ISRN Education
Volume 2013, Article ID 741807, 13 pages
Research Article
Investigation of Students’ Alternative Conceptions of Terms and
Processes of Gene Technology
Copyright © 2013 Gaitano Franke et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Our study monitored students’ alternative conceptions about some fundamental terms and processes of gene technology. Novice
secondary school 10th graders (144 in total) described their conceptions in an open questionnaire. Using inductive category
development, we iteratively categorized their responses. We found 13 categories describing students’ conceptions. Common
categories were allocated to more than one different term or process. Specific categories were found only in the context of explaining
one term or process. Using the collected conceptions, we then developed a questionnaire, which we administered to monitor
the students’ conceptual change during a hands-on approach in our outreach lab. Knowledge about these conceptions and their
consideration within science teaching should be of value both for preservice teacher education and for professional development
of in-service teachers.
components into account: the analyses of the science subject, students first acquire a theory of kinship that differentiates
the investigation of the students’ conceptions, and designing- the culturally passed on and/or learned traits from genetically
learning activities based on the “results from the previous the inherited traits, but at this stage they cannot explain
two components” [21, page 925]. Thus, applying of the the underlying mechanisms. Additionally, Nelkin and Lindee
model involves determining students’ alternative conceptions [29, page 198] suggested a cultural anticipation in Western
and subsequently considering the revealed conceptions in culture that genes as “key to human relationship” connect
teaching approaches. A suitable teaching strategy might be to parents with offspring. Therefore, genes are regarded as a
present alternative conceptions on the basis of the construc- “metaphor for relationship” which “reinforces” this primary
tivist teaching sequence [22, 23]. The first phase (orientation) nongenetic understanding [26, page 629]. In contrast, Lewis
is followed by a discovery phase of the students’ conceptions and Kattmann [8, page 195] found that older German students
(elicitation of ideas), and a subsequent restructuring phase (aged 15–19) have an alternative conception of genes as “small
of the selected conceptions (restructuring of ideas) follows. trait-bearing particles.” Furthermore, there was “no clear
During these phases, a process of clarification and exchange distinction between genotype and phenotype.”
takes place, where single conceptions are put in conflict with The small sample size of the descriptive studies outlined
each other to allow the construction of new conceptions. above makes it difficult to draw general conclusions about
These phases are followed by the application of the new student learning. But up to now, only a few quantitative
conceptions (application of ideas) as well as by an assessment studies have been published. For instance, Venville and
of the changes which may have resulted (review of change Treagust [17] described a case study for Australian 10th
in ideas). The consequent comparison of the new and old graders, focusing on the terms genes, chromosomes, and
conceptions concludes the constructive teaching sequence. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). After scrutinizing the stu-
Primarily, the Model of Educational Reconstruction was dents’ knowledge for their conceptions regarding those terms,
developed and empirically employed within physics educa- they found 26 conceptions, such as “genes are passed from
tion (e.g., teaching chaos theory; [19]), followed by applica- parents to offspring” [17, page 1038]. Lewis et al. [30] analyzed
tions within biology education research (e.g., teaching cell a knowledge questionnaire with regard to “biological terms”
biology; [24]). Implementing teaching approaches, such as like genes or genetic information, assessing English students
the constructive teaching sequence, based on this model may aged 14–16. Despite the students’ previous genetic education,
improve students’ learning, because students regard scientific they found that they lacked an understanding of “function,
content as significant when their own conceptions are met structure, and location of genes” [30, page 74]. After rean-
(e.g., [10]). Therefore, integrating the students’ alternative alyzing this data set, Lewis and Kattmann [8] also reported
conceptions as revealed by science education into teach- the aforementioned alternative conception of genes as small
ing enhancement approaches and subsequently into teacher particles. Analyzing written assessments, Duncan and Reiser
training programs may eventually lead to this theoretical [31] identified 15 conceptions of the term gene and of gene-
model being practiced more often. protein connections, for instance, “genes as passive particles”
According to Chi et al. [7], the meaning of a conception that “determine the structure/behavior of proteins” [31, pages
can be determined by a categorization, that is, the assignment 945 and 948]. Recently, Duncan et al. [32] reported that
to one or more categories within a system of categories. students as young as 7th graders have the conception of the
For a successful implementation of students’ alternative term gene as a passive but determining particle. The authors
conceptions within teaching practice, such a categorization is summarize these conceptions as “non-information based
necessary, coupled with an interpretation of the results found views of genes” based on the students’ conceptions lacking
therein. the connection to hereditary information (page 156). Finally,
Within various subject areas, researchers have been gath- Mills Shaw et al. [9] analyzed essays from a knowledge essay
ering students’ alternative conceptions, summarized within contest of 12th graders in the US with regard to alternative
the Pupils’ and Teachers’ Conceptions and Science Education conceptions. In total, they reported 27 conceptions of genetics
database [25]. Nevertheless, the field of research into alter- content, for instance, “genes determine all traits” [9, page
native conceptions within biology education is still emerging 1161]. With regard to gene technology, Mills Shaw et al. [9,
[1]. Despite rapid advances in genetics research, this may page 1164] reported that their 12th graders coupled “genetic
especially prove true in the field of genetics education where technologies” at the phenotypic level primarily to “curing
only several studies have already been published. multiple diseases” as well as to a trait expressed in the original
For the most part, only qualitative studies have been manner after a gene transfer to a target organism.
published. Authors have usually employed problem-centered In summary, up to now, quantitative research with regard
semistructured interviews (e.g., [8, 26]) and in one case, to students’ alternative conceptions within genetics education
transcript analyses of videotaped lessons [27]. Both method- has focused on student conception data which have indirectly
ologies have been coupled with qualitative content analysis. been gathered out of knowledge assessments. That is, the
For instance regarding Australian students aged 9 to 15 years, students have implicitly and unknowingly described their
Venville et al. [26, page 628] found that “most students conceptions within their knowledge tests. A potential draw-
. . . did not have a conceptual understanding of what genes back of this methodology is that the authors did not report
. . . are or what they do.” Especially, “their understandings any data about specific combinations of students’ alternative
about kinship and inheritance could not be considered a conceptions even though such combinations might exist.
theory of genetics” (page 628). According to Springer [28], For instance, Duncan and Reiser [31] briefly mentioned
ISRN Education 3
“that a few” of their 63 students “made reference to more control group design? The research results addressing our
than one” conception [31, page 948]. Similarly, Tsui and first three research questions should identify any inductively
Treagust [33, page 212] found “that a student could hold more categorized conceptions in the context of gene technology,
than one gene conception.” However, both studies lacked indicate how frequently these conceptions appear, and deter-
further analyses. Additionally, nearly all the aforementioned mine the presence of any specific conception combinations.
studies unfortunately did not present data with regard to We hypothesize that such knowledge would be a good
the objectivity of the categorization applied (except [32]). basis for a questionnaire evaluating any conceptual change
Finally, gene technology, which plays a prominent role within from the students’ alternative to the scientific conceptions.
genetics, was generally not included. In particular, analyzing the students’ answers to such a
Keeping this in mind, we devised our first three research questionnaire could better indicate whether the scientific
questions: (a) which alternative conceptions (inductively conceptions would have been learned if the alternative
categorized) in the context of gene technology do students conceptions included in the questionnaire as distractors were
explicitly describe? (b) How frequently do these conceptions collected from this very target group prior to the following
appear? (c) Are any specific combinations of the conceptions planned interventional approach up to now; only Mbajiorgu
present? et al. [37] have applied such a method. Before their interven-
Using the research results about students’ alternative tion, the authors gathered the specific religious and cultural
conceptions has often been shown to lead to successful presuppositions of their Igbo tribal students (Nigeria). The
lessons. Such intervention studies are frequent in different presuppositions were gathered by analyzing students’ written
areas of science education and have been summarized within responses to genetic phenomena case studies. In contrast,
the Pupils’ and Teachers’ Conceptions and Science Education Stolarsky Ben-Nun and Yarden [27] did not describe how they
database [25]. For instance, the database includes studies in developed their true/false questionnaire mentioned above.
mechanics [34], in chemistry (e.g., [35]), or in evolution (e.g., Consequently, we decided to use the knowledge gained from
[36]). answering our first three research questions regarding stu-
Regarding genetics, there have been a number of studies dents’ held alternative conceptions to develop a questionnaire
(e.g., [17, 27, 31–33, 37, 38]). For instance, Tsui and Treagust for evaluating the efficiency of a new hands-on approach
[33] reported that most of their participating 10th and 12th in our outreach laboratory designed to foster conceptual
graders improved their genetic reasoning when “teachers change.
included computer multimedia” in their classroom teaching. To describe the contextual background of our study, we
Especially, “multiple representations supported conceptual first provide information about the educational system in
understanding of genetics” (page 205). Similarly, Mbajiorgu Bavaria, Germany. Second we describe biology education
et al. [37] successfully applied “models and external repre- with respect to gene technology at the different stratification
sentations” to dissatisfy students (aged 17 to 18 years) with levels. Third, we present a short description of our new
their nonscientific religious presuppositions about genetic instructional approach for facilitating conceptual change in
phenomena. Duncan et al. [32] recently reported that stu- our outreach lab. Finally, we finish with the objectives of our
dents as young as 7th graders might have developed genetic study.
reasoning at the molecular level, after the instructors taught In Bavaria, Germany, students enter a secondary school
a model-based unit which included “3D images” (page 152). (by their own and/or their parents’ choice) as 5th graders at
Finally, Stolarsky Ben-Nun and Yarden analyzed the changes one of the three different stratification levels: the Gymnasium
in 12th graders’ conceptions with regard to molecular genetics as a “university-preparatory secondary school” (highest level;
caused by “hands-on experiences” in a teacher-led outreach up to the 12th grade); the Realschule as a “professionally
laboratory “in which the high school teacher teaches his or oriented secondary school,” where students may receive the
her own students” (page 25). Based on true/false statements, “intermediate secondary school-leaving certificate” (inter-
they found that the students’ “visual representations of DNA mediate level, up to the 10th grade); the Hauptschule as a
and plasmid significantly improved following the activity” “vocationally oriented secondary school for non-university
(page 22). However, a potential methodological drawback of bound students” (lowest level, up to the 9th grade; [39, page
all studies reported here (except for [37]) is that researchers 1]). In 2009, 23% of the Bavarian students graduated from the
did not apply a control group design. To best of our knowl- highest level of secondary school, 49% from the intermediate,
edge, there has been no intervention study to date on the and 33% from the lowest level [40]. Thus, we chose the
issue of gene technology which compares a group instructed intermediate level as the target group of our research because
using an approach potentially fostering conceptual change most students finished education at this level.
with a corresponding control group without this treatment. Within biology education, the subject of gene technology
Additionally as mentioned above, quantitative research with (in German Gentechnik) is a required subject specified in the
regard to students’ alternative conceptions within genetics current Bavarian syllabuses. However, the three levels differ
education has only focused on conceptions which students with regard to how gene technology is taught: at the lowest
have implicitly and unknowingly described. Based on these level, 9th graders only get a general idea of gene technology
considerations, we devised our fourth research question: (overview of applications and chances; [41]); at the interme-
how can the results of the research based on our first three diate level, 10th graders gain basic knowledge about gene
questions be used to evaluate a teaching approach to elicit technology, including one principle of changing genes as well
conceptual change in the area of gene technology with a as information about possibilities and potential risks [42];
4 ISRN Education
Table 1: Common categories of students’ conceptions, each category with one sample term and one sample process of gene technology
(students’ key words for each category are within students’ quotations in italic letters; see Table 6 for all categories).
Table 2: Common categories of students’ conceptions about the terms and processes of gene technology.
Table 3: Specific categories of students’ conceptions about the terms and processes of gene technology (students’ key words for each category
within students’ quotations in italic letters).
3.1. Categorization of Students’ Alternative Conceptions in the labeled as common categories: phenotype, genotype, procedure,
Context of Gene Technology. In total, we extracted 13 different pedigree, object, valuation, and localization. Table 1 shows
categories of conceptions, which we subsequently classified these categories along with their definitions and examples of
into two main groups. One group comprises categories students’ quotations; Table 2 summarizes the connection of
which we found within at least two descriptions of concep- these categories to the terms and processes (for details, see
tions regarding the different terms or processes, which we Table 6). The second group comprises categories which we
6 ISRN Education
Common categories
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency (%)
Figure 1: Common category frequencies in students’ conceptions with regard to the terms and processes of gene technology (multiple terms
possible), see Table 6).
Specific categories
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency (%)
Figure 2: Specific category frequencies in students’ conceptions with regard to the terms gene, enzyme, and genetic engineering (multiple
terms possible).
just found within students’ conceptions of only one term or student provided at least one conception (96.5%). In the cases
process, which we labeled as specific categories (see Table 3): of the terms genetic engineering and clone as well as of the
container, transmission, and individuality (the term gene); process change of genotype, up to five different conceptions
function and source (the term enzyme); and science (the were provided by some students.
process genetic engineering). The number of the categories
yielded per term or process ranged from three (e.g., for the 3.3. Commonly Obtained Student Categories Regarding the
process transfer of genes) to seven (e.g., for the term gene). Terms and Processes of Gene Technology. In the following,
we describe those categories (including examples of students’
quotations), which were commonly obtained from students’
3.2. Frequencies of the Identified Categories. Subsequently, we descriptions of their conceptions, either as solitary categories
calculated the frequencies of the categorized conceptions for or in combination. The bracketed numbers show the frequen-
the common (see Figure 1, Table 7) and the specific categories cies of all the students’ conceptions (in percent).
(see Figure 2, Table 7).
Regarding the frequencies of the described conceptions, (a) Gene. Most of the conceptions belonged to the cate-
some students described more than one conception per term gory object (10.4%), with no reference to another cat-
or process (see Table 4) while some students did not provide egory. Some students combined the categories geno-
any suitable conception (see Table 4, notes from b to h); in type and container within their descriptions (9.7%),
the case of the term enzyme, up to 52.8% failed to provide a for instance, “that’s a sort of cell with hereditary
suitable conception. However, for the term clone, nearly every information inside”.
ISRN Education 7
Table 4: Coupling of students’ conceptions to the different terms and processes of gene technology.
Table 5: Questionnaire about students’ conceptions in gene tech- (d) Enzyme. For this term, most students had no con-
nology. ceptions, resulting in the fewest categories chosen in
terms of percentage (see Table 4). Students especially
No. Item used the categories localization or function (6.9%
(1) What are your conceptions with regard to the term gene? or 7.6%) or a combination of both (7.6%), such as
(2) What are your conceptions with regard to the term genetic “enzymes are part of our body; they take care of many
engineering? different things”. Others combined the categories
(3) What are your conceptions with regard to the term clone? object and function (6.3%), for example, “enzymes are
What are your conceptions with regard to the term particles which destroy organic materials” or even the
enzyme? categories object, function, and localization (6.9%):
What are your conceptions with regard to the process “a corpuscle within a being, which protects against
inheritance of traits? specific diseases”.
(6) What are your conceptions with regard to the process
transfer of genes?
(e) Processes. Conceptions of the process inheritance of
(7) What are your conceptions with regard to the process traits exclusively employed the categories phenotype
change of genotype? (13.2%), pedigree (17.4%), or a combination of both
(44.4%), for instance, “I have the same sort of
laughter as my mother”. The students’ conception
of the process transfer of genes can be assigned to
(b) Genetic Engineering. Many students used a com-
the categories procedure (23.6%) or pedigree (18.8%).
bination of the categories genotype and procedure
If two categories were used at the same time, the
(31.9%), for instance, “possibility of changing genes
combination of phenotype and pedigree was most
by using technical equipment.” Some added cate-
frequent (16%), such as “when a man’s and a woman’s
gory science (6.9%), for instance, “specific science
traits are transferred to their child.” A clear picture
which transfers genes from one individual to another
arose with regard to the process change of genotype
thereby creating a new sort of being.”
where students primarily used the category procedure
(13.9%). A combination of several categories was often
(c) Clone. These conceptions were described either with observed (43.5%, see Table 4), but no combination of
a combination of the categories object and phenotype categories was more often than others.
(11.1%), for example, “clones are the exact copy of
living beings, they have the same genetic fingerprint”
or with a combination of the categories object and 3.4. Development of a Questionnaire Measuring Conceptual
genotype (10.4%), such as “clones are two human Change in the Context of Gene Technology. As mentioned
beings with identical genes.” However, most students above, we combined the descriptions of students’ alternative
used a combination of three categories: object, pheno- conceptions (as distractors) with the correct scientific con-
type, and procedure (31.9%), for instance, “a clone is ception (as the key for each item) to a seven-item multiple
a human being who has been copied and looks like choice questionnaire (see Table 8). As usual, we started each
the original one”. Additionally, there were students item with a stem (e.g., [49]) which introduced the term or
who combined the four categories object, phenotype, process being asked for. Generally, we selected short student’s
procedure, and genotype (10.4%), for instance, “a sentences for the distractors. As an example, we describe
clone is a human being or another organism which item one, which asks for students’ conception about the term
has been copied exactly and includes the same genes gene. Beside the correct statement (by a gene, I understand
and heredity information.” a hereditary factor, for instance, for the color of hair), we
8 ISRN Education
Sum score
for instance, the color of hairs. This student’s statement again
comprised the category phenotype. However, the student
combined it with the category object, which was the most
common category if student’s responses included only one
category, and the specific category transmission, which only
appeared with regard to the term gene. And third, by a gene,
I understand (c) a cell that contains hereditary factors, for 2
instance, for the color of hairs. This student’s description
again comprised the category object but combined with
the categories genotype and container, which was one of 1
the commonly found combinations, as mentioned above. 𝑁= 25 25 25
Additionally, the category container was a specific category Before After Retention test
for the term gene. Similarly, the questionnaire comprised Figure 3: Changes in the scientific conception sum scores of the
all of the students’ alternative conceptions regarding all the subsample who took part our constructivist teaching sequence
terms and processes of gene technology (see Table 8). approach over all three test schedules.
Table 6: Common categories of students’ conceptions about the terms and processes of gene technology (students’ key words for each category
within students’ quotations in italic letters).
except for the term enzyme, students often have at least one With regard to specific aspects, we focus on all the
conception of certain terms and processes of gene technology examined terms and processes, especially any prominent
(see Table 4). Usually, they used the same categories to combinations of the categories:
describe their conceptions of different terms and processes
(common categories). However, some students (less than
30%) extended these categories when needed and addition- (a) Gene. Many students regarded a gene as a sort of
ally used specific categories, perhaps due to the insufficiency a container. This conception is also known from
of their common categories. For instance, conceptions about other subject areas, for instance, within the issue
the term enzyme were additionally described with the specific global warming [52]. In this case, students have the
category function. This is in line with the recent results conception of the earth as a container that accumu-
of Duncan et al. [32]: when asked for the functions of lates warmth. In the sense of Lakoff [53], container
proteins, their students (7th graders; also novices) commonly might be classified as an imaginative conception in
mentioned general functions (e.g., “important for promoting contrast to conceptions labeled as basic level struc-
health”, page 157). tures. According to Gallese and Lakoff [54], students
10 ISRN Education
Table 7: Frequency of common and specific categories of students’ conceptions within the terms and processes of gene technology (multiple
terms possible).
develop the latter by individually terming day-to- might have read relevant books for adolescents, for
day experiences. Imaginative conceptions “are not instance, Perfect Copy [56].
directly grounded in experience, but (are) drawn (d) Enzyme. Students had the fewest conceptions regard-
on the structure of our experience” [21, page 924]. ing this term, presumably caused by an actual lack of
They provide an understanding of both the day-to- knowledge. This is in line with the above-mentioned
day world and the scientific world by a metaphoric study of Duncan et al. [32]: when asked for the
transference of basic level terms. For instance, filling functions of proteins, only a small fraction of their
fluids into a bottle as a part of students’ life-world students (11%) mentioned specific functions (e.g.,
experience may be used as a metaphor for scientif- “enzymes”, page 157).
ically describing an object (e.g., a cell) filled with
hereditary information. (e) Processes of Gene Technology. Mostly in connection
with the processes, we identified the category pedi-
(b) Genetic Engineering. Surprisingly, the category geno- gree, which was also used when describing concep-
type was used mostly to describe conceptions of tions of the term gene. The existence of the category
genetic engineering, often combined with the cat- pedigree supports the results of Venville et al. [26]. For
egories procedure and science. Thus, within our their students (aged 9 to 15 years), they argued that the
students’ conceptions, genetic engineering is a proce- students did not understand kinship and inheritance
dural, partially scientific work to be done at the level to be genetically based. Our category pedigree points
of the genes, in contrast to the results of Mills Shaw et to the ongoing existence of this specific biological
al. [9, page 1164]. Their 12th graders primarily regard conception within our 10th graders. Additionally, our
genetic engineering at the phenotypic level. However, results might corroborate the suggestion of Nelkin
we assume that the application of our category geno- and Lindee [29] in which they argued for a cul-
type within the context of genetic engineering is not tural anticipation that genes connect parents with
based on students’ relevant understanding of the term offspring.
gene: they commonly applied the category phenotype
for describing the processes inheritance of traits and
4.3. Evaluation of Conceptual Change. We successfully ad-
change of genotype. Thus; they did not differentiate
ministered the questionnaire that we developed by combin-
between the genotypic and the phenotypic level.
ing the gathered student’s alternative conceptions and the
(c) Clone. For this term, we found the greatest number scientific conceptions. The constructivist teaching sequence
of students with existing conceptions. Thereby, they we taught in our lab lesson [45] changed the students’
mostly described the term clone as a procedurally alternative conceptions about the terms and processes of gene
caused object which they characterized at the phe- technology in favor of the scientific conceptions, both for
notypic level. We assume that the media and popular our subsample of the present study as part of the treatment
culture might have influenced our students: in partic- group of our main study and for the treatment group of our
ular, some students mentioned the sheep Dolly [55], main study as a whole [45]. In contrast to the control group,
and nearly all wrote about copying; perhaps some the effect persisted if the students were first confronted with
ISRN Education 11
Table 9: Medians and scientific conception sum scores in the to positive learning outcome (e.g., [57]) and argued that
subsample (𝑛 = 25) who took part in our constructivist teaching cognitive conflicts are a prerequisite for conceptual change
sequence approach over all three test schedules. (e.g., [58]).
Test date
Before test After test Retention test 5. Conclusions
Median (grouped) 3.2 4.2 3.6
25th Percentile 3.0 3.0 3.0
Applying the Model of Educational Reconstruction [20], a
necessary prerequisite for a potential conceptual change is
75th Percentile 4.0 5.0 5.0
the determination of students’ conceptions about a specific
issue. Our results show that the number of categories students
used to describe conceptions about the terms and processes
their own conceptions and then prompted to discuss them. of gene technology was small because some categories were
The resulting cognitive conflict might cause the students multiply used. However, the metaphorical level we found
to adopt the more plausible scientific conceptions. This is resembled the results of Ogborn and Martins [59]. Within
in line with the research that linked cognitive conflicts their study with regard to metaphorical reasoning about
12 ISRN Education
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