Unit 4 Class 9 - Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9

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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following technique can be used to allow only date value in cell?
(a) ​Data formatting (b) Data sorting
(c) Data filtering (d) Data validation

2. Which of the following options when selected deletes all data validation?
(a) ​Delete formatting (b) Delete all
(c) Delete formula (d) Delete me

3. We can replace multiple occurrences of a word using which of the following facilities of Calc?
(a) Find and replace
(b) By replace only
(c) ​By copy command
(d) By preview command

4. What is the name of mechanism to arrange the data in a particular order?

(a)​ ​Sorting (b) Searching
(c) Filtering (d) Validating

5. What is the name of mechanism to filter out unnecessary data?

(a) Sorting (b) Searching
(c) Filtering (d) ​Validating

6. Which of the following type of package does Calc refer to?

(a) Spreadsheet (b) Double sheet
(c) Multi-sheet (d) ​Cannot determine

7. Which of the following is an extension of a worksheet created in Calc?

(a) ​.ods (b) .odd
(c) .xls (d) .obj

8. How can one calculate the total of values entered in a worksheet column of?
(a) By manual entry (b) By auto-sum
(c) By formula (d) ​By sum function

9. If we move a cell containing a formula having reference to another cell in the worksheet what
will happen to the cell numbers used in the formula?
(a) The cell row and columns are changed at destination.
(b) The cell row change at destination.
(c) ​The cell columns are changed at destination.
(d) No change will scour.
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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet
10. What is the correct way to enter a function in Calc?
(a) Directly typing function name in a cell
(b) Using function wizard or selecting from toolbar
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) ​Depends on the function

11. A function should start with __________________.

(a) ​‘=’ sign (b) alphabets
(c) numbers (d) All of these

12. Which of the following option is used to print a chart?

(a) Insert → Chart (b) File → View
(c) ​File → Print (d) View → Chart

13. How many axes does charts in Calc have?

(a) ​Two (b) Three
(c) Two or three (d) Four

14. The chart preview can be seen in________________.

(a) Page preview (b) Chart preview
(c) Export chart (d) ​All of these

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The column immediately next to column “Z” is ​AA.

2. The default extension of a workbook created using a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet is ​.ods.
3. The spreadsheet feature used to continue the series is called ​Fill handle.
4. The formula “=MIN(C1:C5)” stored in cell C6 when copied to cell D6 changes to ​=MIN(D1:D5).
5. The formula in cell A2 is =B2+C3. On copying this formula to cell C2, C2 will change to
6. The cell address of the cell formed by the intersection of the ninth column and the eighth row
will be ​I8.
7. $A1$B2 is an example of ​mixed​ referencing in spreadsheet software.
8. Numbers entered into a cell are automatically ​right​ aligned.
9. If A1:A5 contain the numbers 16, 10, 3, 25 and 6 then =Average(A1:A5;60) will display ​20.
10. In ​Relative referencing, the reference changes rows and columns automatically when it is
copied to a new cell.

C. State whether the statements given below are True or False.

1. A cell is a combination of row and column. False

2. A spreadsheet is also called as worksheet. True
3. There are ‘n’ number of sheets in a spreadsheet. False
4. In a spreadsheet, we can change the column width and row height. True
5. $A1$B2 is an example of mixed referencing. True

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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet

D. Solve the following in a spreadsheet.

1. Cell A1 contains the number 10 and B1 contains 5. What will be the contents of cell C1, if the
formula =A1+B1*2^3 is entered in cell C1?
Ans.​ ​50
2. The contents of Cell A1, B1, C1 and D1 are 5, –25, 30 and –35, respectively. What will be the
value displayed in cell E1 which contains the formula =MIN(A1:D1).
Ans. -35
3. Cell D5 contains the formula =$B$5+C5 and this formula is copied to cell E5, what will be the
copied formula in cell E5?
Ans. =$B$5+D5
4. Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C5 and this formula is copied to cell E5, what will be the
copied formula in cell E5?
Ans. =$B5+D5
5. Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C$5 and this formula is copied to cell E6, what will be the
copied formula in cell E6?
Ans. =$B6+D$5

E. Short answer questions (50 words)

1. What do you call the document created in a spreadsheet application?

Ans. ​A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application for organization, analysis and storage
of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets developed as computerized analogs of paper accounting
worksheets. The program operates on data entered in cells of a table. Each cell may contain either
numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and display a value
based on the contents of other cells. A spreadsheet may also refer to one such electronic

2. What are the steps to create a new spreadsheet?

Ans. ​The steps to create a new spreadsheet are:

1. Open the LibreOffice Calc.

2. Click on File and then New on the menu bar.

3. What is the difference between spreadsheet, worksheet and sheet?

Ans. Spreadsheet is a collection of worksheets that combine to form a workbook. A spreadsheet

can be a single worksheet or multiple worksheets

Worksheet​ is one page present within the workbook. It is always singular.

Sheet​ is a single page in a spreadsheet.

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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet
4. What is the default name of the worksheet? How can it be renamed?

Ans. ​The default name of the worksheet is sheet1, sheet2 and so on.

The steps to rename a worksheet are:

1. Click the name of the worksheet that you want to rename.

2. Select the menu Sheet → Rename Sheet.
3. Type the new name.
4. Click on OK.

5. Write the steps to insert and delete the worksheet in Calc.

Ans. ​The steps to insert the worksheet are:

1. Click on the Insert tab and choose Sheet, or

2. Click Right mouse button on the sheet tab and choose Insert Sheet, or
3. Choose an empty space at the end of the line of sheet tabs and press add sheet sign.

The steps to delete the worksheet in Calc are:

1. Right-click on the sheet which you want to delete.

2. In the context menu, choose “Delete Sheet”.

6. What is an active cell? How to delete the contents of the active cell?

Ans.​ An active cell is a rectangular box that highlights the cell in a spreadsheet.

The steps to delete the contents of the active cell are:

1. Select the cell of which the contents are to be deleted.

2. Press Delete or Backspace key.

7. What is relative and absolute cell address in the spreadsheet?

Ans. Relative Cell Address: ​In this reference the row number gets one added when we drag the
formula downward in column and in the same way, when we drag the formula horizontally from the
left to right column, the column name of the cell address is added on to the next column letter.

Absolute Cell Address:​ In Absolute referencing, a $ symbol is used before the column name as
well as row number to make it constant in any formula.In this case, even if you drag your formula
in any direction, the cell name remains constant.

8. Explain any two operations performed on data in a spreadsheet.

Ans. ​Formulas and Functions are two main operations performed on data in a spreadsheet.

Explanation: A spreadsheet is a software application used to store, organize and analyze data
values in tabular form. The spreadsheet operates on data present in the table cells. In the
spreadsheet, the formula is a definition that operates on values of the selected range of cells.

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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet
Formulae are defined in the formula area to achieve the desired result. Functions like Sum, Count,
Average, Max, and Min are predefined formulas used in the spreadsheet.

9. How do formulae work in a spreadsheet?

Ans.​ In the worksheet, click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.

1. Type the = (equal sign) followed by the constants and operators that you want to use in the
calculation. For our example, type =1+1.
2. Press Enter.
10. Can you include more than one mathematical operators in a formula?

Ans. ​Yes, we can include more than one mathematical operators in a formula. For example =

11. How to make visible the desired toolbar in a spreadsheet?

Ans. ​By pressing Ctrl+F1 key we can make visible the desired toolbar in a spreadsheet.

12. Give the syntax and example of any three mathematical functions in spreadsheet.


Functions Syntax Example

SUM =SUM(Number1, Number2, ….) =SUM(A1:D1)

AVERAGE =AVERAGE(Number1, Number2, ….) =AVERAGE(A1:D1)

COUNT =COUNT(Number1, Number2, ….) =COUNT(A1:D1)

13. Give the syntax and example of any three statistical functions in spreadsheet.


Functions Syntax Example

MEDIAN =MEDIAN(Number1, Number2, ….) =MEDIAN(A1:E1)

MODE =MODE(Number1, Number2, ….) =MODE(A1:E1)

STANDARD =STDEV(Number1, Number2, ….) =STDEV(A1:E1)


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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet
14. Give the syntax and example of any three decision making functions in spreadsheet.


Functions Syntax Example

IF =IF(condition,[value if true],[value if IF(ISNUMBER(100),"Yes","No")


IFERROR =IFERROR(expression,[error =IFERROR(1/0,"Divide by zero

value]) error")

IFNA =IFNA(value, value_if_na) =IFNA(D6*E6,0)

15. Give the syntax and example of any three date and time functions in spreadsheet.


Functions Syntax Example

DATE =DATE(Year,Month,Day) =DATE(A1,B1,C1)

TIME =TIME(Hour,Minute,Second) =TIME(A1,B1,C1)


16. Give the syntax and example of any three logical functions in spreadsheet.


Functions Syntax Example

AND =AND(condition1,condItion2) =AND(A2>=10, B2<5)

OR =OR(condition1, condition2) =OR(A2>=10, B2<5)

XOR =XOR(condition1, condition2) =XOR(A2>=10, B2<5)

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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet
17. Give the syntax and example of any three string functions in spreadsheet.


Functions Syntax Example

LEFT =LEFT(text,number) =LEFT(A1,5)

RIGHT =RIGHT(text,number) =RIGHT(A1,3)

LEN =LEN(text) =LEN(A1)

18. Explain the advantages of drawing a chart in Calc.

Ans. ​The advantages of drawing a chart in Calc are:

1. It is make easy to comprehend, compare, analyse or present data.

2. It is a very powerful tool and is helpful for all the accountants or mathematicians out there.
3. It is easy and comfortable to use.
19. Explain in one line each of the various types of charts.

Ans. ​The various types of chart are:

Types Purpose

Column Chart Comparing classes of data items in a group.

Bar Chart Comparing classes of data items in a group.

Line Chart Comparing classes of data items in a group.

Pie Chart Comparing classes of data items as percentage.

XY Scatter Chart Comparing data in pairs.

20. Write the steps to insert a chart in Calc.

Ans. ​The steps to insert a chart in Calc are:

1. Select the range of data.

2. Click Insert and choose chart.
3. Select the type of chart.
4. Click finish.

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Class 9 Electronic Spreadsheet
21. Name and explain any five components of a chart in a spreadsheet package.

Ans. ​The components of a chart in a spreadsheet package are:

1. Chart Area:​ The chart area contains all chart components.

2. Chart Title:​ The chart title is often a descriptive text of what the chart displays.
3. Plot Area: The plot area refers to the location of the chart that shows the actual data
represented by lines, bars, columns, dots, etc.
4. Axis Title:​ The x-axis and y-axis titles are the text that mark major divisions on a chart.
5. Legend: The legend is an area of a chart that helps describe each of the parts that help
make up a chart.

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