Kel 12, Bahasa Inggris

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Kelompok 12


Structured to fulfill one of the tasks

Subject : Economic English

Supporting Lecturer : M. Zainal Arifin, M. Hum.

Oleh :

NIM: 2214120133

NIM: 2214120055


NIM: 2214120098


ACADEMIC YEAR 2023 M / 1445 H

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Praise and thanks are always addressed to the presence of Allah SWT,
because of His abundance of mercy, grace, and guidance so that the writer can finish
this paper on time. Shalawat and greetings may always be devoted to the Prophet
Muhammad SAW and his family, friends and followers until the end of time.

On this occasion the author will discuss a paper entitled “NOUN CLAUSE
CONCEPT”. The writing of this paper aims to fulfill one of the assignments given
by Mr. M. Zainal Arifin, M.Hum. as a Supervisor for the Economics English

This paper is written from the results of compiling data obtained from
various references such as books or other literature. The author realizes that this
paper isfar from perfect, therefore constructive criticis m and suggestions are
expected for the perfection of this paper.

The author hopes that this paper can be useful for writers and readers and
can provide broader insights for all parties who need it. Aminn.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Palangka Raya, September 2023



COVER ..............................................................................................................

FOREWORD ..................................................................................................... ii

LIST OF CONTENS ......................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 1
A. Background of The Paper (Latar Belakang) ........................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation (Rumusan Masalah) ............................................. 2
C. Purpose of The Paper (Tujuan Penulisan)............................................... 2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................ 3
A. Definition of The Loan (Definisi Pinjaman) ........................................... 3
B. Loan Law in Islam (Hukum Pinjaman dalam Islam) .............................. 4
C. The Meaning of Noun (Pengertian Noun) .............................................. 7
D. Noun in Loan Text (Noun pada Kalimat Loan) ...................................... 11
E. 10 Questions and Answers in This Paper (10 Pertanyaan dan Jawaban
Pada Makalah) ......................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................ 16

A. Conclusing (Kesimpulan)........................................................................ 16
B. Suggestions (Saran)……………………………………………………. 17

BIBILIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 18



A. Background of The Paper (Latar Belakang)

Loan is a common practice in modern society, where individuals and

businesses borrow money from financial institutions or other sources to
meet their financial needs. However, in the Islamic perspective, loan has a
different meaning and principles. In Islam, loan is known as Qardhul Hasan,
which means a benevolent loan given without interest and collateral. Loan
in Islam must comply with the principles of Shariah, which prohibits the
charging of interest or any additional fees on the loan.1 Instead, Islamic
finance offers various forms of financing, such as mudharabah, musyarakah,
and syariah financing, which are based on the principles of profit and loss
sharing and cooperation. The purpose of these principles is to promote
justice and balance in economic activities, as well as to prevent the
exploitation of the weak by the strong. Therefore, loan in Islam is not just a
financial transaction, but also a moral and ethical obligation to help others
in need. (Pinjaman adalah praktik umum dalam masyarakat modern, di
mana individu dan bisnis meminjam uang dari lembaga keuangan atau
sumber lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keuangan mereka. Namun dalam
perspektif Islam, pinjaman mempunyai arti dan prinsip yang berbeda.
Dalam Islam, pinjaman dikenal dengan istilah Qardhul Hasan yang berarti
pinjaman kebajikan yang diberikan tanpa bunga dan jaminan. Pinjaman
dalam Islam harus mematuhi prinsip-prinsip Syariah, yang melarang
pembebanan bunga atau biaya tambahan apa pun atas pinjaman. Sebaliknya,
keuangan Islam menawarkan berbagai bentuk pembiayaan, seperti
pembiayaan mudharabah, musyarakah, dan syariah, yang didasarkan pada
prinsip bagi hasil dan kerjasama. Tujuan dari prinsip-prinsip ini adalah
untuk memajukan keadilan dan keseimbangan dalam kegiatan ekonomi,

Daud Rasyid. 2020. Interest Loan in The Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence, in
“SALAM Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar I”. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

serta mencegah eksploitasi pihak yang lemah oleh pihak yang kuat. Oleh
karena itu, pinjaman dalam Islam bukan sekedar transaksi keuangan, tetapi
juga kewajiban moral dan etika untuk membantu orang lain yang

B. Problem Formulation (Rumusan Masalah)

So that the discussion in this paper is more focused, authors needs
to identify the problem formulation as follows(Agar pembahasan dalam
makalah ini lebih terarah, penulis perlu mengidentifikasi rumusan masalah
sebagai berikut):
a. What is definition of loan?
b. How loan law in Islam?
c. What is the meaning of noun?

C. Tujuan Penulisan
From the problem formulation above, the purpose of writings this
paper is as follows(dari rumusan masalah diatas, maka tujuan penulisan
makalah ini yaitu sebagai beriku):
a. To understand the definition of loan.
b. To understand how loan law in Islam
c. To understand meaning of noun.


A. Definition of The Loan

Loan is a financial transaction in which a borrower obtains a certain
amount of money or a specific asset from a lender with the agreement that
the borrower will repay this amount at an agreed-upon time, often
accompanied by the payment of interest or additional profit. It is a primary
form of borrowing within the financial system and can be used for various
purposes, including financing the purchase of a home, education, business,
or other personal needs. (Loan adalah suatu transaksi keuangan di mana
peminjam (borower) meminjam sejumlah uang atau aset tertentu dari
pemberi pinjaman (lender) dengan persetujuan bahwa peminjam akan
mengembalikan jumlah tersebut pada waktu yang telah ditentukan bersama,
seringkali disertai dengan pembayaran bunga atau keuntungan tambahan.
Ini adalah bentuk utama dari pinjaman dalam sistem keuangan dan dapat
digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan, termasuk membiayai pembelian rumah,
pendidikan, bisnis, atau kebutuhan pribadi lainnya).
It's important to understand that the key characteristic of a loan is
the obligation to repay the borrowed funds or assets, which can be in the
form of cash or valuable items. In addition, there is also the concept of
interest or additional profit that may be charged to the borrower as
compensation to the lender for the use of these funds or assets. The interest
or additional profit can vary depending on the type of loan, the interest rate,
and other terms and conditions. (Penting untuk memahami bahwa
karakteristik utama dari loan adalah kewajiban untuk mengembalikan dana
atau aset yang dipinjamkan. Ini bisa berbentuk uang tunai atau barang
berharga. Selain itu, ada juga konsep bunga atau keuntungan tambahan yang
dapat dikenakan kepada peminjam sebagai kompensasi kepada pemberi
pinjaman atas penggunaan dana atau aset tersebut. Bunga atau keuntungan

tambahan ini bisa berbeda-beda tergantung pada jenis loan, tingkat suku
bunga, dan persyaratan lainnya).
Loans can be provided by various financial institutions, including
banks, credit institutions, or individuals. There are also specific types of
loans, such as personal loans, mortgages, car loans, education loans, and
many others, each with its own characteristics and requirements. (Loans
dapat diberikan oleh berbagai institusi keuangan, termasuk bank, lembaga
kredit, atau individu. Terdapat juga jenis-jenis khusus loan, seperti pinjaman
pribadi, hipotek, pinjaman mobil, pinjaman pendidikan, dan banyak
lainnya, yang masing-masing memiliki karakteristik dan persyaratan
Loans are an important financial instrument in many people's daily
lives, but they should be managed wisely to avoid financial problems that
can arise if not handled properly. (Loan merupakan instrumen keuangan
yang penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari banyak orang, namun perlu
dikelola dengan bijak untuk menghindari masalah keuangan yang dapat
timbul jika tidak dikelola dengan baik).

B. Loan Law in Islam (Hukum Loan dalam Islam)

From an Islamic legal perspective, loans are permitted as long as
they do not violate sharia principles, such as the prohibition of usury. In
Islamic law, online loans are also permitted as long as the borrower follows
the restrictions provided in the form of loan conditions.2 However, there are
different views among ulama regarding loan practices that involve a fine
system, because they are considered a form of usury.3 Therefore, before
taking out a loan, borrowers should understand the applicable terms and
conditions and ensure that the loan practices do not violate sharia principles.
(Dalam perspektif hukum Islam, pinjaman atau loan diperbolehkan selama

Ramadhani Putri. 2022. Tinjauan Hukum Islam Tentang Pinjaman Online,
in "Jurnal Insitusi Politeknik Ganesha Medan". Medan.

tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip syariah, seperti larangan riba. Dalam
hukum Islam, pinjaman online juga diperbolehkan selama pihak peminjam
mengikuti batasan-batasan yang diberikan dalam bentuk syarat pinjaman.
Namun, terdapat pandangan yang berbeda-beda di kalangan ulama
mengenai praktik loan yang melibatkan sistem denda, karena dianggap
sebagai bentuk riba. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya sebelum mengambil loan,
peminjam perlu memahami syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku serta
memastikan bahwa praktik loan tersebut tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip
Lending and borrowing relationships are not prohibited, in fact it is
recommended that a mutually beneficial relationship occur which ultimately
results in a relationship of brotherhood4. Loans in Islam must comply with
sharia principles, such as not containing elements of usury, gharar and
maysir. Loans in Islam must also be made according to sharia principles,
whether online or offline. (hubungan pinjam-meminjam tidak dilarang,
bahkan dianjurkan agar terjadi hubungan saling menguntungkan yang pada
akhirnya membuahkan hubungan persaudaraan. Pinjaman dalam Islam
harus memenuhi prinsip-prinsip syariah, seperti tidak mengandung unsur
riba, gharar, dan maysir).
Loan in Islam have certain conditions, Here are some main
conditions of Loan (Loan dalam Islam memiliki syarat-syarat tertentu,
Berikut adalah beberapa syarat utamanya):
1. Consent: The borrower and lender must agree voluntarily on
the terms of the loan. The justification is the verse from the
Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:282) which states, "O you
who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified
term, write it down." (Persetujuan: Peminjam dan pemberi
pinjaman harus sepakat secara sukarela terhadap syarat-
syarat pinjaman. Dalilnya adalah firman Allah dalam Al-

dalam-islam-jangan-sampai-terlena, accessed on date 12th Sept, 2023.

Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah (2:282) yang mengatakan, "Hai
orang-orang yang beriman, apabila kamu bermu'amalah
tidak secara tunai untuk waktu yang ditentukan, hendaklah
kamu menuliskannya.").
2. No Usury (Interest): Borrowing and lending in Islam must
be free from usury or interest. The justification is the
prohibition of usury in many verses of the Quran, one of
which is Surah Al-Baqarah (2:275) which declares, "But
Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest." (Tidak
Ada Riba (Bunga): Pinjam meminjam dalam Islam harus
bebas dari riba atau bunga. Dalilnya adalah larangan riba
dalam banyak ayat Al-Qur'an, salah satunya adalah Surah
Al-Baqarah (2:275) yang menyatakan, "Tetapi Allah telah
menghalalkan jual beli dan mengharamkan riba.").
3. Transparency and Honesty: The parties involved must be
honest in the loan transaction, including disclosing the
amount borrowed or given. This aligns with the Islamic
teaching that condemns dishonesty. (Keterbukaan dan
Kejujuran: Para pihak harus jujur dalam transaksi pinjaman,
termasuk dalam menyebutkan jumlah yang dipinjam atau
diberikan. Ini sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yang mengecam
4. Specified Term: The loan must have a clear repayment
period. This is to avoid uncertainty and potential disputes in
the future. (Jangka Waktu yang Ditentukan: Pinjaman harus
memiliki jangka waktu pengembalian yang jelas. Ini untuk
menghindari ketidakpastian dan potensi perselisihan di masa
5. Obedience: The borrower must fulfill the loan commitment
as agreed upon. This is in line with the general Islamic
principle of fulfilling promises and commitments. (Sifat

Taat: Peminjam harus taat dalam melunasi pinjamannya
sesuai dengan kesepakatan. Dalilnya adalah ajaran umum
dalam Islam tentang memenuhi janji dan komitmen).
6. Blessing: Borrowing and lending transactions should be
done with good intentions and proper purposes, not for
excessive gain. The justification lies in the concept of
blessings in Islam. (Blessing: Borrowing and lending
transactions should be done with good intentions and proper
purposes, not for excessive gain. The justification lies in the
concept of blessings in Islam.)

C. The Meaning of Noun

Noun is a word used to name people, objects, animals, places and
abstract concepts. This English noun is one of the eight parts of speech.
(Noun adalah suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menamai orang, benda,
hewan, tempat, dan konsep abstrak. Kata benda bahasa Inggris ini
merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.)
Apart from being simple – consisting of only one word – this word
may take the form of a phrase: noun phrase (my bag, a letter put on my bag).
A noun phrase is a combination phrase between a noun (as the core) and a
modifier. Nouns may also collaborate with other parts of speech to form
words with new meanings called compound nouns (waterfall, roadshow).
(Selain berbentuk sederhana –hanya terdiri dari satu kata– kata ini mungkin
berbentuk frasa: noun phrase (my bag, a letter put on my bag). Noun phrase
merupakan frasa kombinasi antara noun (sebagai inti) dengan modifier.
Kata benda juga mungkin berkolaborasi dengan part of speech lain
membentuk kata dengan makna baru yang disebut compound noun
(waterfall, roadshow)).
In a sentence, nouns can function as:

 subject of a sentence (contoh kalimat: Tommy has run the
company since 1993.)
 subject / object complement (contoh kalimat: She is a
 direct / indirect object (contoh kalimat: You hit the nail on the
 object of a preposition (contoh kalimat: She was walking on
the street when she was attacked.)

Macam beserta contoh noun antara lain sebagai berikut:

 Countable dan Uncountable Noun: countable merupakan kata

benda yang dapat dihitung (tomato ~ tomatoes, man ~ men),
sebaliknya, uncountable tidak dapat dihitung (cheese, sugar).
 Proper dan Common Noun: proper merupakan penggolongan
kata benda secara spesifik dimana menggunakan huruf kapital
pada huruf awalnya (Jakarta, Gramedia),
sedangkan common secara umum (city, shop).
 Abstract dan Concrete Noun: abstract merupakan kata benda
yang tidak dapat diamati dengan panca indra (love, romance).
Kebalikannya, concrete dapat diamati dengan panca indra (book,
 Collective Noun: untuk menyatakan suatu nama kelompok atau
kumpulan (class, deer).

In English we know eight parts of speech, namely verb, noun,

adjective, adverb, determiner, pronoun, conjunction and preposition.
Among the eight parts of speech, the existence of a noun is very important,
because a noun has the ability to carry out an action or be subjected to an
action. Nouns are nouns in English that are used to represent the names of
people, objects, animals, ideas and so on. Therefore, nouns are an important
part of a sentence. Within nouns there are two main types of nouns, namely

abstract nouns and concrete nouns, then concrete nouns are divided into
several types of nouns such as common nouns, proper nouns, collective
nouns, material nouns and also compound nouns. (Di dalam bahasa inggris
kita mengenal delapan part of speech yaitu verb, noun, adjective, adverb,
determiner, pronoun, conjunction dan preposition. Di antara delapan part of
speech tersebut, keberadaan Noun sangat penting, karena Noun mempunyai
kemampuan untuk melakukan suatu tindakan atau pun yang dikenai sebuah
tindakan. Noun adalah kata benda dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan
untuk mewakili nama orang, benda, hewan, gagasan dan lain-lain. Oleh
karena itu, noun merupakan bagian penting dari sebuah kalimat. Di dalam
noun terdapat dua jenis noun utama, yaitu abstract noun dan concrete noun,
kemudian concrete noun dibagi kembali menjadi beberapa jenis noun
seperti common noun, proper noun, collective noun, material noun dan juga
compound noun.)

Nouns are words used to indicate the names of people, places, things,
inanimate/living objects, qualities, ideas, etc. Noun is one of the parts of
speech which is one of the elements in English grammar (English grammar).
(Nouns (kata benda atau nomina) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk
menunjukkan nama orang, tempat, hal, benda mati/ hidup, kualitas, gagasan,
dll. Noun merupakan salah satu bagian dari parts of speech yang merupakan
salah satu elemen dalam grammar bahasa inggris (tata bahasa inggris)).

Bentuk-bentuk Nouns
1. Concrete Nouns
Concrete nouns yaitu kata benda yang berwujud, dapat dilihat
atau disentuh. Contohnya: gold, iron, table, chair, dog, cat, book,
pencil, pen, car, etc. Contoh kalimat:
 I bought a new book.
 She washes her car every afternoon.
 He borrows my pencil.

 I really love this cat.
 The chair in my room is broken.

2. Abstract Nouns
Abstract nouns yaitu kata benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau di
sentuh. Contohnya: agreement, kindness, statement,honesty, complaint,
etc. Contoh kalimat:
 Thank you for your kindness.
 His statement is very explicit
 We have new agreement with our client from Dubai.
 I appreciate your honesty, you are a loyal man.
 I have a complaint from my customer.
Macam-macam Nouns
1. Proper Nouns (Kata Benda Nama Diri)
Contohnya: Adam, Surabaya, Medan, New York, Miami, New Orleans,
Detroit, etc. Contoh kalimat:
 I go to Surabaya twice a week.
 New York is a big city.
 I visit my grandmother in New Orleans today.
 She gives Adam a new car.
 They have lived in Detroit for 4 years.

2. Common Nouns (Kata Benda Umum)

Contohnya: stone (batu), iron (besi), diamond (berlian), sand (pasir),
water (air), etc. Contoh kalimat:
 I hit that guy with a stone.
 We need more iron for producing stuff.
 My mother buys a diamond for my sister.
 The children play sand in the beach.
 I drink water when I’m thirsty.

3. Collective Nouns (Kata Benda Kumpulan)
Contohnya: group (grup), club (klub), class (kelas), etc.
 I join with the new club.
 I study English in the class every Wednesday and Friday.
 This group is very compact.

D. Noun in Loan Text (Noun dalam Kalimat Loan)

Some examples of nouns in the sentences above are:
1. In the sentence “Loan is a common practice in modern society,
where individuals and businesses borrow money from
financial institutions or other sources to meet their financial
needs.” Nouns in the sentence are “Loan(Pinjaman),
Practice(Praktik), Society(Masyarakat),
Individuals(Individu), Businesses(Bisnis), Money(Uang),
Financial Institutions(Lembaga Keuangan), Sources(Sumber),
and Needs(Kebutuhan)”.
2. In the sentence “From an Islamic legal perspective, loans are
permitted as long as they do not violate sharia principles, such
as the prohibition of usury.” Nouns in the sentence are
“Perspective(Perspektif), Loans(Pinjaman), Sharia
Principles(Prinsip Sariah), Prohibition (Laramgan),
3. In the sentence “Therefore, before taking out a loan, borrowers
should understand the applicable terms and conditions and
ensure that the loan practices do not violate sharia principles.”
Nouns in the sentence are “Loan(Pinjaman),
Transaction(Transaksi), Obligation(Kewajiban),
Help(Bantuan), Need(Kebutuhan), Ethical Obligation
(Kewajiban Etis), Moral Obligation(Kewajiban Moral).

E. 10 Questions and Answers in This Paper (10 Pertanyaan dan Jawaban
Pada Makalah)
1. What is the view of Islamic scholars on the practice of loans
involving a fine system in the context of Islamic law, and why do
their views differ? (Apa pandangan ulama tentang praktik pinjaman
yang melibatkan sistem denda dalam konteks hukum Islam, dan
mengapa pandangan mereka berbeda?)
= Some scholars may argue that loans with a penalty system can be
acceptable as long as they adhere to certain limits in accordance with
Islamic principles. While others may consider such practices closer
to usury and therefore prohibited. These differences in opinion can
also be influenced by cultural, regional factors, and the evolution of
financial practices. (Beberapa ulama mungkin berpendapat bahwa
pinjaman dengan sistem denda dapat diterima selama mereka
mematuhi batasan-batasan tertentu sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip
Islam. Sementara yang lain mungkin menganggap praktik tersebut
lebih mirip dengan riba (usury) dan oleh karena itu dilarang.
Perbedaan pendapat ini juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor budaya,
regional, dan perkembangan praktik keuangan.)
2. What are the key characteristics of a loan and how does the concept
of interest or additional profit play a role in it? (Apa yang menjadi
karakteristik kunci dari sebuah pinjaman dan bagaimana konsep
bunga atau keuntungan tambahan berperan dalamnya?)
= The key characteristics of a loan are the obligation to repay the
borrowed funds or assets, which can be in the form of cash or
valuable items. Additionally, there is the concept of interest or
additional profit that may be charged to the borrower as
compensation to the lender for the use of these funds or assets. The
interest rate or additional profit can vary depending on the type of
loan, the interest rate, and other terms and conditions. (Karakteristik
kunci dari sebuah pinjaman adalah kewajiban untuk mengembalikan

dana atau aset yang dipinjam, yang dapat berupa uang tunai atau
barang berharga. Selain itu, ada juga konsep bunga atau keuntungan
tambahan yang dapat dikenakan kepada peminjam sebagai
kompensasi kepada pemberi pinjaman atas penggunaan dana atau
aset tersebut. Tingkat bunga atau keuntungan tambahan dapat
bervariasi tergantung pada jenis pinjaman, tingkat bunga, dan
syarat-syarat lainnya.)
3. Where can we obtain loans, and what are the different types of loans
available? (Di mana kita bisa mendapatkan pinjaman, dan apa saja
jenis-jenis pinjaman yang ada?)
= Loans can be obtained from various financial institutions,
including banks, credit institutions, or individuals. There are also
specific types of loans, such as personal loans, mortgages, car loans,
education loans, and many others, each with its own characteristics
and requirements. (Pinjaman dapat diperoleh dari berbagai lembaga
keuangan, termasuk bank, lembaga kredit, atau individu. Selain itu,
ada juga jenis-jenis pinjaman tertentu seperti pinjaman pribadi,
hipotek, pinjaman mobil, pinjaman pendidikan, dan banyak lainnya,
masing-masing dengan karakteristik dan persyaratan sendiri.)
4. How can loans be managed wisely to avoid financial problems that
may arise if not handled properly? (Bagaimana cara mengelola
pinjaman dengan bijak untuk menghindari masalah keuangan yang
dapat timbul jika tidak dikelola dengan baik?)
= To manage loans wisely and prevent financial problems: Create a
budget to track your money, Understand your loan terms, like
interest rates, Pay your loans on time to avoid extra fees, Save for
emergencies so you don't need more loans, Only borrow what you
really need, Compare loan offers to find the best one, Keep an eye
on your credit report, and Get help if you're struggling with finances.
(Untuk mengelola pinjaman dengan bijak dan mencegah masalah
keuangan: Buat anggaran untuk melacak uang Anda, Pahami syarat-

syarat pinjaman Anda, seperti tingkat bunga, Bayar pinjaman tepat
waktu untuk menghindari biaya tambahan, Simpan uang darurat
agar Anda tidak perlu meminjam lagi, Hanya pinjamkan uang yang
benar-benar Anda butuhkan, Bandingkan tawaran pinjaman untuk
menemukan yang terbaik, Pantau laporan kredit Anda, dan dapatkan
bantuan jika Anda mengalami kesulitan keuangan).
5. How should someone understand the terms and conditions that apply
before taking out a loan within the framework of Islamic Sharia
principles? (Bagaimana seseorang seharusnya memahami syarat dan
ketentuan yang berlaku sebelum mengambil pinjaman dalam
kerangka prinsip-prinsip syariah Islam?)
= Before taking a loan, one should Study the Terms Carefully,
Consult with Scholars, Avoid Usury, Ensure Financial
Transparency, Manage Wisely, Fulfill Obligations, Understand
Risks, and Avoid Deception. (Sebelum mengambil pinjaman,
seseorang hendaknya Pelajari Syarat-Syarat dengan Teliti,
Konsultasi dengan Ulama, Hindari Riba, Transparansi Finansial,
Kelola dengan bijak, Penuhi kewajiban, Pahami resiko, Hindari
6. Why are nouns one of the most important elements in a sentence?
(Mengapa kata benda merupakan salah satu unsur terpenting dalam
sebuah kalimat?)
= They refer to places, objects and people and the more sophisticated
abstract concepts. (mereka mengacu pada tempat, objek dan orang
serta konsep abstrak yang lebih canggih.)
7. How do we identify nouns in a sentence? (Bagaimana kita
mengidentifikasi kata benda dalam sebuah kalimat?
= if it follows an article like "the" or "a."
8. What characteristics do nouns usually have? (Ciri-ciri apa yang
biasanya dimiliki oleh kata benda?
= Nouns have these characteristics:

-They are abstract or concrete.
-They are proper or common.
-Most are singular or plural
-Some are collective.
(Kata benda mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
-Mereka abstrak atau konkret.
-Mereka pantas atau umum.
-Sebagian besar berbentuk tunggal atau jamak
-Beberapa bersifat kolektif.)
9. How do we change nouns to plural? (Bagaimana cara mengubah
kata benda menjadi jamak?)
= To make regular nouns plural, add –s to the end.( Untuk membuat
kata benda biasa menjadi jamak, tambahkan –s di akhir.)
10. What is the difference between concrete nouns and abstract nouns?
(Apa perbedaan antara kata benda konkrit dan kata benda abstrak?)
= Concrete nouns are physical things that can be seen, touched,
heard, etc.; abstract nouns are nonphysical ideas that cannot be
perceived through the senses. (Kata benda konkret adalah benda
fisik yang dapat dilihat, disentuh, didengar, dan sebagainya; kata
benda abstrak adalah gagasan non fisik yang tidak dapat dirasakan
melalui indra.)



A. Conclusing (Kesimpulan)

Loan is a common practice in modern society, where individuals and

businesses borrow money from financial institutions or other sources to meet
their financial needs. However, in the Islamic perspective, loan has a different
meaning and principles. Loans can be provided by various financial institutions,
including banks, credit institutions, or individuals. There are also specific types
of loans, such as personal loans, mortgages, car loans, education loans, and
many others, each with its own characteristics and requirements. From an
Islamic legal perspective, loans are permitted as long as they do not violate
sharia principles, such as the prohibition of usury. In Islamic law, online loans
are also permitted as long as the borrower follows the restrictions provided in
the form of loan conditions. Lending and borrowing relationships are not
prohibited, in fact it is recommended that a mutually beneficial relationship
occur which ultimately results in a relationship of brotherhood. Loans in Islam
must comply with sharia principles, such as not containing elements of usury,
gharar and maysir. Loans in Islam must also be made according to sharia
principles, whether online or offline.
Noun is a word used to name people, objects, animals, places and abstract
concepts. This English noun is one of the eight parts of speech. Nouns are nouns
in English that are used to represent the names of people, objects, animals, ideas
and so on. Therefore, nouns are an important part of a sentence. Within nouns
there are two main types of nouns, namely abstract nouns and concrete nouns,
then concrete nouns are divided into several types of nouns such as common
nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns, material nouns and also compound
nouns. Nouns are words used to indicate the names of people, places, things,
inanimate/living objects, qualities, ideas, etc. Noun is one of the parts of speech
which is one of the elements in English grammar (English grammar).

B. Suggestions (Saran)

With this paper, we hope to help readers obtain information about loans and
nouns. However, we are aware that this paper still has shortcomings. Therefore,
we really hope for input and suggestions from readers in order to achieve


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