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The Official Publication of DPWH Regional Office III
Vol. 6 | Issue No.4 | October - December 2023
2 CONTENTS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

The Official Publication of DPWH Regional Office III
Vol. 6 | Issue No.4 | October - December 2023
Pictured on the cover is a rendition of a multipurpose
building, a common type of structure built by
the Department of Public Works and Highways.
Multipurpose buildings, or 'MPBs,' vary in size, design,
and intended use — from small structures serving as
senior citizen centers or barangay halls to large covered
courts used in sports and as evacuation centers in times of
need. The humble MPB showcases the Department's work
as well as its commitment to serving the Filipino people.

04 Banner News
DPWH R3 Officials inspect ongoing projects in Bataan

06 News Briefs
DPWH Region III meeting addresses project implementation,
sets agenda for 2024

24 Central News
DPWH formally opens first flyover in Bataan

26 National News
ADB approves financing for flagship Philippine bridge

29 District News
DPWH Tarlac 2nd DEO inducts new set of SAMAKANA officers

41 DEOs Project Highlights

49 Feature
DPWH Region III-EMD achieves success in Tulaoc River
clearing and dredging operation

51 HR News
DPWH R3 orients employees on program to institutionalize
meritocracy and excellence

52 Spiritual and Moral Empowerment

Christmas is all about poverty... and glory
Volume 6 | Issue #4 CONTENTS 3

Photo courtesy: Bataan Sub(3rd) DEO

4 BANNER NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH R3 Officials inspect ongoing projects in Bataan

hree big-ticket projects
in Mariveles and
Bagac, Bataan, with
a combined budget of P671.1
million, were inspected by officials
of the Department of Public Works
and Highways – Regional Office III
on November 14, 2023.

These include the construction

of a 7.616-kilometer access road
leading to beach destinations in
Barangay Quinawan in Bagac;
the replacement of a permanent
weak bridge in Mariveles; and
the construction of a bypass road
connecting the Freeport Area dynamics, highlighting the It was further reported that
of Bataan (FAB) to the Bagac- necessity of conducting inspections the construction of the Mariveles
Mariveles Road, also in Mariveles for the infrastructure initiatives Bridge, spanning 253.8 lineal
town. overseen by the Regional Office. meters inclusive of its approaches,
This ensures adherence to currently has an accomplishment
In a statement, Regional approved plans and programs of rate of 33.22% and is expected to
Director Roseller A. Tolentino work," Tolentino clarified. be completed by March 2024.
said the implementation of these
projects will significantly benefit Meanwhile, Assistant “This P75.7-million project
business locators in the region's Regional Director Melquiades H. aims to replace the old, existing
premier ecozone by improving Sto. Domingo stated that P526.73 bridge on the Mariveles-Talaga
overall access and mobility, as million has been allocated for the Bay Road and is being erected
well as enhancing the convenience implementation of the Quinawan parallel to a previously built two-
of tourist travel to the waterfront Access Road, with the goal of lane bridge. The design is intended
resorts in the province. enhancing connectivity to major to accommodate a higher volume
tourism destinations in the province of vehicles traveling from the
"These initiatives, funded by upon its completion. ecozone to the town center,” Sto.
the national government, highlight Domingo clarified.
DPWH's commitment to improving The first phase of the project,
economic connectivity. Upon with a budget of P144.73 million, Moreover, the construction
completion, these infrastructure involved the construction of a of the FAB to Bagac-Mariveles
developments are expected to 1.62-kilometer gravel road and Road is now 86.11% complete,
serve as catalysts for advancing was completed in November 2022, involving the construction of three
trade, promoting the expansion with the second and third phases bridges, application of epoxy-
of tourism, and fostering regional currently at 95.84% and 52.56% based waterproofing, and the
growth," Tolentino stated. completion, respectively. implementation of stone masonry
as part of the project's scope of
He further emphasized that "The project’s second phase, work to protect the integrity of the
through strategic investments in costing P193 million, involves the bridge structures.
vital infrastructure like access opening of a 2.64-kilometer road
roads and bridges, DPWH section and the construction of Sto. Domingo directed
is actively contributing to the stone masonry. On the other hand, Construction Division Chief Jayson
heightened connectivity of Bataan, the third phase, with a budget S. Jauco to closely monitor the
creating greater trade prospects of P189 million, comprises the implementation of the inspected
and nurturing resilient economic opening of another 2.62-kilometer projects and ensure they are
growth. road section and the construction completed ahead of schedule.#
of a 30.80-lineal-meter bridge,"
"These projects have the Sto. Domingo explained.
potential to reshape regional
Volume 6 | Issue #4 BANNER NEWS 5

Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) - Bypass Road

Construction of bypass road connecting the
Freeport Area of Bataan (FAB) to the Bagac-Mariveles

7.616-kilometer Quinawan Access Road

P526.73 million has been allocated for the
Mariveles Bridge
implementation of the Quinawan Access Road
A P75.7-million project aims to replace the old, existing
project, with the goal of enhancing connectivity to
bridge on the Mariveles-Talaga Bay Road and is being
major tourism destinations in the province upon its
erected parallel to a previously built two-lane bridge.
6 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH Region III meeting addresses project

implementation, sets agenda for 2024

epartment of Public
Works and Highways
(DPWH) Region III
Director Roseller Tolentino and
Assistant Regional Director
Melquiades Sto. Domingo led
the regional staff meeting on
December 4, 2023, at the Bulacan
1st District Engineering Office
(DEO) Gymnasium in Malolos City.

Attended by key officials from

Region III, the session served as
a forum to discuss various issues,
including project accomplishments,
financial status, ongoing results of
dredging activities, legal challenges
hindering project execution, and
the proposed 2024 budget.

During the meeting, Tolentino underscoring their dedication rank for the Highest Current Year
emphasized the need for District and effectiveness in responsibly Disbursement Rate as of October
and Assistant District Engineers to utilizing public funds, implementing 31, 2023, and achieving the 2nd
ensure the completion of projects projects that contribute to economic rank for Prior Year Disbursement
under the CY 2023 national budget, development, and enhancing the Rate and the 1st rank for Current
emphasizing judicious government quality of life in the community. Year Disbursement Rate as of
fund disbursement. November 30, 2023.
Certificates were awarded
He also stressed the by the Finance Division to Meanwhile, as of the close
importance of DPWH offices strictly acknowledge the top-performing of November, Bulacan 1st DEO
adhering to early procurement local DPWH offices. Pampanga 3rd under the leadership of DE Henry
guidelines for proposed CY DEO, led by DE Arnold Ocampo, Alcantara, who hosted the staff
2024 projects to ensure timely was acknowledged as the 8th meeting, secured the top position
delivery of goods, prompt project among the Top 10 DEOs for the among the DPWH offices in the
implementation, and efficient Highest Absorptive Capacity and region in terms of Prior Year
budget planning. the 6th for the Highest Current Disbursement Rate.#
Year Disbursement Rate as of Scan the
Additionally, Sto. Domingo October 31, 2023, nationwide. QR Code
commended the exemplary to view the
performance of DPWH offices Similarly, Tarlac 1st DEO article
in Central Luzon, highlighting under DE Neil Farala emerged online
their success in both financial as one of the top national
and project management, while performers, securing the 3rd
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 7

DPWH, LGU break ground for P80-M

stadium in Santa Maria, Bulacan

enator Joel Villanueva, In his message, Sto. Domingo Meanwhile, Villanueva, who
together with Public conveyed DPWH's profound also hails from Bulacan, reiterated
Works and Highways appreciation to Senator Joel in his message his dedication
Region 3 Assistant Director Villanueva for his unwavering to contributing to infrastructure
Melquiades Sto. Domingo and dedication and consistent programs in Central Luzon that will
Municipal Mayor Bartolome support in bringing the stadium's lead to more projects, businesses,
Ramos, led the groundbreaking construction to fruition, highlighting and job opportunities.
ceremony for the construction of an the diligent efforts put forth to
P80 million stadium in Santa Maria, secure the necessary budget and "This stadium serves as
Bulacan on October 2, 2023. resources for the project. both a symbol of progress and
a vibrant hub for community
The Santa Maria Stadium is a Emphasizing the agency's activities, and as your Senator, I
two-storey, air-conditioned facility commitment to enhancing the extend my wholehearted support
with a capacity of 200 persons. lives of the communities it serves, to this project. It carries profound
It has a total floor area of 981.6 Sto. Domingo added that, "This significance as a unifying emblem,
square meters and features a facility will provide the residents of rallying Bulakenyos for the
420-square-meter court area for Santa Maria with ample space for collective advancement of our
sports activities, a movable stage, a myriad of events and activities, province,” Villanueva expressed.#
and 23 parking slots, making it an accommodating gatherings
accessible and conducive venue of varying sizes to ensure a
for sporting events in the locality. comfortable and engaging
experience for all attendees."
8 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH Officials attend 11th Regional Confab of Local

Planning and Development Coordinators

ey officials from the Center in the City of San Jose joined by key government agencies
Department of Public Del Monte, Bulacan, intends to that play essential roles in local
Works and Highways keep local planners in Region III development planning in Central
(DPWH) Regional Office III and updated on development planning Luzon, including the Department
Bulacan 2nd District Engineering standards and policies, fostering of Tourism, Land Transportation
Office (DEO) participated in the unity, and providing a platform for Office, National Economic and
11th Annual Regional Convention policy discussions and feedback. Development Authority, and the
of the Central Luzon League of Provincial Government of Bulacan.
Local Planning and Development With the theme 'Resilient and
Coordinators of the Philippines Inc. Sustainable Local and Regional With the theme 'Resilient and
Development through Enhanced Sustainable Local and Regional
This annual event, held at the Collaboration and Improved Development through Enhanced
San Jose Del Monte Convention Planning Tools,' the convention is Collaboration and Improved
Planning Tools,' the convention is
joined by key government agencies
that play essential roles in local
development planning in Central
Luzon, including the Department
of Tourism, Land Transportation
Office, National Economic and
Development Authority, and the
Provincial Government of Bulacan.

During one of the sessions

of the 3-day event, DPWH
Region 3 Director Roseller
Tolentino discussed the agency's
convergence programs with local
governments, aimed at enhancing
local public structures and
prioritizing collaborative planning
for key infrastructure initiatives.

Photo from City of San Jose del Monte City Planning and Development Office - (continued on page 9)
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 9

(DPWH Officials attend... continued from page 8)

"We would like to emphasize studies aimed at improving On the first day of the event,
our commitment to constructing mobility and accessibility, thereby local Bulacan officials attended
essential public infrastructure connecting the region's growth with CSJDM Bulacan Mayor
projects that improve the lives areas and mitigating traffic Hon. Arthur B. Robes welcoming
of Filipinos, especially in Central congestion while stimulating participants, CSJDM Lone
Luzon. With the collaboration of economic activities. District Representative Florida
LGUs and various government Robes delivering an inspirational
agencies through convergence Both Tolentino and Santos message, and Bulacan Governor
programs, we have successfully also dedicated time to address Daniel Fernando presenting
implemented projects that promote questions regarding the presented the latest development trends
eco-tourism, mitigate worsening DPWH projects. in Bulacan, including ongoing
traffic conditions, and generate infrastructure projects and flagship
employment opportunities,” Other speakers in the forum development programs of the
Tolentino explained. included NEDA Regional Director current administration.
Nerissa T. Esguerra, who presented
Meanwhile, DPWH Region the Central Luzon Development Joining Tolentino were
3 Planning and Design Division Plan for 2023-2028; LTO OIC- Assistant Regional Director
Chief Arthur Santos, presented Regional Director Atty. Carl Sha Melquiades Sto. Domingo,
significant high-impact projects in Jemimah Marbella discussed Bulacan 2nd District Engineer
regional development, including the latest updates on the local George Santos, Assistant District
both ongoing and completed road public transport route plan; and Engineer Edwin Abengaña, and
opening and bypass road projects DOT Regional Director Richard Construction Section OIC-Chief
aimed at enhancing inter-regional G. Daenos, PhD, presented the Ace Caper.#
connectivity. tourism development plan for Scan the
Central Luzon, emphasizing its role QR Code
Santos, in his talk, in boosting the regional economy. to view the
emphasized that DPWH has article
consistently conducted feasibility online

Photo from City of San Jose del Monte City Planning and Development Office -
10 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH, JICA collaborate on water governance

and flood control in Central Luzon

PWH Region 3 Director service aims to enhance IWRM the regional development plan
Roseller Tolentino met implementation in the Philippines preparation, especially concerning
with representatives by integrating it into development flood management.
from the Japan International plans, reforming institutions
Cooperation Agency (JICA) and laws, engaging experts, Also present were JICA-
and the National Economic and and formulating master plans, Senior Advisor on Water Resources
Development Authority (NEDA) policy papers, studies, and data Kenji Nagata, Hydrologist Kiyoshi
on October 2, 2023 to discuss management methodologies Hirata, Project Coordinator Preeti
initiatives for enhancing water for effective water resource Sah, Francis Palomique, Jun
governance effectiveness, with management. Domingo, Jerome Simillano from
a primary emphasis on the NEDA Central Office, Al Espiritu
implementation of Integrated During the meeting, DPWH from NEDA Region III, and DPWH
Water Resources Management also highlighted significant foreign- Region 3 Planning and Design
(IWRM) Advisory Services. funded and proposed flood control Division Chief Arthur Santos, along
projects in the Pampanga River with Engr. Catherine Jaceldone.#
According to Todahiro Basin, specifically in Bulacan and
Fukuda, Team Leader of JICA Pampanga provinces. The JICA
Advisory Team (JAT)/Nippon delegation found these projects
Koei Co., Ltd. (NK), the advisory valuable for integrating IWRM into
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 11

DPWH augments equipment for clearing

water hyacinths along Guiguinto River

he Department of Tadano Crane from the Regional Removing these from the
Public Works and Equipment Management Division province's waterways will not
Highways (DPWH) has (EMD) and an 80-ton crane from only alleviate flooding but also
announced the deployment of a the Tarlac 2nd District Engineering safeguard the marine ecosystem,"
single-unit trash-skimmer (K5-01) Office (DEO). Tolentino emphasized.
on November 15, 2023 to assist
in clearing water hyacinths that Meanwhile, Director Roseller EMD Chief Danilo Danganan
have infested the Guiguinto River Tolentino of DPWH Regional Office assured that the water hyacinth
in Bulacan. III clarified that the deployment of removal operations will be closely
this equipment is a vital part of the monitored, and qualified personnel
According to DPWH Bureau of Department's strategy to tackle will oversee the operation of all
Equipment (BOE) Director Toribio the persistent issue of flooding BOE-deployed equipment.#
Noel Ilao, the trash-skimmer will in Central Luzon, particularly in Scan the
become operational once the Bulacan and Pampanga. QR Code
logistical requirements for removal to view the
operations are completed. "The build up of water article
hyacinths in rivers has been
Ilao mentioned that the identified as a key factor
equipment was positioned at its contributing to recent floods in
current location using a 75-ton several Bulacan communities.
12 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin


Administrative Officers gather
for 4th Quarter Dialogue

he Administrative Officers DPWH Region 3 Chief
of the Department Administrative Officer Remedios
of Public Works and Laurel explained that the quarterly
Highways (DPWH) - Region III meeting help in improving
met on December 6, 2023, for office performance, ensuring
DE Almer Miranda their 4th Quarter Dialogue hosted compliance with all applicable
by the three Pampanga District laws and regulations, managing
Engineering Offices. the employee engagement and
retention, addressing employee
The meeting formally opened concerns and issues.
with welcome messages delivered
by Pampanga 1st District Engineer Meanwhile, Human Resource
Almer Miranda, Pampanga 2nd and Management Section Chief
District Engineer Gregorio Audea, Yozelle Roque led the awarding
Jr., and Pampanga 3rd District of the Best Human Resource
Engineer Arnold Ocampo. Management Officer for 2023,
with Vanessa Joy Garcia from
DE Arnold Ocampo In their respective greetings, Zambales 2nd DEO ranking
they warmly welcomed all 3rd, Jennylyn Macapagal of
Administrative Officers to Nueva Ecija 1st DEO placing 2nd,
the dialogue, conveying their and Luzviminda Cruz of Pampanga
appreciation and gratitude while 3rd DEO being recognized as the
emphasizing the vital roles of office best among her peers.
administrators in the agency’s
operations. The Administrative Officers'
year-end meeting doubles as
The dialogue also provided their Christmas Party, and it was
a forum for the discussion of the attended by Assistant Regional
latest issuances and practices in Director Melquiades Sto. Domingo
human resources, supply, cash, and Pampanga 2nd Assistant
DE Gregorio Audea and records management. District Engineer John Paolo Tan.#
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 13

Infrastructure Right-of-Way Management Application

(IROWMA) Project's second roll-out training

articipants from the Atty. Mark Vincent N. Angeles
Regional and District served as the first resource speaker
Engineering Offices of for the two-day activity, which
the Department of Public Works aimed to impart knowledge on the
and Highways (DPWH) in Region use of IROWMA. This application
III attended the Infrastructure automates right-of-way (ROW)
Right-of-Way Management documents and improves the
Application (IROWMA) Project's monitoring of ROW acquisition.#
Second Roll-out Training Scan the
facilitated by resource speakers QR Code
from the Right-of-Way Acquisition to view the
and Enforcement Division, Legal article
Service of the DPWH Central online
Office on October 19, 2023.

Inauguration of the Japan-assisted Arterial Bypass

Road Project in San Rafael, Bulacan

PWH Region 3 Director involves the widening of
Roseller Tolentino and the entire 24.61-kilometer
Assistant Regional stretch of the Arterial
Director Melquiades Sto. Domingo Road Bypass Project,
graced the inauguration ceremony passing through five (5)
for the two new westbound lanes of municipalities in Bulacan:
the Japan-assisted Arterial Bypass Balagtas, Guiguinto,
Road Project in San Rafael, Plaridel, Bustos, and San
Bulacan, which was led by Special Rafael, and represents
Assistant to the President Antonio a significant milestone in
Ernesto Lagdameo Jr., who the improvement of road
represented President Ferdinand infrastructure.
Marcos Jr., and DPWH Secretary
Manuel M. Bonoan on October 9, Also present were Bulacan from the Central, Regional, and
2023. 3rd District Representative Lorna District Engineering Offices.#
Silverio, Bulacan Vice-Governor Scan the
This project, implemented Alexis Castro, and various key local QR Code
by the Unified Project officials, in addition to Japanese to view the
Management Office (UPMO) Ambassador to the Philippines article
- Roads Management Cluster Kazuhiko Koshikawa and Senior online
I (Bilateral), commonly known Undersecretary Emil K. Sadain,
as the Plaridel Bypass Road, along with other DPWH officials
14 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

District Communicators undergo 3-day Basic Training

istrict information feature writing, photojournalism, The training concluded with
officers of the social media, and media relations the awarding of the 3rd Quarter
Department of Public through interactive workshops. Public Information and
Work and Highways – Region Communications Excellence
III attended the basic training Designed to equip newly-hired Awards, recognizing the
facilitated by Philippine Information Information Officers from different outstanding contributions
Agency (PIA) – Central Luzon District Engineering Offices, the of top-performing district
Deputy Director Carlo Lorenzo training covered a range of topics communicators.#
Datu and Information Officer Jag crucial to their roles, including
Lyra Costamero on October 10 to the functions of an Information Scan the QR
12, 2023. Officer, basic newswriting and Code
photojournalism techniques, media to view the
Over the three days, relations and public speaking article online
participants from various District skills, and effective social media
Public Affairs and Information management strategies.
Units honed their skills in news and
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 15


16 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Intermediate Training for DPWH

District Information Officers

he Department of Public During the first day of the He further explained that this
Works and Highways Intermediate Training, participants approach complements problem-
District Information pitched their proposed stories in a focused reporting and aims to
Officers training series, part two, workshop on Solutions Journalism. bridge the gap between identifying
was conducted on November 7, issues and promoting effective
2023. Datu discussed that stories responses. Information Officer
created using the solutions Jag Lyra Costamero guided the
The district communicators journalism approach focus on presenters in improving their story
learned Solutions Journalism, investigating and explaining pitch.#
Writing Correspondences, Mobile how people are working to solve
Scan the
Journalism, and Public Speaking shared problems. This approach
QR Code
from Philippine Information Agency challenges the traditional 'what's to view the
- Region III Assistant Regional gone wrong' approach in news article
Director Carlo Lorenzo Datu by emphasizing that solutions are online
and Information Officer Jag Lyra also newsworthy.
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 17

Comprehensive Training for DPWH Field Engineers

ublic Works and objectives, and underscoring the
Highways Region pivotal role DPWH Field Engineers
3 Director Roseller play in advancing the region's
Tolentino extended a warm infrastructure development and the
welcome to the participants of success of its projects.#
the month-long Comprehensive Scan the
Training for DPWH Field QR Code
Engineers. to view the
In his message, Tolentino online
shared valuable insights,
highlighting the training's
importance, its specific

2023 Advent Recollection

mployees of the The Advent Season, observed
Department of Public through acts such as prayer and
Works and Highways reflection, serves as a dedicated
in Region III attended the annual time for Christians to prepare their
Advent Recollection on December hearts for the birth of Christ — a
12, 2023. The session was purpose underscored in this yearly
facilitated by Rev. Fr. Eisen John gathering.#
M. Cruz, Director of the Philosophy
Department at the Mother of Good
Scan the
Counsel Seminary in the City QR Code
of San Fernando, Pampanga, to view the
who emphasized the values of article
'thanksgiving' and 'strengthening online
of faith in his talk.
18 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin


Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 19


20 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Q4 NSED 2023 DPWH Regional Office III

arrying Go Bags on Once they ensured their with a specific focus on scenarios
their backs, employees safety under sturdy office furniture involving earthquakes that could
from the Department and fixtures, they moved outdoors potentially trigger tsunamis along
of Public Works and Highways – in an orderly manner to participate the coastline.#
Regional Office III made their way in the evacuation exercises. Scan the
to the designated assembly area, QR Code
putting their training from recurrent The final earthquake drill of the to view the
national earthquake drills into year served as a comprehensive article
practice on November 9, 2023. test of the office's earthquake online
and tsunami contingency plan,
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 21

Q4 Nationwide Simultaneous
Earthquake Drill 2023
Aurora DEO

Bataan 1st

Bataan Sub(3rd)

Bulacan 1st

Bulacan 2nd
22 NEWS BRIEFS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Nueva Ecija 1st


Nueva Ecija 2nd


Pampanga 1st

Tarlac 1st

Zambales 1st
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NEWS BRIEFS 23

DPWH Bataan DEOs host 3rd Quarterly Dialogue

for Region 3 Administrative Officers

he three Bataan District well-informed, enabling them to positive outcomes, actionable
Engineering Offices of effectively fulfill their roles and recommendations, and consensus
the Department of Public responsibilities within the DPWH on key topics, showing its
Works and Highways (DPWH) organization. effectiveness in achieving the
hosted the 3rd Quarterly Dialogue forum's goals.
for Region 3 Administrative Officers "On behalf of my fellow
on October 6, 2023. District Engineers in Bataan, we In his closing remarks, Bataan
extend a warm welcome as you 1st District Engineer Erlindo R.
This periodic meeting serves hold this important meeting, which Flores, Jr. expressed heartfelt
as a platform for updating and will empower our administrative gratitude for the invaluable support
equipping office administrators professionals with what they need provided by the Human Resource
with the latest practices and to enhance efficiency, compliance, and Administrative Division in
developments in human resources, and overall effectiveness in their managing the manpower-related
supply, cash, and records administrative functions," Llado aspects within their respective
management. stated. offices.

DPWH Region 3 Chief Meanwhile, Bataan Sub Also present in the quarterly
Administrative Officer, Remedios (3rd) OIC-District Engineer dialogue, which also served as
Q. Laurel, emphasized Maribel Navarro, drawing from an occasion to acknowledge
the importance of keeping her experience before serving newly promoted and retiring
administrative officers informed as concurrent Assistant District administrative officers, were
about the latest procedures, Engineer and Administrative Supervising Administrative Officer
regulations, and best practices in Officer, inspired the participants Atty. Reylyn Grace Gaddi, HRAD
their respective fields to ensure by emphasizing their vital role Section Chiefs, and key officials
they stay up-to-date. in DPWH office operations, from Bataan 1st, 2nd, and Sub-
underlining the organization's DEOs, further enriching the
In his welcome remarks, dependency on their untiring discussions.#
Bataan 2nd District Engineer support. Scan the
Ulysses Llado elaborated on the QR Code
purpose of these dialogues, that The dialogue encouraged to view the
is, to ensure that administrative open and constructive discussions article
officers are well-prepared and among participants, resulting in
24 CENTRAL NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH formally opens first flyover in Bataan

n time for the December The inauguration event of Cluster Project Director Soledad
holiday rush, the Bataan’s first flyover structure was R. Florencio, DPWH Stakeholders
Department of Public also attended by the following: Relations Service Director R.
Works and Highways (DPWH) has Pilar Mayor Carlos F. Pizarro Del Rosario, Bataan District
provided solution to the usual traffic Jr., DPWH Unified Project Engineers Ulysses C. Llado and
buildup and occurence of serious Management Office- Bridges Maribel D. Navarro, and Project
accidents at the intersection of Management Cluster (UPMO- Manager Samuel Bayot of Amarro
Roman Superhighway and Gov. BMC) Project Director Rodrigo I. Construction.
JJ Linao National Road in Pilar, Delos Reyes, UPMO Buildings
Bataan with the completion and and Special Projects Management
opening of the newly-completed (continued on page 25)
Ala Uli Steel Flyover.

DPWH Senior Undersecretary

Emil K. Sadain together with
Bataan Governor Jose Enrique
S. Garcia III and 2nd District
Representative Albert S. Garcia
formally led on December 16, 2023
the ceremonial inauguration of the
607.75-lineal meter modular steel
flyover including road approaches
in Barangay Ala Uli that will improve
overall transportation efficiency
of the Roman Superhighway,
considered the major trade route
of Bataan Peninsula.
Volume 6 | Issue #4 CENTRAL NEWS 25
(DPWH formally opens... continued from page 24)
Located at a traffic chokepoint The project is expected to and Cavite provinces across
for vehicles going to and from the streamline traffic flow, reduce travel Manila Bay and poised to become
towns of Balanga, Pilar, Mariveles, times particularly to the industrial one of the longest marine bridges
and Bagac, the Ala-Uli Flyover centers located along the highway worldwide upon its completion.
Project is considered one of the including the oil companies in
top priorities under the Mega- Limay and Bataan Freeport in BCIB project is structured
Bridges for Urban and Rural Mariveles, and contribute to a to be financed by loan with Asian
Development Project (MBURDP) more sustainable and accessible Development Bank (ADB) through
which is a program managed by urban environment. a multi-tranche funding facility,
UPMO-BMC that involves the with the initial tranche of the loan
nationwide construction of bridges The elevated roadway is amounting to $650 million signed
and flyovers to provide better road a two (2) lane, 7.5-meter wide on December 15, 2023.
network along secondary national and 195.59-meter long modular
highways. steel flyover consisting of five (5) The project which has an
spans, two (2) abutments and four estimated total cost of about
In his message, Senior (4) piers as well as 412.16-meter P219.31 billion to be co-financed
Undersecretary Sadain said road approaches (both sides). The by the ADB, Asian Infrastructure
that after months of meticulous project also cover the rehabilitation/ Investment Bank (AIIB) and by the
planning, construction, and reblocking of concrete pavement Philippine government is part of
collaboration with various under the flyover. the Infrastructure Flagship Projects
stakeholders, the successful (IFPs) under the administration of
completion and opening of Ala-Uli Under the leadership of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.
Flyover Project demonstrated the Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan and “Build Better More” program.#
DPWH and local government units Senior Undersecretary Sadain, Scan the
commitment to greatly improve DPWH will start in 2024 the QR Code
to view the
mobility essential to social and construction of 32.15-kilometer
economic growth. Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge online
(BCIB) that will connect Bataan
26 NATIONAL NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

ADB approves financing for flagship

Philippine bridge project
By Asian Development Bank

he Asian Development in these areas, which together Railway, Malolos Clark Railway,
Bank (ADB) has account for 60% of the country’s and two other projects currently
approved financing of up gross domestic product. being prepared for financing—the
to $2.1 billion for the construction Metro Manila Rail Transit Line
of a 32.15 kilometer (km) climate- “This project will transform 4 and the Laguna Lakeshore
resilient bridge connecting Bataan the economic landscape of central Road Network. These projects
and Cavite provinces across Manila Luzon, unlock the full potential will expand and transform the
Bay to decongest Metro Manila, of Bataan and Cavite for trade, transport network in the metropolis,
enable greater mobility of labor manufacturing, and industrial improve regional connectivity, and
and goods, and enhance economic output, and boost their tourism,” offer Filipinos access to more job
productivity in the country’s largest said ADB Vice-President for East opportunities,” Mr. Morris said.
region of Luzon. and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific
Scott Morris. “Once completed, The BCIB project will be
The Bataan–Cavite Interlink BCIB will offer a platform for financed under a multitranche
Bridge (BCIB) Project, one reimagining a more vibrant, financing facility, with the first
of the government’s flagship resilient, and dynamic greater tranche amounting to $650 million.
infrastructure projects, will Manila Bay area.” “The BCIB The project will cut travel time
complete the transport loop around represents the latest installment in between Bataan and Cavite to 1.5
Manila Bay and better link Metro ADB’s broader agenda of support hours from 5 hours, and to about
Manila to central Luzon and nearby towards strengthening urban and 2 hours from 4 hours between
Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, regional transport networks in Bataan and Metro Manila. The
and Quezon provinces. The project and around greater Manila. This traffic decongestion in Metro
will help boost economic activity includes the South Commuter Manila and the reduced travel time
(Continued on page 27)
Volume 6 | Issue #4 NATIONAL NEWS 27

(ADB approves Financing... continued from page 26)

will help lower annual greenhouse The bridge will offer easier technologies and construction
gas emissions in the country by an access from northern Luzon materials where applicable.
estimated 79,000 tons of carbon to Cavite, one of the most
dioxide equivalent. industrialized provinces in the ADB is committed to achieving
country, and host to businesses a prosperous, inclusive, resilient,
The project will construct in the service, export, logistics and sustainable Asia and the
one of the world’s longest marine services, facilities, and information Pacific, while sustaining its efforts
bridges, including 2 cable-stayed technology sectors. to eradicate extreme poverty.
bridges, 24 km of marine viaducts, Established in 1966, it is owned by
and a total 8 km of approach road The ADB - financed 68 members—49 from the region.#
in the two provinces. BCIB will Infrastructure Preparation and
provide the road connectivity to Innovation Facility supported the
Manila, Cavite, and southern Luzon project preparation, environment Photos by:
that will boost Bataan’s potential and social safeguards due Asian Development Bank
to host more manufacturing diligence, and detailed engineering
industries in the Freeport Area of design for BCIB. The project will
Bataan, the only freeport in the follow high technical standards to
Scan the
Manila Bay area, making it an ideal boost resilience to natural hazards
QR Code
transshipment hub. The project and the effects of climate change,
to view the
can also help expand the use of such as sea level rise, increase article
Bataan’s Mariveles port to provide in temperature and heatwaves, online
an alternative to the busy port of and extreme weather events. The
Manila. bridge will be built using low-carbon
28 NATIONAL NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH, DSWD post improved budget utilization rate—

NEDA exec
By Presidential Communications Office

he Department of Public President Ferdinand R. include prioritization of big-ticket
Works and Highways Marcos Jr. presided over a Palace items and strict implementation
(DPWH) and Department meeting tackling government of EPA, and also adopting digital
of Social Welfare and Development spending, food inflation, and non- payments for goods and services,
(DSWD) are among the most food inflation. including the distribution of
improved agencies in terms financial assistance.
capital spending, a socioeconomic The DBM presented to the
planning official said on Tuesday. President agency catch-up plans The top agencies with low
to fully utilize the budget, measures budget utilization rates include
“Actually, the more competent to address underspending, and the Department of Information
agency to answer this is really spending outlook for the remainder and Communications Technology
DBM (Department of Budget of the year. (DICT), Department of Migrant
and Management). So, ang Workers (DMW), DSWD,
natatandaan ko lang doon is The low national government Department of Energy (DOE), and
DPWH so in terms of the capital disbursements in the second Department of Tourism (DOT).
spending and then DSWD,” NEDA quarter of this year were among
Undersecretary Rosemarie Edillon the reasons for the less stellar Spending as of end-
said on the most improved agency. economic performance for the September 2023 amounted to
period. PhP3.82 trillion, an improvement
“So, iyong sa spending, from the PhP2.41 trillion recorded
ni-report ng DBM iyong naging Among the measures carried as of June 2023, but PhP40.90
progress natin na actually for this out by agencies include the billion short of the PhP3.86 trillion
third quarter mataas ang naging conduct of early procurement programmed.
spending ng mga ahensiya. Well, activities (EPA) to expedite the
number one, nakapag-submit execution of procurement projects, By the end of the year, the
naman ng mga catch-up plans provision of capacity building and DBM projects disbursements to
kaya nga for many of them naitaas training programs for procuring reach PhP5.32 trillion, higher than
talaga iyong spending for Q3,” she entities, adoption of the integrated the PhP5.23 trillion program and
said. financial management information PhP5.16 trillion recorded last year.
system across all government PND#
According to Edillon, they are agencies, and preparation of
expecting that agencies could be agency roadmaps.
able to catch up in expenditures,
which could reflect in the end of Agencies are also issuing
September data. guidelines on fund release to
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DISTRICT NEWS 29

DPWH Tarlac 2nd DEO inducts

new set of SAMAKANA Officers

he recently elected Engr. Michael B. Valdez (Gender
officers of the local and Development), Ron Daniel
chapter of the M. David (Construction Section),
Department of Public Works and Maria Belinda A. Miclat (Human
Highways employees' union, or Resource and Administrative
the SAMAhan ng mga KAwaning Section), and Engr. King M.
NAgkakaisa (SAMAKANA), were Manganti (Quality Assurance
formally sworn in by Tarlac 2nd Section).
District Engineer Edward Ricardo
Ramos on November 20, 2023. In a statement, District
Engineer Ramos emphasized
The officers who took their the vital role of SAMAKANA
oath in the presence of the in organizing office activities
section chiefs of the district office and ensuring the welfare of all
include Engr. Roberto C. Nunag employees.
(President), Engr. Ian A. Dela Cruz
(Vice President), Engr. Steve T. “SAMAKANA has always
Marzan (Secretary), Annabelle C. been the arms and legs of our
Talavera (Treasurer), Engr. John Office in terms of spearheading
Paul L. Mercado (Auditor), and events, programs, and activities
Engr. Christopher Stephen M. that have benefited our employees
Wong (Business Manager). and stakeholders. I hope our new
Officers will continue to do the
Meanwhile, the Board of same in the years to come,” Ramos
Directors, who also pledged their stated.
commitment, were Engr. Robert
John A. Manalang (Maintenance The election of SAMAKANA
Section), Marsha Y. Pamintuan Officers was held on October 23,
(Planning and Design Section), 2023.#
Arjell M. Manalo (Finance Section),
30 DISTRICT NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH NE 2nd DEO achieves Two-Star Rating

for materials testing lab excellence

he Department of Public
Works and Highways
(DPWH) - Bureau of
Research and Standards (BRS)
conducted a comprehensive
evaluation of the Materials Testing
Laboratory of the Nueva Ecija 2nd
District Engineering Office (DEO)
on November 17, 2023.

Facilitated by Engineer
Jonathan D. Parker of the
Materials Testing Division and
Engr. Jennifer L. Galoso of the
Standards Development Division,
the assessment aimed to upgrade
the DEO’s Materials Testing the goal of ensuring it meets or underscores our dedication to
Laboratory from its current one- exceeds the standards required for maintaining quality and adhering
star rating to a two-star rating. a two-star rating. to established protocols," Trinidad
District Engineer Elpidio Trinidad emphasized that
Trinidad explained that the the office’s Materials Testing Meanwhile,Quality
DPWH's implementation of a Laboratory, which transitioned Assurance Section Chief Iluminada
star rating system for materials from a one-star to a two-star G. Flores commended her team
testing laboratories is a strategy to rating, underscores its dedication for their eagerness in showcasing
enhance testing capabilities and to ensuring the provision of high- exceptional competence during
improve quality control in project quality construction materials in its the evaluation.
implementation. infrastructure projects.
Emphasizing the crucial
The onsite evaluation "The elevation of our role of laboratory personnel, she
included inspections of testing Materials Testing Laboratory's highlighted that their competency
procedures, equipment calibration, status reaffirms our commitment is vital, considering qualifications,
personnel competence, and to public safety, aligning with training, and expertise in conducting
adherence to safety protocols—a the department's prioritization material tests to ensure the quality
multifaceted examination of excellence and safety, as and safety of materials used in the
covering various dimensions of outlined in Department Order 126, construction and maintenance of
the laboratory's operations, with series of 2016. This achievement implemented infrastructures.#
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DISTRICT NEWS 31

DPWH Bulacan Sub-DEO leads cascade

for Batas Pambansa 344 Implementation and
Accessibility Audit

he Department of Public In his opening remarks, opportunities for all citizens in
Works and Highways District Engineer Ruben S. Santos terms of social services.
(DPWH) - Bulacan Sub- Jr. underscored the importance of
District Engineering Office (DEO) advocating for the rights of PWDs “It is our duty to enhance the
recently conducted a two-day through infrastructure provision, welfare and mobility of PWDs,
comprehensive training on the stating that participants must be allowing them to enjoy the same
implementation of Batas Pambansa well-versed in the relevant laws quality of life as others,” Pingol
Bilang 344 (BP 344), commonly and their implementing rules enthused.
known as the Accessibility Law. and regulations, and adding that
only then can a barrier-free and The training program has
The training, held at the Villa inclusive environment for PWDs successfully raised awareness
Victoria Resort Pavilion in the town be achieved. about accessibility concerns,
of San Rafael, brought together fostered a better understanding of
Municipal Engineers and Municipal Following the informative the policy, compelling participants
Social Welfare and Development discussions, the participants to commit to full compliance with
Officers from the 3rd Legislative conducted an accessibility audit on the law.
District of Bulacan, along with five building facilities, facilitated by
Project Engineers of government personnel from the Central Office. Santos emphasized that by
contractors, with the aim of constructing facilities to address
familiarizing participants with the “This assessment aimed the needs of not only individuals
accessibility requirements outlined to ensure that these facilities with mobility impairments but also
in BP 344. comply with the standards and the elderly, DPWH is actively
regulations set forth by BP 344. working to enhance the quality of
Engr. Emma A. Banatao, The attendees inspected structural life for all.
DPWH's Alternate Representative accessibility features, including
to the National Council on Disability ramps, walkways, railings, toilets, The attendees received
Affairs (NCDA), emphasized that staircases, and signage,” Santos certificates of participation as
the goal is to enhance the mobility clarified. a testament to their successful
and welfare of persons with completion of the program.#
disabilities (PWDs) by installing the Meanwhile, Assistant District Scan the
necessary facilities and devices Engineer Edgardo C. Pingol QR Code
in public structures frequently pointed out that the Accessibility to view the
accessed by them. Law aims to provide equal article
32 DISTRICT NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

ARTA-CL Officials conduct

EODB compliance check
at DPWH Tarlac 1st DEO

fficials from the Anti- District Engineer Neil C.
Red Tape Authority Farala expressed gratitude for the
(ARTA) Central Luzon visit by ARTA officials and for the
recently met with the leadership DEO being commended for EODB
of the Department of Public Works compliance.
and Highways (DPWH) - Tarlac 1st
District Engineering Office (DEO) Meanwhile, Assistant District
as part of their courtesy visits to Engineer Agnes P. Jacinto thanked
government agencies in the region. ARTA for contributing to their
heightened understanding of the
Leading the delegation, Jonina requirements for public service,
D.C. Madrid, Project Development and expressed gratitude for the
Officer III of the Regional ARTA unwavering support of district
Office, emphasized during the officials and employees.#
meeting that the objective of the
visit was to enhance the way Scan the
DPWH Tarlac 1st DEO serves its QR Code
stakeholders. to view the
Madrid was accompanied by
representatives from the ARTA
Central Office and inspected
various services of the district
to ensure compliance with the
requirements of R.A. 11032, or the
Ease of Doing Business (EODB)
Act of 2018.
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DISTRICT NEWS 33

Scan the
QR Code
to view the

DPWH Bataan 1st DEO donates

office furniture to local schools,

he Department of Public Among the recipient schools
Works and Highways were Orani North Elementary
(DPWH) - Bataan 1st School, Almacen Elementary
District Engineering Office (DEO) School, Hermosa National High
donated old but still usable office School, Tomas Pinpin Elementary
furniture to help fulfill the needs of School, Samal South Elementary
local schools that require additional School, Bonifacio Camacho
fixtures for their operations. National High School, Mabatang
National High School, District
According to District Engineer Office, Balsik National High School,
Erlindo Flores, Jr., the donation and Talimundoc Elementary
included office tables, swivel School.
chairs, steel cabinets, 3-drawer
cabinets, 4-drawer steel filing Several offices such as Brgy.
cabinets, mobile pedestals, Tapulao, Brgy. Tugatog and the
aluminum cabinets, and steel local Civil Service Commission
lateral cabinets. office also benefited from this
“These items, which we have
donated, were replaced with new Scan the
ones when we moved into our QR Code
new office building. We hope that to view the
these items will meet the needs of online
the school beneficiaries, thereby
enhancing their office and learning
environment," Flores said.
34 DISTRICT NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH Bataan Sub (3rd) DEO extends gratitude to

maintenance crews with a heartfelt surprise

n heartfelt tribute to the lunch and snacks. The ambiance is paramount in steering the
dedication and diligence of echoed with shared camaraderie organization towards its collective
its maintenance crews, the and heartfelt gratitude, fostering a goals.
DPWH Bataan Sub (3rd) District collective sense of appreciation as
Engineering Office orchestrated the team united in their endeavors. This surprise expression
a surprise act of appreciation, of gratitude not only revered the
illuminating the tireless efforts DE Navarro underlined the maintenance crews' unwavering
undertaken by these unsung key significance of these steadfast dedication but also underscored
heroes. Spearheaded by OIC- individuals in safeguarding the the district office's dependable
District Engineer Maribel D. district's national roads and commitment to recognizing and
Navarro, joined by OIC-Assistant bridges, applauding their resilience valuing the efforts of every team
District Engineer Henry John U. and unwavering commitment. member.
Morada, and Acting Chief Delfin Their tireless contributions,
C. Francia of the Maintenance often unseen despite being the As the district continues
Section, the management paused backbone of the district's its relentless pursuit to maintain
amidst the crews' relentless operations, were brought to the and enhance infrastructure, this
endeavors in road maintenance, forefront during this honoring heartfelt gesture serves as a
repair works, and calamity quick event. poignant testament to the essence
response activities to acknowledge of acknowledging and appreciating
their indispensable role in the This gesture, more than a every individual's contribution
district's operations. mere morale booster, toward the district's success.#
cultivated a sense of unity
Scan the
Amidst the buzz of and acknowledgement within
QR Code
their routine operations, the the DPWH Bataan Sub (3rd) to view the
district management orchestrated District Engineering Office. article
surprise inspections, unveiling a ADE Morada expounded on the online
"Thank You" banner and treating profound realization than each
the maintenance crews to a role, regardless of its visibility,
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DISTRICT NEWS 35

DPWH Bulacan 1st DEO wraps up 2023 Internal Audit

he Department of Public "We are here to assess relevant department orders and
Works and Highways whether the office is still performing policies related to our project
(DPWH) - Bulacan 1st their duties correctly or if they implementation. If problems are
District Engineering Office (DEO) have deviated slightly from our encountered in our projects, we
successfully completed its Audit of standards. Several changes have must proactively address them
Systems and Procedures for CY occurred in our department's and must do our part in diligently
2023 from October 16 to 20, 2023. orders and policies, and it is monitoring our processes," he
imperative that we consistently added.
Engr. Artemio Cruz and Engr. adhere to and adopt all of these
Leonelito Buncag from the Internal changes. This audit is necessary as The office welcomed the
Audit Service (IAS) conducted there are risks that we sometimes auditors' remarks and assured them
the said audit and meticulously unknowingly overlook," Dela Rosa that it will continue to comply with
checked the documents from the explained. all the department requirements to
Planning & Design, Construction, continue providing efficient public
Quality & Assurance, and Meanwhile, District Engineer service, with employees of Bulacan
Maintenance Sections. Henry Alcantara thanked the audit 1st DEO ready and committed
team for their efforts in helping the to delivering what is needed for
Furthermore, the internal office improve its processes. the office to achieve the best
auditors conducted on-site performance.#
inspections to assess the actual "We need to listen
project accomplishments and attentively and adhere to the
engaged in discussions with a focus
on identifying and rectifying areas
that required improvement within
the overall project implementation

During the closing meeting,

IAS Director Luz Dela Rosa
emphasized that their role is not to
merely identify faults but to correct
any errors and determine areas
where improvement is needed
within the office.
36 DISTRICT NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH Pampanga 1st DEO organizes 4-day training

on Contract Management and Documentation

o enhance employee Mercado during his lecture our goals. Consistent daily efforts
competence in contract emphasized the vital role and can lead to significant success. I
management, the duties of Project Engineers in assure you that you'll be grateful
Department of Public Works and handling simultaneous projects for this valuable opportunity,"
Highways (DPWH) - Pampanga 1st and ensuring proper execution Lejarde enthused.
District Engineering Office (DEO) within the allotted time.
conducted a 4-day training on Canlas also expressed
Contract Management and Project In his message, Miranda gratitude for the cooperation of the
Documentation from November 14- acknowledged the effort of all participants from the first day until
17, 2023, at the office multipurpose participants and expressed the end of the training.
hall. gratitude for their engaged
participation in the learning "An opportunity to cherish—a
Attended by personnel from process, highlighting its practical crucial step toward becoming a
the Construction Section, this application for the benefit of good leader starts with being a
training initiative was led by District stakeholders. good follower first. This training is a
Engineer Almer Miranda and key preparation for your future role
Assistant District Engineer Alfie “The training is well-timed as a Project Engineer. As aspiring
Lejarde, facilitated by Engr. Danny for all our technical employees, leaders, it's essential to adhere to
Canlas, Chief of the Construction offering an opportunity to departmental guidelines before
Section. enhance office performance and planning and executing projects,"
gain a deeper understanding of Canlas remarked.
Endorsed by Bureau of departmental documents and the
Construction (BOC) Director Allan daily processes we engage in,” Also present throughout the
Borromeo, the initiative focused on Miranda said. entire training duration, Engr. Noel
the management and evaluation of G. Canlas noted the success of the
key components of document and On the other hand, Lejarde inaugural office-held seminar and
contract handling, underscoring stressed the significant outcome expressed gratitude to all resource
the office’s essential role in contract of the training, emphasizing the persons for enhancing the topics
implementation. integration of knowledge among with valuable insights.#
Scan the
Resource speakers from the QR Code
BOC and Regional Construction “Our efforts to strengthen and to view the
Division, including Engr. Bryan streamline contract management article
Jeremiah Mercado, Engr. Jon procedures contribute to our office's online
Mikel Maniquis, Engr. Marvin Chrys success. Each team member is
Basilio, and Engr. Kenneth Edward a valuable asset, and enhancing
Fernando, covered various topics your skills will help us adapt to
throughout the training. diverse situations and achieve
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DISTRICT NEWS 37

DPWH Tarlac 2nd DEO enhances disaster response

capabilities with purchase of 6 new heavy equipment

he Department of Public for emergency responses and,
Works and Highways of course, road maintenance,"
(DPWH) – Tarlac 2nd Ramos explained.
District Engineering Office (DEO)
has recently acquired six new These include a brand-new
units of heavy equipment for use truck-mounted crane, a water truck,
in emergency response and road a dump truck, two boom trucks, and
maintenance activities. a single drum roller, which are now
stationed at the office compound
District Engineer Edward and were recently blessed by Rev.
Ricardo G. Ramos stated that in Fr. O'neal Sanchez, Parish Priest
the face of unpredictable calamities of Santuario de la Immaculada
and disasters, it is crucial to be well- Concepcion.#
prepared and equipped to provide
Scan the
rapid and simultaneous responses QR Code
to all municipalities within their to view the
area of responsibility. article
"While we don't wish for
disasters to strike, it's always
best to be prepared. With 102.89
kilometers of national roads
under our jurisdiction, our four
maintenance teams require
heavy equipment for extensive,
efficient, and simultaneous actions
38 DISTRICT NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH, COMELEC initiate Oplan Baklas

in Science City of Muñoz

he Commission on posted campaign materials in 11
Elections (COMELEC) barangays in the Science City of
has appointed the Muñoz.
Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) - Nueva Ecija Meanwhile, according to
1st District Engineering Office reports, 54 tarpaulins displaying
(DEO) as a partner agency for images of candidates, mainly
Operation Baklas during the attached to electric poles and
campaign period for the 2023 trees, were removed during the
Barangay and Sangguniang operations, which will continue
Kabataan Elections (BSKE). from October 20 to 27.

This initiative aligns with In addition to DPWH,

Section 263 of COMELEC COMELEC has also partnered with
Resolution No. 10924, which the Local Government Unit, City
deputizes LGUs, the DILG, and Environment & Natural Resources
other government agencies to Office, Philippine National Police,
assist the Commission in the and the Bureau of Fire Protection
removal and tearing down of to address violations during the
unlawful election propaganda BSKE.#
Scan the
Maintenance Section Chief QR Code
Homer J. Garcia stated that to view the
the DEO's representatives, in article
collaboration with other agencies, online
have already initiated the
removal of unlawful and illegally
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DISTRICT NEWS 39

DPWH Bulacan 2nd DEO provides motorcycle, grocery

packs to Karahumi Elementary School in outreach effort

he Department of Public the Department's commitment they look forward to conducting
Works and Highways to providing assistance more projects like this in the future.
(DPWH) – Bulacan 2nd to underprivileged school
District Engineering Office (DEO), communities, especially the Meanwhile, Abengaña lauded
under the leadership of District students. the satisfying act displayed and
Engineer George Santos and OIC- said he was glad that the success
Assistant District Engineer Edwin "We are grateful that this of this activity had conveyed great
Abengaña, led the turnover of a project has served as an instrument joy, not just to the students but to
motorcycle with a sidecar and of convenience and ease for all the entire community of Karahumi
grocery packs to the teachers and of us here at Karahumi ES. Rest ES.
students of Karahumi Elementary assured that these donations will
School in Norzagaray, Bulacan. be beneficial to both the students “May this simple act of
and the teaching workforce sharing be a reminder that you are
A total of 147 students, from as it will help us with our daily not alone in this journey as long as
Kindergarten to Grade 6, and 7 transportation," Darwin Policarpio, we and the DPWH community are
teaching personnel, benefited from a teacher from Karahumi said. able to help, we will never get tired
the grocery packs, which contained in extending our sincere support
rice, canned goods, biscuits, and In an interview, a grade 6 and aid," Abengaña said.
water tumblers, with the event's pupil of Karahumi ES shared “Ako
highlight being the turnover po, kahit na malakas ang ulan at The conduct of this outreach
of a motorcycle with a sidecar maputik ang aming dinaranaanan, activity is part of the annual initiative
to fulfill the school's essential gusto ko pa rin pong pumasok sa of the District Engineer's League of
transportation needs. aming paaralan, gustong gusto ko the Philippines, Inc. (DELP) known
na po kasi makatapos ng pag-aaral as the "Gamit Pang-Eskwela,
“Nawa’y higit na makatulong para po makatulong na ako kay Handog ay Saya Program."#
ang munting regalo na ito, lalo Nanay. Sana po ang mga katulad
Scan the
na sa mga guro na kinakailangan ninyo ay h’wag magsasawang QR Code
pang maglabas mula sa kanilang tumulong lalo na sa aming to view the
sariling bulsa at i-upa ang pag- nangangailangan." article
aarkila ng pagbababa at pag-akyat online
ng mga gamit na kakailanganin sa Santos expressed that it is
paaralan,” Santos said. truly rewarding to hear stories
of eagerness and see smiles of
Santos also emphasized great happiness that radiate in the
that this activity demonstrates students' eyes, and he claimed that
40 DISTRICT NEWS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

DPWH Pampanga 2nd DEO honored with plaque

of recognition by PAF’s 355th AEW

he Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) - Pampanga
2nd District Engineering Office
(DEO) was honored by the Philippine Air
Force’s (PAF) 355th Wing (AEW) for its
invaluable service during the PAF's 76th
founding anniversary on October 14, 2023.

District Engineer Gregorio Audea, Jr.

personally accepted the plaque awarded
in recognition of the DEO's construction of
modernized military infrastructure facilities
for the 355th AEW's Basa Air Base in

The DEO was also acknowledged for its

contributions to the development of air force
personnel through the conduct of training
programs on materials testing and on-the-job

Audea added that the district office

aims to strengthen the bond and foster a
more productive working relationship with
the PAF's 355th Aviation Engineering Wing
through collaborative efforts and shared
Volume 6 | Issue #4 41

DEOs Highlights
42 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Aurora DEO
Lipit, Dipaculao, Aurora

Construction of Road, Barangay Lipit, Dipaculao, Aurora

Aurora DEO
Sto. Tomas, Maria Aurora, Aurora

CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of Multipurpose Building (Evacuation Center),

MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING Barangay Sto. Tomas, Maria Aurora, Aurora
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 43

Bataan 1st DEO

Abucay, Bataan

CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of P48.99-M Flood Control Project Along Capitangan


Bataan 1st DEO

Abucay, Bataan

ROAD WIDENING Widening of Abucay Section of Roman Expressway

44 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Nueva Ecija 1st DEO

Sta. Veronica, Guimba, Nueva Ecija

CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of Hanging Bridge, Barangay Sta. Veronica, Guimba,


Nueva Ecija 1st DEO

Nueva Ecija - Pangasinan Road

UPDGRADING Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of Damaged Paved

OF ROAD Roads - Secondary Roads, Nueva Ecija-Pangasinan Road
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 45

Nueva Ecija 2nd DEO

General Natividad, Pula, Nueva Ecija

CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of Multipurpose Building, Barangay Pula, General

MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING Mamerto Natividad, Nueva Ecija

Nueva Ecija 2nd DEO

Santo Cristo, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of Farm-to-Market Road, Barangay Santo Cristo,

FARM-TO-MARKET ROAD San Isidro, Nueva Ecija
46 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Pampanga 2nd DEO

Guagua, Pampanga

Construction of Bridge, San Matias Quilo, Guagua, Pampanga

Syempre dahil matagal na 'yun (tulay) medyo mahina
na, hindi kagaya nito talagang matibay. Malaki
po (ang benepisyo) lalo na yung mga dumadaan
komportable sila dahil maluwag at maganda na.

Tribike Driver
Volume 6 | Issue #4 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 47

Pampanga 2nd DEO

Guagua, Pampanga

REHABILITATION Rehabilitation/Improvement of Guagua-Pasak River, Phase 3,

OF RIVER Guagua, Pampanga

Pampanga 3rd DEO

Magalang, Pampanga

Concreting of Brgy. Sto. Niño FMR, Brgy. Sto. Niño, Magalang, Pampanga
48 DEOs PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

Tarlac 1st DEO

Porac, Pura, Tarlac

Construction of Covered Court, Barangay Poroc, Pura, Tarlac

Tarlac 1st DEO

Brillante, Paniqui, Tarlac

CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of Farm-to-Market Road, Barangay Brillante, Paniqui,

Volume 6 | Issue #4 FEATURE 49

DPWH Region III-EMD achieves success in Tulaoc River

clearing and dredging operation

he Philippines faces flow of water, extending its effects to enhance its capacity for water
powerful storms to the nearby section of the North storage, particularly during the
annually from June to Luzon Expressway (NLEX). typhoon season.
November, causing catastrophic
events such as intense flooding Residents mentioned that In an interview, DPWH
and damage to infrastructure, this marks the first occurrence Dredge Master III Donalyn Nacpil
significantly impacting livelihoods of severe flooding in their area, mentioned that the clearing of
and agriculture. resulting in substantial losses, water hyacinths in the river began in
particularly in crops and livelihoods. August 2023 and was successfully
During the third quarter of They speculate that the density of completed, based on the target
2023, Central Luzon suffered vegetation in the river might indeed volume, in October of the same
extensive devastation from be a contributing factor. year. The initiative surpassed
heavy rainfall intensified by its initial goal of 10,000 square
the Southwest Monsoon and To address this problem and meters, achieving an impressive
Typhoons Egay and Falcon. This respond to the inundation at the 17,000 square meters; however,
resulted in substantial damage San Simon Section of NLEX, the the relentless growth of water
to properties and infrastructures, Equipment Management Division hyacinths remains a persistent
bringing significant disruptions to (EMD) of the Department of Public challenge.
subsistence, including operational Works and Highways (DPWH)
delays for small businesses. Region III collaborated with the Nacpil also expressed
Bureau of Equipment to conduct a concern that water hyacinths
Barangay Sta. Monica in San Clearing and Dredging Operation from upstream continued to flow
Simon, Pampanga, was among along the Barangay Sta. Monica down into the cleared section of
the local communities severely Section of the Tulaoc River. the river, hindering their ability to
impacted by this unfortunate event, proceed with the excavation due
experiencing severe flooding due to This project aimed to to the ongoing influx of these water
scattered water lilies in the nearby mitigate flooding by eliminating plants.
Tulaoc River. This obstruction large quantities of water lilies
significantly disrupted the natural and increasing the river’s depth
(continued on page 50)
50 FEATURE 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

(DPWH Region III-EMD Achieves... continued from page 49)

The Department of DPWH, urging his constituents to Thus, it is essential for

Environment and Natural actively participate and support residents, barangay officials, local
Resources (DENR) identifies water efforts in addressing all challenges government units, and government
hyacinths as a major environmental affecting the community's welfare agencies to collaborate in
concern due to their rapid growth, and implementing environment- addressing various community
trapping debris, blocking river flow, related programs and projects. issues, such as flooding. The
leading to increased flood risks, combined effort of the DPWH
endangering aquatic biodiversity, In his July 2023 State of the Region III - EMD, the Bureau
facilitating breeding grounds for Nation Address (SONA), President of Equipment, and the active
disease-carrying vectors, and Ferdinand Marcos Jr. emphasized participation of Sta. Monica
posing health threats to the public. the pivotal role of collaboration residents will result in a synergistic
in addressing both community approach, effectively resolving
During dredging activities, and national issues, highlighting social concerns.#
Nacpil mentioned that her team the importance of cooperation
encountered another concern among government offices, local
that may have contributed to the government units, and citizens
flooding incidents – a significant alike.
environmental issue caused by the
extensive accumulation of garbage
at the riverbed. This necessitated
pauses to clear debris trapped from
the suction dredging equipment,
preventing potential machinery
damage, and causing operational

On a separate note, the newly

elected Barangay Captain of Sta.
Monica, Robert Tayag, stated that
they, alongside fellow barangay
officials, plan to strengthen their
waste management program
and enhance the operation of the
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF).

Tayag also emphasized their

intention to collaborate with other
government agencies, such as the
Volume 6 | Issue #4 HR NEWS 51

DPWH R3 orients employees on program

to institutionalize meritocracy and excellence

he Human Resource enhancing their human resource with core HRM systems, which
Management Section management competencies, include recruitment, selection,
(HRMS) of the systems, and practices toward HR and placement; learning and
Department of Public Works and excellence. development; performance
Highways (DPWH) – Regional management; and rewards and
Office III conducted a two-day On the 2nd day, Human recognition.
orientation to raise awareness and Resource Management Section
appreciation among employees Chief Yozelle Roque discussed The orientation were delivered
for the Program to Institutionalize with the participants, who are in batches on November 28 and
Meritocracy and Excellence in permanent employees from the 29, 2023.#
Human Resource Management Equipment Management Division Scan the QR
(PRIME-HRM) as well as the and Right-of-Way Acquisition and Code
DPWH Core HR Processes. Legal Division, the importance to view the
of understanding the processes article online
According to the Civil Service under PRIME-HRM.
Commission (CSC), PRIME-
HRM serves as a mechanism to Roque also emphasized
empower government agencies by the significance of familiarity
52 SPIRITUAL & MORAL Empowerment 4th Quarter | Infra Bulletin

is all about poverty ... and glory
By: Daniel Hamlin

t’s amazing how different our modern
Christmas is from what Mary and Joseph
experienced. We have holiday sales, ugly
sweater contests, family gatherings, Christmas lists,
apple cider, gift wrapping, and all sorts of traditions
we like to celebrate. And to be sure, I don’t believe
there is anything inherently wrong with these things.
In fact, I look forward to many of them every year.
But they do tempt us to miss the reality of the

That first Christmas was much different for

Mary and Joseph than our version of Christmas.
Most of us learn the traditional Christmas story
about how Jesus was born in a manger, and we sing
songs about it and view it in this romanticized light.
But at the heart of this story is the reality that Mary Image by Freepik
and Joseph were poor and as a result Jesus was born into this world essentially homeless. When the God of the
universe decided to clothe Himself in humanity and come into our world, He did so as poor, dirty, and homeless.

Luke tells us in his Gospel that when Joseph and Mary went to dedicate the baby Jesus at Jerusalem, they
could not afford what was considered the normal offering. Furthermore, in the vast wisdom and sovereignty of
the Almighty when He announces the birth of the Savior He does so to shepherds. To give you some idea of how
shepherds were viewed in Joseph and Mary’s society in those days, their testimonies weren’t even accepted in a
court of law. They were considered ceremonially unclean, cutoff from the religious life of the people. They were
marginalized and outcast, essentially a voiceless and despised group.
The God of the universe chose to come into this world as part of the poor and
homeless and marginalized. He chose to identify with those in such circumstances. The
story of Jesus and His birth is the story of the impoverished and marginalized becoming
an integral part of the most important event in human history. It is the story of the
Almighty condescending from His heavenly throne to intimately participate in the lives
of the poor, dirty, and despondent. It is the story of you and I. Regardless of our financial
situations, we are the poor, dirty, and outcast. Sin has made us that way. The incarnation
means the King of all kings has chosen to identify with us, He chose to enter our dirty,
sin-infested world, to take upon Himself our poverty, all to lavish on us the riches of His
heavenly Kingdom.

Poverty and glory, this is the dichotomy that is woven throughout the incarnation
and throughout humanity’s existence. When we celebrate Christmas, we are meant
to be confronted with this reality. And not just in the sentimental “oh that’s a warm
thought” kind of way. We are meant to come face-to-face with the King of Glory clothing
Himself in the dirt and dust of humanity. (continued on page 53)
Image by
Volume 6 | Issue #4 SPIRITUAL & MORAL Empowerment 53

(Christmas is all about... continued from page 52)

In Genesis 2:7 we are told that God created mankind from the dust of the ground: “And the LORD God
formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
soul.” Poverty and glory. We were literally the dust of the ground until the living breath of God changed everything.
Suddenly we are given the unfathomable gift of becoming a living soul. But not just a living soul, we are given the
glory of being His image bearers.

The original language for “breathed into” in Genesis 2:7 paints a telling picture. God didn’t just cause Adam to
suddenly begin breathing, God got up-close, face-to-face, to give His own life breath to Adam (the way someone
giving CPR uses their own breath to inflate the lungs of someone else). God leans into Adam’s lifeless body, nothing
more than a clump of dirt, and transfers His eternal breath of life
into Adam’s lungs. The first thing Adam is aware of is God, and
it is from this gazing into the face of God that Adam’s identity is
formed. He was a true image bearer. Eventually sin caused his
gaze (and subsequently our gaze) to become self-focused and as a
result mankind has stayed self-focused ever since.

The incarnation is about God giving us back our identity. It is

an opportunity for us to shift our gaze back into the loving eyes of
our Creator. Everything about the birth, life, death, resurrection,
and ascension of Jesus has to do with God’s first interaction with
Adam; that first moment when man became an image bearer
of his Creator. Why is God concerned with the outcast, the
downtrodden, the voiceless, the hopeless, the marginalized? He is
concerned because we are His image bearers. To bear His image is
to embrace the reality of this dichotomy of poverty and glory. We
are nothing, made from the dust of the earth, yet God breathed
His breath of life into us and made us His image bearers.

The lowest of creation, literally dirt, suddenly becomes the

image bearer of the only self-existent One. No other creature gets
that privilege. Not animals or angels or powers or principalities.
And the glory and honor of that privilege is not elevated nor
Image by Freepik
diminished by our finances or social status or job title or worldly
accomplishments or anything else. The more we realize our true poverty, the more we
will realize our true importance and glory as His image bearers. But if we try to realize
our true importance, our true identity, without acknowledging our true poverty, we will
find neither identity nor glory.

When the God of the universe incarnated Himself and came into our world to show
us once again what it means to be a true image bearer, He did so in such a way that we
would be forced to reckon with this dichotomy of poverty and glory. The birth story of
Jesus of Nazareth forces us to reckon with the fact that Jesus was born into poverty.
The King of the universe, the One who created everything, embraced the full reality of
the poverty of being human so that we might know and enjoy forever the full reality of
the glory of being His image bearers.

In my flesh I am impoverished, simply the dust of the ground. But because of Jesus,
I am now the temple of the Holy Spirit, the very abode of the Living God, and I get the
important privilege of reflecting Him to the world around me. The incarnation reminds
us that He made our story His own story as well. At the heart of the Christmas story is
the story of poverty and glory.#
Sir Rod
Thank you

"Maraming salamat sa pagiging mabuting halimbawa sa amin bilang hepe ng

Maintenance Division. Nawa po kayo ay patuloy na pagpalain at bigyan ng mahabang
Engr. Fredelito M. Mingua
Chief - Maintenance Section, Aurora DEO

"Maraming salamat po Sir Rod[...] "Hello po Sir Rod, enjoy your retirement.
Kayo po yung nagpakita ng tunay May this new chapter of your life be full
na maintenance engineer samin." of wonderful surprises. God bless you!"
Engr. Nelson V. Rodriguez Engr. Amalia E. Peralta
Engineer II- Maintenance Section, Bataan 1st DEO Chief - Maintenance Section, Bataan 1st DEO

"Boss Rod, Happy Birthday po. Gusto ko lang po magpasalamat sa lahat po ng naitulong
nyo sa akin[...] Napakalaki pong privilege ang makatrabaho kayo kasi napakalaking
tulong po sakin dito bilang babaeng maintenance engineer. Pag-exit nyo dito sa ating
opisina, enjoy nyo lang po ang inyong next chapter ng inyong career and life[...] ingat po
Engr. Mary Ann R. Palaypay
Chief - Maintenance Section, Bataan 2nd DEO

"Congratulations Boss Rod! Isang malaking karangalan sa akin ang ika'y makatrabaho ng
mahabang panahon magmula Bulacan hanggang Bataan[...] Ngayon dumating na ang
takdang panahon baunin mo ang aking taos pusong pasasalamat, respeto, pag-galang[...]
Happy birthday po Chief."
Engr. Delfin C. Francia
Acting Chief - Maintenance Section, Bataan Sub DEO

"Sir Rod we've been working together for only a year. Very fruitful yung ating samahan.
Marami kaming natutunan sayo. Napaka-humble mo bilang boss dito sa maintenance.
Saludo kami sa inyo. Sir Rod, sana po ay humaba pa ang iyong buhay, magtagumpay ka
sana sa iyong family time. Happy Birthday!"
Engr. Lorenzo Bagtalunan
Chief - Maintenance Section, Bulacan 1st DEO

"Boss Rod it's been a pleasure working with you, kahit po sa maigsing panahon nagkasama
tayo bilang OIC-CHIEF Maintenance ng Bulacan 2nd. Good luck po sa inyong retirement
at sa mga bago niyong career na papasukin."
Engr. Arnel C. Guballa
Chief - Maintenance Section, Bulacan 2nd DEO

"Happy Birthday po, as a cornerstone of our organization, your unwavering

professionalism, and outstanding work ethic continue to inspire us. Your dedication to
excellence is truly commendable. May your birthday be a joyous celebration of your
accomplishments. We will miss you. Maraming salamat po sir sa dedication sa public
Engr. Donald M. Sanchez
Chief - Maintenance Section, Pampanga 1st DEO

"Happy Birthday Boss Rod. Congrats on your retirement Boss. Wishing you many better things
ahead on your new chapter of life. Happy Birthday and wish you all the best. Enjoy your life. Kahit
konting time lang tayo nagkasama na naging boss kita. Masaya kami sa iyong pamumuno as
Division Chief Maintenance Engineer. Enjoy your next journey boss. God Bless po,
Happy Birthday." Engr. Rolando R. Gonzales
Chief - Maintenance Section, Pampanga 3rd DEO

"Happy Birthday po Boss Rod. Maraming salamat sa aral at guidance na tinulong

nyo po dito sa Nueva Ecija 1st. Lalong lalo na po nung ako yung naging Maintenance
Engineer dito. Ngayon sir magre-retire ka na, ang wish ko lang po ay magkaroon po
kayo ng good health at more time po sa family. Happy retirement."
Engr. Homer J. Garcia
Chief - Maintenance Section, Nueva Ecija 1st DEO

"Happy Birthday Boss Rod! Since 90s kilala na kita, naging Area Engineer ka dito sa Nueva
Ecija 2nd. Madalas umaakyat tayo sa Bongabon. Rough road pa nung time na yon.
Ang service mo pa nga non WILLYS SAE195. Masaya ko at inabot mo yung retirement at
magiging tahimik na ang iyong buhay, hindi ka na magiging abala sa mga bagyo na
padating at mga kalamidad, happy retirement." Engr. Ramil C. Ramos
Chief - Maintenance Section, Nueva Ecija 2nd DEO

"Sir Rod, happy birthday and happy retirement, alam kong alam mo na mahal ka ng
buong maintenance at lalo na ng Nueva Ecija 2nd DEO at maligaya kami para sa iyong
parating na katahimikan ng iyong buhay at hindi ka na masyado magiging busy sa
dami ng trabahong ginagawa mo. Again happiest birthday and may God bless you
Engr. Kevin V. Garcia more."
Assistant Chief - Maintenance Section, Nueva Ecija 2nd DEO

"We would like to greet you Boss Rod a happy birthday and a very blessed
retirement. Maybe in the future magkikita tayo sa ibang event na wala na sa
office. And eventually we could have coffee somewhere. So Boss Rod, thank you
so much sa lahat ng naitulong mo sa amin. I wish you all the best and all the luck.
Happy retirement."
Engr. Renato Z. Martinez
Chief - Maintenance Section, Tarlac 1st DEO

"Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement Chief Rod. God bless on your journey."

Engr. Blas M. Balagtas

Chief - Maintenance Section, Zambales 2nd DEO
Sindalan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga


WHAT YOU Allan V. Mantaring
THINK Editor
Jervin T. Marasigan Staff Writer
Jasper Ian R. Batalla
DPWH Hotline 165-02 Pacifico M. Wycoco II

Graphic/Layout Artist
Prince Kenneth T. Irabon
Krizzller Maui G. Santiago
Albert Jonah M. Medina
Christian D. Manansala
John Paul S. Lumba
Maria Wilma V. Van Den Heever
Jan Nolette C. Viloria
EJ Joel R. Santos
The DPWH-Regional Office III Infra Dennis O. Gonzales
Bulletin is accepting original Researchers
articles - news and feature stories,
opinions, and photo releases - all District Engineers
subject for edit. However we Technical Division Chiefs
District Public Affairs &
reserve the right to accept or reject
Information Officers
articles found to be not in Contributors
accordance with our editorial
policies. For further inquiry, please RD Roseller A. Tolentino
send us an email at ARD Melquiades H. Sto. Domingo
[email protected] Technical Consultants

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