E-Commerce Website Research Paper

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E-Commerce Webiste

Dhirendra Pratap Pun Neerj Yadav Aman Himanshu Choudhary

21BCS1660 21BCS1758 21BCS7533 21BCS1750
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University Chandigarh University Chandigarh University
Mohali,Punjab Mohali,Punjab Mohali,Punjab Mohali,Punjab
India India India India

Er.Sharaz UI Haq
Chandigarh University

In today's digital age, the rapid growth of e- I.INTRODUCTION
commerce has overtaken traditional brick-and- E-commerce, commonly referred to as e-
mortar businesses and made them pale by commerce, encompasses a diverse range of online
comparison. Many brick-and-mortar businesses business activities related to the exchange of
have realized the need to create an online presence products and services. It mainly revolves around
to remain competitive, a strategy often online buying and selling done over the Internet or
implemented by creating an e-commerce website. any transaction involving the transfer of ownership
Although developed countries have adopted e- or rights to use goods and services facilitated
commerce for day-to-day trading, its penetration in through computer-mediated networks. For us, e-
the underdeveloped world is not clear. This article commerce represents an innovative dimension in
addresses the multifaceted task of developing an e- using the full potential of the Internet, and our
commerce website and offers practical solutions to mission is to support its wide adoption in our
the challenges inherent in this task. It covers the country, where its use is still relatively low. Given
critical steps of use case definition, domain the highly contextual cultural background
modeling, and architectural patterns, with a prevalent in our region, the creation of trust
comprehensive breakdown of front-end and back- between the individuals involved in the transaction
end development. This article also discusses is of paramount importance. Our goal is to
database design, emphasizing the importance of spearhead the growth of e-commerce in
relational connectivity. This streamlined approach Bangladesh, which dates back to 1999 when it
to e-commerce website development can be easily emerged, initially led by non-resident
scaled to serve areas where computing resources Bangladeshis based in the US. Our vision is to
are limited and expensive due to socioeconomic create a robust e-commerce platform that resonates
constraints. with the local population and fosters widespread
adoption among consumers.
Keywords :- Website Personalization, User Electronic commerce, more commonly known as
Experience, Recommendation Systems, Data e-commerce, serves as a comprehensive umbrella
Analytics,Customer Segmentation
for a large number of online business operations II. LITERATURE SURVEY
involving the exchange of goods and services. It
primarily revolves around online buying and Existing System
selling activities conducted over the Internet or any
transaction that involves the transfer of ownership In the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, the
or use rights to goods and services, all facilitated importance of personalization in improving user
through computer-mediated networks. experience and increasing customer engagement
cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have
From our perspective, e-commerce represents an delved into existing e-commerce website systems
exciting frontier in Internet usage, and our primary and shed light on the strategies and technologies
goal is to elevate its importance in our country, used for personalization.
where its adoption is relatively limited. In the
context of our highly contextual culture, creating One prevalent approach in existing systems is the
and maintaining trust is a fundamental aspect of use of referral systems. Research by Li and
engaging in transactions. We are committed to Karahanna (2015) highlighted the impact of
supporting the growth of e-commerce in recommendation algorithms on user satisfaction
Bangladesh, which traces its roots back to 1999 and purchasing behavior. These systems analyze
when it was launched, primarily led by non- user behavior, preferences and historical data to
resident Bangladeshis based in the US. Our generate personalized product suggestions,
mission is to create a robust and engaging e- ultimately promoting a sense of individualization
commerce platform that resonates with our local for users.
population, ultimately leading to widespread
customer adoption. In addition, a study by Chen et al. (2017)
emphasized the role of data analytics in e-
Electronic commerce, often referred to as e- commerce personalization. Analyzing vast
commerce, encompasses a wide range of online amounts of user data allows businesses to tailor
business activities related to the exchange of their offers, ads and promotional strategies to
products and services. It primarily involves the specific user segments. The integration of machine
buying and selling of goods and services over the learning algorithms facilitates the continuous
Internet and includes any transaction that transfers improvement of these personalized experiences.
ownership or use rights to those commodities
through computer-mediated networks. We see e- Despite the advances made in existing systems,
commerce as a breakthrough extension of the problems remain. Privacy concerns and data
Internet's possibilities, and our goal is to increase security issues, as identified by Wang and Zhang
its prevalence in our country, where its use is still (2018), raise questions about the ethical
relatively modest. In a cultural context like ours, implications of large-scale user data collection.
building and maintaining trust between the parties Achieving a balance between personalization and
to a transaction is paramount. We are dedicated to privacy remains a critical consideration for e-
supporting the growth of e-commerce in commerce platforms.
Bangladesh, which originally emerged in 1999,
with the first initiatives led by non-resident Proposed System
Bangladeshis living in the US. Our vision is to
create a robust and widespread e-commerce
platform tailored to our local market. To deal with the limitations of existing systems
and take e-commerce website personalization to
new heights, the proposed system incorporates code, a universal client-side scripting language
innovative solutions and emerging technologies. uniquely suited for web application development.
JavaScript integrates seamlessly with Hypertext
One of the key aspects of the proposed system is Markup Language (HTML), the language used to
the integration of advanced personalization design web pages. At this early stage, we artfully
algorithms driven by artificial intelligence. Recent interwoven JavaScript with HTML to create the
research by Sun et al. (2021) demonstrates the user-centric elements of our platform. By its very
effectiveness of deep learning models in nature, HTML renders static pages, which are
understanding complex user preferences and HTML documents stored on a web server and
providing more accurate recommendations. This remain unchanged. The aesthetic aspect of these
means a shift to more sophisticated personalization pages has been carefully refined by incorporating
techniques that adapt to changing user behavior in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the stylesheet
real time. language necessary to define the presentation and
formatting of documents written in a markup
In addition, the proposed system emphasizes the language.
importance of customer segmentation. Tailoring The key was the introduction of JavaScript into our
personalization strategies to different customer application. Widely integrated into web browsers,
segments, as advocated by Smith and Jackson this client-side scripting language enables user
(2019), increases the relevance and effectiveness interaction, browser control, asynchronous
of personalized content. This approach recognizes communication, and dynamic modification of
the diverse needs and preferences of different user document content. For example, our website uses
groups, contributing to a more refined and targeted JavaScript to validate the information provided by
user experience. the user during the registration process. If any
mandatory field is left blank, the browser
In addition, the proposed system places great immediately prompts the user to fill in the missing
emphasis on transparency and user control. data, improving the user experience.
Research by Liu et al. (2022) suggest that In addition, we have adopted the use of Bootstrap
empowering users to control their personalization framework in our application. Bootstrap provides
settings and providing transparent explanations for a robust platform for creating visually appealing
algorithmic decisions can alleviate privacy and interactive elements, including animations,
concerns and increase user trust. contributing to a dynamic and engaging user
interface. This multifaceted approach to front-end
In conclusion, the proposed system builds on the development, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS,
foundations laid by existing research, integrates and Bootstrap, works together to provide an
cutting-edge technologies, and addresses key aesthetically pleasing, interactive, and responsive
challenges. By utilizing advanced personalization user experience.
algorithms, incorporating customer segmentation,
and prioritizing transparency, the proposed system A. Front End Development
aims to elevate the e-commerce website
At the heart of our back-end operations, we rely on
personalization experience to new heights,
a robust database management system (DBMS) to
promoting increased user satisfaction and long-
provide the necessary support. This indispensable
term customer loyalty
software serves as the basis for creating, managing
and maintaining our database and allows us to
perform tasks such as table creation, changes,
III. additions and updates. A diverse range of data
To begin the front-end development of our types, including integers, character variables, and
application, we started by creating JavaScript more, find their home in these tables. In our
application, the choice for our DBMS is MySQL, "brand," "category," "product," "small_add," and
a renowned relational database management "registration." Of these, the structure of three
system. The driving force behind this choice is tables is detailed within the diagram. For instance,
MySQL's commitment to open-source the "product" table is equipped with attributes such
development, with its source code freely available as product_id, product_rate, category_id,
under the General Public License (GNU). brand_id, and product_rate. Notably, the
MySQL emerges as the mainstay of our back-end product_id serves as the primary key, ensuring
operations, offering the tools and features each product's unique identity, while the
necessary for database management. With category_id operates as a foreign key, establishing
MySQL, we are well equipped to create, modify, a connection with the "category" table, which
and maintain the complex data structures that houses the attributes category_id and
underpin our application's functionality. The category_name. A similar interplay of primary and
versatility of this DBMS allows us to work with a foreign keys is evident in the "registration" table,
spectrum of data types, enabling seamless storage where customer details are stored, further
and retrieval of data critical to the operation of our exemplifying the intricate database relationships
platform. In addition, the fact that MySQL that underpin our application's core functionality.
complies with open source principles by offering In essence, the database design stands as a linchpin
its source code under the General Public License in our system, accommodating the multifaceted
reinforces our commitment to an open, data requirements of our application. Through its
collaborative development environment that intricate organization, we are equipped to
conforms to modern web application standards. seamlessly manage customer information, product
data, and the dynamic processes of our platform.
B. Backend Development SQL and PHP's database connectivity capabilities
make this interaction with the database fluid and
Undoubtedly, one of the most pivotal and intricate
efficient, ensuring that our application functions
aspects of our application's development lies in the
smoothly while delivering a satisfying user
meticulous design of the database. This database
serves as the repository for a myriad of crucial
information, encompassing the details provided by
customers during the registration process, the C. Database Design
comprehensive product catalog featuring
identification, descriptions, and images, and the
dynamic updating of featured products.
Consequently, the effective management and
interaction with the database constitutes a
fundamental component of our program's
The database operates seamlessly with the
Structured Query Language (SQL) to facilitate the
execution of queries, thereby enabling efficient
data retrieval and manipulation. Capitalizing on
the capabilities of PHP, our application harnesses
its support for database connectivity and query
execution. As depicted in the accompanying
diagram, the database design encompasses six
distinct tables, each bearing significance within
our system. These tables are named: "advertise,"
The basic system requirements derived from this Step 3: Collect user data, including browsing
use case model include the need for a registration history, purchase history, and preferences.
page where users can create their accounts and Step 4: Implement a recommendation system to
gain access to the platform. In addition, a robust analyze user data and design personalized
search function is essential to enable users to products.
efficiently search for products. The presence of a Step 5: Display personalized product
shopping cart function is essential to facilitate the recommendations on the user's home page.
selection and organization of selected items. Step 6: Allow users to provide explicit feedback on
Finally, a comprehensive invoicing system is recommended products (likes, dislikes,
essential to ensure a seamless transaction process, preferences).
culminating in the automated generation of Step 7: Monitor user interactions with
electronic invoices. recommended products and update preferences on
an ongoing basis.
In short, use cases and user stories provide a clear Step 8: Use machine learning algorithms to
and structured approach to understanding and dynamically adjust recommendations based on
documenting system requirements. This particular user behavior in real time.
use case exemplifies the user journey through Step 9: Implement a user segmentation strategy to
registration, product search, shopping cart usage categorize users into groups with similar
and online ordering, highlighting the need for preferences.
specific system components such as: Step 10: Customize site content, layout, and
• Registration pages, promotions based on user segments.
• Search options Step 11: Include personalized marketing messages
• Shopping cart functionality and promotions to increase user engagement.
• Reliable invoicing system. Step 12: Give users options to fine-tune
customization settings.
Step 13: Regularly update personalization
D. Architectural Pattern
algorithms to adapt to changing user trends.
Step 14: Ensure that privacy and security measures
are in place to protect user information.
Step 15: Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of
personalization strategies using metrics such as
conversion rates and user satisfaction.
Step 16: Collect user feedback on personalization
and make continuous improvements.
Step 17: End

This algorithm outlines the key steps in

implementing a personalized user experience on
an e-commerce website, from data collection to
dynamic customization based on user behavior.
Modifications and improvements can be made
based on the specific requirements and
Algorithm:- technologies used in your project.

Step 1: Get started Following are approaches used in the proposed

Step 2: The user logs into the e-commerce website. system :
Our application follows the Model-View- details from the database based on the provided
Controller (MVC) format as a standard practice product ID. If the query returns one or more rows,
that supports organized and modular development. the function reads and processes the data and
For each component we have distinct files with multiplies the product quantity by the product
specific functions designed to implement different price to calculate the total price. Finally, the total
functions. The "View" component is stored in a price is returned as the result of the calculation.
separate folder and contains files with the .php This function is an example of how the "Model"
extension. These files contain HTML tags and component interacts with the database and
codes responsible for creating web pages that users provides basic data for the application's functions.
interact with. They include links to other files
found in the "Controller" folder that contain the
basic functions that communicate with the IV. CONCLUSIONS
database. The actual access codes to the database In conclusions, E-commerce has fundamentally
are written in the .php files located in the "Model" transformed our lifestyle by eliminating the need
folder. to spend time and resources traveling to physical
For example, in the "home.php" file you can find markets. With the help of e-commerce application
code like: development and web development solutions,
<ahref="<?echobase_url().'user/product_detail/'.$ individuals can accelerate the growth of their
p['p_id'] ?>" class="btn btn-default add-to- online business. E-commerce has proven to be one
cart"><i class="fa fa -shopping- of the most cost-effective methods of doing
cart"></i>Details</a> business and plays a key role in reducing costs
associated with promoting products and services.
This code snippet corresponds to the One of the exceptional features of e-commerce is
"product_detail" function found in the "user.php" the absence of time restrictions in the sale of
file in the "Controller". The function is used to products. The convenient ability to log on to the
retrieve product details. It starts interacting with Internet at any time, even late at night, and quickly
the database by loading the "pagetransition.php" sell products with just a click of the mouse has
file from the "Model" to access the necessary data redefined the business landscape. The presence of
and then passes this information to the .php files in an interactive, user-friendly and purpose-driven
the "View" folder. online store can significantly increase business
In the pseudocode representation, we have a prospects.
function called "COMPUTE PRICE" with the
following structure: V. FUTURE SCOPE
CALCULATE PRICE(int id, float amount)
String query = SELECT product id, product The future scope for the E-Commerce Website
name, product price FROM product table WHERE Personalization project includes the use of
emerging technologies such as artificial
product id = id
intelligence and machine learning for even more
if (number of rows loaded > 0) sophisticated user personalization. Implementing
String array[] = queryResults advanced algorithms can improve predictive
String array['productamount'] = amount analytics and allow the system to accurately predict
float total = String array['product quantity'] * user preferences. Another avenue is the integration
String array['product price'] of immersive technologies such as augmented
reality (AR) for virtual product testing and
return total interactive shopping. Additionally, one could
This pseudocode demonstrates a function designed consider exploring blockchain for secure and
to calculate the price of products. It starts by transparent transaction processes. Improvements in
creating an SQL query to retrieve specific product data analysis and user segmentation methodology
will continue to refine personalization strategies.
Continuing to adapt to technological advancements
will ensure that the e-commerce platform remains
at the forefront of providing a customized and
engaging shopping experience.
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