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4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date

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7. Author(s) 8. Pertormmg Urgan1zatton Report No.

Jason L. Johnson, Dan G. Zollinger, and Sungchul Yang Research Report 1385-lF
9. Performing Orgamzat10n Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Texas Transportation Institute
The Texas A&M University System 11. contract or urant No.
College Station, Texas 77843-3135 Study No. 0-1385
IL :sponsormg Agency Name and Address 13. Type otReport and Penod Covered
Texas Department of Transportation Final:
Research and Technology Transfer Office September 1991 - August 1993
P. 0. Box 5080 14. :Sponsormg Agency Code
Austin, Texas 78763-5080
15. Supplementary Notes
Research performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department
of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
Research Study Title: Special Concrete Design and Construction Methods for Intersections
16. Abstract

This report documents a review of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) design and
construction practices with regard to accelerated concrete pavement construction of heavily travelled
intersections. Special measures taken by TxDOT at the design and construction level to address the needs
presented by overcoming the impact of reconstruction of such pavement facilities were the focus of this
review. The review consisted of a field investigation that considered current construction specifications,
concrete (fast track) mixture qualification, and construction practices. The field investigation facilitated
development of guidelines based on an assessment of the impact present practices may have on
performance ·of the constructed pavements.

It was determined the use of fast track paving techniques require coordinated construction planning to
take advantage of the benefits offered by this construction process. Concrete mix proportioning can be
supplemented by special admixtures to accelerate the time of set, but must also meet the workability
requirements associated with the transportation, placement, finishing, and curing of concrete.

It is also of benefit to the construction supervisor to qualify the concrete mixture with respect to
strength gain for a given set of weather conditions. Laboratory work was conducted to support the
development of the mix qualification process.

17. Key Worcts 18. D1stribut10n Statement

Concrete Pavement, Fast Track, Maturity, No Restrictions. This document is available to the
Workability, Accelerated Setting, Early Opening public through NTIS:
Requirements National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161
19. Secunty Classit(ot this report) 20. Secunty Classit(ot his page) 21. No. ot Pages 122. Pnce
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Jason L. Johnson
Dan G. Zollinger
Sungchul Yang

Research Report 1385-lF

Research Study 0-1385

Research Study Title: Special Concrete Design and

Construction Methods for Intersections

Sponsored by the
Texas Department of Transportation
In Cooperation with
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

January 1994
Revised: June 1994


The Texas A&M University System
College Station, Texas 77843-3135

The findings of this study determined that with proper procedure and evaluation
criteria, Fast Track concrete can be used in all facets of concrete paving to construct
concrete pavements in a shorter time frame than under conventional paving procedures.
Appropriate evaluation and paving methods should be considered when implementing Fast
Track to reach the full potential of the procedure.
Methods for the evaluation of Fast Track paving criteria may be implemented to
allow prediction of strength gain under in-situ climatic conditions. These methods of
evaluation allow for the rapid placement and early opening that are inherent benefits
provided by Fast Track concrete pavement construction practice.
The procedures and testing outlined should aid in the construction and planning of
Fast Track pavement and result in the pavement system reaching its maximum possible
design life.


The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for
the opinions, findings, and conclusions presented herein. The contents do not necessarily
reflect the official view or policies of the Federal Highway Administration or the Texas
Department of Transportation. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or
regulation, nor is it intended for construction, bidding, or permit purposes.
There was no invention ~r discovery conceived or actually reduced to practice in the
course of or under this contract, including any art, method, process, machine, manufacture,
design, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, or any variety
of plant which is or may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States of
America or any foreign country.


The authors would like to express their thanks to the sponsoring agencies of this
report, the Texas Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation,
Federal Highway Administration.


LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVll

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MIX MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Liquid and Mineral Admixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Fly Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Accelerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Retarders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Air Entraining Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Super Plasticizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Gradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Particle Size Distribution in Mix Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
MIX CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Workability & Durability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Durability Factors in Mix Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Mix Design Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mix Design Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
FTC Mix Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Pavement Thickness and Joint Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
CONCRETE PAVEMENT TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Jointed Concrete Pavements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Continuously Reinforced Concrete (CRC) 29

FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Crack and Coring Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
FWD Testing and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Field Maturity Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Consistency Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF LAB TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Laboratory Maturity Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Setting Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
EVALUATION OF OPENING CRITERIA TO TRAFFIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
SCOPE OF GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Preconstruction Planning and Phasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Subgrade Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Subbase Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Concrete Mixing, Hauling, Placing and Finishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Pavement Jointing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Construction Phasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Pavement Sawcutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Joint Sealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Moisture Retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Heat Retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Concrete Temperature/Moisture Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
REFERENCES ............................................. 93
APPENDIX A: CRCP FAST TRACK JOINT DETAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
APPENDIX C: TEMPERATURE MODIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
APPENDIX E: FWD DATA AND ANALYSIS....................... 123
APPENDIX F: CONSISTENCY TEST GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
APPENDIX G: DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Figure Page
1 Fast Track Placement 5
2 Uniform Gradation of Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 The Placement of Concrete with a Vibrating Screed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4 An Example of Improper Construction, "Honey Combing" . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 The Impact of an Improperly Managed Accelerator
on Finishing Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6 Example of Joints Used in Rigid Pavements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

7 On site accelerator application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

8 An Example of Early-Aged Sawcutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

9 Erratic Cracks in Sawdust Frontage Road with Fast Track 32

10 Erratic Cracks in Rayford Frontage Road with Fast Track 33

11 Surveyed Crack Pattern of BW-8 and JFK Intersection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

12 Section Cracks of Core R-4 from Rayford Frontage Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

13 US-59, spalling due to an early saw cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

14 A Relationship Between .ek and the Deflection Basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

15 FWD Test Section for Bissonet Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

16 Mortar Strength Tests at Different Curing Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

17 Different Rate Constants for Different Curing Temperatures (°C) ....... 47

18 A Graph to Ascertain the Activation Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

19 Lab Results of Penetration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

20 Load Stress in Jointed Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

21 Jointed Pavement Design Criteria for a Ten Foot Tied

Shoulder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


Figure Page

22 Opening Criteria for Jointed Pavement with Ten Foot Tied

Shoulder (P = 9000 lbs.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

23 Mean Crack Spacing vs. Concrete Strength (LS) for

Different Steel Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

24 Mean Crack Width vs. Concrete Strength (LS) for

Different Steel Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

25 Mean Crack Spacing vs. Concrete Strength (SRG) for

Different Steel Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

26 Mean Crack Width vs. Concrete Strength (SRG) for

Different Steel Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

27 Example of Improper Intersection Phasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

28 An Example of Intersection Phasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

29 Typical Construction Phasing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

30 Soff-Cut Early Age Sawcutting Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

31 Maturity Procedures (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

32 Temperature History of the Beam Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

33 Flexural Strength with Time of the Beam Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

34 Strength vs. Maturity of the Beam Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

35 Temperature History of the In-Place Concrete Pavement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

36 Maturity of the In-Place Concrete Pavement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

37 Predicted Strength of the In-Place Concrete Pavement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

A-1 CRCP Fast Track Lapped Joint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

A-2 CRCP Fast Track Dowel Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101


Figure Page

C-1 The Effect of Polyethylene Curing on Opening

Time Using the Maturity Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

D-1 The Effects of a Superplasticizer on Compressive Strength . . . . . . . . . . . 122

E-1 LTE vs. Station: US-59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

E-2 Radius of Relative Stiffness vs. Station US-59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

E-3 LTE vs. Station: 1-45 Rayford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

E-4 Radius of Relative Stiffness vs. Station: 1-45 Rayford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

E-5 LTE vs. Station: 1-45 Sawdust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

E-6 Radius of Relative Stiffness vs. Station: 1-45 Sawdust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

F-1 The German Consistency Test, DIN 1048 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

G-1 Proposed Typical Section for Rigid Pavement Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Table Page

1 Typical Composition and Fineness Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Field Placed Mix Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 Pavement Section Layout and Crack Data from Cores

in Sawdust and Rayford Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4 Typical Design Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5 Pavement Joint Sealants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

C-1 The Effects of Material Modification on

the Activation Energy of a Type I Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

D-1 Mix Design for Sysco Foods in Houston, Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122


This report presents the findings of an effort to review past Fast Track Concrete
Pavement design and construction experience as practiced both in and outside the State of
Texas. This effort was supplemented by field and laboratory investigations to isolate
different noted distresses and associated causes as they related to past construction practice.
Recommendations were prepared in light of available information and practices that
addrt'.ssed the mechanisms or causes of distress. The recommendations provided herein
pertain not only to fast track, but also to aspects of concrete pavement construction, such
as joint details at construction joints between existing and new pavement sections,
measurement and maintenance of sufficient workability of fresh concrete during placement
operations, induction of appropriate crack (or joint) intervals in concrete pavement, and
procedures to implement non-destructive procedures to monitor strength gain of the concrete.

Fast track paving or accelerated pavement construction includes the rapid
placement of portland cement concrete pavement which facilitates the expedient
reopening of the pavement to traffic in a specified time. To determine the minimum
time for opening the pavement section to traffic, a method for determining when the
specified opening criteria is achieved is suggested. The time of opening may take into
account the rate of strength gain, weather conditions, mixture design factors, and
admixtures used in the concrete mixture. Current specifications typically use strength-
based criteria. The purpose of this research is to suggest relevant early opening criteria,
an approach to construction quality control, relevant design details for accelerated
paving, and implementation of these criteria in terms of guidelines for fast track paving.
Fast track paving is particularly useful in intersection construction and is a
relatively new construction concept that has only recently begun to be implemented.
Apparently, no widely accepted standard for the opening criteria has been established for
fast track concrete pavement construction; therefore, the testing procedures for
conventional concrete construction have been used. The procedures used to determine
the time to open conventional concrete pavements to traffic typically involve the casting
of concrete test beams and the subsequent breaking of those beams at specific time
intervals (i.e. 7 days, etc.) (l). Beam tests provide an indication of the flexural strength
of the concrete in the pavement. A minimum flexural strength serves as opening criteria
and is established by the contract agency responsible for the project. Once it is verified
that the specified flexural strength has been reached by the concrete in the pavement, the
concrete pavement is considered ready for opening to traffic. However, some quality
control procedures with respect to opening criteria may be impacted by the effects of
ambient weather conditions or the effect of some admixtures on the rate of strength-gain
or hydration of the concrete mix.
In some instances, the standards for opening to traffic criteria may not be
consistent with the goals for accelerated paving. First, the mix design of the fast track
concrete may involve the use of additional quantities of cement or rapid hydrating
cement with, in some cases, the addition of an accelerator. A concrete mix of this nature
tends to hydrate at a much greater rate than a conventional concrete paving mix due to


the above n.oted differences in the mix design. Also, the use of conventional testing
techniques requires frequent breaking of beams to determine the earliest point in time
when the concrete mix obtains sufficient strength to meet the opening criteria. This
approach may be cumbersome and time-consuming for field personnel to manage
effectively. HO\:vever, other methods are available to monitor the concrete pavement
with non-destructive testing devices (i.e. maturity meters) that indicate when the concrete
meets the specified opening criteria GJA.. 2,.Q,27,29).
To further comply with the rapid placement of concrete pavements at
intersections, the "one pass" approach is a method currently being used. The one pass
method is basically a formed paving method without the placement of base or subbase.
Consequently, the concrete is placed directly on the subgrade. Currently, the Federal
Highway Administration (FHW A) encourages the placement or the use of a drainable
subbase or subgrade. However, in areas that remain saturated (or are poorly drained), a
drainage layer may not be appropriate from a pavement performance standpoint if the
pavement system otherwise maintains constant moisture conditions.
Fast track construction concepts focus on opening the pavement section when
certain monitored material properties reach specified limits, which may vary depending
on the conditions at the time of construction. Using the concepts of maturity, concrete
strength gain characteristics can be developed and relationships predicted, \Vithin ce1iain
limits, for the individual concrete mixes for varying atmospheric conditions (2,2,1,~,29).

Not only must the attainment of proper strength (opening and ultimate) be
achieved, but joint saw cutting must also be accomplished at the proper time. The main
function of cutting joints with saws in concrete pavement is to control and induce
cracking at specific locations in the pavement slab. The cracks are further propagated by
the expansion and contraction of the slab during hydration of the concrete and serve to
relieve other environmentally induced stresses developed in the pavement. Pavements
constructed with fast track concrete mixes can be ready for saw cutting in as little as
three hours after placement, using the appropriate saw cutting or crack control
techniques. Appropriate crack control requires the cutting to be done at an early age to
prevent random crack initiation. The appropriate age is a function of the setting
characteristics and the ambient weather conditions.

The.effects of admixtures play a very important role in the setting characteristics
of a concrete mix. The performance of an admixture added to a mix is affected by the
environmental conditions at the time of placement. For example, adding a non-chloride
accelerator to a concrete mix will normally increase the rate. of hydration. The increase
in the rate of hydration may cause two side effects: a reduction in the ultimate strength
and an increase in pore volume of the cement paste (l). The increased rate of hydration
may cause a rapid loss of moisture. If the concrete does not have sufficient moisture to
hydrate sufficiently, the concrete may harden with a higher than normal amount of
unhydrated cement particles present. This condition may result in the concrete not
reaching the strength or durability it could have attained if adequate moisture had been
present. The second effect of an accelerator is the increase in pore volume of the
concrete. Increased pore volume has also been shown to negatively affect the durability
of hardened concrete (l).
The focus of this report is to develop design guidelines for use in fast track
paving construction at intersections. These guidelines should be useful to pavement
engineers and contractors to construct and evaluate fast track concrete pavements more
effectively. This report is divided into four sections. The first section, entitled "Design
Considerations for Fast Track Construction," documents mix materials, mix
characteristics, construction techniques, and current pavement types used for fast track
concrete pavement construction. The second section, entitled "Field and Laboratory
Investigation," summarizes testing conducted in this study to evaluate fast track pavement
construction and to serve as a tool in developing the design guidelines. The third
section, "Evaluation of Opening Criteria to Traffic," describes methods for evaluating
and suggesting new techniques in considering opening criteria. Finally, section four,
"Design Guidelines for Fast Track Pavement Construction," summarizes the three
preceding sections in a format that can be implemented to construct and open fast track
concrete pavements at intersections.

Several highway and government agencies were visited to examine and gain
information about different practices with respect to the design and construction of
concrete pavements as they relate to intersections and whether they used normal or
accelerated (fast track) type concrete mixes. This section summarizes the noted practices
with respect to intersection construction, using concrete materials, design and
proportioning of fast track concrete (FTC) mixes, and the thickness and joint design of
pavement constructed at intersections.
In many instances, where fast track concepts were employed, the contracting
agency had taken only limited advantage of the fast setting and strength characteristics
afforded to the user or limited the scope of the application to simply "patching" type
operations focused on pavement "block-outs" located in critical areas of an intersection
traffic lane (Figure 1). Based on successes in the application of FT concrete paving
concepts, intersection construction should be phased to eliminate the formation of "block-
out" areas. Appropriately employed fast track segmental construction should avoid
construction difficulties of this nature, decrease the time of construction of the overall
project, and decrease the impact of re-construction on the traveling public.

Rayfo1d/ Savvdust

!H 45 Rayfo..-d Road


Sawdust Road

E2! Fast Track Section

Figure 1. Fast Track Placement.

Fast track (FT) concrete mixtures typically do not require special materials or
out-of-the-ordinary techniques. However, in some instances, material selection requires
more attention than normal portland cement concrete. Locally available cements,
additives, admixtures, and aggregates can be adapted to produce the required high-early
strengths. While no established mix design proportioning or standard combination of
materials exists for FT paving applications, consideration should be given to the quantity
of cement, the quantity of fly ash (if it is used), the type of cement, the type of fly ash,
and the ambient temperature conditions expected during the paving operation with
respect to the specified strength and opening requirements.
Other factors are also important for the development of high-early strength
concrete, such as: water-cement ratio, alkali content of the cement, heat of hydration,
aggregate particle size distribution, curing, etc. Once material and construction design
constraints have been established, the concrete materials must be proportioned to the
particular project needs. For example, if an eight hour opening is required for a
particular intersection segment, curing blankets may be necessary depending on the
cement characteristics and the ambient temperature. However, if the ambient
temperature is too high during the first 24 hours, undue cracking may initiate
deterioration of the pavement slab which could continue throughout the life of the
Fast track mixes are expected to produce very durable concrete. This expectation
is based upon the FT mix use of a low water-cement (w/c) ratio in the FT mix design
which is important in achieving high-early strength and low concrete permeability. The
latter characteristic is enhanced by the use of fly ash (l,Q).
It is recommended that prior to specifying FT mix proportions, a laboratory
mixture design procedure be conducted to characterize the properties or qualify the
concrete materials (cement, admixtures, aggregates, etc.) in terms of the specific project
requirements and climatic conditions at the time of construction. There is no current
standard that qualifies the materials for use in FT mix proportioning. To achieve this, a
procedure of this nature will need to incorporate laboratory procedures which will
establish a degree of climatic and project compatibility. Therefore, this process will

indicate proportioning of materials to meet the needs of a specific project incorporating
the highest degree of design flexibility, yet achieving a durable concrete pavement (2).
All portland cements manufactured are subject to variability which is usually
dependent on the source and manufacture procedure of the cement. The selection of the
type of cement used in pavement construction should be based upon desired results to be
achieved in the field. However, a prescribed qualification process should ensure that the
rate of strength gain will meet the given project requirements. Not all cements provide
the same rate of early strength gain which should be ascertained before actual placement
operations. Some state highway agencies have limited fast track concrete mixtures to the
use of Type III cement, but successful mixtures have used Types I and II cements.
There are also several cements which can be obtained from proprietary sources that
develop the accelerated mix properties necessary to be very useful in FT applications (2).
Cement selection is dependent on many factors, such as (l,~,2):

I. Fineness,
2. Impurities oxides,
3. Workability,
4. Durability, and
5. Early/long term strength.
The hydration of portland cement is a function of the interaction of the
components that comprise a particular cement. C3A and C3S are the most reactive
components in the cement producing most of the heat generated from the cement-water
reaction. The rate of hydration can be directly related to the concentrations (percent by
weight) of these components in a cement mix. For instance, a Type III cement mix will
have more C3S than a Type I or a Type II cement mix (shown in Table 1).
Since fast track paving may take advantage of many different cement types
(Types I, II and III), different considerations apply to each cement type. ·For
example, to compensate for the slower hydration time of a Type I cement, more of the
Type I cement may be added to the mix to decrease the set time of the concrete (12).
The heat of hydration of portland cement is an important factor that determines the rate
of strength gain and may be affected by the temperature of the mixing water. Cement

Table 1. Typical Composition and Fineness Values (1).

Type I Type II Type III

C3 S (%) 50 45 60
C2 S (%) 25 30 15
C3 A (%) 12 7 10
C4AF (%) 8 12 8
CSH2 (%) 5 5 5
Fineness (cm2I gm) 3500 3500 4500
1 day Compressive strength 1000 900 2000
Heat of hydration 330 250 500
(7 days, (J/g))

fineness affects the heat of hydration. Typical fineness values are represented in Table 1
(l,2,2.,10). With the increased early strength effects of increased fineness, come
concerns such as:
1. decreased workability,
2. lower long-term strengths,
3. reduced durability to freeze thaw cycles, and
4. greater need of gypsum due to increased C3A available during reaction.
As the grind of the cement becomes finer, the contact between the cement particle
and water increases which increases the rate of hydration and the formation of hydration
products (l,2,2., 10). The Blaine fineness value is an indicator of fineness of the cement.
This value gives an indication of area per unit weight (cm2/gm). For a Type I cement,
the values range from 3,000 to 4,000 cm2/gm. For a Type III cement, the Blaine values
range from 4,500 to 6,000 cm2/gm. Difficulties can arise from the increased hydration
reaction of a fine cement. Due to the increased hydration of a fine cement with water,
the cement may require more water to complete the hydration.

Increasing the rate of early strength gain with cement modifications or additives
will not necessarily increase the strength at later ages. Increased cement content may
also negatively affect the durability of hardened concrete. Durability is not a function of
early strength but is directly affected by the water-cement ratio and permeability. To
obtain good permeability and durability, it is suggested that the water-cement ratio be
approximately 0.35 (l,.U.).
Liquid and Mineral Admixtures
In addition to the standard materials that make up concrete, other materials can be
added or mixed to achieve specific results. These materials are commonly called
admixtures. Admixtures can do many things, but in terms of concrete mixtures used for
accelerated construction they accelerate, decelerate, increase workability, add color, or
minimize the loss of water from the surface of the pavement (l,§.,2.). Many desirable
properties can be achieved with the addition of an admixture; however, care must be
taken to test the admixture to ascertain whether the admixture reacts chemically with the
aggregates used or causes other side effects not desired.
Fly Ash
Fly ash is a common mineral admixture used to replace portions of the cement
used in mixes. However, in a fast track mix, fly ash is considered more of an additive
than a replacement for the cement. Fly ash tends to react with calcium hydroxide (CH -
hydration products of the cement-water hydration) to form calcium-silicate-hydrates
(CSH) which may provide improved bonding at the aggregate/paste interface. Fly ash
consists of spherical particles that tend to promote workability while reducing water
demand and improving overall pavement performance.
Fly ash is classified in two general groups, Type C and Type F. Type F fly ash
is more of a pure pozzolan, requiring the products of the cement-water reaction to react.
However, Type C fly ash reacts more extensively in the early hydration phases. As a
result, Type C fly ash can be used as a partial replacement for cement in concrete
mixtures. However, in terms of performance, concrete made with Type F fly ash
typically exceeds concrete made with Type C fly ash in strength and durability.
Experience has shown that Type C fly ash, considered compatible with a given
cement, contributes to lower water demand, improved workability, and increased long-

term strength gain. Although most fast track concrete mixes employ Type C fly ash,
Type F may also produce acceptable results and may be considered after sufficient
The primary function of an accelerator is to increase the rate of strength gain in a
concrete mix. Early strength gain may be a requirement for intersection construction
where the flow of traffic can only be compromised for a short period of time, thus
warranting the use of accelerating admixtures. One of the most common accelerators is
calcium chloride (CaC12); however, it may be corrosive to embedded steel. Other non-
chloride accelerators are available which come in a nonhydroscopic powder or in
concentrate form (l,Q,2, 10).
The effects of accelerators must be carefully monitored. When using an
accelerator, the cement should be fully dispensed in the mixer when the admixture is
added to the mix. Undispersed cement particles that remain in concrete can cause "pop-
outs" and dark spots in the surface of the pavement. The accelerator can be mixed with
the mix water to better dissolve and dispense it to avoid the conditions noted above.
Adding an accelerator during periods of high ambient temperature conditions may cause
the concrete to set before the finishing operations are completed. Some accelerators are
capable of decreasing the time allowed for workability of the fresh concrete to as little as
10 minutes (l,Q,2).
A retarder extends the setting time of the cement in the concrete mix. A
retarding admixture is usually required when more time is needed to work and finish the
concrete. Justification for a retarder can be factors such as high ambient temperatures or
cement with a high rate of hydration (Type III). The more commonly known retarders
are carbohydrate derivatives and calcium ligninsulfonate (l,Q,2, 10).
Air Entraining Agents
Entraining a certain amount of air into a concrete mix improves workability,
eases placement, increases durability, increases resistance to frost action, improves flow
during placing operations, and reduces bleeding and water gain.

There are many kinds of air entraining agents. Air entraining agents made from
modified salts of a sulfonated hydrocarbon will have the effect of plasticizing a mix.
Some air entraining agents are made from a vinyl resin more commonly used in highway
pavements (l,2, 10).
Super Plasticizer
When cement and water are combined, the cement particles tend to bind together
into agglomerates. The binding action of the cement inhibits thorough mixing in the
water. This causes incomplete hydration and reduced workability. The bound particles
cause rough abrasive surfaces that require a larger water demand to provide needed
workability and increase the w/c ratio, which in turn may result in increased bleeding
and potentially a loss of durability.
A plasticizer coats the cement particles allowing them to segregate and mix freely
with the water. The overall effect of a plasticizer is increased water reduction (up to
40%), higher early strengths, increased workability, reduced permeability, and increased
durability. Super plasticizers have none of the corrosive agents associated with
Three common types of plasticizer are:
1. sulfonated naphthalene formaldehydes (SNF),
2. sulfonated melamine formaldehydes (SMF), and
3. sodified ligninsulfonates.
Generally, plasticizers will have no adverse effects on concrete mixes which are
sometimes attributed to admixtures. In some instances, a super plasticized mix will lose
slump quickly. However, for a given set of circumstances, this situation may be
minimized by adjusting the combined gradation, discussed below. Super plasticizers
should be tailored to the individual job requirements by using standard slump techniques
or by using the consistency technique discussed in Appendix F (l,2,10).
Most aggregates approved by state highway agencies can be used in fast-track
paving. Usually, very little adjustment must be made to standard mix designs. Adequate
concern should be taken on the selection of gradation and particle size distribution in the
mix design (l,2,10).

The gradation of the combined aggregates can have an impact on the performance
of a concrete mix (grading by sieve analysis is specified by ASTM C136). In the past,
little attention may have been given to the effect that aggregate particle size distribution
(i.e. intermediate particle sizes ranging from%" (0.95 cm) to #16 sieve size) can have on
the workability of concrete mixtures. Although current aggregate gradations may yield
appropriate strengths, consistency of the fresh concrete may be lacking. The gradation
limits suggested by current ASTM standard C33 tend to promote a shortage of one or
more intermediate sized materials, which is referred to in this report as "gap-graded."
Gap-graded aggregates may be used to produce concrete mixtures which have certain
characteristics; however, gap-graded materials may cause difficulties, such as segregation,
during placement that may require special care in handling to overcome.
Intermediate size aggregates can be used as a means to produce concrete mixtures
which will have greater workability and consistency at a lower water demand. In fact,
the amount of these sizes of aggregates can also allow the design to tailor or improve the
mixture to the specific requirements of a given paving project. Intermediate aggregates
typically fill voids filled by mortar. This improves the efficiency of the mortar to coat
the aggregates, increasing workability and consistency of the fresh concrete.
Intermediate aggregates also aid in finishability or consistency by allowing the larger
aggregates to roll as ball bearings. A typical mix including intermediate sized aggregates
is shown versus a gap-graded mix in Figure 2. Producing an optimized mix to achieve
better consistency through use of intermediate aggregates results in:
1. lower water demand and improved strength through a reduction in mortar
needed to fill void space;
2. augmented durability characteristics through reduced avenues for water
penetration in the hardened mix;
3. reduced wear on equipment; and
4. increased workability allowing for more ease in finishing operations.
Particle distribution may need to be varied depending on the method of
placement. For example, a slip-formed pavement may require a more gap-graded mix
design versus a mix which benefits from a more bell-shaped particle size distribution.

30~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~----~~~~

Gap Graded
Optimum Graded

al 20
~ 10-+-~~~-+-~-+------'c~~---+~~~~~~~~~___,


1-1/2 3I 4 3 /8 #8 #30 #100 #325

1 1/2 #4 #16 #50 #200
Sieve Size
Figure 2. Uniform Gradation of Aggregates (28).

Tendency towards a bell-shaped particle size distribution also influences concrete

slump. Typical slumps range from 1Yz to 3 inches. The Texas Department of
Transportation (District 12 in Houston, Texas) specifications require that the concrete
have a slump of 1 ~ 3 inches at the time of placement. It may be possible to maintain
slumps in this range by providing sufficient intermediate particles in the mix which may
permit a reduction in mix water while maintaining an appropriate mix consistency.
The shape and surface texture of the aggregate influence the properties of fresh
concrete. Sharp and angular aggregates will require more paste than rounded aggregates.
However, rounded flat aggregates are harder to finish. The ideal aggregate is cubical
and has a rough surface. River gravels tend to exhibit cubical and smooth surfaces,
while crushed aggregates tend to yield angular shapes with rough surface textures.
Particle Size Distribution in Mix Design
The analysis of aggregate gradation and the combining of aggregates to obtain the
desired gradation are important. Factors such as combined gradation and particle shape
can have a significant effect on plastic and hardened concrete properties. The fineness
modulus of fine aggregate is typically required for mix proportioning since sand

gradation has a significant ·effect on workability. The fineness modulus for fine
aggregate should be between 2.3 and 3.2 and may be a useful measure of the consistency
of mix gradation, but the gradation analysis shown in Figure 2 may have greater utility.
However, a fine sand (low fineness modulus) has a much higher paste requirement for
good workability (12).
The amount of fine aggregate passing the No. 50 and No. 100 sieves affects
workability; adequate fine material is needed for good cohesiveness and plasticity. This
fraction may be reduced if the concrete contains workability enhancing admixtures such
as fly ash or air entraining agents.
It is desirable to minimize the cost of concrete by balancing the cost of the
aggregate against the cost of cement. Size distribution is related to the workability and
economy of the mix. The significance of aggregate gradation is best appreciated by
considering the percent retained on each sieve, as shown in (Figure 2) and the amount of
mortar used in the mix. Gap-graded mixes tend to be more difficult to work, place, and
control. Concrete mixes may be optimized to develop the best combination of aggregate
particles with the cement paste to minimize the voids between particles, increase the
density of the mix, and improve the overall workability. However, as stated earlier,
mixes graded with respect to the application may require a gap-graded mix as the most
optimized design.
Jointed concrete pavements are normally classified as plain or reinforced,
depending on whether or not the concrete contains distributed reinforcement. Plain
pavements may be divided into those with or without load transfer devices at the joints.
Those with load transfer devices are usually referred to as plain-doweled pavements.
The presence or absence of reinforcement affects joint design.
When joint spacings are in excess of those that will effectively control shrinkage
cracking or when subgrade conditions cause nonuniform slab support, distributed
reinforcing steel is used to control the opening of resulting intermediate cracks. The sole
function of the steel is to hold the fracture faces together if cracks should form. The
quantity of steel varies depending on joint spacing, slab thickness, coefficient of
subgrade resistance, and tensile strength of the steel (l,§).

In order for the steel to be effective, a good bond between the steel and the
concrete must be achieved. Bond strength is developed from friction between the
concrete and steel. It is difficult to measure the bond strength of concrete to steel
reinforcement; however, there is a pull-out test (ASTM C234) that offers a comparison
of different concretes based on their pull-out strengths (11,14).
Changes in mix materials or environmental factors affect the mix characteristics.
The effects of mix materials have been discussed in previous sections, and are
subsequently presented in greater detail.
Workability & Durability
Workability, as defined by the Texas Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications, is defined as concrete that can be placed without honeycomb and without
voids in the surface of the pavement after a specified finishing process is complete (.Ll_).
The term workability is often associated, in varying degrees, in terms of placeability,
mobility, pumpability, compatibility, finishability, and harshness. Each of these terms
refer to a form of workability depending upon the construction application.
The most important factor in workability is the water content of the mix.
Increasing the water content of the concrete mix increases the ease with which concrete
flows can be consolidated. However, workability should be obtained without producing
a condition such that free water appears on the surface of the slab during finishing
operations. Depending upon the application and method of concrete placement, the
required amount of mortar (sand, cement, and water) will vary and may affect the
finishability of the pavement surface. It may also be possible to achieve optimum
workability through appropriate selection of aggregate proportions. Excessive slumps,
low workability or other conditions related to the consistency of the concrete mixture
may require re-proportioning or adjustment of the mixture ingredients. Adjustment of
the entrained air content will also affect concrete workability in addition to bleeding
potential and strength. Other factors affecting workability are related to shape and
texture characteristics of the coarse aggregate. All these properties are important
including the effects of additives on the composition and the performance of the concrete
mix (l,n).

Permeability is mainly influenced by two mixture parameters, aggregate gradation
and the water/cement ratio. The water/cement (w/c) ratio has the largest degree of
influence on permeability. As the w/c ratio decreases, the porosity of the paste decreases
and the concrete becomes more impermeable. This impermeability plays an important
role in the durability of the hardened concrete. Also, the freeze/thaw action of the pore
water can effectively destroy a pavement placed in a freezing environment. As the
amount of hydration increases, the porosity of the paste decreases and the overall
permeability is reduced. Use of a well graded aggregate, which tends to fill in the gaps
between the larger aggregates, may also reduce the overall concrete permeability (l,.Q).
Durability Factors in Mix Design
The durability of aggregates can be conveniently related to physical and chemical
factors. The resistance of an aggregate depends on whether high internal stresses
develop when the water inside the aggregate freezes and causes a volume increase. This
stress is a function of the porosity of the aggregate, its permeability, the degree of
saturation, and size. The durability of FT concrete is enhanced by a low water/cement
ratio since this improves permeability by limiting the supply of water needed to create a
deleterious alkali-silica gel (1).
Pozzolanic admixtures are commonly used to control the reactions associated with
the alkali-aggregate attack. Pozzolan reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the paste and
lowers the ph of the pore solution. Consequently, fly ash is used to control the alkali-
aggregate reaction since the replacement of fly ash for cement has an effect on reducing
concrete expansion. Likewise, concrete expansion can be controlled by using low alkali-
cements. Lithium and barium salts have been used as additives to control alkali-
aggregate expansions; however, the use of these salts is not recommended (l,Q.,ll,16).
In several instances of intersection construction, concrete materials have been
placed using the vibrating screed method (Figure 3). This method is inherently labor
intensive and requires that the workability of the concrete be sufficient to allow enough
time for placement and finishing in order to avoid improper compaction or honey

combing (Figure 4). Apparently, very few intersection construction projects make use of
slipform placement. However, it is anticipated that this form of placement may be used
in future projects and that the mix design using accelerating admixtures may be different
(with respect to concrete workability) depending upon the method of placement. If the
accelerating characteristics of the concrete are improperly managed, the concrete may set
prematurely and adversely impact finishing operations (Figure 5). Due to the high
cement content and quick setting characteristics of FT concrete, the time of placement is
significantly reduced in comparison to conventional paving mixes.
Experience with FT concrete pavement construction indicates that the finishing
and saw cutting operation can commence as early as two to three hours after placement
particularly if using early-aged sawcutting techniques (rather than the typical 8 to 12
hours associated with conventional mixes for sufficient stiffening and hardening to
occur). Properly managed, these characteristics can lead to greater efficiency and allow
construction work to proceed in a timely manner, in terms of accelerated paving
With respect to pavement types, paving sequence and steel layout in accelerated
intersection construction of continuously reinforced concrete (CRC) pavement are critical
factors. CRC pavement, by definition, contains large amounts of continuous steel
reinforcement. The purposes of the longitudinal reinforcement in this pavement type are
to maintain small crack widths and not to allow the cracks to deteriorate into wide
cracks. By keeping the crack widths to a minimum, good aggregate interlock along the
transverse cracks can be achieved. The construction of an intersection typically involves
intersecting lanes where the longitudinal steel for the intersecting pavement may become
the transverse steel for the crossing pavement. In these instances, the paving lane (the
direction of the slab placement) should be orientated in the direction of the longitudinal
steel. If the paving lane is orientated perpendicular to the longitudinal steel, poor crack
patterns may, and often do, result.
The location of the steel in relation to the surface also has an important impact.
It has been noted in field surveys that when the longitudinal steel is placed too close to
the surface, increased surface cracking will occur.

Figure 3. The Placement of Concrete with a Vibrating Screed.

Figure 4. An Example of Improper Construction, "Honey Combing".

Figure 5. The Impact of an Improperly Managed Accelerator on Finishing Operations.

At construction joints where the existing pavement section and the new pavement
construction section are of different thicknesses, various methods have been implemented
to address this discontinuity in design. One method currently being used is to divide the
steel of the construction section (which may be thicker than the existing pavement) into
two layers (where required by design) and to tie one layer into the steel of the existing
or adjoining pavement section. This method has not been found to be entirely
satisfactory. An alternate approach is to use a transition slab to provide a transition
between the different pavement thicknesses and the different steel percentages. The
transition slab serves as a couple between the two pavement sections making it
unnecessary to bend the steel for either section to connect the two sections together.
Details on this type of jointing are provided in Appendix A.
Construction joints (shown in Figure 6) formed against the existing pavement
provide a stiff reaction, comparatively speaking, for newly placed CRC pavement
sections. This means that the crack pattern may be somewhat erratic at these locations
due to the comparatively large differences in pavement stiffness and strength. Placement
of a controlled crack pattern by saw cutting transverse notches in the pavement surface is
suggested as a method to counterbalance the effect of the above differences. Based on

__, r- 3/8

Lubricated, smooth
d/2 dowe I bar

Dummy-groove contraction Dummy-groove, doweled contraction

0 i rect ion of pour

Lubricated,, smooth
dowe I bar


Fi I ler-
Butt construction Expansion

Deformed or hooked
tie bar- ~1/2'

Keyed longitudinal, tied construction Longitudinal

Hinge Joint

Figure 6. Example of Joints Used in Rigid Pavements.

limited experience, the controlled crack pattern can be formed by shallow notches at
given intervals using early-aged saw cutting techniques.
Mix Design Development
Some departments of transportation specify concrete mixes by recipe. A typical
fast track mix may consist of 710 pounds of Type III cement, 45 percent fine and 55
percent coarse aggregates. Up to 10 percent fly ash may be used as a cement
replacement, except during cooler periods of the year since the peak temperature increase
for a Type C fly ash may only be 18 to 26°F. Water reducers and air entrainers are
typical additives for FT mixes. FT concrete paving has been successfully completed
using Types I, II and III cements. However, the use of admixtures to promote early and
long-term strength gain may be useful for Type I and II cements.
Mix Design Qualification
Mix design qualification is the verification of a mix design as it pertains to its
strength gain characteristics under certain field conditions. For example, an accelerated
mix behaves differently under cool versus hot weather conditions. To obtain a specific
performance (strength, workability, and durability) under varying field conditions, the
mix design may need modification. This modification may take the form of a change in
the curing practice or the addition of admixtures. However, before implementing any
change of this nature, adequate test procedures should be employed to account for
specific conditions.
Testing FT mixes may consist of mechanical strength testing methods (flexure,
compression, and pull-out) or of non-destructive methods of pulse velocity and maturity
testing. The ultrasonic pulse velocity method consists of measuring the time it takes an
ultrasonic pulse to pass through the concrete between two points. The relationship
between pulse velocity and strength is affected by a number of variables such as surface
moisture condition, aggregate to cement ratio, type of aggregate, and steel location. The
correlation of pulse velocity to the flexural or compressive strength of concrete should be
developed from laboratory or field data.
Maturity testing for pavement opening time has potential for both conventional
and FT concrete quality control. Maturity concrete is the summation of the products of
time and temperature. The maturity of testing indicates the development of concrete

strength and the development of the degree of hydration of concrete, as well as serving
as a useful means for estimating the in-situ strength of concrete at an early age.
FTC Mix Design
A list of typical field-placed FTC mix designs (accumulated during field surveys)
is shown in Table 2 (taken from reference 9). A characteristic of these mixes is the high
content of cement. Some of these mixes contained Type III cement which may be more

Table 2. Field Placed Mix Designs (2).

Mix Cement Cement Target Fly Coarse Fine Admixtures

Design Type Quantity W:C Ash Aggregate Aggregate
AE* WR** AC***
(lbs/cy) Ratio (lbs/cy) (lbs/cy) (lbs/cy)
A I 641 n.a. 73 1420 1420 YES YES NO
B II 658 0.39 0 1698 1145 YES YES NO
c II 658 0.39 99 1575 1062 YES YES YES
D III 710 0.373 0 1528 1358 YES YES NO
E III 640 0.425 70 1413 1413 YES YES NO
F III 640 0.425 70 1413 1413 YES YES NO
G III 641 0.425 73 1414 1409 YES YES NO
H III 743 0.40 82 1308 1313 YES YES NO

* AE = Air Entraining Agent n.a. =Not available

** WR = Water Reducer lbs/cy =pounds per cubic yard
*** AC= Non-chloride Accelerator

appropriate for cool weather placement and not necessarily ideal for hot weather
placement. Type III cement, when improperly used, may lead to severe, temperature
induced random cracking. Also, some mixes contained approximately 10 to 15 percent
(by weight of cement) of fly ash. Very few of these mixes used a non-chloride
accelerator. Based on the quantity of coarse aggregate, it is noted that the coarse
aggregate factors (CAF) are relatively low in comparison to typical paving mixes which
range from 0.70 to 0.76. The low CAF can aid in improving the workability of the mix
design (l,22).

Temperature and setting conditions may also be controlled by paving at night or
avoiding the placement of a fast track mix between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm
during the hotter portions of the year (typically from April to October). Appendix D
provides details of an FT project that made use of night paving using accelerated mixes
and superplasticizers to control the temperature of the mix.
Typically, quality control and traffic opening is determined by beam strength
tests. The opening strength ranges from 350 to 500 psi (24.61 to 35.15 kg/cm2).
However, some agencies use compressive strength as opening criteria. Equivalent
compressive strengths (in terms of the previous flexural examples) are 2000 to 4400 psi
(140.61 to 309.35 kg/cm2) (l,.Q,_2,10).
Opening to traffic may be impacted by joint sawing operations. Saw cutting that
uses conventional techniques may result in spalling if it is commenced too early before
sufficient strength has developed. Problems of this nature are discussed later in greater
detail. In order to minimize the impact of the saw cutting operation, the use of early-
aged methods is recommended. The development of cracking at the sawcut is very
sensitive to the type of coarse aggregate used in the concrete mix.
Some specifications for FT concrete indicate that the pavement section can be
opened as early as eight hours and as long thereafter as specified by the engineer. Under
certain mitigating circumstances (such as deleterious weather conditions), the engineer
has the prerogative to postpone the opening of a pavement section to traffic. The
engineer also has the discretion to open the lane early to traffic in the interest of the
traveling public. However, such sections may only be opened provided that the concrete
mix has reached or exceeded the specified flexural strength.
Mix qualification procedures to verify strength gain and performance prior to
placement may deserve greater consideration. Currently, most agencies specify casting
of a given number of test specimens to verify attainment of the specified strength within
the specified time constraints. This approach is somewhat limited since it is subject to
the conditions under which the test specimens were cast. Some questions with respect to
the test results may arise since the conditions under which the beams were cast will
seldom match exactly the conditions which exist at the time of placement. Therefore,
strength gain. criteria may not provide adequate verification to qualify a mix design for

FT paving operations. This same argument applies to test specimens that are cast in the
field or the laboratory. This suggests that non-destructive test (NDT) methods, such as
maturity concepts, should be employed to both qualify the mix design prior to
construction and to control the quality during construction.
Factors associated with the mix materials in the concrete mix design are often the
most variable factors in pavement construction quality. As shown previously, the
gradation, the type of aggregate, and the addition of cement and additives can be
significant factors affecting the fast track concrete mix design. For example, a greater
amount of drying shrinkage may be induced with the addition of an accelerator, as was
used in the Houston fast track test section described in the Field and Laboratory
Investigation section of this report. An accelerator, known as Daraset, was used in this
section (JFK and Sawdust/Rayford) and was stored in a large drum (shown in Figure 7)
and put directly into the concrete mix at the construction site.
The water content of a mix also plays a major role in the shrinkage potential of a
cement paste. Fresh concrete should be placed with as low a water/cement ratio as
possible to minimize shrinkage, yet meet slump and finishing requirements. Difficulty
has been experienced in the placement of 2 inch slump FTC mixes in hot weather
conditions. An example of a fast tracking paving is provided in Appendix D.

Figure 7. On Site Accelerator Application.

Pavement Thickness and Joint Design
Several factors influence the performance of concrete pavement whether it is
jointed or CRC pavement. The major factors are (l,Q,.2):
1. the type and amount of traffic,
2. pavement thickness,
3. pavement drainage,
4. jointing layout, and
5. subbase and subgrade design.
Some intersection pavements constructed in urban areas using FT construction
methods and mixes, may be subjected to high volumes of traffic consisting of heavy and
light traffic loads. Due to the nature of intersection traffic, some design procedures, such
as the AASHTO Design Guide, are not entirely applicable. It is speculated that, at least
for jointed pavements, the design should consider both joint faulting and fatigue
cracking, neither of which are directly predicted by the AASHTO design procedure.
However, fatigue failure (and in some cases, dowel bar bearing) may be the overriding
concern immediately after opening. At this age of the concrete, stress determination in
the concrete should focus on load, moisture, and temperature factors. Detailed stress
analyses suggest that subbase materials have little effect on load stresses as long as
uniform support is provided throughout the design life. The justification for a stabilized
subbase should not be founded on load stress alone since drainage and erosion factors
should be taken into account as well. These factors should be kept in mind since the
AASHTO procedure is an empirical design, based on the development of surface
roughness, and may not be entirely applicable to a pavement design with no subbase or
other drainage related factors. It is recommended that pavement drainage be provided in
accordance with local drainage conditions (l,Q).
The concrete thickness design is a direct reflection of the load carrying capacity
of the slab in which the subbase normally has very little effect unless non-uniform
support conditions develop. The primary function of a subbase is to limit erosion and
provide uniform support. The subbase provides the following functions (19):
1. furnishes a stable construction platform,
2. prevents erosion of pavement support,

3. provides uniform slab support,
4. increases slab support,
5. facilitates drainage, and
6. controls the depth of frost penetration.
The load stresses which result from poor slab support may go beyond what can be
considered in design, but the pavement may still perform beyond expected levels.
Therefore, to obtain the greatest service from the pavement, it is important to consider
the effects of the subbase/drainage design on the long term performance throughout the
pavement design life. Type and thickness of the subbase are usually governed by
climatic and drainage conditions. For fast track pavement applications, an open graded
granular material (stabilized or unstabilized) may be appropriate in some instances, and
possibly may not interfere with the concept behind accelerated pavement construction,
having little impact on the pavement thickness design. Even with a subbase excluded
from the pavement design, little increase in pavement thickness may be warranted if
sufficient pavement support can be afforded which should tend to enhance the "one pass"
pavement construction concept. The pavement design should also consider the increase
in strength due to the extra cement in the concrete mix (_li).
With respect to joint considerations, there are three general types of joints
commonly used in the construction of pavement concrete intersections: contraction,
expansion, and construction. These joints and their functions are as follows (l,.Q,2):
1. Contraction of weakened-plane (dummy) joints are provided to relieve the
tensile stresses due to temperature, moisture, and friction, thereby
controlling cracking. If contraction joints were not installed, random
cracking would occur on the surface of the pavement.
2. An expansion joint provides space for expansion of the pavement, thereby
preventing the development of compressive stresses which can cause a
buckling of the pavement. These joints are probably unnecessary in
intersection construction.
3. Construction joints are required to facilitate construction. The spacing
between longitudinal joints is usually related to the width of the driving

Similar joint types are applicable to fast track intersection construction.
However, due to the nature of FTC pavement, delays required by some specifications on
placement of these joints may not be consistent with early opening requirements.
Joint sawing for fast track concrete is the most commonly used method for
installing contraction joints. The saw cut joint can be cut either by conventional or
early-aged methods. Conventional methods to cut concrete use a diamond impregnated
blade after the concrete has aged enough to cut. Early-aged cutting allows cutting of the
concrete pavement prior to final set and shortly after initial set. Previous experience
from pavement test sections have shown that early-aged cuts only need to be% to 1 inch
to adequately control random cracking in concrete pavements. Therefore, the depth of
cut is not nearly as significant as the timing of the cut since a shallow surface notch is
sufficient to initiate a crack, particularly prior to a significant gain in strength which
should be reflected in the construction specifications. This can be accomplished by
eliminating the depth of cut requirement and specifying a time related requirement (i.e.
cutting should commence within 30 minutes after the initial set has occurred as
determined by non-destructive testing methods such as correlation between initial set and
concrete maturity).
The early-aged sawcut method, shown in Figure 8, also allows for earlier opening
times and results in much smaller construction costs in working hours and equipment
(sawblades). A dry cut saw utilizes a silicon carbide or carborundum blade.

Figure 8. An Example of Early-Aged Sawcutting.

Concrete pavement normally consists of a pavement slab and/or subbase material
which is used primarily to promote drainage away from and underneath the pavement or
to provide a non-erodible support for the slab. The pavement slab may or may not
contain reinforcement or may be constructed with or without monolithic curbs.
Jointed Concrete Pavements
Jointed concrete pavement is constructed in two basic types: jointed plain
concrete (JPC) or jointed reinforced concrete (JRC). JPC pavements typically have a
joint spacing of 20 feet or less. JRC pavements usually have a joint spacing ranging
from 20 to 100 feet.
Jointed concrete pavement with a joint spacing in feet longer than the slab
thickness in inches should expect cracks to form at intervals between 12 and 20 feet (1).
This crack forms a hinge that relieves stresses formed by moisture loss and thermal
differentials (curling and warping) (19).
Reinforcing steel is typically placed at or near mid-depth in concrete pavement
slabs. This reinforcement is not placed in a structural capacity but rather is placed to
control crack deterioration. If cracks form, the steel is intended to keep the cracks
closed, thus promoting load transfer across the joints through aggregate interlock.
Typically, if JRC pavement designs consist of contraction joints at 45 foot
intervals or greater, two transverse cracks can be expected to form between each joint.
Because cracking creates a natural hinge that relieves stress between joints, the pavement
design thickness should be based upon the length of the slab between cracks, rather than
the distance between joints. This would make the thickness designs of most pavements
based on slab lengths of 30 feet or less (19).
A method to manage uncontrolled or random cracking is to create a crack at the
desired location through the use of sawcutting. By sawcutting, a notch is cut into the
slab transversely which causes a stress intensity that will initiate a crack or a hinge to
occur through the slab thickness. By so doing, a hinge forms as a straight line which
can be sealed in the same manner as a dowelled, sawcut joint. Consequently, since it is
known where the hinge joints will form, additional reinforcing steel can be placed at
these locations (and perhaps reduced or eliminated at other locations) to aid in holding

the hinge joint tightly closed and reduce the probability of rupture of the steel from
corrosion. Similar technology can be applied to sawed longitudinal joints (.1,2).
This type of pavement is usually recommended where the construction phases
may be less than 200-300 feet, since it is difficult to develop a satisfactory crack pattern
in alternate concrete pavement types (i.e. CRC pavement) over short construction lengths
of this nature.
Continuously Reinforced Concrete (CRC)
CRC pavement, which characteristically develops a crack pattern at close
intervals, should be designed to eliminate or minimize the development of punchout
distress or any of the preliminary distresses (loss of subbase support, spalling, etc.) which
lead to the development of this distress. Past experience and research indicate that crack
width and subgrade support play a significant role in the performance of CRC pavement
(20). Consequently, the design of this pavement type should stem from a provision of
establishing sufficiently narrow crack widths and the assurance of good pavement
support. The quality of pavement support is related to the adequacy of the internal
subgrade drainage system, which is dependent upon external drainage conditions.
Efficiency of the subgrade drainage is enhanced by good surface drainage, if it is
available, which limits the amount of time water is allowed to stand on the pavement
surface. Otherwise, other approaches must be taken to provide maximum protection of
the subgrade.
The key to obtaining good performance from a CRC pavement is the
development of a well and evenly distributed crack pattern and the provision of uniform
subbase support. To this end, concrete strength gain can have a significant effect on
how well the crack pattern develops, particularly if it is too widely spaced. Some
benefit may be gained, with FT CRC pavements, by cutting crack control notches at
given transverse spacing to promote the development of an adequate crack pattern. The
crack notches are intended to promote an even crack distribution (20).

In order to form a base of information to investigate the current methods of fast
track paving, a program consisting of field and laboratory testing was undertaken.
Selected field sections were surveyed to determine areas of focus for the investigation in
the laboratory. The goal of the laboratory work was to investigate the uses of maturity
and consistency methods as applied to fast track pavement construction. Under the
section "Summary and Recommendations," further recommendations for future testing
are given. These recommendations are based upon results of the field survey and
discussions with construction supervisors.
The field survey investigated existing pavement sections that used fast track mix
designs. Given the placement conditions (e.g. weather, materials, methods of
construction), crack patterns, and the level of distress, important information regarding
the causative mechanisms related to the distresses were documented. With this
information, methods that minimize these distresses were examined and provided as
recommendations for construction procedures and techniques.
To evaluate cracking on chosen pavements sections, five different categories of
information were considered:
1. crack surveys,
2. concrete cores,
3. FWD data,
4. setting characteristics, and
5. consistency factors.
Crack and Coring Tests
Crack surveys were conducted at two intersections: one at Beltway 8 and JFK,
and the other at I-45 and Rayford/Sawdust Roads in the vicinity of Houston, Texas. The
results from these surveys are shown in Figures 9 through 11. The crack surveys
indicated erratic cracks, corner cracking, and cracks developing from expansion joints.
Several items of information can be obtained from examination of these figures.
Random cracks of this nature may result in early slab breakup due to the loss of load
transfer, pumping, and punchouts. Several of these cracks are yet to extend through the
slab thickness.

5.6 ft.

2.0 3.2 2.0 1.8

_..12 ft.

1i-~ ••
ftl ft2
12 ft.
\J ( ~
j 19 5.0

West bound
18 ft.
t Sa dust Road

Figure 9. Erratic Cracks in Sawdust Frontage Road with Fast Track.

14 ft. 17 ft. 12 ft. 12 ft.

12 ft.

l 11 ft.

11 ft.

East bound
Ra ford road
Figure 10. Erratic Cracks in Rayford Frontage Road with Fast Track.

12' 12'

hl x

JFK Road
Figure 11. Surveyed Crack Pattern of BW-8 and JFK Intersection.

The probable causes for such random cracking are:
(1) paving perpendicular to the direction of the longitudinal reinforcing;
(2) mix design, gradation, workability;
(3) admixtures; and
(4) environmental conditions at the time of the construction.
Figure 12 illustrates the cracking observed in a core removed from one of the FT
sections paved at the Rayford/Sawdust intersection. Other core samples were taken to
allow a closer look at the cracking distress. The locations of the steel reinforcement are
noted in Table 3. From the data obtained by observing the cores, as illustrated in Figure
12, it can be observed that the crack depth typically terminated at or near the top layer
of steel reinforcement.

Crack Width
0.01 - 0.03 in.

Reinforced Bar

<0.01 in

.. j
...., ..#
Crack Width

' 0. 01 - 0. 03 in

Figure 12. Section Cracks of Core R-4 from Rayford Frontage Road.

Table 3. Pavement Section Layout and Crack Data from Cores in Sawdust and Rayford Roads.

Transverse Steel Longitudinal Steel

Core Slab from top from top Crack growth Crack
Location Name Thickness (in.) (in) (in.) Width
(in.) (in.)
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Rebar

Sawdust S-1 14 1h 6% 10 5 1/2 9% .15 No No .01

S-2 14% 6% 10% 5 1h 93/a 6 No No .01 -.03

S-3 >14 6% 87/a - - 5 1h No No .01 - .03

Rayford R-1 14% - - 4112 ll1A No No No No

R-2 - 6112 - 5V2 - 6112 - No .01 - .03

(c.01 - .02)

R-3 >15 61/a lQlh 5 1h llV2 4 - 6* 1 Yes .01 - .03

(c.01 - .02)

R-4 >15 7 10V2 - - 4 - 7* 2Ih Yes .01 - .03

(c < .01)
The temperature during construction of the fast track sections at the
Sawdust/Rayford locations (these are the cross-hatched patches shown in Figure 1) was
reasonably mild, ranging from 60°F to 70°F, which typically is expected to provide for
excellent placement conditions. However, as can be seen in Figures 9 and 10, acceptable
temperature conditions do not always yield an acceptable crack pattern. The cause of
this distress was not completely evident, however the authors speculate that the use of a
non-chloride accelerator (Daraset), the mix proportioning and the cool weather conditions
(causing a large temperature drop in the hydrating concrete) were primary contributors to
the cracking patterns exhibited in these sections. The JFK intersection concrete was
placed under high temperatures which can be deleterious to the placement of a rapid
hydrating cement. During a field visit to the JFK fast track intersection project (Figure
11 ), it was determined that the north outside lane, which exhibited a more normal crack
pattern, was placed at a greater slump than the adjacent lanes. Based on interviews with
DOT construction personnel, it appears that the amount of water available or present in
the concrete at the time of placement had an effect on the cracking behavior exhibited at
this intersection.
Not to be contradictory, but the nature of the cracks noted in the cores suggests
that drying shrinkage strains may be the primary cause of the poor crack pattern since
most of the cracking exists in the upper portions of the slab. A potentially negative side
effect of the high cement content mixes is high drying strain which should be controlled
through proper curing. For high cement content concretes, an adequate curing should be
provided to ensure sufficient hydration. Obviously, a delicate balance exists between, for
sufficient water for workability and placement versus that needed for hydration while
minimizing the potential of shrinkage cracking.
Field surveys have also indicated a tendency for long crack spacing (which is
undesirable) to develop in intersection CRC pavement sections. These sections tend to
be short (300-500 feet) and are subjected to a lower range of stress than longer pavement
sections (2,500 feet or more) are subjected. The use of FT concrete may magnify this
problem to a greater extent due to the inherent rapid strength gain associated with FT
concrete where the strength may exceed the induced stresses from environmental effects

over that which may occur with conventional mixes. Therefore, the use of early-aged
crack control techniques may minimize the incidence of long crack spacing.
Aggregate type can significantly affect crack development for concrete pavement.
Construction sections monitored under this investigation used a limestone coarse
aggregate which exhibited greater shrinkage and tensile strain capacity than river gravel
aggregates. This suggests that this type of aggregate will develop longer crack spacing,
unless controlled, which may also cause excessive stresses in steel ties located at
construction joint locations. In this respect, the use of river gravel aggregates may be
more appropriate for jointed concrete applications to enhance the breaking of joints at the
sawcut notch locations.
The spalling distresses that were noted in jointed FT sections appeared to be
related to saw cutting operations. Spalling, shown in Figure 13, possibly resulted from
the use of conventional sawcutting techniques prior to adequate strength development. It
is advisable to use early-aged sawcutting techniques to avoid similar problems in the
future. These techniques will allow for joint sealing operations and the early opening of
a lane or intersection in a timely manner.

Figure 13. US-59, Spalling Due to an Early Saw Cut.

FWD Testing and Analysis
Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing was conducted to evaluate crack
patterns and joint types which occur in FT concrete pavements. Analysis of FWD data
has been used as a method to evaluate the structural capacity of jointed or CRC
pavement systems. The FWD test has been predominantly used for JRC pavement
systems, but has also been applied in the successful evaluation of CRC pavement
The results of FWD testing can be used to estimate material properties of the in-
place pavement system. Specifically, the modulus of elasticity (E) and the modulus of
subgrade reaction (K) are "back calculated." Both of these material properties can be
used to describe a useful pavement property known as the radius of relative stiffness (.ek).
The radius of relative stiffness incorporates material and geometric properties of a
concrete pavement system to describe the structural capacity. The equation for £k is
given by the equation:

£k =
Eh 3 (1)
12(1-µ 2 )k

µ = poisson ratio
h = pavement thickness
E = modulus of elasticity
k = modulus of subgrade reaction
To back-calculate the E and k values, a combination of finite element analysis
(ILLI-SLAB-ref. 30) and Westergaard analysis is used to calculate a deflection basin that
is compared to the deflection basin· measured by the FWD. The E and k values are
adjusted until the deflection basins match, completing the back-calculation process.
Using Westergaard analysis and the ILLI-SLAB data, a relationship (Figure 14) can be
established correlating the area of the deflection basin to the radius of relative stiffness
of the pavement system. Using the FWD test data, the deflection basin can be
determined directly from the field data and used to back-calculate the values of E, k and
£k (20,21).

FWD data was obtained from Rayford-Sawdust/I-45 and Bissonet/US-59
pavement sections in Houston, Texas. The Sawdust and Rayford section was CRC
pavement and the Bissonet section was JRC with redwood expansion joints at 60.5 feet
(18.44 meters) and hinged joints at approximately 15 foot (4.6 meters) intervals. All
three sections were tested under moderate to cool temperatures in which the joints and
cracks were open and critical load transfer conditions existed. This normally occurs in
the early morning hours.
Another useful parameter derived from the FWD data is load transfer efficiency

~ 28
< 26
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Radius of Relative Stiffness (inch)
Figure 14. A Relationship Between £k and the Deflection Basin.

(LTE). This parameter is a measure of the load transfer capability of the joints and
cracks in the pavement system. From the graphs provided in Appendix E (Figures E-1
through E-6), the LTE of the different type joints can be observed. Minimum values of
LTE and £k can also be an indication of poor support under the pavement system. In
some cases, where the LTE is an acceptable value of 90 percent, a corresponding low £k
value (such as 20 inches [50.8 cm]) is a manifestation of poor joint behavior. A portion
of the FT pavement constructed at Bissonet (Figure 15) was tested using the FWD. The

station markers shown in this figure correspond to the station markers listed in Figures
E-1 and E-2 of Appendix E. The analysis of the FWD data for this section implies that
the joint system may be in poor condition. Most of the joints indicated good LTE. The
construction joints at station 1 (a doweled, redwood joint) showed better behavioral
characteristics than the contraction joints. Many of the recorded values for LTE and £k
were below the recommended values of 90 percent and 30 inches (76.2 cm),
respectively. This may be due to poor support and lack of subbase. For the Bissonet
section, low values of LTE can lead to pumping and spalling (20). These joints should
be monitored on a periodic basis in future investigations.
Field Maturity Testing
The maturity of concrete is a time-temperature relationship that provides an
indication of the concrete strength at a particular age. The maturity method provides an
uncomplicated solution to predict the complicated process of hydration and strength gain

- - - - - - - - - 6 0 '6' _'- - - - - -

s Edge

Figure 15. FWD Test Section for Bissonet Road.

The maturity method can be defined as the integral, with respect to time, of the
curing temperature measured from a datum temperature (2.). Maturity can be expressed

M = f(T - T 0 ) dt
_.§.(..!. - _..!._)
or I
te = :Ee R T Ts t::. t

M =Maturity
te = Equivalent age at a specified temperature (T5)
T =Temperature of the concrete
T0 = Reference temperature
t.t,dt = Increment in time
E =Activating energy, J/mol
R = Universal gas constant
The ultimate goal of measuring maturity in field is to predict the time of opening
for the pavement slab without exhaustive destructive strength testing. The measurement
of maturity in the field can be accomplished using either a temperature recording device
or a maturity meter. Using the former, it is very important to keep accurate records of
temperature and time (especially within the first 24 hours) since these are the basic
inputs for maturity. The maturity meter automatically computes maturity value which
can be read directly on the LCD screen (2,~).

The maturity process (in reference to the equivalent age, te), as applied in the
field, has three components:
1. laboratory testing,
2. worksheet computation, and
3. measurement of maturity values in the field.
The first process involves the calculation of activation energy, ultimate strength, and
pilot beam strength/maturity testing for the specific mix being used. This portion is
discussed in greater detail later, under the section entitled "Laboratory Maturity Testing."
The second process involve~ using the Opening Strength Criteria Worksheet
(discussed in Appendix B). Using the information from the laboratory data, the
worksheet can be used to predict the time to open (Appendix C). This time is measured
from the time the concrete is placed.

The third phase of this process is instrumenting the desired section with sensors
to measure the maturity. The maturity of the concrete pavement can be read directly
from the instruments. When the maturity of the concrete in the pavement correlates to a
strength equal to or above the specified concrete strength, the pavement is ready to open
to traffic.
Consistency Testing
The purpose of conducting consistency tests is to characterize the rheology or
workability of the concrete mixture. The amount of time available to finish concrete is a
very important factor in accelerated concrete mixes. The way to characterize these
factors is through evaluating the workability of the concrete with time. The test and
equipment proposed for use in the field are illustrated in Appendix F.
The consistency test is relatively new in the U.S., but is included in German
Construction Specifications (DIN Standard 1048). The closest approximation (in terms
of field applications) to the consistency test in the U.S. is the ASTM slump test. The
primary difference between the two tests is that the German construction specification
consistency test is dynamic in nature involving repeated dropping of the concrete sample,
and the ASTM procedure is static in nature. The dynamic test may be a more
representative measure of consistency of fresh concrete (28).
Field consistency testing using the equipment illustrated in Appendix F was
conducted on fresh concrete consisting of seven bags of cement. Since a seven bag mix
can hydrate at an accelerated rate, it is imperative to obtain several consistency
measurements within the first hour of hydration to check for appropriate workability at
the time of finishing.
The consistency test was conducted with the following parameters:
1. drop height = 1 inch (2.54 cm), and
2.. flow radius varied from 10 to 18 inches (25.4 to 45.72 cm) - (which is
actually user selected).
Using the same sample for each test iteration, the concrete was tested at 8 minutes
(yielding 10 drops) and 20 minutes (yielding 20 drops) after placement. The decrease in
workability can be easily identified by the increased drops for the concrete to flow to the
16 inch (40.64 cm) radius. For further information, refer to Appendix F.

Laboratory Maturity Testing
The laboratory method for the maturity (i.e. equivalent age, te) testing involves
two procedures:
1. calculation of the activation energy (E) or reference temperature (T0 ), and
2. calculation of the ultimate strength (S 00) .

Both procedures are conducted before application of the maturity testing in the field to
yield constants (E or T and S
0 00
), which are used in maturity relationships that will be
discussed later in this section.
A maturity relationship (i.e. equivalent age, te), can be developed to represent the
variation of age (with respect to actual time) versus the temperature and the equivalent
age of the concrete. It has been demonstrated that (2.,29) the Arrhenius equation (shown
in equation 5) fits this relationship best; thus, it will be the focus in this report. When
using the Arrhenius equation, the activation energy (which is an integral part) must be
found. The activation energy affects the shape of the age factor versus the concrete
temperature. This means activation energy affects how the concrete strength varies with
respect to time. Also, as the activation energy increases, the age-temperature relationship
becomes increasingly non-linear.
To calculate the activation energy, the standard ASTM test C1074-89 is used.
Basically, to perform the procedure, three different curing temperatures are used.
Concrete mortar specimens are made and cured for each curing temperature.
After conducting cube mortar strength tests, the strength of the mortar cube can
be plotted in terms of age at each curing temperature (Figure 16).
The following strength-maturity relationship can be used to determine the
activation energy of a concrete mix:
S=S--- (3)
00 l+KTt

Manipulating equation (3), the following is obtained:




.e=.. " " ·~ .....
~1 6
:::IE 4

2 ·r···· ·~······1····· ·····:i····· ..... ;: .....

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56

1--- ROOM (21 TO 24) --a- HOT (50 TO 54) - COLD (8 TO 10)

Figure 16. Mortar Strength Tests at Different Curing Temperatures.

s cube mortar strength
= limiting strength
rate constant
Figure 17 is the graph of reciprocal strength versus age of the mortar cubes.
From this graph, the three rate constants for different curing temperatures can be
determined by dividing intercepts of the y-axis over the slopes of the lines. The rate
constant (KT), is known to vary with the curing temperature. This variation is modeled
by the Arrhenius equation:
K = Be R 273+T (5)

Equation 4 can also be transformed into a linear equation as follows:

lnK = lnB - E l (6)

T R273+T
B constant
Finally, the slope of the line shown in Figure 18 represents the value of E/R
(activation energy divided by the universal gas constant). The activation energy (E) can
be found by multiplying E/R by the universal gas constant (R). The ultimate strength
can be found from the intercept shown in Figure 17.
Setting Characteristics
The Penetration Test (ASTM C403 - 90) procedure is primarily used to measure
the change of consistency_ of a fresh concrete mix with time. The consistency of the
fresh concrete can be used to determine boundaries for the initial and final set of the
concrete. This test can be used in conjunction with the maturity test in order to better
evaluate the characteristics (strength and workability) of the concrete. The test is
conducted with a mortar sample which is found by sieving the fresh concrete mix over
the #4 sieve. The mortar is placed into a container and tested by pressing a needle into
the sample and reading penetration resistance in psi.

0.0008 ~-------------------~

~ 0.0006

b~ 0.0004

,...; 0.0002 1----r~-e--~


0 0.5 1 1.5 2
1/ AGE ( 1/days)

I• Room (22.5) D Hot (52) * Cold (9)

Figure 17. Different Rate Constants for Different Curing Temperatures (°C).

Activating Energy
Control 7

..-- slope = E/R = 5892.776



0.0025 0.003 O.DOSli O.OQ.4,

1/TEMP {1/{273+C))

Figure 18. A Graph to Ascertain the Activation Energy.

The information this test yields is important because it gives an indication of:
1. available time to finish the concrete,
2. time frame in which to joint (sawcut) the pavement, and
3. time to open the concrete pavement to traffic.
The penetration test yields an indication of the times of initial and final set of the
concrete mortar mix. The initial set is the time at which the concrete mortar begins to
stiffen significantly. The final set gives evidence as to when the stiffened concrete
begins to gain strength. The available time to finish concrete may be related to the
amount of time before initial set occurs. The concrete must retain sufficient workability
until the finishing is complete.
The time frame in which to obtain an early sawcut on the concrete pavement is
confined within a certain window of time. The concrete must not be too fresh or the
strength will be too low to prevent the joints from ravelling. The concrete must also not
be too old or the fracture toughness will be too high to obtain cracking. To ensure
cracking at the saw cut joint, the pavement must be cut after the initial set and before the
final set. In accelerated construction, this window can be very small.
In laboratory testing, referred to previously, three different mixes were chosen:
1. a standard 7 bag mix design,
2. a standard 7 bag mix design with accelerator, and
3. a standard 7 bag mix design with a super plasticizer.
After conducting the penetration test, most of the expected trends were manifested by the
test data (the accelerated sample hydrated the earliest while the superplasticized mix
hydrated later than the control mix). As illustrated in Figure 19, the accelerated mix
reached both initial and final set first, followed by the control and then the plasticized
mix. Although the plasticized mix was expected to have a later initial set, the final set
was expected to be closer to the control mix. However, strength testing showed that the
plasticized strengths surpassed the control mix. It can also be observed from the test
results (which are temperature dependent) that the parameters of finishing, jointing, and
opening to traffic depend heavily on mix additives and should be considered in

From Figure 19, the results of the penetration test relate to some extent to both
finishing and jointing operations and the time to opening to traffic. For example, for
laboratory conditions, the accelerated mix achieved initial set within 2% hours after
mixing time which may also represent a maximum finishing time of 2% hours. It is
important to note that the penetration test may be useful as a complement to the maturity
testing, but not useful as a measure of the opening time of a pavement.
The time frame, or window, available to early sawcut the concrete pavement can
be illustrated as approximately midway between the initial and final set times. From
Figure 19, the time of initial set of the accelerated mix is approximately 1 hour. The
penetration test may be an important indicator of when to sawcut within the acceptable
time frame.
Consequently, it may be possible to estimate the abovementioned saw cutting
window with the penetration test. In Figure 19, the accelerated mix reaches final set at
3% hours. This agrees with past fast track paving experience, where often a pavement

Penetration vs. Time

8000 ~------~
~ 5000 Jinalset
_g 4000 _ _ _ ···~_······_·····_ _ __

~ 3000
er_ 2000
1000 .


0 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (hours)
I• Control •Super P -.. Accelerator I
Figure 19. Lab Results of Penetration Testing.

can be sawcut in as little as four to six hours. However, ambient temperature conditions
may affect this result as previously pointed out.
The initial and final set of a concrete mix may not be the determining factor in
exactly when to cut, or finish a pavement. However, the setting information may
provide some indication as to the behavior of a particular mix. The penetration test used
in the laboratory may also provide good cross-reference with the maturity of the
concrete. It is important to note that the penetration tests in the lab and the penetration
tests in the field may not match exactly due to differences in paving conditions.

The ultimate factor controlling fast track paving is when the pavement can be
opened to traffic. It is recommended that this decision be based on strength and not on a
time constraint (.2). Strength gain is a function of the cement hydration and
environment. With the flexibility of FT mix design, use of strength as the opening
criteria is the most logical. Time criteria will not allow the flexibility that can be
afforded by this technology. Flexural strength testing or several types of nondestructive
testing are available for strength evaluation.
Determining the strength needed for opening to traffic is dependent on the
construction staging plans, the rate of strength development of the mix, and/or the traffic
loads that will use the pavement during the first several hours after opening. For
example, the standard opening criteria could be lowered significantly if only automobile
traffic were allowed onto the pavement. Examining pavement damage in a jointed
concrete pavement system in relation to concrete strength at very early ages gives
guidance for specifying opening strength criteria. The curves in Figure 20 were
developed using the traditional Westergaard analysis for loads at the edge of a slab
supported by a dense liquid subgrade. The critical load stresses under a single-wheel
axle load are shown in terms of the dimensionless stress (s) and the radius of relative
stiffness (.ek - as previously described in equation 1):
crwls = P*s/h2 (7)
h slab thickness (in)
P = axle load/2 (lbs)
crwls wheel load stress
A multitude of stresses for several conditions can be found from Figure 20.
According to accepted pavement design practice, when the ratio of load stress (r) to
modulus of rupture is limited to less than 0.5, very little damage (leading to crack
formation) should develop in the concrete slab. As slab support or pavement thickness
increases (or any change that causes the .e value to decrease), the stress level (and r)
decreases (1,.Ll.,25). This variation allows different opening strength criteria to be used

2 Ft Ext. Drv. Lane
Bituminous Shld

(/) 2. 5 -t---+----t---t--T----+----+-----+------<~-i----j 1 0 Ft Tied Shld

~ 1.s+-+--~--+------...."-----+---+------1f---+--1

21 24 28 33 39 46 49 53
Radius of Relative Stiffness (in.)

Figure 20. Load Stress in Jointed Systems.

dependent on the pavement design and the expected early loading level (see Figure 21).
For instance, if only automobiles (P = 2,000 lbs) represent the critical loading
that the pavement will be subjected to at opening, perhaps an opening flexural strength
of 200 psi will be sufficient according to this analysis. Elaborating further, for a
pavement of 10 inches in thickness, one can calculate a value of Rk equal to 37 inches.
From Figure 20 for a pavement with a 10 foot tied shoulder, a value of Rk = 37
corresponds to a value of s = 1.9. From Figure 21 and for a value of s = 1.9, a stress
ratio (r):

r =
= 2000(1.9) = 0.19
200 200 . 10 2
results, which is well below the value of 0.5 previously noted. However, for the same
conditions, if trucks are allowed (P = 9,000 lbs), opening criteria will need to be as high
as 500 psi for an eight-inch pavement and about 350 psi for a ten-inch or greater slab as
shown in Figure 22.

8 inch slab
1 0 inch slab
~ 50+--1-~~+-~~~~-+-~---+~~-+-~-='~=---+------1
c 1 2 inch slab
'+-- -B-
~ 45+--J-,L-~+-~~=-~-+-~---+~~-l-~~+-~--+------1 1 4 inch slab
~ 40+--l-r"-~+-~-+--=--=-+-~---J~~-+~~+-~-+~
~ 35+--J-,L---~+-~--+~~-±--==-="l"----~-J-~~+-~--+-----1

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Opening Flexure Strength (psi)

Figure 21. Jointed Pavement Design Criteria for a Ten Foot Tied Shoulder.


As a means of estimating and restricting the damage done to newly-placed
concrete pavements subjected to early loading, general recommendations have been
developed. The amount of fatigue damage to be consumed by early construction loading
may be a critical issue. This value is largely influenced by the design loadings and
pavement design factors (thickness, shoulders, etc.).
The previous example depicts a recommended procedure for determining the time
that the pavement can be subjected to early loading. Critical factors influencing the
potential load amount of damage done to a concrete pavement are listed below:
(1) Pavement design characteristics (thickness, foundation
support, load transfer),
(2) Concrete strength at the time of anticipated early loading,
(3) Rate of concrete strength gain,


/' --
100 psi
I 300 psi

/ -*-
500 psi
0 700 psi

(/) 1.5 ~
/ -*-

Q) 9 0 0 psi
________. / /
·~ v
~ ~
--------->~ ~ ~v
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Pavement Thickness (in)

Figure 22. Opening Criteria for Jointed Pavement with Ten Foot Tied Shoulder (P =
9000 lbs.).

(4) Type of early loading construction vehicle (gross weight, axle weight, axle
type, contact pressures),
(5) Pavement shoulder configuration, and
(6) Number of repetitions of early loading vehicles.
With the exception of the second and third items, all of the factors are known or
can be reasonably estimated. Therefore, it is critical that there is a means to estimate the
in-situ strength of the concrete slab at any time. This may be done using the maturity
technique as previously discussed, or the pulse velocity method.
The pulse velocity method measures the velocity of a sound wave passing through
a slab and uses the wave velocity to approximate strength. Both methods can be
correlated so that the measured values can be used to estimate the in-situ compressive
strength of the concrete as previously discussed (17,.l]).
For pavements with doweled joints, the bearing stresses exerted by the dowel on
the concrete should be evaluated. To avoid possible crushing of the concrete above the

dowel, a doweled slab should not be loaded until the compressive strength of the slab is
larger than the bearing stress that would be developed under the anticipated traffic

Early loading may often be controlled by the bearing stresses and not by the
fatigue damage from edge loading in doweled pavements. Dowel diameter has a large
effect on reducing bearing stresses in the concrete slab. Use of large diameter dowel
bars allow the slab to be subjected to earlier loading than a similar slab with small
diameter dowel bars. Large diameter dowels also help reduce faulting in concrete
pavements (19).
Restraint stresses in CRC pavements are important for the development of an
adequate crack pattern to ensure the long term performance of the pavement. Special
considerations are necessary where FT CRC pavements are constructed because of the
rapid strength gain characteristics associated with these types of concrete mixes. Some
insight into the behavioral characteristics at an early age of CRC may be achieved
through analysis of the gain in strength as compared to the development of stress in a
CRC pavement constructed using fast track concrete. On this basis, it is obvious that
different climatic and seasonal conditions significantly affect the development of the
crack pattern. The cooler the conditions under which paving is conducted, the greater
will be the average crack spacing. Different mix designs may affect the average crack
spacing; but coupled with the rapid gain in strength, sufficient stresses may not occur to
adequately develop the crack pattern and the associated tight crack widths to ensure long
term performance.
Cracking will develop when the induced concrete tensile stresses are greater than
the strength of the concrete. There are several factors which contribute to the formation
of transverse cracking, as explained in the section "Cracking and Coring Tests". When
concrete pavement experiences a temperature and humidity drop or change, transverse
cracks form due to the steel reinforcement restraining the volume changes in the
concrete. This mechanism is dominant at early ages of the CRC pavement. Further
cracking may be induced after opening the concrete pavement to the traffic; but most of
the cracking is caused by environmental effects.

Table 4 summarizes the combinations of design conditions which were considered
in the analysis of an FT CRC pavement at an early age. To develop a general idea of
the effect of different FT flexural strength gain curves on the development of the crack
pattern, four different kinds of concrete strength curves were used. These strength
curves are representative of data obtained from actual FT mixes used in the field. The
modulus of elasticity of the concrete was varied as a function of time which depended
upon the compression strength of the concrete. Shrinkage strain was assumed to be
uniform throughout the pavement cross-section. However, shrinkage strain is known to

Table 4. Typical Design Factors.

Design Input Values or Conditions

Concrete Pavement Thickness (in.) 12

Flexural Strength at 1 day (psi) 500, 600, 700, 800

Elastic Modulus Depends on Strength

Thermal Expansion Coefficient Depends on Aggregate

and Shrinkage Strain Type

Steel Bar Size(#) 6

Percentage Reinforcement ( %) 0.5, 0.6, 0.7


Wheel Loading Opening Time (day) 1

Subgrade Modulus (pci) 200

Temperature Curing Temperature {°F) 140

Temp. Drop in 28 Days {°F) 70

Minimum Reference Temp. (°F) 40

be non-uniform and dependent on the humidity concrete, the concrete curing
temperature, and the coarse aggregate type. Above are the results of this analysis using
the CRCP5 (.dl) program for different concrete strengths and percentages of longitudinal
steel while other factors were held constant. These results are presented in Figures 23 to
26. For the analysis of different aggregate types, (limestone (LS) and siliceous river
gravel (SRG)), different coefficients of thermal expansion of concrete and shrinkage
strain curves over the design periods were used.
Figure 23 shows the relationship between mean crack spacing and flexural
concrete strength, which contain a limestone (LS) coarse aggregate for different design
steel percentages. As pointed out previously, the greater the concrete strength, the
greater the mean crack spacings. The mean crack spacings for 0.7 percent of steel is
shorter than that for 0.5 or 0.6 percent steel. Figure 24 shows the corresponding mean
crack widths for different LS concrete strengths.
It should be pointed out that a crack width of 0.055 inches is suggested as a crack
width maximum limit. Maintaining cracks below this limit helps to limit or reduce
spalling potential over the life of the pavement (30). However, if the crack spacings are
too large, on the average, this limit will be exceeded. Therefore, it is important to
develop the crack pattern early so that crack spacings are not too far apart or too close
together. Figures 23 and 25 show that a low coefficient of thermal expansion associated
with a LS concrete results in larger crack spacings than a concrete containing an SRG
coarse aggregate. However, as indicated by Figures 24 and 26, only a mix design which
results in an opening concrete strength of 500 psi at 1 day with 0.7 percent steel is
adequate for maintaining crack widths within tolerable limits. In other words, CRC
pavements that are paved with an FT concrete mix and gain more than 500 psi in one
day may not provide adequate performance on a long term basis unless shorter crack
patterns develop over time. FT concrete mixes may require steel designs of 0.7 percent
or greater since steel reinforcement lower than this tends to induce wider crack spacings
and widths greater than the maximum limit. It may be possible to counter the strength
gain effect by inducing the crack pattern with early-aged saw cutting which notches the
pavement early enough to allow the use of normal amounts of steel reinforcement in
construction; otherwise, the concrete strength may be too high to allow cracking to
occur. Saw cut notches at 3 or 4 foot intervals may hold the crack tight enough to allow
lower percentages of steel to be used as indicated by Figures 23 and 25.

Mean Crack Spacings (ft.)

Curtng Temperature• 140 deg F

Avg. Temp. Drop In a Month • 70 deg F Steal=0.5%
14 Temp. Drop In Find Winter • 100 deg F
CollCl1lle Thlclcn.a • 12 In.

10 Steal=O.7"


400 500 600 700 800 900

Flexural Concrete Strengths at 1 Day (psi)

Figure 23. Mean Crack Spacing vs. Concrete Strength (LS) for Different Steel Percentage.

Mean Crack Widths (0.01 in.)

Curfng Temperature• 140 deg F

Avg. Temp. Drop In a Monlh • 70 deg F
14 Temp. Drop In Rrat Winter• 100 deg F
Col'ICl'D Thlckneu • 12 In.

Umttlng Value for

Tamp. Drop of
100 deg F

400 500 600 700 800 900

Flexural Concrete Strengths at 1 Day {psi)

Figure 24. Mean Crack Width vs. Concrete Strength (LS) for Different Steel Percentage.

Mean Crack Spacings (ft.)

curtna lWnperature - 140 deg F

Avg. 'nlmp. Drop In a Month ... 70 deg F
14 lWnp. Drop In Find Wlntar • 100 deg F
Concrete lhlcknea8 • 12 In.

12 Stael=0.5%

10 Stael=0.6"

8 Stael=0.7"


400 500 600 700 800 900

Flexural Concrete Strengths at 1 Day (psi)

Figure 25. Mean Crack Spacing vs. Concrete Strength (SRG) for Different Steel

Mean Crack Widths (0.01 in.)

Curtng Tamperalure • 140 deg F

Avg. 1Wnp. Drop In a Month • 70 deg F
14 'Rlmp. Drop In Flrlt Winter • 100 deg F Stael=0.5%
Concrete Thlckneu - 12 In.



4 ~ umn ng Value for
Tamp. Drop of
100dag F

400 500 600 700 800 900

Flexural Concrete Strengths at 1 Day (psi)

Figure 26. Mean Crack Width vs. Concrete Strength (SRG) for Different Steel Percentage.

Construction of fast track concrete pavements at intersections and other high-
volume traffic areas has become a necessity due to the negative impact that continued
lane closures at critical intersections can have upon the traveling public. Constructing an
urban intersection with concrete may delay maintenance activities for many years into
the future, yielding a strong and aesthetically pleasing pavement surface. However, in
order to reduce the negative impact described above, past concrete paving practices must
be abandoned to some extent, simply because closures at intersections cannot extend over
several days before reopening. For some intersections, especially those intersections with
heavy traffic volumes, a closure of even eight hours is intolerable to the traveling public.
The concept of fast track concrete paving procedures provides a solution for
construction engineers and supervisors to meet the challenges of increasing traffic
volumes which occur in urban areas. Fast track concrete pavement allows for the
construction of a strong, durable surface with minimal closure time. Fast track concrete
mix design characteristically contains high cement contents which are fundamental to
accelerating the setting and strength gaining process. When using a rapid setting
concrete, some additional consideration should be given for activities such as project
management and construction planning to take full advantage of this characteristic.
Proper construction phasing will allow the fast track concept to be fully implemented and
to continue while allowing partial use of the intersection during construction. As part of
the construction phasing, coordinated project management activities between the
contractor and the construction supervisor will ensure the use of the fast track concept to
its greatest extent throughout the construction project. Therefore, administrative measures
of this nature should support and enhance a close working arrangement between the
construction supervisor and the contractor. The result of this type of working
arrangement should be manifest in the adoption of a set of agreed upon objectives,
established during the preconstruction phase, which will begin the necessary planning
activities to complete the project work to the satisfaction of the construction supervisor.
Advanced planning should decrease the probability of delays during the construction of

the intersection project. The fast track concrete may be able to set quickly and have a
high strength gain, but without proper planning, the purpose behind the use of FT
concrete will be defeated.
The implementation of fast track paving techniques should not cause major
changes in design or construction procedures. However, consideration should be given
to material selection and project phasing. Given the necessary planning and execution,
fast track concrete can also extend to other projects, in addition to intersection
construction and patching work. Fast track concrete can be applied to almost any
concrete pavement type, including: bonded overlays, unbonded overlays, overlays over
existing asphalt, in addition to new construction and reconstruction projects (24,25).
Innovative payment plans may also be of use to promote fast tracking in the
construction process. One plan, known as cubic yard/square yard, allows the concrete
material to be paid by the cubic yard and the placing, finishing, texturing, curing, and
jointing to be paid by the square yard. This method of payment may be useful where
variations in the grade of the base or the subgrade may exist such that variations in the
surface thickness result. Therefore, the most equitable and economical basis of payment
is to separate the cost of supplying the concrete and placing of the concrete.
Another payment scheme which tends to promote fast track concepts centers
around the assessment of lane rental fees by the contracting agency to the contractor
according to the length of time the contractor closes a particular lane to traffic. A fee
schedule is provided during the bidding and letting phase of the project and varies with
respect to critical times of the day, night, or weekend. By controlling the fee structure,
the contracting agency can influence the time the contractor chooses to close a particular
lane and the length of closure prior to re-opening.
A third option is referred to as A plus B bidding. In this instance, the contracting
agency bids the project as:.
A) the price or cost of constructing the FT project, and
B) the time to complete the construction.
With this type of bidding framework, the contracting agency has a choice of
combinations on which to base its bid selection. In this instance, the lowest bid price
may not yield the optimum combination of A plus B.

Preconstruction Planning and Phasing
Planning and construction of a FT pavement section requires the utmost in order
and efficiency to obtain the best possible results. To this extent, all of the parties
involved must have an understanding of what objectives are related to the construction of
project and minimizing delays to the traveling public. Therefore, the overall objective of
FT paving is to provide reliable pavement surface with minimal delay. Successful
completion of this goal requires continuous coordination, planning, good judgement, and
the overlapping of efforts by informed and qualified parties.
When constructing an intersection, the placement of small patch-like sections
should be avoided. These patched sections are usually a result of inadequate planning of
the intersection sequencing. These patches are most commonly placed as a fillet near the
radius of a curve at intersecting roadways (Figure 27). Patched sections smaller than
100 square feet should be avoided due to the irregular shrinkage that was documented in
the field surveys.
To circumvent this, a new approach to the construction procedure is required.
The pavement should be designed in such a way that will not cause a delay of the
construction operations. An example of such an approach is shown in Figure 28. To


<t '-..
Cle: '-..
I- '-..
LL '-..
CJ '-..
z '-..
CJ '-..
...... '-..
(J '-..
w '-..
...... '-..
s=i '-..

._____....._t-----------------"l) R
Figure 27. Example of Improper Intersection Phasing.

2' Min or 1/2 lune

Figure 28. An Example of Intersection Phasing.

avoid a small patch section near the curve, the curve is integrated into the lanes by the
addition of a slab between the intersecting lanes. The phasing portion of operations can
be adjusted to allow for the new intersection design.
A working relationship between the contractor and the inspector will facilitate
construction phasing and should be developed upon completion of the bidding and
awarding process. This may be initiated by an initial contact between agents of the
contractor and the construction supervisor. The objectives of this meeting should include
the project communication during project construction, a construction timeline or
schedule, and specific construction goals desired by the engineer or department, among
other issues (24).
The terms provided in Appendix G are used throughout this construction guide.
Standard definitions are provided for the benefit of the reader in following and
understanding the recommendation and guideline provided herein. The definitions of the
terminology used in describing a transverse cross-section of a pavement system are also
illustrated in Appendix G.
Subgrade Requirements
A subgrade as defined in the Texas Department of Transportation Specifications
is: "the portion of the roadbed upon which the subbase, base or pavement structure is to

be placed" (_li). The subgrade has three basic functions:
1) to support construction equipment during pavement construction,
2) to allow a stable and uniform surface for the base or pavement slab, and
3) to provide drainage of moisture that permeates through the pavement
The subgrade requires certain strength characteristics to allow for equipment loads
during construction. Usually, the subgrade can be compacted to a maximum density
with a optimum moisture content which leads to sufficient bearing capacity to support
loads due to construction vehicles. This also reduces the shrinkage qualities of the
subgrade and endows the subgrade with greater levels of strength, as previously pointed
out. All subgrades vary in composition, and some are more difficult to compact.
However, if time and economics permit, use of a stabilizer, such as lime, usually
improves the compactibility of the subgrade.
When the subgrade is used as the underlying layer for the pavement slab,
stabilization may be important. Design analysis indicates that the subgrade will not
contribute significantly to the thickness design of the concrete pavement (either an
increase or decrease in the pavement thickness); but inadequate subgrade preparation can
be deleterious to the load carrying characteristics of a concrete pavement over a broad
range of thicknesses. Another mode of failure in subgrades is from accumulated
moisture in the subgrade. The TxDOT specifications suggest that drainage of the
roadbed should be constantly maintained in areas where moisture accumulation may
occur. Drainage may be maintained, on this basis, by including in the pavement
structure subbase materials that promote the flow of free moisture away from the slab if
adjacent grading is compatible with drainage from the section. Water allowed to
permeate to the bottom of the pavement layer may erode the slab support under pumping
action of the slab unless a drainage channel is available to remove the water from within
the pavement section. Otherwise, the pavement system should be impermeable to
moisture penetration, which may be the only alternative in some instances. However,
pumping action tends to lead to faulting or punchouts in the pavement which constitutes
failure of the pavement. Accumulated moisture can also cause a clay bearing soil to
expand causing further damage to the pavement and the resulting ride. The drainage

characteristics of the subgrade are indigenous to the particular subgrade material; in other
words, some subgrades drain better than others. If the subgrade cannot either filter or
carry away excess water, drains or other means of removing moisture may be appropriate
to be included in the pavement structure. Drainage design considerations of this nature
are strongly supported and encouraged by the Federal Highway Administration.
Subbase Requirements
The subbase is the pavement layer directly below the pavement structure that rests
on the subgrade. The subbase is not intended to be a structural layer and, consequently,
will not add any significant strength to the total pavement structure. The function of the
subbase is to provide a uniform support to the pavement structure and to help prevent
failures caused by the presence of moisture under the pavement system.
The first consideration for the subbase is the material composition. The material
needs to be free-draining or erosion resistant. Such materials are characterized and can
be located in the AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. When a
drainage material is selected to allow the water to filter, the grading adjacent to the
pavement should accommodate the drain for this material. Where edge grading is
appropriate, it is very important that the water is removed from the pavement/subbase
interface and not allowed to remain over extended periods of time. This condition can
be facilitated by extending the subbase under the shoulder or by providing edge drains.
Where applicable, a 6 to 8 inch subbase is recommended for FT paving, perhaps
consisting of a modified flexible base material (to minimize the amount of fines) placed
on a geo-fabric capped with an asphalt treated material to resist pumping action (l,.Q).
Fast track paving, other than the use of certain admixtures, judicious selection of
aggregate proportions, and institution of some differences in quality control, does not
vary greatly from conventional paving practice.
Concrete Mixing, Hauling, Placing and Finishing
Transportation of fast track concrete should be performed as expediently as
possible. This usually requires good site preparation to allow the construction traffic
easy access and may require a retardant to slow the rate of hydration. Due to the nature
of fast track paving, some modifications need to be made with respect to the mixing,

hauling, and placement of fast track concrete. Fast track concrete has been produced in
central mix plants and ready-mix facilities. For transport, transit mix and agitator trucks
have been used. Fast track pavements have been built successfully with both slipform
and standard form procedures.
Fast track mixes, if designed properly, should not present any difficulties in
workability; but, the placement must be efficiently conducted. Finishing fast track
concrete should be no different than regular pavement except that the time period
between placement and finishing is shorter.
As long as the paving crews are prepared to work efficiently, there are no
appreciable differences in mixing, placing, and finishing FT concrete as compared to
conventional concrete. All concrete mixes (whether FT or conventional) require good
vibration for consolidation and ease of finishing. Therefore, when using slipform or one-
pass paving, particular care should be maintained to ensure the proper number, spacing,
and depth of the mechanical vibration devices.
Fast track paving requires well planned construction sequencing because the
margin for error is much shorter than with conventional paving. Some initial adjustment
will probably be required by the paving crew as they become accustomed to the mix
characteristics. Each crew member needs to become accustomed to the increased
hydration of the concrete and the impact this has on his or her duties in the fast track
construction project. Test or trial pours may be helpful in familiarizing the crew with
the plastic concrete characteristics before commencement of full-scale operations.
Normal finishing procedures can be used for fast track concrete. It is
recommended that for high-volume primary and interstate pavements, a transverse tining
texture be specified. Where minimum clearance operations do not allow for mechanical
tining equipment, hand tining or transverse broom texture can be done behind the paving
machine. Pavement tining is important for the facilitation of surface drainage. The
tining creates small canals for the water to leave the pavement surface. The tining
should be placed on the surface after the lay down process is complete and before initial
set has occurred in the concrete mix. The timing of texturing the pavement surface can
be critical in the case of FT concrete because of its quick set characteristics. The
construction supervisor should consider the drainage grade of the pavement surface in

light of the construction phasing plan when determining what direction to place the
tining on the surface. In some instances, the direction of the surface tine may change
within a given construction phase, depending on whether crossing traffic lanes are
included in the particular phase of paving. Surface texturing is discussed further under
pavement jointing and sawcutting (l,Q.,23).
Pavement Jointing
The jointing of fast track pavement needs to be included in the construction
phasing early in the planning process. The importance of pavement jointing in design
cannot be over-emphasized and is integrally related to the successful performance of the
pavement. Whether the concrete pavement type is jointed or CRC, the location and
positioning of longitudinal (both sawed and construction) and transverse construction
joints should be given priority over the boundaries which ultimately delineate different
phases of construction. With this prioritization, some additional coordination may still
be necessary between construction phase lines and the position of the transverse
construction joint to avoid the following undesirable conditions:
1) short and isolated CRC pavement segments,
2) irregularly shaped, jointed pavement segments,
3) CRC paving lane on which it is perpendicular to the direction of the
longitudinal reinforcing steel, and
4) pavement texturing or tining parallel to the paving lane.
Paving of CRC pavement segments which fall under the description of condition
1 above tend to defeat the purpose of a CRC pavement as previously described and
should be avoided in construction. Irregularly shaped jointed pavement segments are
undesirable because random cracking may be difficult to control. Paving CRC pavement
lanes that contain longitudinal steel reversed with the transverse steel leads to poor crack
patterns and causes over-stressing in the steel reinforcement at transverse cracks and
construction joints. Paving under these conditions must be avoided. Pavement
texturing is normally placed perpendicular to the main or primary lane of travel; across-
grade is used to facilitate surface drainage. Surface drainage factors should be the
primary consideration when determining the direction to place the pavement surface
texture. However, circumstances where the grain of the tined surface is parallel to the

main traveled lane may need to be designated based on the judgement of the construction
The construction of an intersection pavement may require forming against an
existing concrete pavement. Questions may arise with respect to the details of a "butt"
type construction joint between the existing concrete slab and the newly constructed
concrete pavement. The nature of these details may become particularly confusing in
cases where the steel requirements of the new pavement are different from the steel
configuration of the existing pavement, or the thickness of the existing slab is not equal
to the thickness of the new slab. In this circumstance, it is recommended that a
transition slab be used to facilitate the transition from the existing steel configuration to
the new steel configuration as shown and detailed in Appendix A. A slab of this
configuration eliminates the need for bending the steel reinforcement to facilitate the
transition at the construction joint. Normal practices can be used between mats of steel
and along construction joints. Added reinforcement steel may also be included to
enhance and maintain the load transfer across the construction joints. Reinforcement
steel of this nature (#6 bars or larger) normally provides adequate "doweled" action to
carry loads across the joint. The use of a transition slab provides a means to compensate
for differences in steel and pavement thickness design over a recommended distance of
15 feet (14,17,20,21,25).
Construction Phasing
Construction phasing is an important process within the FT concrete paving
concept. The pavement must be planned so that minimum construction time is taken in
critical areas of the intersection. Construction phasing must be coordinated to allow
traffic flow to continue, even if it is only in one lane of travel. An illustration of a
typical, four-step diagram of construction phasing is shown in Figure 29.
The construction phasing shown in Figure 29 is established to allow continuous
flow of mainstream and crossing traffic during the construction process. To meet this
requirement, additional joints are used to maintain the continuity of the jointing layout
throughout the intersection. It is recommended that all joints be matched that are
common between neighboring construction phases. If a construction phase includes a
corner of an intersection, it is recommended that a construction joint be placed to

Phase Phase I I

Phase I I I Phase IV

Figure 29. Typical Construction Phasing Diagram.

establish a boundary between the intersecting paving lanes in order to control the
development of a stress relief crack. This is due to the tendency of the concrete material
to "pull-apart" at these locations. In other words "L" shaped construction phases should
be saw cut at the intersection of the "L" to avoid an unsightly random crack. Each
construction phase should reflect good jointing practices that lead to matching of joints;
paving construction that places concrete in the direction of the longitudinal steel; and
elimination of small isolated slabs in the center of the intersection pavements.
Each phase of construction can be associated with a particular time of
construction or construction objective in terms of concrete strength, saw cutting, and
sealing of joints prior to opening to traffic. Each phase of work, planned in advance,
should allow for efficient construction to rapidly complete the entire intersection,
minimizing the impact on the public and surrounding businesses. As pointed out later,
with these objectives, it is important for the construction supervisor to accurately predict

the concrete strength gain as a function of traffic and climatic conditions.
Pavement Sawcutting
Sawcutting fast track pavement within a few hours after the placement of
concrete is recommended as the most efficient method to control cracking in the concrete
pavement. Even though the current practice is to cut the pavement to a depth of "t/3" or
"t/4," saw depth of approximately 1 inch is sufficient if placed early enough to control
cracking both longitudinally and transversely. Unlike the "t/4" cut, a% to 1 inch cut
relies on the tension created at the surface of the pavement during hydration of the
concrete (and subsequent drying shrinkage) to crack the pavement full depth. When
cutting the joints in the pavement, care must be taken to place sawcuts around
disruptions in the pavement such as drop inlets or manholes. Experience has shown that
these disruptions cause random cracking and must be controlled.
The sequencing for standard joint sawing and sealing procedures is not applicable
for FT pavement construction. The delay prior to joint sealing is not consistent with the
early opening or the FT concrete concept. However, some delay is needed for some
currently available sealant materials because of the manufacturers recommendation that
the sealant reservoir sidewalls be dry to ensure good joint sealant performance.
There are no limitations on joint sawing equipment for FT concrete pavements.
Both wet-sawing, with diamond impregnated blades, and early-aged sawing (Figure 30),
with silicon carbide or carborundum blades, have been used. Joints developed with
either sawcutting method have performed well to date. However, late sawcuts can lead
to the development of random cracking. Early-aged sawcutting was implemented
originally to combat this particular problem which has a tendency to occur in hot-
weather temperature conditions.
The choice of blade by the contractor primarily depends on the hardness of the
aggregate in the concrete. In general, silicon carbide or carborundum blades can only be
used with softer aggregates (limestones). Diamond blades can be used with all types of
aggregates, and are the most effective on concretes using hard aggregates. However,
dry-sawing is feasible for all aggregate types. It is always possible to saw joints sooner
using the early-aged method than with the wet-sawing method.

.. ····
·.· .·

Figure 30. Soff-Cut Early Age Sawcutting Machine.

Cleaning operations vary depending on the sawing equipment. Where abrasive

blades are used in dry-sawing, an airblowing procedure should follow to remove
particulate residue from the joint reservoir. Water flushing is generally used after a wet-
sawing procedure because the water can remove sawing slurry.
Prior to sealing, each reservoir face should be sandblasted (two passes per joint).
Air blowing should follow to remove remaining sand and residue and then a backer rod
installed. The following are the recommended procedures:
1. Water flushing 1. Airblowing
2. Delay period 2. Delay period
3. Sandblast 3. Sandblast
4. Airblowing 4. Airblowing
5. Install backer rod 5. Install backer rod
6. Install sealant 6. Install sealant

Steps 3 and 4 of the early-aged sawing may be eliminated if some sealants will adhere to
the sidewalls of the cracks without additional cleaning.
Guidelines for pavement sawcutting in FT paving operations can aid the
construction supervisor in the decision concerning timing of installing contraction
(control) and warping joints in pavements. The decision is usually concerned with two
limits for the joint sawcutting window of opportunity: the near limit and the far limit
(17,_lli). Due to the nature of concrete paving, the joints need to be sawed and sealed as
early as possible, which usually means only consideration for joint spalling is necessary
(this is referred to as the near limit in references 4, 17, and 18).
The near limit for the joint sawcutting window of opportunity is the earliest time
sawcuts should be made if unacceptable concrete joint edge raveling is to be avoided
(17). Acceptable joints are defined as those planned to have the sealant reservoir
widened after initial sawcutting; whereas, good joints are defined as those judged not to
have excessive raveling when no sealant widening is to be done.
Influencing factors for decisions on the near sawing limit are concrete strength
gain and criteria as to what constitutes a good or acceptable joint. An acceptable joint
produces 0.84 in2 (80 mm2) of raveling per 24 feet (17). Concrete mortar matrix
strength needed to permit sawcutting in order to produce an acceptable joint edge can be
measured by concrete compressive strength (or maturity) if wet sawing techniques are
used. However, correlations to concrete maturity will be necessary to assess the strength
of concrete in the field, based on saw cutting requirements.
A method which provides an approximation of the proper "timing" for early-aged
sawcutting is to actually press a knife edge into the concrete surface, or to determine
when the concrete pavement can be walked on without leaving a shoe print or mark.
This criteria varies somewhat with aggregate source, cement type, cement source,
admixture types, and paste volumes.
As for wet-sawing, the compressive strength of the concrete may be a good
measure of saw-cut timing since the hydration of the concrete must be further developed
prior to cutting than that under the early-aged cutting method. Compressive strength can
be correlated with non-destructive test methods such as the pulse velocity (PV) or the
maturity methods as pointed out above. The maturity method has been discussed (lab

and field procedures) in great detail; but, the PV method is very adaptable to field
conditions and provides rapid test results (17,~). The correlations of compressive
strength, pulse velocity, and/or concrete maturity should be reaffirmed on a regular basis
for project-specific concrete mix designs. For example, use of a different cement source,
although the same cement type is used, can significantly alter maturity correlations.
From laboratory tests made in association with concrete mix design tests, site
specific pulse velocity versus compressive strength, or maturity determination versus
compressive strength correlations are established. These values can be used as criteria
for timing near limit sawcutting. Observations of surface joint raveling during initial
concrete placement for each project should become the basis for adjusting near limits for
sawcutting (.Ll., 17 ,~,23).
Joint Sealing
Unless otherwise specified, joint sealing material should conform to the
specifications listed under the materials section in the special specification (Item 3745).
The sealing material should adhere to the sidewalls of the sawed joint and should
provide an effective seal against incompressible material.
There are seven possible choices of joint sealants as shown in Table 5. The
particular sealant chosen should consider the anticipated service conditions, such as
applied loads, conditions of exposure, and the like. The sealant should provide a barrier
to moisture infiltration and also add an aesthetic quality to the pavement surface.
The accelerated strength gain and low water-cement ratio of fast track concrete,
tends to reduce excess moisture on the sidewalls of the joint reservoirs. This allows
sealing earlier than with standard mix designs and pavement construction procedures.
Experience has shown that low-modulus rubber sealants adhere to reservoir faces at early
ages. FT pavements cut by the early-aged method have been sealed with a low modulus
rubber material as early as eight hours behind the paver. A survey one year later
indicates that the joints are performing well. Silicone sealants have also been used for
FT operations. These sealants have provided good performance and have not indicated
significant de-bonding.
Preformed neoprene compression sealants, which have not been used in
conjunction with concrete pavement to-date, may be ideal. These sealants are not highly

Table 5. Pavement Joint Sealants.

Sealing Composition and Use Test Method/Specification

Class 1-a Two Component, Synthetic Polymer, Tex-525-C
Cold-Extruded Type
Class 1-b Two Component, Tex-525-C
Synthetic Polymer, Cold-Pourable,
Self-Leveling Type
Class 2 Hot Poured Rubber Tex-525-C
Class 3 Ready - Mixed Cold - Applied Joint and Crack Sealer Tex-525-C
Class 4 Performed Compression Seal ASTM D 471/ASTM
Class 5 Low Modulus Silicone Sealant for Concrete Pavement MIL-2-8802D, ASTM 2240,
Class 6 Self-leveling Low Modulus Silicone Sealant for Asphaltic Tex-525-C
and Concrete Pavement Joints

sensitive to dirt or moisture and may allow sealing at an earlier age.

To gain the full potential of the FT paving concept, the joints should be sealed as
soon as possible and no more than one day after paving. Sealing joints within this time
frame has been used with hot pour sealants with good success. However, the sealant
manufacturer's recommendations for concrete should be followed (l,§.,U).
Fast track pavements require thorough curing protection. This is needed to retain
moisture and heat which is necessary for high-early strengths. However, it is important
that curing operations do not hamper the early sawcutting operations.
Moisture Retention
Current curing practice is to apply a membrane curing compound at 1.5 times the
stan~ard application rate, which may be nearly as efficient as using polyethylene
sheeting. However, the curing system should be managed in such a manner as to impact
subsequent construction operations as little as possible. The compound should be applied
to the surface and exposed edges of the concrete slabs. The curing compound should
retain sufficient moisture to promote early strength gain. No shrinkage cracking or other
curing related cracking have been noted on existing FT pavements in which the

compound was applied at the increased rate.
Heat Retention
Ensuring heat retention generally requires some form of insulation. This depends
on climatic conditions. In very warm climates or during very hot summer weather,
insulation may not be required. Under most normal paving operations, insulation can be
accomplished by the placement of curing blankets. These blankets are placed after the
application of curing compound. Blanket placement may be delayed until after sawing
or blankets can be removed for sawing and replaced. It is very important to saw while
the concrete temperature is rising to prevent uncontrolled cracks. Early-aged saw cutting
particularly facilitates this process.
Recommended blankets consist of a layer of closed cell polystyrene foam,
protected on one side by a plastic film. The blanket should have a minimum R-value
rating of 0.5. The blankets are generally left on the pavement until the concrete has
attained a center-point flexural strength of 400 pounds per square inch (psi), (350 psi
third-point loading). The blanket material is durable and can be reused by the contractor
Experience has indicated that the use of insulation blankets provides a uniform
temperature environment for the pavement and improves early strength gain. Insulation
blankets reduce temperature loss and dampen the effect of both ambient air temperature
and solar heat on the pavement (2). Although the temperature profile is nearly uniform
with depth, the blanket allows curing at a more uniform, elevated temperature. After the
initial heat development from hydration, concrete allowed to cure without insulation
generally follows ambient air temperature changes (1,§.).
Concrete Temperature/Moisture Management
In newly cast concrete pavement, both climatic and load factors contribute to
stress development. The following factors can cause concrete stresses:
1) stresses caused by wheel loading,
2) stresses caused by temperature drop or change,
3) stresses caused by moisture loss or change,
4) stresses caused by curling or warping, and
5) relieved stresses by creep of the concrete.

Concrete pavement may develop cracking when induced total concrete tensile stress is
greater than the strength of the concrete.
The temperature of the concrete material has been found to be useful in
predicting the strength of the concrete with respect to such activities as saw cut timing
and opening to traffic. Temperature development in concrete pavements can be an
indication of not only stress, but also the strength of the concrete.
The flexural strength test may be the best predictor of the actual concrete
strength. This prediction of strength may also be made using the pulse velocity or
maturity test results. Maturity testing for opening time of the pavement to traffic has
potential for concrete pavement applications. This can be done using thermocouples
(connected to a maturity meter) which are embedded in the concrete pavement.
Maturity, as previously discussed in equation 2, is restated below:
M(t) = L (Ta - To)t..t
M(t) = Temperature time factor at age t
A.t Time interval
Ta Average temperature during time interval
T0 Datum or reference temperature
The maturity, M(t), at a certain time, t, may be summed with respect to (Ta - T 0 ) times
time interval, t..t.
The basic principle in applying the maturity method is illustrated in Figure 31.
Two phases of testing are involved: (1) laboratory testing and (2) field measurement of
the in-place pavement temperature history. Laboratory testing must be performed prior
to establishing in-place testing. Two important results from laboratory testing are a
datum or reference temperature, and the activating energy of the mix, which are
subsequently explained (2),
The datum temperature is used to determine the in-place pavement maturity. This
temperature represents the minimum temperature at which hydration and strength gain
will occur. The maturity can be correlated to the strength of pavement after establishing
a reference curve of relationship between the maturity and strength of beam specimens.
The datum temperature is dependent on curing temperature, cement amount, water-


-·Kl ~/I

T1 T T3 T

@@-- ; 7T~---~ -



Figure 31. Maturity Procedures (2).

cement ratio, and aggregate type. The datum temperature is reported to range from 32 to
14°F, as observed from laboratory results.
Figures 32 to 37 show how to predict flexural strengths of in-place concrete
pavement for any climatic condition in terms of maturity or elapsed time. First,
temperatures of maturity beam specimens are recorded using the thermocouples (Figure
32). Second, flexural strengths of beam specimens are determined as a function of time
(Figure 33). Third, a reference curve, which is the relationship between flexural
strengths and maturity, can be obtained (Figure 34), converting temperature history of
the beam specimen (Figure 32) to maturity using the maturity expression shown as
equation 1. Fourth, temperatures of in-place concrete pavement are measured (Figure
35). Fifth, maturity of the pavement concrete is plotted with regard to elapsed time
(Figure 36). Finally, flexural strengths of in-place concrete pavement can be predicted at
a certain elapsed time (Figure 36) or maturity (Figure 37).
The other result from laboratory testing is activation energy. This value can be
obtained from several regression analyses of data obtained by using ASTM C 1074. The

Temperature (deg F)

Beam Specimen
at Center



0 6 12 18 24
Elapsed Time (Hrs)
Figure 32. Temperature History of the Beam Specimen.

Strength (psi)







0 6 12 18 24
Elapsed Time (Hrs)
Figure 33. Flexural Strength with Time of the Beam Specimen.

Strength (psi)




marker : maturity beam
llne : regression curve



0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000

Maturity (deg F x Hrs)

Figure 34. Strength vs. Maturity of the Beam Specimen.

Temperature (deg F)




0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Elapsed Time (Hrs)
Figure 35. Temperature History of the In-Place Concrete Pavement.

Maturity (deg F x Hrs)


0 8 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Elapsed Time (Hrs)
Figure 36. Maturity of the In-Place Concrete Pavement.

Strength (psO




marker : maturity beam

300 llne : In-place pavement




0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

Maturity (deg F x Hrs)
Figure 37. Predicted Strength of the In-Place Concrete Pavement.

activation energy can be related to the internal heat of generation term in the analysis of
heat transfer through a given medium. If temperatures of an early-aged concrete can be
determined on a theoretical basis, it may be possible to estimate the strength gain that
may occur for given combination of materials and weather conditions, based on the mix
reference temperature and the activation energy (Figure 31 ).
In general, concrete temperature is affected by mix design, curing method, and
environmental conditions. Specifically, temperature measurement at the pavement mid-
depth gives a general comparison between different curing methods and between
different mix designs. The concrete temperature is affected by several variables, such as
wind velocity, solar radiation at the top surface, and soil temperature at the pavement
bottom. Concrete cured with polyethylene film tends to generate higher temperatures,
compared with membrane curing. The temperature difference between both curing
methods is approximately 10 to l 5°F. Meanwhile, concrete cured with two coats of
curing compound may attain a temperature midway between concrete cured with
polyethylene film and that with only one coat of curing compound. However, different
mix designs with the same curing method may produce almost identical temperature
curves when the same amount of cementitious material is in each mix design. Concrete
curing temperature appears to be affected more by curing methods rather than aggregate
At an early age, the forces tending to pull the crack faces apart develop when the
slab tends to shorten as a result of a drop in temperature, concrete shrinkage, or moisture
reduction. As the slab contracts, the movements are resisted by the weight of the slab
and the friction of the underlying subgrade or subbase. These movements can also be
restrained by reinforcing steel depending on the pavement type. As the weight of the
slab tends to restrain this deformation, large stresses can be created at the surface of the
interface. This condition is especially critical during the early age of the concrete
(within a few hours after placement). These stresses, however, are instrumental in
producing the needed stresses to control cracking. If saw cut notches are placed too late
in the age of the cracking, concrete strength may be too high to cause cracking in a
timely manner or random cracking may take place prematurely. Therefore, curling
behavior should be considered when coordinating timely saw cutting operations.

Drying shrinkage depends on the cement, fineness of the mix, w/c ratio, and type
of curing at both early and long term age. Shrinkage takes place over considerable time
and the rate of increase of shrinkage decreases with time. In general, after two weeks of
concrete placement, 14-34 percent of the 20 year shrinkage may occur (ll).
The chief means of reducing shrinkage is to reduce the water content of the fresh
concrete to the minimum compatible with the required workability. In addition, careful
and prolonged curing is helpful for shrinkage control. Values of final shrinkage for
ordinary concretes are generally in the range of 0.0002 to 0.0007 in.fin., depending on
initial water cement, ambient temperature and humidity conditions, and the nature of
aggregate (1).
In summer temperature conditions, two coats of curing compound has been noted
to reduce moisture loss, as has polyethylene film. However, winter placement may
reduce thermal cracking because of lower drying shrinkage and relative change in
ambient temperature conditions. Normally, concrete shrinks as the relative humidity
drops below 100 percent (1).

The findings of this study determined that with proper procedure and evaluation
criteria, fast track co.ncrete can be used in all facets of concrete paving to construct
pavements in a shorter time frame than under conventional paving procedures.
Appropriate evaluation and paving methods need to be considered when implementing
fast track construction techniques in order to reach the full potential of the concept.
Methods for the evaluation of fast track paving criteria have been developed to
allow prediction of strength gain under in-situ climatic conditions. These methods of
evaluation allow for the rapid placement and early opening that are common to fast track
concrete pavement. The procedures and testing outlined below should aid in the
construction and planning of fast track pavement.
On the basis of the results of the field surveys and discussion with construction
supervisors, several recommendations can be formulated for consideration and
implementation on a trial basis:
1. Consider the use of accelerating admixtures which assist in maintaining of
appropriate workability and placability of the concrete material for
intersection construction. This is particularly important during hot weather
2. Consider the addition of a third aggregate (from 3/8 inch to #8 sieve size) to
improve the overall gradation of the mix design. The addition of a third
aggregate tends to improve the workability of the mix, while reducing the
amount of cement paste used to fill the voids in the matrix formed by the
aggregate. Consequently, this may also improve the performance of the mix
with respect to shrinkage and strength characteristics.
3. Consider developing the pavement design to allow the existing longitudinal
steel configuration to match the longitudinal steel configuration in the newly
constructed pavement. A mismatch occurs in several instances where the
FT pavement is thickened due to the elimination of subbase. The thickness
of the new pavement is greater than the existing pavement thickness and,
consequently, to maintain the same steel percentages in both sections

requires more steel in the fast track concrete. A proposed alternative
involves the use of a transition slab to allow enough space to transition from
one steel configuration to another.
4. Consider the use of early-aged sawcutting to develop satisfactory crack and
jointing patterns that are not spaced too far apart or spaced too close
together. Outside of other mitigating circumstances, the field surveys
indicated a need to induce the crack pattern to prevent wide or irregular
crack patterns.
5. Consider the impact of sub grade pumping on the performance of intersection
pavements. Where is it appropriate to do so, consider the use of alternate
subbase materials/types under FT pavements to provide drainage, use of
standard paving thicknesses, and steel percentages which can match the
existing steel configuration. The alternate subbase system can be selected in
such a manner to minimize the impact upon the concept behind accelerated
paving techniques.
6. Consider the adoption of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques to
monitor the strength of the pavement and to estimate the most appropriate
time of sawcutting and the opening of the pavement to traffic. Methods of
this nature may provide an extremely efficient means to monitor and
maintain the quality of the concrete in the pavement.
7. Consider the effectiveness of different joint sealants and the impact that
unsatisfactory sealing has on the life of an intersection pavement.

1 S. Mindness and J. F. Young. Concrete. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1981.
2 N.S. Carino. The Maturity Method. In the Handbook on Nondestructive Testing
of Concrete. CRC Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 1991.
3 V.M. Malhotra. Testing Hardened Concrete: Nondestructive Methods. American
Institute, Detroit, Michigan, 1976.
4 K.D. Smith, T.P. Darter and P.A. Okamato. Analysis of Concrete Pavements
Subjected to Early Loading. In Transportation Research Record 1370, TRB,
Washington, D.C., 1992, pp. 1-10.
5 P.K. Mukherjee. Practical Application of Maturity Concept to Determine in Situ
Strength of Concrete. In Transportation Research Record 558, TRB, Washington,
D.C., 1975, pp. 87-92.
6 E.J. Yoder and M. W. Witczak. Principles of Pavement Design. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1975.
7 S.B. Hudson and G.W. Steele. Prediction of Potential Strength of Concrete from
the Results of Early Tests. In Highway Research Record No. 370, Washington,
D.C., 1971, pp. 25-35.
8 V. Ramakrishnan and J. Dietz. Accelerated Methods of Estimating the Strength of
Concrete. In Transportation Research Record 558, TRB, Washington, D.C., 1975,
pp. 29-44.
9 Fast Track Concrete Pavements and Overlays State-of-the Art Report -
Preliminary Draft. American Concrete Institute, Subcommittee 325.11, Detroit,
Michigan, 1991.
10 R.C. Smith and C.K. Andres. Materials of Construction. McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1988.
11 J.M. Armaghani, T.l Larson and D.C. Romano. Aspects of Concrete Strength
and Durability. In Transportation Research Record 1335, TRB, Washington,
D.C., 1992, pp. 63-69.
12 K. Jones. Evaluation of Type I Cement Fast Track Concrete. Report MLR-87-6,
Iowa Department of Transportation, Ames, Iowa, 1988.

13 Engineering Considerations in Concrete Intersection Design. PL183.01P, Portland
Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1976.
14 Design and Construction of Joints for Concrete Highways. Portland Cement
Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1991.
15 1982 Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges.
Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Austin, Texas,
16 J.M. Armaghani, T.J. Larsen and D.C. Romano. Aspects of Concrete Strength and
Durability. Florida Department of Transportation, Gainesville, Florida, 1992.
17 P.A. Okamoto, P.J. Nussbaum, K.D. Smith, M.I. Darter, T.P. Wilson, C.L. Wu
and S.D. Tayabji. Guidelines for Timing Contraction Joint Sawing and Earliest
Loading for Concrete Pavements. Vol. 1, Report FHWA-RD-91-079, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Skokie, Illinois October, 1991.
18 P.A. Okamoto, P.J. Nussbaum, K.D. Smith, M.I. Darter, T.P. Wilson, C.L. Wu
and S.D. Tayabji. Guidelines for Timing Contraction Joint Sawing and Earliest
Loading for Concrete Pavements. Vol. 2, Report FHWA-RD-91-079, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Skokie, Illinois, October 1991.
19 D.G. Zollinger, E.J. Barenberg, M.A. Kuberski and R.J. Risser. A Mechanistic
Based Design Procedure for Jointed Concrete Pavements. Research Report 518-1,
Illinois Cooperative Research Program, Skokie, Illinois, 1990.
20 D.G. Zollinger and E.J. Barenberg. Continuously Reinforced Pavements:
Punchouts and Other Distresses and Implications for Design. Report
FHWA/IL/UI 227, FHWA, Illinois Cooperative Research Program, Skokie,
Illinois, 1990.
21 G.T. Rohde and R.E. Smith. Determining Depth to Apparent Stiff Layer From
FWD Data. Report FHWA/TX-91-1159-1. FHWA, College Station, Texas, 1991.
22 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete (ACI
211.3-75). Reported by ACI Committee 211, Detroit, Michigan, 1975.
23 R.E. Franklin, J. Mercer and B.J. Walker. Fast Track Concrete Paving: Study
Visit to Iowa, USA. Transport and Road Research Laboratory Report No. 275,
Crowthorne, England, 1990.

24 Design of Heavy Industrial Concrete Pavements. IS234.01P, Portland
Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1988.
25 J.D. Grove. Blanket Curing to Promote Early Strength Concrete. Iowa
Department of Transportation, Presented at the Transportation Research Board,
Washington, D.C., January, 1989.
26 T. Telisak, R.L. Carrasquillo, and D.W. Fowler. Early Age Strength of Concrete:
A Comparison of Several Non Destructive Test Methods. Research Report 1198-F,
Center for Transportation Research. The University of Texas at Austin, Jan. 1991.
27 J. Shilstone, Sr. Concrete Mixture Optimization, ACI Concrete International, June,
28 D.R. Roy, B.E. Scheetz, S. Sabol, P.W. Brown, D. Shi, P.H. Licastro, G.M.
Idorn, P.J. Anderson, and V. Johanson. Maturity Model and Curing Technology,
Strategic Highway Research Program, Materials Research Laboratory, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, and G. M. Idorn Consult Als,
Denmark, Washington, D. C., 1993.
29 M.F. Aslam, C.L. Saraf, R.L. Carrasquillo, and B.F. McCullough. Design
Recommendations for Steel Reinforcement of CRCP. Research Report 422-2,
Center for Transportation Research, The University of Texas at Austin, Nov.
30 A. M. Tabatabaie and E. J. Barenberg. Structural Analysis of Concrete Pavement
Systems. Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. TES, Sept.
1980, pp. 493-506.
31 Mooncheol Won, Kenneth Hankins, and B. Frank McCullough. Mechanistic
Analysis of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements Considering Material
Characteristics, Variability, and Fatigue. Research Report 1159-2, Center for
Transportation Research, The University of Texas at Austin, Mar. 1991.


CRCP Fast Track Joint Detail
In the construction of a concrete intersection, joint placement and joint
construction is a primary consideration. Typically, in an intersection, there is a primary
pavement (one with a heavier traffic load) and a secondary pavement. When both
intersecting pavements are continuously reinforced, the transverse steel from the primary
pavement will attempt to be tied to the longitudinal steel of the secondary pavement.
Frequently, the secondary road will have a different design (different thickness, one layer
of steel versus two layers, different steel diameters), which will cause the two
intersecting sets of steel to align incorrectly.
One solution to this situation is to bend the steel to match the new configuration.
Another approach is shown in the following two figures. What is shown is a solution
for joining two layers of steel (with a greater pavement thickness) to a one layer steel
system. The designs include a lapped joint (Figure A-1) and a doweled joint (Figure A-
When placing this type of joint the secondary intersection road will usually be cut
back to expose the necessary steel. It is of utmost importance that the subbase and
subbgrade are replaced adequately.

!;j ~---CR_A_C_K_S_P_A_CIN_G_ _ ___

~--t---e.,.CRCP FAST SA'vl CUT






#5 9

Figure A-1. CRCP Fast Tractk Lapped Joint.







#5 9

Figure A-2. CRCP Fast Track Dowel Joint.


Early Opening Criteria Worksheet
The purpose for the Early Opening Criteria Worksheet is to provide the field
engineer a simple step by step process to evaluate the strength gain of field placed
concrete and to estimate a time for opening the pavement to traffic. The data for the
strength curve used in the worksheet is generated from following the laboratory
procedures outlined in ASTM C 1074. These procedures should provide the following:
(1) Strength measurements at various times ranging to 28 days,
(2) Time of each strength test,
(3) Maturity at the time of each strength test,
(4) The activation energy (E) or the datum temperature (T0 ) depending
on whether maturity (M) or equivalent age (te) is being monitored
in the field, and
(5) The ultimate strength (S.,,) or S28 (see discussion below on this
With this data, the chart and graph included at the end of this appendix may be utilized
to ascertain the maturity at the desired opening (or specified) strength and the time to
opening for the pavement to traffic. The functional relationship between concrete
strength and maturity (or equivalent age) upon which the following worksheet is based

-(2. )a
S = e M

and transformed in a linear expression:

y = Ln(-Ln(S/S.,,)
x =LnM
m =a (slope)
b = a Ln 't (intercept)
The constants (a and 't) can be found from the slope and the intercept of the plotted or
regressed strength-maturity data. The value of S.,, can be obtained from following the
ASTM C 1074 laboratory procedure as pointed out above or from analysis of pilot beam
strength data for the given concrete mixture, which may be available prior to paving, as

indicated in the example calculation following this section. It should be noted that the
ratio of S/S 00
obtained under a given set of curing conditions (whether in the laboratory
or the field) is generally applicable, within limits, to any other set of curing conditions.
However, it should also be noted that such is not the case with the value of S since S 00 00

is a function of the conditions under which the specimens were cured.

If it is determined that pilot test beam data can be made available to develop the
basic strength-maturity relationship, then 5 sets of strength-maturity data (say 10 beam
specimens) should be tested over a 3 day period for a fast-track mix or a 28 day period
for a conventional mix. The maturity is recorded by the use of a maturity meter and is
based upon either the datum temperature (T0 ) or the activation energy (E) as explained in
ASTM C 1074. As noted above, these are basic material properties of the cement and
are determined from following laboratory procedures as outlined in ASTM C 1074. An
illustrated example of a strength-maturity relationship is provided with actual pilot beam
and maturity test data. The beams in this example were cast with concrete using a
normal Type I cement. Also included following the illustrated example is a blank
worksheet for reproduction purposes.
In light of the above discussion with regard to the determination of S 00 , a beam
field strength (as a representative average beam strength Sb (field)) is needed during
concrete placement operations , in addition to the corresponding beam maturity (Mb) of
the test specimen(s), to establish the opening relative strength ratio (Sdesig/Soo(field)) under
field conditions. This data is necessary since the ultimate strength (Soo(field)) attained in
the field will typically be different from the ultimate strength gain (S 00) of the mix (the
mortar cubes or laboratory specimens used in ASTM 1074-89) cured in the laboratory as
pointed out above. From the strength-maturity curve established from either the
laboratory or pilot test beam data, the field value of soo(field) can be determined from the
value of S/S associated with the corresponding beam maturity (Mb) and Sb (field) as:

Once (Sdesig/Soo(field)) is known, the opening value of maturity can be found as shown

Ultimate Strength (S or S28) 1250 psi

(1) Complete the table entering beam test values into the appropriate columns. Note
that the value of S can be obtained from the same pilot beam test data used to

develop the strength-maturity relationship as illustrated at the end of this example.

Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D Col. E Col. F

Strength (Col. A)+ S 00
Ln (Col. Ln(-Col. C) Maturity Time/
(psi) B) I Ln
Ln (Time)
(Mat.) (hrs)

229 0.19 -1.66 0.51 511/ 5/1.61


349 0.29 -1.24 0.22 1067/ 10/2.30


575 0.47 -0.75 -0.29 1913/ 22/3.09


(2) Plot the values from column E and column D on the graph below; column E is
the ordinate (x axis) and column D is the abscissa (y axis). Then draw a best fit
line through the points. (Use conversion charts included with worksheet as
necessary to determine logarithms.)
(3) Plot the values found in column F and column E. Column F will be the abscissa
and column E will be the ordinate. As before, draw a best fit line through the
data points.
(4) Determine the opening (SdesigjSoo(field)) ratio and a corresponding horizontal line.

(5) Where the strength-maturity line in part (2) intersects the opening strength line,
determine the corresponding (Ln(maturity)) on the ordinate. Use the same value of
Ln(maturity) to intersect the line from part (3) to determine the time of opening on
the abscissa. An example of this process is shown below (opened at 16.4 hrs).

Ln(-Ln(S/ Su)) Ln(Time) (hours)

- 4.8
S i:rength-Maturity R« lationship
0.8 4.2

~~ - 3.6
"\*'\ -3
Opening Stt ~ngth Ratio
.- 0
2.8) • 16.~ hrs
,~ - 1.8
-0.4 µ "\
Opening Lr·(Maturity) - 1.2

'""'' \\
- 0.6

-1.2 0
0 2 4 6 8 10

---*--Strength · ·D Time ~ Opening Criteria

(6) The figure to the right

SE-03 ~--Legend--~: _ _ _:_ _ _: _
demonstrates a method to determine ... l/Sl!qtl ,---------}---------~---_.;-
' I I
4E-03 - + - - - - l - - - - - l - - - -,+ : - - - 7 4 -
s~ from the same beam test data ----r--------,---------r-- ------r----
I I 1 I

..C: : : I :

used above. Note that I/Strength = Ci 3E-03 -1---..;,----..;-,..---_..L+,-----..,-

1/S~ at a zero level of maturity.




~ 2E-03 -1----'-~,..<:-L,----+,----+-
..-- ' 'I
----r ------,---------r---------r----
l I I

' I
1E-03 -1......::.._.;_ ___._ __ _ . ; . ' - - _ _ . ; . ' -
I l I I
! I I I
1 I I I
OE-01 -1----'-~--'-~~-~~~

OE-01 SE-04 1E-03 1.SE-03 2E-03


Ultimate Strength (S~ or S28) ___ psi

Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D Col. E Col. F

Strength (Col. A)+ S. Ln (Col. B) Ln(-Col. C) Maturity/ Time/
(psi) Ln (Mat.) Ln (Time)

- -
--- I .
-- -----

I !

-- -

I i I
I -1 I



~ 0

ii-0.5 -t----,--+---'--+---'--+---,--t---'--t-_,..,---t--'---+---'----;

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

S/Su (Col. B)

Chart to Convert Col. B Data to Col. D Data

10 100 1000 10000

Maturity or lime

Chart to Convert Maturity or Time to Ln Value

I I i l
I I I I !

I I I ''

! '

! I
! ! i I I

~ lt
! I ' I
I 1
- _ _J__}

I i

i I I

! I I
I i I I ' I j

- -- __L __ J_l_, -- . _l__l_l__ 1/Maturity

L _- - __[ ---- _J__ I I

Calculation Aid for the Determination of S (based on field data)



Temperature Modification
When paving operations are exposed to changes in temperature, it is expected that
the rate of hydration of the cement will be affected and will either increase or decrease
depending on the temperature change. If the concrete is exposed to cool weather
conditions {winter), the concrete will hydrate at a slower rate (Figure C-1) than if it were
exposed to warmer weather conditions (summer). With respect to fast track concrete, the
slower rate of hydration will result in longer opening times. The opening strength
worksheet will be useful in predicting the time of opening, however, under fast track
conditions the time of opening that is found may not satisfy the phase requirements of a
particular project.
Consequently, two alternatives may be available to the contractor to satisfy the
opening criteria: (1) to open later to allow the concrete to cure completely, or (2) modify
the temperature of the mixing water or the method of curing to accelerate the time of
openmg. To comply with the paving and early opening schedule, a change in the

Ln(-Ln(S/Su)) Ln(Tlme) (hours)

1.2 r - - - - r - - - - r - - - - - i r - - - - - i r - - - - - i r - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - . _ 4.8
0.8 1-----+---""----'~f--~--+---1----+----+---...-""-
.....f---_ :::

--~ ............... t.:.-···-····-·-·····-+--~- 3
~ .... ····
, . . . . . "".><:
Ol----4f-----4---+---::..i..:...=..--::i--=---++--+-------l_ 2.4
-0.4 ~~~~~~~·~····~···"~····~~··~·-~--~--·~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
.... 1.8
i------~-"-",_~·-····-····-··-_···_····.·------+----.....+----~----ll"lll!-----4------1- 1.2
-0.8 ti··· -···· "- ~" - 0.6
-1.2,___ _..___ __.__ __.__ __.__ _ ~--~--~--~o

5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9


-*""" Strength ---a-· Time (Summer)

...x... Time (Winter) Opening Criteria

Figure C-1. The Effect of Polyethylene Curing on Opening Time Using the
Maturity Worksheet.

temperature of the mixing water may be needed to modify the curing conditions to
achieve a higher rate of hydration and an earlier opening time under the given
temperature conditions.
Regardless of the concrete mix constituents chosen for modification, the resulting
effect on the time of opening can be characterized by the activation energy (E) exhibited
by a particular mix. The activation energy is a measure of how much energy is needed
for a reaction (concrete hydration) to occur. For example, the activation energy of a
Type III cement is lower than a Type I cement. This is because a Type I cement needs
more energy than a Type III cement to complete hydration in the same amount of time.
Energy can be provided to the mix by higher mixing water temperature, different curing
methods, or a variation in temperature conditions. The effect of these measures will
depend upon the activation energy (E) exhibited by the mix constituents. Energy
exhibited by the mix constituents in combination with certain methods and conditions of
curing may be useful to represent the effect on time of opening.
Using the procedures outlined for the worksheet, a comparison can be made from
test data between two beams cured by different methods under summer temperature
conditions. Each beam, in this instance, was cured using Type II curing compound with
one beam covered with a polyethylene sheeting. The test data is shown in an opening
strength criteria worksheet attached to this appendix. Polyethylene sheeting affected the
time of opening by 8 hours, under the given field conditions. It is recommended that
several maturity-time data points (at least 4 to 5 - with one set of data exceeding the
opening te) be plotted to predict the time of opening. The mathematical function
representing the maturity-time relation is a double integral of the equivalent age function
shown in equation 2. For the conditions under which the test beams were cast and
cured, the effect of the time of opening can be observed in the plotted data.
In the event of changes in the ambient temperature conditions the maturity-time
relationship is expected to change and can be illustrated in the worksheet as shown in the
comparsion of the two curing methods. It is recommended that additional beams be cast
and cured under the changed conditions to assess the effect of different methods of
curing on the time of opening. For a different set of conditions, the worksheet procedure
will require data sets for the same three inputs for the test beams:

(1) Maturity,
(2) Temperature, and
(3) Time.
It should be noted that the field measurements can be made in terms of maturity
(referred to as the temperature-time factor in ASTM C-1074) or as the equivalent age (te)
at a specified temperature Ts. Depending on the method, the laboratory procedure (based
on ASTM C-1074) should either provide the datum temperature or the activation energy
(E). If the maturity approach is taken in the field, it may be necessary to correct the
maturity readout from the instrumentation according to the guidelines given in ASTM C-
1074, if an inappropriate datum temperature is employed by the maturity meter. As a
matter of reference, the following activation energies are provided as determined
according to ASTM C-1074.

Table C-1. The Effects of Material Modification on the Activation Energy of a Type I


TYPE (KJ/mol)

Control 37.36
(Regular 7 sack mix)

Accelerator + 7 sack 35.46

Plasticizer + 7 sack 32.88

FA(20%) + 7 sack 28.37

Ultimate Strength (S 00 or S28) 744 psi

Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D Col. E Col. F

Strength (Col. A) + S00 Ln (Col. B) Ln(-Col. C) Maturity/ Time/
(psi) Ln (Mat.) Ln (Time)

210 0.282 -1.265 0.235 1174/7.07 - p 8

844/6.74 - T 8

420 0.565 -.572 -0.559 2236/7.71 - p 14

1576/7.36 - T 14
540 0.726 -0.320 -1.138 2595/7.86 - p 21
1902/7.55 - T 21

Note: Mc = te(33) - (0 + 10°C)M; T 0 = 0°C; P =Polyethylene Sheeting; T =Type II


Ln(-Ln(S/Su)) Ln(Tlme) (hours)

1.2 .---~--~---r-1~--....---~~-----..-----.------,_ 4.8

0.8 "' ··" ........~~~·~ 4.2

"' ...........:~.3~;~ ;·2;:;·~,.. 3.6
0.41-1--1--1-4*':----1.":"x-: ....~·g.~....t::..;;;;.~=j;==+!_
\. .... ~(" ·~/·6··. e•(2.8) 18.4 hre
0 1-----1----+-----~-
.... -.... -+
.. ·.'""' ·~"""······,.-t··F----1---+----+------t_ 2.4

-0.4 "........ ········ "' - 1.8

...... ....~~~~~~~~---·· ······
~ - 1.2
-0.8 ...~····· ............. =···:;::====;:====:;====~;:=::;=;====:;====~ 0.6
,•' · · · · ·
-1.2 '----""'----'---__.__--~----__._-~-----~ 0
6 6.6 6 6.6 7 7.6 8 8.5 9

--*-" Strength --.a·-· Time (Poly.)

... ~... Time (Type II) - Opening Criteria


Example of Fast Track Paving Project
Superplasticizers can be useful for applications in fast track paving.
Superplasticizers yield increased workability, strength and time to finish. An example of
superplasticizer utilization using fast track methods was found in a project for Sysco
Foods in Houston, Texas.
The Superplasticizer was used in conjunction with a mixture containing 700
pounds of Type III cement (mix design shown in Table D-1 ). The requirements for the
project were as described below:
(1) the placement of 20 square feet square concrete slabs with dowelled joints;
(2) the concrete having enough workability to be able to be pumped;
(3) the project needed to begin at 6:00 pm Friday and to be ready for use by
12:00 pm Sunday;
(4) a required concrete compressive strength of 3000 psi (approx. 330 psi
flexural strength) was desired in 6 to 8 hours; and
(5) a 7 inch slump for pumping and ease of placement.
Note in Table D-1, that six ounces of superplasticizer were used. This admixture
can be added entirely at the plant or field, or part at the plant and part at the field.
Experience has found that if either the workability requirements of the concrete have not
been met or the placement time needs to be extended, additional plasticizer can be added
directly to the concrete in the mixing truck to increase the workability at the time of
The paving operations were conducted at night. The resulting strengths received
through tests were above the design recommendations (shown in Figure D-1). From
Figure D-1, the trend of the graph indicates that the superplasticizer has a beneficial
effect on the strength gain achieving compressive strengths in excess of 4900 psi
(flexural 530 psi).

Table D-1. Mix Design for Sysco Foods in Houston, Texas.

I Material I T}'.,ee I Quantit}'. I

Cement III 700 lbs.
Fly Ash - 0
Coarse Aggregate 1" L.S. 1,800 lbs.
Fine Aggregate Concrete Sand 1,173 lbs.
Admixture Super-6 6 ozs.
AEA - 2.5 ozs.
Total Water - 225 lbs

Compressive Strength vs. Time

using a superplasticizer

ell 8000 ---
~ --A---
> S-12 oz.
~ 4000
e0 2000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, Days

Figure D-1. The Effects of a Superplasticizer on Compressive Strength.






w 60

........ '
Vl I 20 ~


1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Station Markers

~ Upstream of Joint -
Downstream of Joint

Figure E-1. LTE vs. Station: US-59.


(.I 20-
:t:: 15-
(ii 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Station Markers

B Upslream of jolnl - Downslream of jolnl

Figure E-2. Radius of Relative Stiffness vs. Station: US-59.





!:::i 50- ~

'if- ~




2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10' 11 12 13 14
Station Markers

Ia Upstream of Joint - Downstream of Joint

Figure E-3. LTE vs. Station: I-45 Rayford.


.c 25
Q) 20
( /)
Q) 15


1:u 5-

6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14
Station Markers

m Upstream of Joint - Downstream of Join!

Figure E-4. Radius of Relative Stiffness vs. Station: I-45 Rayford.





~ 50




5 6 7 8 9 10
Station Markers

R Upstream of Joint - Downstream of Joint

Figure E-5. LTE vs. Station: I-45 Sawdust.


.t: 25
Q) 20
Q) 15-

a: 10-
........ 0
\.;.) tJ)
0 ::J
"O ' 5-

1 2 3 4
Station Markers

o~ Upstream of Joint - Downstream of Joint

Figure E-6. Radius of Relative Stiffness vs. Station: I-45 Sawdust.


Consistency Test Guidelines
The purpose of a consistency test is to characterize the rheology or workability in
a concrete mixture. A consistency test can serve as an important indicator for
determining if the mix workability is appropriate for a given construction application.
Consistency also is an indicator of:
(1) initial set of concrete, and
(2) finishability.
The primary manner in which consistency is currently measured in the field is
with the standard slump test. However, it has been shown (The Standard Practice for
Selecting Proportions for No Slump Concrete, ACI (211.3-75) Reported by ACI
Committee 211) that the workability of concrete is greatly affected by the type of
compaction or vibration used to place the concrete. Vibratory energy transferred to a
concrete mass can serve as a measure of workability.
Past efforts to measure the consistency of fresh concrete have focused on methods
that use compactive or vibratory type energy. These methods include the:
(1) Vebe Test,
(2) Thaulow Drop Test, and
(3) the German DIN 1048 Test.
It is important to obtain consistency measurements in the field to test the actual
concrete that is being placed. To test the consistency in the field, the instrumentation
should be simple, durable yet effective. The first two methods (the Vebe test and the
Thaulow Drop Test) are primarily used in laboratory conditions due to the equipment
needed to perform the tests. The equipment for the DIN 1048 (shown in Figure F-1) is
smaller and does not require a generator and is relatively easy and inexpensive to
The design suggested for implementation can be smaller than the flow table
shown in Figure F-1 (DIN 1048 specification). The procedure may also use the standard
ASTM slump cone and the ASTM compacting rod in addition to the flow table being
modified to use a metallic surface on the top.





(DIN. 1048)

Figure F-1. The German Consistency Test, DIN 1048.

The basic steps to perform the consistency test are as follows:

(1) using ASTM methods place slump cone directly on the circle traced for
the slump cone;
(2) remove the steel cone and measure the slump;
(3) based on the type of mix design a perimeter is chosen (10, 12, 14 or 16
(4) the platform is raised and dropped 1 inch until any portion of the concrete
crosses the chosen perimeter; and
(5) the number of drops is recorded to reach the specified perimeter.
For fast track paving mixes, due to the earlier setting of the concrete, the test is
run a number of times within the first hour of the placement to obtain a measure
consistency before the concrete reaches initial set.
A sample data sheet is provided on the following page to record the number of
drops to obtain an indication of the consistency of the concrete. It is recommended that
the number of drops be recorded at a selected diameter for the particular mix being

tested. Conducting this test repeatedly, will allow a trend to be established for a given
diameter circle (on the flow table) as a function of time to represent the consistency of
the particular concrete mix being tested.

A Suggested Data Sheet for Consistency Tests

Time Flow Table Diameters (inches)

min. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22







Activation Energy The activation energy, often represented by (E), relates the
heat of hydration to a cement mix to the amount of strength
gain achieved in a specific time period.
Aggregate Interlock The random projections of aggregate across a crack in
concrete which carry shear forces imposed by passing wheel
Construction Joint A joint made necessary by a prolonged interruption in the
placing of concrete (Q); whereby fresh concrete is placed in
contact with hardened concrete. Construction joints may be
formed in the transverse or longitudinal direction. Often,
the joints may include a redwood separator.
Contraction Joint A joint designed primarily to allow horizontal movement to
relieve strains from shrinkage and contraction due to
changes in temperature. This may also be a doweled or
hinged joint (.Q).
Crack A permanent fissure or open seam within a concrete
pavement at which tensile stress in the concrete has
exceeded the tensile strength of the concrete. This crack
can be naturally occurring (the relief of pavement stresses)
or induced by sawcutting the pavement. (1)
Deformed Bar A ribbed steel reinforcing bar meeting the requirements for
deformed bars as specified in ASTM A615, Specification
for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement; A616, Specification for Rail Steel Deformed
and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement; or, A617,
Specification for Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement.
Dowel A smooth steel bar embedded in concrete to provide shear
resistance for wheel loads placed near a joint, and to help
prevent faulting, while allowing the slab to move freely in

the direction of the dowel axis.
Drainage The movement or accumulation of moisture and water in, or
over, the land. "Pavement drainage" refers to the
prevention of water accumulations through the controlled
movements of water in, and over the pavement structure so
as to obtain the desired pavement performance.
Expansion Joint A joint located to provide for expansion of a rigid slab,
without damage to itself, adjacent slabs, or structures.
Expansion joints are often used next to bridge structures
Fatigue Damage The cumulative damage to the pavement after the fatigue
life of that particular pavement has been exceeded.
Fatigue Life The time it takes for a certain number of continuous traffic
loads to fail the pavement through fatigue.
Faulting Differential vertical displacement of rigid slabs at a joint or
crack (l); usually creating a small step downward in the
direction in which the traffic moves.
Joint A designed vertical plane of separation or weakness (Q);
intended to aid concrete placement, control crack formation,
or to accommodate length changes of the concrete.
Load Transfer Device A mechanical means designed to carry wheel loads across a
joint (Q), normally consisting of concrete aggregate
interlock, dowels, or dowel-type devices.
Maturity The relation of strength gain to the time-temperature
product. The maturity helps determine a prediction of the
probable strength gain characteristics of a particular mix
Modulus of Rupture A measure of the ultimate strength of a concrete beam and
sometimes called "rupture modulus" or "rupture strength."
It is calculated for apparent tensile stress in the extreme
fiber of test specimens under a load which produces
rupture. It provides an indication of the ultimate flexural

strength of a slab. Various tests have been standardized for
measuring the modulus of rupture and correlations have
been established with other strength measurements.
Modulus of Subgrade A measure of the supporting capability of the
Reaction (k) foundation medium; obtained by measuring the penetration
of a loaded, large diameter plate (30 inches); expressed in
terms of the load in pounds per square inch divided by the
inches of penetration. Procedures for measuring have been
standardized (TxDOT 360.4) and correlations have been
established with other measures.
Pavement Structure A combination of subbase, rigid slab, and other layers
designed to work together to provide uniform, lasting
support for the traffic load, and to distribute the load to the
Permeability With respect to pavements, this is the rate of moisture
movement through a subbase material.
Plastic Index (Pl) The range in the water content through which a
also called plasticity soil remains plastic and the numerical difference between
liquid limit and plastic limit, as calculated according to
ASTM D 4318.
Pulse Velocity The generation of waves (pulses) through the concrete to
determine qualities such as: uniformity of the concrete,
estimation of concrete strength, and the determination of
saw-cut times.
Pumping The ejection of foundation material, either wet or dry,
through joints, cracks, or along edges of rigid slabs due to
vertical movements of the slab under traffic (§).
Reinforcing Steel Steel embedded in a rigid slab to resist tensile strain and the
detrimental opening of cracks (l); thereby ensuring close
contact between the faces of the fracture so that vertical
shear transfer across the crack is preserved.

Rigid Pavement A pavement structure which distributes loads to the
subgrade through a portland cement concrete slab of
relatively high bending resistance (§.).
Shoulder The portion of the roadway contiguous and parallel with the
traveled way for accommodating stopped or errant vehicles;
for maintenance or emergency use; for providing lateral
support of the slab; some edge support; and for aiding
surface drainage and moisture control of the underlying
Stabilization The modification of soils or aggregate by incorporating
materials that will increase load bearing capacity, firmness,
and resistance to weathering or displacement(§).
Standard Density Maximum density at optimum moisture according to ASTM
D 698.
Sub base The layer or layers of specified or selected material, of
designed thickness, placed on the subgrade to provide
uniform support for the concrete slabs; to protect the slabs
from disruptive movements of the underlying soils; and to
improve drainage. The function of the subbase is
elaborated in section 1.6. Use of a subbase for these
purposes is highly recommended by the Federal Highway
Subgrade The top surface of a roadbed upon which the pavement
structure and shoulders are constructed. The function of the
subgrade is elaborated in section 1.5 (2).
Tie Bar A deformed steel bar or connector imbedded in the concrete
pavement across a longitudinal joint to prevent separation of
abutting slabs (2). Various proprietary devices which serve
the same purpose are available, such as tie bolts or hook
bolts. The tie bar should conform to the properties
specified for Grade 60 in ASTM standard A 615.

Warping or Hinged Joint A transverse joint in which flexure is permitted without
applicable horizontal or warping stresses movement (in
relief of curling). These joints are used on pavements to
control cracking at sawed locations and normally have extra
reinforcing steel to promote load transfer at the joints.
These joints may be alternated with the doweled joints.

7 6


3 8

1. Pavement Surface
2. Subbase
3. (Treated/Untreated) Subgrade
4. Drain
5. Geotech Fabric
6. Neoprene Joint Seal
7. Curb
8. Original Ground

Figure G-1. Proposed Typical Section for Rigid Pavement Structure.


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