Display Item Table of Every Header Table Record in A New Page Using Conditional Breaks
Display Item Table of Every Header Table Record in A New Page Using Conditional Breaks
Display Item Table of Every Header Table Record in A New Page Using Conditional Breaks
This article explains how to Display Item table in a New page for every Header Record in the
Header table .
Here is an Example.
Enter the Name of the Interface as shown below and click on Create button.
A pop up will be displayed. Enter the description and Interface Type .Click on Save.
Interface will be created as shown below. Create Invoice Number as Import Parameter.
Get all the layout attributes(Fields.Tables…) into Context level from Interface level..
Create a loop between Header data table and Item data table as shown below.
Specify the Item table as shown below.
Under Conditions, enter the prerequisites that need to be met before the table is processed at run
To display the Second Header Record and its item table data on Next Page we need to add
conditional breaks
Click on Material Number Sub form Which act as a Header Table.
In this demo we will create an Adobe form, which displays relating data from two tables (Header and Item) by
using ‘Where conditions’ in Form context.
In this demo we can use the interface YDEMO_ALTERNATIVE which is used in previous tutorial
using alternatives.
Note: Maintain Interface type ABAP-Dictionary Base interface. (IN ECC6.0 Version)
Step4: Select all fields which are not required to display and deactivate the fields. (right click)
Step5: Select DATA under table GT_SPFLI and right click.
Go to create--> Loop
This will create a table i.e., a sub loop under the main loop.
Note: when you drag a table in to context it will internally create a loop processing in the form.
Step6: A dialog box will open asking for table which you want to loop inside main loop.
Step7: Click the F4 help button, it shows the tables that exists in the interface.
Step8: Select the table GT_SFLIGHT (item details)
It will internally create a sub loop i.e, a table GT_SFLIGHT under the table SPFLI data.
Step9: Select the fields which are not required to display and deactivate.
Step10: Double click table GT_SFLIGHT and go to the where conditions tab available in lower part of the
Note: Do not drag the entire table into body page. We need to follow creating table using sub forms
Go to hierarchy view; Select all fields of spfli, Wrap the fields into sub form by right clicking.
Again wrap the sub form in to another sub form. Sub form properties are maintained latter.
Step13: Drag and drop the fields from sflight into body page and create sub forms as showed in below
snap. Keep note that the subforms created for sflight fields should be place inside the spflidata subform.
Maintain names as spflitable
---> Sflightdata
Subform: spflitable
Subform: spflidata
Subform: sflighttable
Subform: sflightdata
Step16: Now your FORM is ready, check for syntax and activate it.
Execute the form and follow the below to get the data in hierarchy level. Header and its corresponding
item details.
Output: Page1