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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-1, Issue-3, Sept-Oct- 2016

ISSN: 2456-1878

Genotype x environment interaction and stability

analysis in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
N.K. Yadav1, 2, S.K. Ghimire2, B. P. Sah1, A. Sarker3, S.M. Shrestha2, S.K. Sah2
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Nepal
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS), Nepal
International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA),Nepal

Abstract Genotype x environment interaction was crop in the farming and food systems of many countries. It
evaluated under eight environments during lentil growing is a diploid (2n =14 chromosomes), self-pollinated, high
season of 2013/14 and 2014/15 for grain yield and their valued annual cool season grain legume crop with a
component characters of twenty one promising genotypes relatively large genome of 4,063 Mpb (Arumuganathan and
selected from previous trial of lentil. The variances Earle, 1991).
estimated due genotype, environment and genotype x Globally, lentil ranks sixth in terms of production among
environment interaction were found to be different the major pulses and constituted 6% of total dry pulse
significantly for all the characters studies indicating production. The important lentil-growing countries of the
distinct nature of genotypes, environments and genotype x world are India, Canada, Turkey, Bangladesh, Iran, China,
environment interactions in phenotypic expression. High Nepal and Syria (Ahlawat, 2012). The total cultivated area
estimates of sum of square (SS) for all the traits are in the world is around 4.6 million hectares producing 4.2
expressed by environment. The explained percentage of million tons of seeds with an average production of 1095
grain yield by environment, genotype and genotype kg/ha (FAO, 2010). Lentil ranks first among pulse crops in
environment interaction were 54.86, 19.86 and 25.28 Nepal. Its area and production in Nepal is 2, 05,939 ha and
respectively. To find out the effects of GEI on grain yield 2, 26,830metric ton , respectively with productivity of 1,101
and its attributing characters, the data were subjected to hectare kg per )MOAD ,2014, Phenotypes are the mixture
Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction of genotype (G) , environment (E) components and
(AMMI) .The results finally indicated that AMMI stability interactions (GxE) between them .Some environmental
value and AMMI biplot are informative methods to explore variations are predictable e.g., soil type, soil fertility, plant
stability and adaptation pattern of genotypes in practical density while some variations are unpredictable e.g.,
plant breeding and in subsequent variety recommendations. rainfall, temperature, humidity Genotypes respond
In addition, finding mega environments help to identify the differently across a range of environments i.e., the relative
most suitable lentil cultivars that can be recommended for performance of varieties depends on the environment .
areas within the mega-environment in either one or more Advanced breeding materials must be evaluated in multiple
test locations. The genotype RL39 (1.254 mt ha-1 ) and locations for more than one year .Selection and yield testing
LL10071 (1.196 mt ha-1 ) produced higher grain yield) than are the two major phases of varietal development and the
all other genotypes over the environments and performed later one is highly influenced by the locations and years of
better at most of the places. The genotypes ,F2003-49L, testing. The magnitude of G x E interaction and its
Arun, 39-S-66L, RL-44, and ILL10071 were found to be components has directly depending on the environmental
comparatively stable as their performance were hardly domain of the varieties to be recommended for commercial
affected by the G x E interaction and thus would perform cultivation.
well across a wide range of environments. These genotypes The main environmental effects (E) and genotype by
produced higher grain yield than all checks. environment interaction (GEI) have been reported as the
Keywords AMMI analysis, Biplot ,Lens culinaris, most important sources of variation for the measured yield
Stability. of crops (Dehghani et al., 2006; Yan et al., 2007; Sabaghnia
et al., 2008). For this reason, multi-environmental trials
I. INTRODUCTION (METs) are conducted throughout the world for major crops
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is among the first crop every year. Although the measured yield is a combined
domesticated and has become an important food legume result of the effects of the genotype (G), E and GE

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-1, Issue-3, Sept-Oct- 2016
ISSN: 2456-1878
interaction, only G and GE are relevant to cultivar selection, low yield and low stability (desirable for special
evaluation and mega environment identification. Typically, breeding purposes, e.g. drought resistance selection) while
E explains mostly (80% or higher) of the total yield low yield but high stability is undesirable and no one wants
variation, while G and GE are usually small (Yan and Kang, to select such types.
2003). However, effective interpretation and utilization of
MET data in making selection decisions remain a major II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
challenge to researchers. Some important concepts such as The present experiment material comprised of 21genotypes
mega environment, specific adaptation, and stability all of lentil including three checks, selected on the basis of
originate from the GE interaction. A significant GE yield performance and other characters from the observation
interaction for grain yield can reduce the usefulness of nursery conducted at agronomy division Khumaltar during
subsequent analysis and limit the feasibility of selecting 2011.
superior cultivars (Flores et al., 1998). The trials were planted at eight environments viz
Development of widely adapted genotypes is the goal of Agronomy Division, Khumalta (Khu14), Regional
almost all breeding programmes. For this purpose, the Agriculture Research Station, Nepalgung (Nep14), Regional
genotypes are grown in different environments and their Agriculture Research Station, Parwanipu (Par14), and
yield stability is estimated before giving any National Grain Legumes Research Program, Rampur
recommendations for variety release. The GxE interaction (Ram14) during 2013/14 and Agronomy Division,
refers to differential responses of genotypes or cultivars Khumaltar (Khu15),Regional Agriculture Research
across a range of environments (Kang, 1998; Kang, 2004; Station,Nepalgung(Nep15),Regional Agriculture
Shakoor et al., 2011).A genotype may be considered to be ResearchStation,Parwanipur(Par15),and Jute Research
stable if its environment variance is small Program Itahari (Itahari15), during 2014/15 representing
Various methods have been introduced in trying to deduce diverse agro climate of lentil growing area of Nepal and
cultivar reaction in different situations. Additive Main treats as eight environments. The geographical, climatic,
Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis is and soil features of the experimental sites are given in
one of the popular parametric of multivariate methods to Table-1. The trials were conducted in a randomized
predict adaptation and stability of cultivars. The usefulness complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The
of the method to be applied to some different crops has been plot size was of 4 meter length of four rows (1m wide) of 25
noted by many researchers (Abay and Bjrnstad, 2009; cm spacing between rows and 5 cm between plants.
Alwala et al., 2010; Annicchiarico et al., 2010). Zobel et Observations were recorded of nine quantitative traits i.e,
al.,1988, proposed the name AMMI first time. The AMMI days to 50% flowering (DF), days to 90% maturity (DM),
model is a hybrid model involving both additive and plant height (PH) in cm, number of primary branches (PB),
multiplicative components of two way data structure which number of pods per plant (PP), number of seeds per pod
enabled a breeder to get precise prediction on genotypic (SP), 100 seed weight (SW)in gram, biological yield metric
potentiality and environmental influences on it. AMMI uses ton per hector (BY mt ha-1 ), grain yield metric ton/ha (GY
ordinary ANOVA to analyze the main effects (additive part) mt ha-1 ) were recorded following IBPGR descriptor, 1985
and principal component analysis (PCA) to analyze the non .Five plants randomly selected from each plot to take the
additive residual left over by the ANOVA (Gauche, 1993). data of yield attributing characters. Grain yield and
Purchase et al., 2000, developed a quantitative stability biological yields were recorded on the plot basis and
value to rank genotypes through the AMMI model, named converted to the metric ton /ha .Fertilizer was applied @
the AMMI Stability Value (ASV).During the analysis of 20:40:20 kg N, P, K /ha. ANOVA and Stability analysis
cultivars stability they found a significant correlation was carried out by using the AMMI model proposed by
between the stability measures ASV with Shukla and Zobel et al .,1998 .
Wricke (Wi), and Eberhart and Russel (S2d), while Finlay
and Wilkinson (b), and Linn and Binns (Pi) showed limited
correspondence with any of the other methods. The III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
developed ASV was considered to be the most appropriate AMMI analysis of variance
single method of describing the stability of genotypes. The The genotype, environment and genotype x environment
breeders want to develop and select high yield and high was significant for all the characters studies indicating
stability lines which is highly desirable but some time, high distinct nature of genotype, environments and genotype x
yield but low stability lines which is desirable for specific environment interactions in phenotypic expression. High

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-1, Issue-3, Sept-Oct- 2016
ISSN: 2456-1878
estimate of sum of square (SS) for all the traits are 39, RL11,ILL6256 and ILL 2373 are suitable for specific
expressed by environment. The explained percentage of environments.
sum of square (SS) of grain yield by environment, Stability analysis by AMMI model
genotype, and genotype x environment interaction are The AMMI Stability Value (ASV) and AMMI stable index
54.86, 19.86 and 25.28 respectively (Table-2) are calculated as suggested by Zobel et al, 1998 and
Environment significantly explained about 54.86% of the Purchase et al.2000., and their ranks are presented in Table
total sum of squares due to treatments. A large yield 4.The highest mean grain yield of genotypes averaged over
variation, explained by environments, indicated that the environments was produced by RL 39 (1.254 mt ha-1 )
environments were diverse and a major part of variation in followed by ILL10071 (1.196 mt ha-1 ) and ILL 2373 (1.172
grain yield can be resulted from environmental changes mt ha-1 ) and ILL6256 (1.162) while lowest by Bari masuro-
.The significances among the environments indicate that 4 (0.736 mt ha-1 ). The genotypes which has low stability
these locations can be used as testing stations for different value (ASV) is said to be stable and the breeder chose the
environments while significant differences among stable genotypes, having grain yield above the mean grand
genotypes reveals the differential response of genotypes to yield. In this experiment genotype F2003-49L ranked 1st in
different environments . GEI significantly explained stability followed by Arun ,39-S-66L ,RL-44 and
25.289% of the treatments variation in grain yield. This is ILL10071 and suitable for all environment but out of that
in agreement with Karimizadeh, and Mohammadi, 2010., only ILL10071 produced the mean yield above grand mean.
and Akter et al ,2014. The presence of genotype- AMMI 1 biplot
environment interaction (GEI)was clearly demonstrated by Biplots are graphs where aspects of both genotypes and
the AMMI model, when the interaction was partitioned environments are plotted on the same axes so that inter
among the first three interaction principal component axis relationships can be visualized. There are two basic AMMI
(IPCA) .IPCA 1 and IPCA 2 are significant ,while IPCA 3 biplot,the AMMI 1 biplot, where the main effects of grain
is non- significant. IPCA1 explained 26.25 % of the yield (genotype mean and environment mean) and IPCA1
interaction sum of square in 26% of the Interaction degree scores for both genotypes and environments are plotted
of freedom (DF). Similarly, the second principal against each other. On the other hand, the second biplot is
component axis (IPCA 2) explained a further 22.61% of AMMI 2 biplot where scores for IPCA1 and IPCA2 are
the GEI sum of squares at 24 % Interaction degree of plotted.
freedom which is in agreement of Gauch and Zobel, 1996 , In the AMMI 1 biplot, the usual interpretation of biplot is
which recommended that the most accurate model for that the displacements along the abscissa indicate
AMMI can be predicted using the first two IPCAs. differences in main (additive) effects, whereas
Mean yield comparison- displacements along the ordinate indicate differences in
The mean yields of all the environments are presented in interaction effects. Genotypes that group together have
Table-3. Only 11 genotypes have produced grain yield similar adaptation while environments which group together
above the grand mean yield, while all the checks produced influences the genotypes in the same way (Kepton, 1984).
below the grand mean .The highest mean grain yield of The graph shows that the genotypes which are in the right
genotypes averaged over environments was produced by RL side of perpendicular i.e RL-39,ILL10071,
39(1.254 mt ha-1 ) followed by ILL10071 (1.196 mt ha-1 ) ILL2373,ILL6818,ILL10065,ILL6256 produces the higher
and ILL 2373 (1.172 mt ha-1 ) and ILL6256 (1.162 mt ha-1 grain yield than mean value(Figure-1). The above
) while lowest by Bari masuro-4 (0.736 mt ha-1 ). Different mentioned genotypes are less affected by GxE inter action.
genotypes showed in consistent performance across all The environment Itahari15, Par14 and khu14 produced the
environments. The highest environments mean grain yield higher grain yield than mean (1.013m/ha) and are rich
over genotypes was recorded from Itahari15 (1.580 mt ha-1 ) environment. While remaining environment Nep14, Ram14,
followed by Khu14 (1.427 mt ha-1 ) and Par14 (1.407 mt Khu15, Nep15, Par15 falls in one mega environments. The
ha-1 ), these environments are rich while other environments remaining genotypes and environments produce lower grain
are poor and produces lower than the averaged grain yield yield than mean value. The environments, Ram 14 and
over environments and genotypes (1.013 mt ha-1 ).Lowest Nep14 are closer and genotypes ILL9976, ILL7164, and
mean grain yield (0.624 mt ha-1 ) was produced at Khu15. Simal are more favorable for those locations.
During 213/14 highest grain yield was produced by RL39 ( AMMI 2 biplot
2.260 mt ha-1 ) at Khu14 while it was highest by ILL6256 The environmental scores are joined to the origin by side
at Itahari15 during 2014/15.The high yielding genotypes RL lines. Sites with short arrow do not exert strong interactive

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-1, Issue-3, Sept-Oct- 2016
ISSN: 2456-1878
forces. Those with long arrow exert strong interaction. The parenthesis and are specific adopted. The genotypes F2003-
genotypes close to ordinate expressed general adaptation, 49L, Arun, 39-S-66L, RL-44, and ILL10071 are less
whereas the further genotypes depicted more specific affected by the G x E interaction and thus would perform
adaptation to environments (Ebdon and Gauch, 2002). All well across a wide range of environments.
the environments khu14, Nep14, Par14, Ram14, Khu15,
Nep15, Par14 and IThari15 are connected to the origin IV. CONCLUSION
Figure 2. The environments Nep14 and Ram14 had short Crop yield is a complex trait that is influenced by a number
spokes and they do not exert strong interactive forces. The of component characters along with the environment
genotypes occurring close together on the plot will tend to directly or indirectly. AMMI statistical model could be a
have similar yields in all environments, while genotypes far great tool to select the most suitable and stable high
apart may either differ in mean yield or show a different yielding genotypes for specific as well as for diverse
pattern of response over the environments. Hence, the environments. In the present study, AMMI model has
genotypes near the origin are not sensitive to environmental shown that the largest proportion of the total variation in
interaction and those distant from the origins are sensitive grain yield was attributed to environments. The genotype
and have large interaction.In the present study genotype RL39 and ILL10071 showed higher grain yield than all
RL39 and RL 11 (Khu14), ILL10065 and RL44 (Nep14), other genotypes over all the environments and performed
ILL2373 and Shisir (Par14) ILL10071 and RL-44 (Ram14), better at most of the places. The genotypes F2003-49L,
RL39 and ILL6811 (Khu15),ILL10071 and RL39 (Nep15) Arun, 39-S-66L, RL-44, and ILL10071 were hardly
ILL10045 and ILL6024(Par15), and ILL6256 and ILL 2373 affected by the G x E interaction and thus would perform
(Itahari15) are more responsive to the environment given in well across a wide range of environments.

Table.1: Geographical, climatic, and soil features of the experimental sites.

Altitude Soil Annual Min Max Severity of

Locations Year Latitude Longitude
(masl) type&pH rainfall temp temp disease

Khumaltar Clay loam
2014 27 03' N 85 35'E 1440 1340 0.2 29.0 L L
(Khu14) 5.5-6.5
2015 " " " " 1230 -0.4 28.0 M L
Nepalgunj Clay loam,
2014 28 05' N 81 61' E 181 1111 5.4 46 L L
(Nep14) 7.2-7.5
2015 " " " " 1250 7.2 42 M L

Parwnipur Silty loam

2014 27 20' N 84 53' E 115 1687 5.0 38.0 L L
(Par14) 6.0-6.2

" Silty loam

2015 " " " 1450 6.7 36 M L
(Par15) 6.0-6.2
Rampur Sandy loam
2014 27 40'N 84 19' E 228 1138 1.0 34 L L
(Ram14) 4.6-5.7
Itahari Clay loam
2015 26.66'N 87.28'E 344 1782 7.5 34.3 VL VL
(Itahari15) 6.2-7.2
FW= Fusarium wilt,SB= Stemphylium blight,L=low,M=medium,VL=very low

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ISSN: 2456-1878
Table.2: AMMI analysis of variance for different quantitative traits of 21 lentil genotypes across 8 environments.
Mean sum of square
By mt ed% of
ha-1 GY
4285.5 9345.20 4002.50 568.04 22995.7 0.52* 22.29* 9.86* 3.71**
ENV 7 54.86
0** ** ** ** 0** * * *
237.90 105.10* 12.19* 1643.50 0.06* 0.23*
GEN 20 27.70** 1.13** 0.57** 19.86
** * * ** * *
ENV:xG 48.20* 741.20* 0.04* 0.32* 0.23**
140 19.30** 17.50** 8.15** 0.58** 25.28
EN * * * *
Error 320 12.50 5.70 9.60 3.88 379.80 0.02 0.34 0.050 0.06
26 115.44 25.53* 1395.02 0.07* 0.32* 0.61** 26.25of
PC1 38.57** 45.20** 1.01**
** * ** * * GxE
80.15* 1135.67 0.06* 0.30* 0.37** 22.61 of
PC2 24 28.12** 20.88** 8.77** 0.88**
* ** * * GxE
39.22* 814.69* 0.04* 0.18n
PC3 22 13.16** 12.62** 4.49** 0.67** 0.20**
* * * s
92.24 131.98 31.16 7.23 64.68 1.82 2.04 1.013 1.64
Cv% 3.83 1.80 9.93 17.22 15.13 7.82 14.59 15.01 14.72
Note-**= significant at 1%level, *=significant at5%level, ns= non-significant.

Table.3: Mean grain yield in mt ha-1 of 21 genotypes in 8 environments

2013/14 2014/15
En Genotypes Khu14 Nep14 Par14 Ram14 Khu15 Nep15 Par15 Ithari15 Mean
1 ILL 10071 1.497 0.834 1.296 1.377 0.852 1.187 0.749 1.774 1.196
2 ILL6811 1.305 0.691 1.673 1.247 1.090 0.954 0.630 1.172 1.095
3 ILL 10045 1.294 1.091 1.703 0.995 0.688 0.934 1.006 1.496 1.151
4 ILL 10065 1.385 1.231 1.313 0.827 0.938 0.975 0.546 1.421 1.080
5 RL-44 1.467 1.166 1.120 1.245 0.622 0.612 0.511 1.318 1.008
6 RL-39 2.260 1.042 1.521 0.985 1.000 0.963 0.917 1.344 1.254
7 ILL 6256 1.537 1.066 1.454 1.072 0.718 0.647 0.603 2.204 1.162
8 39-S-66L 1.662 0.906 1.265 0.772 0.587 0.845 0.866 1.631 1.067
9 F2003-49L 1.399 0.890 1.391 0.744 0.421 0.638 0.616 1.512 0.951
10 ILL 2373 1.624 1.089 1.962 0.969 0.782 0.423 0.506 2.023 1.172
11 RL-11 2.146 0.853 1.161 0.665 0.485 0.501 0.506 1.998 1.039
12 Khajura-1 1.830 0.958 1.281 0.951 0.655 0.528 0.664 1.490 1.045
13 ILL 6024 1.796 0.248 1.208 0.944 0.567 0.522 0.982 1.930 1.025
14 ILL 8132 1.666 0.752 1.240 0.927 0.779 0.723 0.553 1.413 1.007
15 Shishir 0.964 0.902 1.992 0.681 0.543 0.293 0.757 1.451 0.948
16 ILL 9976 1.059 1.060 1.488 0.663 0.525 0.357 0.781 1.615 0.943
17 ILL 6818 0.890 0.621 0.901 0.660 0.521 0.634 0.998 1.043 0.783
18 Arun 1.207 0.963 1.302 0.816 0.428 0.386 0.741 1.782 0.953
19 Simal(C1) 1.057 0.522 1.926 0.963 0.204 0.269 0.340 1.351 0.829
20 Bari masuro-4(C2) 0.988 0.481 0.930 0.704 0.261 0.318 0.403 1.802 0.736

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ISSN: 2456-1878
21 ILL 7164(C3) 0.936 0.327 1.420 0.865 0.443 0.545 0.613 1.403 0.819
Mean 1.427 0.843 1.407 0.908 0.624 0.631 0.680 1.580 1.013

Table.4: Mean grain yield (mt ha-1 ), AMMI stability values (ASV), stability index and ranking orders of the 21genotypes of lentil

Genotypes Mean GY mt ha-1 ASV rASV YSI rYSI

F2003-49L 0.951 0.029 1 16 15

Arun 0.953 0.239 2 16 14

39-s-66L 1.067 0.239 3 11 8

RL-44 1.008 0.247 4 16 12

ILL10071 1.196 0.272 5 7 2

Bari masura-4(Ch-2) 0.736 0.275 6 27 21

ILL7164 (Check-3) 0.819 0.279 7 26 19

Khajura-1 1.045 0.280 8 17 9

ILL8132 1.007 0.292 9 22 13

ILL10065 1.080 0.307 10 17 7

ILL9976 0.943 0.324 11 28 17

ILL10045 1.151 0.339 12 17 5

ILL6256 1.163 0.358 13 17 4

ILL6024 1.025 0.450 14 25 11

ILL6818 0.784 0.462 15 35 20

ILL2373 1.172 0.478 16 19 3

RL-39 1.254 0.493 17 18 1

ILL6811 1.095 0.539 18 24 6

Simal (check-1) 0.829 0.557 19 37 18

Shisir 0.948 0.652 20 36 16

RL-11 1.039 0.751 21 31 10

Note- ASV=AMMI stability value, rASV=Rank ofAMMI stability value,Ysi=stability index of grain yield,,rysi=rank stability
index of grain yield .

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-1, Issue-3, Sept-Oct- 2016
ISSN: 2456-1878

Fig.1: AMMI 1 Biplot for grain yield (mt ha-1 ) of 21 lentil genotypes and eight environments using genotypic and environmental

Fig.2: AMMI 2 Biplot for grain yield (mt ha-1 ) showing the interaction of IPCA2against IPCA1 scores of 21 lentil genotypes in
eight environments.
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