Important General Science (Physics) One-Liner Questions For Railway and SSC Exams

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Important General Science (Physics) One-liner Questions for Railway

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Important General Science (Physics) One-liner Questions for Railway
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Important General Science (Physics) One-liner Questions for Railway and SSC Exams
1. If the mass of a person is 60 kg on the surface of earth then the same person’s mass on the surface of the moon
will be----60kg

2. Which units is used for measuring the amount of a substance------Mole

3. Through which of the mediums can sound NOT travel-----Vacuum

4. The Theory of Relativity is associated with----Albert Einstein

5. According to which law, at constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to pressure------
Boyle’s Law

6. What is the SI unit of force------Newton

7. Which branch of physics deals with properties of fluids at rest-----Hydrostatics

8. What is the other name of Newton’s first law of motion-Law of inertia

9. The momentum of an object of mass ‘M’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ is given by ---- Mv

10. Which of the two colours of spectrum forms the extremes---Violet and Red

11. What is the momentum of an object having mass of 14 kg and velocity 28 m/s -392 kg-m/s (p = mv)

12. The three laws of motion were proposed by---Newton

13. Which type of mirror is used by dentists to see large images of patient’s teeth- Concave mirror

14. Which devices is used to measure the atmospheric pressure --- Barometer

15. The ability of the eye to focus on both, near and distant objects, by adjusting its focal length, is called the
______of the eye----Accommodation

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16. Modern electrical generator works on principle of---- Electromagnetic Induction

17. Travellers in deserts often tend to have an optical illusion of a sheet of water where none actually exists. What is
this called------Mirage

18. Who invented the modern mercury thermometer with a standardised scale---- Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

19. The ability of medium to refract light is also expressed in terms of its ---–Optical density

20. The center of the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror is a point called----Pole

21. Who provided the basic theory about the nature of matter----John Dalton

22. What is the SI unit of power of a lens called----Dioptre

23. Which British physicist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906 for his work on discovery of electrons?--
-- J J Thomson

24. The persistence of sound in an auditorium is the result of repeated reflections of sound and is called –---

25. In 1752, which American scientist shows that lightning and the spark from your clothes are essentially the same
phenomena----Benjamin Franklin

26. A voltmeter is an instrument which can detect the presence of –- Potential difference

27. The instrument used to measure current is called----Ammeter

28. Which is NOT generally the properties of non-metals----Conductors

29. Which instrument is used to show the direction of flow of current in a circuit----Galvanometer

30. Which is used to detect cracks and flaws in metal blocks- Ultrasound

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31. Which sub-atomic particle was discovered by J Chadwick-----Neutron

32. The SI unit of sound was named in honour of which physicist----Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

33. Who proposed the laws of planetary motion---- Johannes Kepler

34. Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for _____in 1921----Photoelectric effect

35. Name the British chemist who presented his atomic theory in 1808, on conservation of mass and law of definite
proportions, which was a turning point in the study of matter----John Dalton

36. What is the SI unit of resistance ---- Ohm

37. A microphone converts - Sound energy into electrical energy

38. The speed of sound _____as it passes from solid to gaseous medium--- Decreases

39. Which devices is used to convert alternating current into direct current----Rectifier

40. Automobiles are fitted with a device that shows the distance travelled-----Odometer

41. Which units is used to measure the intensity of sound----Decibel

42. Which instruments is used to measure wind speed----Anemometer

43. We hear others speaking to us from adjacent rooms due to ____of sound waves ---- Diffraction

44. Give me a place to stand and I will move the world . which famous scientist said these words ---- Archimedes

45. What is measured in ‘joules’----Energy

46. The lens which is thin in the middle and thick at its periphery is called a --– concave lens

47. Rockets work on the principle of conservation of----- Momentum

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48. A light-year is a unit of----Distance

49. Which type of mirror is used by dentists to see large images of patient’s teeth-Concave mirror

50. Which was discovered by Henri Becquerel-----Radioactivity

51. Which colour deviates the least when light passes through a prism----Red

52. Who formulated the equation E=mc2 –-- Albert Einstein

53. Newton is the unit to measure-----Force

54. The phenomenon of ‘dispersion of light’ into its seven constituent colours was discovered by _____in 1666 –
Isaac Newton

55. Which energy of the wind does a windmill use-----Kinetic energy

56. If a lens has a focal length of 25 cm, what will be the power of that lens- 4D

57. Who was the founding director of BARC Mumbai---H J Bhabha

58. The rate of doing work is called power. The unit of power is-Watt

59. The force of attraction applied between molecules of the same substance is called – Cohesive force

60. For communication, elephants can make noises as loud as 103 decibels but they often use low frequency sound,
some of which is passed through the ground. These sounds are called-Infrasound

61. If a person has difficulty in seeing distant objects clearly, what condition is he suffering from and how can it be
corrected----- Myopia, using concave lens

62. What is the equation for Newton’s second law of motion----- F=ma

63. Shadows are formed when ____ objects come in the path of light ---- Opaque

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64. The rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the applied unbalanced force in the direction of
the force. This rule is known as ----- Newton’s second Law of Motion

65. Who was the first person to obtain a spectrum by passing light through a prism-Isaac Newton

66. The boiling point of liquid nitrogen is => -196 deg celcius

67. Who is considered as the ‘Father of Nuclear Physics---- E. Rutherford

68. What is the speed of sound in air-----343 m/sec

69. Visible Radiation was discovered by --–Issac Newton

70. The SI unit of ‘magnetic flux’ is ----Weber

71. The atomic number of an element is the number of _____in the nucleus of each atom of that element----Protons

72. Which types of light carries a signal from a television remote to the device it controls---- Infrared

73. Who noticed the deflection of the compass needle every time current was passed through the wire -Hans
Christian Oersted

74. The friction in liquids is called ---- Viscosity

75. Name an example of a thermonuclear fusion reaction---Hydrogen bomb

76. The repeated reflection that results in the persistence of sound is called --- Reverberation

77. The technology that uses the reflection of ultrasound waves to produce images of the heart is known as ----

78. A spring balance is a device commonly used for measuring the _____acting on an object --- Force

79. The value of ‘g’ is maximum at ---- Poles

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80. Long Radio waves were discovered by –Marconi

81. Blood pressure is the force - That blood exerts against the wall of a vessel

82. Which can produce a virtual image larger than the object-Concave mirror

83. Which equipment is used to transform mechanical energy into electrical energy --- Dynamo

84. What is the unit of measurement used for measuring the energy requirements of the human body----Calories

85. The ten percent law of energy transfer was given by----Raymond Lindeman

86. A constant force acts an object of mass 10 kg for a duration of 2 seconds. It increases the object’s velocity from 5
m/s to 10m/s. Find the magnitude of the applied force. Now, if the force is applied for a duration of 5 seconds,
what would be the final velocity of the object - Applied Force=25N, Final Velocity=17.5 m/s

87. Light travels in a – Straight line

88. The unit of Force is- Kgms-2 (Newton )

89. The work done by force acting on an object is equal to the amount of force multiplied by the distance travelled in
the direction of the force. Which is a unit of work----Joule

90. What is the fastest seismic waves –-- Primary waves

91. What is the SI unit of radioactivity---Becquerel

92. What is the SI unit of pressure----Pascal

93. Which device is used to identify the presence of electric charge on an object-Electroscope

94. Rainbow is a natural phenomenon which shows - Dispersion

95. What does LED stand for in semiconductor electronics-Light emitting diode

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96. Who discovered the law of planetary motion--- Kepler

97. How many laws of motion were given by Issac Newton---Three laws

98. What is the full form of MCB-- – Miniature Circuit Breaker

99. A fuse wire is always connected to the –Live wire

100. Metal commonly used for making an electromagnet – Iron

101. The weight of a body is - Maximum at the poles

102. An ice cube is floating on the surface of water: How will the water level be affected by melting of this ice
cube ----- Water level will remain the same

103. A moving electric charge produces ---- Both electric and magnetic field

104. Instrument used to store the electric charge is known as----- Capacitor

105. Distance is a -----Scalar quantity

106. Displacement is a ----Vector quantity

107. Growth of the baby in the uterus is found using---- Ultrasound

108. Tungsten is used for the manufacture of an electric bulb because---- it has a very high melting point

109. SI Unit of radioactivity source ---- Becquerel

110. Television was invented by ----- J. L Baird

111. The lens used to rectify long sight is---- Convex

112. Ball pen works on the principle of ---- Capillarity and surface tension

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113. Water stored in a dam possesses --- Potential energy

114. The basic process taking place in nuclear reactors is ------Fission

115. An electric generator actually acts as---- a converter of energy

116. ‘parsec’ is the unit measurement of ----- Astronomical distance

117. 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) -------- 1.496 x 1011 m

118. 1 Parsec -------3.086×1016 m

119. Astronomical Unit is the mean distance of -------The centre of the sun from the centre of the earth.

120. The acceleration in a body is due to-----Unbalanced force

121. The Screw Gauge is an instrument to measure the dimensions of very small objects up to---------- 0.01 mm.

122. A boat will submerge when it displaces water equal to its own ---- weight

123. The splitting of different colours of light in a prism is ---- Dispersion of light

124. Surface tension in a liquid is due to ----- Cohesive force between molecules

125. The least distance of distinct vision is ---- 25cm

126. Woollen clothes keep the body warm as ---- wool is a bad conductor of heat

127. The temperature of a liquid is 32oF. what is its temperature in Celsius scale ----0oC

128. While catching a ball, a player pulls down his hands to lower the ---- momentum

129. The sky seems blue as of ---- Scattering of light

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130. In which form is the supplied heat energy stored during change in temperature of substance ----- kinetic

131. Dynamo is a device for converting ----- Mechanical energy into electrical energy

132. When milk is churned, the cream from it is separated due to ----- Centrifugal force

133. ‘short-sight’ in human eye can be corrected by using proper ----- concave lens

134. A falling drop of rainwater acquires the spherical shape due to ---- Surface Tension

135. When a body is taken from earth to moon -----weight changes but mass remains same

136. The oil in the wick of an oil lamp rises up due to ----- Capillary action

137. Sound waves in air are ---- Longitudinal

138. A periscope works on the principle of -----total internal reflection

139. Heat stored in water vapour is ----- latent heat

140. Shaving mirror is ----- Concave

141. An instrument used to measure humidity is ----- Hygrometer

142. A light year is a unit of ---- distance

143. Hydraulic brakes in automobile work on ---- Pascal’s principle

144. Milk is a colloidal system in which ----- Fat is dispersed in water

145. Neutrons are slowed down in a nuclear reactor by ---- moderator

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146. The unit of electrical power is ---- Watt or joule per second.

147. Electric current in a metal wire is due to the flow of ----Electrons

148. The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) minimum at------ Equator

149. The value of acceleration due to gravity-------9.8 m/s2

150. The device used for locating submerged objects under sea is -----sonar

151. The distance from the pole to the focus is called------ Focal length

152. What is the nature of eye lens of human eye? --------- Convex in nature.

153. Focal length of eye lens can be adjusted by------- Ciliary muscles

154. The speed of the sound remains unchanged by the increase or decrease of -------pressure.

155. SONAR stands for -------Sound Navigation And Ranging

156. When a body falls freely under gravity then the work done by the gravity is -----positive

157. The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of an object is called its -----mechanical energy

158. Sound cannot travel through------ vacuum

159. What is the SI unit of angular velocity-------Radian /second

160. What is the SI unit of Weight?---- Newton

161. What is the SI unit of Mass? ---- kilogram

162. What is the SI unit of Area----square meter

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163. The SI unit of pressure is------- Pascal

164. The domestic electricity in India is an ac with a frequency of ------50Hz

165. Thickness of a cricket ball is measured by----- Vernier scale.

166. Least count of Vernier calliper is------- 0.01 cm

167. Bi-focal lens are required to correct---- Presbyopia

168. The Rate Of Flow Of Electric Charges is Called---- Electric Current

169. The rate of change of velocity is---- Acceleration

170. The rate of change of displacement with time is called----Velocity

171. A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called a --------Switch.

172. The resistance of the wire varies inversely as----- Area of cross section.

173. Kirchhoff's second law is based on the law of conservation of -------Energy

174. Kirchhoff's first law is based on the -----Conservation of charge

175. SI unit of heat is the --------Joule (J)

176. The power of a lens is --------The reciprocal of its focal length (P=1/f).

177. What is the SI unit of heat energy?---- Joule

178. Kelvin (K) is the unit of measurement of______------- Temperature

179. Push or pull of an object is called-----Force

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180. What is the SI unit of frequency?---- Hertz

181. What is the other name of Galileo's law of falling bodies?----- Newton’s first law

182. The spectrum of light was first explained by?----- Isaac Newton

183. Who received the very first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his discovery of X-rays?----- William Rontgen

184. Mirror used by dentist to see large image of teeth of patients is?------ Concave mirror

185. What is the SI Unit of Inductance? ------ Henry

186. The weight of an object is directly proportional to its -----------Mass

187. Weight of the object on the moon is -----------1/6th of its weight on the earth

188. Newton's law of universal gravitation------F=GMm/d2

189. Propulsion of rockets is based on the-------- Law of conservation of linear momentum as well as Newton’s
third law of motion.

190. The third law of motion states--------- “To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and they
act on two different bodies”

191. The first law of motion is stated as--------- “An object remains in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line unless compelled to change that state by an applied force “

192. Lactometers which are used to determine the--------- Purity of a sample of milk

193. The barometer was invented by-------- Torricelli

194. Supersonic air plane creates a shock wave called---- Sonic Boom

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195. With both eyes open, a person’s field of view is about----180o

196. The Ionization power is maximum for ---- Alpha particle

197. Who discovered radioactivity? ---- Henri Becquerel

198. The mass per unit volume is called ---- Density

199. Which instrument is used for viewing the sun? --- Helioscope

200. A ball rolling on the ground slows down and finally stops. This is because of--- Friction

201. Objects float on water based on ---- Archimedes principle

202. Velocity of sound in air does not change with the change of --- Pressure of air

203. The density of gas is maximum at ---- Low temperature high pressure

204. Why is it difficult to breathe at higher altitudes? ---- Due to low air pressure

205. The strongest force in nature is----- Nuclear force

206. Which lenses should be used to correct the defect of astigmatism?---- Cylindrical lens

207. An oil drop spreads over water because ---- Surface tension of oil is much smaller than that of water

208. The device which convert AC to DC is ----- Rectifier

209. Knot is a measure of ---- The speed of ship

210. Decibel is the unit used for ---- Intensity of sound

211. Energy is continuously created in the sun due to ---- Nuclear fusion

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212. The bats can fly in the dark because ---- They generate ultrasonic sound waves

213. What is the unit of electric resistance? --- Ohms

214. Rate of change of momentum is ---- Force

215. Which mirror is used in the headlights of cars? ---- Concave

216. Optical fibres are based on the phenomenon of ---- Total internal reflection

217. Brilliance of diamond is due to -----Total internal reflection

218. The formula for potential energy-----mgh

219. The formula for kinetic energy-------1/2mv2

220. The star appear shifted from their actual position due to the phenomenon of ---- Refraction of light

221. To an astronaut in space, the sky will appear to be-----Black

222. Escape velocity of moon is: ---- 2.38km/s

223. Escape velocity of earth is: ----- 11.22km/s

224. The SI unit of acceleration due to gravity is: ---- m/s2

225. What is the value of gravity on the moon? ----- 1.62 m/s².

226. What is the mathematical expression of Mass energy equation ----- E=mc2

227. What is the mathematical expression for the Newton's Second law of Motion? ----F=ma

228. What is the SI unit of the Electric capacity of a conductor? ---- Farad

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229. Which law states that ‘the ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is a constant? ---
-- Snell’s law

230. Which law states that the stress imposed is directly proportional to the strain under elastic limit? ---- Hook’s

231. Which instrument is used to measure the Relative Density -----Hydrometer

232. Snell‟s law of refraction-----------Sin i/ sin r=constant

233. The Shortest distance covered by the body in a definite direction is known as ----- Displacement

234. While jumping from a slowly moving bus, one must run for a short distance in the direction of motion due to -
---- Inertia

235. Name the scientist who was the first to use a glass prism to obtain the spectrum of sunlight ----- Isaac Newton

236. Which colour of the white light suffers maximum bending when it passes through a glass prism? ----- Violet

237. The loudness of the sound is measured in terms of ---- Decibel

238. What is the minimum distance from a sound reflecting surface to hear an echo? -----17 m

239. What is the S.I unit of Magnetic Flux Density? ---- Tesla

240. The electrical resistance of insulators is ----- infinitely high

241. What is the upward force exerted by water called?---- Buoyant force

242. Ice floats on water because its density is ----- Less than water

243. The capacity to do work is called ---- Energy

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244. The instrument used to measure the rotation speed of a shaft is called ---- Tachometer

245. Least distance of distinct vision for normal eye is ---- 25cm

246. Instrument is used to measure electric current? ---- Ammeter

247. What is the unit of pressure ------ Pascal

248. The SI unit of electric charge is ---- coulomb

249. A person holding a pen in his left hand sees his reflection in the mirror holding the pen in his right hand. This
is due to which of the following phenomena? ------ Lateral inversion

250. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its ----- Area of cross section (R∝ 1/A)

251. 1 kWh -----3.6X106 J

252. What is the unit of relative density -----It has no unit

253. The instrument for measuring intensity of earthquake is called ----- Seismograph

254. Plant growth measured by using --- Crescograph

255. Who discovered Electron?----- J.J. Thomson

256. The washing machine works on the principle of ----Centrifugation

257. A liquid disturbed by stirring comes to rest due to -----Viscosity

258. Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircraft’s?------- Altimeters

259. Visually impaired and challenged persons can read and write using------ Braille system

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260. A rear-view mirror for driving is -----Convex

261. A needle or a pin floats on the surface of water as of ----Surface tension

262. The speed of light in air is ----3×108m/s

263. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude from the -----surface of the Earth

264. The process of depositing a layer of a desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called----

265. The major hazard of nuclear power generation is -----the storage and disposal of spent or used fuels

266. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of ---thermonuclear fusion reaction

267. A sound of single frequency is called as ----Tone

268. What is the audible range of frequency for human beings?---20 Hz – 20 kHz

269. Sounds of frequencies below 20 Hz are called---Infrasonic sound or infrasound

270. Sound of frequency above 20kHz is called as---- Ultrasonic sound or ultrasound

271. SONAR stands for----- Sound Navigation And Ranging

272. An image which can be obtained on a screen is called a -----Real image

273. An image which cannot be obtained on a screen is called a ----Virtual image

274. A periscope works on the principle of ---- Laws of Reflection.

275. Distance between the pole and the principal focus of a spherical mirror is called the ---Focal length

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276. The twinkling of a star is due to----- atmospheric refraction of starlight

277. The band of the coloured components of a light beam is called its----- Spectrum

278. The kinetic energy of an object increases with its----- Speed

279. The atomic number of an element is the number of _____in the nucleus of each atom of that element---

280. A spring balance is a device commonly used for measuring the _____acting on an object--- Force

281. The most common isotopes used in a nuclear weapon are ---Uranium and plutonium

282. A virtual image larger than the object can be produced by a---- Concave mirror

283. What term is used to denote intermixing of particles of two different types of matter on their own?---

284. Liquids and gases exert pressure ----on the walls of their containers.

285. Force per unit area is called – Pressure.

286. The apparent weight of the floating body is ----Zero.

287. Relative density ----→Density of substance/Density of water

288. Law of Energy Conservation ----- Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but transformed from
one form to another.

289. Which rays are most penetrating?---- Gamma rays

290. When light is scattered due to particles in its path, it is called ----Tyndall effect.

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291. The SI unit of luminous intensity is the ----Candela

292. The objects that produce their own light are called---- Luminous objects.

293. The splitting of white light into seven colours on passing through a transparent medium is called----
Dispersion of light.

294. The tendency of an object to resist the change in the state of its motion is called---Inertia

295. The force acting on an object perpendicular to the surface is called -----Thrust.

296. SI unit of mass is---- Kilogram (kg).

297. Recoil of gun and motion of rocket are example of---Newton's third law of motion

298. 1 Horse power ---- 746 W

299. Motion of an object is presented in pictorial form by their ------Distance-Time graphs.

300. Which glass is used in bullet proof screens?---Reinforced glass

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