Project Survey

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Performance Task

Your Goal:

You are going to apply an appropriate

random variable for a given real-life
You are going to create a product (mini-research) that
will make you realize how likely the things or
phenomena occur. You will choose a relevant topic
where you can apply the concepts of the random
variables, probability mass function, and the mean
and the variance of the random variable. Then
conduct a survey with your family members.
Example concepts:

Let X be the random variable that

represents the:
• Grades in a subject
• Number of siblings
• Weight
• Height
• Budget/allowance every day
• Number of crushes, etc.
Your product should contain the
following parts.
I. Definition of Random variable
II. Survey Result
III. Probability mass function
IV. Computation of the mean and variance of
the Random variable.
V. Conclusion
VII.Group information
I. Definition of Random Variable
II. Survey Result
35 randomly selected Grade 11 students are
surveyed. Here is the result:
Mica, 18 Judy, 19 Willy, 19 Mary, 18 Shaina, 18 Josh, 20 Amary, 19

Joyce, 19 Olivia, 16 Ava, 17 Luisa, 19 Lovely, 17 Lyven, 19 Kevin, 18

Stephen, Howard,
Paul, 19 Lisa, 20 Beverly, 17 Sonia, 18 Basty, 18
16 19

Cleo, 17 Eve, 18 Eduard, 21 John, 20 Kate, 18 Brad, 16 Mona, 18

Anna, 18 Roel, 20 Mino, 19 Pete, 19 Vernon, 19 Mandy, 20 Gabby, 19

III. Probability Mass Distribution

X Possible Values

16 3
17 4
18 10
19 12
20 5
21 1
X P(X) 𝐗 ∙ 𝑷(𝑿) X-𝝁 (X - 𝝁)2 (X - 𝝁)2 •P(X)

16 3/35 48/35 -17/7 289/49 867/1715

17 4/35 68/35 -10/7 100/49 80/343

18 10/35 36/7 -3/7 9/49 18/343

19 12/35 228/35 4/7 16/49 192/1715

20 5/35 20/7 11/7 121/49 121/343

21 1/35 21/35 18/7 324/49 324/1715

IV. Computation of the mean and
σ 𝑋 ∙ 𝑃 𝑥 = 48/35 + 68/35 +36/7 + 228/35 + 20/7 + 21/35
= 129/7

σ(𝑋 − 𝜇)2 •P(x)
= 867/1715 + 80/343 + 18/343 + 192/1715 + 121/343 + 324/1715
(Investigative Report)
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
The data you
gathered are
The data you Some of the data
authentic and The data you
gathered are you gathered are
Authenticity of updated. gathered are not
authentic and not authentic and
Data reliable and
taken from reliable but
Data are taken relevant.
reliable sources. relevant.
from reliable
Your submitted Your submitted Your submitted
report shows report shows output shows Your submitted
substantial understanding of some output shows limited
Application of understanding of the understanding of understanding of the
Mathematical the mathematical mathematical the mathematical mathematical
Concepts concepts used to concepts used to concepts used to concepts used to
compute the compute the compute the compute the desired
desired summary desired summary desired summary summary statistics
statistics. statistics statistics
You continuously You applied You applied
applied creative creative ideas some creative
You did not use any
ideas to make an to make an ideas to make an
creative ideas to
effective effective effective
Creativity describe the
presentation to presentation to presentation to
summary of data
describe the describe the describe the
summary of data summary of summary of data
gathered. data gathered. gathered.
You effectively
and continuously
You effectively
applied the use You used the
utilized the use
and technology for You portrayed a
of technology
understanding of communicating limited use of
ICT as a tool for
technology as a the learning but technology for
learning and
tool for learning not done learning.
and consistently.
the learning.
the learning.
You have You have
You have submitted You have submitted
submitted your submitted your
Punctuality your output first than your output after the
output after the output after the first
everyone else. first 3 groups.
first group. two groups.

Your product clearly

shows the
The school’s The school’s
attainment of
philosophy, vision, philosophy, vision,
school’s philosophy,
and mission are and mission are
vision and mission.
observed in your shown in your Your
product/performa product/performan product/performanc
Attainment of Your presentation
nce. However, it ce. However, e does not
School’s provides a good
requires further explanation is not completely show the
Philosophy, Vision articulation that
elaboration to provided to deeply attainment of the
and Mission supports the
understand better understand the school’s vision and
inclusion of the
the attainment of attainment of mission.
school’s philosophy,
school’s school’s
vision, and mission in
philosophy, vision, philosophy, vision,
and mission. and mission.

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