Applsci 07 00571
Applsci 07 00571
Applsci 07 00571
Studies on Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete
Columns with Grouted Splice Sleeve
Zheng Lu, Zixin Wang, Jianbao Li * and Biao Huang
Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;
[email protected] (Z.L.); [email protected] (Z.W.); [email protected] (B.H.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-21-6598-6186; Fax: +86-21-6598-2668
Abstract: In order to validate the seismic performance of precast concrete members with steel sleeve
connections, pseudo-static tests on four prefabricated columns with vertical grouted splice sleeve
connections and on a control group of two cast-in-situ columns have been conducted. The test results
indicated that the failure modes of the prefabricated columns and of the cast-in-situ columns are
basically identical but differences exist in their crack distribution. The cast-in-situ columns mainly
crack horizontally at the bottom of the column, whereas the prefabricated columns have horizontal
cracks above the sleeves, and then form diagonal cracks downwards and develop many wider cracks
within the range of height of 300 mm at the bottom of the column. The hysteresis curves of the
prefabricated columns are plump, which demonstrates that prefabricated columns have satisfactory
energy-dissipating capacity. Moreover, the stiffness degradation of the prefabricated specimens is
slower than that of the cast-in-situ specimens. The ultimate displacement angle of the prefabricated
columns is up to 1/104–1/54, which satisfies the requirements of the inter-story drift ratio during
major earthquakes. Finally, some recommendations on practical seismic design pertinent to the
precast concrete members with grouted splice sleeves are proposed.
1. Introduction
Precast concrete construction, as a sustainable technology, not only has the advantages of
accelerated construction speed, stable and reliable quality, environmental protection, and savings in
material, energy, and labor, but also can shorten the development and construction period of residential
and non-residential buildings, which is adapted to large-scale and standardized productions [1–3].
Incorporated with advanced structural control strategies [4–11], precast concrete structures can
perform very well under extreme loads [12–15]. As the predominant structural type of construction
industrialization in China, precast concrete structures take up 77.1% of the total floor area built by
construction industrialization [16].
It is widely believed that climate change and global warming are closely associated with carbon
emissions, and there is a growing concern about the upward trend in greenhouse gas emissions
resulting from building construction [17]. It has been verified that buildings worldwide account
for one-third of the global carbon emissions [18], and the residential sector accounts for 17% [19].
To alleviate this situation, it is highly recommended to adopt precast concrete construction. It has
been found that the cast-in-situ concrete construction can release 770 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent
per cubic meter of concrete, whereas that is 692 kg for precast concrete construction, 10% lower
than that of cast-in-situ concrete construction [20]. Based on the specific mix proportion and
curing condition, precast concrete under the marine environment can also contribute to a significant
reduction in carbon emissions [21]. Since precast concrete construction has been proven to be a
more environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient method than cast-in-situ construction, it will play
an important role during the development of zero-carbon buildings.
The prime issue of the precast concrete structure is the connection between precast components
such as beams, columns, slabs and shear walls, etc., that must effectively integrate the individual
components to ensure structural safety, serviceability, and durability under various kinds of load
conditions [22]. The methods of reinforcement connections for cast-in-situ reinforced concrete
structures mainly include bound connections, welded connections, mechanical connections, etc.
However, there are some limitations in applying these methods to reinforcement connection of precast
members. For example, the mechanical connection requires high installation accuracy of the steel
bars, increasing the difficulty of lifting on site. Moreover, since the steel bars are heated during the
process of the welded connection, residual stress will be generated in the steel bars. Additionally,
due to the small space that the joint of the precast concrete structure occupies, using these conventional
reinforcement connection methods would be inconvenient for construction on site. Consequently,
reinforcement connection between precast members tends to be one of the critical problems during
precast concrete construction.
To solve this problem, Yee [23] firstly proposed the grouted splice sleeve (GSS) in the late 1960s,
i.e., the ribbed bars were inserted into the metal sleeve, then the grout was poured, and they could work
together after the grout was congealed and hardened. Because of the confinement effect exerted by
the sleeve, the bond strength of steel bars enhanced significantly, resulting in a shorter bar embedded
length [24]. Afterwards, Alfred A. Yee employed this technology to connect the frame columns of Ala
Moana which is a 38-story hotel located in Honolulu. In 1983, the grouted splice sleeve was rated
as one of the main reinforcement connection technologies by the American Concrete Institute [25].
The long-term use of this reinforcement connection technology has been tested by earthquakes in
many countries, such as the United States and Japan, proving that it can be used in seismic and
high-rise buildings.
Regarding the grouted splice sleeve technology, scholars carried out a lot of research work, trying
to find the influence factors that dominate the bond performance of the sleeve as well as their influence
rules, which can provide the theoretical foundation for sleeve design. For example, Einea et al. [26]
utilized the plain round bars to design four types of grouted sleeves with different parameters and
geometries, and based on the axial tension test of these specimens, they found that it is practicable
to employ the grouted splice sleeve to connect prefabricated members. Ling et al. [27] conducted the
tensile tests of two kinds of grouted splice sleeves, namely welded bar sleeve (WBS) and tapered head
sleeve (THS), to study the effect of steel bar embedment lengths and sleeve diameters on the tension
capacity of sleeves. Sayadi et al. [28] investigated the relationship between the interlocking mechanism
and bond strength in both the elastic and inelastic regions of the grouted splice sleeve by experiments,
and drew a conclusion that the bond strength will be increased if the interlocking mechanism is
arranged at the elastic region. Moreover, some researchers put forward the novel grouted splice sleeve.
For example, Seo et al. [29] proposed the grout-filled head-splice-sleeve (HSS) and studied the effect
of the configuration with or without the head and head size on the bond behavior via experiments.
They found that the configuration with a properly sized head can significantly improve the bond
strength and the ductility, leading to steel bars’ failure at the end. Furthermore, Henin et al. [30]
presented a non-proprietary grouted splice sleeve. Compared to the existing products, this kind of
sleeve is preferable with low cost and convenient fabrication, and can be compatible with the current
production tolerances.
In order to strengthen the connection performance of traditional grouted splice sleeves, a series of
improvement measures have been taken by researchers. For example, based on the cylindrical steel
pipe splice, adding spiral reinforcement [31] and bolts [28], and employing tapered steel pipes [32]
and square hollow sections [24] can enhance the confinement pressure and bond stress. Additionally,
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to improve the durability and corrosion resistance, some scholars adopted aluminum [33] and glass
fiber-reinforced polymer [34,35] instead of steel as the material for making the sleeve.
Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 571 3 of 20
Although there are many studies on grouted splice sleeve technology, the development of reliable
connections which
Although haveare
there good
studies on grouted mechanisms and that
splice sleeve are easy for
technology, the construction
a hot
reliable connections which have good force-transferring mechanisms and thatstudies
topic in construction industrialization and zero-carbon buildings. This paper a grouted
are easy for
splice sleeve which
construction is stillisa very convenient
hot topic for construction.
in construction The seismic
industrialization performance
and zero-carbon of precast
buildings. This concrete
studies using
a groutedsuchsplice
a connection
sleeve whichmethodis veryis thoroughly
convenient for experimentally investigated.
construction. The The grouted
seismic performance
splice sleeveconcrete
of precast connectioncolumns studied
usingin thisa connection
such paper for steelmethodbars embeddedexperimentally
is thoroughly in prefabricated members is
The grouted
shown in Figure splice
1a. sleeve connection
The precast studied
concrete in thishas
column paper for steel bars embedded
a pre-embedded in prefabricated
cast iron sleeve in its lower
and theisvertical
shown in Figure
steel bars1a.ofThe
concrete column
column hasare
a pre-embedded
inserted into cast
the iron sleeve
sleeve. in
its lower end and the vertical steel bars of the precast concrete column are
field installation, the steel bars extended from the pedestal are also inserted into the sleeve; then, inserted into the sleeve.
grouting field installation,
material the steel
is poured bars
into theextended from the
sleeve. After thepedestal are also congealed
grout becomes inserted into thehardened,
and sleeve;
stressthe grouting
of the material
steel bars is poured
is transferred by into the sleeve.
the bond After the
force between thegrout
rebar becomes
surface and congealed
mortar, asand well
hardened, the stress of the steel bars is transferred by the bond force
as between the mortar and sleeve wall. Compared with the traditional methods of reinforcement between the rebar surface and
mortar, asthere
connection, well is as no
mortarandand heat sleeve wall.
exerted onCompared with the
the rebar, which cantraditional
prevent themethods of
rebar from
reinforcement connection, there is no external force and heat exerted on the rebar, which can prevent
expansion deformation and residual stress. Additionally, the construction operation is convenient,
the rebar from expansion deformation and residual stress. Additionally, the construction operation
and the requirements on the construction precision, the quality of the construction workers, and the
is convenient, and the requirements on the construction precision, the quality of the construction
construction environment are not too high. The proposed bar splice sleeve is tested to be pulled out,
workers, and the construction environment are not too high. The proposed bar splice sleeve is tested
showing a failure mode of rebar outside the sleeve yielding and then being ruptured, which meets the
to be pulled out, showing a failure mode of rebar outside the sleeve yielding and then being ruptured,
requirements. The pull-out test is demonstrated in Figure 1b and the sleeve configuration is shown in
which meets the requirements. The pull-out test is demonstrated in Figure 1b and the sleeve
Figure 1c.
configuration is shown in Figure 1c.
The objective of this paper is to study the seismic performance of precast concrete columns with
The objective
grouted of thisbypaper
splice sleeves is to study
experiments, and the seismic
validate thatperformance
this kind of of precast
joint concrete
connection columns
of precast
with groutedhave
members splice
thesleeves by experiments,
same strength and validate
as cast-in-situ members.that this300
Four kindmm of joint
× 300connection of precast
mm prefabricated
with the samesplice
grouted strength
sleeve asconnections
two 300 Four
mm × 300 × 300 mmcolumns
300 mm cast-in-situ prefabricated
made. Through
columns low cyclic
with grouted splicerepeated loading and and
sleeve connections monotonic
two 300 mm ×tests,
loading 300 mmthe seismic performance
cast-in-situ columnsofare
the columns
made. Throughislow
compared between the
cyclic repeated prefabricated
loading ones and
and monotonic the cast-in-situ
loading tests, the ones,
seismicincluding the
load-displacement curve, crack load, yield load, ultimate load, ductility, stiffness,
of the columns is compared between the prefabricated ones and the cast-in-situ ones, including the etc. Based on the
comprehensive analysis
load-displacement of the load,
curve, crack experimental
yield load,results, someload,
ultimate recommendations on practical
ductility, stiffness, etc. Basedseismic
on the
design pertaining
comprehensive to theofprecast
analysis concrete members
the experimental results,connected by the grouted splice
some recommendations sleeve are
on practical proposed.
seismic design
pertaining to the precast concrete members connected by the grouted splice sleeve are proposed.
2. Test Setup
In this section, pseudo-static tests on four precast columns and two cast-in-situ columns have
been conducted. Through these tests, the seismic performance of the cast-in-situ columns has been
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2. Test Setup
In this section, pseudo-static tests on four precast columns and two cast-in-situ columns have
Sci. 2017, 7, 571Through these tests, the seismic performance of the cast-in-situ columns has been
4 of 20
compared with that of the precast columns. There are six specimens: four of them are prefabricated
compared with that of the precast columns. There are six specimens: four of them are prefabricated
columns whose numbers are 2#, 3#, 5#, and 7#, while other two specimens, 1# and 6#, are cast-in-situ
columns whose numbers are 2#, 3#, 5#, and 7#, while other two specimens, 1# and 6#, are cast-in-situ
columns set as the control group. The size and reinforcement of these two types of columns are shown
columns set as the control group. The size and reinforcement of these two types of columns are shown
in Figure 2, where “4D16” means that the number of steel bars is four, and the diameter of the steel
in Figure 2, where “4D16” means that the number of steel bars is four, and the diameter of the steel
bars is 16 mm. “D8@100” means that the diameter of the stirrups is 8 mm, and the spacing of the
bars is 16 mm. “D8@100” means that the diameter of the stirrups is 8 mm, and the spacing of the
stirrups is 100 mm.
stirrups is 100 mm.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Elevation of columns (distances in mm): (a) prefabricated column; (b) cast-in-situ column.
Figure 2. Elevation of columns (distances in mm): (a) prefabricated column; (b) cast-in-situ column.
Intensity grade of rebar used in the columns is HRB400 whose nominal yield strength is 400 MPa,
Intensity grade of rebar used in the columns is HRB400 whose nominal yield strength is 400 MPa,
and the diameter of the preformed hole is 45 mm.
and the diameter of the preformed hole is 45 mm.
Table 2. Actual cubic compressive strength f cu of the concrete and grout of the specimens.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Test apparatus.
Test apparatus.
3.1. TestPhenomenon
According tothethetest
underlow lowcyclic
the overallloading
processof ofthe
columnscan canbebedivided
dividedinto intotwo
namelythe theuncracking
stage and cracking stage. During the uncracking stage, there were no cracks
stage and cracking stage. During the uncracking stage, there were no cracks in the specimens and in the specimens andthethe
stress of the longitudinal steel bars was extremely small, which means that members
stress of the longitudinal steel bars was extremely small, which means that members are at the elastic are at the elastic
stage, andthetheinternal
resistedby bythe
concrete.At Atthe
longitudinal steel bars where cracks happened increased rapidly and many
longitudinal steel bars where cracks happened increased rapidly and many cracks appeared soon after. cracks appeared soon
after. Finally,
Finally, steel
steel bars at bars at the bottom
the bottom of the columns
of the columns began to began yield.
Under static load, the loading history of the columns isalso
Under static load, the loading history of the columns is divided
also divided into two
into twostages, namely
stages, namely the
yield stage and failure stage. At the yield stage, the longitudinal steel
the yield stage and failure stage. At the yield stage, the longitudinal steel bars of columns yielded bars of columns yielded
successively untilthetheload-carrying
up with the phenomenon that columns were destroyed seriously or
up with the phenomenon that columns were destroyed seriously or their load-carrying capability their load-carrying capability
dropped 85%of ofthetheultimate
Consideringthe thesimilarity
similarityof ofthe
phenomenaamong amongthesethese
specimens, only
specimens, only thethephenomena
phenomena of ofspecimen
specimen 1#,1#, 3#,
3#, 5#,
5#, and
and 6# 6# will
will be
illustrated at atlength
lengthin inthe
following section. The loading conditions of column 1#, 3#, 5#, and 6#
following section. The loading conditions of column 1#, 3#, 5#, and 6# are listed in Table 3. are listed in Table 3.
Table Loadingconditions
loadcycle during
cycle duringthethe
stage of low
stage of cyclic repeated
low cyclic loading.
repeated In the In
loading. second loadingloading
the second stage, a crack
appeared with thewith
a crack appeared width theofwidth
0.3 mm of after
0.3 mmtheafter
specimen was subjected
the specimen to the 53rd
was subjected cyclic
to the 53rdload.
In the failure stage, the tensile cracks developed obviously while the concrete in the compressive zone
was crushed. The detailed crack distribution and failure mode of column 1# are shown in Figure 5.
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failure stage, the tensile cracks developed obviously while the concrete in the compressive zone was
crushed. The detailed crack distribution and failure mode of column 1# are shown in Figure
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8 of 20
Figure 8. Cont.
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(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Cont.
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(c) (d)
Figure 9. (a) Crack distribution
(c) of the cast-in-situ columns; (b) crack distribution of the precast
(d)of the precast
Figure 9. (a) Crack distribution of the cast-in-situ columns; (b) crack distribution columns;
columns; (c) schematic of the first reason; (d) schematic of the second reason.
(c) Figure
schematic of the first reason; (d) schematic of the second reason.
9. (a) Crack distribution of the cast-in-situ columns; (b) crack distribution of the precast
columns; (c) schematic of the first reason; (d) schematic of the second reason.
It should be noted that although inclination appeared in some columns resulting from the low
It shouldstrength
compressive be notedofthat
the although inclination appeared
two-centimeter-thick mortar layerin some
betweencolumns resulting
the column foot from
and the low
It should
compressive be noted
strength of that
the although inclination mortar
two-centimeter-thick appeared in some
layer between columns
the resulting
column from
foot and the low
this problem can
compressive be avoided
strength in practical engineering
of the two-centimeter-thick if high-strength
mortar layer between the mortar
column is utilized.
foot and pedestal,
this problem can be avoided in practical engineering if high-strength mortar is utilized.
this problem can be avoided in practical engineering if high-strength mortar is utilized.
3.2. Discussion on Test Results
3.2. Discussion on Test Results
3.2. Discussion on Test Results
3.2.1. HysteresisLoops
3.2.1. Hysteresis Loops
3.2.1. Hysteresis Loops
The hysteresiscurve
curveshowsshowsthe thedeformation
structures(or (ormembers),
members),which which
providesThe anhysteresis
important curve shows
reference the
for deformation
analyzing their performance
seismic of structures
provides an important reference for analyzing their seismic performance. The geometrical shape The (or members),
geometrical which
shape of the
hysteresis an
the for analyzing
capacity of their
to be performance.
restored to The
their geometrical
original shape
status whenof the
the hysteresis loop represents the capacity of structures to be restored to their original status when
are removed. loop represents
Based on theon the capacity
shape the of structures to benot
restored to their original status when loads
loads are removed. Based the of
shape hysteresis curve,
of the hysteresis onlynot
curve, the seismic
only theperformance of structures
seismic performance of
are be
can removed. Based ondetermined
qualitatively the shape of the but hysteresis
also the curve, not only thecapability,
load-carrying seismic performance
stiffness, offailure
structures can be qualitatively determined but also the load-carrying capability, stiffness, failure status,
can be qualitatively
deformation, determined
ductility,energy-dissipating but also
energy-dissipating the load-carrying
ability, andnonlinear capability,
propertiesof stiffness,
ofstructures failure
structures status,
deformation, ductility, ability, and are totobe
obtained. In ductility,
this section,energy-dissipating
the typical ability,
specimens and
1# nonlinear
and 5# are properties
selected of
and structures
their are able
hysteresis to be are
InInthis section,
this 10
the typical specimens 1# and 5# are selected and their hysteresis loops are
the typical specimens 1# and 5# are selected and their hysteresis loops are
shown in
in inFigures
Figures and 11.
shown Figures1010and
(a) (b)(b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. Hysteresis loops of column 1#: (a) hysteresis loops at the preloading stage; (b) hysteresis
Figure 10. Hysteresis loops of column 1#: (a) hysteresis loops at the preloading stage; (b) hysteresis
loops at10.
first stage;loops of column
(c) hysteresis 1#: at
loops (a)the
hysteresis loops(d)
second stage; at hysteresis
the preloading
of the(b) hysteresis
overall cyclic
loops at the first stage; (c) hysteresis loops at the second stage; (d) hysteresis loops of the overall cyclic
loops at the first
loading process. stage; (c) hysteresis loops at the second stage; (d) hysteresis loops of the overall cyclic
loading process.
loading process.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Figure 11. Hysteresis loops of column 5#: (a) hysteresis loops at the preloading stage; (b) hysteresis
loops11. theHysteresis
first stage;loops of column
(c) hysteresis 5#: (a)the
loops hysteresis loops(d)
at the preloading
the(b) hysteresis
Figure Hysteresis loops of column 5#: at second stage;
(a) hysteresis loops athysteresis
the preloading of
stage;overall cyclic
(b) hysteresis
loops at
loading the first
process. stage; (c) hysteresis loops at the second stage; (d) hysteresis loops of the overall cyclic
loops at the first stage; (c) hysteresis loops at the second stage; (d) hysteresis loops of the overall cyclic
loading process.
loading process.
Several common features of the specimens are summarized as follows:
Several common features of the specimens are summarized as follows:
In thecommon
preload stage of low
features cyclic
of the repeatedare
specimens loading, the hysteresis
summarized loops are relatively full and
as follows:
(1) show
In theshuttle
preload stage of low cyclic repeated loading, the hysteresis
shapes, whereas in the first stage, the hysteresis loops begin loops
to are
show relatively full and
the rheostriction
(1) Ineffect shuttle
the preload shapes,
due to stage whereas
of low cyclic
the generation in the first
andrepeated stage,
development the
loading, hysteresis loops
the hysteresis
of cracks begin to
loops are
in the concrete. show the
In relatively rheostriction
the secondfull andthe
stage, show
shuttle due to the
rheostriction generation
effect of the andfirst
in curve
the development
stage, the
becomes of cracks
and in
obvious the thehysteresis
begin to In show
the present
loops second stage, the
the rheostriction
arch and
effect due Stoshapes.effect
the of the curve
generation and becomes
development obvious and theinhysteresis
of cracks loopsIn
the concrete. present arch and
the second stage,
(2) the
Under S
the load effect
with the same
of the level,
curve the areaobvious
becomes that theand
hysteresis loops envelop
the hysteresis is smaller
loops present and
arch and
(2) reversed
Under the
smaller, load withthat
shapes. thethesame level, the area that
energy-dissipating the hysteresis
capacity loops Moreover,
is degrading. envelop is thesmaller and
and thethat
area theenveloped
by the capacityloops
is degrading. Moreover, theboosting;
(2) Under the load with the same level, the areahysteresis
that the hysteresis is increasing with load
loops envelop is smaller and
meanwhile and the is
curve area enveloped
inclined to theby the hysteresis
displacement loops is increasing with load boosting;
smaller, indicating that the energy-dissipating capacity is degrading. Moreover, the residual
meanwhile the curve is inclined to the displacement axis.
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deformation and the area enveloped by the hysteresis loops is increasing with load boosting;
meanwhile the curve is inclined to the displacement axis.
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(3) For the loading curve, under the load with the same level, the displacement increases with the
(3) numbercurve,
For the loading of loops,
underwhile thewith
the load slope
theof the level,
same curvethediminishes,
displacementindicating the stiffness
increases with the
increasing of the specimens
number when
of loops, while thethey
of therepeated loads. indicating
curve diminishes, The curvetheslope reduces
degradation whenof the
the loading enters
specimens whenintothey
the second stage. Regarding
suffer repeated loads. Thethe unloading
curve curve, it has
slope reduces
the same changewhen law intheterms
loading enters
of the intoslope
curve the second
with thestage. Regarding
increasing the unloading
number of loops.curve,
When all
it has the same change law in terms of the curve slope with the increasing number
the loads are removed, there is a residual deformation in the specimens and it can be intensified of loops.
withWhen all the loads
the repeated are removed,
loading there is aprocess.
and unloading residual deformation in the specimens and it can be
intensified with the repeated loading and unloading process.
3.2.2. Load-Displacement Curves in the Failure Stage
3.2.2. Load-Displacement Curves in the Failure Stage
The typical load-displacement curves of column 1# and 5# in the failure and the whole loading
The typical load-displacement curves of column 1# and 5# in the failure and the whole loading
process are drawn
process as shown
are drawn in in
as shown Figure
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 12. Load-displacement curves: (a) column 1# in the failure stage; (b) column 1# in the whole
Figure 12. Load-displacement curves: (a) column 1# in the failure stage; (b) column 1# in the whole
loading process; (c) column 5# in the failure stage; (d) column 5# in the whole loading process.
loading process; (c) column 5# in the failure stage; (d) column 5# in the whole loading process.
The load-carrying capability of each specimen is displayed in Table 4. Columns 1# and 6# are
The specimens
load-carrying and their strengths
capability are basically
of each specimen isconsistent.
displayedThe in load-carrying
Table 4. Columns capability of the6# are
1# and
prefabricated columns 2#, 3#, and 7# varies due to insufficient grouting in their
cast-in-situ specimens and their strengths are basically consistent. The load-carrying capability of thesleeve connection,
which can be attributed to the strength of the cement mortar that is utilized to seal the edge being
prefabricated columns 2#, 3#, and 7# varies due to insufficient grouting in their sleeve connection,
inadequate. Furthermore, the grout with a higher strength than concrete leaks out and diffuses at the
which can be attributed to the strength of the cement mortar that is utilized to seal the edge being
column foot, leading to these specimens possessing different load-carrying capabilities. Column 2#
generatesFurthermore, the grout
in-plane inclination andwith a higher
the loading strength
direction than
at its concrete
failure stageleaks out and
is opposite diffuses
to that of theat the
columninclination, resulting in a higher load-carrying capability. On the contrary, column 7# also generates 2#
foot, leading to these specimens possessing different load-carrying capabilities. Column
generates in-plane
in-plane inclination
inclination and the loading
but its inclination direction
has the same at itswith
direction failure
that stage
of the is opposite
loading tofailure
at the that of the
inclination, resulting
phase, leading to in
lowa load-carrying
higher load-carrying
For column On3#,the contrary,
it inclines outcolumn
of plane7#butalso
in-plane load-carrying
inclination capability
but its among
inclination these
has the specimens.
same directionThe possible
with thatrelevant
of thecauses for that
loading at themayfailure
be: (1) the severe out-of-plane inclination may give rise to the smaller axial
phase, leading to low load-carrying capability. For column 3#, it inclines out of plane but has the force exerted on the
largest (2) a greatcapability
load-carrying deal of grout leaksthese
among out, and finally theThe
specimens. high-strength mortar replaces
possible relevant causes forconcrete to be:
that may
bear the compression. As for column 5#, it is grouted sufficiently because of no grout running out,
(1) the severe out-of-plane inclination may give rise to the smaller axial force exerted on the column;
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(2) a great deal of grout leaks out, and finally the high-strength mortar replaces concrete to bear the
compression. As for column 5#, it is grouted sufficiently because of no grout running out, and finally,
its yield capacity is 80% that of the cast-in-situ columns and its ultimate load-carrying capability is
70% that of the cast-in-situ columns.
Specimen Cracking Load (kN) Yield Load (kN) Ultimate Load (kN)
1# (cast in situ) 25.43 47.45 54.19
2# 27.57 48.60 59.81
3# 28.54 47.77 65.55
5# 27.38 37.54 40.53
6# (cast in situ) 26.17 47.87 56.29
7# 27.04 28.93 39.76
|+ Pi | + |− Pi |
Ki = (1)
|+∆i | + |−∆i |
where Ki means the secant stiffness of the specimen under the ith level load; + Pi , − Pi are the peak
load values of the first circulation under the ith level load and +∆i , −∆i are their corresponding
displacements. Due to the small number of load levels in the low cyclic repeated loading stage,
the stiffness degradation in the failure stage is considered simultaneously, and the stiffness value is
obtained from Equation (2) whose calculated results can qualitatively reflect the change tendency of
stiffness degradation during the whole loading process.
K= (2)
Calculate the stiffness value of specimens at each loading stage, including initial stiffness K30 ,
cracking stiffness Kcr , yield stiffness Ky , and ultimate stiffness Ku . Since the reading of the displacement
sensor has a large relative error at the beginning of the test, the secant stiffness at the end of the first
stage of the low cyclic repeated loading is regarded as the initial stiffness K30 , and the secant stiffness
at the end of the second stage of the low cyclic repeated loading is denoted as K130 . Then calculate the
relative stiffness of K130 , Kcr , Ky , and Ku with respect to K30 . The stiffness of each specimen at each
loading stage is shown in Table 5. It can be concluded from Table 5 that the cast-in-situ columns have
a faster velocity of stiffness degradation. Column 5# has the most successful grouting and its stiffness
degradation process after yielding is similar with that of the cast-in-situ columns.
Specimen K30 K130 K130 /K30 Kcr Kcr /K30 Ky Ky /K30 Ku Ku /K30
1# (cast in situ) 40.37 14.21 35.20% 11.26 27.89% 6.17 15.28% 2.52 6.24%
2# 47.9 33.57 70.08% 22.58 47.14% 18.71 37.93% 6.68 13.95%
3# 43.96 28.14 64.01% 21.03 47.84% 16.64 37.85% 3.98 8.00%
5# 38.81 26.81 69.07% 23.59 60.78% 6.90 17.78% 3.78 9.74%
6# (cast in situ) 87.48 27.39 31.31% 20.32 23.23% 12.87 14.72% 4.87 5.57%
7# 48.02 23.34 48.59% 21.77 45.33% 14.99 31.22% 4.14 8.62%
For the sake of comparing and analyzing, the stiffness degradation curves of each specimen
are drawn in the same coordinate system shown in Figure 13. It is shown that the stiffness of the
Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 571 15 of 20
specimens is relatively large at the first stage of low cyclic repeated loading, while it diminishes as
the number
Appl. of571
Sci. 2017, 7, loops
increases. At the second stage, since cracks appear and propagate, steel 15bars
of 20
would slip longitudinally with respect to the adjacent concrete. Meanwhile, the velocity of stiffness
degradation accelerates
accelerates caused
caused byby the plastic deformation
the plastic deformation that
that occurred
occurred in
in the
the concrete.
concrete. After the
After the
specimens achieve
achieve yield
yield stress,
stress, the
the stiffness
stiffness is
is reduced
reduced further
further but
but its
its velocity
velocity begins
begins to
to slow
slow down,
and finally the stiffness degradation tends to be steady.
and finally the stiffness degradation tends to be steady.
Figure 14.
14. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram of
of computing
computing the
the viscous
viscous damping
damping coefficient.
The viscous damping coefficient hee is one of the main indexes that reflects the structural ability
The viscous damping coefficient h is one of the main indexes that reflects the structural ability to
to dissipate energy. Specifically, it can ebe calculated by Equation (3) [42]:
dissipate energy. Specifically, it can be calculated by Equation (3) [42]:
1 Area ( ABC + CDA)
hee = 1 ⋅ Area ( ABC + CDA)
he = 2π · Area (OBE + ODF ) (3)
2π Arearea (OBE + ODF )
The viscous damping coefficients hee of six specimens in terms of certain loading cycles are
shown in Table 6, by which the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) Since force-controlling loading is adopted, at the same level of the load, the stiffness reduces as
the circle times increases, leading to a smaller viscous damping coefficient and a worse capacity
of energy dissipation.
Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 571 16 of 20
The viscous damping coefficients he of six specimens in terms of certain loading cycles are shown
in Table 6, by which the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) Since force-controlling loading is adopted, at the same level of the load, the stiffness reduces as
the circle times increases, leading to a smaller viscous damping coefficient and a worse capacity
of energy dissipation.
(2) The energy dissipation capacity of the specimens changes significantly in the first stage of low
cyclic repeated loading and the specimens tend to lose the ability to dissipate energy in the whole
second stage.
(3) The specimen 5# grouted successfully with little grout leaking out has the largest viscous damping
coefficients. Generally speaking, the prefabricated specimens have larger viscous damping
coefficients than that of the cast-in-situ specimens, which demonstrates that the prefabricated
columns have better performance on dissipating energy.
Cycle Index
1 3 34 133
1# (cast in situ) 0.153 0.123 0.049 0.011
2# 0.183 0.164 0.073 0.059
3# 0.145 0.128 0.039 0.024
5# 0.249 0.171 0.067 0.047
6# (cast in situ) 0.188 0.168 0.016 0.045
7# 0.191 0.230 0.027 0.047
3.2.5. Ductility
Ductility refers to the ability of a section to deform beyond its yield point without a significant
strength loss, which is one of the essential indexes that reflect the inelastic deformation capacity
of structures, members, and materials, and that evaluates the structural seismic performance.
If a structure or a member has a strong inelastic deformation ability after yielding, it has a good
ductility and ductile failure mode, but if not, brittle failure may happen more easily.
According to the deformation types that ductility represents, ductility is mainly categorized
into the following four classifications: strain ductility, curvature ductility, rotation ductility,
and displacement ductility. For displacement ductility, it is defined as the ratio of the ultimate
displacement to the yield displacement. This paper utilizes the displacement ductility of the column
end for analysis, denoted as µ∆ , which is expressed as follows:
µ∆ = (4)
where ∆u denotes the effective horizontal displacement of the column when the horizontal loads
imposed on the specimens begin to decline while the horizontal displacement continuously increases;
∆y denotes the effective horizontal displacement of the column when the specimens yield. The effective
horizontal displacement is obtained from the displacement at the top of column minus the displacement
of the pedestal.
Based on Table 7, it is shown that all of the four prefabricated columns have a displacement
ductility coefficient of the column end larger than 3.2, which satisfies the general regulation that the
displacement ductility coefficient of the frame column should be larger than 2.0 [43], indicating that
the prefabricated columns possess good ductility.
Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 571 17 of 20
In conclusion, the prefabricated columns not only have high load-carrying capability but also have
good ductility and energy-dissipating capacity, which meets the earthquake-resistant requirements.
Through the experimental study, some important conclusions can be drawn as follows:
(1) According to the hysteresis loops of the specimens, the hysteresis curves of both the cast-in-situ
columns and prefabricated columns have changed from plump shuttle shapes to reversed S
shapes with the reduced pinch phenomenon.
(2) As for the load-carrying capability and stiffness, the cracking load of the prefabricated columns
is almost identical with that of the cast-in-situ columns. Take the fully grouted specimen
5# for example; its yield load and ultimate load are slightly less than that of the cast-in-situ
columns. Furthermore, the stiffness of the prefabricated columns degrades slower than that of
the cast-in-situ columns.
(3) Based on the viscous damping coefficient and displacement ductility, the behavior of energy
dissipation of the prefabricated columns is close to that of the cast-in-situ columns, indicating
that the prefabricated columns have satisfactory energy-dissipating capacity.
(4) The ultimate displacement angle of the prefabricated columns is between 1/104 and 1/54, which
satisfies the requirements of the code for seismic design on columns under rare earthquake [44].
(1) Stirrups should be configured in the range of the sleeve height to improve the compression
capacity of concrete. Furthermore, the sleeve shall be further optimized in terms of configuration,
in order to prevent the grouting material from clogging and to ensure that the installation of the
sleeve has no effect on the fixing of reinforcement.
(2) The interface between the column body and pedestal, including the side, top, and bottom surfaces
of the prefabricated members can be roughened, and the minimum exposed height of the coarse
aggregate should be specified. Moreover, the preset slot with the thickness of 20 mm between
the column body and pedestal should be sealed by high-strength grouting material, which can
effectively prevent the grout from leaking out as well as improve the load-carrying capability.
(3) Grouting material should possess high strength, high liquidity, and long initial setting time.
However, the grouting material with high strength may lead to low plasticity. It is recommended
to produce the modified grouting material with more significant performance according to the
requirements of the corresponding regulations, on the premise that the compressive strength can
attain 100 MPa within 7 days.
Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 571 18 of 20
4. Conclusions
In this paper, the pseudo-static tests of both the precast columns using grouted splice sleeves to
connect steel bars and the cast-in-situ columns have been conducted. According to the analysis and
discussion of the test results in the above sections, several main conclusions are drawn as follows:
(1) The failure modes between the prefabricated columns and cast-in-situ columns are basically
the same, which are both bending failure. The cracks widen visibly at the tensile edge of the
concrete, and the columns fail by crushing of the concrete in the compressive zone and tensile
yielding of the vertical reinforcement bars in the tensile zone. The ultimate displacement angle
of the prefabricated columns are between 1/104 and 1/54, which satisfies the regulation in rare
earthquake situations and demonstrates that the grouted splice sleeve is reliable in the connection
between the prefabricated members.
(2) For the cast-in-situ columns, there is a horizontal interconnected crack in the interface between
the column foot and pedestal, while for the prefabricated columns, horizontal cracks appear
above the sleeve, and then develop into diagonal cracks, and finally, many cracks with large
width form within the range of height of 300 mm above the column foot.
(3) The horizontal load-displacement curves of the prefabricated columns are basically the same
with those of the cast-in-situ columns. The energy-dissipation capacity and ductility of
the prefabricated columns are better than those of the cast-in-situ columns. Furthermore,
the load-carrying capability of the prefabricated columns is lower than that of the cast-in-situ
columns, whereas their stiffness degradation is slower than that of the cast-in-situ columns.
Acknowledgments: Financial support from the National Key Research and Development Program of China
(2016YFC0701101) is highly appreciated. This work is also supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for
the Central Government Supported Universities. The support from Shanghai Livable Building Science and
Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, and Shanghai Vanke Real Estate Co. Ltd. are
also appreciated.
Author Contributions: Zheng Lu conceived the experiments and wrote the paper; Zixin Wang performed the
experiments and analyzed the data; Jianbao Li proposed the method, conceived and designed the experiments,
and revised the paper; Biao Huang helped to analyze the experimental data and revised the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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