Important DBMS Questions and Answers IT 402 Class 10 RDBMS

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Session 1: Appreciate the concept of Database Management System

Q1. What is database?

Ans. A database is an organized collection of data.

Q2. What is DBMS?

Ans. DBMS stands for Database Management system. It is a software that controls the creation,
maintenance and use of a database.

Q3. Name two DBMS Software.

Ans. Two DBMS Software are :
2. Oracle
3. Microsoft SQL Server
4. Microsoft Access.

Q4. What is the difference between Flat file and Relational?

Flat File Relational

Data is stored in a single table. Data is stored in multiple tables.

It is suitable for less amount of data. It is suitable for large amount of data

Q5. What do you mean by database servers?

Ans. Database servers are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and run only the
DBMS and related software.

Q6. Write four advantages of database.

Ans. Four advantages of database are
1 It reduces Data Redundancy
2. It allows sharing of data.
3. It help to maintain data integrity.
4. It provides Data Security.

Q7. What do you mean by Data Redundancy?

Ans. Duplication of data in a database is known as data redundancy.

Q8. What do you mean by Data Integrity?

Ans. Data integrity means that the data is accurate and consistent in the database.

Q9. What is Data Consistency?

Ans. Data Consistency means there should be multiple mismatching copies of the same data in a

Q10. Write two features of database.

Ans. Two features of database are :
1. A database can have one or many tables.
2. Every table in a database has a primary key field which ensures 00% unique values in the

Q11. What do you mean by RDBMS.

Ans. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. When data is to be stored,
maintained, and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software are required known as

Q12. What is Primary Key?

Ans. A field which is unique for each and every record in a table is called primary key.

Q13. What do you mean by Composite Primary key?

Ans. When primary key constraint is applied on one or more columns then it is known as Composite
Primary Key.

Q14. What is Foreign Key?

Ans. A Foreign Key is a field in one table that refers to the primary key of another table. It is used to
link two tables.

Q15. Answer the following questions on the basis of following table:

Table : Student
Stud_id Stud_name Class Fees

1 Aman IX 3000

2 Anil X 3200
Table Teacher
T_id T_name T_Sal Stud_id

3210 Mr. Kumar 60000 1

3211 Mr. Sethi 70000 2

Identify the primary key in Student and Teacher table.

Identify the foreign key in Teacher table.

Ans. 1. Primary Key in Student table : Stud_id

Primary key in Teacher table is : T_id

2. Foreign key in Teacher table is : Stud_id

Session 2 : Create and Edit Tables using Wizard and SQL Commands

Q1. What do you mean by RDBMS?

Ans. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It is a database management
system which is based on relational model.

Q2. Define the following terms :

1 Table
2. Fields
3. Records

Table : A table is a set of data elements that is organized in vertical columns and horizontal rows.
Fields : A field is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row of the table.
Records : A row also called a Record or Tuple represents a single, data item in a table.

Q3. What are the two ways of creating table in OpenOffice Base.
Ans. Two ways of creating table in OpenOffice Base are :
a. Create table in design view
b. Use Wizard to create table.

Q4. What do you mean by Data type? Give example of two data type used in OpenOffice Base.
Ans. Datatypes are used to identify which type of data (value) we are going to store in the database.

Q5. Identify the data type in which we can store the decimal value :
a. Boolean
b. TinyInt
c. Decimal
d. Real
e. Double
f. Smallint

Ans. Data types in which we can store the decimal value are :
c. Decimal
d. Real
e. Double
Q6. What is the difference between Char and Varchar data type?
Ans. Char is a fixed length data type and Varchar is a variable length data type.

Q7. Write the data type suitable for the following fields.
a. DateofBirth
b. Name
c. Rollno
d. Class
e. Email
f. City

a. DateofBirth – Date
b. Name – Char or Varchar
c. Rollno – TinyInt / Smallint / Integer
d. Class – Char / Varchar
e. Email – Char or Varchar
f. City – Char or Varchar

Q8. Write four data types available in Alphanumeric Data types.

Ans. Four data types available in Alphanumeric Data types :

Q9. Data in a (RDBMS) is organized in the form of __________________.

Ans. Tables.

Q10. In RDBMS table is also known as ________________

Ans. Relation

Q11. Write four data types which are used to store numerical value.
Ans. Four data types which are used to store numerical value are

Q12. Write four appropriate field names and their data types to store record of student.

Ans. Four appropriate field names and their data types to store record of students are :
1 Name —————— Char / Varchar
2. Admno —————- Integer
3. Fees ——————–Float/Double
4. DOB ——————-Date

Q13. Write four appropriate field names and their data types to store record of book.
Ans. Four appropriate field names and their data types to store record of book are :
a. Author_name ————- Char / Varchar
b. Price ———————– Float / Decimal / Double
c. Class ———————– Char / Varchar
d. Subject ———————Char / Varchar

Q14. What is the default data type of a field while creating table in design view?
Ans. Varchar

Q15. _______________ are the basic building blocks of a database.

Ans. Tables

Q16. Write the expanded form of SQL

Ans. SQL : Structured Query Language

Q17. A table has __________________ (horizontal / Vertical) row and ____________________

columns (horizontal / Vertical).
Ans. Horizontal , Vertical

Q18. OpenOffice Base is an open source _________________ (DBMS / RDBMS )


Q19. ________________ (Database / Table ) wizard helps you to create a new database.
Ans. Database

Q20. Multiple tables can be created in a database. (T / F)

Ans. True

Session 3: Perform Operations on Table

Q1. What do you mean by Datasheet View?

Ans. A view in which new data can be inserted and inserted data can be modified or removed in a
table is called datasheet view

Q2. What do you mean by design view?

Ans. A view in which we can change the structure of the table is called design view.

Q3. Write steps to open table in design view.

Ans. Steps to open table in design view are :

Open the Open Office Base

Right click on the table which we need to open.
Select option Edit from popup menu.
Required table will open in design view

Q4. What do you mean by Field Property in Base?

Ans. Those properties which determine the characteristics and behavior of fields are called field

Q5. Name two properties of Numeric type data.

Ans. Two properties of Numeric type data are :
Auto Value

Q6. Name two properties of Character type data.

Ans. Two properties of Character type data are :
Entry Required

Q7. What is the default length of Integer data type?

Ans. The default length of Integer data type is 10.

Q8. What is the default length of Varchar data type?

Ans. The default length of Varchar data type is 50.

Q9. Define the following field properties in reference to Open Office Base.
1. Default Value
2. Format
3. Auto Value

1. Default Value : A value which automatically appears when we enter the new record.
2. Format : This property helps to set the format of the data entered in the field.
3. Auto Value : This is the property of Numeric Field type. If this property is set to Yes then numeric
field will get auto numeric value.

Q10. What do you mean by Sorting?

Ans. Sorting means to arrange the data in either ascending or descending order.

Q11. What is Referential Integrity?

Ans. Referential Integrity is used to maintain the accuracy and consistency of data in relationship.

Q12. What do you mean by relationship between tables?

Ans. A relationship refers to an association or connection between two or more tables.

Q13. How many types of relationship can be created between tables? Name them.
Ans. Three types of relationship can be created between tables.
One to One
One to Many or Many to One
Many to Many

Q14. Relationship option is available in _____________ menu.

Ans. Tool

Q15. Write two advantages of relationship created between two tables.

Ans. Two advantages of relationship created between two tables are :
It reduces data entry errors.
It help to summarize data from related tables


Q1. What do you mean by query in Open Office Base?

Ans. A query is a request to collect specific information from a table or combination of tables.

Q2. In how many ways you can create query in Open Office Base?
Ans. We can create query in Open Office Base by three ways which are :
Create query in Design view
Create query using Wizard
Create query in SQL view

Q3. Name the Query language which is used in Base?

Ans. SQL

Q4. Which command is used to retrieve data from the table?

Ans. Select command is used to retrieve data from the table.

Q5. Name two categories of SQL Commands.

Ans. Two categories of SQL Commands are :

Q6. Differentiate between DDL and DML Commands.


It stands for Data Definition

It stands for Data Manipulation Language

Example : Create, Alter, Drop Example : Insert, Update, Delete

Q7. Identify the DML Commands from the following :

Ans. Insert and Delete are DML Commands

Q8. __________ is the most commonly used Data Manipulation Language(DML) command.
Ans. Select

Q9. Name two clauses which can be used with Select Command.
Ans. Two clauses which can be used with Select Command are :
Where Clause
Order By Clause

Q10. Write the Select command to display all the records of table “book”.
Ans. Select * from book;

Q11. Write the shortcut to execute query in “Create query in SQL view” of Base.
Ans. F5

Q12. What is the purpose of Where clause in Select Command?

Ans. Where Clause is used to retrieve specific record from the table.
Q13. What is the purpose of Order by clause in Select Command?
Ans. Order by clause is used to arrange the records in ascending or descending order.

Q14. Write the queries for the following table : Emp

Emp_id Ename Salary

1 Suman 20000

2 Sanjay 32000

3 Ravi 30000
a. Display the salary of all the employees after incrementing by Rs 1000.

Ans. Select Salary +1000 from Emp;

b. Display the Employee id and salary of all the employees after decreasing by Rs 500.

Ans. Select Emp_id, Salary – 500 from Emp;

c. Display the Name and salary of all the employees after incrementing it as thrice the amount
of present salary.

Ans. Select Ename, Salary * 3 from Emp;

d. Display the Employee id, Name and salary of all the employees after decrementing it as half
the amount of present salary.

Ans. Select Emp_id, Ename, Salary/2 from Emp;

e. Display the Employee id and Name of all the employees.

Ans. Select Emp_id, Ename from Emp;

Q15. Write the queries for the following table : Student

Admno Name Class House

1001 Sonam 9 Blue

1002 Ravi 10 Yellow

1003 Poonam 10 Green

a. Display the entire table
Ans. Select * from Student

b. Display the list of students whose house color is blue.

Ans. Select * from Student where House = “Blue”

c. Display the admission number of students whose house color is green.

Ans. Select Admno from Student where House = “Yellow”

d. To view records in ascending order of Admission Number.

Ans. Select * from Student order by Admno Asc;

e. Display the records of Class 10 Students.

Ans. Select * from students where Class = 10;

f. Display the class of ‘Ravi’

Ans. Select Class from Student where Name = ‘Ravi’

g. Insert the given record : 1004, “Aman”, 11, “Blue”

Ans. Insert into Student values( 1004, “Aman”, 11, “Blue”)
Q16. Which command is used for the following task in database?
To insert a new record
To modify the existing data.
To delete a record
To display record

Q17. Write the queries for the following table : Item

Itemno Iname Price Qty

12 Pen 10 17

13 Eraser 5 15

14 Notebook 15 20
a. Write a query to insert a new record of following details
15, “Pencil”, 20, 10
Ans. Insert into Item values(15, “Pencil”, 20, 10)

b. Write a query to display detail of items whose quantity is more than 10.
Ans. Select * from Item where Qty > 10

c. Write a query to change the quantity of Item number 13 to 25.

Ans. Update Item set Qty = 25 where Itemno = 13

d. Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the price
multiplied by quantity for each item
Ans. Select Price * Qty from Item.

e. Display the name of item whose price is 10.

Ans. Select Iname from Item where price = 10

f. Display all the records in ascending order of price.

Ans. Select * from Item order by Price asc.

g. Identify the Primary key from table Item.

Ans. Itemno

h. Write the suitable data type of field “Iname”.

Ans. Char or Varchar

i. Write a query to increase the price of all items by Rs2.

Ans. Update Item set Price = Price + 2;

j. Write a query to decrease the price of all items by Rs2 whose price is less than 20.
Ans. Update Item set Price = Price – 2 where Price < 20;

Q18. By default, data is arranged in _________ order using ORDER BY clause.

Ans. Ascending Order

Q19. Which clause is used for the following:

a. To display specific record.
b. To display records in a particular order.
Where Clause
Order by Clause

Q1. What is Form in OpenOffice Base?

Ans. A form provides the user a systematic way of storing information into the database.
Q2. Name the interface which lets users to view, enter, and change data directly in database.
Ans. Form

Q3. Write two ways of creating form in Open Office Base.

Ans. Two ways of creating form in Open Office Base are :
a. Create form in design view
b. Use Wizard to create form

Q4. Can we enter the data in table using forms?

Ans. Yes

Q5. What do you mean by Report in Open Office Base?

Ans. A report helps to display the data in a summarized manner. It is used to generate the overall
work outcome in a clear format.

Form Report

1. It is a way of storing data into a database It is a way to display data in a printed form.

2. Values entered in the form can be modified Values in the report cannot be modified.

Q7. Name the two types of report created in OpenOffice Base.

Ans. Two types of report created in OpenOffice Base are:
a. Static Report
b. Dynamic Report

Q8. What do you mean by static report?

Ans. A report which do not show any change if we make any changes in the data of the table.

Q9. What do you mean by dynamic report?

Ans. A report which shows the corresponding changes which we make in the data of the table.

Q10. Can we enter records by report?

Ans. No

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