On Writing Up Paper in Reputable Journals - UNAIR Menulis Tayang

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On Writing Up

Paper(s) in Reputable Journals


Universitas Airlangga
• Motives to Write

• General Conditions

• Shooting Reputable Journals – Dynamic Capabilities

• Editorial Suggestions
Why Write and Publish Research
• Ideally – to share research findings and discoveries with the hope of improving

• Practically –
- to get funding
- to get promoted
- to get a job
- to keep your job!
- to be graduated!
Why Write and Publish Research
‫ع َملُهُ ِإ اَّل ِم إن‬ َ ‫ط َع‬ َ َ‫ان ا إنق‬
ُ ‫س‬ ِ ‫ات إ‬
َ ‫اْل إن‬ َ ‫ِإ َذا َم‬
‫اريَ ٍة َو ِع ْل ٍم يُ ْنتَفَ ُع ِب ِه‬ َ ‫ث َ ََلث َ ٍة ِم إن‬
ِ ‫ص َدقَ ٍة َج‬
ُ‫عو لَه‬ َ ‫َو َولَ ٍد‬
ُ ‫صا ِلحٍ يَ إد‬
“Jika seseorang meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah
amalannya kecuali tiga perkara (yaitu): sedekah jariyah,
ilmu yang dimanfaatkan, atau do’a anak yang sholeh”
(HR. Muslim no. 1631)
Badri Munir Sukoco
Publication Process
Competitive Dynamics Research Program
Executing through Time Management
Letting the Process Drive you Through
Integrating Research with Teaching
Developing A Research-Centered Balanced
Academic Career
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Academic Reputation 40% 20.90 18.90 25.20 17.00 20.6 24.3

Employer Reputation 22.00 20.20 20.60 16.10 23.7 35.3

Faculty Student Ratio 20.40 17.10 18.70 26.10 33.3 39.4
Citation per Faculty 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3
International Staff 3.3 1.4 2.1 9.1 10.1 20.7
International Student 1.6 4.8 2.0 2.3 2.3 1.9
Overall Score 15.20 13.50 16.4 14.1 18.2 22.7

Ranking #824 #820 #701-750 #751-800 #651-700
Sumber : factfile 2021
Data Cut Off :
CITATION PER PUBLICATION 2015-2019 2015-2019
(Articles and Reviews)

No Perguruan Tinggi 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

1 ITB 6.564 6.535 4.233 2.430 0.871

2 ITS 7.274 4.453 4.391 2.392 0.701
3 UI 10.365 8.118 5.244 1.775 0.679
4 UGM 7.182 5.557 3.330 2.001 0.617
5 UNPAD 6.012 4.672 3.118 1.690 0.583
6 IPB 6.584 5.302 4.426 1.880 0.543
7 UPI 6.800 3.220 3.891 2.122 0.492
8 UNHAS 9.437 6.444 3.786 2.474 0.449
9 UNDIP 6.493 5.016 2.137 1.561 0.434
10 UNAIR 9.164 4.429 2.723 1.514 0.324
11 USU 8.457 8.494 5.688 1.728 0.214
Sumber: Scival.com (05/03/2020)
Data Cut Off :
Top 1 and Top 10 Journals 2015-2019

Univ Jurnal 2015 % 2016 % 2017 % 2018 % 2019 %

TOP 1 5 0,9 4 1,3 10 0,4 4 0,4 7 0,6
TOP 10 62 9,4 90 9,7 86 4,1 101 3,4 139 4,4
TOP 1 3 0,8 2 0,4 1 0,4 0 0,3 9 0,3
TOP 10 49 9,8 57 5,6 54 5,2 75 4,8 115 5,9
TOP 1 0 0,0 6 0,1 4 0,1 3 0,2 8 0,2
TOP 10 46 5,8 50 5,3 41 3,6 59 4,2 85 5,2
TOP 1 0 0,0 0 0,0 2 0,0 0 0,1 0 0
TOP 10 9 3,2 6 1,4 7 1,0 11 1,1 13 1,0
TOP 1 1 2,4 0 0,4 0 0,0 0 0,2 2 0,2
TOP 10 12 9,7 13 5,8 12 2,7 23 2,8 43 2,3

Sumber: Scival.com (28/02/2020)

Data Cut Off: 2014 to >2019

Sumber: Scival.com 16/03/2020

Citation per Document | Social Sciences & Management (2015-2020)

Overall Documents Citation

Total Citation Citation per
NO Institution
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (2015-2020) Document

1 University of Indonesia 196 224 436 729 756 118 848 905 932 705 271 12 3673 1,49
2 Gadjah Mada University 75 130 192 302 315 95 481 966 639 491 188 28 2793 2,52
3 Institut Pertanian Bogor 75 108 117 123 143 50 710 813 826 300 130 10 2789 4,53
4 Bandung Institute of Technology 85 180 197 290 307 67 574 835 500 275 146 21 2351 2,09
5 Universitas Diponegoro 32 72 428 173 277 107 159 288 588 295 181 63 1574 1,45
6 Brawijaya University 58 71 112 268 375 83 176 515 330 378 135 12 1546 1,60
7 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 21 42 110 105 159 25 247 150 478 152 120 14 1161 2,51
8 Padjadjaran University 53 110 110 145 413 61 168 280 191 174 290 0 1103 1,24
9 Universitas Sebelas Maret 49 78 121 156 245 71 140 168 313 199 134 17 971 1,35
10 Universitas Airlangga 12 27 66 82 405 159 30 132 140 144 220 3 669 0,89

Source: Scival.com (14/05/2020)

Shooting Reputable Journals
• Competition for space in journals is intense
• Rejection rates vary, depending on the quality of the journal
Shooting Reputable Journals –
Dynamic Capabilities
• Sensing
Shooting Reputable Journals –
Dynamic Capabilities
• Sensing
Shooting Reputable Journals –
Dynamic Capabilities
• Seizing

1. Study their research design and apply it into yours

2. Get familiar with their writing style
3. Find a similar topic or research interests
4. Find the role model, follow his/her writing style
5. Engage discussion through email and other relationship efforts
6. Prepare enough time, resources, focus, and energy for 2-3 years
Major Reasons for Rejection (Philips, 2008)

Poorly prepared
The article not ready, only a draft
The article is too parochial (will not appeal to a wider, international audience)
Poor English (if English is not your first language, seek help)

Technically poor
 Too short or too long (check the article length specified in author guidelines)
 Article is submitted to the wrong journal (material not of relevance to readership)
 Nothing new is stated or found
 Under-theorized Under-contextualized
 Not properly a journal article (e.g. better suited to another form of publication)
Abstract - Why Does It Matter?
 Abstracts have always served the function of "selling" your work.
 On-line search databases typically contain only abstracts; thus, a complete but
concise description of your work could entice potential readers into obtaining a
copy of the full paper.
 It could increase the chance of people taking the time to obtain and read your
complete paper.
Abstract - Components (Koopman, 1997)

1. Motivation
2. Problem statement,
3. Approach,
4. Results,
5. Conclusions
 Articles are like dates: first impressions matter.
 The introduction determines whether or not readers will continue reading.
 It provides the interpretive frame that shapes how reviewers read a
manuscript during the review process.
 If reviewers are intrigued by the research question, appreciate its importance,
and understand how the study advances understanding of the topic, they’ll
look for reasons to recommend revision.
 If reviewers are not excited, they’ll find more reasons to reject.
Effective Introduction
1. Who cares? What is the topic or research question, and why is it interesting
and important in theory and practice?
2. What do we know, what don’t we know, and so what? What key theoretical
perspectives and empirical findings have already informed the topic or
question? What major, unaddressed puzzle, controversy, or paradox does this
study address, and why does it need to be addressed?

3. What will we learn? How does your study fundamentally change, challenge,
or advance scholars’ understanding?
Shooting Reputable Journals –
Dynamic Capabilities
• Reconfiguring

1. Quality demands different level of resources, focus, and energy;

2. Find mentor who able to bring you to the next level;
Quantity vs Quality
Select the Field Where You Want to Play
- Writing and publishing a paper is a journey

- The journey is not linear, but parallel and full of


- Enjoy the journey of knowledge (theoretical)


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