Chapter 3 Basic Accounting Concept
Chapter 3 Basic Accounting Concept
Chapter 3 Basic Accounting Concept
☞ Different accounting concepts ☞ Business entity concept ☞ Money
measurement concept ☞ Going concern concept ☞ Accounting period concept
☞ Historical cost concept ☞ Double entry concept ☞ Revenue recognition
concept ☞ Matching concept ☞ Full disclosure concept ☞ Consistency
☞ Materiality ☞ Conservatism ☞ Objectivity ☞ Unsolved questions.
[Chapter 3 → Basic Accounting Concepts] 27
should never exceed 12 months. In case of companies, accounting year must be a financial year i.e.
1st April to 31st March of the next year.
8. Matching concept
According to this concept, income can be determined by matching sales of a business with its costs.
Thus, gross profit can be determined by deducting cost of goods sold from sales revenue. Net profit
is determined after deducting selling and distribution expenses from gross profit.
10. Consistency
According to this convention, the accounting policies, concepts and principals should be applied
consistently over a period of time.
For example: If the depreciation has been charged according to straight line method for part of the
year the same method should be used for the remaining part of the year. Similarly, the method of
valuation of inventories and fixed assets should be followed consistently.
11. Materiality
28 Fundamentals of Accounting
Materiality means the information which has changed the results of business should be properly
disclosed. Information which is not very important should be avoided and certain important
information should be disclosed properly. It does not mean leaking business secrets. It influences
the decision making of users.
12. Conservatism
According to this concept, the business adopts a very safe policy. Thus, it accounts for all probable
losses but does not considers probable profits.
For example
Valuation of stocks is made at cost price or market price whichever is lower. Similarly we keep on
reducing the value of land and building by way of depreciation though their may be an increase in
its value. The main purpose of this concept is to ensure that business transactions are recorded in
such a manner that profit should not be over stated.
13. Objectivity
This concepts states that every business record must be based and supported by documentary
evidence. The accountant should not pass any entry in the books of accounts for which vouchers are
not available. The vouchers or documentary evidence should mention the amount of payment, date
of payment, person to whom payment is made, the officer authorizing payment and cancellation of
voucher so that double payment on the same voucher cannot be made. The concept of objectivity is
that accounting should be free from manipulation.