Equity Note On MJLBL

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Company Overview ‘Total’ at 5% and Shell, Castrol and Caltex with 2% each and the
other 2% share has been secured by the MJLBD’s subsidiary
MJL Bangladesh Limited (MJLBD), a Joint Venture in the Omera Petroleum Ltd. The remaining 46% share of the market
downstream petroleum industry between Jamuna Oil Company is controlled by other products. Currently there are almost 70
Ltd. (JOCL) and EC Securities Ltd (subsidiary of the East Coast brands of lubricants in Bangladesh and the number is increasing
Group), was incorporated in 1998. The company started its day by day.
commercial operation in 1999. The company initiated as a
lubricating oil marketing company of Mobil brand but later in Company Fundamentals
2003 with the introduction of Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP) it Market Cap (BDT mn) 29,284.5
also got engaged in blending lubricant and grease products. Market Weight 1.1%
Currently the company has three subsidiaries – Omera
No. of Shares (mn) 238.5
Petroleum Ltd. (MJLBD owns 75% share), Omera Cylinders Ltd.
(MJLBD owns 99.99% share) and MJL & AKT Petroleum Ltd. Free-float (Public + Inst.) 22.2
(MJLBD owns 51% share). The company procures base oils from Paid-up Capital (BDT mn) 2385.0
ExxonMobil while the additives are sourced from other global 3 Months Average Turnover (BDT mn) 175.2
suppliers. MJLBD’s products can be categorized into three 3 Months Return 34.6%
segments – Mobil brand products, Omera brand products and Current Price (BDT) 122.8
other brand products. Some of the products of the company
52-week Price Range 68 – 123.5
are blended in the country while some finished products are
imported to meet the local as well as to export in the foreign Sector Forward P/E 14.0
market. MJLBD uses 16 depots, 431 filling stations, 852 agents 2014
2011 2012 2013
and 181 packed point dealers of JOCL to distribute its products (Q 2 Annu.)
to the major state owned industries and power plants. Other Financial Information (BDT mn):
than that MJLBD distributes its products directly to the
Net Sales 6,017 6,994 7,202 8,231
industrial buyers or through its own appointed 82 wholesalers.
Operating Profit 709 879 968 1,854
In 2013, the MJLBD attained 2.77% growth in its total revenue Profit After Tax 637 651 685 1,198
based on the positive growth rates of Oil tanker unit (20.79%) Assets 11,409 11,312 14,132 16,329
and trading unit (9.91%) and declining growth rate of the Long Term Debt 175 745 425 1,426
revenue from the manufacturing unit (7.03%). Out of the total Equity 6,872 7,212 7,780 8,093
sales 49% were generated by the Industrial lubricants while Dividend (C/B)% 15/15 25/- 25/- --/--
commercial vehicle lubricants and private vehicle lubricants Margin:
constituted 31% and 20% respectively of the total sales. In FY
Gross Profit 18.8% 19.0% 20.8% 27.1%
2013, the company’s gross profit margin increased to 20.79%
Operating Profit 11.8% 12.6% 13.4% 22.5%
from the last year’s rate of 18.97% as the company purchased
lower amount of raw materials for the manufacturing unit. As Pretax Profit 15.5% 12.4% 13.3% 21.2%
on December 31 2013, the company utilized 51% of its total Net Profit 10.6% 9.3% 9.7% 14.6%
capacity against the previous year’s 56.28%. Growth:
The firm was enlisted in the DSE and the CSE in June 2011. Sales 56.4% 16.2% 3.0% 14.3%
Around 58.36% of shares of the company are held by the Gross Profit 19.1% 17.3% 12.8% 49.3%
Sponsors, 19.45% by the Government and rest 12.91% & 9.12% Operating Profit -0.7% 23.9% 10.2% 91.5%
are held by the Institute & General Investors respectively. Net Profit 25.3% 2.3% 7.4% 74.8%
Industry Overview
ROA 7.7% 5.7% 5.5% 7.9%
The lubricant industry in Bangladesh can be segmented into ROE 12.6% 9.2% 9.3% 15.1%
three categories – industrial lubricant, commercial vehicle Leverage:
lubricant and private vehicle lubricant. Commercial vehicle
Debt Ratio 28.7% 22.4% 32.2% 34.2%
lubricant and private vehicle lubricant accounts for 46% and
29% of the total demand for lubricants in Bangladesh while Debt-Equity 47.7% 35.2% 58.4% 69.0%
industrial sector demands 25%. The demand for industrial Int. Coverage 1.9 2.8 3.7 9.2
lubricant is mainly dominated by the energy sector while Valuation:
manufacturing and processing industry also contributes to it. Price/Earnings 37.4 29.19 25.6 24.4
MJLBL has provided almost 60% of all industrial lubricants 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.6
during 2013 in Bangladesh. The Estimated consumption of
EPS (BDT) 2.7 2.7 2.9 5.0
lubricants in the country is around 1,00,000 tonnes which is
NAV Per Share 28.8 30.2 32.6 33.9
expected to grow at a rate of 2.5% in the coming years. Another
estimate shows that the market is worth to be BDT 2400 crore.
The lubricant market is led by the MJLBD with 30% market
share, followed by British Petroleum at 11%, French brand

1 September 11, 2014

Investment Positives 5 Year Earnings Per Share (BDT)
 The Omera LPG Import Terminal & Bottling Plants Project, 5.00
75% owned subsidiary of MJLBD is expected to be
operational by October 2014. According the feasibility 2.67 2.73
report of the company, the project is expected to generate
the profit of approximately BDT 170 mn. This project is
aimed to meet the demand for LP Gas. The plant has a
Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 (Q2
capacity of 100,000 TON/Annum. Annu.)
 Omera Cylinders Ltd. another ongoing project of the
company (99.99% owned) is also expected to be
operational by October 2014. The company will provide Price Movement Since Listing
cylinders to the LP gas plants. The annual capacity of the 250
plant will be 5,00,000-5,50,000 cylinders annually. 200
 The company has also signed an agreement with Balmer 150
Lawrie & Co. Ltd., a market leader in India in the 100
production of steel barrels. The purpose of signing is to 50
manufacture high quality steel drums for MJLBD for 0
storing of lubricant oil. Besides, it will also meet the Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-12 Jun-13 Dec-13 Jun-14

market demand.
 MJLBD penetrated in the Myanmar market with its Pricing Based on Relative Valuation:
subsidiary MJL & AKT Petroleum Co. Ltd. MJL & AKT Multiple Value
petroleum imports Mobil branded products as well as Market Forward P/E 17.2 based86.9
lubricants produced by MJLBD. Projection
Market Trailing P/E 17.1 50.2
 To support the local manufacturers of LPG cylinders, the Sector Forward P/E 14.0 70.3
government increased the import duty from 5% to 10%. Sector Trailing P/E 13.2 38.7
Omera Cylinders Ltd. will be benefitted with this step. Sector P/B 2.1 71.3
Investment Negatives ** The average value per share is based on the current available data only.
However, two subsidiaries of the company are expected to be operational by
 In FY 2013, the manufacturing unit witnessed a negative October 2014, which will accordingly improve the earnings and so as the price.
growth of 7.03% from the previous year. Sales of locally
blended lubricants and export sales of lubricants Concluding Remark
decreased from the previous year. MJLBD, a market leader in the lubricant industry, holds many
 Shortage of gas supply and power adversely affects the projects which are expected to be fully operational within this
industrial growth which in turn lowers the demand for the year. All these projects may surge the EPS of the company. As
industrial lubricant consumption. per its latest half yearly financial statements, the Company
 As the lube oil blending and marketing companies are fully reported net profit after tax of BDT 598.94 mn which was BDT
dependent on imported raw materials, price fluctuation of 400.19 mn for the same period of the previous year registering
raw materials overseas will have an adverse effect on a 50% growth due to decreasing COGS to Sales and reducing of
every company in this sector. financial expenses. As on date, the Company’s RSI (15) and MFI
(15) were 56.72 and 79.36 respectively.
Source: Annual Reports, the Financial Express, the Daily Star and ILSL Research, Company’s
concerned officials.

ILSL Research Team:

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Rezwana Nasreen Head of Research Disclaimer: This document has been prepared by International Leasing Securities Limited (ILSL) for
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2 September 11, 2014

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