Popular Woodworking No 257 February 2021
Popular Woodworking No 257 February 2021
Popular Woodworking No 257 February 2021
Inspired by Post & Rung
Perfect Results Every Time
22 Power-Carved Side Table
Turn a log into a sculptural statement piece.
30 Turned Canisters
Hone your skills making functional storage.
22 38
06 From The Editor
What you have.
07 Workshop Tips
Clamp storage, ripping thin
pieces, routing dadoes, finding
center and more.
14 New Tools
No changeover jointer/planer,
07 14 compact drill/driver, impres-
sive sanding system, and more.
Working with T-track.
50 Hand Tools
A new way to sharpen.
55 Spotlight
Chatting with Anika Gandhi
and Baboucarr Faal.
60 Finishing
Rub on / wipe-off finishing.
64 End Grain
That one project.
Number 257, February 2021, Popular Woodworking Magazine (ISSN 0884-8823, USPS 752-250) is published 6 times a year, February, April, June, August, October, and December,
which may include an occasional special, combined, or expanded issue that may count as two issues, by Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc., 5710 Flatiron Parkway Suite A, Boulder,
CO 80301. Editorial and advertising offices are located at 2143 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and artwork should include ample
postage on a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE); otherwise they will not be returned. Subscription rates: A year’s subscription (6 issues) is $24.95; Outside of the U.S. add
$10/year. Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No. 40025316. Canadian return address: 2835 Kew Drive, Windsor, ON N8T 3B7. Copyright 2021 by Active Interest Media Holdco,
Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Boulder, CO, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Popular Woodworking, P.O. Box 37274 Boone, IA 50037-0274.
What You
By Andrew Zoellner
While I love designing and building
new things out of wood, one of the
most valuable skills I’ve picked up
along the way is being able to take care
of and repair furniture and woodwork.
Our kitchen opens up onto a small
back porch. When we moved in, the
door leading out to the porch was a
standard home center steel insulated
exterior door, installed backwards with
the metal sill pointing into the kitchen.
Not only did it not fit with the house,
it was just ugly. It was a reminder of
good intentions (insulated and weath-
er-sealed) gone wrong. After spending
the better part of my last two years
remodeling the kitchen, building cabin-
The kitchen door. Made mostly of Douglas fir (I think), with a cherry-ish stain.
etry, installing floors and trim, the door
A little trimming of the door, a shop-made jamb, some new hardware, and it fit
really needed to go. right into the kitchen, even though it's not what we'd originally planned.
We found a great interior door
at Better Futures MN, which helps
men recently released from prison comes down to doing what you can of many individuals better with the
with housing, jobs (deconstruction with what you have. Over the last year, resources it has. Has Better Futures
and architectural salvage) and OSHA as we’ve dealt with lumber shortages, MN found the fix for systemic racism
and forklift training. And we found lockdowns, out of stock tools due to in America’s justice system? No. But
our kitchen door at the Habitat For global supply issues, social and political it is helping those disproportionately
Humanity Restore. unrest, that thinking has kept me sane. affected by it. It’s the work of these
We were on the hunt for something There’s a lot you can do with what you organizations and individuals that is
that matched the age and style of our have. My year of woodworking projects inching the way toward a better world.
house, with some glass to see out to is testament to that. It may be easier to think if only you
the backyard, and ideally less than That thinking is also what makes had the money to buy that brand-new,
the thousands of dollars the new door Better Futures MN, Habitat for Hu- state of the art door, your house would
we liked at the home center cost. The manity, and so many other social-pos- be perfect. But perhaps working with
door we found wasn’t initially what I’d itive organizations keep moving what you have, what you can find and
envisioned, but it’s what they had and forward. It’s easy to get complacent, reuse, is better in the end.
it ticked all our boxes. to think about just how big some
Woodworkers by nature tend to be problems are and wonder what good
a frugal lot, saving scraps of wood for can one person do. Has Habitat for Hu-
the future or stopping by the side of manity solved the affordable housing
the road to grab a tree stump. It really problem? No. But it has made the lives
FEBRUARY 2021, VOL. 41, NO. 1
EDITOR IN CHIEF ■ Andrew Zoellner
SENIOR DESIGNER ■ Danielle Lowery
PHOTOGRAPHERS ■ Chris Hennessey, Jack Coyier
CONTRIBUTORS ■ Tom Caspar, Marci Crestani, Katie
Freeman, David Greedy, Randy Johnson, Kevin Southwick
I have difficulty making accurate measurements when I VP & GENERAL MANAGER ■ Brian Van Heuverswyn
install my auxiliary fence, because its plywood is a weird ADVERTISING DIRECTOR ■ Heather Gniazdowski
thickness. My solution is to create a new scale based on CATAPULT MARKETING SERVICES ■ Amanda Phillips
the plywood. DIGITAL PRODUCER ■ Josh Cohn
Zero the fence next to the blade and slide a thin ruler ADVERTISING SALES COORDINATOR ■
under the plastic curser. The ruler must rest under the Julie Dillon; [email protected]
curser without touching. Also, make sure the ruler is ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER ■ Jack Christiansen
Tel: 847-724-5633; [email protected]
accurately scaled—inexpensive rulers may be inaccurate.
Once the curser line is aligned with the ruler’s zero mark,
tape the ruler in place.—Rich Flynn
[email protected]
For subscription inquiries, orders and address changes go to:
Router Wrench Grips 877-860-9140
[email protected]
I own several routers and they all have thin wrenches
that are awkward to hold. To avoid frustration, I made Copyright ©2021 by Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc.
the handles thicker by housing them in transparent All rights reserved.
plastic tubing from the hardware store. To keep the Popular Woodworking is a registered trademark of
Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc.
tubing in place, I wrapped the handles with athletic
tape first.— Serge Duclos
fine tools & education
Atlanta, Georgia
“You can't have too many clamps,” a wise cabinetmaker once said. That is certainly
true, but in a small shop, you can easily run out of room to store them. On clamp is so
different from another that no single rack can accommodate them all in a compact space.
Most woodworkers benefit from a variety of storage solutions.
Here are seven board concepts to stimulate your creative thinking. Each design contains
one big idea tailored for a specific type of clamp. Mix and match to fit your assortment and
your space. Just be sure to leave room for more!
3 Metal Brackets Serve Double Duty
Got long clamps you want to keep handy? Use heavy-duty 12" shelf
brackets. (They’re great for lumber too.) This rack works well for
long, heavy clamps because it stores them horizontally, making it
easy to remove, use and return them. When you need one simply
pick it up and lay it down on your project. You won't have to twirl
or hoist them the way you would if you stored long clamps in a
vertical rack.
Heavy-duty shelf brackets are available at home centers; the
slotted standards come in lengths for a dedicated clamp rack.
5 Stack ’Em Up
Hands down, this is our favorite way to store hand
screws. Simply saw angled dados in one edge of a 2x4.
Size the dadoes so the sticks for hanging the clamps fit
tightly. Glue and screw the sticks to the 2 x4 and fasten
the 2x4 to the wall. This rack also works great for
hanging loads of spring clamps.
6 Add Cleats
For regular pipe and adjustable clamps, storage does
not get much easier than this. Simply fasten 2x2 cleats
behind a 2x4 and fasten the cleats to the wall. The
11/2"-deep space provided by the cleats accommodates
most clamp heads. Long clamps will wiggle their way
off a single rack and fall, however. Install a second
board below to keep them upright and stable. Clamps
store compactly with this solution, but the more
clamps you have, the more wall space you’ll use.
7 Cut Notches
Without notches on a mobile cart, one bump can
send your clamps flying. The boards that you notch
should be wide enough to fully support the clamps’
heads. The trick is to make enough so the clamp's bar
is easy to insert and remove.
To make half-round notches for pipe clamps, drill
holes down the middle of a wide board. Rip through
the center of the holes to make two support boards,
each with half-round holes.
No Flip Jointer/Planer
Wood-Mizer has started developing standalone
woodworking machinery. This combo jointer/planer
caught our eye because it does both operations with-
out flipping the jointer beds
■ MP160 Planer/ up or otherwise adjusting the
Thicknesser machine between operations.
Wood-Mizer The machine has a 9"- wide
woodmizer.com jointing capacity and 16" - wide
Price: $4495 planing capacity — impressive
for the footprint. And, a dust
collection port is routed behind the machine (and also
doesn't need to move during switchover).
The other interesting feature is the variable planing
feed rate (available as on upgrade on the 3-phase
model), from 6 - 39 fpm. It packs a lot of features
into the compact 56" x 32" footprint, and is definitely
worth exploring if you're space-challenged but want
an industrial-level machine.
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Extractor and Sander
Price: $1500 (dust extractor)
$499 (5" electric sander)
■ 12V Max Brushless
2-Speed Screwdriver /
Brushless 3/8" Hammer
Bosch Power Tools
Price: PS21N Kit $100
PS130N Kit $120
Is Back in Print
Get Yours at
begins with
With Wood-Mizer portable sawmills and woodworking
equipment, you can hand-select your wood species, leave the
live edge, work with the natural curves, and gain full creative
Using T-Track
By Randy Johnson
Accepts Standard
T-tracks that accept standard hex
head bolts and nuts as connectors
are a big plus, because standard 1 2
nuts and bolts are readily available
at hardware stores. This means you
won’t get stuck in the middle of 1 We like T-track that accepts the
a project because you don’t have hex head of a standard bolt. It
the right connector. Some T-tracks will save you from having to buy
require special connectors that are the special connectors that some
only available from one supplier. tracks require.
2 Some T-tracks have a deep slot.
Pre-drilled for Easy
Using T-Track
7 8
Side Table
Turn a log into a sculptural statement piece.
By Katie Freeman
PROJECT #2101_
Skill Level:
Time: 4 days
Cost: $200
Have you ever come upon the grinder and a belt sander. There are spinning tool while also reducing
opportunity to get some logs either two different attachments or discs strain on my muscles.
due to a downed tree on your prop- that I use with the angle grinder, To get started with leveling the
erty or somewhere else within your both produce quite a bit of wood log, look for the flattest side, and
community? A very familiar story chips and saw dust. place that one on the floor, use
is someone has to remove a very For safety, I always work with shims if needed to make sure the
beloved tree and they want to have the guard on the grinder. For PPE, I log does not rock around. Then
it turned into a piece of furniture. make sure I have a full-face shield, measure up from the floor to the
However, once they learn about the safety glasses, dust mask, and hear- finished height you desire for the
process to have the tree milled into ing protection at a minimum. To re- table plus 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch and
useable lumber and the price associ- duce the strain on my forearms from mark around the log with chalk or a
ated with all of that, the tendency is gripping the tool and the vibration sharpie. This is the line you will be
to decide to do nothing further with of the tool, I wear fingerless work working down to.
the tree. There are other options, gloves. The fingerless work gloves I start with using my Manpa Tools
such as creating a unique piece of still keep loose fabric away from a multicutter on the angle grinder.
furniture with a log from the tree
like a side table. That is just what
I have done with a log cut from an ■ CARVING TOOLS
ash tree that had to be felled to the There are 3 tools that are really my ready and
emerald ash borer. steady go to tools for power carving. The first
(from the right) is my Manpa 3" multicutter
Getting Started with a Makita angle grinder. This thing removes
The process is really pretty simple, material quickly with basically no kick-back
you start with working from the and without needing to get too worried about
largest tool down to the smallest. the direction of the grain. I like to think of it as
First, you need to get the log to the a very powerful, very fast-moving chisel. It is
removing material in chips, not in dust.
right size for a side table, which will
be somewhere between 18 to 22 Next in line (middle of picture) is an angle grind-
inches long, and the best tool for the er outfitted with one of Kutzall’s extreme line of
job is a chainsaw. If you are either carving dishes. There are different shapes and
sourcing a log right from the lot of different levels of coarseness to choose from,
all of them easy and safe to use. Just know,
a tree service or working with a tree
when using the carving dish, this is when it
service to take down your tree, you
can usually have them cut the log to
1 gets super dusty. It's like taking sanding and
putting it on steroids to allow for you to smooth
the length you want. and remove material efficiently.
Once the log is cut there is a deci-
Last, but most certainly not least is my die
sion to be made; work with it green,
grinder paired with various 1/4" shaft carving
let it air dry for a few years, or throw burrs. There are so many different burr shapes,
it in a wood kiln and dry it for a few sizes and levels of coarseness to choose from.
months. Working with it green will No matter what texture of detail I want to add
make it easy to carve, but you are to my carving, there is a burr option out there
at risk of it warping as it dries and for it. You can find the most variety of burrs
having to be reworked in the future. through Kutzall and Saburrtooth.
If you decide to dry it, whether by
air or by kiln, it is best to wait until
it hits 12% moisture or lower before
carving, this will give you the best
chance of success. A moisture meter 2
lets you check it regularly to see
when it gets to that 12% level.
Now no one finds a side table use- 1 Moisture meter to check level of
ful if it is wobbly. This leads to the moisture in log.
next step and next couple of tools 2 Marking line to work for leveling
in the process; leveling both the top log.
and bottom of the log using an angle
Power Carving
It is a full attachment with a gear, Once I reach a flat and level Refining a Design
belt, and round disc with 3 cutting surface, I flip the log and do the With the log flat, level and bark
edges. The multicutter will remove process all over again, this time removed, it’s time to move on to
a large amount of material the most marking a line at the finished di- roughing out the legs and overall
efficiently. Once I get close to the mension for the height of the table design. This process is about two
marked line, I switch over to an angle and working down to that line with things; first, removing material
grinder with a Kutzall carving dish the multicutter, carving dish, and to reduce the weight of the table,
on it. This will still remove a good belt sander. Lastly, I remove the and second to reach your desired
amount of material and will get rid bark from the exterior of the log. aesthetic. For this design, I wanted
of the machining marks from the This can be done either with a chis- to hollow out about half of the log
multicutter. Once I am within 1/16 el and mallet, or the multicutter from the underside, leaving about
to 1/8 of an inch above my line, I will and carving dish. Just note, using a 2" wide ring all the way around
then move on to using a belt sander the angle grinder for this work and then create multiple cutaways
with no finer of grit then 60 grit. I use creates a large amount of fine dust, through that ring to make my legs.
a level to check for flatness. so keep that safety gear on! To hollow out the log, I went
3 4 5
Power Carving
with my multicutter again. I started order to be able to still get access material from the outside of the log
with the 4" blade, then down to safely without having to fight for all the way through to the inside
the 3" blade. As I got deeper into position of the tool. After reaching hollowed space.
the log, I added an extension bar in my desired depth and getting the Though I was removing the ma-
hollowed space as consistent as terial from the surface of the log,
10 I sketch out a cutaway for the possible in width, I switched over to I was also creating a side surface.
legs of table with a marker. the carving dish to smooth out the The side surface was a bit difficult
surface and remove the tool marks to keep consistent with the multi-
11 I use the multicutter to remove
the bulk of material for table leg
of the multicutter. cutter and was very dependent on
cutaway. Now on to sketching the cut- the size of the cutaway. After using
away portions for the legs. To do the multicutter, I used the carving
12 A carving dish on angle grinder this, I just use a black sharpie and dish on the larger cutaways, and
removes the remainder of material
draw right on the outside of the log used a die grinder with a Kutzall
on large table leg cutaway.
where I want to remove the materi- rotary carving burr for the smaller
13 Then I switch to a die grinder al. The cutaways did get a bit tricky. cutaways. The carving dish and
with a carving burr for removing the I used the multicutter to cut along burr were used to reach the desired
remainder of material. the sketched outline to remove the final design.
10 11
12 13
Adding Texture with various shapes of carving burrs, Dealing with Defects
Once the legs are done, this may be a carving dishes or different shapes of After the first carving of the divots,
good stopping point for moving onto multicutter blades. and before sanding, I wanted to
sanding and finishing. Really just de- The tool to use to add the texture address the large crack in the ash
pends on the overall design you have is dependent on the type or shape wood log I was working with. Since
in mind. I enjoy adding some sort of of texture you want to add. Carving my log has been drying for 3 years
texture feature, which is exactly what the divots is a two-part process for and the moisture level is below
I have done with this table. I really me. The first part is to use a course 12%, I know that the crack is pretty
like to add divots as a feature, and so grit ball carving burr with my die much stable. However, it does still
I again pulled out my sharpie and just grinder, and I carve every divot to cause a gap in the table top surface
freehand sketched general shapes shape. The second part comes after that I would rather not leave fully
and patterns for the divots. There I have sanded the whole table up to open. There are two different ways
are many different ways you can 180 grit. Then I take a fine grit ball to approach this. One is with resin,
add texture to the outside surface carving burr with the die grinder and the other is with a wooden key.
of the table. You could add waves or and go back over every divot, really I have used resin on other log tables
more of a textured feathered or line working to remove the tool marks before, however, I have found that
look. All of this can either be done from the course grit burr. over time, with wood movement,
Power Carving
17 18
20 23
Turned Canisters
Hone Your Skills Making Functional Storage
By Dillon Baker
PROJECT #2102_
Skill Level:
Time: 1 day
Cost: $50
It’s rare that I afford myself ■ TURNED CANISTER: Rounded Lid
the opportunity to spend time and
experiment at the lathe. Much of this
could be attributed to the fact that
turning (to me) has always had the
perception of being a purely hobbyist
pursuit that was too arcane and
esoteric to be practical. And as a neo-
phyte to the craft, it’s often easy to
view fine woodworking and turning
as two separate things, but in fact can
be classified as either synonymous
or as an extension of one another.
Personally, I prefer to view them as
complementary—a correlational and 1
mutually advantageous discipline.
It’s this sense of interconnected-
ness combined with a willingness
to improve, that continually drive
my need to pick up a gouge and
dispel my initial impressions of
turning. Over time, I have found
that committing to small projects
(such as the ones featured in this
article) become a reminder of the
gratifying quality that turning pos-
sesses. Another redeeming aspect
of turning is the ability to yield
successful results without having a
great deal of experience. Minimal
tools and equipment are required,
rendering this an accessible and
enjoyable exercise for novice wood-
workers and experts alike — so let’s
get started.
Turned Canisters
Blank Preparation
Since the piece(s) will invariably
be turned down to a cylinder, there
doesn’t seem to be a conceivable
reason to further prep your piece,
short of chucking it into the lathe.
Albeit, squaring up the work piece
aids in finding center on each end 4
of the blank. Move over to the band
saw and create two intersecting stop
cuts on one end of each blank. This 4 Using the reference lines, as well as
a parting tool, create a tenon that will
will aid in allowing the spur center to
makeup the seal between the lid and
seat properly to the blank. Proceed the base.
to do this on all four blanks—don’t
hesitate to make a couple back-up 5 To ensure an accurate fit, check the
blanks for insurance. diameter of the lid tenon often. A slight-
ly proud tenon can be easily rectified,
but an undersized one can be tricky.
Need for Speed
Before turning its important to 6 Once the length of the lid is estab-
determine the safe minimum as well lished, begin to shape the profile using
as maximum RPM in relation to a spindle gouge.
the size of the work piece. Take the 7 Finally, slow the RPMs down (250-
diameter and multiply it by 6,000 350) and do some light sanding. If
to 9,000. The first number (6,000) feasible, reverse the rotation of the
divided by the diameter of the piece lathe during this process.
will give you the minimum efficient
speed. The latter number (9,000)
divided by the diameter will provide
you with the safe maximum speed.
Considering our blanks are under 3",
speeds up 3,500 RPMs are accept-
able, however are not requisite—
the important thing is to start slow
and to establish a level of comfort
as well as familiarity with how each
individual tool cuts. 5
6 7
8 9
10 11
Turned Canisters
17 18
Turned Canisters
22 23
24 25 26
27 Apply liberal amounts of oil
to both the exterior as well as the
interior of the canister. I found that
the apex of a foam brush helps with
getting in nooks and crannies.
28 Once dried, wipe back and
excess oil that did not absorb.
For added protection, apply a coat
of paste wax to the exterior of the
canister(s) — buff out when dry
and voila!
You will find that there is a litany
of opinions when it comes to
the proper way to finish a turned
canister or bowl. Since the finish-
ing is not taking place on the lathe
(as it commonly is) I went with
an oil/cream combo that I had
readily available. Apply the oil to
the canisters and allow it to soak in
overnight. If dry spots occur, reap-
ply as needed. Wipe off any excess
Tiny Knob than the final length of the finished oil and begin to apply a liberal coat
Given the scale of this detail, the knob. Then, create a tenon (using of beeswax and food grade mineral
scrap bin may be worth reinspection a parting tool) approximately 3/ 8" oil. Once the wax/oil combination
in terms of unearthing worthy mate- in diameter by 1/4" long. Towards has dried (about 15 - 20 minutes)
rial for the knob. I ended up finding the top of the knob, “part” an area proceed to buff with a rag.
a small chunk of Wenge along with about 3/4"– 1" long. This extra space With the project complete, and
an unaccompanied piece of Bubinga will allow for a spindle gouge to be a newly acquired skill, perhaps it’s
that I thought would pair well with used when applying a round-over time to start applying some of the
the corresponding canister materials. profile to the head of the knob. If basic techniques explained in this
There is no new methodology available, a 1/ 2" round-nose scraper article towards some projects that
here in terms of forming the knobs, can be used in substitution for a are more involved. PW
with the exception of the introduc- spindle gouge to further define as
tion of a couple new tools. Layout well as refine the profile. Dillon Baker is Popular Woodwork-
the piece as you did earlier with the Now it’s time to drill the 1/ 8" ing’s projects editor and a furniture
canisters. Form a cylinder longer diameter hole that corresponds with designer-maker in Des Moines.
Post & Rung
Standing Desk PROJECT #2103_
Skill Level:
Two classic joints build a beautiful Time: 1 week
Cost: $200
utility piece. By Andrew Zoellner
As we’ve settled into our fully for durability. And I had a pile of ash have a lathe, or the capacity for
working from home routine, one blanks in the shop already waiting for these legs, it’s a great alternative. In
thing has become clear: sitting all the right project. Let’s get started. fact, it’s easier to deal with longer
day, without the prompts to head to pieces on a workbench than on a
a different office for a meeting, run Basic Design lathe (with flex and a steady rest).
out to lunch with a coworker, or even The top frame is held together with
head outside to commute, isn’t good bridle joints. With a leg mortised Bridle Joints
for me (or my body). It was decided through the top and wedged, it’s First, prepare the four pieces for the
that a secondary standing desk fit a very sturdy connection. The top top frame (two sides, and a front
the bill. I wanted something that was insert is just a piece of plywood, and back). The bridle joints go all
sturdy but lightweight, with a smooth cut to fit the frame, with a piece of the way through the joint, so you
writing surface and enough space laminate applied to the top. can cut your pieces to width and
to spread out a bit. It also needed to Because this is a standing desk, length. I left mine a bit long and
fit through the doorways of my old the legs a fairly long and maxed out wide with the intention of trimming
house and, most importantly, be at a the length of my lathe (I turned them down later using a track saw.
height that was comfortable for me them at about 44" long, then cut That’s one of the main benefits of a
to work and stand. them to final length at the end). The bridle joint— there’s lot of surface
The lightweight but sturdy qualifi- two side stretchers are much more area for glue, so removing material
er led me down the path of post and manageable. The middle stretcher after the fact doesn’t do much in the
rung designs and all of the surpris- didn’t fit on the lathe, so I rounded way of weakening the joint.
ingly light but long-lasting chairs that one by hand, planing down the I cut these bridle joints on the
I’ve seen over the years. I settled on facets of a straight piece until it was bandsaw using one of my favorite
laminate for the surface of the desk, more or less round. If you don’t shop tools: playing cards. This is a
1 The bridle joint that holds the desktop frame together is mortised and the leg
is wedge in the hole to lock it all together.
2 Two stop blocks behind the fence are key to bandsaw-cut bridle joints.
3 A third stop block, clamped to the fence, sets the depth of the mortises and
tenons on the bridle joints.
Standing Desk
5 6 7
trick I picked up from an article Brian board. In practice, I’ve found that pressure, but enough that they’ll
Boggs wrote for Fine Woodworking a as long as you’re close, a little bit stay in place, too. If the cards
few years back, and it’s the best way thicker or thinner on the tenon are too loose or too tight, your
I’ve seen to cut bridle joints. There’s isn’t a huge deal. With this frame, joint will be too tight or too loose
no math or layout other than figuring I eyeballed the first cut, leaving (they’re inversely related).
out your first cut. about a third of the thickness of the Add your spacer cards behind
The simple explanation is that board between the blade and fence. the fence (in front of the stops).
you use two stop blocks behind Then, I clamped a stop block to the This will nudge the fence closer to
the fence once you have your first fence to set the depth of the cut the blade. Make two cuts on each
cut dialed in on the tenon. Then, (slightly deeper than the width of end of the side pieces, similar to
you use playing cards to find the the board). the tenons. Remove the fence stop
kerf of the cut, and use those cards Make two cuts for each of the blocks and spacers and cut out the
as spacers for the mating mortise tenons on the longer front and rest of the waste in the mortise.
cuts. Once you hog out the waste, back frame pieces. Once all those I make a couple of freehand cuts
your joint fits snugly off the saw. cuts are made, grab your stack on the bandsaw, staying short of
Like most woodworking opera- of playing cards and insert a few mortise depth.
tions, it’s worthwhile to practice into the saw kerf to figure out how Then I bring the fence (with stop
this a few times until you dial in a much you need to move the fence block still attached) back closer to
good fit. for the next cuts. You’re looking for the cut, and use the blade to nibble
An ideal bridle joint has a tenon a fit where the cards move in and away the rest of the waste, using the
that’s 1/3 the thickness of the out of the kerf without too much stop block to keep the depth of the
Post & Rung Standing Desk
Side 12"
15" 50"
Cut List
No. Item Dimensions (inches)
2 A Frame front/back* 11/2 31/2 52
2 B Frame side* 11/2 31/2 32
4 C Leg** 2 2 40
2 D Side stretcher** 2 2 30
1 E Center stretcher** 2 2 50
1 F Desk Top 1/2 25 3/4 45 3/4
1 G Laminate 1/16 25 3/4 45 3/4
8 11
9 12
mortise consistent. Finally, I cross repeat the process with glue. width. This leaves you with clean
cut the waste off the tenon pieces I use Titebond III here because joints on the ends. You may find
with a miter gauge on the bandsaw. of the longer open time. I spread some small gaps in the bridle joints.
Dry fit the joints and refine with a layer of glue on both sides of Fortunately, a small wedge, some
a block plane and shoulder plane the tenon, then insert it into the glue and sawdust fixes those spots
if necessary. Files and sandpaper mortise, and repeat for each corner. right up. I also added a small 1/8"
are fine, too. Keep the shoulders of Clamp and check for square. If your roundover with my router to both
the tenon nice and square. Once frame isn’t perfectly square, a cou- the top on bottom edges.
you’re happy with the fit, rehearse ple of precision taps with a mallet
your clamping procedure. For large or loosening and tightening clamps Turned Legs
frames especially, making sure all usually does the trick for me. Then, Start with 8/4 stock. I had a nice 9"—
of the joints go together cleaning let the glue cure. wide piece of 8/4 ash, about 4' long to
and that you end up with a square Once the frame has cured, refine work with. After squaring one edge
opening inside the frame are really the shape to your desired dimen- at the jointer, rip the four leg blanks
important. I dry clamp, measure di- sions. I left the frame pieces about from the board. The easiest way to do
agonals (the measurements should a 1/2" over-wide, and I used a track this is use the board to set the width
be identical in a square frame), then saw and track to trim them to final of the cut, then rip your leg pieces.
You should have stock that’s roughly
2" x 2". Then, I set the blade to 45°
and cut the four corners off each leg,
leaving me with leg with eight facets.
I do the same thing to prep the stock
for the stretchers.
At the lathe, rough out the leg into
a cylinder. With longer pieces on the
lathe, a steady rest is very helpful.
Basically, it gives your workpiece a
third point of contact and limits flex
14 15
Standing Desk
20 23
19 For the side stretchers, I still start in the middle, using a set of calipers to
dial in the diameter. Then I taper toward the ends.
20 I taper the side stretcher down to an overly-long 3/4" tenon. I give myself a
little wiggle room here, leaving them long, so I can cut the stretchers to length
during dry fit and assembly.
21 The center stretcher was too long for the lathe, so I rough out a blank on the
tablesaw then break out some hand tools.
22-23 I use my No. 5 plane to plane down the areas where the facets meet,
until the blank is roughly round. Then I use an electric sander to refine the blank
as I roll it over the bench.
24 I used a drawknife to roughly shape the tenons, then cleaned it up with a rasp.
Standing Desk
continuing to plane off the pointy Mortising mortise to avoid blowout as the bit
bits. Starting with an eight-sided In this part of the build, I relied exits the frame.
blank (like the leg blanks), I use heavily on a portable drill guide. The side stretches are located
my #5 jack plane to plane down the This one from Rockler is the best 12" from the shoulder of the leg
ridges. Keep planing and rotating, I’ve used, though it is somewhat tenon. Mark the location of the
and eventually, you’ll have some- pricey. I have used cheaper guides mortise on each leg. Then, fit the
thing resembling round. in the past, and they do the same legs into the top. Measure the
You’ll also need to shape 3/4" ten- job, but you lose a little bit of rigid- distance between the two legs on
ons on the ends of this stretcher. ity and repeatability. It’s way easier each end of the frame. It should
I opted for a drawknife and a rasp to bring your drill to the frame than be the same (or very close). That’s
to do that work. A 3/4" tenon cutter it is to try and rig up support to do the final length your stretchers
would also be very handy here. Try the job at the drill press. need to be, plus about 2" of tenon
to taper the ends out to 3/4"- diame- Lay out your mortise locations on each end. With that dimen-
ter tenons, like on the side stretch- in each corner of the frame. Use a sion, I head back to the lathe to
ers. Drilling a 3/4" hole in a scrap 1" Forstner bit to drill the mortises make the final refinements on the
helps check your progress. out (at 90°). Make sure to use a stretchers, then cut them to rough
bit of backer board under the length on the bandsaw.
25 26
28 29
Standing Desk
the laminate and plywood touch, the center stretcher.
they bond pretty quickly, so you Once the glue has cured, trim the
really only get one shot at it. Go tenons to finished length. I was able
over the laminate with a laminate to trim the leg tenons pretty close to
roller if you have one — or another the top of the desk and flush them
item that will help apply pressure. up with a sander. For the stretcher
I couldn’t find my laminate roller, tenons, I cut them straight and then
so I use a bit of dowel to apply used a sander to blend them into the
pressure around the edges. Then I shapes of the legs.
stacked a few pieces of workbench Finally, it’s time to cut the legs to
offcuts on top before I left for the length on the desk. Find a flat sur-
night, to keep good, flat pressure on face (I was just able to fit the desk
35 the piece. on my table saw). First, figure out
After the adhesive has cured and the ideal height for your desk. Like
bonded, you can trim the laminate a workbench, it’s different for each
to size with a router and a bot- person. Most standing desks fall in
tom-bearing pattern bit. The bear- the range of 40" to 44". If found 42"
ing rides along the plywood edge, to be most comfortable for me (I’m
and the laminate is trimmed to the 5'11"). Measure down the leg from
exact same size. It does leave a very the top of the desk, and make a mark
sharp edge, though, so be careful. on one leg. Use a stack of scrap
Right after I’m done trimming the wood to build a guide block for
laminate, I use a bit of sandpaper to marking around the leg, and mark all
just ease the edges slightly. Finally, four legs for cutting to length.
make sure the whole thing still fits Cutting the legs to length is al-
in the desk top frame. ways tricky. Clamp a desk leg to the
top of your bench, and use a pull
36 Putting it Together saw to make the cuts (I find a pull
This is the fun part. Grab your saw works better for me on these
wedges, a mallet and glue— there kinds of suspended cuts). Maneu-
are no clamps required. Start by vering a big piece in a small shop
dry-assembling all of the pieces is a feat unto itself. After the cut,
(you can leave the laminate desk- add a small chamfer to the bottom
top insert off the side). Make sure edge of the leg (I use a sander for
all of the mortises and tenons align this, too).
and go together easily. Once you’ve
rehearsed, it’s time to make this Finish
permanent. Spend some time sanding the desk.
Start with the four legs. While ev- I worked through the grits up to
erything is still dry-fitted, carefully 180, spending extra time on the
37 lift the desk frame and apply some legs and paying close attention to
glue to the tenons. I did this two the joints. Then I applied a couple
tenons at a time. Then, with the coats of Briwax hard wax oil. It’s
35 I marked the legs for their final
height, using some scraps and a
tenons firmly seated in the mortis- become my go-to finish for furni-
pencil to mark a line around the leg. es, add a bit of glue to the end of a ture — decent protection from dirt
wedge, and hammer the wedge into and stains, but not super noxious
36 Then, I clamped the leg to my the top of the tenon. You’ll hear a and easy to touch-up to boot. Plus,
workbench and cut it to length.
change in the tone of the hammer- it’s a wipe-on, wait, wipe-off finish
37 The most rewarding part, as ing once it’s fully seated. Do this to (very easy to apply). Finally, move
always, is applying finish. The end the other the leg to frame tenons. the desk into your office and get to
grain of the tenon contrasts with the Then move onto the stretchers. work! PW
face grain of the frame. I didn’t glue the tenons for the
stretchers — just used glue on the Andrew Zoellner is the editor in chief of
wedges and hammered them home. Popular Woodworking. He’s standing
I did the side stretchers first, then as he’s typing this.
Hand Tools
Unicorn Method
Yellow buffing compound, 6 oz.
Lee Valley
Green honing compound, 6oz.
Swpeet 2 ct., 6" Polishing Buffing Wheels Kit
2 3
wheels aren’t stiff enough and felt
2-3 A freshly sharpened edge can quickly become unusable if it becomes wheels are too hard. The ideal wheel
deformed (left) or chipped (right) by chopping or cross-grain paring, particularly
for optimum stiffness is at least 1/2"
in hard or abrasive woods.
thick and stitched to within 1/2" to
3/4" of the circumference.
most chisels and plane irons, the cutting angle at the tip, it reinforces The buffing/honing compounds
primary bevel is typically around the edge; so you can begin with a we used included several commonly
25° to 30°, occasionally with a more acute primary bevel—as low available white, green or yellow vari-
secondary bevel that adds a few as 20°—even on chisels made of eties, although any alumina buffing
degrees at the edge. mediocre steel. This sharper primary compound under 5 microns should
Excessive preliminary honing isn’t bevel enables noticeably better chisel work well (see above).
necessary if you plan to Unicorn penetration when chopping and The basic Unicorn buffing tech-
the edge; we’ve found that a 1000 paring, while the convex bevel at the nique is to present the tip of the tool
grit stone is adequate to produce tip helps resist edge damage. to the buffing wheel at roughly a 45°
excellent results. Finer grits yield Resharpening a Unicorned edge is angle. As the tool edge is pushed
only fractionally better results. And, also fast and easy. Because the con- into the wheel for several seconds,
since the convex profile increases the vex bevel is only a few thousandths the wheel deforms around the edge.
of an inch long, it takes very little
time to hone it flat again and re-
buff to create the Unicorned edge.
Re-honing assures that the convex
bevel doesn’t grow over time.
Unicorn Method
of soft maple with a chisel and mallet, to Traditional Edge. Sharpened to 12,000-grit. Traditional Edge. Sharpened to 12,000-grit.
simulate chopping dovetail waste.
Unicorn Edge. Virtually no edge damage Unicorn Edge. Virtually no edge damage
Build Your Skills
2 Circle Template
Setting a compass to draw
small arcs or circles can
be a royal pain, so I cheat
and use a plastic template instead.
You can generally find one at an office supply store. 5 Make Crisper Gauge Lines
I love a wheel-type marking gauge for laying out
tenons and dovetails. Its round cutting wheel must
3 Shop-made Straightedge be super-sharp to make fine lines across the grain.
Sharpening this tiny object looks nearly impossible,
Every shop should have a long wooden but it’s really quite easy.
straightedge. It’s got a hundred and one uses, First, unscrew the cutter from the gauge. Place a piece
but I primarily use mine for checking jointed of 320-grit or finer sandpaper on a flat surface, such as
and sawn edges, and for guiding my router. 1/4" thick glass. Place the cutter on the sandpaper, flat
This 4' one is pretty fancy, I admit, but there side down, and push it around in circles. This is hard
are good reasons for going to the extra trou- to do with your finger, but it’s a cinch when you use
ble. Most of it is pine, so it’s lightweight. It’s the eraser end of a pencil. Don’t mess with the cutter’s
laminated from bevel side. Install the cutter in the gauge and make a line
strips, so it will across the grain. It should be as crisp as one made by a
stay straight for razor-sharp knife or chisel.
years. I added a
hardwood strip
to the bottom
to prevent
dings. The holes
are hanging this
beautiful tool to
my wall.
Tips for Marking & Measuring
Anika Gandhi
DIY Furniture for Her Kids
Interview by Collin Knoff
How did you get started What kind of work do you will also give you an idea about the
woodworking? Who were do the most? sequence to build it in. It will save a
your mentors? Most of my work is centered around lot of time, material, and headaches.
I got started with woodworking making woodworking approachable
about 8 years ago when I was to everyone – especially beginners. I Any shout-outs?
looking for fun toddler furniture for focus on simple techniques and basic Recommend anyone to
my 18-month-old. The online trail tools and try to keep my projects follow? Who inspires you?
quickly led me down the rabbit hole easy to build while at the same time Lately, I have been inspired by
of discovering that with a few tools, making sure there is an element of Rachel Metz (@rachel_metz). She
I could probably make them myself. unexpectedness to it. has an amazing vision for all her
Prior to that I had zero exposure to projects and I love how she brings
woodworking/DIY and had barely What’s your best hands- them to life. Another one of my
even touched a power drill. Once I on tip or woodworking favorites is The Awesome Orange
built the first piece, I was hooked. technique? (@theawesomeorange). Sadie always
I am self-taught–learning from I would say it is to sketch out the adds an absolutely amazing person-
the generous online bloggers and project properly before you get start- ality to every project! PW
YouTubers–many of whom are now ed. Paper and pen work to sketch it
friends too, by asking questions, and out but software like Sketchup is easy See more of Anika Gandhi’s work
in general, researching and soaking to learn and use. You can have all the at www.anikasdiylife.com, YouTube
up all the details and information. If cuts and joints mapped out, filter out channel Anika's DIY Life, or on
I had to pick a mentor, I'd consider all the joints that aren’t possible. It Instagram @anikasdiylife.
it to be Ana White because it was
her projects and plans that helped
me learn during the early years.
“Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
What do you think is your Start small and learn new skills with every project.
It's all about learning from mistakes and evolving.
best or favorite work?
My recent favorite is the A-frame
desk I built for my daughter. It was Ask questions.
a simple design with clean lines There are many generous woodworkers in the online
but is quite an eye-catcher. I have community who are willing to help you learn and figure it out.
to give a shoutout to my angled leg
coffee table as well. It was a nice Ultimately it is all about patience,
challenge figuring out all those practice, and persistence.”
bevels and angles but the end result - Anika Gandhi
is totally worth it!
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WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY of plans, projects, advice, back issues and all things wood-
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Baboucarr Faal
Charity Builds for The Gambia
Interview by Collin Knoff
How did you get started ing for TFG by donating proceeds of
woodworking? my builds! Charity Builds was born!
As someone who studied engineer-
ing, my 9-5 isn’t remotely close to Who were your mentors?
working with my hands or creating. I don’t really have mentors, but I
Woodworking has given me that had Ana White plans to give me the
outlet to pursue my desire to create. confidence and understanding that
I truly enjoy designing and planning much of woodworking is strategically What kind of work do you
projects, especially things I have taking big pieces and cutting them do the most?
never attempted. Maybe it’s the thrill into little pieces and then putting As far as my best work, it’s a tossup
of the unknown or the satisfaction of them back together. I know I’m over- between a Mid Century Desk and
figuring it out. simplifying it but, it just clicked. Oh a Hallway Bench I just completed.
So, when my daughter was born and YouTube! A lot of credit goes to With every day I spend in my shop,
she needed a dresser so I decided the woodworking community online! woodworking is becoming a true
I was going to build one. I looked passion of mine, and every passing
around the internet to see if it is What do you think is your year my skills are growing and my
something I could tackle on my own. best or favorite work? ambitions are bigger. I find myself
By that time I had already accumu- The most meaningful piece to date is drawn to building modern furniture.
lated a few tools from remodeling my the dresser I made for my daughter,
house so I found the confidence to for obvious reasons. The kids are us- What’s your best hands-
build using a plan from Ana-White. ing it to this day. I recently swapped on tip or woodworking
com. During that time period, I also out the old runners and it’s still technique?
founded an organization called kicking. Another piece that I made Be inspired because the details
Together for Gambia (TFG) with that stands out is an epoxy and birds matter! More of a design/aesthetics
a mission of tackling poverty in eye maple coffee table I donated to a tip than a technique is to be a
my birth country of Gambia. So I charity event honoring the minister “sponge.” When it comes to design
thought, what better way to marry of justice of The Gambia for his awe- and building, I’ve come to realize
the two passions of mine than to use some work regarding the genocide that there are a myriad of ways to
woodworking as a means of fundrais- against the Rohingya in Myanmar. achieve comparable results. There
Baboucarr Faal
are also many styles that are great we highlight the amazing strides into philanthropy. Every owner of a
in their own right. What I’ve found being made, so shout out to the Charity Builds piece will know that
successful so far is being able to see woodworking community. their commissioned build contrib-
different styles and implementation As for inspiration, I have to go with uted to creating a livelihood project
methods, and adapting a design or Scott Harrison, founder of Charity for someone they will never meet
build to take a little here and a little Water. His journey of parlaying his thousands of miles away. PW
there to get to a final product. You skills as a former club promoter to
end up going in circles a bit but the one of the leading voices in water See more of Baboucarr’s work at
end product will be well-composed. and sanitation around the globe is charitybuilds.com or on Instagram
epic. Club promoter and philanthro- @charitybuilds.
Any shout-outs? py appear to be at opposite ends of
Recommend anyone to the spectrum but he realized that
follow? Who inspires you? there is a skill of galvanizing, a skill
Wow, I think it would be wrong to of marketing, and a skill of design
name names in the woodworking that crosses over to a world where GAMBIA
community because the community you rely on coaxing the support and
This non-profit organization is focused
has been really great to me. I will goodness of people. (Learn more on improving the well being and giv-
shout out the small but growing about Charity Water by visiting ing back to the people of The Gambia.
number of people of color in the charitywater.org.) Today, nearly half of the population in
woodworking space. With the This is the reason why I wanted to The Gambia are living below the poverty
current environment, it’s important use my furniture to share my journey line and many more struggle to have
a good meal a day. We are devoted to
fighting poverty particularly food poverty
because hunger demoralizes the vibrant
“Dare to be different and just do it! spirits of the people of The Gambia. Every
While you're at it, you will make mistakes because of lack of human being deserves the dignity of a
knowledge, tools, and for no reason other than the fact that we are hu- decent meal each day. Our goal is to
man and even the pros screw up. What you learn during those mistakes serve as a bridge to give the fortunate
(if you don't know, ask) will hone your skills. an opportunity to lend a hand to those
who are less fortunate.
Find your niche and For more about TOG, visit togetherfor-
build things you like to build gambia.com, on their Facebook page
Together for Gambia, or on Instagram
You will get to a point where trendy builds don't excite you or
the crowd, so following the crowd is not the way to go to keep
that passion burning. - Baboucarr Faal
Wipe-On/Rub-Off Finishing
This two-step process guarantees flawless results.
By Kevin Southwick
for your wipe-on/rub-off finish can terial is more effective at sealing drying time of the two oils and is
be confusing. Tung oil and linseed the wood, but may be harder to more durable due to the addition
oil are natural vegetable oils that apply and remove. For example, of the polyurethane. You can thin
have been in use for ages. Paste wax brushing varnish straight from the blend to make it easier to smear
is another classic wipe-on/rub-off the can is hard to rub off because around and remove. Use a gloss
finish. Then there are products like it's thick and goopy. Rubbing off poly varnish to slightly increase
gel varnish, “Danish oil” and wiping is much easier if the varnish is the sheen. Master furniture maker
Join the
Furniture Society
Become a member of the Furniture Society community and join us in
supporting art, excellence and creativity in the field of furniture making.
Sam Maloof used this type of finish wipe-on/rub-off coats are usually
2 extensively. He even developed his enough to create a nice finish;
own branded version (available more coats will slightly increase
at www.rockler.com). To make a the sheen. Allow each coat to dry
“Danish oil” type material, simply before applying another coat.
thin any oil-based brushing varnish • The best way to determine if you
50% or more with mineral spirits or have removed all of the finish that
paint thinner. hasn't been absorbed by the wood
is to continue rubbing with clean
Tips for applying rags until they remain completely
• When you prep the bare wood dry, showing no signs of excess
3 for a wipe-on/rub-off finish, sand finish. Good rags for this process
to a higher grit than you would for are soft and absorbent; knit cotton
a film building finish (220-400 grit and Scott shop towels are good
vs. 150 grit). The quality of the choices. Note: The finish-soaked
sheen of a wipe-on/rub-off finish rags are likely to spontaneously
is determined by the smoothness combust, so dispose them immedi-
or texture of the wood surface ately and properly.
itself. The 150 grit scratches that • Only two problems commonly
would be filled by the layers of a occur with wipe-on/rub-off finishes
film-building finish will leave the and they are both easily avoided.
wipe-on/rub-off surface looking The first occurs when wet finish
4 dull and lifeless. that isn't absorbed by the wood
• If you choose a finishing material is left on the surface to create
that has enough working time you streaks, rag marks, and sticky or
1 Make your own high-quality can create a surface that looks shiny spots. The second occurs
wipe-on/rub-off finish by blending spectacular and feels super- as slower-drying oils or excess
100% pure tung oil, boiled linseed smooth by rubbing in the first solvents bleed back out of the
oil and polyurethane varnish. application of finish. Use a soft pores of wood and leave little
2 Finish-sand to a finer grit than block and fine wet/dry sandpaper rings. If they're still wet, these
for a film-building finish. Wipe-on/ (600-1000 grit) to create a slurry rings can be removed by rubbing.
rub-off finish shows scratches that that helps to seal the wood. You But if they are allowed to hard-
a built-up finish hides. can feel the difference imme- ened on the surface, they must be
3 Rub in the wet finish to create a diately by running your finger sanded off. PW
silky-smooth surface. across the still-wet wood. This
4 Keep wiping until your last rag
step needs to be done only once, Kevin Southwick is a wood-finishing
comes up clean. unless you miss a spot. Follow- specialist and furniture restorer/
ing the application, two more conservator in Minneapolis.
End Grain
seemed hell-bent on thwarting mal mood for refining my drill skills. though, even I can’t see what made
me. Sometimes it behaved like a This led to more wood-fixing again me so crazy. It looks great. PW
precocious exotic with inter-locking before returning to my original
grain and other times it was as randy strategy of using a router. Marci Crestani is the co-author
as cheap pine from a big-box store. After the remaining (and inor- with Brian Miller of The Art of
Who knew that my dear old friend dinate) amount of time it takes to Coloring Wood.
walnut could be so bratty? wrap up all the other never-ending