient needs to undergo another surgery to receive
thetics is the last resort. At present, the life span of a new implant.3
such systems is 5–15 years.2 Increasing life expectancy
and practice of extreme sports, obesity and hectic life-
style are leading to increased wear of bones and 1
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Nuzvid, India
joints. One of the effective ways to overcome these Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology
problems is the implantation of an artificial joint. Kanpur, Kanpur, India
The main weight bearing joints of the body like knee Corresponding author:
and hip joints are the principal target of such VK Jain, Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of
replacements. Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India. E-mail: [email protected]

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2 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

Mechanism of material removal in

abrasive flow machining process
Abrasive flow machining (AFM, also called as AFF
process) is mainly used in the defense, aerospace, mold,
automobile, and other industries for finishing, debur-
ring and sharp edge rounding, removing recast layer,
and producing compressive residual stresses in a wide
range of applications.5–9 Inaccessible areas and com-
Figure 1. Worn-out bone and knee joint replacement.3. plex internal passages can be finished economically and
effectively. The typical AFM (two-way flow) process
uses two vertically opposed cylinders which extrude an
For fabrication of an artificial knee joint, mechani- abrasive laden semi-solid medium back and forth
cal engineering comes to rescue. Usually, five- or seven- through the fluid circuit formed by the workpiece and
axes computerized numerical control (CNC) milling the fixtures.10 The workpiece and fixture are held
machine is employed to fabricate condylar joints made between upper and lower cylinders, and the medium
from high wear resistant, biocompatible, corrosion (homogeneous mixture of viscoelastic base material,
resistant, hard alloys like Ti-6Al-4V and ceramics. It abrasive particles, and additives) is encapsulated in the
results in deep milling marks or cusps, and lays are left space between them. Under the presence of external
behind. Appendix 1 gives an overview of the different force, the medium is extruded by the piston of the
types of materials used to make femoral components. upper cylinder to pass through the passage between
Finishing of these kinds of components with sub- workpiece and fixture, to the lower cylinder. The work-
micrometer form accuracy and surface finish in the piece surface in the passage is the surface to be fin-
nanometric range is thought to be the most complex ished.11 The extrusion pressure, traveling length, and
and difficult of all finishing processes.4 Traditionally, number of reciprocating cycles are controlled.12
robotic grinding and belt grinding have been tried to The fundamental principle behind the AFM process
finish these orthopedic implants below 100 nm Ra is to use a large number of random cutting edges with
value. To prevent contamination, tissue growth, and indefinite orientation and geometry. The extremely fine
injury to muscle and to minimize friction, such a low chips produced in AFM result in better surface finish
surface finish is a stringent requirement. As far as fati- and generation of more intricate surface features.13,14
gue life is concerned, it is the surface finish at the con- The abrasive particles are held firmly in place at the
tact points that affects both performance and contact point and the medium becomes a ‘‘self-deform-
functional life of the implants. Smooth surface ensures able grinding stone’’ which adapts to the passage geo-
that no contaminants can reside inside the contact sur- metry.15 Medium viscosity temporarily rises due to high
faces. If surface integrity is not maintained then it restriction and returns to the normal value after the slug
would lead to a premature failure. has passed that zone.6 AFM is mostly used for finishing
Charlton and Blunt2 developed a new technique of internal surfaces. To finish an external surface, addi-
which has been adopted to polish freeform knee joint tional tooling is generally required to ensure that the
surfaces. The manufacturing path utilizes a seven-axes flow gap between the external surface and the tooling is
CNC Zeeko polishing machine to polish knee joint sur- sufficiently tight for adequate abrasive action.7 Large
faces to the required form and finish improving the life surface irregularities, such as deep scratches, out of
time of the replacement. At Huddersfield, surface finish roundness, lays, and large bumps, cannot be removed
of Sa = 2.8 nm was realized in a knee joint section pol- by AFM process because material is removed almost
ishing automatically on a Zeeko IPR 200 machine. The uniformly.16
machine uniquely uses an inflated bulged polymer pol- Furthermore, these prosthetics are made of very
ishing head or bonnet as the lap medium in combina- high-strength material (mentioned in Appendix 1).
tion with water-based polishing slurries. The key These joints are not hollow or thin. They are unlikely to
feature of the Zeeko polishing machine is an adaptive deform under the influence of hydraulic pressure. The
pressure-tool tuned automatically to the local surface fixtures are made of EN8 mild steel and Teflon. These
irregularities.4 materials are weaker than workpiece. Even the fixtures
In this study, abrasive flow finishing (AFF) has been did not deform, so the shape accuracy is ensured.
employed to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks
and limitations of the traditional finishing processes
Literature survey
and to develop a novel finishing technique with high
finishing rate (FR) and uniform surface finish. In this Jain and Adsul17 carried out experimental research on
article, the work is focused only on the knee joint; how- AFF and concluded that the dominant process para-
ever, this process can also be employed to finish other meter is % concentration of abrasive, followed by
freeform surfaces used in engineering and medical are- abrasive mesh size, number of cycles, and medium flow
nas with a change in fixtures and process variables. speed. Gorana et al.18,19 reported that cutting force

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Sarkar and Jain 3

components and active particles’ density govern the fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to find the optimal
surface roughness produced during AFF process. core shape for complex holes where uniform shear
However, effect of medium temperature on AFF effi- stress generates uniform surface roughness.
ciency was not studied. The theoretical and experimen- A freeform surface made of stainless steel (SS) simi-
tal research of thermal properties of medium was lar to the actual knee joint was fabricated to investigate
carried out by Fletcher and Fioravanti.20 Davies and the viability and superiority of the AFF process. This
Fletcher21 experimentally found that viscosity of the process is thought to be an alternative finishing tech-
medium is significantly affected by the medium tem- nique to the traditional time-consuming and costly belt
perature. Jain and Jain22 also reported the effects of grinding process. The novelty of the process is that it
specific energy and temperature on AFF responses. can simultaneously finish different surfaces of a prod-
They reported that the medium temperature increases uct, contrary to the traditional techniques. The motiva-
with number of finishing cycles and extrusion pressure. tion was to find out the best process parameters in the
They also found that both theoretical and empirical prescribed range, an appropriate fixture design, and
studies of AFF are greatly hampered by the inherent medium formulation. This will eliminate the stringent
random nature and multiplicity of variables. The requirements of tool hardness/rigidity and defined cut-
medium is non-Newtonian in nature, particles are ran- ting edge and address the problem of finishing difficult-
domly distributed and the entire process is encapsu- to-machine sculptured surfaces. A comparative review
lated. The variables are interdependent which further of AFF process with other nanofinishing processes has
complicates the studies. Thus, the material removal been reported by Jain et al.30
mechanism is only partially understood.
Jain et al.23 and Jain and Jain22 applied artificial
neural network (ANN) approach to analyze the AFF AFF system
process. They concluded that with the increase in num- Experimental set up
ber of cycles, material removal rate (MRR), which is
comparatively high initially, decreases afterwards. The main components of AFF system are AFF set up,
Initially, the surface has sharp peaks, which are sheared fixture or tooling, and medium. AFF fixture or tooling
more easily and become somewhat flatter than before. guides the abrasive medium and holds the workpiece,
Further finishing of this flat surface would require which is placed in between the upper and lower medium
higher tangential force, hence MRR decreases. Jain et cylinders. Uniform and sufficient gap between the
al.24 and Jain and Jain25 applied finite element simula- workpiece and fixture helps the medium to achieve nec-
tion approach to model AFM process to evaluate stres- essary uniform velocity while passing through the work-
ses and forces. Fang et al.26 criticized their model by piece contour. Every workpiece needs its own clamp.
saying that abrasive particles are not only sliding but The clamp is very important and it decides the AFF
also rolling, which would reduce MRR. The shear thin- performance.31,32
ning properties of the abrasive fluid can be determined Surface roughness will not be uniform when a com-
using rheometrical devices as reported by Carreau et plex hole is polished by AFF process. Wang et al.29
al.27 Experimental results25 showed that material reported that CFD numerical method can be used to
removal is also governed by the initial surface finish design good passage ways to find the smooth surface
and workpiece hardness. Based on two-body wear, they on the complex hole in AFF process. Velocity, strain
proposed their mathematical model which included rates, and shear forces applied by the medium acting
operating parameters to explain wear in AFF process. on the workpiece surface were computed using CFD
However, theoretical results of surface roughness could approach, while keeping pressure as constant. Their
not match very well with the experimental data. It can results demonstrated that the desired shape of the mold
be found that the assumptions were somewhat over core inserted into the hole results in uniform roughness
simplified and unrealistic because abrasive particles on the surface.
were assumed to be spherical in shape and wear process In AFF process, it is possible to control and select
was assumed to be only cutting without plastic defor- the intensity and location of abrasion by appropriate
mation. It was the first time to predict forces from fixture design. Two cylinders were fabricated to easily
rheological properties of the medium in AFM process accommodate knee joint-spider assembly (Figure 2(a)),
when Gorana et al.19 developed a two-body abrasive sealed and sandwiched between the pistons. Figure 2(b)
mathematical model to predict radial and axial forces shows a sectioned view of the spider and its dimen-
on a single abrasive particle. It has been shown experi- sions. Mild steel (EN8) was chosen for fixture fabrica-
mentally that material removal increases with piston tion because of ease of fabrication and cost. The wall
pressure and is highly dependent on the force acting on thickness should be sufficient to withstand large
the abrasive particles.26 Bähre et al.28 developed an in- hydraulic pressure. Gaskets should be inserted between
process measurement set up in order to measure the the cylinders to prevent medium leakage. Medium pas-
influence of the applied medium pressure on the sage width is not uniform as shown in Figure 2(c) (for
machined part of the workpiece with the help of an simplicity of the diagram, spider is not shown). The
axial force sensor. Wang et al.29 used computational exploded view of the figure (in the side) shows chip

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4 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

Figure 2. (a) Photograph of a knee joint held in a spider, (b) sectioned view of spider with dimensions, and (c) knee joint in the AFF
set up.

formation, the forces acting on the knee joint, and Table 1. Hardness and density of some abrasives and
abrasive particles. workpiece materials.
One flywheel-shaped spider (Figure 2(b)) with three
arms was fabricated by abrasive water jet cutting. It Material Vickers hardness (HV) Density (g/cm3)
was designed so as to maintain a balance between
Stainless steel* 220 7.85
strength and effective area available for the medium
SiC 240 1.52
extrusion. Fixing knee joint ahead of the flow itself will B4C 320 1.82
reduce the effective area to a great extent. This axial Ti-6Al-4V* 360 4.42
obstacle offered by the projected area of workpiece CBN 450 2.28
(knee joint) will increase load on the spider and pistons. Diamond 700 3.52
So, the spider material should have high bending and CBN: cubic boron nitride; * implies that stainless steel and Ti-6Al-4V are
shear strength. SS is a good choice. The spider has a workpiece materials.
central hole where knee joint is held by means of a
bolted joint (Figure 2(a)). The dimensions are shown in Commercial medium contains polyborosiloxane or silly
the schematic diagram (Figure 2(b)). The thickness of putty as base carrier; diamond, boron carbide (B4C), or
the spider is 5 mm. The entire assembly is held between silicon carbide (SiC) as abrasive; and some additives/
the lower and upper cylinders. The edges of the ribs plasticizers. Base carrier also acts as a binder for abra-
were rounded off for smooth flow of medium and to sives and transmits force from the piston to the
minimize pressure loss due to separation. abrasives.
Actual prototype of knee joint is made of Ti-6Al-
4V, which is harder than SiC and B4C as shown in
Medium formulation and preparation Table 1. A SS knee joint was fabricated for the present
Important part of a successful AFF system is medium. investigations. SiC (mesh sizes 1000, 1500, and 2000)
The medium loses its finishing capability with time due was used as abrasive because it is harder than SS. The
to fracture and wear of abrasive particles and mixing of medium is made by mixing silicone oil, boric acid, poly-
the removed workpiece material with the medium. dimethylsiloxane (PDMS), and other additives. This

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Sarkar and Jain 5

non-Newtonian pseudo plastic fluid shows unusual 22, and 24 bars. At first, 1000 mesh size abrasive was
properties under different ranges of strain rate. It is a chosen and the medium with SiC/Silly putty level =
viscoelastic fluid. Silly putty can be characterized as a 50:50 was carefully prepared with other additives.
shear thickening fluid. High elasticity helps abrasives Three experiments were conducted each for 1500 cycles
indent deep and high viscosity helps retaining the abra- with 20, 22, and 24 bar pressure. Then, the composition
sive particles intact against shearing of the workpiece of the SiC/Silly Putty was changed to 55:45 ratio.
surface protrusion. High viscosity medium is required
to finish large internal passage or external contour, and
Measurement of surface finish
very low viscous slurry type medium is needed for
micro channel and nozzle-type workpiece. Viscosity Measurement of the surface finish of freeform surface is
can be increased either using high viscous polymer or as difficult as finishing it. One swiveling device was cho-
by increasing percentage of abrasives.33 sen which can hold as well as tilt the workpiece to make
The polymer used is mainly elastic in nature. But for the area of the surface under investigation horizontal.
high FR, high viscosity is essential. Miscibility of abra- A linear tactile probe SurfTest SV-2100M4 was used to
sive in polymer is low. Plasticizer or softener is mixed measure surface roughness of the knee joint. The
to achieve the desired medium properties, that is, easy roughness is measured in the direction perpendicular to
flow ability. These are low molecular weight and low the finishing direction on the same point before and
viscous compounds, which get mixed with the polymer after finishing experiments. Initially, the idea was to
and increase softness. Silicone oil, naphthenic oil, measure roughness at 10 points per face. But it was not
toluene, varnish oil, and hydrocarbon oil can be used possible to measure where the surface has slope in mul-
as plasticizer. They diffuse in between the polymer tiple directions because sufficient approach length and
chains and increase the distance between the chains. It evaluation length were not found. It is difficult to align
reduces cohesive force and internal friction of polymer a three-dimensional (3D) curved surface horizontally
chains. by manual control. The measurements at those points
For the present investigation, multigrade hydrocar- were not repeatable and erratic in nature. So, the points
bon oil was used because of its compatibility with silly only on simple curved areas were chosen. The exact
putty. Its content should not be very high as the location of the point of measurement is identified with
medium becomes oily and sticky. The plasticizer devel- the help of a transparent template prepared for this pur-
ops a very thin protective coating on the workpiece sur- pose. In these experiments, the final surface roughness
face, which prevents interaction between abrasives and (Ra) value of the previous experiment becomes initial
workpiece surface. Most widely used mold releasing surface roughness (Ra) value for the next experiment.
agent, namely, zinc stearate, is used as an additive to Special optical profilometer, software control, and tilt-
exploit its non-sticky and lubricating properties. It ing mechanism are needed for reliable and accurate
reduces plasticizer requirement to a great extent, and measurement of freeform surfaces. Tactile probe is not
thus, oiliness is avoided. It also reduces brittleness of able to follow ups and downs and contour of freeform
the medium and develops a continuous mass. surface. However, the only alternative seems to be feasi-
The mixing of the ingredients is done using two-roll ble is to measure the surface roughness variation in
mills (150 mm diameter rolls, 7.5 HP motor) in the tem- both directions (X and Y) and compare it with the origi-
perature range of 40 °C–55 °C. The mixing is carried nal (i.e. before finishing) values of surface finish in X-
out as per ASTM D 3182-89 with mastication, which and Y-directions. Atomic force microscope (AFM)
means breaking down of molecular chains of polymer. image was taken only on plane surfaces because of sen-
This is very necessary because it improves homogeneity sitivity and limitation of the instrument; 25 3 25 mm2
and acceptability of polymer for abrasive particles.34 area was chosen for the investigation.
The impact of abrasive percentage on polishing effi- The preliminary experiments were conducted to
ciency is paramount, but with the increase in abrasive study the effect of extrusion pressure on % change in
percentage, the flow ability of the medium diminishes.18 Ra and FR. % Change in Ra is calculated as {(DRa/ini-
That is why, a maximum ratio of SiC/Silly putty = tial Ra) 3 100}, where DRa = (initial Ra 2 final Ra).
55:45 (by weight) is chosen. Here, Ra is centre line average (CLA) surface rough-
ness measured in micrometers. FR (nm/min) is calcu-
lated as {(DRa/finishing time in min) 3 1000}. The
Experimentation initial and final surface roughness of each part is mea-
sured by SurfTest machine.
Plan of experiments The coordinates of the points were measured on a
AFF is influenced by a number of parameters but in CNC machine. Tangents were drawn (as shown in
this work only pressure was varied to make preliminary Figure 3) in the solid model of the knee joint by
study about feasibility in nanofinishing of knee joints SolidWorks software at the identified points, and the
using AFF process to compare the finishing time angles of inclination (u) were evaluated (Table 2).
required and uniformity of finishing across the face as Then, the knee joint was held in a vice where there is a
well as different faces. The pressure was varied at 20, provision to tilt the knee joint at the desired angle (u).

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6 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

Figure 3. (a) Inclination of identified points, (b) force acting on the convex workpiece surface and distance of the workpiece
surface from the fixture or cylinder wall, and (c) free body diagram of forces acting on face 1.

Table 2. Inclination angles of the measuring points at different faces (1–4).

Face Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5

1 9.15° 12.04° 27.50° 38.55° 44.40°

2 16.54° 27.57° 26.09° 7.01° 0°
3 2.69° 6.55° 17.38° 6.55° 6.55°
4 10.38° 16.59° 27.84° 1.05° 0°

The knee joint was tilted to the opposite of the corre- The effects of different process parameters on the
sponding angle to align it horizontally. responses (% change in Ra, FR, final Ra) have been
discussed in the following sections. There are four faces
of the knee joint. For each face, surface roughness value
Results and discussion was measured at 5 points. However, for comparison
Best results of surface roughness measurements and purposes, surface finish only at three critical points (i.e.
topography are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. at different angles) was considered. Variation in Ra
Initial and final surface roughness on each face on a value on all the three points with a variation in pressure
certain point with corresponding surface roughness has been considered.
reduction ratio is shown in Figure 4. It is clearly seen
that significant reduction ( . 72%) has been achieved.
However, optimization of the process parameters Inclination angle
would result in a higher % DRa. Topography was Knee joint is a complex type of freeform surface. It has
taken by atomic force microscope on flat surfaces slope in multiple directions which complicates finishing
(faces 2 and 4) only. Figure 5 shows the initial and final as well as measurement procedure to a great extent.
surface topography. The inclination angle (u) (shown in Figure 3(b)) is the

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Sarkar and Jain 7

Figure 4. Different faces of a knee joint, initial surface roughness, final surface roughness, and % reduction in Ra. Finishing
conditions are mesh size of 1500, SiC:Silly Putty = 55:45, and pressure = 24 bar.

Figure 5. Initial and final surface topography measured by atomic force microscope for two faces, faces 2 and 4. Finishing
conditions are mesh size 1500, SiC:Silly Putty = 55:45, and pressure = 24 bar.

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8 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

angle between the vertical direction and the tangent medium, which is responsible for indentation.
drawn at the point under consideration in the same However, this will be quite different when the medium
plane (XY, XZ, or YZ). The tangents were drawn in is flowing in the reverse direction due to the asymmetry
the solid model of knee joint by SolidWorks software. of the knee joint. Finishing conditions favorable dur-
Pu is the hydrostatic force acting toward the upper ing, say, upper stroke may become adverse in the
cylinder and Pb is the hydrostatic force acting toward reverse stroke. If the shearing force available is not
the bottom cylinder (Figure 3(c)). They are assumed to enough at higher depth of penetration, then the abra-
be equal and denoted by P. Due to curvature, the sive particles may roll without cutting.35 Due to rota-
extrusion force is resolved into shearing force (P.Cosu, tion of the abrasive particle, the depth of indentation is
responsible for shearing the surface protrusions) and decreased. The abrasive particle may then become able
normal force (P.Sinu, responsible for abrasive indenta- to shear the workpiece material depending upon the
tion). Viscoelastic nature of the fluid imparts viscous value of the shear force acting on it.
force Pv (acting tangentially to the surface) and elastic Depending upon the inclination angle, the final Ra,
force Pe (acting perpendicular to the surface). Thus, the % DRa, and FR vary as shown in Figure 6. These
total tangential force is given by Pt = P.Cosu + Pv. results can be interpreted as follows:
The total normal force is given by Pn = P.Sinu + Pe.
Almost full abrasion force (P.Cosu) is acting where 1. As the pressure increases, shearing force also
the angle u is low. Only a part of the abrading force is increases. But temperature of the medium also
available for shearing where the angle u is high. The increases due to abrasion and internal friction. As
normal force (P.Sinu) is high where the angle (u) is a result, viscosity decreases as shown in Figure 7.
high. It is the P.Sinu and elastic force Pe exerted by the This figure clearly shows that with an increase in

Figure 6. Effect of inclination angle on (a) final Ra, (b) % change in Ra, and (c) FR for face 1. Finishing conditions are mesh size 1500,
SiC:Silly Putty = 55:45, pressure = 24 bar, and (d) saddle-like surface on face 1.

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Sarkar and Jain 9

more volume. It also increases number of active abra-

sive particles interacting with the workpiece (knee
joint) effectively. A minimum or threshold pressure is
necessary for piston movement. But increase in pres-
sure beyond a limit may reduce MRR and result in
plowing or smearing of workpiece. At greater indenta-
tion depth, if shearing force required to cut protru-
sions on the workpiece is higher than the available
force, then the abrasive particles will roll rather than
cut.35 There is also a danger of fixture failure and
medium leakage at very high pressure. The medium
may actually yield as a result of severe shearing. Then,
Figure 7. Shear stress versus shear rate at different
it becomes a gel-like fluid, and it is not able to hold
temperatures. Highest peak showing yield stress.
abrasive particles firmly against abrasion.
Effect of pressure variation on the final surface
roughness (Ra) obtained is shown in Figure 8(a). Final
temperature, the medium loses its viscosity; hence,
Ra is decreasing with increase in pressure because abra-
the abrasive holding capacity against shearing
sive can remove asperities more effectively at higher
reduces. These results (Figure 7) pertain to the
medium used in this work. Effect of temperature pressure. As the pressure increases, the workpiece aspe-
on the efficiency of AFF process has been studied rities experience more aggressive shearing; hence, final
by other researchers also.36,37 Ra value goes down. This behavior is experienced at all
2. The same knee joint is finished again and again. the four faces of the workpiece (Figure 8(a–d)).
This resulted in gradual improvement in surface
roughness, that is, lower decrease in final Ra value. % change in Ra
It becomes difficult to finish the already finished
surface because the surface asperities had already The % DRa value decreases with increasing pressure for
become blunt/flat, hence it requires larger force in all the four surfaces. However, Figure 9 shows the
each cycle. Finally, it moves toward attaining criti- results only for faces 1 and 3 which have more complex
cal surface finish. So, the % change in Ra (Figure surfaces than those of faces 2 and 4. As the pressure
6(b)) and FR (Figure 6(c)) also decreased with an increases, more amount of work is done by the abrasive
increase in the angle of inclination. particles. Hence, more heat is produced which decreases
3. If the medium is passing through a convex surface, the medium viscosity, that means the abrasive holding
it abrades the workpiece surface better as com- strength of the medium goes down. It results in decrease
pared to the case if it follows a concave surface. in % DRa with increase in pressure. The effect of rise in
The medium while finishing face 1 of the knee joint temperature on shear strength of the medium for a
experiences both increasing and decreasing slope given shear rate is shown in Figure 7. It shows a sub-
while moving in two opposite directions, that is, it stantial decrease in shear strength of the medium with
is like a saddle (Figure 6(d)). % DRa (Figure 6(b)) an increase in temperature. It also means that lower
and FR (Figure 6(c)) decrease when the inclination pressure is exerted in the direction normal to the work-
angle (u) increases. As the angle u increases, the piece surface.
penetrating force increases (P.Sinu), but the shear-
ing force decreases (P.Cosu). As a result, the rate Finishing Rate (FR). The effect of extrusion pressure on
of % change in Ra and FR decreases. It is visible FR for faces 1 and 3 is given in Figure 10. The FR
from Figure 6(a) that the rate of change in final Ra decreases with an increase in pressure (Figure 10) which
is also changing but at a reduced rate.
can be explained as was explained in the case of final
Ra and % DRa. With an increase in pressure, the
medium viscosity decreases due to an increase in the
Extrusion pressure
medium temperature, hence FR decreases. According
Final Ra. The pressure and velocity of the extruding to Preston’s equation, FR is proportional to the force
medium are important factors for AFF performance. acting on abrasive particle and its velocity. The appar-
The medium flow velocity is governed by the pressure, ent violation of Preston’s law is attributed to drastically
passage geometry, and medium rigidity/viscosity. reduced viscosity at higher temperature. The medium
Enhancing extrusion pressure increases medium flow becomes a gel-like substance at higher temperature. The
velocity. The smaller is the width of the passage, the medium pressure increases but the pressure imparted
bigger is the extruding pressure required.31 Higher on the abrasive particle while interacting with the work-
extrusion pressure increases normal and axial forces on piece surface reduces. The viscosity is not sufficient
abrasive particles. As a result, abrasive particles indent enough to hold the abrasive particles against the nor-
to a greater depth and shear workpiece protrusions with mal and shear forces required to remove material from

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10 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

Figure 8. Effect of pressure variation on final Ra (a–d) (F stands for face, u for inclination angle, and P stands for a point on that
surface). Finishing conditions are mesh size 1500, SiC:Silly Putty = 55:45, and pressure = 20, 22, 24 bar.

Figure 9. Effect of pressure variation on % change in Ra (a) for face 1 and (b) for face 3 (F stands for face, u for angle, and P for
point on that surface). Finishing conditions are mesh size 1500, SiC/Silly putty = 55:45, and pressure = 20, 22, 24 bar. .

the workpiece surface. As a result, the FR decreases some points were colored on the knee joint before the
with an increase in pressure.35 test run and checked after the finishing was over for a
short period. The color spots were intact only where
the gap is large. In most of the cases, larger the distance
Distance from the fixture wall from the wall, larger is final Ra (Figure 11(a)). It can
Surfaces of the knee joint far away from the fixture be attributed to the smaller value of force acting on the
wall do not undergo severe shearing as compared to knee joint in that area because of larger cross-sectional
the surfaces where the gap is smaller. To check this, area through which the medium is flowing. The

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Sarkar and Jain 11

Figure 10. Effects of pressure variation on FR (a) for face 1 and (b) for face 3 (F stands for face, u for angle, and P for point on that
surface). Finishing conditions are mesh size 1500, SiC:Silly putty = 55:45, and pressure = 20, 22, 24 bar.

Figure 11. Effect of distance from the wall on (a) final Ra, (b) % change in Ra, and (c) FR. (d) The location of measuring points.
Finishing conditions are mesh size 1500, SiC:Silly Putty = 55:45, and pressure = 24 bar.

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12 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture

viscosity temporarily rises in the areas of larger restric-

tion (or smaller distance from the fixture wall). The
large elastic and viscous components of force abrade
the knee joint more aggressively. The reverse argument
holds true for the smaller restriction (or larger distance
from the wall). In total, 1500 cycles were fixed for each
test run. Surface finish at the site of the greatest restric-
tion was marginally better as compared to the sites
away from the wall (Figure 11(a)). Figure 11(b) shows
that the % DRa decreases with an increase in the dis-
tance of the workpiece surface from the wall of the
cylinder (or fixture). Sites, where the gap is the least,
were finished comparatively faster because of higher
forces acting in that zone. Figure 11(c) shows that the Figure 12. MR fluid brush used for finishing knee joint.38.
FR decreases as the distance from the wall increases,
due to lower forces acting on the workpiece through
the abrasive particles. In view of the trends shown in abrasive particles like cubic boron nitride (CBN) or
Figure 11(a) and (b), the FR decreases (Figure 11(c)) diamond and by applying uniform magnetic field.
with an increase in the distance of the workpiece sur- The comparison in Table 3 cannot be concluded
face from the fixture wall. unless workpiece material, finishing conditions, and ini-
tial surface roughness values are exactly same in all the
three cases. However, comparison between R-MRAFF
Cleaning of the knee joint
and AFF is somewhat rational because of the same
The knee joints should be cleaned by acetone to remove workpiece and abrasive particles. The above compari-
any traces of chemicals/foreign particles on the surface. son clearly shows that AFF is a better process in terms
Ultrasonic cleaning should also be done. Mass spectro- of FR. In MRAFF process, the force acting on individ-
scopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) can be done to ual abrasive particle is low. In R-MRAFF process, the
ensure that no residue is there. It is very much unlikely medium is viscoplastic and viscosity is quite low as
that any particle will remain embedded to the surface compared to AFF medium. That is why the extent of
of hard metals like Ti-6Al-4V. If such particles remain abrasion is low in those two cases but final surface fin-
embedded in the knee joint then they will definitely be ish is mirror like. Rotation given to the magnetic field
harmful and would create discomfort to the patient. in R-MRAFF increased the interaction length of abra-
No such post-operative trouble/physiological imbal- sive particles to a large extent. Non-uniform working
ance can be related to abrasive flow machined prosthe- gap has led to different FRs at different locations on
tics. Almost same abrasives are used by the traditional different faces. It is expected that designing a better
finishing techniques also. The polymers and other addi- passage way using CFD, and temperature control of
tives used are not known to be toxic. the medium during the process, would result in still
higher FR.
Comparison of AFF with
magnetorheological abrasive fluid finishing Conclusions
and rotational magnetorheological
A workpiece similar to the knee joint implant was fin-
abrasive fluid finishing processes ished by AFF. The following conclusions can be drawn
Jain and Sidpara38 tried raster finishing in a three-axes from the present investigations:
CNC milling machine by magnetorheological abrasive
fluid finishing (MRAFF) process (ball end tool with 1. Surface finish ranging from 42.9 to 62.5 nm has
magnetorheological (MR) fluid brush (Figure 12)), but been achieved at various locations which are within
it was taking on an average time of 16.4 h per face for the recommended ASTM standard of knee joint
finishing of titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) knee joint. The prosthesis (’100 nm). Such a good surface finish
total finishing time for all the faces in MRAFF process varying in a narrow range over the full knee joint
was 64.7 h even after using diamond abrasive. The rota- would result in better durability, superior tribologi-
tional magnetorheological abrasive fluid finishing (R- cal properties, and higher performance of artificial
MRAFF) process has been applied by Satish Kumar39 knee joint. This will reduce wear rate and enhance
to reduce the finishing time significantly by finishing all the implant useful life.
the faces simultaneously. The total finishing time was 2. CFD simulation should be done for the better pas-
reduced to 24.83 h with SiC abrasive as given in sage way or fixture design so that almost equal FR
Table 3. He reported that this one-shot finishing pro- could be achieved at different locations on different
cess (Figure 13) can be further enhanced using harder faces. The use of an inverse and extended replica

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Sarkar and Jain 13

Table 3. Comparison of time taken in finishing knee joint using MRAFF, R-MRAFF, and AFF processes.

MRAFF processa R-MRAFF processb AFF processc

Finishing Finishing Surface Finishing Finishing Surface Finishing Finishing Surface
time (h) rate (nm/h) roughness time (h) rate (nm/h) roughness time (h) rate (nm/h) roughness
range (nm) range (nm) range (nm)

Face 1 16.20 2.61 28–92 24.83 6.41 46.9–73.2 15 9.39 46.6–50.4

Face 2 15.60 3.21 37–62 6.62 36–77.8 9.67 47.3–49.7
Face 3 16.40 2.87 29–97 6.64 38.7–51.1 9.43 42.9–59.8
Face 4 16.50 3.78 38–66 5.40 35.4–43.5 9.04 50.5–62.5

MRAFF: magnetorheological abrasive fluid finishing; R-MRAFF: rotational magnetorheological abrasive fluid finishing; AFF: abrasive flow finishing.
Workpiece material: Ti-6Al-4V, abrasive: diamond.
Workpiece material: stainless steel, abrasive: SiC.
Workpiece material: stainless steel, abrasive: SiC.

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following finan-
cial support for the research, authorship, and/or publi-
cation of this article: This work was supported by
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai
(project no. BARC/Works/MoU/321/2011/), and the
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
New Delhi, India (project no. 22(0479)/09/EMR-II).

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Sarkar and Jain 15

Appendix 1

Details of composition of knee joint material and their reference.

Name Composition Specification Company origin Reference

1. Johnson & Cobalt–Chromium Larger contact area New Jersey, United
Johnson States
Reduced contact stress
Cross-linked Use of cross-linked polyethylene
polyethylene reduces wear and restricts failure due
to oxidation
2. Zimmer Cobalt– High degree of active flexion (up to Indiana, United
Chromium– 15° to 5°) States
Enhanced stability
UHMWPEa Extensor mechanismb provided
3. Stryker Tritaniumc Better fit due to a broader range of Michigan, United
sizes States
Reduced wear and longer life
(By use of additive Improved motion (up to 150°)
X3 polyethylene Better mechanical strength than
conventional polyethylene
4. Smith & Oxiniumd Surface hardness twice that of Cobalt– London, United
Nephew Chromium Kingdom
20% lighter than Cobalt–Chromium
\ 0.0035% nickel causing lesser
allergic reactions
Ceramic Use of ceramic in place of UHMWPE
causes resistance to scratches and
UHMWPE: ultra high molecular weight polyethylene. This is the material used traditionally to make the cartilage part of the knee implant.
Extensor Mechanism refers to the expanding or straightening mechanism of a joint. In knee joints, it is brought about by quadriceps tendon, patella,
and patellar tendon.
Tritanium is highly porous metal biologic fixation technology developed by Stryker by use of 3D printing technology/additive manufacturing with the
help of titanium powder made of various layers forming a complex porous structure.
Oxinium refers to oxidized zirconium. A material developed by Smith and Nephew having ceramicized metal bearing surface for better results.

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