IR Discovery Software User Manual V1.5

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Ruitan IR Discovery

User Manual


IRay Technology Co., Ltd.
Version change Description

Serial version
content of change change time Change sponsor
number number

1 V1.0 Original creation 2023.01.15 KaiXing

2 V1.1 1. 4.2.6 Material library 2023.02.18 KaiXing

section, added export synthesis
report function;

2. 4.3.7 Set the minimum

snapshot interval to 5 seconds
in the Scheduled Task section;

3. 4.4 In the off-line

analysis section, add
"Displaying line temperature
Distribution Curve in Off-line
Video Analysis";

4. 4.4.1Added the
"overscore" function to the
offline image analysis tool;

5. 4.7.1 Added System

Function Mode;

3 V1.2 1. modify the title of the 2023.03.31 KaiXing

instruction manual from
"Ruitan Temperature
Measurement and Analysis
System" to "Ruitan IR
Discovery Professional
Temperature Measurement
and Analysis Software";

2. chapter 4.2.4: add the

"Picture Enlargement
Preview" function;
3. chapter 4.3.3: add the
function of "setting the frame
rate of recorded video";
4. chapter 4.4: add the
function of "displaying
picture’s text notes" , and
modify exporting MP4
format video of offline video;
5. chapter 4.7.2: add the
functions of "Snap Resolution
Settings", "Video Interval (i.e.
Video Frame Rate) Settings",
and "Whole Frame
Temperature Information
Display Settings"

1. add M305 and M315 to the

4 V1.3 2023.05.15 KaiXing
supported hardware
2. section 4.3.4, Real time
curve statistics, adding the
function of "Right click to
copy statistical images to the
3. section 4.3.5, adding
instructions for modifying
environmental parameters;
4. chapter 4.4.2, offline image
analysis, adding regional
temperature statistics and
data export functions;

1. Section 4.4.1 adds the

5 V1.4 2023.06.29 KaiXing
function of exporting
2. Chapter 4.6: Temperature
measurement center
historical temperature
curve cursor adds
keyboard left and right
button control
1. In the chapter 3 Supported
6 V1.5 Hardware Product Information, 2023.8.29 KaiXing
remove the category of
"Wireless Devices" and add
T630 for Handheld Devices;

2. In the chapter 4.1 device

management, delete the
category of "wireless device";

3. In the chapter 4.7 System

Settings, add Temperature
Measurement Report Template

4. Added 4.9 Report Generation

Table of Contents
1. Software Instruction ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Software Operating Environment .............................................................................................................. 1
3. Applicable Products ................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Software Operations .................................................................................................................................. 2
4.1 Device Management .........................................................................................................................2
4.1.1 Add Encoding Devices Manually ........................................................................................... 3
4.1.2 Search and Add Encoding Devices ....................................................................................... 4
4.1.3 IO Device Management ......................................................................................................... 4
4.1.4 Group Management ............................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Gallery ...............................................................................................................................................6
4.2.1 Local Import ............................................................................................................................7
4.2.2 Folder Management ............................................................................................................... 7
4.2.3 Gallery Preview ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.4 Image/Video Analysis .............................................................................................................9
4.2.5 Image/Video Management ...................................................................................................10
4.3 Online Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 USB Device Management ....................................................................................................12
4.3.2 Temperature Measurement Tools ....................................................................................... 12
4.3.3 Video Interface ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.4 Real-time Temperature Curve ............................................................................................. 14
4.3.5 Environment Parameters ..................................................................................................... 16
4.3.6 Highlight Temperature ..........................................................................................................16
4.3.7 Scheduled tasks ................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.8 Alarm Settings ...................................................................................................................... 17
4.3.9 Configuration Tool ................................................................................................................18
4.4 Offline Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1 Temperature Measurement Tools ....................................................................................... 23
4.4.2 Image Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.3 Real-time Curve ................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.4 Environment Parameters ..................................................................................................... 25
4.4.5 Temperature Highlight ..........................................................................................................25
4.4.6 Video Tools ...........................................................................................................................26
4.4.7 Export Reports ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.4.8 Image super resolution ........................................................................................................ 26
4.5 Alarm Center ...................................................................................................................................27
4.6 Thermography Center .................................................................................................................... 29

4.6.1 Video Tools ...........................................................................................................................30
4.7 System Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 30
4.7.1 Basic Setting ........................................................................................................................ 30
4.7.2 Temperature Analysis Configuration ................................................................................... 31
4.7.3 Alarm Configuration ............................................................................................................. 32
4.7.4Thermography Center Configuration .................................................................................... 32
4.7.5 Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................... 32
4.7.6 Password Management ....................................................................................................... 32
4.7.7 Switch Language ..................................................................................................................33
4.8 Report Generation .......................................................................................................................... 33
4.8.1 Report Generation Function Entry .......................................................................................33
4.8.2 Report Template Selection .................................................................................................. 33
4.8.3. Report Preview,Edit and Custom Template ....................................................................... 34
4.8.4 Export Report ....................................................................................................................... 37

1. Software Instruction

Ruitan IR Discovery Temperature analysis software (IR Discovery for short) is a professional PC
temperature measurement analysis software that integrates equipment management, real-time
temperature measurement analysis, gallery management, off-line analysis, alarm management, and
temperature data analysis. The TAS matches with multiple series of hardware products manufactured by
IRay Technology. It can provide professional and accurate temperature monitoring and intelligent
analysis for industries, laboratories and other scenarios to optimize the hardware capability and facilitate
the actual application.

2. Software Operating Environment

OS Win7, win10, win11

CPU Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-9500 @ 3.00GHz or above

Memory 8GB or above

Hard Disk 100GB or above

Network Card Gigabit

Display Super VGA(1024×768)Display(or with higher resolution)

Others Can output audio

3. Applicable Products

AT300, AT600, AT31, AT61, AT31F, AT61F, AT31U, AT61U, AT31M,

On-line Devices
AT61M, AT1280

Handheld P200, M200, M300, M305,M315,M320,M600,M620,C200, T300, T600,
Devices T630(T630_OS_T20_V0.0.3)、S1280

Thermal M3384, M3640, LT384, LT640, LT1280, LT384H, LT640H

Imaging Cores

IO Devices MOXA

4. Software Operations

4.1 Device Management

To maintain and manage the Online devices and IO devices. The thermal imaging cores and handheld
devices are unnecessary to be added and maintained here.

No. Comments
1 Device group list
2 List of devices added to the group
3 Online device list

4.1.1 Add Encoding Devices Manually Operation Instructions

Add Devices
Click Add button to pop up the Add Device window, as shown in the figure below. Fill in the device
information according to the prompts. Click OK to complete.

Edit Device
After selecting an added device, click Edit button, and an editing window will pop up. Modify the device
information, and click OK to complete the modification.
Delete Device
Select an added device and click the Delete button to delete the selected device.

3 Note

If you don’t know the device model, IP, port, user name and password, please contact technical support

4.1.2 Search and Add Encoding Devices Operation Instructions

(1) Click the Search icon, and the system will automatically search for encoding devices in the current
(2) After selecting the device to be added, click Add button, and enter the user name and password of
the device in the pop-up window. Then click OK button, and the system will add the encoding device to
the device list at the top of the page. Note

The user name and password will be added successfully regardless of whether they are correct. If the
user name or password is incorrect, the system will display it as offline.

4.1.3 IO Device Management Operation Instructions

Select IO in the upper right corner of Device Management to switch the device list to the IO device list.

Add Devices
Click Add button to pop up the Add Device window. Fill in the device information according to the
prompts. Click OK to complete.
Edit Device
After selecting an added device, click Edit button, and an editing window will pop up. Modify the device
information, and click OK to complete the modification.
Delete Device
Select an added device and click the Delete button in top right list to delete the selected device.
Reset Device
Select the added device and click Reset button in top right list to deactivate the device from alarm state. Note

If the linkage alarm is ongoing, the IO device will immediately enter the alarm detection state again after
clicking the Reset button.

4.1.4 Group Management Operation Instructions

Add Groups

Click to pop up the group adding window. After filling in the group name, click OK to add a new
Edit Groups

Click and a modification window will pop up. You can modify the current group name. Click OK to
finish the modification.
Delete Groups

After selecting a group, click the icon to delete it. Note

Deleting a group will also delete all devices in the group. Please operate with caution.
The default group can neither be edited nor deleted.

4.2 Gallery

No. Description

1 Folder Path List

2 Material Import and Analysis

3 Image and Video Display

4 Operation Buttons

5 Screening Tool Bar

6 Information Display Area

7 Material Selection Info.

4.2.1 Local Import Operation Instructions

(1) Click the Import button and select Local Import on the Gallery page.
(2) Select the local folder path you want to import, and the system will automatically import the
analyzable files under this path into the temperature measurement analysis software. Notice

Local import is only to establish an address connection with local resources, and the file is still in the
original location.

4.2.2 Folder Management Operation Instructions

Remove Folder

After selecting the folder to be deleted, click on the upper right of the folder list to remove the folder
from the software.
Quick Folder Opening

After selecting the folder to be deleted on the right, click on the upper right of the folder list to
quickly open the folder. Note

(1) Folder removal is only to remove the folder from the software, and will not delete it in the local
(2) The default two folders of Snapshot and Recording cannot be deleted.

4.2.3 Gallery Preview Operation Instructions

Click Type drop-down box at the top right of Gallery, and select the displayed type (All, Images, Video)
from the drop-down list to quickly filter the type.
Click Sort drop-down box at the top right of Gallery, and select the sorting method (By Name, By Time)
from the drop-down list to quickly sort the displayed images/videos.
Note: by name is to arrange the image/videos by file names in ascending order, by time is to arrange the
image/video by capture time in descending order.
Quick Search
You can quickly search for the image by entering the image name in the quick search bar. The system
supports image name fuzzy search.
Click the image/video to be previewed, you can preview the image/video and basic image/video
information on the right side of Gallery.

Click the zoom in icon in the lower left corner of the thumbnail, as shown in the above figure. In the
pop-up window, zoom in to display the image, as shown in the following figure:

4.2.4 Image/Video Analysis Operation Instructions

The first method: select the images or videos to be analyzed in batches, and then click the Analyze
button on the upper left of Gallery to perform secondary analysis.
The second method: double-click the images or videos with the left mouse to quickly perform secondary
analysis. Note

Only the image/video with marks can be analyzed.

4.2.5 Image/Video Management Operation Instructions

Click the refresh button to reload and display the images/videos of the current path.

Select the image/video, click the icon, and a rename dialog box will pop up. After entering a new file
name, click OK to complete the modification.
Batch reports export:
You can select multiple analyzable images at once (currently there is no limit to the number of images),

click the button at the top right of the material display list, and quickly batch export temperature
measurement analysis reports according to the selected report template (see "4.9 Report Generation"
section for details). Note

Once the image/video is deleted, it will be deleted locally from the computer. Please operate with
Now only the independent report can be exported.

4.3 Online Analysis

No. Description

1 Device list

2 Temperature measurement tools

3 Configuration tools

4 Preview area

5 Change Color Palettes and export report

6 Alarm configuration

7 Region temperature information

8 Ambient parameters
9 Color highlight
10 Temperature scale switch
11 Scheduled tasks

4.3.1 USB Device Management Operation Instructions

Handheld devices and modules can be identified on the computer via USB connector. If not, click to
refresh manually. Note

(1) Online devices need to be maintained on the Device Management in advance. Please refer to the
Device Management chapter.
(2) Device status

Video Output



4.3.2 Temperature Measurement Tools

Icon Description Functions

Select Select ROI

Point Draw points

Line Draw lines
Rectangle Draw rectangles

Circle Draw circles

Polygon Draw polygons

Follow with mouse Display temperature following the mouse
Shield the temperature calculation and alarm
Privacy Mask
linkage within the privacy mask area
Delete the selected
Select a tool and delete
Delete all Delete all tools
Two options: Original Size and Adapt to Window
Zoom in
are available
Isothermal ribbon Add Isothermal ribbon
Export temperature measurement area and
Export template
environmental parameters as template files
Import template Import previously exported template files

3D 3D display of temperature data

Shutter Perform shutter correction

Focus Auto focus

Focus Manual Focus+

Focus Manual Focus-

4.3.3 Video Interface Operation Instructions

Video Preview
Double-click the device to display the preview screen.
The system currently supports up to four split screens.
Change Color Palettes
(1) Click the Color Palettes drop-down box at the top right of the page to select different color palettes.
(2) After switching the color palettes, the colorized bar on the right side of the video will change
Temperature Scale
(1) Manual level/span: Disable Auto level/span, and drag the two sides of the temperature bar to
manually adjust level/span.
(2) Auto level/span: Enable Auto level/span, and the level/span will be automatically adjusted according
to the video.
Manually recording video

After clicking the preview window toolbar icon , the icon status changed to , indicating that video
recording for this channel has been turned on.

(1) There is no limit to the duration of this video recording. The maximum duration of video recording
depends on the space under the storage path. The storage path can be set at "System Configuration -
Analysis - Recording Path". Recording will automatically stop when the space is full;
(2) The software automatically segments video files based on the size of the recorded video file, with a
maximum size of 2GB per slice. For segmented video, the software currently does not have the ability to
merge segments, that is, each segment of the video is independent.
(3) By default, recording video will record each frame of the output video stream from the device. You
can set the video recording frame rate at "System Configuration Analysis Recording Interval", as shown
in the following figure:

The default is "original frame rate of the device", which means that the recording device outputs
each frame of the video stream. You can set a "custom frame rate", that is, record one frame of a picture
at a specified time interval, with a time interval range of 1-3600 seconds. Note

You need to select a split screen to perform corresponding operations under four split screen mode.

4.3.4 Real-time Temperature Curve

Icon Functions
Set the type of data curve

Real-time curve screenshot

Export real-time curve data Operation Instructions

(1) Add or delete a curve: Click on the real-time curve window, and the curve selection window will
pop up. Check or uncheck, and then click OK to add or delete the curve accordingly.

(2) Screenshot of real-time curve: Click on the curve real-time curve window to save the curve
displayed on the current screen to a local JPG image.You can also right-click on the real-time curve
window and select "Copy" to quickly copy the curve image in the current window to the system clipboard,
making it convenient to quickly copy and paste the image elsewhere, as shown in the following figure:

The exported image is shown in the following figure: (Note: The following figure is sample data, not the
exported image corresponding to the above figure)

(3) Export of real-time curve data: Click on the real-time curve window to save the real-time curve
data to a local file.
(4) Area amplification: Move the mouse to the real-time curve area, and scroll the mouse to zoom in or
zoom out the real-time curve.

4.3.5 Environment Parameters Operation Instructions

(1) Refresh: Read the environment parameters of the current device

(2) Setting: Enable the currently modified parameters. Note

(1) When modifying Reflection Temperature, it is necessary to ensure that emissivity is not 1.
(2) When modifying the ambient temperature, it is necessary to ensure that the atmospheric
transmittance is not 1.

4.3.6 Highlight Temperature Operation Instructions

(1) Highest temperature: Highlight the area in a video where the temperature is above or equal to the
highest temperature.
(2) Lowest temperature: Highlight the area in a video where the temperature is below or equal to the
lowest temperature.
(3) Within the interval: Highlight the area between lowest temperature and highest temperature.
(4) Outside the interval: Highlight the area where the temperature is above the highest temperature and
below the lowest temperature.

4.3.7 Scheduled tasks Operation Instructions

(1) Photo taking interval: the photo taking interval of two pictures can be set, with a minimum of 10
seconds per picture.
(2) Capture type: you can set the type of timing capture pictures. Support IRG (analyzable temperature
picture), JPG, GW (State Grid format).

4.3.8 Alarm Settings Operation Instructions

Select a temperature measurement area in temperature measurement –Config Region, click in the
upper right corner, and the alarm configuration interface will pop up, as shown in the following figure.

(1) Alarm Type

1 Temperature alarm: An alarm will be triggered when the measured temperature value is above
or below the set value. Three alarm levels can be set after Enable Level is selected.The
threshold value cannot be set after the alarm level is selected. At this time, the temperature
alarm is subject to the temperature in the setting level.
2 Temperature rise alarm: When the temperature rise value within the set time period is greater
than the set threshold, an alarm message will be generated. Three alarm levels can be set after
Enable Level is selected.The threshold value cannot be set after the alarm level is selected. At
this time, the temperature alarm is subject to the temperature in the setting level.
(2) Alarm Linkage

1 After setting the alarm configuration, switch to the alarm linkage and select the alarm type.
2 Select the corresponding linkage operations according to the actual needs. Click OK to
complete the configuration.
The storage path of linkage snapshot and linkage recording can be set in System Configuration.

4.3.9 Configuration Tool

Enter the configuration tools by clicking the Settings icon in the upper right of the device list on the online
analysis page.

No. Description

1 Device list

2 Video preview

3 Second calibration, environment parameter and advance

4 Device status and settings Operation Instructions

Device Status Display and Setting

(1) Read status: Get the status parameters of the device.
(2) Save settings: Save the modified parameters to the device.
(3) Restore factory settings: The parameters can be restored to the factory default settings.

(4) Sync time: synchronize with the PC time.
Secondary Calibration
(1) Align the device with the blackbody and calibrate the device temperature.
(2) Enable: Save the calibrated values.
(3) Clear: Clear the set calibration value.
Environment Parameter Settings
(1) Refresh: read the environmental parameters of the current device.
(2) Setting: Set the currently modified parameters to the device and enable.
Advanced Settings
(1) Module Version: Click Read to get software version number of the current device.
(2) Update Firmware (supported by some devices): Update the internal software of the current device.
(3) Update Color Palettes (supported by some devices): Update the color palettes settings. Note

(1) Select devices before performing any operations.

(2) The secondary calibration is a professional calibration process. If you have any question, please
contact the technical support personnel in time.

4.4 Offline Analysis


No. Description
1 Images/videos to be analyzed
2 Image and video switch
3 Temperature measurement tools
Temperature measurement display: regional temperature statistical chart,
regional temperature data
5 Environment data
6 Temperature highlight settings
7 Image mode
8 Video control tools
9 Real-time curve
10 Temperature scale
11 Video frame progress bar
12 Real-time curve tool
13 Change Color Palettes
Real-time temperature measurement data display (including only straight line

4.4.1 Temperature Measurement Tools

Icon Description Functions

Select Select ROI

Point Draw points

Line Draw lines
Rectangle Draw rectangles

Circle Draw circles

Polygon Draw polygons

Follow with mouse Display temperature following the mouse
Delete the selected Select a tool and delete
Delete all Delete all tools
Select an image or video, and use the
mouse wheel to zoom in and out
Rotate Clockwise Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

Rotate Counterclockwise Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise

Saves and overwrites the image currently

Save Image
being analyzed
Save the currently analyzed image as a new
Save As
3D 3D display of temperature data

Export Table Export temperature table of the full frame

Capture and export the current infrared

Save Picture
Export Reports Export temperature analysis reports
Switch between absolute time and relative
Switch time coordinate axis
Carry out super resolution on the picture,
Super Resolution
and enlarge the picture resolution by 2 times
The thermal image video after secondary
Export mp4 analysis can be exported to mp4 format, and
the video carries information such as ROI

and pseudo color setting during the analysis

4.4.2 Image Analysis Operation Instructions

(1) Add the image/video to analysis list referring to Gallery – Second Analysis.
(2) Use temperature measurement tools to perform corresponding analysis on the image/video. Note

(1)After secondary analysis of the image, click the "Save" button, and the corresponding temperature
scale will be displayed on the right side of the pseudo color bar in the saved image. You can view it in the
material library, as shown in the following figure:

(2) Temperature measurement data display - regional temperature statistical chart. For straight lines,
the line temperature distribution curve can be formed, and statistical pictures can be exported, as
well as the original data behind the curve. For closed areas, the temperature distribution histogram
can be formed, and the function of exporting statistical pictures can be provided.

In the above figure, right-click and select "Copy" to copy the statistical image to the clipboard for quick
copying and pasting to other places.

4.4.3 Real-time Curve

It has the same function as the online analysis. Please refer to the online analysis.
This function is only for video secondary analysis.

4.4.4 Environment Parameters

It has the same function as the online analysis. Please refer to the online analysis.

4.4.5 Temperature Highlight

It has the same function as the online analysis. Please refer to the online analysis.

4.4.6 Video Tools

Icon Functions



Previous frame

Next frame

Play speed

Video clip

Audio play

4.4.7 Export Reports Operation Instructions

Select the image to be exported, click icon, according to the selected report template, a temperature
measurement analysis report can be exported (see the section "4.9 Report Generation" for details). Note

(1) File name and storage path are required items.

(2) To export PDF format, Microsoft Word needs to be installed in advance.

4.4.8 Image super resolution Operation Instructions

(1) Select the image material you want to export, click button, pop up the super resolution page.

(3) If you want to save the picture after the excess minutes, click the Save button and set the path to
save the image. Note

(1) If you want to save the picture after the excess minutes, click the Save button and set the path to
save the image.
(2) Compared with the resolution of infrared data, the image resolution of the generated JPG image is *2
in length and *2 in width.

4.5 Alarm Center

No. Description

1 Switch between real-time alarm and alarm history

2 Real-time alarm operations

3 Real-time alarm screening

4 Real-time alarm history

5 Display alarm details

6 Screening condition of history alarm

7 Whether to display the details of alarm history

4.6 Thermography Center

No. Description
1 Temp. record and statistics curve
2 Search tools for temperature records
3 Display area of temperature records
4 Screening conditions for temperature statistics curve

5 Select a device
6 Display of temperature statistics
7 Save images and export data

4.6.1 Video Tools

Clicking on the temperature point displays a cursor with temperature and time, and the left and right
keyboard keys can control the left and right movement of the cursor.

4.7 System Configuration

4.7.1 Basic Setting

(1) System Function Mode Settings.You can switch system function modes, including handheld
mode(only display functions associated with handheld devices) and handheld + Online mode(show all
A) After the system mode is switched to handheld mode, the program loads the corresponding
functional options, including material library module, offline analysis module, and some functions in
online analysis module: device list display and refresh, real-time preview, analysis tools, ROI
temperature list display, real-time temperature curve, timing tasks, and environment parameter setting.
Only temperature analysis and advanced Settings are reserved in the system configuration.
B) After switching the system mode to handheld + online mode, the program loads all functional
(2) Temperature measurement report template settings. You can set the report template to use when
exporting the report, including each selection (when exporting the report, select the template to use each
time) and default settings (fixed report templates can be set, and the template selection window will no
longer be displayed when exporting the report, and the template set here will be used by default).

After selecting 'Default Settings', you can click the' Settings' button on the right side to set the default
report template in the pop-up window shown in the following figure. The selected default template name
is preceded by a red asterisk.

4.7.2 Temperature Analysis Configuration

(1) Region and font color: set the border and font color of the temperature measurement object.
(2) Font size: set the font size displayed on the temperature measurement area both online and offline
(3) Temperature unit: set the temperature unit in the system, including Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.
(4) Distance unit: distance unit of environmental parameters
(5) Image format: set the type of images captured during online analysis. Supports IRG (analyzable
temperature image), JPG, GW (State grid format).
(6) Capture path: set the storage path of captured images.
(7) Video format: set the file format of the recorded video during online analysis. Support IRV (analyzable
temperature video), MP4.
(8) Recording path: set the storage path of the recorded video file.
(9) Enable GPU: enable GPU acceleration manually.
(10) Enable OpenGLES: enable OpenGLES manually.
(11) Display the highest temperature, lowest temperature, and average temperature: Set the type of
temperature information displayed or included in real-time analysis, image offline analysis, video offline
analysis preview screen, temperature measurement analysis report, exported csv temperature data file
for entire frame or each ROI. Only when the switch is turned on will the preview screen or file be
displayed or included.

(12)Display Entire Frame Temperature: Set whether to use the entire frame as an ROI for temperature
statistics, display, alarm settings, etc. If the switch is turned off, the entire frame information will no longer
be displayed in the software.
(13)Display temperature in preview screen: Set whether to display temperature statistics in real-time
analysis, image offline analysis, and video offline analysis preview screens. This switch is turned off by
default, that is, it is not displayed in the preview screen, but displayed in the temperature list on the right
side of the preview screen.

4.7.3 Alarm Configuration

(1) Linkage capture path: the storage path of the captured image of linkage alarm.
(2) Linkage video path: the storage path for recording video when linkage alarm is set.
(3) Linkage video duration: the length of video recorded when linkage alarm is set.
(4) Alarm data clearing: set the storage period for alarm data. The data exceeding the set period will be
cleared automatically.
(5) Auto alarm off: turn the alarm on, set the filter time to auto turn off the alarm after the alarm is

4.7.4Thermography Center Configuration

(1) Collection interval: Set the time interval for storing temperature data to the local area when real-time
analysis data is performed. The minimum interval is 1 minute.
(2) Temperature data clearing: Set the storage period for temperature data. The data that exceeds the
set period will be cleared automatically.

4.7.5 Advanced Settings

(1) Frame skip: after the value is set, a frame of temperature data will be collected for online video
analysis after every setup frame.
(2) Enable GPU: enable GPU speed up manually.
(3) Enable OpenGLES: enable OpenGLES manually.
(4) Enable (ATU) automatic gain switching: for ATU equipment, automatic gain switching can be
enabled. When the temperature exceeds the upper limit/lower limit and the maintenance time exceeds
the filtering time, the equipment can automatically switch the high and low temperature gain.

4.7.6 Password Management

Set password in configuration tools and alarm settings to prevent maloperation by unrelated personnel.

32 Operation Instructions

(1) Access the password control from the system menu.

(2) Check Enable Password after entering the interface. Note

The original password is 123456. Change the default password after the initial login.

4.7.7 Switch Language

Switch to a language supported by the system.

4.8 Report Generation

4.8.1 Report Generation Function Entry

There are two entrances in the software for generating reports:

(1) In the gallery module, select one or more images and click the "Export Report" button;
(2) Offline analysis module, image secondary analysis, click the "Export Report" button.

4.8.2 Report Template Selection

In "System Configuration - Basic Configuration", the "Temperature Measurement Report Template"

mode can be set, including two options: "Every Selection" and "Default Settings". When set to "Every
Selection", the "Report Template Selection" window shown below will be displayed every time the report
is exported, selecting the report template to use. After setting to "Default Settings", in the window below,
select the default template. The template selection window will no longer be displayed for each
subsequent report export, and this template will be used by default.
Currently, the software provides two built-in templates, single heatmap single visible light(Thermal x1
Visible x1) and single heatmap(Thermal x1).

4.8.3. Report Preview,Edit and Custom Template Report Preview

On “Gallery” or “Offline Analysis” page, click on the "Export Report " button, select a report
template (if a template is set for each selection, a template needs to be selected), and the report preview
window will appear, as shown in the following figure:

The page contains four areas : report component area, report thumbnail area,report editing and
preview area and attribute editing area.

① Report component area

After clicking on the component, the corresponding component will be automatically inserted in the
current preview report, and the software will automatically calculate the position of the inserted
component, but it can be dragged and adjusted.
Currently, including the following components:

Component Name Function Description

infrared image Insert a infrared image component into the report

and associate it with an infrared image
Insert a visible light image component into the report,

visible images which will be associated with the infrared image

component to obtain and display the associated
visible light image
Insert a line chart component into the report, which

line chart will be associated with the infrared image component

to display the temperature distribution of the line ROI
in the image
Insert a bar chart component into the report, which
will be associated with the infrared image component
bar chart to display the temperature distribution of the
enclosed area ROI in the image (such as whole frame,
rectangle, circle, polygon)
Insert a ROI temperature information list component
ROI into the report, which will be associated with the
temperature Infrared Image component to display the highest,
information average, and lowest temperature information of the
ROI in the image
Insert a device information component into the
device report, which will be associated with the Infrared
Information Image component to display relevant information
about the device that took the image
Insert a environmental parameters component into
environmental the report, which will be associated with the Infrared
parameter Image component, displaying the entire frame of the
information image and the environmental parameter information
of each ROI
Insert a comment information component into the
report, which will be associated with the Infrared
remark Image component to display the note information
recorded in the image, and also to edit the note

normal image Insert a normal image component into the report to
associate a normal (non infrared) image
plain text Insert a plain text component into the report

removing click on this icon and then click on a component in the

component report to delete the component in the report
② Report Thumbnail Area

One infrared image corresponds to one report, and one report corresponds to one thumbnail. After
clicking on the thumbnail, the report preview area displays the corresponding report content.

Right click on a thumbnail in the thumbnail area, and the right-click menu includes: Add Page, Delete
Page, and Save as Template.

Add a new page, including a new default template page and a new blank page. The default template is
the template used for the current report. After adding a blank page, the components included in the page
and their arrangement can be fully customized.

③ Report editing and preview area

You can preview the report in this area and edit it at the same time.

You can add new components to the report by clicking on the "Component Area".

You can click on a component with the left mouse button while dragging to adjust its position.

You can right-click on a component and select "Delete Component" from the pop-up menu to delete
the corresponding component from the report.

④ Attribute editing area

After selecting a component in the report preview area, in the attribute editing area on the right, you
can modify the various attribute values of that component.

When no component is selected, the basic properties of the overall report are displayed by default. Custom Template

In the "Gallery" or "Offline Analysis" module, click the "Export Report" icon, select a template or use
the default template, and enter the report preview editing page.
On the report preview editing page, the following adjustments can be made to the report:
(1) Add new components to the report;
(2) Delete existing components in the report;
(3) Modify component or report attribute values;
(4) Adjust the position of the components;

(5) Resize some components
After the adjustment is completed, right-click the thumbnail corresponding to the current report, select
"Save as Template" from the pop-up menu, enter the template name in the window that will pop up later,
and click the "OK" button to complete the new template addition.
Afterwards, when selecting a template for exporting the report or setting the default template in the
system settings, you can see the newly added template, as shown in the following figure:

In the window shown in the above figure, right-click on the custom template, and in the pop-up menu,
you can choose to rename or delete the submenu to modify or delete the template name.

4.8.4 Export Report

After previewing or editing the report, click the "Export Report" button in the upper right corner of the
window. After maintaining the "Report Name" and "Storage Path" in the pop-up window, click the "OK"
button to export the report.


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