91-004-Pride Is Sin (Mumbai)

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IDT Pride is sin By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

IDT Pride is sin

Generally in this age people are not very inclined to understand the essence of anything. They
are more concerned with making a show of performing some sort of external rituals. It is an age
where everything is going for synthetics. Computerization is synthetic intelligence. Practically
every aspect of life is being computerized. Even the automobiles less and less are their natural
metal more and more plastic.......Everything is becoming plastic. Even wood...I know in my
country that at least 85% of which looks like wood is plastic. But they have developed such a
design that it looks just like wood. And even jewelry is some sort of synthetic. People are
becoming more and more diverted from the real treasure of the essence of anything. And this is
especially true in regard to religion. People are very inclined to the form of their religion. But
they are not concerned with the true spirit the essence and the purpose behind them. But
Bhagavad Gita is very very dominantly overruling these misconceptions. Krsna is explaining to
Arjuna “you fight this war, you perform your duties, you do your prescribed business in this
world but do not in any way should be attached to external actions or the external results”. It is
this spirit of devotion within your heart which is 100% all important. Krsna sees nothing but that
and therefore no one is qualified or disqualified. If they have a sincere heart that is the only
necessary qualification. The lord comes specially to reclaim those whose are fallen the fact that
you are in this world means that you are fallen anyone who is living outside of vaikunta has
utterly nothing to be prouder. It’s like a prisoner in solitary confinement being proud of his piety.
Or someone else is giving little more freedom in the prison he thinks see how pious I am not in
solitary confinement. You are nothing to be proud in regard your piety. You are a criminal.
That’s why you are there. Of course nowadays most criminals are here and most pious people are
in the jails. But that is not the principle we are speaking in terms of...This material existence is a
prison house. Durgam means prison...maitunya...therefore we are all shackled by the chains of
our own independent desire to lord and enjoy over this material energy. So whether you are the
president or the prime minister whether you are a learned scholar whether u r a big big business
man or whether you are a sweeper of the streets you have absolutely nothing to be proud. You
are here because you are fallen. So therefore we must humble ourselves and understand that the
Lord is so merciful Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam. Dharma sansthapanarthaya
sambhavami yuge yuge. He comes specially to deliver the fallen souls to attract our hearts back
to him.

tesam satata-yuktanam
bhajatam priti-purvakam
dadami buddhi-yogam tam
yena mam upayanti te

That one who constantly worships me with constant love and devotion I will reveal myself.
IDT Pride is sin By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

aham sarvasya prabhavo

mattah sarvam pravartate
iti matva bhajante mam
budha bhava-samanvitah

Srila Prabhupad translates this...Krsna says that I am the source of all material and spiritual
world everything emanates from me. The wise who knows this perfectly engage in my loving
service and worship me with all their hearts. Wisdom is the knowledge of the heart not of the
brain because heart is the seed of our consciousness and surrender means to surrender our con-
sciousness to Krsna. When we chant the holy names Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare
Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.. We are not simply talking some vibration.
This chanting will not be very effective because Krsna does not appear through the tongue.
Krsna is living within your heart. Eswara sarva bhutanam hriddeserjuna tishtathi. Krsna says I
am in the heart of all living beings. And therefore when we chant from our heart Krsna manifests
himself from our heart in to the sound of His name and then that sound vibration is vibrated by
our tongue enters in to the atmosphere purifies all of creation. Rupa goswami has explained I do
not know how much nectar the two syllables have produced. When the name of Krsna dances
upon my tongue is it so sweet that I desire millions and millions of tongues and when that name
enters in to my ears I desire hundreds and millions and trillions of ears and when that name en -
ters in to enters the courtyard of heart it utterly conquers all attachment all conceptions of any re-
ality or other then my eternal loving desire to serve the Lord. This is the power of the name if it
is chanted properly. Our consciousness is the very sustenance of basis of our life. And our con-
sciousness is manifested by our attention. Just like if somebody is not listening properly some-
times we say ‘be conscious’ of what is being said that means put your very basis of life effort
and conscious in to understanding in to hearing so when we chant the holyname when we atten-
tively try to put out everything else out of our consciousness and we attend to only Krsna
through that sound vibration we are surrendering sacrificing our entire consciousness to Krsna
and there is no greatest surrender than that. Therefore this sacrifice of the chanting of the holy -
name of God is the most powerful and effective of all means of surrendering to the Lord because
in hearing that sound vibration you are surrendering the essence of your life your consciousness.
Therefore it is very important that we are very attentive and we should know that sankirtan
means the vibration of the Holyname the glorification of God and anything we do in devotional
service is assisting the great souls in glorifying the holy name. therefore whether we are cleaning
the toilets or whether we are giving a lecture to 10000 interested people whether we making a
business deal with crores of rupees or whether we give a donation of everything we have. Even
50 paise if it is done with this attention with this consciousness everything I do is a sacrifice for
the pleasure of Krsna then we are always chanting His Holyname. The essence of Bhagavad gita
man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru We always think of Krsna. To become
His devotee to worship Him and offer homage unto Him. To put Krsna first you must put our -
selves last. It makes sense? To the degree we put ourselves high you are putting Krsna low. And
to the degree you put ourselves last Krsna is first in your life. Some people think oh...doesn't this
create…. always thinking I am last… not like that at all. It is the opposite. Because in keeping
IDT Pride is sin By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

ourselves last you are conscious that Krsna is first. And the real driving glory of our life is in
Gods glory. And because we are part and parcel of Him our eternal nature is to glorify with plea -
sure his greatness not in our own. Of course unfortunate people are not thinking like this in this
day and age. People are very negligent to this spiritual principles of life and there people act very
selfishly. Prakrete kriyamanani gunaih karmani ca sarvasa...simply trying to nourish and feed
their egos...false egos..and therefore they engage in so many sinful activities. From the absolute
point of view even if you are a so called pious but your doing it for yourself it is sinful...bhok-
taram yagna tapasam sarva loka maheshwara. because everything is ultimately meant for Krsna’s
enjoyment, and then we wonder why are these wars talking place in the world. Somebody told
me today that they read some article and saw some poster which is explaining about this war in
the Gulf which is taking place now which captured the intentions of all the world and said here
that two men Mr Bush and Mr Saddam hussain and because of these 2 people has such a false
ego and they have such strong motivation the whole world has to suffer possible great destruc-
tion on basis of an argument with that two man what do we have to do with it what do we have to
say about it...but this is not the case you have everything with yourself. These personalities have
been created by the affiliated karma of this world. We are opening more and more slaughter
houses because unnecessary sorrowful torture and death to innocent children of God, Simply for
little sense gratification we willing to lie and cheater illicit sex abortion is becoming more and
more prominent even in so called religious countries of the world. The biggest business in Amer-
ica is selling drugs narcotics people want to find some pleasure totally out of harmony with Gods
nature. It is so sinful and the second thing is business is gambling. and of course if the whole
world is following and people are engaging in all these sinful activities. As he sow shall we reap
as we say in english what goes around comes around, Gods plan is perfect we are polluting the
earth we are polluting the waters we are polluting the air. for what? Sense gratification. All the
natural gifts God is giving us purely for the benefit and upliftment and life giving. With all living
beings we are turning it all in to a ugly pool of sin. ah...the world the ..even in the nice city of
bombay it is becoming like this what to speak of everywhere else. Massive sinful activities will
create massive sinful reactions.. we are all to blame. Don't think we are born in a brahmin family
and I have got nothing to do with it...yes yes,,these hippies in america...they are committing sin-
ful activities but me I am a very good man, your ego itself is more of a cause than their sinful ac -
tivity. Because pride is also a sin my friend, We are all responsible. These people are the mon -
sters that we have created and then the monster becomes so powerful we don t know what to do
with it. We could not have the power to destroy it. Eventually the monster of our own karma will
come to destroy us. Srila Prabhupad gives us the example that we should not give milk and ba-
nanas to a serpent because that will increase only its venom and due to its envy it will strike you.
So this is the great problem in this world. Even in a external before you the countries that are
now fighting. This land which is called the enemies was built financed by the people who it is at-
tacking. We are not trying to get in to politics it is very symbolic because this is what we are do-
ing in our own lives. We are putting our precious juvenile energy in to selfish egoistic sense grat-
ificatory activities and in the end it all turns against us to cause suffering and destruction and
when it happens we think why it is all happening to me I am a good person. In essence your a
good person and that is what Bhagvad gita is trying to explain. The essence how we are part and
parcel of supreme person or Krsna. Mamaivamso jiva loke jiva bhutah sanatanah manasastani in-
driastani prakrutistani karshati. We are all eternal full of knowledge and full of bliss we are all
part of God. We are all pure. Simply we have to recognize realize and experience our very
essence. Then we can find in every situation in life the unlimited pure ecstasy of Love of God.
IDT Pride is sin By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

There is no more powerful force than Love, because love is truth. We are not speaking of not
sentimental love on the conditioned bodily concept. We are speaking of the true pure love of the
soul towards Krsna. Nothing can conquer love. In the end truth always prevails...We were speak-
ing the other day that countries in the world today are very much afraid are they not and because
they are so much afraid they want to put much of their energy in to defense by building better
bigger weapons and bigger bigger bombs and exploiting the earth from its natural resources that
god given gifts of earth to take it and create tools for destruction and suffering. This is what man
is doing. ah..so...they are stockpiling their bombs but what is the potency in these bombs, within
this creation this universe is a tiny little speck. Is it not? And within this universe this earth
planet is a little little insignificant dot. And within this earth planet India, Pakistan, Russia,
America, Iran, Iraq are little spots...and within this spots any city is another little dot. How sig-
nificant is any city in relationship to absolute truth in whom this entire universe is insignificant
and when the most powerful bombs the man has ever made cannot destroy the city and the de -
struction is on the surface and the earth remains as it is. So these bombs are from the point of
view of truth they are harmless they are so insignificant they have so insignificant potency then
why should we be bother being afraid of them. You may say that it may harm me because I am
little speck living in this city but according to Gita soul cannot be cut with any weapon cannot be
burnt by any fire. The soul is transcendental...na hanyate hanyamane sariere...from dust thou will
come from dust thou will return this body will die but the souls cannot be killed by any power.
So from the physical point of view these bombs which are created it is not worth talking about
they are so insignificant. But there is another bomb there is great power. It is called the Krsna
Naam bomb. Why does it have such power? We will try to explain. That this entire material en-
ergy in which all creation all universe all living beings being sustained this entire material energy
can be instantly conquered defeated destroyed slowly by one pure chanting of the name of Krsna.
The name of Krsna chanted once conquers the entire illusion of Maya in which all these uni-
verses are resting. That is real potency. That is power. why? Because the sound of Krsna’s name
possesses all the powers of the supreme truth God himself namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-
saktis: tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah. Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu has explained that
blessed ur name Sri Krsna. You have many many names and in each and everyone of your names
you have put all of your potency all of your power all of your glory. acintya sakti inconceivable
power. So therefore of we really really want to do good for the world talking politics is not going
to solve the problem because whether this political part or that political party in due course of
time it becomes corrupt. one has an idea one is corrupt they tear down and once the justice is cor-
rupted it is worse it is the history of the world from the beginning of time, if we truly want to do
good for the world we have to arm ourselves with that power that can destroy illusion. That illu-
sion of maya in which greed and maya and pride and lust and anger and illusion they are all
nourished. When you cut the rot of the tree the entire tree must die. When you cut maya at the
rots by always remembering Krsna and chanting His Holyname all the bad qualities from the
fruits of illusion must die. Therefore Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu has come not with Sudarsan
chakra to cut the heads of demons and he has not come with bow and arrow to pierce the hearts
of the demons. He has not come with an axe or a club. Krsna had his Sudarsam, Rama had his
bow and arrow and Parasuram has his chopping axe, Narsimha has his sharpened nails, Balaram
ji has his sharpened plough. That same supreme personality has some in this most munificent and
most merciful incarnation Sriman Mahaprabhu Gaura Sundar. And he had some equipped with
the most potent and powerful of all weapons Krsna naam bomb. The Holy Name of Krsna. Be-
cause it cuts the illusory energy it cuts all the demoniac influences all at the root. Through chant-
IDT Pride is sin By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

ing the Holy Name of the Lord pure love awakens within our heart. and there is no power greater
on earth than that love. So we are here tonight together to gather to help to create this great arse -
nal to establish real peace property and happiness in this world. that is why we are congregation -
ally chanting the holy names. Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu taught chanting the Holy name in the
intimate harmonious unity of other devotees whether we are chanting Japa or Kirtan it is essen-
tial that we are chanting in a spirit of harmony and unity with the vaishnavas. That congrega-
tional chanting will help the greatest greatest puritive powers to heal the disease of human soci-
ety and to bring our consciousness back to its essence. We are part and parcel of Krsna. We are
eternally his servants and the real purpose in glorification of our life is with all humility and de-
votion to serve Him with love. So we cannot serve Him with love unless we are willing to serve
His every part with love. You cannot love God whom you cannot see. You must begin by learn-
ing to love parts of Him that you can’t see which means each other. We can talk big big things of
God but if we can’t love each other it is all superficial external and there is no meaning. There-
fore Krsna explains in this verse my dear Arjuna one who is engaged in My pure devotional ser -
vice free from the contamination from the previous activities and mental speculations who is
friendly to every living entity certainly comes to me. So we must practice very carefully how to
love each other and if we don't love each other how to humble ourself before one another and
render service in which we create a climate by which we will learn to love one another. Without
humbly becoming the servant of the devotee without showing genuine concern for helping in any
way you can the another person another dev it is all theoretical to think that u will love God. That
is why Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu taught Sankirtan, congregational chanting of the holy name.
that we chant in harmony in unison in loving service relationship with one another then Krsna
will be very very pleased to hear from within the core of your heart when you chant His name. It
is not a mechanical process. This is Krsna Consciousness. So let us put aside all superficial dif-
ferences we have with one and another. According to SB and I believe it is 9th canto it is de-
scribed by jamadagni, the father of Parasuram that the greatest virtue is forgiveness. To forgive
is sacred. I will tell you something. If you will not forgive you will not be forgiven. The question
is… have u done anything wrong in your life? Raise your hand if u have. Raise your hand if u
haven’t. No one dares to raise your hand, so there are things we require to be forgiven for. Some-
times we come on such a high philosophical level of pure surrender that very basics we com -
pletely ignore. Just like that child it doesn't even know how to write his name is starting Shake-
speare. Shakespeare is the highest in the literature. Study Shakespeare but along side learn how
to write your name. Otherwise you never really understand what Shakespeare is talking about.
sometimes devotees they talk about such high level of surrender you are not his body but they
completely forget about just basics human decency of being kind and good to one
another...Krsna says that one who is friendly to every living beings certainly come to me, We are
not talking about materialistic friendliness we are talking about transcendental friendliness which
means we will do anything and everything to help soul come closer to God. We will feel for the
sufferings of others the body, the mind, and the soul. We will pray for the betterment even our so
called worst enemies. We will forgive them faster than any offense committed to us. And we will
pray with a positive spiritual motive for their deliverance. We will not envy we will not seek re -
venge and if these feelings are in your heart then we should understand that feelings are our ene-
mies not this person and I must get revenge and conquer this impurity within me not within him.
That is the truth. And all these things can be accomplished simply by sincerely surrendering our
consciousness to the sound vibration of the holy name and being in this spirit of Sankirtan which
means we chant the holy name congregationally in that spirit that I am this servant of each and
IDT Pride is sin By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

every devotee can give pleasure to the Lord and devotee is my first priority in life this is the
essence of and this is the means to attain the essence. When they asked Srila Prabhupad, what do
u hope to get out of chanting Hare Krsna...then he said chanting… Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Hare
Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. What do u hope from serving the deity? We do not
want to become God by serving the deity. We want to serve the deity for the purpose of serving
him ever. What do we hope from serving the guru and vaishnavas and the insignificant creature
on earth? More and more service eternal service.... jivera svarupa hoy nityera Krsna das...that is
our healthy natural position. That is the essence of our very being. With love and devotion to
serve Lord Sri Krsna. Thank you very much Hare Krsna....I am very honored and privileged to
have the opportunity to come back in to your association once again thank you very much.
Thank you for your great kindness for tolerating me and I will try to be more sincere and more
honest in my service to all of you and we all very much require help of one another to become
more honest and sincere of one another and we all have very great debt to one another...anyone
who simply comes to these programs with a sincere and attentive heart is contributing something
invaluable. Not only to each and every one of us to ....So we should be very grateful and thankful
to one another, and our gratitude will be expressed to that degree to want to reciprocate to seva
or service. So my sincere feelings of my heart I want to thank all of you...I offer my humble
obeisances..vanca kalpa taru.....namah. Hare Krsna. Is there any question. Or is become too late.
What is time. We should all take prasad. If u have questions please come sunday then we can an-
swer that. Ah..I like to tell some thing else we have than Harinam bomb ...but SP called it gula-
bzamum called it as iskcon bullets....prasadam is our ground warfare. Prasdam distribution and
kirtan is our air war fare. even the are they both essential to win a war you need good attacks
from the ground and air forces so we have everything we needed. Our ground forces will con-
quer all opposition to mass distribution of Krsna prasad and we will…. that He ordered us that
these Harinaam bombs we should bomb every town and every village on earth. Sri Gauranga
Mahaprabhu ki jay. I would like to announce that monday the 28th of january is a very auspi -
cious holiday for all the devotees of Lord. It is the appearance day of Lord Nityananda. Since re -
cently I have been in Govardan puja we installed the beautiful murtis of Sri Sri Nitai Gaura chan-
dra. We are celebrating Lord Nityananda’s first birthday in chowpattay in Sri Sri Radhagopinath
mandir chowpatty...So at 6° clock realistically 06:30 we will have a very very wonderful celebra-
tion celebrating the event of Nityananda O who was most famous for being most merciful to all.
And if you really want Krsna’s mercy then you should attract Lord Nityananda’s mercy by say-
ing that My lord I am the most fallen. Doesn't mean that you need to be fallen...if you be fallen
then u don't think you are fallen that means you are so proud to accept the instruction. So with a
humble heart pray to Lord Nityananda and we see that His mercy in what ever condition of life
what we are in we can get the divine mercy of Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu. So please I urgently
appeal to each and everyone of you to present for the advent of glorious event of Lord
Nityananda prabhu at 06:30 at Radha Gopinath Mandir ...7 km munshi marg bombay 7000007 in
this great land of Bharat varsha..is there any other announcements anyone would like to make.
One more announcement that prasad is being served so please enjoy to your full satisfaction…

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