Warhammer 40k Roleplay Armory

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WH40kRP Armory v6.48.

161023 Last edit: 2012-01-21 by unnownrelic

Version info: First segment is the number of RPGs included, second is the number of sourcebooks, third is the lates

DH (Dark Heresy) RT (Rogue Trader)

Game Master's Kit Game Master's Kit
Purge the Unclean LOE (Lure of the Expanse)
IHB (The Inquisitor's Handbook) ITS (Into the Storm)
DDG (Disciples of the Dark Gods) EOA (Edge of the Abyss)
CAN (Creatures Anathema) The Frozen Reaches
Tattered Fates BFK (Battlefleet Koronus)
Damned Cities Citadel of Skulls
RHB (The Radical's Handbook) Fallen Suns
ASC (Ascension) HAC (Hostile Acquisitions)
Dead Stars TKB (Koronus Bestiary)
BOM+HBR (Blood of Martyrs + TSR+TDK (The Soul Reaver
Heresy Begets Retribution) + The Dark Kin)
The Black Sepulchre TNP (The Navis Primer)
DEM (Daemon Hunter) SOI (Stars of Inequity)
The Church of the Damned FAC (Faith and Coin)
BOJ (Book of Judgment) Shedding Light
The Chaos Commandment Twilight Crusade
TLW+TLD (The Lathe Worlds + The
TCG (Tau Character Guide)
Lost Dataslate)

It is advised that you read the full description of the source material of any interesting item for a better unde

Keyword Reference All qualities are based on their earliest appearance unless otherwise
Accurate Grants an additional +10 when used with the Aim action. On an aimed single shot with
Grants an additional +10 when used with the Aim action. On an aimed single shot with
d10s cannot generate Zealous Hatred / Righteous Fury.
Balanced Grants a +10 to WS tests made to parry.
Balanced* Grants a +10 to WS tests made to parry. Multiple Balanced weapons only grant this bo
Blast (X) Hits all targets in X radius. Roll for hit location and damage individually.
Blast (X)* Hits all targets in X radius. Roll damage once and apply it to all affected targets.
Blast (X) [DH2] Hits all targets in X radius. Roll damage once and apply it to all affected targets. Misse
Cleansing Fire Targets must make a Willpower test or catch fire. On weapons with the Flame quality,
Stuns a target. Target must make a Toughness test at -10 per DoS on hit or be stunne
more than [Strength Bonus] damage are knocked Prone.
Concussive* Stuns a target. Target must make a Toughness test (-10 per X) on hit or be stunned fo
Corrosive Reduces target's AP by 1d10 per hit until repaired with a Tech-Use test. Targets reduc
Customized Halves reload time (if longer than a Half Action).
When a target suffers at least one wound from a weapon with this quality, they become
Crippling (X)
takes more than a Half Action while Crippled, they suffer X in Rending damage to the s
Daemonbane Attacks against Daemonic enemies bypass Toughness bonus and gain the Vengeful (8
The weapon envelops the target in snares which not only constrict but seek to strangle
Deadly Snare
character entangled by the weapon suffers the weapons damage again in their turn ev
Decay (X) Living targets that take Critical Damage (including Zealous Hatred) from this weapon m
Defensive The weapon gains +15 to Parry, but takes a -10 penalty when attacking.
Devastating (X) Reduce one additional point of Cohesion if hit, regardless of wounds or damage. If Hor
Devastating (X) [BC] A Horde hit and damaged by a weapon with this quality reduces its Magnitude by X.
Disintegrate A victim suffering critical damage from this weapon is completely destroyed.
Excruciating Targets damaged by a weapon with this trait must pass a -10 WP or T test (target's ch
Fast Opponents suffer a -20 to Parry a weapon with this quality.
Felling (X) Ignore one level of Unnatural Toughness per X.
The wielder doesn't test BS, instead, all creatures in 30 degree arc test must Agility or
targets get +20 to avoid, or +30 if unbraced Heavy. For DH and RT: Hit body only, jam
Flame [BC] Targets hit by a Flame attack must pass an Agility test or be set on fire.
Flame [OW] Characters hit by a Flame attack must pass an Agility test or be set on fire. Vehicle pilo
Flexible Weapons with this quality cannot be parried.
Counts as a Best Craftsmanship Mono version of a standard Primitive weapon. In the
Force wielder damages an opponent, he may make a Focus Power test (Opposed Willpower
damage per Degree of Success, ignoring armor and Toughness. Force weapons cann
Any Melee weapon with the Primitive quality may be a Force weapon. This increases t
Force [BC] ignore the Primitive quality. When the wielder damages an opponent, he may make a F
per Degree of Success, ignoring armor and Toughness. Can't be destroyed by Power
Counts as a Best Craftsmanship Mono version of a standard Low-Tech weapon. In the
Force [OW] the wielder damages an opponent, he may make a Focus Power test (Opposed Willpo
armor and Toughness. Can't be destroyed by Power Fields.
Counts as a Best Craftsmanship Mono version of a standard Low-Tech weapon. In the
Force [DH2] When the wielder damages an opponent, he may make a Focus Power test (Opposed
1d10E damage per Degree of Success, ignoring armor and Toughness. Can't be destr
Gauss weapons generate Zealous Hatred on a 9 or 10, and if they would not deal dam
Hatred against vehicles on a 9 or 0, even if they do not deal damage.
Graviton Deals additional damage equal to target's AP. Critical Hit rolls against vehicles always
Gyro-Stabilised Never counts as further than Long Range (penalty still applies, as does normal maxim
Anyone hit by this weapon must make a Toughness test (-10 per X) or suffer a delusio
Hallucinogenic (X)
per Degree of Failure.
Haywire (X) Everything in X radius goes haywire. Roll for effect (TLW 61, DW 143). Effects lessen
Haywire (X)* Everything in X radius goes haywire. Roll for effect (BC 151, OW 171, DH2 147). Effec
Inaccurate Gain no bonus for Aiming.
Can attack targets beyond line of sight by taking a -10 penalty and a Full Action to fire.
Indirect (X)
within Xd10 meters. The gunner's Comrade may take a Full Action to remove the -10 p
Can attack targets beyond line of sight by taking a -10 penalty and a Full Action to fire.
Indirect (X)
within Xd10 meters.
Integrated weapons need to be connected to the wielder's potentia coil. Without it, they
125) for more info.
Irradiated (X) Anyone hit by this weapon must make a Toughness test (-10 per X) or take 2d10 Toug
Lance Multiply the weapon's Penetration by [Degrees of Success + 1].
Living Weapon Add an extra hit for each Degree of Success on the attack roll.
A weapon with this quality has two firing modes: normal and maximal. This must be ch
has blast, it is improved by 2. This shot uses three times as much ammunition, and tem
Melta Double penetration when firing at Short range or closer.
Ogryn-Proof May be used by characters with the Clumsy trait.
Overcharge (X) When firing, the wielder may choose to add (X) Damage and the Overheats quality.
Overcharge* The wielder may triple the weapon's ammo usage to add Concussive (+2), Devastating
A roll of 91 or higher causes an overheat. When this happens, the wielder suffers ener
avoid this by dropping the weapon as a Free Action. Must spend a round cooling down
A roll of 91 or higher causes an overheat. When this happens, the wielder suffers a sin
Overheats [BC]
wielder must then make an Agility test or drop the weapon. Must spend a round coolin
Power Field On a successful Parry test with this weapon, there is a 75% chance the offending wea
Power Field [BC] On a successful Parry test with or against this weapon, there is a 75% chance the offe
Primitive All AP from non-Primitive armor are doubled against weapons with this quality.
Primitive (X)* Weapons with this quality treat any rolled damage above X as X. A 10/0 is still required
Proven (X) Treat any damage die roll lower than the rating as that rating. For example, if the weap
Razor Sharp If an attack results in 2 or more Degrees of Success, double the weapon's Penetration
Razor Sharp* If an attack results in 3 or more Degrees of Success, double the weapon's Penetration
Collision with other matter does not stop the fusion reaction of this attack. The blast co
within 2 metres of the first with an additional -10 attack.
Recharge May only fire every other round.
Reliable Any time the weapon would jam, roll 1d10. Any result lower than 10 negates the jam.
Reliable* Only jams on a roll of 100/00. Weapons with this quality that do not roll to hit never jam
Sanctified Counts as Holy, and has special effects on some Daemonic and Warp Creatures. Asta
Scatter If fired at a foe within Point Blank Range, every 2 Degrees of Success indicates anothe
Scatter* At Short Range or closer, +10 to hit. At Point Blank, +3 damage. At Long or Extreme R
Shocking A target that takes damage after AP and Toughness must make a Toughness test (+1
Shocking [BC] A target hit by a Shocking weapon must make a Toughness test or be Stunned for a n
Shocking [OW] A target that takes damage after AP and Toughness must make a Toughness test or b
Shocking [DH2] A target that takes damage after AP and Toughness must make a Toughness test or b
Smoke When a hit is scored, creates a cloud 3d10 meters in diameter centered on impact. It la
Smoke (X)* When a hit is scored (not necessarily on a living target), it creates a smoke screen X m
Snare On hit, make an Agility test or be immobilized. Immobilized targets can't do anything ex
On hit, make an Agility test (-10 per X) or be immobilized. Immobilized targets can't do
Snare (X)*
This weapon does not need a test to fire. All creatures in the weapon's range, in a 30 d
protection unless it conceals completely. Spray attacks always resolve against the bod
This weapon does not need a test to fire. All creatures in the weapon's range, in a 30 d
Spray [DH2] bonus on the Agility test if the wielder is untrained, or a +30 bonus if the weapon is He
against the body. They Jam if the firer rolls 9 on any damage dice (before bonuses).
Storm This doubles the number of hits inflicted on the target and ammo expended.
Tainted Increase the weapon's damage by the 10s digit of the wielder's Corruption score.
Tainted [DH2] Increase the weapon's damage by the wielder's Daemonic (X) value or the 10s digit of
Tearing Roll one extra die for damage, and discard the lowest result.
Each target suffering more damage than its Willpower Bonus must make a Very Hard
Temporal Leech
Characteristic damage to that Characteristic. Dark Eldar may get Pain Tokens from thi
Anyone that takes Damage from a Toxic weapon after Armor and Toughness must ma
Damage, with no reduction, to the same location.
Anyone that takes Damage from a Toxic weapon after Armor and Toughness must ma
Toxic (X)*
no reduction, to the same location. Some weapons may have additional effects; see th
A weapon with this gains a +20 bonus to hit when fired and uses twice as much ammo
Success. Lastly, reload time is doubled.
When firing a weapon with this quality, the wielder must choose either a +10 bonus to
Twin-Linked [BC]
Tyranid Weapon Only works for creatures with the Tyranid trait. No weapon training or reloading require
Unbalanced Weapons with this quality suffer a -10 when used to parry.
Unbalanced* Weapons with this quality suffer a -10 when used to parry and may not be used to mak
Unreliable Unreliable weapons jam on a roll of 91 or higher on all firing modes.
Unstable When a weapon with this hits, on a 1 it inflicts half damage, on 2-9 it deals normal, and
Unwieldy Weapons with this quality cannot be used to parry.
Unwieldy* Weapons with this quality cannot be used to parry or make Lightning Attacks.
Vengeful (X) Triggers Righteous Fury if any damage die result is X or higher.
Volatile Automatically confirm Righteous Fury on a roll of 10 for damage.
Warp Weapon These weapons ignore all AP generated from Armor or Cover. Force Fields and specia
Witch-Edge Only works for characters with the Secrets of the Seers talent. The weapon gains bonu

DH Craftsmanship
Cost Multiplier Availability
(DH 127, 128, 144)

Best x10 Drop 2 steps

Melee: +10 WS, +1 Damage; Ranged: never ja
Good x3 Drop 1 step Melee: +5 WS; Ranged: Reliable; Armor: +1 A
Common x1 Normal Fields: Overloads on 1-10; Everything else: A
Melee: -10 WS; Ranged: Unreliable, jams on e
Poor x1/2 Increase 1 step
Overloads on 1-15

RT Craftsmanship
Time Multiplier Availability
(RT 115/137; ITS 134/142)
Melee: +10 WS, +1 Damage; Ranged: never ja
Best x3 Drop 2 steps
damage and one Kustom Bit, +1kg; Fields: Ove
Melee: +5 WS; Ranged: Reliable (or remove U
Good x2 Drop 1 step
+0.5kg; Fields: Overloads on 1-5; Gear: 2/3 we
Common x1 Normal Fields: Overloads on 1-10; Everything else: A
Melee: -10 WS; Ranged: Unreliable, jams on e
Poor x1/2 Increase 1 step
Jams/breaks instantly for a non-Ork, -0.5kg; Fie

DW Craftsmanship
Req. Multiplier Min. Renown
(DW 147, 165, 166)
Melee: +10 WS, +2 Damage; Ranged: never ja
Master-Crafted x2/x1.5 Distinguished
Overloads on 1
Melee: +5 WS, +1 Damage; Ranged: Reliable,
Exceptional x1.5 Respected
on 1-5
Common x1 None Fields: Overloads on 1-10; Everything else: A

BC Craftsmanship
Availability Mod
(BC 147 & 178)
Melee: +10 WS, +1 Damage; Ranged: never ja
Best -20
Overloads on a 1
Melee: +5 WS; Ranged: Reliable (or remove U
Good -10
Overloads on 1-5
Common +0 Fields: Overloads on 1-10; Everything else: A
Melee: -10 WS; Ranged: Unreliable, jams on e
Poor +10
Overloads on 1-15

OW Craftsmanship
Logistics Mod
(OW 167 & 196)

Best -50 Melee: +10 WS, +1 Damage; Ranged: never ja

Melee: +5 WS; Ranged: Reliable (or remove U

Good -30
Common +0 Fields: Overloads on 1-10; Everything else: A
Melee: -10 WS; Ranged: Unreliable, jams on e
Poor +20
Overloads on 1-15

DH2E Craftsmanship Requisition /

(DH2 142 & 169) Repair Mod
Melee: +10 WS, +1 Damage; Ranged: Good b
Best -30
Fields: Overloads on a 1
Good -20 Melee: +5 WS; Ranged: Reliable (or remove U
Common +0 Fields: Overloads on 1-10; Everything else: A
Melee: -10 WS; Ranged: Unreliable, jams on e
Poor -10
Overloads on 1-15

Go to tabs below for specific sections.


Good news! Started storing this in my dropbox. E-mail me at [email protected] and put "40kRP Armory" in th
to contact me about it at all. If that's not in the subject, I'll probably filter your message as spam. This will be the sure
mediafire account for general sharing. The folder for that is http://www.mediafire.com/?cvj9wt3s7eb83. Thanks for u

I've tried reaching unnownrelic for some time now, but he doesn't seem to be responding. I've added to his armory a
comes back, I gladly transfer control of the armory back to him. Until then, if you have any corrections or requests, y

"Not even our generals are mad enough to shell their own men."
Folder: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/i3akv9qx9q05z
Thread: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/217622-warhammer-40krp-armory/
Email: [email protected]
1-21 by unnownrelic 2013-03-22 by eBarbarossa 2016-10-23 by Tabularius

urcebooks, third is the latest release date in YYMMDD format.

DW (Deathwatch) BC (Black Crusade) OW (Only War)

Game Master's Kit Game Master's Kit Game Master's Kit
The Emperor Protects Broken Chains FTE (Final Testament)
ROB (Rites of Battle) Hand of Corruption HOE (Hammer of the Emperor)
MOX (Mark of the Xenos) TOF (Tome of Fate) EOI (Enemies of the Imperium)
TAA (The Achilus Assault) TOB (Tome of Blood) NSR (No Surrender)
1ST (First Founding) TOE (Tome of Excess) SOH (Shield of Humanity)
The Jericho Reach TOD (Tome of Decay) SAS (Salvaging Solace)
Rising Tempest BNC (Binding Contracts)
HTC (Honour the Chapter)
TOR (The Outer Reach)
Ark of Lost Souls
TEC (The Emperor's Chosen)
Falling Star

sting item for a better understanding of what it is. This document is only a quick reference.

earance unless otherwise specified. Qualities marked with * apply to Black Crusade / Only War / Dark Heresy 2E.
On an aimed single shot with a Basic weapon, gain 1d10 extra damage for every 2 Degrees of Success (maximum 2d10).
On an aimed single shot with a Basic weapon, gain 1d10 extra damage for every 2 Degrees of Success (maximum 2d10). These

d weapons only grant this bonus once.

o all affected targets.
o all affected targets. Missed attacks scatter (DH2 230).
ons with the Flame quality, targets take an extra 1d10E damage (ignoring Armor/Toughness) when they fail to put out the flam
per DoS on hit or be stunned for 1 round. Auditory protection grants +10 to resist stunning sound, but not the kinetic effect. Tar

er X) on hit or be stunned for 1 round per Degree of Failure. Targets taking more than [Strength Bonus] damage are knocked P
ech-Use test. Targets reduced to 0 AP take the extra reduction as Wounds (ignoring Toughness).

with this quality, they become "crippled" for the remainder of the encounter, or until healed of all damage, whichever comes first.
in Rending damage to the same location, with no reduction for Armor or Toughness.
nus and gain the Vengeful (8) quality.
onstrict but seek to strangle and flay their victim. This weapon quality functions in the same way as the Snare weapon quality,
amage again in their turn every round if they do not break free.
Hatred) from this weapon must make a Toughness test (-10 per X) or dissolve into a puddle of gore.
hen attacking.
of wounds or damage. If Horde, reduce magnitude by X per hit.
duces its Magnitude by X.
pletely destroyed.
10 WP or T test (target's choice) or be stunned for one round.

gree arc test must Agility or take a hit. If hit, test Agility again or be set on fire. This ignores cover. If you do not have the proper
H and RT: Hit body only, jams on 9.
e set on fire.
or be set on fire. Vehicle pilots must make an Operate test with a bonus equal to the Armor on the side hit or catch fire (OW 28

rd Primitive weapon. In the hands of a psyker, add +1 Damage and Pen per point of Psy Rating and change the damage type t
er test (Opposed Willpower) as a Free Action. If he succeeds with more Degrees of Success than his opponent, he deals an ad
hness. Force weapons cannot be destroyed by Power Fields.
ce weapon. This increases the availability to Extremely Rare. In the hands of a psyker, add +1 Damage and Pen per point of Ps
opponent, he may make a Focus Power test (Opposed Willpower) as a Free Action. If he succeeds, he deals an additional 1d1
an't be destroyed by Power Fields.
rd Low-Tech weapon. In the hands of a psyker, add +1 Damage and Pen per point of Psy Rating and change the damage type
Power test (Opposed Willpower) as a Half Action. If he succeeds, he deals an additional 1d10E damage per Degree of Success
rd Low-Tech weapon. In the hands of a psyker, add +1 Damage and Pen per point of base Psy Rating and change the damage
Focus Power test (Opposed Willpower) as a Half Action. This test can't trigger Psychic Phenomena. If he succeeds, he deals an
d Toughness. Can't be destroyed by Power Fields.
d if they would not deal damage when generating Zealous Hatred, they deal 1d5 Wounds instead of 1. In addition, they generat
al damage.
olls against vehicles always use the Motive Systems table.
lies, as does normal maximum range). Heavy Weapons with this Quality reduce the penalty for firing without Bracing to -20
10 per X) or suffer a delusion (BC 150, OW 170, DH2 146). Respirators and sealed armor grant +20 to resist. This effect lasts 1

1, DW 143). Effects lessen by one step per round.

1, OW 171, DH2 147). Effects lessen by one step per round. If multiple Haywire areas overlap, only the strongest effect applies

alty and a Full Action to fire. Successful attacks scatter (OW 255) and land anywhere within 1d10-[BS Bonus] meters; missed s
ll Action to remove the -10 penalty and reduce the missed scatter distance to Xd5.
alty and a Full Action to fire. Successful attacks scatter (DH2 230) and land anywhere within 1d10-[BS Bonus] meters; missed s

potentia coil. Without it, they quickly lose power. Integrated weapons need a special Weapon Training talent to use. See text (T

10 per X) or take 2d10 Toughness damage.

+ 1].
d maximal. This must be chosen at the beginning of the round. On Maximal, add 10m to range, 1d10 to damage, and 2 to pene
s much ammunition, and temporarily adds the Recharge quality if it isn't already present.
nd the Overheats quality.
Concussive (+2), Devastating (+2), Overheats (on a roll of 86 or higher instead of 91), and Recharge.
ens, the wielder suffers energy damage equal to the weapon's damage with Pen 0 to the wielding arm, or a random arm if 2-han
spend a round cooling down. Does not jam, and any effects that would cause it to instead cause an overheat.
ens, the wielder suffers a single hit from the weapon to the wielding arm, or a random arm if 2-handed. Once the hit has been re
Must spend a round cooling down. Does not jam, and any effects that would cause it to instead cause an overheat.
% chance the offending weapon will be destroyed. Warp Weapons, Natural Weapons, and Power Weapons are immune.
re is a 75% chance the offending weapon will be destroyed. Warp Weapons, Natural Weapons, and Power Weapons are immu
ons with this quality.
X as X. A 10/0 is still required to trigger Zealous Hatred / Righteous Fury.
ng. For example, if the weapon has Proven (3), and a 1 or 2 is rolled, treat it as a 3.
e the weapon's Penetration when resolving the hit.
e the weapon's Penetration when resolving the hit.
n of this attack. The blast continues in a straight line out to the Range of the weapon. The firer may attempt to catch one additio

r than 10 negates the jam.

at do not roll to hit never jam.
c and Warp Creatures. Astartes weapons must be Exceptional or Master-Crafted to be Sanctified.
of Success indicates another hit. However, double all armor point against hits from a Scatter weapon at Long or Extreme range
mage. At Long or Extreme Range, -3 damage (minimum 0).
make a Toughness test (+10 for every armor point on location) or be Stunned for [damage/2] rounds.
s test or be Stunned for a number of rounds equal to his Degrees of Failure.
make a Toughness test or be Stunned for a number of rounds equal to his Degrees of Failure.
make a Toughness test or be Stunned for [Degrees of Failure/2] rounds and take 1 Fatigue.
eter centered on impact. It lasts 2d10 rounds or less.
creates a smoke screen X meters in diameter. It lasts for 1d10+10 rounds, or less in adverse weather.
targets can't do anything except attempt escape (Strength or Agility test) and are helpless until free.
mmobilized targets can't do anything except attempt escape (Strength or Agility test, same modifiers as the initial test) and are

he weapon's range, in a 30 degree arc, must make an Agility test or be struck by the attack and take damage normally. Cover o
ways resolve against the body. They Jam if the firer rolls 9 on any damage dice (before bonuses).
he weapon's range, in a 30 degree arc, must make an Agility test or be struck by the attack and take damage normally. Targets
0 bonus if the weapon is Heavy and not braced. Cover offers no protection unless it conceals completely. Spray attacks always
ge dice (before bonuses).
ammo expended.
der's Corruption score.
(X) value or the 10s digit of their Corruption score, whichever is higher.
us must make a Very Hard (-30) test with a Characteristic of its choice. For every Degree of Failure on the test, that creature su
ay get Pain Tokens from this.
mor and Toughness must make a Toughness test with a -5 penalty for every point of damage suffered. Failure results in an imm

mor and Toughness must make a Toughness test with a -10 penalty per X. Failure results in an immediate 1d10 damage of the s
ave additional effects; see their profiles for more info.
d uses twice as much ammo. In addition, the weapon may score one additional hit if the attack roll succeeds by two or more De
oose either a +10 bonus to hit, or an additional hit if they score at least one successful hit. Twice the weapon's RoF is always e

training or reloading required, and it never jams. Heavy Weapons with this quality do not require bracing unless noted otherwis

and may not be used to make Lightning Attacks.

g modes.
, on 2-9 it deals normal, and 10 it deals double.

Lightning Attacks.
ver. Force Fields and specially warded armor work as normal.
ent. The weapon gains bonus damage equal to twice the character's Strength Bonus and Pen equal to his base Psy Rating.

Damage; Ranged: never jams or Overheats; Armor: +1 AP, 1/2 weight; Fields: Overloads on a 1
ged: Reliable; Armor: +1 AP against first hit per round; Fields: Overloads on 1-5
n 1-10; Everything else: As listed.
nged: Unreliable, jams on every missed shot if already Unreliable; Armor: -10 Agility; Fields:

Damage; Ranged: never jams or Overheats; Armor: +1 AP, 1/2 weight; Ork: Good benefits, +1
ustom Bit, +1kg; Fields: Overloads on a 1; Gear: 1/2 weight
ged: Reliable (or remove Unreliable); Armor: +1 AP against first hit per round; Ork: +5 to BS and WS,
erloads on 1-5; Gear: 2/3 weight
n 1-10; Everything else: As listed.
nged: Unreliable, jams on every missed shot if already Unreliable; Armor: -10 Agility; Ork:
tly for a non-Ork, -0.5kg; Fields: Overloads on 1-20; Gear: 1.5x weight

Damage; Ranged: never jams or Overheats, +2 Damage; Armor: +1 AP, 1/2 weight; Fields:

Damage; Ranged: Reliable, +1 Damage; Armor: +1 AP against first hit per round; Fields: Overloads

n 1-10; Everything else: As listed.

Damage; Ranged: never jams or Overheats; Armor: Good benefits, +1 AP, 1/2 weight; Fields:

ged: Reliable (or remove Unreliable); Armor: +5 to tests using a chosen social skill; Fields:
n 1-10; Everything else: As listed.
nged: Unreliable, jams on every missed shot if already Unreliable; Armor: -10 to Agility tests; Fields:

Damage; Ranged: never jams or Overheats; Armor: +1 AP, 1/2 weight; Fields: Overloads on a 1

ged: Reliable (or remove Unreliable); Armor: +1 AP against first hit per round; Fields: Overloads on

n 1-10; Everything else: As listed.

nged: Unreliable, jams on every missed shot if already Unreliable; Armor: -10 to Agility tests; Fields:

Damage; Ranged: Good benefits, never jams or Overheats; Armor: +1 AP, +10 to max Agility;
on a 1
ged: Reliable (or remove Unreliable); Armor: +10 to max Agility; Fields: Overloads on 1-5
n 1-10; Everything else: As listed.
nged: Unreliable, jams on every missed shot if already Unreliable; Armor: -10 to max Agility; Fields:

nd put "40kRP Armory" in the subject line, minus the quotes, if you want it to be shared with you, or if you want
s spam. This will be the surest method to get the most recent version of the file; however, I'll still store it in my
vj9wt3s7eb83. Thanks for using this!

g. I've added to his armory and I plan on adding more in the future. All my changes are coloured in violet. If he
ny corrections or requests, you can reach me at [email protected]. Cheers, eBarbarossa!

DH2 (Dark Heresy 2E)
Game Master's Kit
FGD (Forgotten Gods)
EWI (Enemies Within)
EWO (Enemies Without)
EBY (Enemies Beyond)

Dark Heresy 2E.

(maximum 2d10).
(maximum 2d10). These additional

ey fail to put out the flames.

not the kinetic effect. Targets taking

] damage are knocked Prone.

e, whichever comes first. If a character

e Snare weapon quality, except that any

u do not have the proper talent, the

hit or catch fire (OW 284).

hange the damage type to E. When the

opponent, he deals an additional 1d10E

e and Pen per point of Psy Rating and

e deals an additional 1d10E damage

change the damage type to E. When

e per Degree of Success, ignoring

and change the damage type to E.

he succeeds, he deals an additional

In addition, they generate Zealous

ithout Bracing to -20

resist. This effect lasts 1 round, plus 1

e strongest effect applies.

Bonus] meters; missed shots land

Bonus] meters; missed shots land

talent to use. See text (TLW 58, SOH

o damage, and 2 to penetration. If it

or a random arm if 2-handed. May
Once the hit has been resolved, the
an overheat.
pons are immune.
ower Weapons are immune.

empt to catch one additional target

at Long or Extreme range.

s the initial test) and are helpless until

mage normally. Cover offers no

mage normally. Targets get a +20

ly. Spray attacks always resolve

the test, that creature suffers 1d10

Failure results in an immediate 1d10I

ate 1d10 damage of the same type, with

eeds by two or more Degrees of

eapon's RoF is always expended each

ng unless noted otherwise.

his base Psy Rating.

Availability by Population (RT 5-1)

Availability, Population, and Time (RT 5-2)

Availability, Population, and Time (DH 5-5)

Difficulty by Number of Troops (OW 6-2)

Difficulty by Time (OW 6-2)
Acquisition, Influence, Renown, and Infamy
Acquisition Modifiers (RT 9-35, DHA 1-5) Scale Modifiers (RT 9-35)
Availability Modifier Example Scale
Ubiquitous +70 Ration Pack Negligible
Abundant +50 Knife Trivial
Plentiful +30 Void Suit Minor
Common +20 Lasgun Standard
Average +10 Micro-Bead Major
Scarce +0 Demo Charge Significant
Rare -10 Krak Grenade Vast
Very Rare -20 Heavy Bolter
Extremely Rare -30 Digital Weapon For combining acquisitions, use the
Near Unique -50 Tempest Bolt availabilities, and take -5. Starships do n
Unique -70 Archeotech Power Armor Scale. Components use table below. Wh
a vehicle, add an additional

Quality Modifiers (BC 9-11) Component Modifiers (RT

Craftsmanship Modifier Example Component
Poor +10 Bone Weapon War (Macrobatteries, lances, torps)
Common +0 Common Robes Etheric (Auspex, vox-nets, comms)
Good -10 Heretek-Crafted weapon Power (Warp drive, generator, void shield
Best -20 Dark Mechanicus artefact Structure (Holds, armor, special)

Amount Modifiers (BC 9-11) Expanded Components Co

Numbers Modifier Example Component
Single +10 1 item Supplemental (1 SP), Essential
Minor +0 2-4 items Supplemental (2 SP), Essential (+1)
Significant -10 5-10 items Supplemental (3 SP), Essential (+2)
Vast -20 11-100 items Supplemental (4 SP), Essential (+3)
Legion -40 101-1000 items Supplemental (5 SP), Essential (+4)
Impossible -60 1001+ items Supplemental (6 SP), Essential (+5)
Archeotech Components
Xenotech Components
Logistics Modifiers (OW 6-3)
War Conditions Mission Gear Non-Issued Items
Losing Badly Very Hard (-30) Very Hard (-30)
Faltering Hard (-20) Hard (-20)
Violent Impasse Difficult (-10) Difficult (-10)
Near Victorious Ordinary (+10) Ordinary (+10)
Dominant Routine (+20) Routine (+20)
Ceasefire Easy (+30) Easy (+30)
Mission Importance
Routine Difficult (-10) -
Minor Challenging (+0) -
Important Ordinary (+10) -
Vital Routine (+20) -

Because Mission Assignment Gear is chosen by the CO, the test

has a base mod of +10 and ignores Availability.
Modifiers (RT 9-35) Craftsmanship Modifiers (RT 9-35)
Modifier Example Craftsmanship Modifier
+30 Single Man Poor +10
+20 Squad (3-5) Common +0
+10 Platoon (10-30) Good -10
+0 Company (50-100) Best -30
-10 Regiment (500-1,000)
-20 Division (2,000-5,000)
-30 Army (10,000+) Duration Modifiers (DHA 1-6)

combining acquisitions, use the rarer of the Duration Modifier

ities, and take -5. Starships do not benefit from A single mission +20
omponents use table below. When requisitioning An adventure +0
a vehicle, add an additional -10. Permanently -20

onent Modifiers (RT 9-36) Number Modifiers (DHA 1-7)

ent Modifier Numbers Modifier
robatteries, lances, torps) -30 A single person +0
uspex, vox-nets, comms) -20 A squad -10
arp drive, generator, void shields) -10 A platoon -20
(Holds, armor, special) +0 A company -30

ded Components Cost (BFK 1-6) Renown (DW 5-2)

ent Availability Rating
ntal (1 SP), Essential Scarce 0 - 19
ntal (2 SP), Essential (+1) Rare 20 - 39
ntal (3 SP), Essential (+2) Very Rare 40 - 59
ntal (4 SP), Essential (+3) Extremely Rare 60 - 79
ntal (5 SP), Essential (+4) Near Unique 80+
ntal (6 SP), Essential (+5) Unique
h Components Extremely Rare
Components Near Unique
hip Modifiers (RT 9-35)
Corpse Starch Ration Pack
Typical Clothing
Finely Crafted, Forge World Bolter
Exquisite Power Sword w/ Noble Family Crest

odifiers (DHA 1-6)

One to Two sessions
Entire Campaign

difiers (DHA 1-7)

Two to Five
Ten to Thirty
Fifty to One Hundred

Renown (DW 5-2)

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld
Ranged Weapons








Grenades & Explosives

Special Wt Cost Availability Src Pg.
Name Class Range Dam Pen

Melee Weapons
Weapons marked with * require two hands to use.






Special Wt Cost Availability Src Pg.
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld
Ranged Weapons From Deathwatch Errata v1.1.








Grenades & Explosives


Melee Weapons
Weapons marked with * require two hands to use.




Astartes Force Staff* Melee 1d10+1I 0
Astartes Force Sword Melee 1d10+2R 2
Special Wt Cost Availability Notes

Force, Balanced, Special 5kg 25 Respected Counts as an exceptional Psy-Focus

Force, Balanced, Special 5kg 25 Respected -
exceptional Psy-Focus (+15 to Invocation).
Weapon Upgrades & Ammo
Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Black Crusade Upgrades
Black Crusade Downgrades
Only War
Only War Customizations
Dark Heresy 2E

rades & Ammo

Most upgrades decrease Availability by one step, up to Unique. If purchasing for an existing weapon, use weapon's current Availability.
Weapons acquired with a downgrade increase their Availability by one step (doesn't stack).

Can be applied to Standard Kit weapons with a +20 Trade (Armourer) test; severe failure causes damage. Limit 4 per weapon.
Limit of 4 modifications (including up to 1 Sight) per weapon.
Wt Cost Availability Src Pg. Used For
Armor Type Location(s) Covered AP Agi WT Cost

Armors with AP >= 7 inflict a -30 penalty to Silent Move and Concealment


Dark Heresy AP 5 against indirect hits from Blast weapons.
Rogue Trader AP 5 against indirect hits from Blast weapons.
Flak Helmet Head 2 - 2kg
Flak Cloak Body, Arms, Legs 3 - 8kg
Flak Coat Body, Arms, Legs 3 - 5kg
Guard Flak Armor All 4 - 11kg
Black Crusade +1 AP against indirect hits from Blast weapons.
Only War +1 AP against indirect hits from Blast weapons.
Dark Heresy 2E +1 AP against indirect hits from Blast weapons.



Power Armor Must be wearing Body, Arms, and Legs for Strength bonus to apply; helmet not necessary.

Force Fields For most fields, the AP column lists the field rating, which must be rolled under to negate an attack. F


Armor Upgrades
Availability Src Pg. Notes

Average RT 138 -
Scarce RT 138 -
Average RT 138 -
Scarce RT 138 -

ly; helmet not necessary.

rolled under to negate an attack. For IHB fields, see text.

Name Wt Cost Availability Src Pg.

Clothing & Personal Items
Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Black Crusade
Only War
Dark Heresy 2E

Drugs & Consumables

In most cases, costs are per dose.
Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Black Crusade
Only War
Dark Heresy 2E Drugs marked with * are addictive.

Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Black Crusade
Only War
Dark Heresy 2E
Name Cost Availability Src Pg. Notes

Many cybernetics have different effects at different Craftsmanship levels; see text for details. Additionally, cybernetic
location. This is added after Unnatural Toughness, and is only counted once per location.
Maximum Mechadendrites = character's Toughess bonus.

Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Black Crusade
Only War
Dark Heresy 2E
. Additionally, cybernetics increase the user's Toughness Bonus by +2 for that
Random Artefacts (SOI 85)

Daemon Weapons (BC 194, TOE 57)

Rune Weapons (TOB 39)

Legacy Weapons (TOB 50)

Equipment Patterns (HOE 127)

Jokaero Weapon Mods (EWO 52)

Daemon Weapons (EBY 50)

Type Cost

Goods and Services

In most cases, these are costs per week in the case of individual hires, or per night, meal, or trip in other cases.




Inter-Stellar Transportation (cost per person per trip)

Shipboard Meals

Medicae Care
Feral and Feudal World Specific
Hive World Specific

Feral and Feudal World Specific
Hive World Specific
IHB Material Costs Availability estimated.
Ecclesiarchal Services Clerics may carry out the task with a Common

Imperial Navy Assets
Imperial Guard Assets
Inquisitorial Assets
Adeptus Astartes
Availability Src Pg. Notes

night, meal, or trip in other cases.

ility estimated.
may carry out the task with a Common Lore (Imperial Creed) test and the material cost expenditure.
Name Cost Availability Src Pg.

Servitors and Familiars

Forge World Specific
Holy Ordos Specific
Cherubim 3000 Rare IHB 192
Blood of Martyrs
Book of Judgement
The Lathe Worlds
Rogue Trader
The Navis Primer
Servitor (Battle) 20 Distinguished DW 178 Profile on page 376.
Servitor (Monotask) 15 Distinguished DW 178 Profile on page 376.
Servo-Skull 15 Distinguished DW 178 Profile on page 376.
Rites of Battle
Profile on page 376.
Profile on page 376.
Profile on page 376.
Vehicle Key
Refer to the vehicle's sourcebook and corresponding core rulebook for full rules.
For reference, one AU (Aerial Unit) is equal to 100 meters. If a conversion is needed, simply divide it by 100 and rou

It is advised that you read the full description of the source material of any interesting item for a better unde

Keyword Reference
Anti-Air (Rudimentary)
Anti-Air (Advanced)
Anti-Grav Engines

Attack Bike


Bred for War
Bullet Spray
Breaching Vehicle (X) {Y}
Ceramite Armor

Chariot of Ire

Combat Walker

Command and Control

Daemon Engine


Daemonic Possession

Daemonic Possession*
Damage Control

Decoy Launchers

Dirge Caster
Drone Racks

Dreadclaw Assault
Drop Pod Assault


Enhanced Auspex Arrays

Enhanced Motive Systems

Environmentally Sealed

Escape Pod


Extremely Volatile
Feral Machine Spirit

Frag Assault Launchers


Flyer [DH2]

Gang Wheels
Ground Vehicle
Improved Command and Control
Improvised Weapons
Inferno Gun - Titanic Flame Weapon


Integral Weapon

Jamming Beacon

Kustom Bitz
Life Support (Hephaestus)
Life Support (Venator)
Linked Pilot-Operated Weaponry


Living Metal
Long Range Augur Array
Mastery of Gravity
More Dakka

Orbital Deployment

(Co-)Pilot-Operated Linked Weaponry


Power of the Machine Spirit

Power Overload
Precarious Mount

Predator Auspex

Quantum Shielding


Reinforced Armour
Reinforced Hull


Sidecar (X)
Siege Shield


Skimmer [OW]

Speed Booster

Stealth Field Generator


Super-Heavy Walker

Supremely Maneuverable
Targeter Array
Targeting Array
Terrain Master
Titanic Critical Hits
Tracked Vehicle

Vector Thrust Engines

Void Shields

Vulcan Mega-Bolter - Area Saturation


Walker [OW]

Wheeled Vehicle

Go to tabs below for specific sections

ook and corresponding core rulebook for full rules.
Unit) is equal to 100 meters. If a conversion is needed, simply divide it by 100 and round up to the next whole number.

he full description of the source material of any interesting item for a better understanding of what it is. This document

This vehicle functions on water as if it were open ground.

Halve the standard penalties for attacking aircraft.
Ignore the standard penalties for attacking aircraft.
The vehicle may count as a Skimmer (and follows all the rules for a Skimmer) for up to 10 minutes before it must re
Only functions in water.
The Bike can be upgraded to an Attack Bike. This allows the bike to carry one passenger, and give the bike a passe
bike's size increases one step, its Maneuverability decreases to +12, and it requires Respected Renown.
When attempting a Ram Action against a creature, the vehicle deals 1d10+5R Damage, Pen 4, or 2d10+5R Damag
choose to take an additional -20 penalty on the Drive (Skimmers) test to choose the location struck.
Bikes are always considered Open-Topped, and anyone within melee range can attack the rider without a Called Sh
This vehicle's payload is anti-ship weapons, and may only be used to target ships or similarly large emplacements. I
The mount automatically passes all Willpower tests caused by the Bestial trait.
The driver of this vehicle gains the Auto-Stabilised trait for firing this vehicle's weapons. If this vehicle is moved in th
This vehicle is designed to forcibly board enemy starships. It takes X full rounds to burn through the hull. If Y is pres
This vehicle is equipped with heat-resistant ceramite armor for atmospheric re-entry. Any melta weapon count their
Passengers may make melee attacks against targets adjacent to the vehicle. If the vehicle takes a Movement Action
trait) against any targets within reach of the vehicle's path.
A walker always has a Basic Melee Attack (representing the ability to charge, batter, and smash targets): Melee, 1d
The special feature of this vehicle allows a character using it to use his Command skill to affect a number of squads
Talents such as Iron Discipline, Master Orator, and the like. Any character using this equipment also gains a +10 bo
This vehicle either removes 1 Critical Damage or repairs 1d5 Structural Integrity each round, and has a Force Field
psychic powers.
The vehicle may
The vehicle functions asofa its
fire all Daemon Weapon;
weapons as partsee thesame
of the Templates tab foreach
Half Action special
and maydescriptions.
do so even The
if indaemon ca
melee (th
additional Half Action to make one attack. The vehicle counts as having the Lightning Attack Talent. None can ride w
specifically target a pilot.
This vehicle has no crew, ignores any effects that would damage crew members, and can use all of its weapons in a
Any Righteous Fury result against this vehicle may be rerolled, but the reroll is final. Extinguishing vehicle fires is a F
Sophisticated electronic decoys combined with flares and chaff launchers make this vehicle harder to target. At any
of his next turn, any shooting receives no bonus due to size to hit. May be used three times before needing replacem
All followers of Chaos within 100 meters gain the Fearless Talent.
Uses special rules detailed in the appropriate section. Page 180 for Adeptus Astartes Dreadnoughts, and page 190
The vehicle does not need to land in order to deploy its drones. It has three drone racks, with a total of 14 drones it
Carries two Gun Drones (DW 367) attached to the front. They may fire their weapons using their normal BS in addit
Dreadclaws are somewhat unique amongst vehicles, in that once they "land," they do not move under their own pow
target planet until they hit the ground. Cannot maneuver, though provided that they are 500km above the ground, m
while in flight. When landing, pick your destination then scatter 2d10 meters. Once landed, the Dreadclaw may take
Assault Boat in the void.
Drop pods are somewhat unique amongst vehicles, in that once they "land," they do not move under their own powe
target planet until they hit the ground. Cannot maneuver, though provided that they are 500km above the ground, m
while in flight. When landing, pick your destination then scatter 2d10 meters.
Crew members and passengers can't make attacks with their personal weapons (unless the vehicle has firing slits) a
This vehicle has powerful auspex arrays to aid in combat. The crew of this vehicle suffers no penalties for darkness,
Awareness tests, and may make Awareness tests at ranges of up to 5km (at GM's discretion, may be farther for a p
This vehicle can move double its Tactical Speed as a Half Action, or triple that as a Full Action. The Floor It action c
the vehicle also has Ponderous, the two traits cancel out and the vehicle uses the normal rules for movement.
Protects passengers from toxic gas and other environmental effects. If the seal is breached by Critical Damage, the
If the vehicle is destroyed, the pilots may eject. The pod scatters like a missed grenade a total of 2d10 meters from
are equipped with a micro-bead and a pulse pistol (or other appropriate side-arm for non-Tau escape pods). See RO
Enemies may target the crew and passengers of the vehicle by using a Called Shot Attack Action. If someone make
passengers, if any) instead of the vehicle.
Doubles the chance of exploding when the vehicle catches fire, and may ignite anyone caught in its blast radius (-10
All shooting against this vehicle suffers a -10 penalty as long as it is mobile. This does not stack with Dreadclaw Ass
The vehicle’s size does not grant attackers any bonus to hit, nor does it impose any penalties upon the pilot’s attem
This vehicle is armed with Frag Assault Launchers, single-shot scatter grenades employed to cover the vehicle's fin
Action, and fire in a 45 degree cone from the vehicle, hitting everything within range. When they fire, they force auto
This aircraft uses aerodynamic principles to stay aloft. When airborne, it must move at least half its cruising speed a
the vehicle as destroyed instead as it crashes to the ground.
The vehicle must move at least its Tactical Speed each turn, or else lose altitude and risk crashing (DH2 256). When
altitudes, the vehicle can't be attacked at all (except by specialized anti-air weapons).
The Hectin Autocarriage can be acquired as Open-Topped instead of Enclosed, which increases Carrying Capacity
This vehicle follows all rules for ground vehicles.
All shooting attacks against a moving vehicle with this special rule suffer a -20 to hit.
Immobile vehicles are incapable of moving under their own power, and usually aren't susceptible to Critical Damage
The special feature of this vehicle allows a character using it to use his Command skill to affect a number of squads
Talents such as Iron Discipline, Master Orator, and the like. Any character using this equipment also gains a +20 to
When used against Average sized targets or smaller, all of the vehicle's weapons suffer a -30 to hit. All weapons ma
When firing, pick any point within the weapon's range as the point of origin. The spray extends 40 meters past that p
The mind of the pilot is twisted and warped. If not engaged in melee, at the beginning of each turn, the pilot must ma
fire all weapons at the closest enemy target, gaining a +10 to all Ballistic Skill tests. If there are no enemy targets, fir
buildings. If failed by three or more degrees, it is caught in bloodlust and madness. It may not fire any weapon. Inste
This vehicle's guns always count as Braced, can be fired as a Half Action, and can be used untrained with no penalt
Auspexes, locator beacons, teleport homers, and similar wargear does not function within 15 meters of this vehicle.
such as daemonic summoning.
Pick one: Armor Plates (Facing Any, +3 AP to assigned facing); Red Paint Job (At the start of each Round, roll 1d10
Can only be operated by Chaos Space Marines.
A fully outfitted vehicles contains enough air, fuel, water, and provisions for a full complement of crew and passenge
When operating in a toxic or extreme environment, the exposed sections of the vehicle can be sealed with thick tran
Weapons classified as pilot-operated may all be fired as one standard action at targets within 1 AU (100m) of each o
The vehicle is also a creature, which may affect certain Critical Damage results. Riders must be at least one size sm
(DH2 116) instead of Operate. See text for full creature stats.
Halve all Critical Hit rolls against the vehicle (round up). The vehicle repairs one point of Critical Damage per round,
These sophisticated augurs provide a detailed view of the land below, granting the operators +20 to all Awareness a
At any time, the vehicle may operate as a skimmer rather than a flyer.
Instead of firing its weapons separately, the operator may fire all of the same type simultaneously, combining their d
A personal-scale vehicle, usually only slightly larger than its rider. See text (TOB 47 / TOE 44) for full rules.
Passengers/crew can make attacks with personal weapons, and can be attacked with the Called Shot action. Blast
The pilot chooses a location on the battlefield, and the vehicle lands 2d10 metres away from that point in a random
can move during the next round (if capable), but passengers must wait a full round after landing before firing any we
Thisweapons classified
vehicle can't take as
the"(Co-)Pilot-Operated" may
Floor It action and must all be
take fired
a Full by thetopilot
Action move asits
one shooting
listed action,
Tactical at targets
Speed. no mo
If the vehicle
The vehicle is equipped with a complex core-cogitator that is blessed with an unusually cunning Machine Spirit. Whe
weapon's firing is directed by the pilot character, but uses the Machine Spirit's BS of 50. The attack does not benefit
If four or more results of 90-100 are rolled when firing the vehicle's weapons, the vehicle automatically generates on
Every third shot from Fully Automatic fire hits a passenger instead of the vehicle. Passengers may test Acrobatics to
Sophisticated onboard radar, sonar, and thermal augur arrays, combined with sensitive chem-sniffers, allow a crew
with a range of 500 meters that also grants a +20 to Tracking tests made to search for, track, and identify prey.
Provides an additional 10 AP to the vehicle and all crew/passengers. The field dissipates if the vehicle takes a Critic
Righteous Fury rolls against this vehicle use 1d10 rather than 1d5, and the vehicle suffers twice the rolled damage w
takes half as long as usual to repair, and always counts as Lightly Damaged (unless it's taken Critical Damage).
Reduce all damage to the vehicle by 1. Mounts used by Chaos Space Marines must be Reinforced.
Halve all Critical Damage results (round up). Doesn't apply to Righteous Fury.
When a vehicles with a Reinforced Hull receives a Critical Hit, halve the result, rounding up. This quality does not af
Any Tech-Use test made to repair or restore this vehicle receives a +20 bonus.
+20 to all Repair tests.
The vehicle's weapons can be configured to attack on their own, and can be set to either Point Defence mode (coun
attack at up to 1/2 its weapon's range during its turn). See text for details on changing modes and target selection.
Increase the vehicle's Structural Integrity by X (already included in stats) and apply a -10 penalty to all riding tests. P
Drive tests for Difficult Terrain gain a +10 bonus, and any failed Drive tests for Difficult Terrain may be rerolled.
This vehicle hovers over the battlefield, allowing it to ignore terrain that might otherwise hamper movement. If it ever
into the ground.
Skimmers move similarly to a creature with the Hoverer trait, but they ignore Difficult Terrain and can also fly at Low
immobilized or when failing a Ram attack (OW 280. DH2 256), and may turn freely when moving at any speed. Mele
This vehicle may exit the atmosphere. While in the atmosphere it may operate as a skimmer or flyer at the pilot's ch
The driver may take a Half Action to change the vehicle’s Cruising Speed / Tactical Speed / Manoeuvrability to 120k
The vehicle has a Stealth Field. It operates in two modes: Active or Passive. It may be changed as a Free Action fro
10 (senses other than sight are unaffected). In Active Mode, any sort of test to detect the vehicle and all WS and BS
the vehicle may attempt an Awareness test using the above mods. Passing this by one or more degrees will alert th
This vehicle ignores all penalties for difficult terrain and gains the Ponderous trait. A Walker with this trait can choos
and smash through them unhindered.
Walkers are able to ignore penalties for moving through difficult terrain, and negotiate obstacles such as rock slides,
powerful. It is 14 meters tall and can walk over obstacles 5 meters high, or simply bulldoze through walls, forests, or
When increasing the distance of a turn in space, the Piloting test is always +0, no matter how extreme the turn. In a
The driver of this vehicle gains the Auto-Stabilised trait for firing this vehicle's weapons.
The vehicle is equipped with a sophisticated guidance system that give the pilot +20 BS when firing the vehicle's we
+10 on all movement tests incurred due to rough terrain.
This vehicle is so large as to require its own Critical Hit Chart. Warhound Titans have theirs on page 188 of Rites of
Tracked Vehicles take a -10 penalty to all Manoeuvrability tests, but gain a +10 bonus to all tests involving Difficult T
(round down), but repairing the damaged Motive Systems takes twice as long as normal.
Whenever this mount takes damage, it attempts to throw its rider off. If successful, it may either attack the rider or tr
The aircraft may count as a Skimmer (and follows all the rules for a Skimmer) for up to 2 minutes before it must retu
Void shields are near impenetrable barriers. They count as a barrier with 25 AP that surrounds the vehicle in all dire
damage is cumulative, but penetration has no effect on a void shield). Attacks from within the 5 meter projection dis
restored with a successful -10 Tech-Use test. A success means it will be restored in 1d5+5 rounds, -1 round per De
When used in this manner, designate a 20x20 meter area. Make one Ballistic Skill test against each target in this ar
Walkers are able to ignore penalties for moving through difficult terrain, and negotiate obstacles such as rock slides
Walkers ignore most types of Difficult Terrain, may turn freely when moving at any speed, and can turn to face a me
Charge attack instead.
Wheeled Vehicles gain a +10 bonus to all Manoeuvrability tests, but take a -20 penalty to all tests involving Difficult
Operate test and all Manoeuvrability tests take a -10 penalty. Fortunately, repairing the damaged Motive Systems o
Name Pg. Tactical Speed Cruise Speed Man.




Ground Vehicles


Structure Size Front Side Rear Crew
Carrying Capacity Availability Special Rules
Vehicle Upgrades
Ablative Armour

Anti-Grenade Mesh

Artificer Hull


‘Dozer Blade

Distributed Ammo Storage

Frag Defender

Mine Sweeper

Rough Terrain Modifications

Smoke Launcher

Superior Plating

Track Guards
Red Paint Job
+4 Armour (All), -5 to the vehicle's Tactical Speed/Cruising Speed, -10 Manoeuvrability. Any Critical Damage to
destroys the armour on that location, but causes no Critical Effects.
Whenever this vehicle is hit by a grenade, roll 1d10. 7+: the grenade scatters 1d5m away before exploding. 1: t
explosion. Anyone trying to set placed explosives (e.g. melta bombs) on the vehicle takes a -20 penalty on any
+10 to Jink tests, -20 to Repair tests, and all incoming Critical Damage is reduced by 4. The vehicle takes no da
Requires no test to install, and imposes a -30 penalty on attempts to see the vehicle (as long as it isn't moving
catches fire.
+4 Armour (Front). Additionally a ‘dozer blade allows the vehicle to treat terrain with heavy rubble and other det
no faster than its Tactical Speed each Turn.
Subtract 10 from damage inflicted on crew due to Weapons Systems/Turret Critical Damage.
Single-use. The commander/driver may use a Reaction to damage anyone within 5 metres of the vehicle (2d10
The driver may make a +20 Perception test as a Reaction to avoid triggering a mine or similar explosive. If succ
vehicle back by [5 + Degrees of Success] meters before resolving the effects of the explosion. Any Critical Dam
the Mine Sweeper. This upgrade is mutually exclusive with the ‘Dozer Blade.
The driver can reroll one failed Operate test per turn when navigating difficult terrain. Skimmers also gain +10 M
Anyone in the vehicle can make a +0 Perception test as a Half Action to negate darkness-related attack penalti
Single-use. The commander/driver may take a Half Action or Reaction to create a cloud of smoke in a 15-metre
+2 Armour (All), and the vehicle gains the Reinforced Armour trait. If the vehicle already had Reinforced Armou
(round up). Superior plating takes twice as long as normal to repair.
+5 Armour against all damage to the Motive Systems. Any Critical Damage to the Motive Systems irreparably d
Increase Tactical Speed by 3m and Cruising Speed by 15 kph.
Type Difficulty Src Pg. Used For

Standard -10 SOH 132 Any.

Standard 10 SOH 132 Any.

Integral -40 SOH 132 Any.

Standard +20* SOH 132 Any.

Standard -10 SOH 132 Tracked.

Integral -30 SOH 132 Enclosed.

Standard -10 SOH 133 Enclosed.

Standard -10 SOH 133 Tracked.

Integral -20 SOH 133 Any.

Standard 30 SOH 133 Any.
Standard 10 SOH 133 Any.

Integral -30 SOH 133 Any.

Standard 0 SOH 133 Tracked.

Standard - FTE 144 Ork.
Ships and Components
Contains all ship hulls and components from Rogue Trader. Using Rogue Trader Errata 1.4.

It is advised that you read the full description of the source material of any interesting item for a better unde

Keyword Reference
Additional Plasma Conduits (X) The vessel has many heavy plasma conduits. Increase power generated by X. Ho
Advanced Cogitator Linkage Gain +5 to fire the ship's weaponry.
Ancient Grand Cruiser May not gain any components that increase armor.
Antiquated Communications All Command tests made on a vessel with this quality suffer a -5 penalty.
Battlecruiser/Grand Cruiser May mount "Cruiser Only" components.
Beam Dispersion Effect When firing at targets over 20 VU's away, decrease damage to 1d10.
Broadside Must be equipped in a port or starboard slot.
Vessel designed for transporting goods. Hull comes pre-equipped with X Main Ca
Cargo Hauler/Galleon (X)
constructed it must be able to provide Power for each Component.
Comes pre-equipped with X number of Jovian-class Landing Bay Components, w
Carrier (X)
removed. Enough power must be supplied for them, but Space is already account
Core Architecture This component is always revealed with Active Augury.
Cramped The ship is very cramped, and there is little room for supplies. May only stock thre
Cursed All Navigation tests carried out by the Navigator suffer a -10.
May only be mounted in Prow, Dorsal, or Keel slots. When in orbit, gain +20 to Int
Death from Above
used as part of a planetary bombardment, double the affected area, add 20 to the
Destructive If this weapon generates a Critical Hit, add 1 to the result.
Easy to Repair (X) When making Long-Term Repairs, increase the amount by X for a successful test
Enhanced Magnetic Coils Torpedoes launched from this tube gain +2 Speed for their first turn. They return t
Energy Field The security hatches must be open during the Strategic Turn it is used. If this Com
External Component doesn't require any hull space. Can only be destroyed or damaged by
Fast Ship Due to the ship's carefully balanced nature, it cannot have Components that incre
Fiery Temperament (X) Any plasma drive installed on a vessel with this trait increases its output by X.

Heavy Weapon
May only be mounted in a Prow Weapon Slot unless the ship is a Grand Cruiser o
Hybrid Vessel May be equipped with Transport or Cruiser Components. If a Component exists in
Ionic Blast Never causes Critical Hits, nor do they deal damage to Hull Integrity. May only be
Inferno Whenever this weapon inflicts a Critical Hit, it is automatically Fire! Critical.
Inherent Warship (X) This ship comes pre-equipped with certain components which may not be remove
Reduce the speed of Attack Craft exiting the bay by 2 on the turn they are launche
half an hour per squadron.
Labor Intensive Weapon may only be fired every other turn.
Overheating Systems For every five Degrees of Failure when firing, the vessel suffers a Critical Hit. If a s
Oversized Monstrosity This vessel's conventional Speed may not be increased by any component. If it w
Penetrator Rounds (X) Ignore X armor when calculating damage done in a salvo involving this weapon.
Plasma Refinery This vessel comes pre-equipped with a unique component, the Plasma Refinery. T
Powered by the Stars Provided a vessel equipped with a Plasma Refinery harvests from a star once a y
Reliable Construction (X) If this component becomes damaged, depressurized, or suffers a Critical Hit (inclu
Retrofit May be used to replace a Main Cargo Hold on a transport. Only one may be used
Secondary Power Genetorium This vessel comes pre-equipped with a unique component, a Secondary Power G
Self Propelled Warhead Before firing this weapon, the option is available to increase Range by 2, but decre
Short the Flow For every five damage inflicted that exceeds the target's Void Shields, one random
Small Weapon May be installed on Dorsal and Keel Weapon Slots on vessels of frigate sized or s
Structural Impact Reduce Hull Integrity and Maneuverability permanently by 5.
Terminal Penetration (X) Reroll damage dice less than or equal to X. The reroll stands.
A Prow slot is occupied by a Voss-Pattern Torpedo Tube Component that may no
Torpedo Specialist {X}
munitions storage by this value to determine maximum number of torpedoes.
Vaporization When this Weapon rolls a 1 or 2 on the Critical Hit Chart, it affects two component
Versatile Gain +5 to the opposed Command test made to resolve boarding actions.
If this Component is Damaged or Destroyed while Torpedoes are loaded in its tub
suffers 2d5 damage directly to Hull Integrity.

Craftsmanship, Components SP Modifier Morale Modifier

Best +2 +1d5
Good, Choose either Power or Space +1 +1
Common 0 0
Poor -1 -1d5

Craftsmanship, Lance and Macrobattery SP Modifier Morale Modifier

Best, Choose Two +2 +1d5
Good, Choose One +1 +1
Common 0 0
Poor, Choose Two -1 -1d5

Go to tabs below for specific sections.

ng item for a better understanding of what it is. This document is only a quick reference.

power generated by X. However, with every Critical Hit suffered, there is a 25% chance of the Fire! Critical Hit as well.

uffer a -5 penalty.

mage to 1d10.

-equipped with X Main Cargo Hold Component(s). Space has already been reduced to account for this, however, when the ship
nding Bay Components, which occupy an equally distributed number of Port and Starboard weapon capacity slots. They may no
Space is already accounted for.

pplies. May only stock three months worth of supplies instead of six, before including any components that add to this.
en in orbit, gain +20 to Intimidate ground targets. Gain 50 Achievement points if used in a Military Objective against the planet.
fected area, add 20 to the damage done to large units, and 10 to individuals and vehicles.
by X for a successful test.
eir first turn. They return to normal after this.
Turn it is used. If this Component loses power while they are open, it becomes Depressurized as well.
destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
ve Components that increase its Armor.
eases its output by X.

e ship is a Grand Cruiser or larger, in which case it may be mounted in a Dorsal Slot as well. In Prow slots, it may only fire forwa
s. If a Component exists in both varieties, the Cruiser variant must be chosen.
Hull Integrity. May only be combined in a salvo with weapons that share this quality.
tically Fire! Critical.
which may not be removed, specified in the parenthesis. Space will have been accounted for, but power must be supplied.
n the turn they are launched. Any craft attempting to land in combat must make a test to land safely. Outside of combat, it simp

suffers a Critical Hit. If a specific Component is affected, it's automatically this Component.
by any component. If it would be, simply ignore the effect.
o involving this weapon.
ent, the Plasma Refinery. The use of this component is detailed on page 30 of Battlefleet Koronus.
vests from a star once a year, it gains +10 power.
suffers a Critical Hit (including a 4 or 6 result on the chart), roll 1d10. On X or greater, it is ignored.
ort. Only one may be used, and it does not take a Weapon Capacity slot.
ent, a Secondary Power Genetorium. Space has already been accounted for, and it provides +10 power to the primary reactor.
ase Range by 2, but decrease damage to 1d10+1.
Void Shields, one randomly selected Component on the target ship becomes Unpowered. This ignores Armor.
essels of frigate sized or smaller.
by 5.
e Component that may not be removed. Space is already taken into account, but power must be provided. If X is included, mult
number of torpedoes.
t, it affects two components instead of one
boarding actions.
edoes are loaded in its tubes, there is a 10% chance of it exploding. If this occurs, the Component is automatically destroyed an

Power Mod Space Mod

1* or -1 -1
1* or -1 -1
0 0
-2* or 1 +1

Strength Mod Damage Mod Crit Mod Range Mod Power Mod Space Mod
+1 +1 -1 +1 1* or -1 -1
0 +1 0 +1 1* or -1 -1
0 0 0 0 0 0
-1 -1 +1 -1 -2* or 1 +1
! Critical Hit as well.

this, however, when the ship is

n capacity slots. They may not be

nts that add to this.

Objective against the planet. When


w slots, it may only fire forward.

power must be supplied.

y. Outside of combat, it simply takes

power to the primary reactor.

nores Armor.

rovided. If X is included, multiply the

s automatically destroyed and the ship

Based on Rogue Trader's tables 8-1 (RT 197) and 8-2 (RT 198), and the Background Packages from ITS 153-155.

Machine Spirit Oddities (RT 8-1)

Past Histories (RT 8-2)

Purchasable Background Packages

ckages from ITS 153-155.
Name Class Space Speed Det. Armor Man. Hull Dorsal Prow




Light Cruisers



Grand Cruisers
Port Star Keel Turret SP Src Pg. Notes
Name Appropriate Hulls Power Space SP

Essential Components
Components marked with * generate power.

Plasma Drives

Warp Engines

Gellar Fields

Void Shields

Ship's Bridge

Life Sustainers

Crew Quarters

Augur Arrays
Availability Src Pg. Notes
Name Appropriate Hulls Power Space Str Dam

Ship Weapons


Nova Cannons


Landing Bays
Crit Range SP Availability Src Pg. Notes
Name Appropriate Hulls Power Space SP

Supplemental Components
May take more than one of any component unless marked with a *.

Cargo Holds and Passenger Compartments

Augments and Enhancements

Additional Facilities
Availability Src Pg.
Name Appropriate Hulls Power Space SP Availability

Special Components

Src Pg.

Ship Upgrades
Crew Quality
General Upgrades
Availability/SP Src Pg.
Name Career

Character Options
New Origins

New Career Paths

Alternate Career Ranks

New Talents

New Skills

Elite Advance Packages

New Traits

New Navigator Houses

New Navigator Powers

Astropathic Dedications

New Psychic Powers

Navis Primer Specific
Fate Specific
Edge of the Abyss

Requirements Cost (XP) Pg. Description
Name Type Faction

Opponents, NPCs and Beasts


Heretics and Criminals

Fate Specific
Canoptek Spyder Construct Necrons
Canoptek Wraith Construct Necrons
Deathmark Sentient, Construct Necrons
Destroyer Sentient, Construct Necrons
Necron Lord Sentient, Construct Necrons
Destroyer Lord Sentient, Construct Necrons
Lychguard Sentient, Construct Necrons
Tomb Blade Sentient, Construct Necrons
Triarch Praetorian Sentient, Construct Necrons
Aetehk the Watcher Sentient, Construct Necrons
Raunek Ka, the Holder of Keys Sentient, Construct Necrons
Canoptek Locusts Construct Necrons





Dark Eldar






Pg. Description

111 automated repair unit

112 guard and maintenance automatons
112 snipers
113 deranged killers of all life
113 ruling elite
113 Necron Lord fallen in with the Destroyer Cult
114 bodyguards and elite soldiers of the Necron Lords
115 jetbike/void fighter
116 elite soldiers not beholden to any Lord but to the Necrontyr overall
117 Necron Lord active around the Screaming Vortex
118 Cryptek, advisor to Aetehk the Watcher
118 swarm of drones that can destabilise psykers
Changelog, 4/6/11, 4/7/11, 4/13/11, 5/15/11, 5/15/11 5/24/11
3.10.0, 5/24/11

3.11.07xx, 07/xx/11

3.11.0724, 7/24/11

3.11.08xx, 08/xx/11
4.11.0827, 08/27/11
4.11.0829, 08/29/11

4.11.0929, 09/12/11

4.11.1109, 11/09/11
4.13.1205, 12/05/11

4.14.0121, 1/21/12

4.16.0821, 8/21/12





Changelog finally begun! Battlefleet Koronus added in this version, as well as numerous typo fixes.
Updated the Voidsunder Lance Battery, Jovian-Pattern Nova Cannon, Plasma Accelerated Torpedo Tubes, Bombar
values, and added the Mezoa-Pattern Theta-7 Drive as per the forums, and a couple other fixes that FFG Devs hav
when official Errata is out. Also added Torpedo Guidance Systems under the Ship Upgrades tab, as it would seem I
there is some confusion about which Jovian-Pattern bays are added with the Carrier Trait, and I don't know either. F
Fixed a few typos and changes that I missed. Sorry! Also internal update, so this wasn't published.
Added the changes from the 1.1 errata for Deathwatch.
Added the optional weapon rules from Appendix 1 of the Deathwatch Errata 1.1 in the "DW Optional" tab.
Added page numbers for everything in a separate column, where applicable. Also fixed some mistakes! Also added
Changed the way the version is counted. This is otherwise identical to however. Internal update.
Changed the way the version is counted slightly once more. Added Daemon Hunter equipment, as well as defining t
each section. Various other minor changes.
Fixed the group expansion signs so that they line up properly with their corresponding row. Thanks to PullsyJr on FF
Additionally, determined that the Carrier trait is meant for Jovian-Pattern LANDING Bays.
Various typo fixes. Special thanks to Zeal, Ira, and several others who I can't remember for pointing them out! Intern
Added Black Crusade equipment. Special thanks to Anonymous for providing this information. Probably some typo f
note, much of the Black Crusade gear is subject to change, pending errata, particularly the weapons that are missin
Fixed the long-las entry for Black Crusade. Didn't release.
A culmination of a bunch of random minor fixes that I didn’t keep a record of. Started storing it in my dropbox. E-mai
"40kRP Armory" in the subject line, minus the quotes, if you want it to be shared with you. If that's not in the subject,
This will be the surest method to get the most recent version of the file; however, I'll still store it in my mediafire acco
A mess of tiny changes, all unrecorded. Still no BC errata unfortunately.
Added equipment from the Book of Judgement as well as First Founding. Some other small changes. STILL no erra
Added equipment and components from Hostile Acquisitions. Adds sub-groups in the starship components pages, s
lacking BC errata, but it should be fine. Also, Null Bays lack an entry, so let me know if you see anything like that an
Added weapons, armor and gear from Disciples of the Dark Gods to unnownrelic's armory. Minor typo fixes.
Minor corrections, thanks to Gavinfoxx, Kiton and Fgdsfg from the FFG Forums.
Added Ork, Rak'Gol and Stryxis equipment from The Koronus bestiary. Unsure about Eldar and Sslyth.
Added Equipment for all races from the NPC profiles in the Bestiary. Added a 'Bestiary' Tab that will be updated with
Cleaned up some formatting issues
Added the "Character options" Tab, which will feature such things as Elite Advances, alternate career ranks, new fe
Added lots and lots of info from The Lathe Worlds.
Added equipment, vehicles, Character options and NPCs from The Soul Reaver. Some typo fixes.
Added The Lost Dataslate and The Dark Kin web enhancements. No release.
Added The Navis Primer.
Added Mark of the Xenos. No release.
Added The Tome of Fate.
Added: Stars of Inequity, Edge of the Abyss, Faith and Coin; The Achilus Assault, Honour the Chapter, The Outer R
errata, Tome of Blood, Tome of Excess; Only War, Hammer of the Emperor. Reworded a whole bunch of stuff for co
Added Tau Character Guide, Tome of Decay, and Shield of Humanity. Created a "Templates" tab for randomly gene
weapons, et cetera. Still slowly going through and updating previous entries.
Added 59 new vehicle profiles from various books (The Outer Reach; Tome of Blood, Tome of Excess; Only War, F
Surrender, Shield of Humanity). I also included the adventure loot from Binding Contracts and Salvaging Solace, wh
are now fully up to date with all 1E source material.
Added all equipment from the Dark Heresy 2E core book and Enemies Within, including the latest errata (version 1.2
Furioso Dreadnought vehicle profile and associated weapon entries, easily available gear is now marked as "Ubiqui
Added Enemies Without and Enemies Beyond, plus all DH2E vehicles. Other changes: corrections and sources for
daemon weapons on Melee tab, copied all items with a Field Rating to the "Force Fields" section, minor wording fixe

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