Physics Numericals and Model Paper - D5b5fe1d Ac60 4c48 Bb69 8aa96134a3f6

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Engineering Physics (Most Important Questions)

UNIT-1 Quantum Mechanics

1. What are basic assumptions of Planck’s quantum theory. Obtain an expression of Planck’s radiation formula.

Deduce Wein’s law using this formula.

2. What is Compton effect. Derive suitable expression for Compton shift.

3. What is phase velocity & group velocity? Derive the relation between them. Show that 𝑣𝑔 𝑣𝑝 = 𝑐 2 .

4. Derive Schrödinger’s Time dependent & Time independent equations.

5. Find the expression for Energy Eigen values and Eigen function for particle in one dimensional box.
Engineering Physics (Most Important Questions)


1. What is the equation of continuity? Obtained the required expression for it.
2. What is displacement current? How it will lead to modification of ampere circuital law.
What do you understand by skin depth ?
3. Write down the Maxwell’s equation in free space and show that the velocity of plane electromagnetic
waves in free space is equal the velocity of light. Show that electromagnetic waves are transverse in
4. Write down the Maxwell’s equation in conducting medium. Derive the wave equation.
5. State and Prove Poynting theorem. Show that = 376 .72 Ohm.
Engineering Physics (Most Important Questions)

UNIT-3 : Wave Optics

1. Discuss the phenomenon of interference of light due to thin films and find the condition for maxima and
minima. Show that interference pattern of reflected light and transmitted light are complementary.
2. What do you mean by a wedge‐ shaped film? Discuss the interference due to it and obtain the
expression for the fringe width.
3. Explain the formation of Newton’s ring. Show that diameter of bright and dark ring are proportional to
square root of odd natural number and square root of natural number respectively.
4. Discuss the phenomenon diffraction due to single slit. Show that relative intensity of successive maxima
4 4 4
in the ratio of 1: ∶ ∶ ∶……..
9𝜋2 25𝜋2 49𝜋2

5. Explain briefly the Rayleigh criterion of resolution. Discuss the resolving power of plane transmission
grating and find the relation between resolving and dispersive power of the grating.
Engineering Physics (Most Important Questions)

UNIT- 4 : Fiber Optics & Laser

1.What do you mean by acceptance angle and numerical aperture? Derive the expressions for
acceptance angle and numerical aperture.
2. Discuss the different types of optical Fiber in details.
3. Discuss the different types of losses in optical Fiber in details.
4. What do you mean by population inversion? Describe the principle and working of Ruby laser system
with the help of neat diagram.
5. Draw a neat diagram of He − Ne laser and describe its method of working?
How is it superior to a Ruby laser ?
Engineering Physics (Most Important Questions)

UNIT- 5 : Superconductors and Nano-Materials

1. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 superconductors? Why type−2 superconductors are
more important than type 1 superconductor?
2. Explain the Meissner effect and persistent current in superconductivity. Discuss high temperature
superconductors and some potential applications.
3. What is the purpose of Nanoscience? Discuss any one method (CVD/Sol−Gel) for the synthesis of
4. What are Nano materials? Explain briefly the basic concepts of Quantum Dots, Quantum wires and
Quantum well.
5. Discuss properties and the potential applications of nano materials. What are the risks of using nano
materials to human body?
Printed Pages: Sub Code: BAS201
Paper Id: Roll No.

B.TECH (Model Question Paper-1)

Time: 3 Hours Imp. Questions Total Marks: 70

Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
a. What was the objective of conducting Davisson-Germer experiment?
b. Explain the basic postulates of Planck’s law of radiation.
c. Write down the physical significance of Poynting Vector.
d. What do you understand by coherent sources?
e. Differentiate spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.
f. Write down any two applications of the nanomaterials.
g. Discuss the temperature dependence of the resistivity in superconducting materials.
2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3 = 21
a. An electron is bound in one dimensional potential box which has width 2.5 X 10−10 m.
Assuming the height of the box to be infinite, calculate the lowest two permitted energy values
of the electron.
b. If the upper atmosphere of earth receives the energy 1.38 kW⁄m2 from the sun.
What will be the peak values of electric and magnetic fields at the layer.
c. Newton′ s rings are observed normally in reflected light of wavelength 6000 Å. The diameter
of 10th dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens and the thickness of the
air film.
d. Calculate the V-number for a fibre of core diameter 40 μm and RI of 1.55 and 1.50 respectively
for its core and cladding when a light of wavelength 1400 nm is propagating. Also calculate the
number of modes that the fibre can support for propagation.
e. Determine the critical current density for a superconducting wire of lead having diameter 1 mm at
(a) 4.2 K (b) 7K. The critical temperature of lead is 7.18 K and the critical magnetic field at 0 K is
6.5 × 104A/m.

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7
a. What is Compton effect. Derive suitable expression for Compton shift.
b. Derive Schrödinger’s Time dependent & Time independent equations.

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. Write down the Maxwell’s equation in free space and show that the velocity of plane electromagnetic
waves in free space is equal the velocity of light. Show that electromagnetic waves are transverse in
b. State and Prove Poynting theorem. Show that 𝐻 = 376 .72 Ohm.

5. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. Explain the formation of Newton’s ring. Show that diameter of bright and dark ring are proportional
to square root of odd natural number and square root of natural number respectively.
b. Explain briefly the Rayleigh criterion of resolution. Discuss the resolving power of plane
transmission grating and find the relation between resolving and dispersive power of the grating.

6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. What do you mean by acceptance angle and numerical aperture? Derive the expressions for
acceptance angle and numerical aperture.
b. What do you mean by population inversion? Describe the principle and working of Ruby laser
system with the help of neat diagram.

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 superconductors? Why type-2 superconductors
are more important than type 1 superconductor?
b. What are Nano materials? Explain briefly the basic concepts of Quantum Dots, Quantum wires and
Quantum well.
Printed Pages: Sub Code: BAS201
Paper Id: Roll No.

B.TECH (Model Question Paper-2)

Time: 3 Hours Imp. Questions Total Marks: 70

Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
a. State Wien’s displacement law and Rayleigh-jeans law
b. Differentiate between conduction current and displacement current.
c. Write down the expression for continuity equation in differential form.
d. Why two independent light sources cannot produce interference pattern
e. What do you mean by acceptance angle and acceptance cone.
f. What is an optical fiber? how does a light signal propagate through it
g. Write down any two applications of superconductors.
2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3 = 21
a. Find the expression for Energy Eigen values and Eigen function for particle in one dimensional box.
b. A 100 Watt sodium lamp radiating its power. Calculate the electric field and
magnetic fields strength at a distance of 5m from the lamp.
c. Discuss the phenomenon diffraction due to single slit. Show that relative intensity of successive
4 4 4
maxima in the ratio of 1: 9𝜋2 ∶ 25𝜋2 ∶ 49𝜋2 ∶……..
d. A communication system uses a 10 km fibre having loss of 2.5 dB/km. Compute the output power
if the input power is 500 μW. (AKTU : 2021-22)
e. Explain the Meissner effect and persistent current in superconductivity. Discuss high
temperature superconductors and some potential applications.


3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. What is phase velocity & group velocity? Derive the relation between them. Show that 𝑣𝑔 𝑣𝑝 = 𝑐 2.
b. In a Compton scattering experiment X-Ray of wavelength 0.015Å is scattered at 60°, find
the wavelength of scattered X- ray.

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. What is displacement current? How it will lead to modification of ampere circuital law.
What do you understand by skin depth ?
b. Write down the Maxwell’s equation in conducting medium. Derive the wave equation.
5. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7
a. Discuss the phenomenon of interference of light due to thin films and find the condition for maxima
and minima. Show that interference pattern of reflected light and transmitted light are
b Parallel light consisting of two monochromatic radiations of λ1 = 6 × 10−5 cm and
λ2 = 4 × 10−5 cm falls normally on a plane transmission grating ruled with 5000 lines
per cm. What is the angular separation of the second order spectra of the two wavelengths?

6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

a. Draw a neat diagram of He-Ne laser and describe its method of working?
How is it superior to a Ruby laser?
b. Discuss the different types of losses in optical Fiber in details.

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

𝑎. The transition temperature for Pb is 7.2K, however, at 5K it loses the superconducting property
Subjected to a magnetic field of 3.3 × 104 A/m. Find the maximum value of H which allow the metal
to retain it superconductivity at 0 K.

b. What is the purpose of Nanoscience? Discuss any one method (CVD/Sol-Gel) for the synthesis of

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