229 - A - B - C - Data Entry Operations - (ES) - 11-04-2023

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This Question Paper consists of 8 questions and 8 printed pages.

Bg àíZ-nÌ ‘| 8 àíZ VWm 8 ‘w{ÐV n¥ð h Code No.

¢& H moS Z§0

Roll No.
Set / goQ
AZwH« ‘m§H


SmQm E§Q´ r Am°naoeÝg
Day and Date of Examination .....................................................................................
(narjm H m {XZ d {XZm§H )
Signature of Invigilators 1. .....................................................................................

({ZarjH m| Ho hñVmja)
2. .....................................................................................
General Instructions :
1. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question
2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total
number of questions contained in the Question Paper are the same as those
printed on the top of the first page. Also check to see that the questions are
in sequential order.
3. All the questions are to be answered within the allotted time.
4. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number
anywhere other than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the
5. Write your Question Paper Code No. 65/ES/4, Set u on the Answer-Book.
6. (a) The Question Paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you
wish, you can answer in any one of the languages listed below :
English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada,
Telugu, Marathi, Odia, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali,
Kashmiri, Sanskrit and Sindhi.
You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in
the box provided in the Answer-Book.
(b) If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and
English, the responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the
questions will be yours only.

229/ES/4/310A [ P.T.O.
gm‘mݶ AZwXoe …
1. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ Ho nhbo n¥ð na AnZm AZwH« ‘m§H Adí¶ {bI|&

2. H¥ n¶m àíZ-nÌ H mo Om±M b| {H àíZ-nÌ Ho Hw b n¥ðm| VWm àíZm| H s CVZr hr g§»¶m h¡ {OVZr àW‘ n¥ð Ho
g~go D na Nnr h¡& Bg ~mV H s Om±M ^r H a b| {H àíZ H« {‘H v n ‘| h¢&

3. g^r àíZm| Ho CÎma {ZYm©[aV Ad{Y Ho ^rVa hr XoZo h¢&

4. CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| nhMmZ-{M• ~ZmZo AWdm {Z{X©ï ñWmZm| Ho A{V[aº H ht ^r AZwH« ‘m§H {bIZo na narjmWu
H mo A¶mo½¶ Rham¶m OmEJm&

5. AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m na àíZ-nÌ H m H moS Z§0 65/ES/4, goQ u {bI|&

6. (H ) n«íZ-nÌ Ho db {hÝXr/A§J«oOr ‘| h¡& {’ a ^r, ¶{X Amn Mmh| Vmo ZrMo Xr JB© {H gr EH ^mfm ‘| CÎma
Xo gH Vo h¢ …
A§J«oOr, {hÝXr, CXÿ©, n§Om~r, ~§Jbm, V{‘b, ‘b¶mb‘, H Þ‹S, VobwJy, ‘amRr, C{‹S¶m, JwOamVr, H m|H
Ur, ‘{Unwar, Ag{‘¶m, Zonmbr, H í‘rar, g§ñH¥ V Am¡a {gÝYr&
H¥ n¶m CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| {XE JE ~m°³g ‘| {bI| {H Amn {H g ^mfm ‘| CÎma {bI aho h¢&

(I) ¶{X Amn {hÝXr Ed§ A§J«oOr Ho A{V[aº {H gr Aݶ ^mfm ‘| CÎma {bIVo h¢, Vmo àíZm| H mo g‘PZo ‘|
hmoZo dmbr Ìw{Q¶m|/Jb{V¶m| H s {Oå‘oXmar Ho db AmnH s hmoJr&

229/ 2
S mQm E§Q´ r Am°naoeÝg
Time : 2 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 40
g‘¶ … 2 KÊQo ] [ nyUmªH … 40

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

{ZX}e … (i) g^r àíZ A{Zdm¶© h¢&

(ii) à˶oH àíZ Ho A§H CgHo gm‘Zo Xem©E JE h¢&

1. Match the following and write your answer in the Answer-book : ½×6=3
(a) Slide layout (i) Configure the computer system
(b) Interface to communicate (ii) Orientation
(c) Control Panel (iii) Cathode-Ray Tube
(d) Monitor (iv) PowerPoint
(e) Page Setup (v) Application Software
(f) Library Information System (vi) Operating System

{ZåZ Omo‹S o {‘bmBE Am¡a CÎma AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| {b{IE :


(H ) ñbmBS boAmCQ (i) H å߶yQ a {gñQ‘ H mo H pÝ’ Ja H aZm

(I) g§Mma Ho {bE B§Qa.’o g (ii) Amo[aE§Q oeZ
(J) H§ Q´ mob n¡Zb (iii) H¡ WmoS-ao Qçy~
(K) ‘m°ZrQa (iv) nmdanm°B§Q
(L) noO goQAn (v) EoßbrHo eZ gm°âQdo¶a
(M) bmB~«oar BÝ’ m°‘}eZ {gñQ‘ (vi) Am°naoqQJ {gñQ‘

229/ 3 [ P.T.
2. Write, in your Answer-Book, True/False for the following statements :
(a) Windows provides a quick and easy way to install new software.

(b) To copy the item, instead of moving it, we should press Ctrl key and
hold down while dragging.

(c) To hide a worksheet, Right click on the sheet tab which you want to
hide and choose Hide option from Context menu.

(d) The typing area is bordered on the right side by Horizontal Scroll Bar.

(e) C is an object-oriented programming language.

(f) You can Right click on the slide to choose the layout you want.

{ZåZ H WZm| Ho {bE AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| ghr/JbV {b{IE :

(H ) qdSmo.O ZE gm°âQdo¶a ñWm{nV H aZo Ho {bE EH Ëd[aV Am¡a AmgmZ VarH m àXmZ H aVm h¡&

(I) AmBQ‘ H mo ‘yd H aZo Ho ~OmE Bgo H m°nr H aZo Ho {bE, h‘| Ctrl Hw§ Or H mo ItMZo Ho
gmW Bgo X~mH a aIZm hmoVm h¡&

(J) dH© erQ H mo {NnmZo (Hide) Ho {bE erQ Q¡~ na amBQ p³bH H s{OE {Ogo Amn {NnmZm
MmhVoh¢ Am¡a H m°ÝQo³ñQ ‘oݶy go hmBS {dH ën Mw{ZE&

(K) QmBqnJ E[a¶m Ho XmBª Amoa hm°arOm|Q b ñH« m°b ~ma go ~m°S©a {H ¶m OmVm h¡&

(L) C EH Am°ãOo³Q-Amo[aE§QoS àmoJ«mq‘J ^mfm h¡&

(M) Amn ñbmBS na amBQ p³bH H aHo ‘ZMmhm ñbmBS boAmCQ MwZ gH Vo h¢&

3. Define the following : 1×4=4

(a) Worksheet

(b) Object Program

(c) All Programs

(d) Operating System

229/ 4
{ZåZ H mo n[a^m{fV H s{OE :
(H ) dH© erQ
(I) Am°ãOo³Q àmoJ«m‘
(J) Am°b àmoJ«måg
(K) Am°naoqQJ {gñQ‘

4. Write short notes on the following : 2×4=8

(a) Machine Language

(b) Tab Stops

(c) Design Tips

(d) Spelling and Grammar

{ZåZ na g§{já {Qßn{U¶m± {b{IE :

(H ) ‘erZ ^mfm
(I) Q¡~ ñQ m°ßg
(J) {S.OmBZ {Qßg
(K) ñnoqbJ Am¡a J«m‘a

5. Differentiate between the following : 2×2=4

(a) Saving presentation as a file and as a webpage

(b) Copying text and Cutting text

{ZåZ Ho ~rM A§Va ñnï H s{OE :

(H ) àoOoÝQoeZ H mo ’ mBb Ho v n ‘| Am¡a do~noO Ho v n ‘| god H aZm
(I) Qo³ñQ H m°nr H aZm Am¡a Qo³ñQ H Q H aZm

229/ 5 [ P.T.
6. Answer the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) Write two ways of changing the view to slideshow view.

(b) What do you mean by Clipboard? How many elements can be stored
in the Clipboard?

(c) Explain Click and Type features of MS-Word.

(d) Name the options through which we can install new hardware.
Also, write the steps.

(e) What is AutoSum feature of MS-Excel? Write the steps to activate it.

{ZåZ àíZm| Ho CÎma Xr{OE :

(H ) ì¶y H mo ñbmBS emo ì¶y ‘| ~XbZo Ho Xmo VarHo {b{IE&

(I) p³bn~moS© go Amn ³¶m g‘PVo h¢? p³bn~moS© na {H VZo Ebr‘|Q aIo Om gH Vo h¢?

(J) E‘0 Eg0-dS© Ho p³bH Am¡a QmBn ’ sMa H m dU©Z H s{OE&

(K) ZE hmS©do¶a H mo BÝñQ m°b H aZo Ho {dH ën H m Zm‘ {b{IE Am¡a BgHo ñQ oßg ^r {b{IE&

(L) E‘0 Eg0-E³gob H m Am°Q mog‘ {’ Ma ³¶m h¡? Bgo g{H« ¶ H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

7. Answer the following : 2×2=4

(a) Write the steps to run the SpellCheck utility.

(b) In a word document, which shortcut keys are pressed to do the

following actions?
(i) To apply bullets to a list
(ii) To make a Web Hyperlink
(iii) To change the text to All Caps
(iv) To copy text

229/ 6
{ZåZ Ho CÎma Xr{OE :

(H ) ñnobMoH ¶w{Q{bQr aZ H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

(I) dS© Sm°³¶y‘|Q ‘| {ZåZ H m¶m] H mo H aZo Ho {bE {H Z em°Q ©H Q H s.O H mo X~m¶m OmVm h¡?
(i) {bñQ ‘| ~wboQ EoßbmB© H aZm
(ii) EH do~ hmBnaqbH ~ZmZm
(iii) Qo³ñQ H mo Am°b H¡ ßg ‘| ~XbZm
(iv) Qo³ñQ H mo H m°nr H aZm

8. Answer the following : 2×2=4

(a) Based on the data given in the Spreadsheet, write the formulas to
calculate the following :
1 Item Description Price Per Unit GST Net Price
2 Trouser 999 — —
3 Coat 1,599 — —
4 Sweater 540 — —
5 Frock 1,950 — —
6 — — — —
7 — — — —

(i) In cell C2, to calculate the GST which is 5% of the price and copy
this formula up to cell C5.

(ii) In cell D2, to calculate Net Price which is the sum of price and
GST. Copy this up to cell D5.

(iii) To print the total per unit price of all items in cell B7.

(iv) To print the maximum GST in cell C7.

(b) Write the steps to plot a bar graph for the above data.

229/ 7 [ P.T.
{ZåZ Ho CÎma Xr{OE :
(H ) ZrMo {XE JE ñàoSerQ SmQm Ho AmYma na {ZåZ H s JUZm H aZo Ho {bE ’ m°‘y©bm {b{IE :

1 AmBQ‘ {ddaU e{V ¶y{ZQ H GST Hw b H s‘V

2 Q´ mC.Oa 999 — —

3 H moQ 1,599 — —

4 ñdoQa 540 — —

5 ’« m°H 1,950 — —
6 — — — —
7 — — — —

(i) GST H s JUZm H s{OE Omo à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V H m 5% h¡ Am¡a Bgo gob C2 ‘|
a{IE& Bg ’ m°‘y©bm H mo gob C5 VH H m°nr H s{OE&
(ii) Hw b H s‘V Omo à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V Am¡a GST H m ¶moJ h¡, H s JUZm H s{OE Am¡a
Bgo gob D2 ‘| a{IE& BgH s H m°nr gob D5 VH H s{OE&
(iii) gob B7 ‘| g^r AmBQ‘ H s Hw b à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V qàQ H s{OE&
(iv) gob C7 ‘| A{YH V‘ GST qàQ H s{OE&

(I) Cnamoº SmQm Ho AmYma na ~ma J«m.’ (bar graph) ßbm°Q H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

★ ★ ★

229/ES/4/310A [V23— 8
This Question Paper consists of 8 questions and 8 printed pages.
Bg àíZ-nÌ ‘| 8 àíZ VWm 8 ‘w{ÐV n¥ð h Code No.
¢& H moS Z§0

Roll No.
Set / goQ
AZwH« ‘m§H


SmQm E§Q´ r Am°naoeÝg
Day and Date of Examination .....................................................................................
(narjm H m {XZ d {XZm§H )
Signature of Invigilators 1. .....................................................................................

({ZarjH m| Ho hñVmja)
2. .....................................................................................
General Instructions :
1. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question
2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total
number of questions contained in the Question Paper are the same as those
printed on the top of the first page. Also check to see that the questions are
in sequential order.
3. All the questions are to be answered within the allotted time.
4. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number
anywhere other than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the
5. Write your Question Paper Code No. 65/ES/4, Set v on the Answer-Book.
6. (a) The Question Paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you
wish, you can answer in any one of the languages listed below :
English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada,
Telugu, Marathi, Odia, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali,
Kashmiri, Sanskrit and Sindhi.
You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in
the box provided in the Answer-Book.
(b) If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and
English, the responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the
questions will be yours only.

229/ [ P.T.
gm‘mݶ AZwXoe …
1. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ Ho nhbo n¥ð na AnZm AZwH« ‘m§H Adí¶ {bI|&

2. H¥ n¶m àíZ-nÌ H mo Om±M b| {H àíZ-nÌ Ho Hw b n¥ðm| VWm àíZm| H s CVZr hr g§»¶m h¡ {OVZr àW‘ n¥ð Ho
g~go D na Nnr h¡& Bg ~mV H s Om±M ^r H a b| {H àíZ H« {‘H v n ‘| h¢&

3. g^r àíZm| Ho CÎma {ZYm©[aV Ad{Y Ho ^rVa hr XoZo h¢&

4. CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| nhMmZ-{M• ~ZmZo AWdm {Z{X©ï ñWmZm| Ho A{V[aº H ht ^r AZwH« ‘m§H {bIZo na narjmWu
H mo A¶mo½¶ Rham¶m OmEJm&

5. AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m na àíZ-nÌ H m H moS Z§0 65/ES/4, goQ v {bI|&

6. (H ) n«íZ-nÌ Ho db {hÝXr/A§J«oOr ‘| h¡& {’ a ^r, ¶{X Amn Mmh| Vmo ZrMo Xr JB© {H gr EH ^mfm ‘| CÎma
Xo gH Vo h¢ …
A§J«oOr, {hÝXr, CXÿ©, n§Om~r, ~§Jbm, V{‘b, ‘b¶mb‘, H Þ‹S, VobwJy, ‘amRr, C{‹S¶m, JwOamVr, H m|H
Ur, ‘{Unwar, Ag{‘¶m, Zonmbr, H í‘rar, g§ñH¥ V Am¡a {gÝYr&
H¥ n¶m CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| {XE JE ~m°³g ‘| {bI| {H Amn {H g ^mfm ‘| CÎma {bI aho h¢&

(I) ¶{X Amn {hÝXr Ed§ A§J«oOr Ho A{V[aº {H gr Aݶ ^mfm ‘| CÎma {bIVo h¢, Vmo àíZm| H mo g‘PZo ‘|
hmoZo dmbr Ìw{Q¶m|/Jb{V¶m| H s {Oå‘oXmar Ho db AmnH s hmoJr&

229/ 2
S mQm E§Q´ r Am°naoeÝg
Time : 2 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 40
g‘¶ … 2 KÊQo ] [ nyUmªH … 40

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

{ZX}e … (i) g^r àíZ A{Zdm¶© h¢&

(ii) à˶oH àíZ Ho A§H CgHo gm‘Zo Xem©E JE h¢&

1. Match the following and write your answer in the Answer-book : ½×6=3
(a) Control Panel (i) Cathode-Ray Tube
(b) Monitor (ii) PowerPoint
(c) Slide layout (iii) Configure the computer system
(d) Interface to communicate (iv) Orientation
(e) Library Information System (v) Application Software
(f) Page Setup (vi) Operating System

{ZåZ Omo‹S o {‘bmBE Am¡a CÎma AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| {b{IE :


(H ) H§ Q´ mob n¡Zb (i) H¡ WmoS-ao Qçy~

(I) ‘m°ZrQa (ii) nmdanm°B§Q
(J) ñbmBS boAmCQ (iii) H å߶yQ a {gñQ‘ H mo H pÝ’ Ja H
(K) g§Mma Ho {bE B§Qa.’o g (iv) Amo[aE§Q oeZ
(L) bmB~«oar BÝ’ m°‘}eZ {gñQ‘ (v) EoßbrHo eZ gm°âQdo¶a
(M) noO goQAn (vi) Am°naoqQJ {gñQ‘
229/ 3 [ P.T.
2. Write, in your Answer-Book, True/False for the following statements :
(a) C is an object-oriented programming language.

(b) Windows provides a quick and easy way to install new software.

(c) The typing area is bordered on the right side by Horizontal Scroll Bar.

(d) You can Right click on the slide to choose the layout you want.

(e) To hide a worksheet, Right click on the sheet tab which you want to
hide and choose Hide option from Context menu.

(f) To copy the item, instead of moving it, we should press Ctrl key and
hold down while dragging.

{ZåZ H WZm| Ho {bE AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| ghr/JbV {b{IE :

(H ) C EH Am°ãOo³Q-Amo[aE§QoS àmoJ«mq‘J ^mfm h¡&

(I) qdSmo.O ZE gm°âQdo¶a ñWm{nV H aZo Ho {bE EH Ëd[aV Am¡a AmgmZ VarH m àXmZ H aVm h¡&

(J) QmBqnJ E[a¶m Ho XmBª Amoa hm°arOm|Q b ñH« m°b ~ma go ~m°S©a {H ¶m OmVm h¡&

(K) Amn ñbmBS na amBQ p³bH H aHo ‘ZMmhm ñbmBS boAmCQ MwZ gH Vo h¢&

(L) dH© erQ H mo {NnmZo (Hide) Ho {bE erQ Q¡~ na amBQ p³bH H s{OE {Ogo Amn {NnmZm
MmhVoh¢ Am¡a H m°ÝQo³ñQ ‘oݶy go hmBS {dH ën Mw{ZE&

(M) AmBQ‘ H mo ‘yd H aZo Ho ~OmE Bgo H m°nr H aZo Ho {bE, h‘| Ctrl Hw§ Or H mo ItMZo Ho
gmW Bgo X~mH a aIZm hmoVm h¡&

3. Define the following : 1×4=4

(a) Operating System

(b) Object Program

(c) All Programs

(d) Worksheet

229/ 4
{ZåZ H mo n[a^m{fV H s{OE :
(H ) Am°naoqQJ {gñQ‘
(I) Am°ãOo³Q àmoJ«m‘
(J) Am°b àmoJ«måg
(K) dH© erQ

4. Write short notes on the following : 2×4=8

(a) Design Tips

(b) Paragraph Spacing

(c) Touch Screen

(d) Machine Language

{ZåZ na g§{já {Qßn{U¶m± {b{IE :

(H ) {S.OmBZ {Qßg
(I) n¡amJ«m.’ ñnoqgJ
(J) QM ñH« sZ
(K) ‘erZ ^mfm

5. Differentiate between the following : 2×2=4

(a) Saving presentation as a file and as a webpage

(b) Header and Footer

{ZåZ Ho ~rM A§Va ñnï H s{OE :

(H ) àoOoÝQoeZ H mo ’ mBb Ho v n ‘| Am¡a do~noO Ho v n ‘| god H aZm
(I) hoSa Ed§ .’w Qa

229/ 5 [ P.T.
6. Answer the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) Name the options through which we can install new hardware.
Also, write the steps.

(b) Write the features of Mail Merge.

(c) What do you mean by Clipboard? How many elements can be stored
in the Clipboard?

(d) What is the use of Auto Correct feature in Word?

(e) Write two ways of changing the view to slideshow view.

{ZåZ àíZm| Ho CÎma Xr{OE :

(H ) ZE hmS©do¶a H mo BÝñQ m°b H aZo Ho {dH ën H m Zm‘ {b{IE Am¡a BgHo ñQ oßg ^r {b{IE&

(I) ‘ob ‘O© H s {deofVmE± {b{IE&

(J) p³bn~moS© go Amn ³¶m g‘PVo h¢? p³bn~moS© na {H VZo Ebr‘|Q aIo Om gH Vo h¢?

(K) dS© ‘| Am°Q mo H ao³Q ’ sMa H s ³¶m Cn¶mo{JVm h¡?

(L) ì¶y H mo ñbmBS emo ì¶y ‘| ~XbZo Ho Xmo VarHo {b{IE&

7. Answer the following : 2×2=4

(a) Write the steps to run the SpellCheck utility.

(b) In a word document, which shortcut keys are pressed to do the

following actions?
(i) To apply bullets to a list
(ii) To make a Web Hyperlink
(iii) To change the text to All Caps
(iv) To copy text

229/ 6
{ZåZ Ho CÎma Xr{OE :

(H ) ñnobMoH ¶w{Q{bQr aZ H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

(I) dS© Sm°³¶y‘|Q ‘| {ZåZ H m¶m] H mo H aZo Ho {bE {H Z em°Q ©H Q H s.O H mo X~m¶m OmVm h¡?
(i) {bñQ ‘| ~wboQ EoßbmB© H aZm
(ii) EH do~ hmBnaqbH ~ZmZm
(iii) Qo³ñQ H mo Am°b H¡ ßg ‘| ~XbZm
(iv) Qo³ñQ H mo H m°nr H aZm

8. Answer the following : 2×2=4

(a) Based on the data given in the Spreadsheet, write the formulas to
calculate the following :
1 Item Description Price Per Unit GST Net Price
2 Trouser 999 — —
3 Coat 1,599 — —
4 Sweater 540 — —
5 Frock 1,950 — —
6 — — — —
7 — — — —

(i) In cell C2, to calculate the GST which is 5% of the price and copy
this formula up to cell C5.

(ii) In cell D2, to calculate Net Price which is the sum of Price and
GST. Copy this up to cell D5.

(iii) To print the total per unit price of all items in cell B7.

(iv) To print the maximum GST in cell C7.

(b) Write the steps to plot a bar graph for the above data.

229/ 7 [ P.T.
{ZåZ Ho CÎma Xr{OE :
(H ) ZrMo {XE JE ñàoSerQ SmQm Ho AmYma na {ZåZ H s JUZm H aZo Ho {bE ’ m°‘y©bm {b{IE :

1 AmBQ‘ {ddaU e{V ¶y{ZQ H GST Hw b H s‘V

2 Q´ mC.Oa 999 — —

3 H moQ 1,599 — —

4 ñdoQa 540 — —

5 ’« m°H 1,950 — —
6 — — — —
7 — — — —

(i) GST H s JUZm H s{OE Omo à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V H m 5% h¡ Am¡a Bgo gob C2 ‘|
a{IE& Bg ’ m°‘y©bm H mo gob C5 VH H m°nr H s{OE&
(ii) Hw b H s‘V Omo à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V Am¡a GST H m ¶moJ h¡, H s JUZm H s{OE Am¡a
Bgo gob D2 ‘| a{IE& BgH s H m°nr gob D5 VH H s{OE&
(iii) gob B7 ‘| g^r AmBQ‘ H s Hw b à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V qàQ H s{OE&
(iv) gob C7 ‘| A{YH V‘ GST qàQ H s{OE&

(I) Cnamoº SmQm Ho AmYma na ~ma J«m.’ (bar graph) ßbm°Q H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

★ ★ ★

229/ES/4/310B [V23— 8
This Question Paper consists of 8 questions and 8 printed pages.
Bg àíZ-nÌ ‘| 8 àíZ VWm 8 ‘w{ÐV n¥ð h Code No.
¢& H moS Z§0

Roll No.
Set / goQ
AZwH« ‘m§H


SmQm E§Q´ r Am°naoeÝg
Day and Date of Examination .....................................................................................
(narjm H m {XZ d {XZm§H )
Signature of Invigilators 1. .....................................................................................

({ZarjH m| Ho hñVmja)
2. .....................................................................................
General Instructions :
1. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question
2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total
number of questions contained in the Question Paper are the same as those
printed on the top of the first page. Also check to see that the questions are
in sequential order.
3. All the questions are to be answered within the allotted time.
4. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number
anywhere other than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the
5. Write your Question Paper Code No. 65/ES/4, Set w on the Answer-Book.
6. (a) The Question Paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you
wish, you can answer in any one of the languages listed below :
English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada,
Telugu, Marathi, Odia, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali,
Kashmiri, Sanskrit and Sindhi.
You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in
the box provided in the Answer-Book.
(b) If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and
English, the responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the
questions will be yours only.

229/ [ P.T.
gm‘mݶ AZwXoe …
1. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ Ho nhbo n¥ð na AnZm AZwH« ‘m§H Adí¶ {bI|&

2. H¥ n¶m àíZ-nÌ H mo Om±M b| {H àíZ-nÌ Ho Hw b n¥ðm| VWm àíZm| H s CVZr hr g§»¶m h¡ {OVZr àW‘ n¥ð Ho
g~go D na Nnr h¡& Bg ~mV H s Om±M ^r H a b| {H àíZ H« {‘H v n ‘| h¢&

3. g^r àíZm| Ho CÎma {ZYm©[aV Ad{Y Ho ^rVa hr XoZo h¢&

4. CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| nhMmZ-{M• ~ZmZo AWdm {Z{X©ï ñWmZm| Ho A{V[aº H ht ^r AZwH« ‘m§H {bIZo na narjmWu
H mo A¶mo½¶ Rham¶m OmEJm&

5. AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m na àíZ-nÌ H m H moS Z§0 65/ES/4, goQ w {bI|&

6. (H ) n«íZ-nÌ Ho db {hÝXr/A§J«oOr ‘| h¡& {’ a ^r, ¶{X Amn Mmh| Vmo ZrMo Xr JB© {H gr EH ^mfm ‘| CÎma
Xo gH Vo h¢ …
A§J«oOr, {hÝXr, CXÿ©, n§Om~r, ~§Jbm, V{‘b, ‘b¶mb‘, H Þ‹S, VobwJy, ‘amRr, C{‹S¶m, JwOamVr, H m|H
Ur, ‘{Unwar, Ag{‘¶m, Zonmbr, H í‘rar, g§ñH¥ V Am¡a {gÝYr&
H¥ n¶m CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| {XE JE ~m°³g ‘| {bI| {H Amn {H g ^mfm ‘| CÎma {bI aho h¢&

(I) ¶{X Amn {hÝXr Ed§ A§J«oOr Ho A{V[aº {H gr Aݶ ^mfm ‘| CÎma {bIVo h¢, Vmo àíZm| H mo g‘PZo ‘|
hmoZo dmbr Ìw{Q¶m|/Jb{V¶m| H s {Oå‘oXmar Ho db AmnH s hmoJr&

229/ 2
S mQm E§Q´ r Am°naoeÝg
Time : 2 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 40
g‘¶ … 2 KÊQo ] [ nyUmªH … 40

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.

{ZX}e … (i) g^r àíZ A{Zdm¶© h¢&

(ii) à˶oH àíZ Ho A§H CgHo gm‘Zo Xem©E JE h¢&

1. Match the following and write your answer in the Answer-book : ½×6=3
(a) Library Information System (i) Operating System
(b) Page Setup (ii) Application Software
(c) Monitor (iii) PowerPoint
(d) Control Panel (iv) Cathode-Ray Tube
(e) Interface to communicate (v) Orientation
(f) Slide layout (vi) Configure the computer system

{ZåZ Omo‹S o {‘bmBE Am¡a CÎma AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| {b{IE :


(H ) bmB~«oar BÝ’ m°‘}eZ {gñQ‘ (i) Am°naoqQJ {gñQ‘

(I) noO goQAn (ii) EoßbrHo eZ gm°âQdo¶a
(J) ‘m°ZrQa (iii) nmdanm°B§Q
(K) H§ Q´ mob n¡Zb (iv) H¡ WmoS-ao Qçy~
(L) g§Mma Ho {bE B§Qa.’o g (v) Amo[aE§Q oeZ
(M) ñbmBS boAmCQ (vi) H å߶yQ a {gñQ‘ H mo H pÝ’ Ja H aZm

229/ 3 [ P.T.
2. Write, in your Answer-Book, True/False for the following statements :
(a) You can Right click on the slide to choose the layout you want.

(b) Windows provides a quick and easy way to install new software.

(c) To hide a worksheet, Right click on the sheet tab which you want to
hide and choose Hide option from Context menu.

(d) C is an object-oriented programming language.

(e) To copy the item, instead of moving it, we should press Ctrl key and
hold down while dragging.

(f) The typing area is bordered on the right side by Horizontal Scroll Bar.

{ZåZ H WZm| Ho {bE AnZr CÎma-nwpñVH m ‘| ghr/JbV {b{IE :

(H ) Amn ñbmBS na amBQ p³bH H aHo ‘ZMmhm ñbmBS boAmCQ MwZ gH Vo h¢&

(I) qdSmo.O ZE gm°âQdo¶a ñWm{nV H aZo Ho {bE EH Ëd[aV Am¡a AmgmZ VarH m àXmZ H aVm h¡&

(J) dH© erQ H mo {NnmZo (Hide) Ho {bE erQ Q¡~ na amBQ p³bH H s{OE {Ogo Amn {NnmZm
MmhVoh¢ Am¡a H m°ÝQo³ñQ ‘oݶy go hmBS {dH ën Mw{ZE&

(K) C EH Am°ãOo³Q-Amo[aE§QoS àmoJ«mq‘J ^mfm h¡&

(L) AmBQ‘ H mo ‘yd H aZo Ho ~OmE Bgo H m°nr H aZo Ho {bE, h‘| Ctrl Hw§ Or H mo ItMZo Ho
gmW Bgo X~mH a aIZm hmoVm h¡&

(M) QmBqnJ E[a¶m Ho XmBª Amoa hm°arOm|Q b ñH« m°b ~ma go ~m°S©a {H ¶m OmVm h¡&

3. Define the following : 1×4=4

(a) Operating System

(b) Worksheet

(c) Compiler

(d) Recycle Bin

229/ 4
{ZåZ H mo n[a^m{fV H s{OE :
(H ) Am°naoqQJ {gñQ‘
(I) dH© erQ
(J) H ånmBba
(K) argm¶H b {~Z

4. Write short notes on the following : 2×4=8

(a) Ink-Jet Printer

(b) Spelling and Grammar

(c) Normal View

(d) Tab Stops

{ZåZ na g§{já {Qßn{U¶m± {b{IE :

(H ) B§H -OoQ qàQa
(I) ñnoqbJ Am¡a J«m‘a
(J) Zm°‘©b ì¶y
(K) Q¡~ ñQ m°ßg

5. Differentiate between the following : 2×2=4

(a) Vertical Scroll Bar and Horizontal Scroll Bar

(b) Saving presentation as a file and as a webpage

{ZåZ Ho ~rM A§Va ñnï H s{OE :

(H ) d{Q©H b ñH« m°b ~ma Am¡a hm°arOm|Q b ñH« m°b ~ma
(I) àoOoÝQoeZ H mo ’ mBb Ho v n ‘| Am¡a do~noO Ho v n ‘| god H aZm

229/ 5 [ P.T.
6. Answer the following questions : 2×5=10

(a) What are the three types of documents required for Mail Merge?
Briefly explain.

(b) Name the options through which we can install new hardware.
Also, write the steps.

(c) Write two ways of changing the view to slideshow view.

(d) What do you mean by Clipboard? How many elements can be stored
in the Clipboard?

(e) What is AutoSum feature of MS-Excel? Write the steps to activate it.

{ZåZ àíZm| Ho CÎma Xr{OE :

(H ) ‘ob ‘O© Ho {bE Amdí¶H VrZ àH ma Ho XñVmdoO H m¡Z-go hmoVo h¢? g§{já {ddaU Xr{OE&

(I) ZE hmS©do¶a H mo BÝñQ m°b H aZo Ho {dH ën H m Zm‘ {b{IE Am¡a BgHo ñQ oßg ^r {b{IE&

(J) ì¶y H mo ñbmBS emo ì¶y ‘| ~XbZo Ho Xmo VarHo {b{IE&

(K) p³bn~moS© go Amn ³¶m g‘PVo h¢? p³bn~moS© na {H VZo Ebr‘|Q aIo Om gH Vo h¢?

(L) E‘0 Eg0-E³gob H m Am°Q mog‘ {’ Ma ³¶m h¡? Bgo g{H« ¶ H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

7. Answer the following : 2×2=4

(a) Write the steps to run the SpellCheck Utility.

(b) In a word document, which shortcut keys are pressed to do the

following actions?

(i) To apply bullets to a list

(ii) To make a Web Hyperlink

(iii) To change the text to All Caps

(iv) To copy text

229/ 6
{ZåZ Ho CÎma Xr{OE :

(H ) ñnobMoH ¶w{Q{bQr aZ H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

(I) dS© Sm°³¶y‘|Q ‘| {ZåZ H m¶m] H mo H aZo Ho {bE {H Z em°Q ©H Q H s.O H mo X~m¶m OmVm h¡?
(i) {bñQ ‘| ~wboQ EoßbmB© H aZm
(ii) EH do~ hmBnaqbH ~ZmZm
(iii) Qo³ñQ H mo Am°b H¡ ßg ‘| ~XbZm
(iv) Qo³ñQ H mo H m°nr H aZm

8. Answer the following : 2×2=4

(a) Based on the data given in the Spreadsheet, write the formulas to
calculate the following :
1 Item Description Price Per Unit GST Net Price
2 Trouser 999 — —
3 Coat 1,599 — —
4 Sweater 540 — —
5 Frock 1,950 — —
6 — — — —
7 — — — —

(i) In cell C2, to calculate the GST which is 5% of the price and copy
this formula up to cell C5.

(ii) In cell D2, to calculate Net Price which is the sum of price and
GST. Copy this up to cell D5.

(iii) To print the total per unit price of all items in cell B7.

(iv) To print the maximum GST in cell C7.

(b) Write the steps to plot a bar graph for the above data.

229/ 7 [ P.T.
{ZåZ Ho CÎma Xr{OE :
(H ) ZrMo {XE JE ñàoSerQ SmQm Ho AmYma na {ZåZ H s JUZm H aZo Ho {bE ’ m°‘y©bm {b{IE :

1 AmBQ‘ {ddaU e{V ¶y{ZQ H GST Hw b H s‘V

2 Q´ mC.Oa 999 — —

3 H moQ 1,599 — —

4 ñdoQa 540 — —

5 ’« m°H 1,950 — —
6 — — — —
7 — — — —

(i) GST H s JUZm H s{OE Omo à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V H m 5% h¡ Am¡a Bgo gob C2 ‘|
a{IE& Bg ’ m°‘y©bm H mo gob C5 VH H m°nr H s{OE&
(ii) Hw b H s‘V Omo à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V Am¡a GST H m ¶moJ h¡, H s JUZm H s{OE Am¡a
Bgo gob D2 ‘| a{IE& BgH s H m°nr gob D5 VH H s{OE&
(iii) gob B7 ‘| g^r AmBQ‘ H s Hw b à{V ¶y{ZQ H s‘V qàQ H s{OE&
(iv) gob C7 ‘| A{YH V‘ GST qàQ H s{OE&

(I) Cnamoº SmQm Ho AmYma na ~ma J«m.’ (bar graph) ßbm°Q H aZo Ho ñQ oßg {b{IE&

★ ★ ★

229/ES/4/310C [V23— 8

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