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The article discusses a new wider steel deck introduced by Vulcraft Group and also talks about the structural design experiences of Sherwin Asrow related to One Prudential Plaza.

Vulcraft Group introduced a new 3N deck that is eight inches wider, offering benefits like faster installation and fewer bundles/sheets needed.

Page 4 discusses the February 2020 issue of the publication Modern Steel Construction, including information about subscriptions.

February 2020

Vulcraft 3N Deck

In a
Introducing N deck
that’s eight inches wider.
With an extra eight inches in coverage,
the wider 3N deck from Vulcraft will still
meet all of your design needs.
The extra eight inches gives you:
• Faster installation
• Fewer bundles to lift
• Fewer sheets to spread
• Fewer sidelaps to connect
• Compatible with Hilti, Pneutek,
Simpson and other fasteners
Available versions (FM and UL Listed)
3NL-32 Nestable sidelap
3NI-32 Interlocking sidelap
3PLN-32 PunchLok II system

Learn the advantages of our new wider deck V U LC R A FT GROUP

February 2020

in every issue



features columns
24 Bridging the Gap between
Designer and Builder
conference preview! 16 Designing for Dissipation
A collaborative mindset and an architect-as-
prime delivery approach culminate in a stunning
51 Effective Education
Advice on designing buildings for
university pedestrian bridge that connects not only To develop an effective training seismic energy dissipation using
disparate campus areas but also communities. program for your organization, you fluid viscous dampers and ASCE 7
must be intentional. alternative procedures.

36 Steel Sendoff
field notes
Thanks to an innovative detailing and design BY JOHN EDWARDS 20 Beating the Drum
process, a massive new steel-framed cruise terminal A clear and simple guide to writing
in Miami will let passengers set sail in style. a clear and simple—and effective— Structural engineer (and drummer)
quality procedure. Bill Bast has designed projects
for the base of Chicago’s tallest
42 Revisiting Redundancy: Part Two building twice, including a recent
58 Go Big
major renovation.

This second article in the three-part Revisiting Considering going after a major business issues
Redundancy series discusses exploiting system-level project? Here’s some advice on
redundancy. whether to take a shot—or not—and 22 Building the Fellowship
how to let the owner know that
The Actions of Leadership, Part
46 Solar Steel
you’re the right company for the job. Two: Putting together the right
team for your organization’s quest.
An AISC member fabricator has rolled out rooftop solar
arrays on several facilities—and is seeing sunny returns.

ON THE COVER: The long and winding bridge that leads to a Northeastern University building’s door, p. 24. (Photo: Payette/Robert Benson)
MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION (Volume 60, Number 2) ISSN (print) 0026-8445: ISSN (online) 1945-0737. Published monthly by the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC), 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. Subscriptions: Within the U.S.—single issues $6.00; 1 year, $44. Outside the U.S. (Canada and
Mexico)—single issues $9.00; 1 year $88. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to MODERN
STEEL CONSTRUCTION, 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601.
DISCLAIMER: AISC does not approve, disapprove, or guarantee the validity or accuracy of any data, claim, or opinion appearing under a byline or obtained or quoted
Printed on paper made
from an acknowledged source. Opinions are those of the writers and AISC is not responsible for any statement made or opinions expressed in MODERN STEEL from a minimum of
CONSTRUCTION. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without written permission, except for noncommercial educational purposes where fewer than 25 10% recycled content.
photocopies are being reproduced. The AISC and Modern Steel logos are registered trademarks of AISC.

4 | FEBRUARY 2020
Easy-to-use structural software. Get a free trial in 2 minutes. Promo code: MC20B
editor’s note
Editorial Offices
130 E Randolph St, Ste 2000
Chicago, IL 60601
Editorial Contacts
Scott Melnick
[email protected]
Geoff Weisenberger
[email protected]
Keith A. Grubb, SE, PE
[email protected]
If you had young kids in 1998, you’ll remember how popular the movie PRODUCTION SPECIALIST
Mulan was. Even McDonald’s jumped on the bandwagon and went so far as Erika Salisbury
to introduce a special Szechuan sauce with their chicken nuggets. Almost [email protected]

two decades later, McDonald’s briefly reintroduced the special sauce—not GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGER
Kristin Hall
because of Mulan, but because of a throwaway line in a wildly hilarious 312.670.8313
[email protected]
cartoon series Rick and Morty (a must-see for me and my boys!).
AISC Officers
I love watching ideas go viral. For exam- While it’s always interesting to hear about Jack Klimp, Cianbro Fabrication
ple, after each NASCC: The Steel Confer- new systems, what really excited me about & Coating Corporation
ence, we survey attendees to get feedback Simpson Strong-Tie’s presentation was that VICE CHAIR
Stephen Knitter
on sessions and speakers. But for the keynote they directly referenced AISC’s Need for
Geiger & Peters, Inc.
speaker, the way I really judge success is to Speed initiative. When they first started talk- SECRETARY/LEGAL COUNSEL
count the number of times I hear parts of the ing about this new system last year, they Edward Seglias, Cohen Seglias
presentation referenced by other speakers emphasized its potential for fabrication and Pallas Greenhall & Furman, PC
and by attendees in random conversations. In erection cost savings. But they’ve now piv- PRESIDENT
other words, I count the buzz. oted to talking about how it not only saves Charles J. Carter, SE, PE, PhD
By that standard, AISC’s initiative to money, but it also saves time. Scott Melnick
develop ways to reduce the time it takes to Of course, Simpson Strong-Tie isn’t the VICE PRESIDENT
design, fabricate, and build steel buildings only company we’ve seen talking about Lawrence F. Kruth, PE
and bridges is quickly becoming a success. speed lately. From engineering software VICE PRESIDENT
We recently hosted the fine folks at Simp- to welding machines, we’re starting to see Tabitha S. Stine, SE, PE
son Strong-Tie at our office. While they’re best people pivot towards how we can continue VICE PRESIDENT
Mark W. Trimble, PE
known for their steel connections for wood increasing steel’s competitiveness by reduc-
products, they’re also heavily invested in steel ing the time of design and construction. Editorial Advisory Panel
Caroline R. Bennett, PE, PhD
construction and have recently introduced And I fully expect speed to be the domi- University of Kansas
a Yield-Link Connection for Steel Construc- nant theme in the exhibit hall at this year’s Amanda Dean, PE
tion. This fully bolted connection is similar to Steel Conference (April 22–24 in Atlanta; Walter P Moore
RBS designs and most notably allows moment visit aisc.org/nascc for more information). Bryan Frazier,
Zalk Josephs Fabricators, LLC
frames to be designed without bracing. It has And if you have any great ideas about Keith R. Griesing, PE
also recently been accepted into AISC 358-16. speed, I’d love to hear them! Hardesty and Hanover
The impressive aspect of the system is if it is Stephen Knitter
damaged in a seismic event, it can be readily Geiger & Peters, Inc.
and easily replaced. Advertising Sales
M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.
Scott Melnick 2 W Taunton Avenue
Editor Berlin, NJ 08009
[email protected]
Address Changes and
Subscription Concerns
[email protected]
Erika Salisbury
[email protected]
6 | FEBRUARY 2020
The detailing software that works as hard as you do.

The average steel detailer using SDS/2 will detail approximately 40 tons
of steel per week. That’s why we’re committed to delivering industrial
strength software built with the quality and durability the job demands.
SDS/2 Customer Kirk Vondra, President of Midwest Steel Works in Lincoln, Nebraska

Student Steel
Bridge Competition

Steve Buhman, New Leaf Studios

The Student Steel Bridge Competition (SSBC) has been one of AISC’s most educational
and impactful programs for college students for more than 30 years. This is your chance to
get involved and support the next generation of design and construction professionals!
We are seeking volunteers nationwide to help out with one of the
18 Regional Events or the National Finals.

For more information or to sign up as a volunteer, visit


Steve Buhman, New Leaf Studios

Smarter. Stronger. Steel.

American Institute of Steel Construction
312.670.2400 | www.aisc.org
If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?” about something
related to structural steel design or construction, steel
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you! interchange
Send your questions or comments to [email protected].

All referenced AISC publications, unless noted otherwise, refer to the stiffness means most of the load will initially go to the side walls.
current version and are available at aisc.org/publications. Modern Assuming sufficient ductility, anything the side wall connections
Steel Construction articles can be found in the Archives section at cannot take will be transferred through the connection to the HSS
www.modernsteel.com, and AISC Design Guides are available at face (as long as the overall column member strength is sufficient
aisc.org/dg. to transfer the load). However, the typical approach to designing
this type of connection would be to transfer all of the load directly
Moment Connection Load Paths into into the side walls through the flange plates. As indicated by Duane
Miller in “Welding Wisdom: Part One” in the August 2015 issue,
HSS Columns “A good welded connection has a clear and direct load path.”
I am designing a wide-flange-beam-to-HSS-column moment
Larry Muir, PE
connection using cut-out flange plates similar to the detail
shown in Figure 12-17 of the 15th Edition AISC Steel
Construction Manual. The HSS face wall (transverse to the Pretension and End-Plate
flange force) has an available strength equal to 50% of the Moment Connections
required strength due to the flange force. Is it possible to ASTM F3125 Grade A325 bolts in end-plate moment
transfer 50% of the flange force through the HSS face and the connections are subject to tension loads due to the moment.
remaining 50% through the flange plate directly into the HSS Must these bolts be pretensioned?
side walls? Or should the entire flange force be transferred
through the flange plate into the HSS side walls only? No, but there are some caveats. Section J3.1(a) of the AISC Speci-
fication for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360) states: “Bolts
are permitted to be installed to the snug-tight condition when used
in: (2) Tension or combined shear and tension applications, for
Group A bolts only, where loosening or fatigue due to vibration
or load fluctuations are not design considerations.” Therefore, the
Specification permits snug-tightened Grade A325 bolts (which are
listed in the Specification as Group A bolts) to be loaded in tension.
Note that a Grade A490 bolt (Group B bolt) loaded in tension
would need to be pretensioned as required by the Specification.
Note that Section J3.1 only specifically addresses bolts loaded
in tension. You were asking about a specific application, Grade
A325 bolts in an end-plate moment connection. The section on
extended end-plate fully restrained moment connections in the
15th Edition AISC Steel Construction Manual states: “The pro-
cedures in AISC Design Guide 4 [Extended End-Plate Moment
Connections Seismic and Wind Applications] are for pretensioned
bolts and “thick plates” and result in connections with the small-
est possible bolt diameter. For these connections, prying forces
are zero. The procedures in AISC Design Guide 16 [Flush and
Extended Multiple-Row Moment End-Plate Connections] allow for
both “thick plate” and “thin plate” designs. A thin plate design
results in the smallest possible end-plate thickness and the maxi-
mum bolt prying force. These connections can be designed using
It generally is not possible to justify the sort of ductility that either pretensioned or snug-tight bolts, if Group A bolts are used.
would be required to support the use of the 50/50 model you Group B bolts must be pretensioned.”
describe. Using the following procedure is the best way to pro- AISC’s Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel
ceed when designing a cut-out plate moment connection to an Moment Frames for Seismic Applications (AISC 358-16) addresses
HSS column. prequalified end-plate moment connections in Chapter 6 and
The stiffness of the side walls relative to the load you describe requires bolts to be pretensioned.
will be considerably larger than the stiffness of the HSS face. This Jonathan Tavarez, PE

Modern Steel Construction | 9

steel interchange

Calculating Column Shear

In the 3rd Edition AISC Seismic Design Manual, Example E4.3.6 (Page 4-112),
Vc = Σ(M*pb)/(hb + ht). I have a hard time visualizing the meaning of Vc, but
after reading different sources, it seems to make sense if, in the denominator, I
replace what is shown in the Seismic Design Manual with (hb /2 + ht /2). In other
words, it seems to me that Vc should be half the value shown in the example. Is
this correct?

You are correct that the values used in the equation (84 in. and 75 in.) are half the
story height. As such, the symbols used (hb + ht) could be misleading, and showing the
division by two (hb /2 + ht /2) would be clearer. As you see on page 4-111 of the Seismic
Manual, ht and hb are calculated based on an assumed point of inflection at one half
of the story height already. Reducing this vertical dimension further would shift the
assumed point of inflection closer to the beam to column connection (away from the
column mid-height location) and would increase Vc , thus reducing the required panel-
zone strength Ru. Increasing the vertical dimension would have the opposite effect,
decreasing Vc and increasing Ru.
For a multistory building, it is typical to perform these calculations using the as-
sumption that the column inflection point is at mid-height of the column (if there is no
Carlo Lini ([email protected]) is AISC’s
director of technical assistance, and
hinge built into the system). The greater the vertical distance between assumed inflec-
Jonathan Tavarez ([email protected]) tion points, the lower the value of Vc, and the greater the net demand on the column
is a staff engineer with AISC’s Steel (that is, the larger the column needs to be). The engineer can apply some judgment,
Solutions Center. Larry Muir is a but it is strongly recommended to not use less than one-half of the story height. The
consultant to AISC. Rafael Sabelli use of the full-story height will be “conservative” in that it will overestimate demands
is a principal and director of seismic on the column.
design with Walter P Moore. Rafael Sabelli, SE

Normal-Looking Connections
The current framing plan on a project shows a W27 beam that frames into one
side of a W18 truss chord. The maximum shear load can be accommodated,
but the connection itself just doesn’t look right. Should I consider upsizing the
truss chord member?

While connecting a W27 beam to a W18 chord member is not ideal, it also does not
strike me as unreasonable either, assuming you can design a connection that is suf-
ficient to transfer the required strength. Part 10 of the 15th Edition AISC Steel Con-
struction Manual provides the following guidance:
“It is recommended that the minimum length of simple shear framed connections
be one-half the T-dimension of the beam to be supported. This provides for beam
end stability during erection. When a beam is otherwise restrained against rotation
about its longitudinal axis, such as is the case for a composite beam, the torsional end
Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful
and practical professional ideas and information restraint is not critical.”
on all phases of steel building and bridge The T/2 recommendation, while not a requirement, would likely serve as a good
construction. Contact Steel Interchange with
questions or responses via AISC’s Steel Solutions starting point when determining if modifications to the member sizes or connection
Center: 866.ASK.AISC | [email protected] details are needed.
The complete collection of Steel Interchange I will also point out that the manual tables can be used to help identify unusual
questions and answers is available online at
www.modernsteel.com. conditions that warrant further consideration. For example, Table 10-1 on page 10-16
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange in Part 10 of the Manual indicates that a five-row connection would be applicable for
do not necessarily represent an official position W18 shapes up to W30 shapes. This means that a five-bolt-row connection will fit
of the American Institute of Steel Construction
and have not been reviewed. It is recognized
within a W18 shape while also satisfying the recommended T/2 criteria for up to and
that the design of structures is within the including W30s.
scope and expertise of a competent licensed
structural engineer, architect or other licensed
Carlo Lini, PE
professional for the application of principles to
a particular structure.

10 | FEBRUARY 2020
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This month’s Steel Quiz is comprised of reader submissions in response to our
steel Halloween-themed online quiz (see the October 28 Steel in the News item at
quiz modernsteel.com/news). Thank you to all who sent in questions!

1 True or False: Shear studs on collector beams can be 4 If you wanted to minimize the magnetization of stainless
used for composite flexural action in conjunction with steel, which of the following would be helpful?
lateral loading without considering the interaction of the a. Minimizing welding
two loads. b. Using ferrite-free welding rod
c. Using Type 304N or Type 316N instead of regular
2 What is the term for a section that is capable of
Type 304 or Type 316 steel
developing a fully plastic stress distribution and
d. Subsequent annealing
possessing a rotational capacity of approximately three
before the onset of local buckling? 5 What GMAW welding process is not prequalified per
a. Stiffened element AWS D1.1?
b. Compact section
6 What is the recommended minimum weld shelf for a
c. Slender section 3∕16-in. fillet weld?
d. Unstiffened element
7 What are the five types of NDT (nondestructive testing)
3 True or False: All exposed structural steel members that
for welds?
are in close proximity (with a viewing distance of under
20 ft.) must be categorized as architecturally exposed 8 What are the two main groups of limit states?
structural steel (AESS).





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12 | FEBRUARY 2020
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steel quiz ANSWERS

1 True. The Commentary for Sec- be categorized as AESS Category 5 GMAW short-circuit transfer is one
tion I7 of the AISC Specification for 1, 2, 3, 4, or C. (For more on AESS, mode of transfer welding, but it
Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 360, including requirements for each cat- is not permitted by AWS D1.1 for
aisc.org/specifications) explains egory, see “Maximum Exposure” use with a prequalified WPS unless
that it is not required to superim- in the November 2017 issue, avail- the WPS is qualified by test and
pose the horizontal shear due to able at www.modernsteel.com.) the welder is qualified to use this
lateral forces with the horizontal A member designated as AESS mode. AISC Design Guide 21:
shear due to flexure for the determi- placed at a viewing distance of less Welded Connections—A Primer for
nation of steel anchor requirements. than 20 ft would be classified as Engineers (aisc.org/dg) cautions,
Figure C-I7.1 demonstrates that lat- AESS Category 3. Submitted by in Section 2.1.3: “One mode is
eral loads decrease the net shear in Bryan Gilliland, Sure Steel, Inc. short-circuit transfer, a low-energy
steel anchors within certain zones mode of transfer that may lead
4 d. Susequent annealing. AISC to the weld defect of incomplete
of the beam. Submitted by Sririam
Design Guide 27: Structural Stain-
Sankaranarayanan. fusion. This is a serious defect that
less Steel (aisc.org/dg) states, in
behaves much like a crack. Because
2 b. Compact section. This defini- Section 2.4: “Heavy cold working,
the same electrode, equipment,
tion is provided in the Specification particularly of the lean alloyed
shielding gas and other factors can
glossary. Limiting width-to-thickness austenitic steels, can also increase
be used for both short-circuit trans-
ratios for compact/non-compact sec- magnetic permeability; subse-
fer and other modes of transfer,
tions can be found in Table B4.1b. quent annealing would restore
it is important to understand the
Submitted by Jeremy Rollins, CLC the non-magnetic properties. For
conditions under which short-circuit
Engineering. nonmagnetic applications, it is rec-
transfer may occur.” Submitted by
ommended that further advice be
3 False. Only members that are spe- obtained from a steel producer.” Noelle Kent, Mcohen and Songs.
cifically designated as AISC AESS Submitted by Richard de Campo, 6 7∕16 in. AISC Design Guide 21 recom-
in the contract documents need to Poss Architecture + Planning. mends, in Section 4.2.8, that a shelf
dimension minimum of ¼ in. larger
than the fillet weld leg size be used
to prevent undesirable melting of
the edge. Submitted by Noelle Kent.
7 The five types of NDT are: visual
testing, penetrant testing, mag-
netic-particle testing, ultrasonic
testing, and radiographic testing.
More information on these testing
types can be found in Chapter 10 of
AISC Design Guide 21. Submitted
by Noelle Kent.
8 Ultimate and serviceability limit
states. Note that Section B3 of the
Specification states: “Design shall
be such that no applicable strength
or serviceability limit state shall be
exceeded when the structure is sub-
jected to all applicable load com-
binations.” Submitted by Morgan
Miller, Oklahoma Department of

Everyone is welcome to submit questions

and answers for the Steel Quiz. If you are
interested in submitting one question or an
entire quiz, contact AISC’s Steel Solutions
Center at 866.ASK.AISC or [email protected].
14 | FEBRUARY 2020

Student Steel
Bridge Competition
Steve Buhman, New Leaf Studios

As the premier intercollegiate competition for

structural engineering design and construction
Help us Foster the in the country, SSBC offers you an unparalleled
Next Generation of Creative pipeline to the future of the industry.

and Practical Engineers. Introduce your company to local students

by sponsoring a Regional Event in your area.

BECOME A Get in front of the top teams in the country

by sponsoring the National Finals.
SPONSOR. Reach the thousands of participating students
by sponsoring the National Program.

For more information, visit ®

aisc.org/ssbcsponsorships Smarter. Stronger. Steel.

or contact Sadie Brown: American Institute of Steel Construction
312.670.2400 | www.aisc.org
[email protected] | 312.802.4170
DESIGNING Advice on designing buildings for seismic
FOR energy dissipation using fluid viscous dampers
DISSIPATION and ASCE 7 alternative procedures.

EARTHQUAKES DON’T HAPPEN in outer space. But technology to resist

them did.
Originally developed for NASA in the 1960s, fluid viscous dampers have success-
fully transitioned to the structural engineering community for use in protecting build-
ings, bridges, and other structures worldwide.
Also referred to as seismic dampers, fluid viscous dampers are hydraulic devices
that, when stroked, dissipate the energy placed on a structure by seismic events, wind
buffering, or thermal motion. The concept is simple: Viscous dampers convert the
kinetic energy of the structural movement into heat and then dissipate that energy
into the air, thereby obeying the laws of physics through the conservation of energy.
They can increase structural damping levels to as much as 50% of critical, resulting in
a dramatic reduction in stress and deflection.
Designing steel special moment frames with supplemental systems incorporating
fluid viscous dampers can also be simple. Although nonlinear response history analysis
(NLRHA) is the preferred procedure for seismic design and analysis, a more simplistic
procedure is available to structural engineers. All that is required to implement the
procedures is a practical understanding of seismic design principles and response spec-
trum analysis—as well as technologies such as fluid viscous dampers.
The alternate procedures are provided in Chapter 18 of ASCE 7-16 and are accept-
able for use in seismic analysis and design under certain conditions. These procedures
were developed and published in 2001 by the Multidisciplinary Center for Earth-
quake Engineering Research (MCEER) in Technical Report 00-0010 – Development
and Evaluation of Simplified Procedures for Analysis and Design of Buildings with Passive
Energy Dissipation Systems. They were later adopted by ASCE 7-05 and have remained
as an acceptable design procedure.
Of course, it’s best to consider a fundamental concept used in common seismic
design practice before introducing the principles of the alternate procedures. The
seismic response spectrum is critical to the design of seismic force-resisting systems
Aaron Malatesta (aaronmalatesta
@taylordevices.com) is
Western U.S. director of structural
engineering services, and
Bob Schneider (bobschneider
@taylordevices.com) and
Craig Winters (craigwinters
@taylordevices.com) are industrial/
seismic products sales managers,
all with Taylor Devices.

16 | FEBRUARY 2020

for building structures. We use it to esti-

mate the dynamic response of building
structures under seismic excitation. Early
on, it observed and calculated that for
most structures, the structural movement
is greater than the ground motion; this
increase of the structural movement over
that ground motion is commonly referred
to as dynamic amplification. The extent of
dynamic amplification varies depending on
the dynamic properties of the structure and
the characteristics of the initial earthquake
ground motion encountered.
It’s important to note the significant
effect damping has on the magnitude of
seismic response spectra. Figure 1 is an
example ASCE 7 response spectrum with
varying levels of damping and indicates
that a structure’s spectral response acceler-
ation is significantly reduced when higher Fig. 1. Example ASCE 7 response spectrum with varying levels of damping.
levels of damping are considered.
Dynamic amplification occurs because
a mass has kinetic energy. Damping resists
kinetic energy, and an optimal solution
for seismic protection of a structure will
include damping. Most steel structures are
designed with “fuses” that yield during a
seismic event, and their hysteretic behavior
provides damping to the structure. With
steel special moment frames, these “fuses”
occur at each end of the moment frame
beams where special detailing is provided
to allow plastic strains in the gross beam
section without brittle fracture. Fig. 2. Steel special moment frame with supplemental damping system.
There is another way to protect struc-
tures during a seismic event and prevent
extensive damage to the special moment
frame beams. Supplemental damping can
be provided through the application of
velocity-dependent devices that are used
solely for resisting the kinetic energy of
the building caused by seismic excitation.
A typical configuration of the steel spe-
cial moment frame and the damping sys-
tem (DS) is shown in Figure 2. The DS
is defined as the damping devices and all
other components required to connect
damping devices to the other elements
of the structure. These devices remain
damage-free during a maximum credible

Fig. 3. Structural model diagram with mth mode of vibration.

Modern Steel Construction | 17
With an understanding of seismic viscous damping ratio. All that is required The viscous damping ratio of each
response spectra and the application of is an assumed damping configuration mode of vibration, βVm, is defined by the
the damping system, we can move toward and a modal analysis of the steel special following equations (the first is ASCE 7-16
implementing the alternate procedures. moment frame. Each modal shape will Eqn. 18.7-50 and the second is ASCE 7-16
Here, we will address a novel but funda- have a different viscous damping ratio and Eqn. 18.7-51):
mental concept for how to calculate the can be described as shown below.
Σj Wmj
βVm =

Wm =
Σj Fimδim
Wmj = work done by jth damping device
in one complete cycle of dynamic
response corresponding to the mth
mode of vibration of the structure in
the direction of interest at modal dis-
placements, δim.

Wm = maximum strain energy in the

mth mode of vibration of the structure
in the direction of interest at modal dis-
placements, δim.

Fim = mth mode inertial force at level i.

δim = deflection of level i in the mth

mode of vibration at the center of rigid-
ity of the structure in the direction
under consideration.

Using these equations, the damping

coefficient, C, of the damping devices can be
modified to achieve a target damping ratio
based on the desired performance objective.
This simplistic manner in which sup-
plemental damping can be considered for
seismic design and analysis makes work-
ing with velocity-dependent devices sim-
ple. Once the desired viscous damping has
been determined, you can calculate a mod-
ified response spectrum for each mode
shape based on the added viscous damping
in accordance with typical response spec-
trum procedures (take a look at Chapter
18 of ASCE 7 and the MCEER publica-
tion for a more detailed description of the
alternate procedures).
Fluid viscous dampers have been
used to protect thousands of steel struc-
tures around the world and can be an
optimal solution for seismic protection
of building structures. Understanding
18 | FEBRUARY 2020

how to best implement them can go a Want to learn more about fluid viscous damp- ASCE 7 Alternative Procedures” at the 2020
long way in improving the performance ers? Check out the presentation “Design of NASCC: The Steel Conference, taking place
of your next project with increased seis- Building Structures with Fluid Viscous Damp- April 22–24 in Atlanta. For more information
mic requirements. ■ ers for Seismic Energy Dissipation Using and to register, visit aisc.org/nascc.

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Modern Steel Construction | 19

field notes
Structural engineer (and drummer) Bill Bast has
BEATING designed projects for the base of Chicago’s tallest
THE DRUM building twice, including a recent major renovation.

WELCOME TO THE FIRST INSTALLMENT of Modern Steel Construction’s

new monthly Field Notes podcast series, where we interview industry personnel
with interesting stories to tell.
This month’s subject is William “Bill” D. Bast, SE, PE, who heads the Forensics
and Renewal practices at Thornton Tomasetti’s Chicago office. With over 30 years of
structural engineering practice, some of Bill’s projects include relocating the U-505 sub-
marine for the Museum of Science and Industry, the ongoing renovation of Wrigley
Field, exterior façade repairs to Chicago’s Metra headquarters and Water Tower place,
and two renovation projects at Chicago’s tallest building, Willis Tower; the first took
place in the 1980s, when it was known as Sears Tower, as the second is currently finish-
Geoff Weisenberger
ing up. He also plays the drums. Below are some excerpts from our interview.
([email protected]) is senior
editor of Modern Steel Construction.
How did you decide to become a structural engineer?
My dad was a structural engineer for the local power utility, and I enjoyed hearing his
stories about what he did and thought that he had a great work-life balance. And I was
good in math and science, so I leaned toward engineering when I was looking at colleges.
I graduated from Lehigh with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and became a team
manager for Procter and Gamble’s paper products division, making Pampers diapers in
northeastern Pennsylvania. It’s definitely removed [from structural engineering]. They
paid very well and it was very good management training from me, and a lot of what I
learned 40 years ago in that job, I apply today to what I do here at Thornton Tomasetti.

20 | FEBRUARY 2020
field notes
How are the forensics and renewable practices disci-
plines related?
I always think of structural engineering the way I learned
it at Lehigh as a spectrum, with forensics on one end of the
spectrum and design on the other end of the spectrum and
research and education all mixed up, and that one informs the
other. So when you’re designing and something bad happens,
the codes change and you become a better designer, having
seen problems in the field in the forensic way of things. And
the design also informs the forensics—understanding how a
structure should behave or should respond and compare it to
what exactly did happen.

One of your recent projects is a renovation/addition to

Willis Tower. And one of your mentors, John Zils, was a
key designer of the building when it was originally un-
der construction.
Yes, Fazlur Kahn was chief structural engineer at SOM,
and John was a project engineer under him on the Sears
Tower job, which as completed in 1973. One of the early
jobs I worked on in my career at SOM was the Sears Tower
revitalization project, a $25 million job where we put a new
barrel vault entrance on the west side of the building and a
winter garden type of structure inside of that, and John was
also involved with that renovation. That was in 1985 and
now 30-some years later, we’re [Thornton Tomasetti] tear-
ing that entrance off the building as well as the other en-
trances and building a four-story podium out to the curb line
to create a new retail experience at Willis. I’m old enough
now that my original designs are getting torn down!

Can you share anything you’ve learned from John?

One thing I can recall John stressing was the impor-
tance of smaller projects and the fact that not every job
is the Sears Tower. What is it about a project that makes
it exciting? He used to say there’s always something there Bast (left) with one of his mentors, Johns Zils, at the upper reaches of
that is unique or special, and it’s your job to find it. Another Chicago’s Willis Tower. The two worked together on a renovation project
bit of wisdom he shared is that you don’t have to be the in the 1980s, when it was still called the Sears Tower.
expert on the project at the start, but you’d better be the
expert at the end of it.
Besides the church band, do you have any other drumming outlets
I understand that you are a drummer. How did you be- or have you done other gigs?
come a drummer? Actually, a few years ago, we formed a band here at Thornton To-
Actually, I auditioned for [drums] in fifth grade. This was masetti. We named it Lev Zetlin (to sound like Led Zeppelin) as that’s
the school band, and I had to listen to the instructor tap out the name of the founder of our firm [Lev Zetlin and Associates, which
a rhythm and then try to replicate it, and he said, “You have Thornton Tomasetti purchased in 1975]. We’ve played a couple of
an aptitude for drums.” And so I went on to play in concert gigs, and I was actually paid for one. We played in some dive bar in
band and then marching band in junior high and early high Logan Square, and I think I got 12 bucks for the night! ■
school, and then I stopped for about 25 years or so. And then
I got interested again when I was going to a contemporary You can listen to the full podcast at www.modernsteel.com. And if you want
Christian church and they had a full rock band up on the to learn more about the Willis Tower renovation project, check out the session
stage with a drum kit. I’d never played a drum kit, but I de- “A New Base for Willis Tower,” for which Bast is one of the presenters, at the
cided to buy one and teach myself how to play it. And about 2020 NASCC: The Steel Conference, taking place April 22–24 in Atlanta.
six months later, I was asked to play. That was about 12 years For more information and to register, visit aisc.org/nascc.
ago, and I’ve been doing that ever since.

Modern Steel Construction | 21

issues The Actions of Leadership, Part Two:

BUILDING THE Putting together the right team

FELLOWSHIP for your organization’s quest.



Whenever I read that an NFL or NBA head coach won a championship, I just
smile. No NFL or NBA coach could actually play in a game during the season. They
would get run over out there on the field or on the court. The players won the cham-
pionship game.
The head coach influenced the other coaches and the players in order to produce a
performance that won the championship.
I think of Martin Luther King, Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, and Mother Teresa as
three of the all-time great leaders in history. They influenced literally millions of
Since 1998, Dan Coughlin has people to sit-in, stand up, march, boycott, pour soup, and wake up millions of other
equipped business leaders to people to try to solve massive societal problems. Those people who were influenced
consistently deliver excellence by them changed history.
in management, leadership,
and teamwork. Visit his Business Leaders Build the Fellowship of the Quest
Performance Idea Center at When I was 12 years old, I read J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Now 44 years
www.thecoughlincompany.com. later, I just finished rereading The Fellowship of the Ring, the first book in the series.
Even if you haven’t read them (or seen the movies) you may already know that this is
the story of a group of people who worked together on a long and dangerous quest to
destroy an all-powerful and dangerous ring in order to keep it out of the hands of the
enemy. Frodo Baggins by himself could not travel across the country, deal with goblins
and orcs and other such monsters, and destroy the ring. He needed a fellowship.
Mother Teresa needed other people to set up soup kitchens around the world to
feed the poor.
King and Gandhi needed other people to protest in a nonviolent way in order to
change the world.
You need a fellowship in order to fulfill the meaningful purpose and achieve the
important goals of your quest. You will not do it by yourself. Let me repeat that. You
will not do it by yourself.

Nurture Relationships
I’m not saying you should go party with your employees. Let me take that a step
further and encourage you to not party with your employees. Those folks need time
to party together—separate from you. And if you simply have to party with them, at
least leave early. You do not, as their manager, want to be the last person standing—or
even worse, falling over.
What I am encouraging you to do is to nurture relationships. Get to know each of
your employees on an individual basis. And then get to know them on a group basis.
Understand what they are thinking and feeling, and then respond appropriately. Un-
derstand the nuances of the individuals and the nuances that are created by the group.
That is empathy, and empathy is critically important.

22 | FEBRUARY 2020

What’s the secret to nurturing rela-

tionships with the people in your fellow-
ship? Time. Time is the secret. Invest
time with people. Listen to them. Turn
off your cell phone, and really listen to
them. Work to know them and under-
stand them. Talk about what is important
to them. And then talk about the quest,
the purpose of the group, the goals the
Over the Top Call or email us your inquiry!
St. Louis Screw & Bolt
group is trying to achieve, and the jour-
ney it will take to get there. Pallet Wrap [email protected]
The industry’s toughest, most weather
resistant pallet wrapping!
Time is the secret. Protects labels & custom tagging!
Invest time with people.
Listen to them.
Turn off your cell phone,
and really listen to them

Relationships. Focus. Effort. Commu-

nication. Sacrifice.
These are not new concepts. They com-
pose the age-old journey that all leaders
go on. It is not you by yourself. It is you in
fellowship with other committed people to
fulfill a purpose. You don’t achieve anything.
You influence people to work toward the ful-
fillment of that purpose and the realization
of the fellowship’s goals.
Stay tuned for the finale of the Actions
of Leadership series, coming next month. ■

Dan will present multiple sessions at the 2020

NASCC: The Steel Conference, taking place
April 22–24 in Atlanta. To check out the ad-
vance program for the conference, which in-
cludes a schedule and descriptions of all sessions,
visit aisc.org/nascc.

Modern Steel Construction | 23

Bridging the
Gap between
Designer and

A NEW PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE on Northeastern University’s campus crosses a

valley of sorts in Boston.
The Northeastern University Pedestrian Crossing (PedX), which opened this past
June, spans across five Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)/Amtrak rail
lines to connect the main campus with the expanding Interdisciplinary Science and Engi-
neering Complex (ISEC) to the south of the tracks.
Serving more than just the University community, the bridge provides a safe, much-
needed public connection between the Fenway and Roxbury neighborhoods and links the
adjacent MBTA platform, bus station, pedestrian routes, and parking structures. Pedes-
Geoff Weisenberger trians previously had to walk through a parking garage to the east or through an MBTA
([email protected]) is senior station to the west to get across the tracks.
editor of Modern Steel Construction. This ambitious steel-framed pedestrian bridge at a key transportation node for the city
is a symbol of Northeastern’s ongoing mission to strengthen communities by bringing
24 | FEBRUARY 2020
Payette/Tanguy Marquis
A collaborative mindset and an architect-as-prime
delivery approach culminate in a stunning university
pedestrian bridge that connects not only disparate
campus areas but also communities.

The new PedX bridge on Northeastern Weathering steel panels protect the
University’s Boston campus provides safe train tracks and adjacent power lines
passage over multiple rail lines. from pedestrians and vice versa.
Payette/Warren Jagger

them together. The university desired an expressive architectural ture that nicely complements the surrounding infrastructure and
experience—to the point where architect Payette held the prime the new ISEC. Instead of employing the conventional “curl-over”
contract for the project—that not only provides access over the rail guardrail fencing typical on bridges that cross railways, the new
lines but also creates exciting new public spaces. The bridge’s sense bridge’s steel panels—33 on the west side and 106 on the east
of movement and flow is informed by the design language of the side—angle outward and grow in height to attain the necessary
precinct, which is evident in the organic forms and rich curved sur- protection over the catenary wires.
faces of the neighboring ISEC and the forthcoming EXP research At its northern terminus, the bridge lands delicately between
building, which will break ground this year. existing buildings, and its solid parapet flares open and dissolves
The bridge has a dramatic form that uses weathering steel into a perforated pattern that invites pedestrians south across the
plates (5⁄8 in. thick) to protect the train tracks and power lines from main span. Traveling over the rail corridor, the bridge arcs and
pedestrians and vice versa. The specialty steel’s inherent corrosion grows taller, its parapet panels rotating to expose slender glass
resistance avoids the need for rail agency shutdowns for periodic panes with views to the ISEC and Boston skyline. The panels also
repainting, and also imbues a reddish-brown patina to the struc- lean outwards to enhance a sense of openness while adhering to
Modern Steel Construction | 25
Payette/Parke MacDowell Payette/Parke MacDowell

As there was only a two-and-a-half-hour window when the

construction team could disrupt the Amtrak/MBTA tracks, the
erection weekend needed to run seamlessly so that there were
no disruptions to passenger safety. The erection crane was
assembled on-site and was delivered in 39 truckloads.

Payette/Tanguy Marquis

the strict protection requirements established by the rail operators. tor. Across the railway corridor to the south, the bridge opens to
The taller western parapet gently rises to a height of 18 ft towards a sloping, landscaped walkway that descends to Columbus Avenue
the bridge’s south abutment, creating a dramatic entry marker. All and also flairs outward to approach the ISEC and its future sister
of the parapets are fabricated to AISC Architecturally Exposed building to the west.
Structural Steel (AESS) Category 3: Feature Elements in Close
View requirements (for more details on the various AESS cate- Vital Statistics
gories, see “Maximum Exposure” in the November 2017 issue at Parke MacDowell, project architect with Payette, answered
www.modernsteel.com). For the rest of the steel superstructure, some general questions about the bridge.
all steel markings were specified to be on the “hidden face” of the How long and how wide is the bridge?
elements, all erection brackets were removed, and all welds visible MacDowell: The 16-ft-wide bridge runs 320 ft from the
from the inside of the bridge were ground smooth. north campus to the south campus across the rail corridor. Once
In addition, the bridge is ADA accessible and open to the general the bridge lands on the south side of the tracks, it sweeps another
public 24-7. On the north side of the bridge (the main Northeast- 180 ft to the east over a service drive and terminates at the entry
ern campus), the bridge is approached by a set of stairs or an eleva- of the ISEC.
26 | FEBRUARY 2020
Payette/Parke MacDowell

The bridge is a major piece of a local pedestrian network connecting the Fenway and Roxbury neighborhoods and links the adjacent MBTA
platform, bus station, pedestrian routes, and parking structures. To get across the MBTA and Amtrak tracks, pedestrians previously had to walk
through a parking garage to the east or an MBTA station to the west.

How tall are the bridge guards? aesthetic from the ISEC plaza to the north campus. The primary
MacDowell: The bridge parapets vary in height from 4 ft to load of the span is carried by the larger, west box girder, which
18 ft, and the height of each parapet is informed by local codes (the allows the east girder to shrink to the level of the deck so the east
Massachusetts State Building Code as well as MassDOT, Amtrak, and parapets can flare open to reveal views to the Columbus Avenue
MBTA standards) and the required protections between pedestri- campus and the Boston skyline. Despite their visual prominence,
ans and the MBTA and commuter railway infrastructure below. the parapets are not part of the primary structural system. And like
Simply put, the design team unfolded the conventional “curl-over” the parapets, the primary bridge structure and guards are all made
pedestrian bridge guards and canted them outwards. Though of weathering steel. The box-girder superstructure and panels total
inward curved guards are typical, the rail agencies accepted this 270 tons of steel in all.
alternative approach with outward-leaning guards but required an The shallow east girder is a rectangular box, 32 in. deep by 12
increased height. in. wide, with plate thickness ranging from ½ in. to 13⁄8 in. The
west girder, with plate thickness ranging from ½ in. to 1 in., var-
How about the superstructure? ies in depth from 24 in. to 72 in. to roughly follow the bending
MacDowell: The bridge is defined by an asymmetrical steel moment diagram and integrate with bridge aesthetic and rail para-
superstructure below a concrete slab over corrugated steel decking. pet requirements; the geometry is defined such that width of the
The main-span concrete was executed as a single continuous pour, girder increases with varying depth to ensure any double curvature
and the saw-cut pattern in the concrete deck carries the landscape in the plate is negligible.
Modern Steel Construction | 27
What are the differences between the east and west sides of
the bridge?
MacDowell: Both the east parapet and the west parapet cant outwards 10°
from vertical, and the shingled panels of the east parapet feature infill glazing:
1-in.-thick, laminated, low-E glass with a hydrophilic “self-cleaning” coating.
The west parapet includes the primary structural girder and shingled guard
panels above a strip of cove lighting. On the north side of the bridge, the
inside web of the west girder extends beyond the girder box, growing larger
and more perforated as it approaches the north campus stair.

What parts of the bridge were prefabricated?

MacDowell: Working over railway tracks is expensive and challenging
logistically, so erection must be done swiftly and safely. The team’s approach was
to fabricate as much as possible in the shop, assemble the remaining elements in
the lay-down yard adjacent to the site, and then drop the primary spans in place
overnight. Structural assemblies were fabricated at King Fabrication’s shop in
Houston and shipped to Boston for on-site assembly and installation.
For more on the installation process, including a time-lapse video, visit the Project
Extras section at www.modernsteel.com.

Team Effort
Other members of the bridge’s project team weighed in as well.

above: Constructing a physical model helped the team

visualize the intricate project as it weaves between
buildings and over train tracks.
MacDowell Pramberger Potapova

Tuzzolo Susi Rossitto

What were the greatest challenges for this project, and how were they
Andrew Pramberger, Project Manager, Skanska: The project had a
very aggressive timetable that required the main span bridge steel fabrication
to begin before the shop drawings for the bridge parapets, north stair, and
ISEC deck/parapets were complete. As such, we were never able to preassem-
ble the full bridge in the shop. The project team relied heavily on the concept
of incrementalism. We identified the key fit-up points and built templates and
jigs to replicate components no longer in the shop. We also relied heavily on
King Fabrication’s 3D model to coordinate between the packages. By break-
ing the job up as we did, we were able to allow King more time to prepare
high-quality shop drawings of the later packages, rather than trying to get all
shop drawings completed at once. We also incorporated lessons learned from
earlier packages into later shop drawings so the same issues did not continue
to surface during the review process.
28 | FEBRUARY 2020
1 1/2"=1'-0"

Payette/Parke MacDowell

2 1/2"=1'-0"

below: From above, the visual effect of the bridge is a above: A cross-section drawing of the
canyon traversing another canyon. main span at a pier location.
Architect Landscape Architect Civil Engineer Tel/Data Consultant Notes: 01 05/17/2017 ADDENDUM 002

Payette/Evan Patten
Payette Associates Inc. Stephen Stimson Assoc. Vanasse Hangen P3I Inc. 1. FOR GENERAL NOTES AND KEY PLAN REFER TO DRAWING S0.01 AND S0.02. 03 10/03/2018 BULLETIN 31
290 Congress Street, Fifth Floor 288 Norfolk St. Brustlin Inc. 77 Main Street 2. REFER TO S6.10 FOR DRAINAGE DETAILS.
Boston, MA 02210-1005 Cambridge, MA 02139 99 High Street, 10th Floor Hopkinton, MA 01748
Tel: 617-895-1000 Tel: 617-876-8960 Boston, MA 02210 Tel: 508-435-7882 3. TYPICAL SECTIONS SHOWN ORTHOGONAL TO THE VERTICAL PROFILE LINE.
Fax: 617-895-1002 Tel: 617-728-7777 4. TYPICAL FOR STATIONS 0+90.00 TO 3+21.25. THIS DIMENSION IS CALCULATED. REFER TO

Engineer Elevator Consultant

Arup USA, Inc. Van Duesen & Assoc.
60 State Street 470 Atlantic Ave.
Boston, MA 02109 4th Floor
Tel: 617-864-2987 Boston, MA 02210
Tel: 617-273-8460

Modern Steel Construction | 29

The bridge parapet installation was also a unique aspect. Each ance, erect the bridge in a single weekend closure, and provide
parapet was set at a unique angle to the bridge, so erector Atlantic views toward the ISEC building, all while maintaining strict
Bridge’s crews had to be diligent during erection. It was critical for railroad parapet requirements, resulted in a stunning asymmet-
the parapets to retain their individual geometry while blending to rical through-box girder solution. The east girder is maintained
achieve the design team’s intended collective gesture as pedestrians shallow to open the views while the west deepens gradually with
walked across the bridge. We also made the decision to install all the bending moment diagram over the main span to resist the
main-span bridge parapets in the yard, before the span was erected. bulk of the dead load.
This decision greatly reduced the impact of materials falling onto One of the key architectural goals for the crossing is to pro-
the Amtrak and commuter rail operations below. It also introduced vide a visual gateway to the new ISEC buildings. However, the
a degree of uncertainty as to the final deflection of the bridge span, bridge parapet height and limited perforation requirements over
when the span would be loaded with the concrete deck material. the railroad presented a challenge. The team worked with MBTA
The potential deflection changes at that time might adversely and Amtrak to introduce a resilient structural glass solution that
affect the parapet alignment. We worked to mitigate this phenom- requires no maintenance from the outside. This solution was the
enon through 3D finite element modeling of the main span and first approved use of structural glass over the MBTA tracks.
parapets to understand how the structure would move and what The steel girders are boxes to provide torsional stiffness to the
our risk would be. We also ballasted the bridge with timber mats highly asymmetrical bridge geometry. These are traditionally the
and concrete barriers during preassembly to simulate the final most difficult to fabricate, but careful attention to sequencing plate
deflection condition, to best fit the parapets. assembly and geometry definition helped facilitate fabrication.
Lana Potapova, Bridge Engineer, Arup: The 120-ft clear- Greg Tuzzolo, Landscape Architect, Stimson: The geomet-
spanning, 500-ft-long bridge emerged from site challenges, ric complexity of the project required a high degree of coordina-
and the team embraced the project complexities. The desire to tion, both during the design process and the construction phase.
lower the bridge’s grade line while maintaining railroad clear- Across the site, the form of the bridge and landscape are constantly

Payette/Robert Benson Payette/Robert Benson

Northeastern University desired an expressive architectural experience—to the point where architect Payette held the prime contract for the
project—that not only provides access over the rail lines but also creates exciting new public spaces.

30 | FEBRUARY 2020
changing. This dynamic character required careful attention
to the relationships between the walking surface, bridge pan- Prime Role
els, landscape features, and the existing campus fabric on both It is unusual for the architect to hold the prime design con-
sides of the bridge. tract for a piece of infrastructure like a bridge, but Northeast-
This challenge pushed the design team towards an ern University sought Payette’s leadership in crafting a cohe-
integrated 3D model to capture all of these elements in a sive vision for this project. Enabled by this contract structure,
comprehensive format. Payette translated that 3D model Payette saw an opportunity to tweak “business as usual” to
into a virtual reality (VR) simulation that allowed the team to improve the design process, streamline construction, and
walk through the bridge as a dynamic experience rather than better meet user needs. Key to this approach was strategi-
simply reviewing perspective drawings from set locations. cally collapsing the gap between designer and builder.
This process gave us tremendous reassurance in the design as Payette, supported by Skanska and the subs, advocated
we moved quickly ahead into construction documents. The the idea that the owner attains best value when there is a clear
integrated model was critical from a technical perspective as and direct relationship between designer and fabricator. This
well, and ultimately served as the basis for the detailed design involves a fair amount of listening, empathy, and constructive
of the concrete walking surface of the bridge. One of the most discourse. Full-scale mock-ups executed not only by King but
challenging issues we faced was the restriction from capturing also by Payette in our in-house shop proved vital for inter-
any storm water over the tracks, pushing us to design a runnel rogating design problems and for communicating solutions.
system that carries water from the right-of-way into a series of We used digital and physical models to help all parties under-
basins at each end of the bridge. The concrete bridge deck had stand tricky project details and have a voice in their resolu-
to be installed in a single mass pour, with no room for error tion. This strategy was an incredibly powerful way to facilitate
or field adjustment, requiring the design of the surface to be decision-making and move the project forward.
precise, while still maintaining construction tolerance to allow —Parke MacDowell

Payette/Chuck Choi Payette/Robert Benson

The steel panels of both the east and west parapets cant outwards 10° from vertical.

Modern Steel Construction | 31

above: The wall panel system

and box-girder superstructure


were achieved with only 270

tons of structural steel.
left: The team held weekly
steel calls to think through
tricky connection details and
fabrication sequences. For
example, this Tekla model view
shows the stiffeners within the
primary girder at a bearing
location (the top flange and
exterior web of the box are
turned-off for clarity). Due
to access and sequencing
challenges, this area was
modified to incorporate a field-
welded access panel so that
King Fabrication could execute
all of the specified welds.
right: Creating a wood mock-up
of a parapet section in Payette’s
shop helped the team visualize
the project before it was

32 | FEBRUARY 2020
for ADA-accessible gradients throughout the warping surface. This challenge
took several detailed iterations with all disciplines and close review by the
contractor during the construction process, using as-built survey information.
Nate Susi, Project Manager, Atlantic Bridge and Engineering: The
layout and installation of the east parapets was challenging. Each parapet
was unique, and they were installed at variable spacing and rotation angles.
Survey worked directly with the detailer to determine proper layout, and our
ironworkers installed the panels and temporarily secured them. Payette then
visually inspected the panels and made minor as-needed adjustments prior to
permanent welding.
The other major challenge was executing the north stair parapet wall to
achieve the aesthetic vision of Payette and Northeastern. This was tremen-
dously difficult from a constructability standpoint. It took a great deal of
coordination and flexibility on the part of the entire project team to deter-
mine the best solution.
Vince Rossitto, King Fabrication: For us, the greatest challenge was
determining a means and methods of production to adhere to all relevant
codes and specifications (AWS D1.5: Bridge Welding Code, fracture-critical
requirements, AESS, MassDOT, etc.) combined with the complicated shapes
and compartments. This leaves a small window to navigate through. At the
end of the day, you still need to cut, form, and weld steel together as you
would in any other project. In this case, you must vet multiple options to find
a plan that you are comfortable will move the production forward with one
hand tied behind your back.

What was the most interesting thing about this project?

Pramberger: To me, the most interesting part of the project was the pre-
assembly and subsequent erection of the main span over the Amtrak North-
east Corridor rail line. We performed an exhaustive search to find the right
crane to lift the 121-ton main span, ultimately settling on the Manitowoc
MLC-650. It was exciting to see one of the largest cranes on the East Coast
(all 39 trailers worth!) assembled on our small project site. I also enjoyed the
coordination with the railroad as we worked through the erection plan. As we
only had a two-and-a-half-hour window when we could foul the tracks, the
Payette/Evan Patten erection weekend needed to run seamlessly so that there were no disruptions
to passenger safety. Amtrak and MBTA were true partners in the process and
Payette/Garrett House went out of their way to support our work—making themselves available to
answer any questions, meeting on site multiple times to review logistics, and
suggesting ways to ensure success during the lift weekend.
Potapova: While bridge geometry is complex, it is also rationalized into
distinct Euclidian components to facilitate detailing, fabrication, and erec-
tion. The through-girder design allowed for the erection of the main span
bridge over a single weekend and also lowered bridge tie-in points, provid-
ing significant savings on the volume of the surrounding landforms. The
fabricated steel girders are uniquely integrated into the overall architectural
statement yet are detailed to facilitate fabrication, transportation into a busy
urban center, and field assembly.
The design team worked collaboratively with a significant number of
stakeholders to support the aggressive design and construction schedule,
provided a design that ensured a smooth permitting process, and kept the
cost of the bridge within the target budget.
The team provided a bridge that not only met the client milestone goals,
but also was designed to be incredibly simple to maintain and operate. The steel
details, concrete mix design over the main span, and design of electrical systems
and glazing allow access and maintenance from the bridge deck, reducing the
need to stall rail operations for maintenance.
Tuzzolo: The pedestrian crossing is the second of three major projects
within the ISEC complex involving our firm. The work benefited from the
extension of relationships on both the physical campus and the project team,
allowing us to capitalize on lessons learned from the ISEC project, and take
note for our future work at EXP. Ultimately, the most rewarding part of the
Modern Steel Construction | 33
job for me was learning from my collaborators and seeing the proj- would get very granular and allowed us to get at the heart of
ect come together as an incredible group effort. problems in order to understand and resolve them. I highly rec-
Susi: The shapes of the girders and the welded splices to achieve ommend this type of regular all-hands meeting to advance the
the bridge’s seamless look were unique, as was the perforated web design and fabrication process.
extension. This is not your average bridge. Skanska also procured the structural steel under a furnish-and-
Rossitto: This one is easy: the perforations and the stair wall. install contract in which King worked directly for Atlantic Bridge.
We have tackled similar castellations, aesthetics and geometries Atlantic’s project manager was involved in the process from the
before, but never simultaneously. start of 3D modeling, so he knew the design rationale for certain
details and he was able to offer constructability comments. By the
Where there any interesting lessons learned that would impact time the steel arrived on-site, Atlantic was fully engaged in the pro-
the way you might do business in the future? Was there anything cess and knew how the structure was supposed to be erected, rather
that went particularly well that you might recommend to others? than first looking at the plans when the steel arrived on-site.
Potapova: To achieve architectural quality, field welding and Rossitto: We were pleased the most with the perforations and
testing was required. Typically, welds are tested with radiogra- the stairs simply because we had one chance to get it right (and
phy, which significantly impacts the occupation of the site and quickly). On projects like this, you’ve got to have the right people
adjacent buildings due to X-ray waves. To avoid closing build- on your team. Specifically, we needed highly skilled Tekla modelers
ings on the active campus during testing, Arup engaged internal to interface between the designers and the shop floor.
steel fabrication experts and approved phased array ultrasonic Tuzzolo: We were fortunate to have a construction job-site
testing (PAUT). This alternative approach allowed Snell Library camera available to us during the project. I highly recommend this
to remain open to students during final exams. Arup has since feature as it allowed us to have up-to-date awareness of job-site
adopted the same technique on other projects. activities, construction progress, sequence, and when we needed
Pramberger: This was a very complex, custom fabrication to be on-site to review items. It saved us time and allowed us and
that had many design intricacies. We established weekly telecon- others on the design team to remain in the loop on progress. In
ference meetings to review the job status and focus on critical addition, I would definitely budget extensive time in construction
design, detailing, and fabrication issues. These weekly meetings administration for the next project with this level complexity.
were attended by the architect, engineer, fabricator, installer, gen- Susi: A bridge with a shape this unique needs to be detailed
eral contractor, third-party inspector, owner’s representative, and and fabricated by a company like King with the in-house ability
owner. By establishing a weekly dialogue, we could address issues to model complex shapes, a state-of-the-art fab shop to facilitate
as they arose rather than waiting for them to snowball into larger those shapes, and the experience to put it all together.
issues. This again was part of our focus on incrementalism. This As the erector, I have worked on jobs where I have no direct
process also allowed for the free flow of information between all lines of communication with the engineers or architects; the col-
parties and a true “team” work ethic. Sometimes the discussion laborative nature of this project was key to its success.

The 16-ft-wide bridge runs 320 ft from the north campus to the south campus across a rail corridor. Once the bridge lands on the south side of
the tracks, it sweeps another 180 ft to the east over a service drive and terminates at the entry of a Northeastern building.

Payette/Tanguy Marquis

34 | FEBRUARY 2020
P re c
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Hollow Structural Sections and Wide
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We also roll stair stringers, helical hand rails,

off-axis bends, formed shapes and extrusions.

Visit cmrp.com for more information.

The shingled panels of the east parapet feature infill glazing: 1-in.-thick, laminated, low-E glass with a hydrophilic “self-cleaning” coating.

Payette/Robert Benson

Expanding Authorship General Contractor

Ultimately, the execution of this project was informed not only Skanska USA Civil Northeast, Boston
by the aspirations and client needs as understood by the architect, Structural Engineer
but also by the constraints and opportunities best known by the Arup, New York and Boston
fabricator and erector. Supported by 3D digital models and CNC
Landscape Architect
fabrication, this workflow proved a fruitful means of expanding
Stimson, Cambridge, Mass.
design authorship while controlling risk and delivering value. ■
Steel Team
Northeastern University, Boston
King Fabrication, Houston
Payette, Boston
Atlantic Bridge & Engineering, Inc., Hampton, N.H.
Modern Steel Construction | 35
Thanks to an innovative detailing and design process, a massive
new steel-framed cruise terminal in Miami will let passengers set sail in style.

All photos courtesy of Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing


LANDLUBBERS WILL SOON be able to embark on high-seas hollow structural sections (HSS) ranging from HSS14×10×½
adventures from a curvaceous new cruise line terminal in Miami. to HSS16×12×½ and wide-flange shapes ranging from W10×26
Currently under construction on Dodge Island between to W36×135. (Haskell also served as the project’s fabricator
downtown Miami and Miami Beach, the 166,000-sq.-ft Nor- and transported the steel from its Jacksonville, Fla., facility to
wegian Cruise Line facility will service cruise ships with capaci- Miami via barge.)
ties as large as 5,000 passengers. A joint venture of the Haskell “This is a very specialized steel project,” says Mike Young,
Company and NV2A, the new cruise terminal’s main building, chairman of Anatomic. “The main building is very long and nar-
adjacent to its current terminal, is composed of three unique row, with massive rolled truss framing at both ends, each con-
domes, known as “pearls,” positioned side-by-side and inspired necting seamlessly with the parabolic curved roof. Heavy mid-
by the shape of a nautilus. The curvaceous building is 128 ft level trusses were incorporated into the design to accommodate
tall at its peak and 800 ft long, comprising a total of 166,500 the high loads generated by the building’s dimensions and its
sq. ft. It’s framed with 7,400 tons of steel, mostly made up of location over the water.”

36 | FEBRUARY 2020
opposite page: The new 166,000-sq.-ft Norwegian Cruise Line
facility will service cruise ships with capacities as large as 5,000 passengers.
this page: The framing system involves 7,400 tons of steel, primarily made up of hollow
structural sections (HSS) ranging from HSS14×10×½ to HSS16×12×½ and wide-flange
shapes ranging from W10×26 to W36×135. Most of the exposed steel is protected with
intumescent paint on top of regular shop primer.

Detailing During Design

Construction began in September 2018 and the building is expected to open this
spring. To meet this accelerated schedule, steel detailer Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing
used the design detailing process—a model-based process it has developed that allows the
engineer, fabricator, and architect to exchange Tekla models continually—to accelerate
the delivery of fabrication and erection drawings by completing the detailing concurrently
with the steel design.
The basis of the system is that the detailer works directly for the structural engineer
and begins detailing when the project is only 50% designed. RFIs about steel conflicts
and design issues are sent directly to the engineer inside the model via weekly GoTo-
Meetings, resulting in issues that would typically become RFIs later in a traditional proj-
ect instead being resolved during the design stage. In addition, the engineer approves
the detailing model itself rather than issued-for-approval (IFA) drawings as the last step
when the final design drawings are completed. As such, when the steel fabricator is
selected, the detailer only needs to generate the for-fabrication drawings according to
that fabricator’s standards and thereby avoids the detailing or drawing approval process.
This means the for-fabrication drawings are supplied within a matter of weeks rather
than months, and fabrication thus starts months earlier.
“The terminal had to be designed, detailed, and fabricated by Haskell all at the same
time, which is precisely what our design detailing process is for,” says Anatomic project man-
ager Kerry Young. “Norwegian had already scheduled cruises and if the terminal were not to Cliff Young ([email protected])
open on time, the cruise ships would have no place to dock. At the beginning of the project, is CFO and vice president of
we were supplying advance bills of material for Haskell and determining the roof geom- Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing,
etry and detailing based only on concept drawings that weren’t yet final IFC [issued-for- and Touan Plante (touan.plante
construction] design drawings. Later, while it was being erected, DDA and Martin/Martin @haskell.com) is a senior project
[structural engineer and connection designer, respectively] were still designing, and we were manager with the Haskell Company.
following along with the final detailing scope and final fabrication drawings.”
Modern Steel Construction | 37
As lay-down area at the site was limited on a
small island bustling with cruise-related traffic,
up to three cranes at a time were used to erect
the steel at various points during the schedule.

According to Kerry Young, this made it

much easier to solve problems and communi-
cate throughout the project, as a design team
would typically need four to eight months to
design and submit IFC drawings on a project
of this scope, then the detailer would need at
least another eight weeks to prepare the first
submittal of drawings for approval. “Under
the design detailing process on Norwegian,
we squashed them all together,” he notes.
“Thereby, the design and detailing were com-
pleted all at the same time, saving at least five
months of construction time.”
During the project, Anatomic further
refined the process to help solve field issues
that occur when designing and erecting a
structure at the same time. Kerry Young
anticipates that the design detailing pro-
cess on design-build projects will be used
more in the future. “If you have the detailer
working directly with the design team, the
direct line of communication gets easier,”
he says. “You can get a building standing a
lot faster without dealing with RFI’s which
always slow the project down. We just work
together as one company. We can help engi-
neers uncover a lot of potential problems
before the design drawings get to the rest of
the construction team.”

Keeping the Roof on

Wind loading was determined via wind
tunnel testing and analysis by the wind con-
sultant RWDI, and the terminal uses a 3D
rigid frame structure to resist hurricane-
force wind loads. Both the radiused end caps
and the junctions between each of the three above: Steel connections were designed to
pearls provide regions of increased strength withstand a category five storm, meaning
and stiffness that were used to realize effi- sustained winds of 156 mph or greater.
ciencies throughout the entire structure. below: The project required 1,500 pieces
The combination of multidirectional load- of curved wide-flange steel.
ing, participation in lateral resistance by
many elements, and curved geometry cre-
ated numerous highly atypical connections.
In addition, the pearls’ volumes are rela-
tively empty compared to a typical building.
The main building has a single main floor plus
a small VIP mezzanine 27 ft above. “The build-
ing as a whole is mostly air inside,” explains
Eric Sobel, an associate with Martin/Martin
Engineers. “The wind load really dominates
the behavior of the building.”
For a large, airy glass- and architectural
metal-clad building in Miami, where hurricanes
and tropical storms are common, his main goal
was simple.
38 | FEBRUARY 2020
right and below:
Example connection details for some of the
truss framing connections.

below: The main building has a single main floor

plus a small VIP mezzanine 27 ft above. According
to Eric Sobel with Martin/Martin Engineers, the
building is mostly air inside and the wind dominates
the structure’s behavior.

Modern Steel Construction | 39

“Make sure the roof wouldn’t get torn off the building,” he says. over 50 tons each, and the roof trusses measure 20 ft by 85 ft at
“Related to that, the wind exerts a force to the sides of the build- 55 tons each.
ing. Keeping the building from cracking or falling over is another These roof trusses were fabricated at Haskell’s plant up
design consideration.” the Florida coast in Jacksonville, put on barges, and shipped
This required Martin/Martin to design connections that would down the Intracoastal Waterway to Miami—two trips with four
withstand a category five storm, meaning sustained winds of 156 trusses each. Due to seawall issues and the fact that no cranes
mph or greater. were allowed between the project site and the water, the barges
“The building has nice geometric lines to it,” Sobel says. “The were unloaded on the cargo side of the port, almost directly
glass walls connect to the curve of the roof. There were a lot more across from the project site. From there, the steel assemblies
details than if it was a box building or a building with fewer curves were transported to a storage yard directly across the street
facing each other.” from the site, then brought to the site individually when they
were ready to be erected.
By Land and Sea The project also incorporated 1,500 pieces of curved wide-
Given the sheer size of the building, transporting the massive flange steel, which required the services of multiple bender-
columns and trusses was challenging. Some of the columns are roller companies, including Chicago Metal Rolled Products and

above: The framing for the project

was detailed and designed in 32 sequences.
below: The curvaceous building is 128 ft tall at its peak and
800 ft long, comprising a total of 166,500 sq. ft. Norwegian required a
taller terminal to accommodate boarding for its newer “super cruisers.”

40 | FEBRUARY 2020
Whitefab. As lay-down area was limited on a small island Owner Steel Team
bustling with cruise-related traffic, up to three cranes at a Norwegian Cruise Line, Miami Fabricator
time were used to erect the steel at various points through- General Contractor The Haskell Company,
out the schedule. The Haskell Company and Jacksonville, Fla.
Now topped out, the huge yet light structure is in the NV2A, a Joint Venture Erector
final stages of construction and is expected to open in time LPR Construction Co.,
for the summer cruise season. The eye-catching design Loveland, Colo.
Bermello Ajamil and Partners,
and floating appearance will provide the perfect intro-
Inc., Miami Detailer
duction to seafaring travelers, as the vast openness of the
Structural Engineer Anatomic Iron Steel
building’s volume reflects and provides views of the open
DDA Engineers, P.A., Miami Detailing,
water itself.
North Vancouver, B.C.
The design, fabrication, and erection of the building were Connection Designer
a great challenge, but all the team members pulled together Martin/Martin Consulting Bender-Rollers
to deliver a successful project to the owner and an amazing Engineers, Lakewood, Colo. Chicago Metal Rolled
terminal from which to set sail. ■ Products, Chicago
Whitefab, Birmingham, Ala.

above: A steel pedestrian bridge, delivered to the site in four seg-

ments, connects the new facility to an existing building.
right: Curved steel being shipped from bender-roller Chicago Metal
Rolled Product’s shop.
below: Support framing below one of the pearls.

Modern Steel Construction | 41

Part Two

This second article in the three-part

Revisiting Redundancy series discusses exploiting
system-level redundancy.


DO MOST STEEL BRIDGES have post-failure load-carrying any significant portion of the load. This scenario would have led
potential? to collapse if the bridge was, in fact, nonredundant—but it wasn’t
The answer is a resounding yes. and it didn’t. Similar scenarios include the Hoan Bridge, the U.S.
While certain bridge collapses, such as the Silver Bridge and 422 Bridge over the Schuylkill River, the Green River Bridge, the
the Mianus River Bridge—both of which collapsed due to failures Diefenbaker Bridge, the Delaware River Turnpike Bridge, and
of truly non-redundant tension members—suggest the contrary, countless others.
the reality is that there are far more cases where steel bridges Were these structures designed to operate in the faulted state?
were able to operate in the faulted condition. This applies even to No. Was system performance in the faulted state considered in
bridges that have traditionally been considered to have no system- the design? Again, no. The reality is that all of these structures,
level redundancy. (And of course, damaged structures still need to despite being designed in different eras, shared the same overall
be repaired and inspection should be performed on all members, design philosophy and principles in which post-failure capacity
regardless of criticality.) was not considered. In all these cases, system-level redundancy
One example of a bridge that withstood the failure of a frac- was unplanned, most likely the product of typical conservatism in
ture-critical member (FCM) is the Lafayette Bridge, a two-girder design. But the fact that it was unintentional does not mean that it
steel bridge in which a fracture rendered a girder unable to carry cannot be exploited.

42 | FEBRUARY 2020

above and opposite page: A fracture of a fracture-critical-designated member on the

Delaware River Turnpike Bridge, which continued to carry service loads until the fracture
was discovered and repaired.

AASHTO’s Guide Specifications for Analysis and Identification of Fracture Critical Members
and System Redundant Members (referred to hereafter as the SRM Guide Spec) is a tool that
allows engineers to take advantage of previously unexploited system-level redundancy,
and owners to efficiently allocate resources to provide better infrastructural solutions to
the public.
Released in 2018 and available at www.aashto.org, the SRM Guide Spec tackles a com-
plex problem: characterizing the demand and capacity of a structure in which a primary
steel tension member has failed. For a system to be considered redundant, two fundamental
concepts regarding load were followed: First, the bridge cannot be expected to operate as
reliably in the faulted condition as in the pristine condition. Second, the bridge must be able
to survive the failure event and provide service in the faulted state.
The first fundamental concept is clear but leaves a question to be answered: What is an
acceptable reliability level in the faulted state? To answer this question, let’s take a look at
the overall failure rate. Current load and resistance factor design (LRFD) bridge design Francisco J. Bonachera Martin
provisions are based on allowing a nominal failure rate that applies to the structure in its ([email protected])
pristine state. For the faulted state, the same nominal failure rate can be maintained by is a technical specialist with Michael
acknowledging that it is the product of the failure rate in the faulted state and the rate at Baker International in Indianapolis,
which primary tension member failure occurs. In other words, by conservatively establish- and Jason B. Lloyd ([email protected])
ing how likely it is for a member designated as FCM to fail, a lower target failure rate can is NSBA’s West Region bridge
be calculated for the faulted state. steel specialist.

Modern Steel Construction | 43

A finite element model analyzing the fracture of the
fracture-critical-designated girder of the Neville Island Bridge.

So why not calculate the load that causes the member to frac- ure cases. For example, in the case of the Neville Island Bridge,
ture instead? If a primary steel tension member fractures, load isn’t fracture of the fascia girder was discovered by a tug boat captain
the only culprit. There are also the factors of temperature, material passing underneath the bridge! Meanwhile, the bridge contin-
toughness, and quality of fabrication. On top of that, fracture— ued carrying traffic and no significant deflections were observed.
caused by, say, vehicle impact—isn’t always the culprit when a pri- Based on this case, it is evident that if a member fails and a bridge
mary steel tension member fails. has adequate capacity against the member failure, traffic will con-
Once an acceptable target failure rate, or level of reliability, tinue to load the bridge.
for the faulted state is calculated, it is applied to the development As previously mentioned, the SRM Guide Spec contains guide-
of two new load combinations: Redundancy I and Redundancy lines to calculate, via non-linear, detailed finite element models, the
II. Redundancy I characterizes the loads experienced by the capacity of a steel bridge after the hypothetical failure of a primary
structure during the failure event, which is assumed to be sud- tension member. (Typical analysis procedures are not capable of
den fracture of a primary steel tension member. This load com- reliably capturing the mechanisms that lead to redundancy with-
bination is analogous to an extreme event load combination in out being overly conservative, so finite element analysis is needed
which the event load includes the dynamic amplification of load to simultaneously consider and evaluate various load paths.) In
due to the inertial effects of the member failure. Redundancy II developing the SRM Guide Spec, much effort was devoted to
basically warranties strength in the faulted condition against nor- benchmarking the computational analysis framework against avail-
mal use until the member failure is detected. The need for both able data from large-scale experimental studies and field data of
load combinations becomes clear when considering several fail- structures in which a primary steel tension member failed.

44 | FEBRUARY 2020
The resulting provisions guide engineers through the entire as detailed provisions to model shear stud behavior. Finally, the
modeling process. Here’s how it works: A screening process is used guide also includes failure criteria intended to prevent the need for
to assess whether the structure is a candidate for the analysis, in integrating stress data from a finite element analysis with sectional
order to avoid including structures for which the overall approach forces and moments.
would not work—e.g., a suspension bridge—or characteristics that The SRM Guide Spec opens opportunities for bridge engineers
are not reliably implementable in a finite element model, such as to think outside the box and potentially optimize bridge designs in
pin and hanger assemblies. Then the finite element analysis meth- ways that have been avoided for decades due to a lack of under-
odology is explained, including software requirements, analytical standing and codified guidance. Furthermore, it provides advan-
procedures, failure scenarios to be modeled for different structure tage to owners to more efficiently manage limited resources while
types, and application of loads for the Redundancy I and Redun- maintaining reliability and safety of our infrastructure. ■
dancy II load combinations.
The guide includes all necessary information for conducting Part One of this series appeared in the November 2019 issue
a detailed finite element analysis, including material models for (www.modernsteel.com) and discussed historical considerations
concrete and steel, meshing requirements, application of bound- of redundancy and FCMs. Part Three, which will appear in the April
ary conditions, and interactions and constraint modeling, as well issue, will take a closer look at member-level redundancy.

above: A close-up of a fracture-critical-designated girder on the below: A close-up of a constraint-induced fracture on the former
U.S. 422 Bridge over Schuylkill River. The bridge continued to Pennsylvania Railroad two-girder bridge, which is now located at Purdue
carry service loads in the failed condition before the fracture was University’s S-BRITE Center. (For more on S-BRITE, see “Wanted: Old
discovered and repaired. Steel Bridges” in the October 2019 issue at www.modernsteel.com.)

Modern Steel Construction | 45


SOLAR POWER and steel fabrication are not phrases that are typically uttered in the
same sentence.
But that may be changing, with a multiple-shop AISC member fabricator leading the way.
SteelFab, which has eight facilities in seven states, has installed rooftop solar arrays on
five of them. The company had been approached by multiple solar companies over the
years and decided to take the solar plunge in 2013, performing due diligence late that year
and beginning installation a couple of years after that.
SteelFab started with its Charlotte plant, with installation beginning in the summer of
2015 and being completed the following spring. After evaluating the success of that shop,
Geoff Weisenberger it rolled out the solar initiative to four additional plants in 2017. To date, the company has
([email protected]) is senior employed two solar array providers.
editor of Modern Steel Construction.

46 | FEBRUARY 2020
An AISC member fabricator
has rolled out rooftop solar arrays
on several of its facilities—
and is seeing sunny returns.

“Due to various state tax credit laws, some firms were inter- position of the sun, the shape and condition of the roofs, we could
ested in doing work in all the states we have plants in, while some not cover all of our plant roofs with the solar panels.”
were not,” noted Glenn Sherrill, CEO of SteelFab. “We actually Tax incentives were a big part of the decision to go solar. With
used Inman Solar for our Charlotte plant and Renewvia for our the Charlotte location, for example, the company receives federal
Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama plants.” tax credits along with North Carolina state tax credits over and
Each shop has a different capacity, depending on local con- beyond a capital expense deduction (all locations received fed-
ditions. For example, SeelFab’s Emporia, Va., facility installed eral tax credits while only the North Carolina location received
556kW of solar production via 92,000 sq. ft of rooftop space. None state credits). In the case of Charlotte, the utility, Duke Power,
of the roof structures for the buildings implementing solar arrays is required to buy a certain amount of solar power every year,
needed to be reinforced. so some of the solar power the Charlotte facility’s system gener-
“The smallest solar array is around 20,000 sq. ft and the largest ates goes to supporting shop operations while some is sold back
we have in place is closer to 40,000 sq. ft,” said Sherrill. “Due to to Duke Power. Duke does not indicate a clear credit on its

Modern Steel Construction | 47

monthly power invoices for power, SteelFab tracks solar power According to Sherrill, the performance has been mostly in line
usage internally, and Sherrill estimates that the facility achieves with what the solar providers indicated, and the tax credits have
a savings of close to 10% over its pre-solar power bills. He also performed as described. And it’s not all about the money.
notes that the return on investment for a solar array can range “At the end of the day, there is an argument to be made
between three to eight years, depending on the credits available. that we could have made more money for SteelFab investing

48 | FEBRUARY 2020
in equipment and expansions in lieu of
solar power,” he explains. “However, we
believed it was the right thing to do for the
environment. Every little bit helps when
it comes to reducing the carbon emissions
footprint and stemming the repercussions
of global warming.”
And in addition to the financial and
environmental benefits, Rob Burlington,
president of SteelFab’s Virginia Division,
points out another advantage.
“One small side benefit is that our shop
stays cooler,” he says. “Most shops are not
conditioned and have metal roofs. In the
summer, this generates heat inside. The
solar panels absorb this heat and we are
noticing a positive difference in those hot
summer months in the South.” ■

Have you implemented solar power or other

renewable energy sources at your facility, or are
you considering it? Let us know by emailing
[email protected].

And for more on the sustainable aspects of

domestically produced and fabricated structural
steel, visit aisc.org/sustainability.



The CAST CONNEX® Universal Pin

Connector (UPC) is a standardized

clevis-type fitting designed to

connect to round hollow structural
section (HSS)/Pipe elements for use
in architecturally exposed structural
steel (AESS) applications.

Easy to Specify
• Available in sizes to fit a range of HSS members
• Stainless-steel hardware included
• Pre-engineered: a simple weld is all it takes
• Designed specifically for AESS conditions
and are easy for fabricators to work with
• So affordable they can be applied repetitiously

Providence Park Stadium Expansion, OR

Architect: Allied Works Architecture
Beautiful AESS connections can be affordable.
Structural Engineer: KPFF Consulting Engineers
Photography: Jeremy Bitterman Photography

i n n ova� ve co mp o n e nt s fo r i n s p i re d d e s i g n s

Modern Steel Construction | 49

technical sessions
product showcase THE STEEL
registration CONFERENCE
NOW OPEN! incorporating:
World Steel Bridge Symposium
SSRC Annual Stability Conference
NISD Conference on Steel Detailing
Architecture in Steel

Georgia World Congress Center

April 22–24, 2020
It's the premier event for
everyone involved in the design
and construction of steel-framed
buildings and bridges.
• 250+ exhibitors
• 5,000+ design and
construction professionals
• 140+ educational seminars

To develop an effective training preview
program for your organization, EFFECTIVE
you must be intentional. EDUCATION

IN LAST YEAR’S MARCH ISSUE, I wrote an article called “Ongoing Involve-

ment,” which focused on improving fabrication quality through continuous com-
munication with, engagement of, and training for shop and field personnel. (You can
read it at www.modernsteel.com.)
After it was published, several of my colleagues contacted me to discuss my ideas
on training. Most people I spoke with described the scope of their formal training
program as an onboarding orientation for human resource policies and paperwork,
a review of their safety policies and procedures, and a recap of their quality policies
and goals. Several colleagues discussed their formal mentoring program, in which
a new craft team member would work with a more experienced team member, but Christian Crosby (ccrosby
they felt that their programs lacked formal direction and clear expectations. They all @cianbro.com) is operations
agreed that while their current system is filling a need, they see an opportunity for manager for Cianbro
improvement. As such, this article will focus on five key elements to developing an Fabrication and Coating’s
effective educational program for your organization: Georgetown, Mass., plant.
• Conduct a business needs assessment
• Develop relevant, tailored curriculum
• Deliver educational content
• Address budgeting considerations
• Evaluate the program’s efficacy

Business Needs Assessment

Identifying the specific skills needed in an organization is the first step in this
process. While the other elements should be developed concurrently, the needs
assessment should be completed independently of those elements. In addition, orga-
nizations should be assessing their needs not just at the start of developing an educa-
tional program but also on an ongoing basis. As an organization evolves, this ongo-
ing assessment becomes a forward-looking tool for finding specific skill sets that are
required to support the organization in its future endeavors. It is important that the
individuals working on the needs assessment initiative bring with them a complete
picture of the organization and not just an individual narrative. A diverse team is
ideal for this effort.
Once the team is assembled, the members should attempt to answer questions
like: What are the specific skill gaps in our organization? What specific job func-
tions are we lacking team members for? Do we need more fitters? Do we need more
experienced fitters? Is the quality of our welders in need of improvement? How should
we address the recent spike in quality issues with our painted steel? How do we find
someone to operate the new piece of equipment we are thinking about purchasing?
Do we need stronger front-line supervision? Do we need to strengthen our project
management team? How are we doing on finding the next generation of managers?
What are our needs in the estimating department? While this list can seem daunting,
the next step is to prioritize which gaps need to filled first.

Modern Steel Construction | 51

conference preview


As an example, let’s say we’re a fabrication shop that has recently such as welding, there is adequate, quality educational material and
completed its needs assessment and has determined that the top equipment available that can be sourced from suppliers and com-
priority is hiring more fitters/layout personnel. As we discuss this munity vocational schools. Similarly, manufacturers of fabrication
need, we quickly recognize that there is a broad spectrum of layout equipment also offer educational opportunities for equipment oper-
and fitting skills. To address this, we might establish different levels ators. It is worth taking advantage of these training materials and
based on skill sets and experience. For example: fitter level 1 applies even more worth it to tailor them to your specific internal processes.
to those who have the skills to lay out and fit simple beams (clips And in some cases—such as where it isn’t prudent to send employ-
and copes) and simple columns (base and cap PLs, shear tabs, seat ees off-site for training—internally developing materials and cur-
Ls, etc.); fitter level 2 includes the skills required for level 1 as well riculum can be more effective than outside sources to the degree
as the skills to lay out and fit complex beams (skewed connections, that they are developed with the individual organization’s means and
beveled ends, complex geometry), complex columns (stiffeners, methods, best practices, tooling, and equipment in mind.
continuity PLs, web doublers, beam-flange capture PLs, skewed
compound connections, etc.), and simple shop assemblies (roof Delivering Educational Content
frames, simple trusses, straight rails); and fitter level 3 requires the While developing relevant, tailored curriculum, we need to
level 1 and 2 skills as well as the skills to lay out and fit complex keep in mind how the materials will be delivered. The best prac-
assemblies (stair stringers, rake rails, complex trusses, hoppers bins tice during development is to “package” the content to allow for
chutes, assemblies with complex geometry). multiple delivery methods. This will provide additional opportuni-
After we have completed the needs assessment and prioritized ties to use the content and meet the various learning needs of your
distinct skill levels, we can then start to develop the learning objec- team members and thus maximize the return on your invested
tives for each level. These objectives are simply brief statements time. There are many different methods to deliver educational
that describe what the trainee will be expected to learn by the end content—both for specific skills and general purposes—including:
of the educational event. In other words, these are the goals of • On-the-job training/coaching
the training event, the specific takeaway from the experience. In • Mentoring
addition, the learning objectives will become measurements in our • Job shadowing
evaluation at the end of the training program (more on this later). • Formal classroom training, on-site and off-site
Returning to our example of layout and fitting skill levels, the • Formal hands-on laboratory training, on-site and off-site
learning objective would be “Gain the ability to: read and under- • Job swapping
stand structural steel fabrication drawings per the defined level • Online training
(1, 2, or 3), lay out main material with correct marking for fitting • Third-party training
materials, and fit the detail parts onto the main material in accor- In considering the delivery method, it’s important to keep in
dance with the requirements of the fabrication drawing.” mind the audience and their preferred leaning style. Some team
members learn better with a hands-on approach as opposed to a
Relevant, Tailored Curriculum more formal classroom, instructor-led approach. Which one is
The next step to developing an effective training program is best? Talk to the involved team members to obtain feedback on
developing focused curriculum. For certain areas of fabrication, their preferred learning style. In my experience, a blended method

52 | FEBRUARY 2020
conference preview


(some formal classroom time and some hands-on time) seems to be make changes based on your evaluations. In terms of what you are
a successful approach, but again the key is to find the right mix— evaluating, this should be the trainee, the trainer, and the curricu-
enough classroom work to understand the principles but not put lum to determine if your goals were met—and if they weren’t, what
trainees to sleep and enough hands-on time to keep them inter- changes need to be made.
ested and engaged. Evaluating the trainees—ideally as soon after their training as
possible—can happen in the form of written tests and practical,
Budgeting Considerations hands-on assessments. In addition, you should periodically reas-
Financial planning for educational events will vary widely sess their newly acquired skills on an ongoing basis. These addi-
between fabrication shops. For many shops, training is an ongoing tional evaluations will give credence to the effectiveness of your
and annually budgeted process. Others don’t have this luxury, and programs and answer the simple question “Did the trainee retain
an hour off the floor can mean a shipment not made and thus an the presented material?”
invoice not sent. Consequently, you need to not only calculate the You can also evaluate the trainer in the form of class surveys
cost of training but also strategically schedule your training/edu- and direct feedback from the trainees; the latter can be a vital tool
cational events. You should develop your training budget as you in assessing a trainer as long as the feedback is free of personal
develop your curriculum and plan the delivery methods, and then bias. And of course, you can and should take the time to observe
you can determine the optimum time to proceed with the training. the trainer in action. When it comes to the curriculum, evaluation
Calculating the cost of training—materials, equipment, devel- can be obtained from both the trainees and the trainer in the form
opment time, trainer time, trainee time, administration time, of direct feedback. Was it clear and easy to follow? Was it easy to
etc.—is the easy part. The more difficult part is calculating the teach? Did it make sense or did trainees feel that it didn’t explain
return on your training investment. But you can start by calculat- things thoroughly?
ing or at least estimating the reduction in rework, back charges, From these evaluations, you can now make meaningful
team member turnover, and recruitment costs, along with an changes to your educational programs. You can adjust the cur-
increase in productivity, that the training will provide. In addition riculum and content; you can make changes to the delivery; you
to these improvements, you should also consider that providing a can even “train the trainer” (or find a new trainer if necessary);
good education for your team members will pay off in ways beyond you can adjust your budget and timing; and you can determine
an increase in productivity and improvements in quality. It will also if the training was worth it—and if not, what needs to change to
pay off in terms of team member job satisfaction, which is a key make it worth it. More than anything, you need to be intentional
ingredient for your organization’s long-term success. about evaluating your programs so that you have enough data to
make the positive changes. Training will never be perfect, but it
Evaluation can always be improved. ■
As one of my mentors always told me, “What gets measured
gets improved.” This especially holds true for training programs. Want to learn more about developing effective training? Attend the
You need to assess how effective your training is. You can do this session “How to Set up an Effective Training Program” at the 2020
by applying the Deming Cycle to your efforts: plan, do, check, act. NASCC: The Steel Conference, taking place April 22–24 in Atlanta.
You plan the training, execute it, evaluate how it went, and finally For more information and to register, visit aisc.org/nascc.

Modern Steel Construction | 53

preview A clear and simple guide to writing

KEEP IT a clear and simple—and effective—

CLEAR quality procedure.


THE BENEFITS of a well-organized, well-written, easy-to-read, well-implemented

internal quality manual are quietly, almost invisibly remarkable.
Your quality manual is a reflection of the effectiveness of your company’s execu-
tive management team and quality management system. It describes written instruc-
tions on how work assignments are to be performed and executed the same way
every day. It is an invaluable training tool for steel fabricators and erectors, starting
with new employee orientation and continuing on as part of ongoing quality train-
ing for all employees. The annual review and performance evaluation of each work
procedure, during your internal audit, provides opportunities to improve the work
process over time. The best companies thrive on hard work—work that is depend-
John Edwards (edwards
ably, efficiently, and consistently performed. Your quality manual and procedures are
@qmcauditing.com) is a
your company’s road map to that consistency—which in turn leads to profits.
QMC contract auditor.
The goal here is to provide a guide on writing clear, easy-to-read, easy-to-under-
stand, and easy-to-follow quality procedures that will ensure that those who follow
the documented instructions in the procedure can perform the same function or
process consistently, day in and day out. In order for any quality manual writing,
whether it involves a new manual or an update, to be effective, executive manage-
ment must be fully engaged and supportive and approve the contents of their quality
manual 100%. Anything less undermines the entire process and renders a company’s
quality management system (QMS) ineffective, a ship without a rudder.
Another note, based on my experience as a contract AISC/QMS auditor, is that
I’d estimate that 15% to 25% of all in-house quality manuals are outdated, confus-
ing, disorganized, cumbersome, and ignored by employees. If your manual is 4 in. of
paper crammed into a 3-in. binder and was written over ten years ago, then you likely
have an ineffective quality manual.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here, we’ll look for some dos and don’ts when it
comes to writing or updating your quality manual. First, let’s review three key defini-
tions from the glossary in AISC’s Certification Standard for Steel Fabrication and Erection,
and Manufacturing of Metal Components (AISC 207-16, aisc.org/specifications).
Chapter 1, Section 1.4 – Definitions, states: As used in this Standard, the words
shall or will denote a mandatory requirement. The word should denotes a guideline
or recommendation. The words may or can denote an opportunity to make a choice.
Your procedures must be fully compliant with all the shalls and wills in Chapter 1 and
the shalls and wills, as applicable, in Chapters 2 through 5 of the Standard.
Quality Manual. A document stating the quality policy and describing the
quality management system (QMS) of your company. These documented pro-
cedures are sometimes called: standard operating procedure (SOP), operat-
ing procedure (OP), quality procedure (QP), or simply detailing, welding, or
inspection procedure, etc. Whatever the title, the objective is to have a work
process performed consistently, time after time in accordance with its docu-
mented procedure.

54 | FEBRUARY 2020
conference preview


Documented Procedure: A procedure that is established, visor and applicable employee and have them list their work
documented, implemented, and maintained. The documentation activities on how they will accomplish the tasks they are assigned.
provides information about how to perform an activity or process • Do interview managers and employees and review their
consistently. Documentation shall contain: checklists with them so that you have a complete understand-
a. Purpose of the procedure ing of what they do and accomplish on a daily basis.
b. Process definition that includes steps required for completion • Do be reader-friendly. After you write your manual, read it as
of the work though you are an employee who will be using it. If any part
c. Assignment of responsibility for performance seems confusing, rewrite it.
d. Assignment of responsibility for review, revision, and/or • Do write to the skill level of those required to perform the work
approval of the procedure processes described. Write brief statements using the common
e. Identification of records that are generated language of your company’s everyday work environment.
f. For inspection activities, the frequency of observations or • Do write in short, precise statements that are easy to memo-
inspections and how those observations or inspections rize if need be. If more detailed instruction is required, create
are documented a work instruction (WI) in addition to the basics in the proce-
dure, and provide a link or reference to the WI.
The Dos • Do keep a job function checklist team involved in proofing
With those definitions in mind, here are some things you should the procedure until final approval is achieved.
do when creating or updating your in-house quality manual. Every department should have their related quality procedure
• Do create a quality manual that, when completed, is no more posted and signed off on by the approving authority, department man-
than 2 in. thick. The best quality manuals for the structural ager, and individual employees, and should also update it annually.
steel construction industry range from 1 in. to 1.5 in. There is nothing easier to ignore than an old yellowing document with
• Do write documented procedures that address all the wills curled corners, covered in dust, that looks like it hasn’t been touched
and shalls in the AISC Certification Standard. since the 1970s. At a minimum, each department head should have their
• Do involve all concerned individuals involved in the work pro- quality procedure readily available and be able to provide objective evi-
cess. Issue a blank job function checklist to each manager/super- dence that the stated work process is being consistently performed.

Modern Steel Construction | 55

conference preview

The Don’ts Basic Elements

And here are a few things to avoid when writing In your quality manual, each procedure should include the following:
your quality manual. 1. Purpose. A simple description of what the procedure is for—e.g.,
• Don’t use terminology that only a PhD engi- purchasing, detailing, welding, etc.
neering student can understand. 2. Responsibilities. Describe who, by title, is responsible for
• Don’t use regional shop talk from somewhere performing the task. For purchasing, this could be the purchasing
else that your employees aren’t familiar with. manager, purchasing agent, project manager, or designer.
• Don’t write one more word than you have to, 3. Procedure. List and describe the work activities to be performed—
and don’t go into excessive detail describing the e.g., the purchasing manager will prepare and issue purchase
work process. Again, if more detailed is required, orders based upon the bill of materials supplied by the project
create a WI to complement the procedure. manager, and at a minimum the following purchasing data shall be
• Don’t write rambling paragraphs of useless listed in the purchase order…
information (this should go without saying). 4. Records. List the records required to perform the work by actual
• Don’t allow a documented work process to be name and, if applicable, form name and form number—e.g.,
ignored. A procedure that is not being executed Purchase Order F10-01 or Bill of Materials F7-01.
correctly, or not being performed at all, is a man- 5. Revision history. It is imperative that you have a method for con-
agement system nonconformance and is corrected trolling and describing revisions—e.g., a revision history could be
through the corrective action process. In short, don’t included in a table at the front of the manual, a cover page for the
set your shop up for failure by writing a manual or specific procedure, or at the end of the procedure.
procedures that no one will pay attention to!

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56 | FEBRUARY 2020
conference preview
Your quality manual is a reflection of the Want to learn more about writing a high-
effectiveness of your company’s executive quality quality manual? Attend John Edwards’
management team and quality management session “How to Write Clear and Simple Qual-
system. Make it as brief as possible while ity Procedures that Are Easy to Understand
still being complete, user-friendly, easy-to- and Effective” at the 2020 NASCC: The
read, and not ignorable. Doing so will help Steel Conference, taking place April 22–24 in
ensure that everyone will appreciate, under- Atlanta. For more information and to register,
stand, follow, and consistently execute their visit aisc.org/nascc.
required work assignments. ■




Industry Quality
AISC has developed and promotes a APRIL 14 - 17,* 2020
certified Quality Management System SHERATON GRAND, CHICAGO
(QMS) certification program whose
stated purpose is to communicate to
owners, the design community, the con-
struction industry, and public officials
that those who adhere to the require-
ments of the program (over 1,500 strong)
Multiple World-Class Breakouts 2 Days of Networking Project of The Year Awards
have the personnel, organization, expe-
rience, documented procedures, body
of knowledge, equipment, and com- Owners will witness first-hand the incredible developments in SAFETY
mitment to produce fabricated steel to and technology. Contractors and ironworkers understand that the
the high standard of quality required conference is attended by the best minds in the construction industry
for structural steel buildings and other and geared toward their success and continued growth.
structures in accordance with contract
The heart of the certification program • Multiple world-class breakouts led by industry-leading experts
is the Certification Standard for Steel and developed for your success
Fabrication and Erection, and Manufac-
• Two days of networking opportunities with decision-makers who
turing of Metal Components. All pro-
are normally inaccessible
gram participants, regardless of size,
must have their in-house quality manual • Panel discussions that will keep you ahead of the curve,
and quality procedures in compliance providing insight into how the industry is changing and evolving
with the general requirements of the
umentation is critical. The words “The
fabricator or manufacturer shall develop Visit the Events Tab on the IMPACT website
a documented procedure…” or “A doc- (WWW.IMPACT-NET.ORG) Or scan the QR code below.
umented procedure shall be developed
for…” appears no less than 49 times
throughout the standard—hence the
importance of writing manuals and pro-
cedures that are clear and accessible.
Modern Steel Construction | 57
conference Considering going after a major project?

preview Here’s some advice on whether to take a shot—

or not—and how to let the owner know that
BY MIKE SENNEWAY you’re the right company for the job.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD were they thinking?”

As a long-time fabricator (now advising owners and developers on the mysteries of
successful steel construction) I have heard that question sincerely asked from both sides
of the contract. In fact, I’d say this statement occurs even more often on “major” projects.
As often as fabricators and builders form relationships, many often misunderstand their
“partner” in the project. I am convinced that if fabricators improved their understanding
of the owner’s perspective, it would greatly improve their odds of closing work and expe-
riencing more successful projects.

Mike Senneway (mikes.

The Major Project Conundrum
[email protected])
In order to develop a successful strategy for landing major projects, let’s first define
is president of MJS Management.
what we mean by major. There are no official designations or characterizations of what
constitutes a major project, but fabricators know them when they see them. After many
years of pursuing these jobs, I would identify major project territory as:
• High-rise buildings involving climber cranes
• Any stadium or arena project
• Art centers, auditoriums, or convention centers
• Water-crossing bridges
• Projects requiring the feeding of more than two cranes
• Any project exceeding 10,000 tons

Once a major project is identified, the fabricator first needs to seriously consider
whether the job fits within its strategic goals. Secondly, they must evaluate if the expected
return on the project will be worth the cost of the chase. And major projects do carry
several advantages:
• There are typically fewer competitors, so the margins are usually higher.
• The ratio of overhead to direct labor hours is lower. While the steps needed to exe-
cute any project are essentially the same, the advantage of a larger job is that once you
have secured the work, the “up-front” overhead expenses drop away and, thus, the
overall percentage of overhead to direct labor hours is reduced.
• Subletting opportunities. A big job allows a savvy fabricator to retain high-produc-
tivity tasks and sub out the work that they are less efficient at so as to enhance overall
• Economies of scale—i.e., the more steel you buy, the better prices you get.

Of course, there are serious disadvantages to consider as well:

• They can be expensive to pursue. The time, travel, and materials involved can add
up quickly.
• Time. Long bid cycles are the norm, which may preclude bidding other work.
• Higher risk, thanks to the complexity of the work, a higher level of sophistication
among the major players (owner, developer, construction manager, and general con-
tractor), more onerous and risk-absorbing contract provisions, and higher working
capital requirements.

58 | FEBRUARY 2020
conference preview


And a quick note: While we’re focusing on major projects, the building themselves, leasing it out, or “flipping” it? The con-
understand that many of the points we’re covering are universal tractor may have conflicting projects that they are juggling key
and can be applied to any project. personnel among; are you are dealing with their starters or their
second string for this project? Are there key tenant provisions
The Hunt that will need to be accommodated? Permitting restrictions? Any
Once you’ve made the decision to go after a major project, demolition on the site? More subtly, have any of the construction
be prepared to pursue it with a company-wide commitment to team members had a recent bad experience with any of the other
win the job. The investment in the chase is too high to approach bidders? Or you? If it’s the latter case, that bad memory must be
things half-heartedly. expunged quickly.
As always, preparation is the key. Get to know the players early Position yourself and your firm as a resource for the construc-
on, and while introducing yourself and your company, be sure to tion team. The specific logistics and complexities of fabricating and
listen. Your goal is to find out all you can about the project beyond building a major steel frame are often beyond the general expertise
the documents. of the builders, and they will need help (whether they realize it or
Identify the key drivers for the project. Be aware that there may not). However—and this is important—guard against becoming
be differing objectives among the various members of the con- an “Alexa” service for them. Contractors often succumb to eagerly
struction team. For example, it is not uncommon for the owner’s sucking up any and all free advice proffered over many meetings,
general contractor/construction manager to be working under a phone calls, and repeated rounds of bidding, all the while implying
guaranteed maximum contract while the architect is envisioning a that they will “work the job out” with you, only to later announce
statement project worthy of making the cover of illustrious publi- that the “bank” or “the owner” is requiring them to go out to five
cations such as this one. bidders (or more).
It is critical to learn if the project is to be schedule-driven On the other hand, those meetings and one-on-one involve-
or whether cost is the main objective. Will the owner be using ment with the construction team can build a relationship that

Modern Steel Construction | 59

conference preview

establishes trust and confidence with

your firm and can lock up the job for
you. But it’s hard to determine which
way things will go. All the more rea-
son to get to know the people involved
and develop personal relationships with
them. Just make sure not to give away key
points without a commitment. It is OK
to explain that bidding this project costs
a lot of money or is preventing you from
pursuing other work and that you need
assurances before you go further. And get
those assurances from more than one per-
son or make the assurances known to key
members of the contracting firm. Some
people will rationalize a “change of direc-
tion” to themselves but are less likely to
do so if it exposes them as duplicitous to
their peers.

What Owners Want

AISC “Certainty” is an owner’s number-one
goal. They will test for this concept when
evaluating all three of the major aspects of
the project:

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• Price
• Schedule
• Scope/quality
As we all have experienced, the chal-
lenge for the construction team is to thor-
oughly communicating the job require-
ments to the bidders. The design is seldom
complete during bidding, unless you are
bidding a bridge, and the spec is often
incomplete or contains conflicting provi-
sions. Just remember that no matter what
your role is on a project, your partners want
to do a good job and be part of a successful
project, too. And never forget that they also
have bosses.
As you can see, the bidding process
provides many opportunities for misunder-
standings to occur—but also opportunities
Your Bolts Tight? Know They’re Tight! to develop successful, lasting relationships
and become part of building something
major together. ■

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bid on major projects? Attend the two-part ses-
sion “Closing the Deal on Major Projects” at the
2020 NASCC: The Steel Conference, taking
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mation and to register, visit aisc.org/nascc.

60 | FEBRUARY 2020
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$200 Members | $400 Non-Members
news & events
AISC to Honor Leading Design, Construction,
and Education Professionals at NASCC People and Companies
AISC will honor 13 leaders across the struc- The Special Achievement Award recog- • AISC member Triple-S Steel
tural steel design, construction, and aca- nizes individuals who have demonstrated Holdings, Inc., announced
demic communities with awards at the 2020 notable achievements in structural steel that, through its subsidiary,
NASCC: The Steel Conference (April 22–24 design, construction, research, or educa- Intsel Steel East, LLC, it
in Atlanta). The awards presentation and tion. It honors those who have made a posi- h a s a c q u i re d t h e a s s e t s o f
opening keynote will take place on Wednes- tive and substantial impact on the structural Bushwick Metals, a wholesale
day, April 22, at 10:30 a.m. at the Georgia steel design and construction industry. This distributor of structural steel
World Congress Center. AISC awards honor year’s award recipients are: p ro d u c t s . B u s h w i c k M e t a l s
significant individuals who have made a dif- • Michel Bruneau, PhD, PEng – brings approximately 110
ference in the success of the fabricated struc- SUNY Distinguished Professor, employees—in three locations
tural steel industry. Whether it’s for an inno- University at Buffalo in Connecticut, New Jersey,
vative design, an insightful technical paper, • Ron Klemencic, SE, PE, Hon. AIA– and Delaware—to Triple-S. As
or a lifetime of outstanding service, an AISC Chairman and CEO, part of Intsel Steel East, the
award bestows prestige and well-deserved Magnusson Klemencic Associates business will be led by Rick
recognition upon its recipient. • Rex I. Lewis – President, Puma Steel Perlen, the great-grandson of
The Lifetime Achievement Award • Amit H. Varma, PhD – Bushwick’s original founder.
honors individuals whose continued out- Karl H. Kettelhut Professor of
standing service has made a difference in the Civil Engineering, Purdue University • Structural engineering fir m
success of AISC, the structural steel indus- The Early Career Faculty Award provides Keast & Hood has opened
try, and the structural steel design, construc- recognition to faculty who demonstrate the exhibition S t r u c t u re &
tion, and academic communities. This year’s promise in the areas of structural steel Purpose: The Legacy of
Lifetime Achievement Award winners are: research, teaching, and other contributions Engineering at Keast & Hood
• Carol Drucker, SE, PE, PEng – to the structural steel industry. This year’s in Philadelphia. Curated by
Principal, Drucker Zajdel recipients are: a rc h i t e c t u r a l h i s t o r i a n I z z y
Structural Engineers, Inc. • Emily Baker, AIA – Kornblatt, the exhibition
• W. Samuel Easterling, PE, PhD – Assistant Professor of Architecture, posthumously explores the role
Dean of Engineering, University of Arkansas of the firm’s founding engineers,
Iowa State University • Negar Elhami-Khorasani, PhD – Carl A. Baumert Jr., Nicholas
• Daniel G. Fisher, Sr. – Assistant Professor, L. Gianopulos, and Thomas
Founding Partner, University at Buffalo J. Leidigh. Through an array
Girder-Slab Technologies, LLC • Julie Fogarty, PE, PhD – o f n e v e r- b e f o r e - e x h i b i t e d
• Ronnie Medlock – Assistant Professor, California materials, the retrospective
Vice President, Technical Services, State University, Sacramento examines the scope and
High Steel Structures, LLC For more information about The Steel importance of their work via 16
• Chia-Ming Uang, PhD – Professor, Conference, visit aisc.org/nascc. To learn of their major projects. Objects
University Of California, San Diego more about AISC’s award programs, visit on display include original
• John M. Yadlosky, PE – Senior aisc.org/awards. drawings by Louis I. Kahn and
Bridge Engineer, HDR, Inc. Associates, Robert Venturi,
Renzo Piano, and Romaldo
Giurgola; documents and
drawings from the company's
archives; models and material
samples; and video interviews.
Lending institutions include the
Architectural Archives of the
University of Pennsylvania, the
Renzo Piano Foundation, and
several others. The exhibition,
which is free and open to the
Last year’s award-winners at NASCC: The Steel Conference in St. Louis. From left:
public, will be on view through
David Zalesne, David Ratterman, Jon Magnusson, Ron Ziemian, Michel Bruneau, John Cross, March 31, 2020.
Heather Gilmer, Francesco Russo, Johnn Judd, Matthew Yarnold, Charlie Carter,
Matthew Hebdon, and Doug Rutledge.
62 | FEBRUARY 2020
news & events
First Quarter 2020 EJ Now Available
The first quarter 2020 issue of AISC’s panion paper have been shown to have paper offers: (1) a mathematical model for
Engineering Journal is now available. You the potential to have been designed with calculating the shear lag factor for Case 6b
can access the current issue as well as past threads excluded from the shear plane and derived by repurposing the model adopted
issues at aisc.org/ej. Below is a summary then subsequently installed with the threads by AISC for Case 4 of Table D3.1; (2) the
of this issue, which includes articles on not excluded from the shear plane. After results of a parametric study comparing the
high-strength bolts, bolted joints, shear lag an introduction outlining the background results of the new mathematical model to
in hollow structural section (HSS) tension of the shear strength and associated design the results using the current AISC method,
members, and constrained-axis torsional of joints in various editions of the AISC and; (3) discusses the protocols developed
buckling. Specification, the paper presents a structural for use in finite element analysis to evalu-
reliability analysis as well as a probability ate the effectiveness of the proposed math-
Dimensional Tolerances and Length study using Monte Carlo simulations, and ematical model. The proposed new math-
Determination of High-Strength Bolts then finally a discussion of additional con- ematical model will permit longitudinal
James A. Swanson, Gian Andrea Rassati, and siderations and mitigating factors associ- weld lengths less than the perpendicular
Chad M. Larson ated with this potential problem. Calculated distance between the welds, and removes
Structural engineers and detailers are reliability coefficients and probabilities of the possibility of calculating a negative
often removed from the process of manu- failure are tabulated for joints using two shear lag factor, while better representing
facturing bolts, and thus the tolerances diameter groups of 120-ksi bolts (from 5⁄8 in. the redistribution of cross-sectional stress
and variances that go along with common to 1 in. and from 11⁄8 in. to 1¼ in.) and for near the connection region.
manufacturing processes. While this does joints using 150-ksi bolts. The paper pro-
not represent a problem in most cases, vides an evaluation of the reliability of joints Continuous Bracing Requirements for
being familiar with the manufacturing with bolts that have been designed with the Constrained-Axis Torsional Buckling
processes and tolerances associated with threads excluded from the shear plane but Mark D. Denavit, William P. Jacobs V, and
high-strength bolts can help prevent some installed with the threads not excluded from Todd A. Helwig
problems from occurring before the design the shear plane. Although it is recommended The design of floor and roof fram-
process even begins, particularly when that future designs involving short bolts be ing members is typically controlled by
shorter bolt lengths are needed. This lack based on the assumption that the threads flexural demands; however, if a member
of familiarity, in some circumstances, might are not excluded from the shear plane, this serves as a chord or collector it can also
lead to mistaken assumptions regarding study provides a measure of the reliability be subjected to significant axial compres-
the location of the shear plane relative to of structures that have already been con- sion. Continuous restraint provided by
the threads of the bolt, which may lead to structed with bolts designed assuming that the floor or roof diaphragm is commonly
incorrect designs. While an engineer might the threads were excluded but installed with assumed in design to provide adequate
presume that bolt strength would not con- the threads not excluded. bracing of connected wide-flange mem-
trol in such short grips, this paper will dis- bers against minor-axis flexural buckling;
cuss the cases in which this can become an Reexamination of Shear Lag in HSS however, these members are still suscep-
issue. This paper summarizes the major Tension Members with Side Gusset tible to major-axis flexural buckling and
variances between nominal and actual Plate Connections potentially to torsional buckling about a
dimensions, evaluates some of the conse- Akashdeep A. Bhat and Patrick J. Fortney constrained axis located at the top flange.
quences that those variances can have on This paper presents an evaluation of the In addition to the lateral restraint, floor
design, presents solutions to those issues, shear lag factor for HSS tension members and roof decking systems can also provide
and culminates with a proposed design connected with two side plate gussets with continuous torsional restraint through
procedure for proper length determination longitudinal welds as given in AISC Speci- their flexural stiffness and strength. This
of high-strength bolts with several illustra- fication Table D3.1, Case 6b. The current restraint can be used to increase the cal-
tive examples. AISC Specification for Case 6b does not culated constrained-axis torsional buck-
permit weld lengths less than the perpen- ling strength or inhibit the mode alto-
A Reliability Study of Joints with Bolts dicular distance between the welds, and has gether. In this paper, the specific case of a
Designed with Threads Excluded but the potential of producing negative shear wide-flange steel beam-column with both
Installed with Threads Not Excluded lag factors. Similar issues previously existed lateral and torsional restraint located at
James A. Swanson, Gian Andrea Rassati, and for members given in Case 4 of Table the top flange is investigated and tor-
Chad M. Larson D3.1. However, the AISC Specification has sional bracing requirements are derived.
This paper presents a reliability and adopted a mathematical model proposed The focus of the study is on continuous
probability study focusing on connections by Fortney and Thornton for Case 4 of torsional bracing and its effect on the
using relatively short bolts that in a com- Table D3.1. The work presented in this constrained-axis torsional buckling mode.

Modern Steel Construction | 63

news & events
Two AISC Research Projects Nearing Completion
Two AISC solely funded projects are The overarching goals of the project are to except for special cases, neither bolt shear
entering into their final testing phases provide design guidance for realistic con- rupture nor bearing strength will vary
and could have a significant impact on figurations of connections employing bolts among the individual bolts in a group; only
future versions of the AISC Specification for and welds in steel buildings and bridges tearout will vary based on the clear dis-
Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360, as well as to provide the structural engi- tance. Where the direction of loading for
aisc.org/specifications). Here are updates neering community the necessary tools to individual bolts is difficult to determine,
on both: design with and understand the behavior of such as in eccentric connections, the above
bolted connections supplemented by welds. methodologies give rise to the “poison
Bolts, Welds and Combinations of Both This project is in its second and final phase bolt” approach, where the overall connec-
Mohamed Soliman, of testing. The first phase of testing focused tion strength is reduced, sometimes drasti-
Oklahoma State University on concentrically loaded specimens, while cally, due to a single bolt.
This project focuses on investigating the second phase is focusing on eccentri- The project is split into two phases,
the behavior of steel connections with cally loaded specimens. So far, the results where the first focuses on examining exist-
bolts and welds sharing the load. The need indicate that there may be more capacity in ing test data into a database for analyz-
to combine bolts and welds can occur if combined bolted and welded connections ing and determining the parameters that
the design load changes, when there are than what current AISC provisions calcu- should be tested in the second phase of
unforeseen difficulties in the make-up or late. These results are still being analyzed, the research. The research is currently
matching of bolt holes, or when retrofit- and any final recommendations implemen- entering into the testing phase, which will
ting an existing structure. As is currently tation into future versions of the AISC investigate both single bolt and multiple
understood, a welded connection possesses Specification will be subject to review and bolt specimens and includes connections
a relatively small capacity for deformations formal balloting procedures. that are eccentrically loaded. As noted, the
when reaching maximum strength, and testing matrix was selected carefully by
slip-critical bolted connections remain stiff Investigation of Bearing and Tearout of conducting an extensive review of exist-
during loading. Steel Bolted Connections ing test data, assembling the results into
Therefore, the structural engineering Mark Denavit, University of Tennessee a database, performing various parametric
community remains skeptical about these The goal of this research is to determine studies on the data, and through discus-
combination connections due to the uncer- whether bolt tearout checks within the con- sions with the industry oversight com-
tainty regarding the deformation capacity text of the current AISC Specification can be mittee. The upcoming testing will help to
of both welded and bolted connections. eliminated completely when edge distances add to the existing database of bolted con-
The current research is an extensive exper- comply with a minimum length. Per cur- nections and will also aid in determining
imental program involving more than 100 rent AISC Specification requirements, the if adjustments can be made to the AISC
specimens and also uses complex analytical strength of a bolt group is computed from Specification to allow for a more straight-
tools to help fully understand the behavior the strengths of individual fasteners with forward in estimating bearing and tearout
of combined bolt and weld connections. consideration of strain compatibility and, of bolted connections.

AISC Board Approves New Full and Associate Members
Full Associate
Bickers Metal Products, Miamitown, Ohio Detailers
Kay & Kay Contracting, London, Ky. BW Detailing, LLC, Austin
Performance Solutions, LLC, Smyrna, Tenn. EASTCAD Drafting Services, LLC, Mount Airy, Md.
Prestige Iron Work, Inc., Lancaster, S.C. Great Lakes Builders, Inc., Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Revolution Industrial, Chandler, Ariz. Om Steel Solutions Pvt., Ltd., Mumbai, India
State Welding & Fabricating, Wallingford, Conn. Quality Emphasis Steel Solutions, Thane, India
Variable Steel Unlimited, LLC, Atlanta
Northwest Steelworks, LLC, Anchorage, Alaska
Prairie Steel Services, Inc., Champaign, Ill.

64 | FEBRUARY 2020
marketplace & employment
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finding a new job. @AISC @AISC
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All inquiries are kept confidential.
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Peddinghaus AFCPS 833A Revolution CNC Anglemaster Angle
Quality Management Company, LLC (QMC) is seeking Line, 8” x 8” x 1”, Fagor 8055 CNC, Loader, Conveyor, 2011 #29959
qualified independent contract auditors to conduct site
audits for the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Peddinghaus Anglemaster AFPS-643E 6” x 6” x 1/2” CNC
Certified Fabricators and Certified Erector Programs. Angle and Flat Bar Line, 200 Ton Shear, 66 Ton Punch, Fagor 8025
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This contract requires travel throughout North America and Peddinghaus FPDB-2500 CNC Heavy Plate Processor, 96” Width,
limited International travel. This is not a regionally based (3) Drill Spindles, HPR260 Plasma, (1) Oxy, Siemens 840, 2008 #27974
contract and a minimum travel of 75% should be expected.
Peddinghaus FDB-2500A CNC Plate Drill with Oxy/Plasma
Contract auditors must have knowledge of quality Torches, (3) Head Drill, 96” Max. Plate Width, 2003 #29542
management systems, audit principles and techniques.
Knowledge of the structural steel construction industry Peddinghaus Ocean Avenger II 1000/1B CNC Beam Drill, 40” x 40’
quality management systems is preferred but not required as Max Beam, Siemens 840Di CNC Control, 2006 #29710
is certifications for CWI, CQA or NDT. Prior or current auditing Peddinghaus PCD-1100 CNC Beam Drill, 44” x 18” Capacity, 13.5
experience or auditing certifications are preferred but not HP, 900 RPM, (3) Spindles, 3” Max. Diameter, 13” Stroke, 2008 #29286
required. Interested contractors should submit a statement of
interest and resume to [email protected]. www.PrestigeEquipment.com | (631) 249-5566
[email protected]
Search employment ads online at www.modernsteel.com. To advertise, contact M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.: 856.768.9360 | [email protected]

advertiser index
AISC 8 | 15 | 50 | 61 Nucor Vulcraft Group 3
Applied Bolting 60 Peddinghaus Corporation 2
Bull Moose Industries back cover QuickFrames USA 14
Cast Connex Corporation 49 SDS/2 7
Chicago Metal Rolled Products insert SidePlate 19
Controlled Automation 18 St. Louis Screw & Bolt 23
Daito U.S.A., Inc. 23 Steel Erectors Association of America 48
IMPACT 57 V&S Galvanizing LLC 67
Infra-Metals 13 Voortman Corporation 12
Integrated Engineering Software 5
Modern Steel Construction | 65
structurally sound

ONE PRUDENTIAL PLAZA, AISC’s current home, turns to move inward on the east side of the excavation. The hand-dug
65 this year. And AISC itself turns—brace yourself (pun clearly caissons had been installed down to rock at about 90 ft on this side,
intended)—100 next year. and the movement caused the upper portion of about 10 caissons
The 601-ft-tall (912 ft to the tip of the antenna spire) building to crack. Asrow worked with University of Illinois professor Ralph
rises 41 stories and was the first high-rise built in Chicago follow- Peck (an expert in soil mechanics involved with installing Chica-
ing World War II. go’s subway tunnels) to inspect the bracing system and evaluate a
At the recent Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s means for jacking back the bracing that had moved.
World Congress in Chicago, Sherwin Asrow, who performed the After the sheeting had been restored to vertical, the upper part of
lateral force analysis for the building, shared some of his experi- the affected caissons was removed and replaced, and reinforcing bars
ences with the building, which was designed in 1947 and opened were embedded into each caisson below, extending to their tops. This
in 1955. Perhaps ironically, the home of an organization known for experience resulted in a change to the Chicago Building Code, which
its steel construction codes and standards was also the cause of a added a requirement for all caissons thereafter to have full-height ver-
major steel-related change to the city’s building code. tical steel reinforcing bars to prevent cracks from occurring.
According to Asrow, during installation of the bracing sys- For more about Asrow’s thoughts and experiences on his work
tem for the basement, the contractor didn’t install the horizontal with One Prudential Plaza, see the related Steel in the News item
members properly, causing part of the vertical sheet pile bracing at www.modernsteel.com. ■

66 | FEBRUARY 2020
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