MBA & MBA (BA) Comprehensive Project Handbook
MBA & MBA (BA) Comprehensive Project Handbook
Comprehensive Project
(MBA 04MB0448)
(MBA (BA) 04MB0448)
Rajkot-Morbi Road, At & Po. Gauridad,
Rajkot-360003, Gujarat, India.
Sr. Page
Part Particulars
No. No.
Introduction 1
Objective of the Comprehensive
Part A Notes on Specific Points 3 - 11
I Choosing a topic/questions 4
II Structure 5
III Title Page & Certificates 5
IV Abstract 6
V Introduction 6
VI Literature review 6
VII Research methodology 7
VIII Data Analysis and Interpretations 8
IX Findings and conclusions 8
X Suggestions 9
XI Limitation of the study 10
XII Contribution of the study 10
XIII Bibliography & References 10
XIV Appendices 11
Part B General Models for Comprehensive Project 12 – 17
If Comprehensive Project is research
I 14
If Comprehensive Project is Industry
II 16
defined study
Part C Specification for Comprehensive Project 18 – 20
Examination & Assessment of
Part D 21 – 24
Comprehensive Project
Certificates & Declarations formats for
Part E 25 - 29
Comprehensive Project
Students of Marwadi University - MBA program, semester - IV, are required to complete the
course with subject code 04MB0448 - Comprehensive Project. The course weight is 6 credits.
It carries a maximum of 100 marks for the Viva-voce examination.
These guidelines have been prepared to assist students of Marwadi University, Rajkot, India,
in preparing their master’s thesis/dissertation/report (hereinafter called the 'thesis'), in final
form for presentation to the University. The guidelines includes information about students
requirements, style and format regulations, steps for submission of thesis to the University, and
procedures for the approval of thesis. It is strongly recommended that all students and their
faculty advisors engaged in preparation of a master’s thesis become thoroughly familiar with
the contents of this guide before preparation of the thesis.
No guide or manual can encompass all possible questions or situations, which might arise in
the course of preparing thesis. If a question occurs that is not addressed in this guide, the student
is advised to consult the faculty supervisor. While utmost attention must be paid to the content
of the thesis, which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the
respective degree, it is imperative that a standard format be prescribed.
These guidelines provide a detailed information in respect of Thesis and to address some of the
“Frequently Asked Questions” by the students before the commencement of their work.
These guideliness are only suggestive and may call for deviation from the norms laid down
below depending upon the nature of problem chosen and the type of work expected to be
carried out.
Commencement: The dissertation will commence immediately after the completion of the III
Semester examinations and be submitted as per the Calendar of Events issued by Marwadi
University from time to time.
A Comprehensive Project provides opportunities for students to plan, complete, interpret, and
report research.
a. To demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the literature relating to the problem of study.
b. To reveal the student’s ability to collect, analyze, interpret and synthesize information/data.
c. To present the results obtained, in a sequential and logical manner.
d. To display the student’s ability to discuss coherently the meaning of the results.
Step 1: Identify concepts and terms that make up the topic statement. For example, your
faculty wants the class to focus on the following research problem: “Is the European Union a
credible security actor with the capacity to contribute to confronting global terrorism?" The
main concepts is this problem are: European Union, global terrorism, credibility [hint: focus
on identifying proper nouns, nouns or noun phrases, and action verbs in the assignment
Step 2: Review related literature to help refine how you will approach examining the topic
and finding a way to analyze it. You can begin by doing any or all of the following: reading
through background information from materials listed in your course syllabus; searching the
various library to find a recent book on the topic and, if appropriate, more specialized works
Step 3: Since social science research papers are generally designed to get you to develop your
own ideas and arguments, look for sources that can help broaden, modify, or strengthen
your initial thoughts and arguments [for example, if you decide to argue that the European
Union is ill prepared to take on responsibilities for broader global security because of the debt
crisis in many EU countries, then focus on identifying sources that support as well as refute
this position].
II. Structure
Most Comprehensive Project follow a similar pattern. Some students choose to combine
sections which are not sufficiently substansive to stand-alone or split chapters which become
too large. This structure is legitimate because it leads the reader through the report in a logical
manner with each section building on what went before. The format of the thesis will differ
based on types of research you conduct for the thesis. Follow Part B for the formation of the
structure and Content of the thesis. You are advised to consult your facutly supervisor for the
selection of format.
It is a usual practice to insert page numbers (starting from 1) from Chapter-1 and onwards.
Follow Part E for the various specimen of Title page and Certificate Pages for Comprehensive
V. Introduction
The introduction leads the reader from a general subject area to a particular topic of inquiry. It
establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by
summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic at the world
level, industry/sectorial level and company level. The idea is to understand the problem from
macro to micro level so as to provide solutions at different levels.
A well-written conclusion provides you with important opportunities to demonstrate to the reader your
understanding of the research problem. These include:
1. Presenting the last word on the issues you raised in your paper. Just as the introduction gives a first
impression to your reader, the conclusion offers a chance to leave a lasting impression. Do this, for
example, by highlighting key findings in your analysis or result section or by noting important or
unexpected implications applied to practice.
2. Summarizing your thoughts and conveying the larger significance of your study. The conclusion is
an opportunity to succinctly answer [or in some cases, to re-emphasize] the "So What?" question by
placing the study within the context of how your research advances past research about the topic.
3. Identifying how a gap in the literature has been addressed. The conclusion can be where you
describe how a previously identified gap in the literature [described in your literature review section]
has been filled by your research.
4. Demonstrating the importance of your ideas. Don't be shy. The conclusion offers you the opportunity
to elaborate on the impact and significance of your findings.
5. Introducing possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research problem. This does not
refer to introducing new information [which should be avoided], but to offer new insight and creative
approaches for framing or contextualizing the research problem based on the results of your study.
X. Suggestions
This is the section where you must revisit the research question/s and provide your answers to
it. Your comments and arguments must be supported by the findings of the research and you
should compare these with the view of the learned authors you have cited in the literature
review. There is no requirement of any correlation between the opinions expressed in your
literature review and your own findings. You should be prepared to offer some explanation
whether these two views agree or disagree.
Some authors choose to propose scope for additional research at the end of this section.
XIV. Appendices
Annexure are a set of documents that provide the details of certain aspects referred to in the
body of the text, as for example, (please see Annexure-1) and inappropriate to be included with
the running text. It could be data, equations, set of attributes etc. Each annexure is to be
numbered. Some authors prefer to call this as APPENDIX.
The structure suggested in this document is indicative only with the objective to provide an
insight into what constitutes a research document and how it is presented. Thesis is written in
many formats after clubbing certain chapter as deemed fit. This depends upon the areas of
research, research topics (experimental or theoretical) and presentation preferences. You are
advised to be in touch with your guide and deviate from the suggested structure if necessary.
However make sure that all the written work presented follows a logical sequence and helps
the reader to understand your research work in its proper perspective.
1. COVER PAGE(Specimen I)
2. TITLE PAGE(Specimen I)
A. Evaluation Scheme
Comprehensive Project consists of 100 marks and shall be evaluated on two components i)
Internal Assessment & ii) Viva.
B. Other Guidelines
Ø The students will prepare Comprehensive Project report in a group as per guidelines
provided by University.
Ø Group for Comprehensive Project shall consist of maximum 2 students.
Ø Supervisor will be allocated to each group preferably on the basis of specialization of
Ø Internal assessment by supervisor will be as per below mentioned schedule
In order to ensure that the students work seriously on the Thesis / Dissertation / Project Work,
a progressive evaluation method is evolved which may be adhered to as detailed below:
Sr. No. Review Schedule Attributes for Evaluation
1 Registration: v Merit of the problem
v Interaction with the guide that includes discussion
on the topic, expressing own views on the topic,
seeking guidance, highlighting alternatives etc.
v Understanding of the nature & Scope of work
v Work Target for the next Review and Action Plan
2 First Review v PART A (Assessment 1) to be checked by
3 Second Review: v Review of the work carried out during the previous
session and verification of affecting suggested
changes, if any.
v PART B (Assessment 2) to be checked by
4 Third Review: v Review of the work carried out during the previous
session and verification of affecting suggested
changes, if any.
Prepared By
Your name as found in official MU records
your enrollment number
Guided By
Name of Guide
A Report Submitted to
Marwadi University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MBA in
Faculty of Business Management
Month – Year
Rajkot-Morbi Road, At & Po. Gauridad,
Rajkot-360003, Gujarat, India.
This authentic work has been carried out by me under the supervision of Dr./Prof
……………………… I also declare that the content of this project report does not form a
basis for the award of any previous degree to any one else.
I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the
university and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly
cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.
[Name of Student]
[Enrollment No.]