6328 Method of Working Coal 6328 F 2019

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F/2019/6328 [1] Total Pages : 4

Fourth Semester
Mining and Mine Surveying
Scheme July 2009
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : i) Attempt total six questions. Question No. 1 (Objective type)
is compulsory. From the remaining questions attempt any five.
Hw$b N>… àíZ hb H$s{OE & àíZ H«$‘m§H$ 1 (dñVw{Zð> àH$ma H$m)
A{Zdm¶© h¡ & eof àíZm| ‘| go {H$Ýht nm±M H$mo hb H$s{OE &
ii) In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question
should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xoh AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$
àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &

1. Choose the correct answer. 2 each

ghr CÎma H$m M¶Z H$s{OE &
i) To boost speed of tubs in pit top layout we use
(a) Tripler (b) Creeper
(c) Safety device (d) None of above
{nQ> Q>m°n boAmD$Q> ‘§o Q>~ H$s J{V ~T>mZo Ho$ {bE h‘ Cn¶moJ H$aVo h¡
(A) {Q´>nba> (~) {H«$na
(g) gwajm CnH$aU (X) Cnamo³V go H$moB© Zht
ii) Best suitable production machine using in under ground coal mine
now a days by CIL.
(a) Surface miner (b) Plough
(c) Shearer (d) Continuous miner
gr.AmB©.Eb. Ho$ Ûmam AmOH$b ^y{‘JV ImZm| ‘| Cn¶moJ H$s OmZo dmbr
g~go Cn¶w³V CËnmXZ ‘erZ h¡
(A) ga’o$g ‘mB©Za (~) ßbmD$
(g) {e¶aa (X) H§$Q>r{Z¶g ‘mB©Za
F/2019/6328 P.T.O.


iii) What should be the minimum thickness of barrier between water

logged area and working is
(a) 15 mt (b) 30 mt
(c) 45 mt (d) 60 mt
Ob ^ao hþE OJh VWm H$m¶© ñWb Ho$ ~rM ݶwZV‘ ~o[a¶a H$s ‘moQ>mB© hmoVr

(A) 15 ‘r. (~) 30 ‘r.
(g) 45 ‘r. (X) 60 ‘r.
iv) Which of following does not affect subsidence?
(a) Depth (b) Working method
(c) Support system (d) Strength of coal
{ZåZ ‘| go H$m¡Z gãgrS>|g H$mo à^m{dV Zht H$aVm h¡?
(A) JhamB© (~) H$m¶©{d{Y
(g) gnmoQ>© ì¶dñWm (X) H$mo¶bo H$m gm‘϶©
v) For stowing quantity of sand send to mine is measured by
(a) Lily recorder
(b) Markham blastover
(c) Lea recorder
(d) Kent velometer
ñQ>moqdJ hoVy ImZ H$mo ^oOr JB© aoV H$s ‘mÌm H$m ‘mnZ {H$¶m OmVm h¡
(A) {bbr [aH$mS>©a go
(~) ‘maI‘ ãbmñQ>moda go
(g) br [aH$mS>©a go
(X) Ho$ÝQ> dobmo‘rQ>a go
2. a) Give a pit top layout of a mine using skip as mode of
transportation. 9
IXmZ Ohm± pñH$n n[adhZ H$m Cn¶moJ {H$¶m Om ahm hmo H$m {nQ> Q>m°n
boAmD$Q> ~VmBE&
b) Explain turn table tub circuit in detail. 9
Q>Z© Q>o~b Q>~ g{H©$Q> H$m {dñVma go dU©Z H$a|&

F/2019/6328 Contd.....


3. a) Explain panel system of working with its objectives, advantages

and workings. 9
noZb ì¶dñWm H$s H$m¶©{d{Y BgHo$ CÔoí¶, bm^ VWm H$m¶© Ho$ gmW dU©Z
b) What are the preparatory arrangement is to be done before
commencing depillaring? Explain. 9
{S>{nb[a¨J H$s ewê$AmV go nhbo H$m¡Z-gr ì¶dñWmE± H$aZr hmoVr h¡?
4. a) Explain the factors affecting length of longwall face. 9
bm±Jdmb ’o$g H$s bå~mB© H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$m| H$m dU©Z H$a|&
b) Give difference between advancing longwall and retreating
longwall methods. 9
ES>dm§qgJ bm±Jdmb VWm [aQ´>rqQ>J bm±Jdmb {d{Y ‘| A§Va ~VbmBE&
5. a) Explain hydraulic profile with its importance. 9
hmB©S´>mo{bH$ àmo’$mB©b H$mo BgHo$ ‘hÎd Ho$ gmW g‘PmBE&
b) Explain any one method of sand gathering. 9
aoV g§J«hU H$s {H$gr EH$ {d{Y H$m dU©Z H$a|&
6. a) What is subsidence? Explain different types of subsidence. 9
gãgrS>|g {H$go H$hVo h¡? gãgrS>|g Ho$ {d{^Þ àH$mam| H$mo g‘PmBE&
b) Explain the factor which affect the magnitude of subsidence also
give some preventive measures against subsidence. 9
gãgrS>|g H$s Vrd«Vm H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo KQ>H$m| H$m dU©Z H$a| gmW
hr gãgrS>|g H$s ~Mmd CnMma ^r {bI|&
7. a) Sketch and describe any one method of linkage formation for
gasification of coal. 9
H$mo¶bo Ho$ J¡gr{’$Ho$eZ Ho$ {bE qbHo$O ~ZmZo H$s {H$gr EH$ {d{Y H$m
g{MÌ dU©Z H$a|&
b) Describe horizon mining in detail. 9
hm°[aOZ ‘mB©qZJ H$m {dñVma go dU©Z H$a|&
F/2019/6328 P.T.O.


8. Write short notes on (any three) 6 each

a) Mixing chamber in stowing
b) Subsidence measurement
c) Longwall face mechanization
d) Systematic support rule
g§{já {Q>ßn{U¶m± {b{IE& (H$moB© VrZ)
A) ñQ>moqdJ ‘| {‘p³g¨J Moå~a
~) gãgrS>|g ‘mnZ
g) bm±Jdmb ’o$g H$m ‘erZrH$aU
X) {gñQ>o‘o{Q>H$ gnmoQ>© ê$b



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