Explore The Influences of Social Media Content On

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Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management

ISSN: 2766-824X | Vol. 11, No. 2, 2023

Explore the Influences of Social Media Content on

Young Consumers Engagement and Purchase Intention
in the Chinese Luxury Sportswear Market
Shuqi Wang
University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo, 315100, China

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of informative content, self-enhancing content, and remunerative
content on consumers’ active and passive engagement and purchasing intention, based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory.
The paper obtains corresponding conclusions through quantitative analysis by collecting questionnaires from young Chinese
consumers. According to the survey data, this research indicates that remunerative and self-enhancing content will be more
important drivers for active engagement, and informative content and self-enhancing content will have more significant and
positive connections with passive engagement and consumers' purchase intention. This research also found that both consumer
engagement and social media content will positively influence consumers' purchase intention, and consumer engagement
demonstrated a stronger relationship with purchase intention. These findings will benefit scholars and practitioners working in
the marketing field to target appropriate research groups.
Keywords: Young consumers, Chinese luxury sportswear market, Social media.

platforms to engage more consumers. Willersdorf et al. (2020)

1. Introduction claimed that consumers' engagement on social media
The widespread use of social media helps both consumers platforms will accelerate the growth of luxury brands. Chu et
and brands to utilize interactive methods to connect. al. (2018) also concluded that self-enhancing content
According to Godey et al. (2016), around two-thirds of generated by companies will grab more attention from GenZ
internet users regard social media platforms as their main consumers on social media platforms.
channel to search for information from different industries. Although social media platforms bring benefits to
Consumers proactively take advantage of social media contemporary luxury sportswear markets, they also bring
platforms to engage with their favorite brands. Thus, this difficulties. One of these problems is how to consistently
phenomenon gradually transfers consumers from passive create compelling and appropriate content to increase
participants into active creators on social media platforms consumer responses. Luxury brands rooted in tradition are
(Berthon et al., 2012). Additionally, the rapid development of now facing the onerous challenges of generating creative
social media also exerts positive influences on businesses. content to grab consumers’ attention, as the brand lifecycles
They can generate content to enhance their relationship with are considerably short on social media (Chu et al., 2013).
their consumers and expect to get positive responses. Besides, consumers are exposed to homogeneous content
Among all the businesses, it is noticeable that the sports from different brands on social media platforms, which will
industry has rapidly grown in decades. The augmented not deeply impress consumers (Pentina et al., 2018). As a
consumption of sportswear brands is not only for playing result, it is significant for marketers working in the luxury
sports but also for more sophisticated performance; Some field to understand how to create differentiated social media
consumers also need to experience the benefits of non-sports, content to engage consumers.
such as the expression of charisma and status (Lim et al., Previously, researchers concentrated on how social media
2016). The luxury market is also one of the industries that is marketing efforts will influence brand equity and consumers’
grasping much attention from the public. More and more responses based on a comprehensive framework in the luxury
consumers intend to purchase prestige products with higher market (Kim & Ko, 2012; Godey et al., 2016). However, Lee
quality and status. Some professionals predicted that there et al. (2017) stated that unless marketing practitioners learn
will be a sharp growth in Chinese consumers' spending power, how to successfully produce their content to encourage client
with an increase of $10 trillion in consumption growth engagement, these social media marketing efforts will fail.
between 2021 to 2030 (Birch, 2021). There is also an Additionally, these studies focus on the niche market, namely,
intersection between the sportswear market and the luxury the luxury sportswear market, whose research is limited in
market. In order to launch a luxury line of the sportswear academia. Thus, this essay aims to apply the Uses and
brand, co-branding with a famous and professional designer Gratifications Theory to find how social media content affects
is how sportswear is entering the luxury fashion industry. By the luxury sports younger fan base in China, and how social
introducing a sports line under their luxury brand, luxury media content and consumers' engagement will influence
fashion brands are expanding into the athletic sector. purchasing intention separately.
In China, the young generation is the primary group for
luxury sportswear brands, and they are also major users of
social media (Yu et al., 2020). To cater to these consumers,
luxury sportswear brands also take advantage of social media

2. Literature Review necessary to conduct more research on how to assist brands
to improve consumers' online experiences to get positive
2.1. The Current Luxury Sportswear Market responses. Based on consumers’ five needs, this essay
The luxury market and sportswear market have been discussed the effects of three types of content, namely,
viewed as two separate markets with no overlap in the past. informative content, remunerative content, and self-
However, in recent years, the sportswear market has also enhancing content to analyze consumers’ engagement and
extended its product lines into the luxury market. The luxury purchase intention in the Chinese luxury sportswear market.
sportswear brands were developed from two directions. Some 2.2.1. Informative Content
conventional luxury brands decided to produce luxury The rise of social media has gradually shifted consumers
sportswear, and original sportswear brands also invested their into active roles. It means customers intend to take the
resources in the luxury sportswear market (Lim et al., 2016). initiative to search for required information online from
In terms of conventional luxury brands, they added sports different types of content generated by brands (Wan & Ren,
lines into their existing product lines. For instance, Prada and 2017). Informative content has been perceived as one of the
Zegna have successfully expanded into the luxury sportswear primary resources used by consumers before they decide to
market, and they applied “Prada Sport” and “Zegna Sport” for purchase products because this useful and detailed
their sportswear products. Zheng et al. (2013) noted that information delivered by brands can help audiences have a
consumers will be more likely to follow these brands because better understanding of the products (Kujur & Singh, 2020;
of their consistent design concepts and advanced technology. Lin & Lu, 2011). Informative content refers to a type of
Regarding the original sportswear brands, they entered the marketing content that companies generate to mainly
luxury market using co-branding strategies. It means that introduce the new-launching products, promote specific
these basic sportswear brands will cooperate with these well- products, and supplement the function of products (Bai & Yan,
known fashion designers working with luxury brands. For 2020).
instance, Adidas chose to collaborate with Stella McCartney, To have deeper insights into the social media trend,
a famous designer, to launch luxury sportswear products. researchers have done some research on whether informative
As a result, the sportswear market has intersected with the content can positively influence consumers' behaviors to help
luxury market to target common consumers. However, less companies to reach their business goals. Research by Wan and
research has been done in this field to explore how companies Ren (2017) supported that informative content is regarded as
use social media content to encourage consumer engagement the most effective content for facilitating consumers
and purchase intention. Thus, this research will focus on this purchasing behaviors compared with other types of content,
niche market. including persuasive content and promotional content. In the
study, researchers conducted a quasi-experiment design. They
2.2. The Application of Uses and Gratifications used the difference-in-differences method on a specific data
Theory set to demonstrate companies' posts on social media platforms
Due to the rapid changes in social media, consumers' and product sales. Kujur and Singh (2020) also found that
engagement has changed accordingly. To cater to consumers' informative content exerts significant influences on
demands, specialists in charge of social media need to spend enhancing consumers' engagement to help brands to maintain
more time studying consumer preferences and new market lasting relationships with their audiences, as this content can
orientations (Kujur & Singh, 2020). This study has applied reduce consumers' uncertainties about the products and
the Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT), developed by experience the brands' sincerity from the detailed information.
Katz et al. (1973), to understand why the masses are more They used an online survey to collect data from 430 young
likely to turn to social media for help when they make people between 18 to 29 years of higher education to find
decisions. Ngai et al. (2015) depicted that, initially, this theory which types of content are more popular with these young
was extensively used by researchers to investigate consumers’ generations.
motivations and behaviors associated with traditional mass However, less research has been conducted to explore the
media, such as television. However, with the rise of the influence of informative content on consumers’ responses in
internet and modern technologies, these researchers have seen the Chinese luxury sportswear market. In the current Chinese
the significance and reach of social media, eventually luxury sportswear industry, there is also an increasing trend
evolving into the social media marketing industry. Thus, this to take advantage of social media content to attract potential
theory has been gradually applied to find out how brands can consumers. In addition to providing intangible prestigious
better interact with consumers by comprehending their products, luxury brands should focus on delivering valuable
specific needs to use social media (Dolan et al., 2019; messages on social media platforms, including storytelling
Mudassir & Toor, 2017). Katz et al. (1973) mentioned five and symbolic meanings of the brands (Brambilla et al., 2022).
needs, allowing consumers to achieve their gratifications, Although emotional content as mentioned above has positive
including cognitive needs, emotional needs, personal influences on connecting luxury brands with their clients,
integrity needs, social integrity needs, and tension release informative content can also play a crucial role in attracting
needs. consumers (Creevey et al., 2021). Thus, it is necessary to
Previously, experts from different industries have used this conduct deeper research on how to create information-
theory to implicate managers and other scholars on how to oriented content for their audiences.
enhance consumer satisfaction. In this essay, the research will 2.2.2. Self-enhancing Content
focus on luxury sportswear brands, as these brands are later Message design specialists suggested that self-
adopters to incorporate social media in their marketing enhancement appeal can be taken into consideration when
strategies to promote their services and products. What's more, creating advertisements or product-related content
many luxury sportswear brands, such as Arcteryx, are (Stathopoulou & Balabanis, 2019). Enhancement needs are
attempting to develop their profile on social media. It is depicted as people’s desire to reinforce their self-concept and

develop images meeting their expectations (Dimitriu & participation. In contrast, the behaviors of sharing content,
Guesalaga, 2017). Social media platforms provide venues for giving feedback, and creating content will be defined as active
users to present their favorable images. For instance, famous engagement. Businesses on social media intend to see more
luxury brands, such as Louis Vuitton, post content to active engagement, as consumers will be more likely to trust
encourage audiences to share their shopping experiences or and follow the brands if they voluntarily share content, write
stories with Louis Vuitton. In this way, consumers can boast their experiences under posts, or even generate content to help
online about their pride by showing their prestige and status brands promote their products. More importantly, consumers
signals. will deeply recognize the brand image.
To have deeper insights in finding young consumers’ Lau et al. (2022) conducted an online survey to get a
requirements to achieve self-enhancement, Chu et al. (2018) purposive sample from 237 young luxury fashion consumers.
conducted an online survey to collect the data, and use In this paper, scholars found that if consumers actively engage
confirmatory factor analysis to assess the model, finding that with a particular brand on social media, which will leave
young WeChat users prefer to generate content for their negative impressions on the brand. Since consumers will
purposes of self-enhancing because of the closely-tied social search for information related to the quality of brands from
circles. Madan and Kapoor (2021) also claimed that young comments and the value of these prestigious products at first,
consumers intend to follow luxury brands that they cannot they will be more likely to be influenced by negative
afford and watch their content on social media to satisfy their comments. Mishra (2019) also completed the research in
self-achievement. finding antecedents of consumers' engagement with brands on
Although they found that young audiences prefer to take social media. Data were collected with an online survey of the
advantage of social media platforms to pursue self- Facebook fan pages, and Mishra (2019) found that consumers
enhancement, they have not found out how consumers will with higher interaction propensity will be more willing to
engage with luxury sportswear brands, when these brands behave actively on social media platforms.
generate self-enhancing content. Thus, this research will Although these researchers have proved that social media
conduct further studies to find the results. content is an indispensable tool to help brands enhance
2.2.3. Remunerative Content audiences' engagement, they were not able to mention which
To stimulate consumers’ desire to interact with brands, type of content will play a more crucial role in promoting
content writers should create more promotional campaigns young consumers' engagement. Thus, this essay will mainly
through remunerative content, such as directly providing focus on this gap and gain more insights into how consumers
deals or offers. According to Kujur and Singh (2020), social view the effectiveness of specific content.
media users will be more likely to engage with brands when 2.4. Purchase Intention for Luxury Sportswear
they can get monetary or incentive rewards from brands.
These users will give good comments and share the content Products
on their social accounts. Some of them deeply influenced by In respect to purchase intention, consumers will primarily
remunerative content will actively participate in the brand take the pragmatic and hedonic attributes into their account
communities and online forums (Alton & Banerjee, 2015). (Lim et al., 2016). For instance, consumers will buy
Chandrasekaran et al. (2019) have done specific research economical and practical cars for pragmatic reasons, and buy
in finding the relationship between displaying different types expensive music players for hedonic intentions. In the luxury
of social media content and young consumers’ engagement on market, Hennigs and Wiedmann (2012) supplemented that
Facebook. They found that remunerative content will help to consumers will spend money for products’ better function (i.e.,
increase young consumers' comments but will not lead to an quality and performance), status symbol, and exclusivity.
increase in consumers' likes. However, Kujur and Singh Zeng et al. (2019) also mentioned that people’s interaction
(2020) have not found a similar conclusion. They stated that between promoting content and self-image will influence
content with incentives has slight influencers on young their purchase intention.
consumers' engagement, as young generations’ budgets or These benefits that apply to the overall luxury market can
purchasing power are influenced by their parents. Thus, the also be logically extended to the luxury sportswear market.
coupons and discounts will seem less important to them. Although consumers' purchase intention will be influenced by
Although the relationship between young consumer different market segments, this research predicts that
engagement and social media content is uncertain, Alton & consumers will purchase that luxury sportswear mainly for
Banerjee (2015) contended that remunerative content can the self-image of self-enhancement. Based on prior research,
help brands gain more trust from consumers. Only if purchase intention was associated with consumers’ different
consumers trust brands can they have the opportunities to levels of engagement and social media content (Kujur &
encourage consumers to respond to their activities. Singh, 2020). Thus, luxury sportswear brands should do more
research on how to increase consumers’ willingness to
2.3. Young Consumers’ Social Media purchase.
To measure consumers’ engagement with brands on social 3. Research Methodology
media, marketers need to observe how consumers engage This section aims to provide details of the research
with brand-related content (Schivinski et al., 2016; Mishra, approach designed to achieve the objective of this paper. The
2019). Young generations will actively search for brand- research approach involves the purpose and scope of the
related content, attempting to interact with brands. Based on research, the research framework, the research process, the
their behaviors, Fernandes and Castro (2020) classified research design, the creation of questionnaires, the procedure
consumer engagement into two types, which are passive and for selecting samples, and the method employed for data
active engagement. Passive engagement means consumers collecting and analysis. In the analysis part, this paper
simply browse the content and comments without manifest

incorporated quantitative methods to deal with the data. H1c: Using informative content on social media will
positively influence consumers’ purchase intention.
3.1. Research Questions, Hypotheses, and H2: Self-enhancing content will have a positive influence
Methods on consumers’ engagement and purchase intention
According to Brambilla et al. (2022), there is an increasing H2a: Posting self-enhancing content on social media will
trend for luxury sportswear brands to incorporate social media positively encourage consumers to behave actively.
content strategy into their integrated marketing strategies. H2b: Posting self-enhancing on social media will
Since consumers attempt to find diversified content on social positively contribute to consumers’ passive engagement
media to satisfy their requests. On account of the significance H2c: Posting self-enhancing on social media will positively
of creating target social media content to attract consumers' influence consumers’ purchase intention.
attention, it is necessary to conduct more research in the H3: Remunerative content will have a positive influence on
emerging market, taking the luxury sportswear market as an consumers’ engagement and purchase intention
example. To explore more results, this paper endeavors to find H3a: Content related to self-enhance on social media will
the answers to the following research questions such as: to positively encourage consumers to behave actively.
identify the properties included in the social media content; to H3b: Content related to self-enhance on social media will
explore how each type of content will influence consumer positively contribute to consumers’ passive engagement
engagement and purchase intention. The hypotheses and H3c: Content related to self-enhance on social media will
constructed model will also be placed in this section as follow: positively influence consumers’ purchase intention.
H1: Informative content will have a positive influence on H4: The overall social media content will positively
consumers’ engagement and purchase intention influence consumers’ purchase intention.
H1a: Using informative content on social media will H5: Consumer engagement will positively influence
positively encourage consumers to behave actively. consumers’ purchase intention.
H1b: Using informative content on social media will As shown in Figure 1, the hypothesized relationships
positively contribute to consumers’ passive engagement among social media content, consumer engagement, and
purchase intention are presented.

Figure 1. Research Model

3.2. Sample Collection and Data Collection Kim & Ko, 2010). This study classified items of the
questionnaire on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from
To investigate the young generation's engagement, adults strongly disagree to strongly agree. Likert-type scales will
of 18-30 from different educational levels were the primary improve the efficiency and accuracy when scholars decided
consideration for respondents. The respondents were mainly to measure the intensity of people's perceptions. The other
undergraduate and postgraduate students and approximately reason for choosing the five-point Likert scale is to ensure all
50% of them worked as employees in different industries. As the respondents keep focused on each question and answer it
mentioned above, young generations occupy a large amount carefully and honestly.
of social media users, so it is rational to choose them as target Overall, after excluding invalid data, 302 questionnaires
respondents. were collected, and 270 of them have been analyzed. Among
The data was collected by using an online questionnaire, all the respondents, 46.69% of them were male consumers
and the content of this questionnaire referred to other and 53.31% of them were female participants. The average
researchers’ literature and was slightly modified to achieve monthly income for them is about 10000 RMB, and 69% of
the objective of this paper (Stathopoulou & Balabanis, 2019; them spend 1-4 hours each week.

Table 1. Factor analysis of all the constructs
Factors Items Cronbach’s α
I always find that luxury sportswear brands post useful
product-related content on social media.
When I feel confused about product features, I can
usually find useful content on luxury sportswear brands' 0.804
social media accounts. 0.707
I feel helpful when I see brands offering promoting and
supplementing product information on social media.
Luxury sportswear brands’ social media content helps me
keep up to date about products available in the marketplace.
Luxury sportswear brands' social media content can offer
me economic incentives (monetary incentives, giveaways).
Remunerative Luxury sportswear brands' social media content can offer
0.774 0.837
Content me job-related benefits.
Luxury sportswear brands' social media content can offer
me personal wants.
Luxury sportswear brands' social media content helps me
realize that being rich is important, and I hope to buy more 0.774
expensive products.
I realize that I want to spoil myself when reading luxury 0.860
Content 0.770
sportswear brands' social media content.
I feel more confident when viewing luxury sportswear
brands' content on social media.
I like creating luxury sportswear brands-related content
with hashtags on the luxury sportswear brands' fan pages on 0.789
social media
I always give comments on luxury sportswear brands'
Active related content on their fan pages on social media.
Engagement I like sharing luxury sportswear brand-related content on
its fan page on social media.
I always take active participation in engaging in luxury
sportswear brands related discussions on its fan page on 0.793
social media.
I intend to follow the luxury sportswear brands' fan pages
on social media.
I like reading posts, comments, and reviews on luxury
Passive sportswear brands' accounts on social media.
Engagement I "like" posts on the luxury sportswear brands' fan pages
on social media.
I like viewing pictures or videos posted on luxury
sportswear brands' fan pages on social media.
I have a strong possibility to purchase Luxury sportswear
I’m likely to purchase Luxury sportswear products. 0.757
I have high intentions to purchase Luxury sportswear 0.848
Intention 0.797
I will recommend luxury sportswear products to my

3.3. Measurements was to have a basic understanding of respondents’

demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, level of
This questionnaire was separated into three parts to engage education, occupation, income range, and the frequency of
participants. The first section was to measure the using social media apps to browse the brands' content.
effectiveness of three types of social media content.
Respondents were required to answer 12 questions provided 4. Results
with visual social media content examples from different
brands. The second aspect with 12 constructs was developed 4.1. Properties of Social Media Content
to investigate consumers’ active and passive engagement To validate these construct items, this research conducted
behaviors and varying degrees of desire to buy. The last part exploratory factor analysis using varimax rotation to reduce

the ineffective and invalid data from the section of social between 0.707 to 0.889 was also illustrated in Table 1. Overall,
media content. After excluding those items with lower factor in order to inspire consumers to involve in various campaigns,
loadings, three factors were listed in Table 1: informative the brand's social media content should provide adequate
content, self-enhancing content, and remunerative content. As product information, incentives, and self-concept related
shown in Table 1, the factor loading ranged from 0.757 to content.
0.823. To test the reliability of these factors, Cronbach's α laid

Table 2. Impacts of social media content on consumer engagement and purchase intention
Independent Variable β t-value R2 F
Informative Content 0.381 7.119**
0.388 7.297***
Remunerative 0.272 111.94**
Engagement 0.401 7.582**
Informative Content 0.407 7.699**
0.430 8.258***
Remunerative 0.247 98.42**
Engagement 0.390 7.331**
Informative Content 0.420 8.005***
0.450 8.728***
Content Purchase
Remunerative Intention 0.283 118.692**
0.383 7.179*
***p< 0.001, **p< 0.01, *p< 0.05

4.2. Impacts of Social Media Content driven by extrinsic motivations will be more likely to behave
passively. It is also rational for consumers who are in the early
To find the effects of social media content on consumer stage of interacting with the bands to show passive behavior
engagement and purchase intention, this section applied due to the attraction of intrinsic motivation (Kim &
multiple regression analysis using SPSS 27.0 to analyze the Drumwright, 2016).
data. Informative content, self-enhancing content, and
remunerative content were identified as independent 4.4. Purchase Intention
variables, and consumer active and passive engagement were Self-enhancing content (β=0.450, t=8.728 p<0.001), and
entered as dependent variables. Before conducting the informative content (β=0.420, t=8.005 p<0.001) listed in
regression, it is essential to ensure the reliability of all the Table 2 will have greater influences on consumers’ purchase
factors. All the independent variables have been tested, and intention, followed by remunerative content (β=0.383,
Cronbach's α for dependent variables was 0.854 for active t=7.179 p<0.05). Hence, H1c, H2c, and H3c have been
engagement, 0.889 for passive engagement, and 0.848 for proved. According to Zeng et al. (2019), consumers' purchase
purchase intention. 0.814 was Cronbach's α for all the factors intention will be strengthened for those products that benefit
in this research. them to improve and extend their self-image. This effect will
4.3. Consumer Engagement be enhanced in the luxury market. Informative content, such
as products recommendation, is also important to help
When it comes to the impacts of social media content on consumers understand the high value offered by luxury
active engagement shown in Table 2, informative content sportswear.
(β=0.381, t=7.119, p<0.01), self-enhancing content (β=0.388,
t=7.297 p<0.001), and remunerative content (β=0.401, 4.5. Relationship Between Social Media
t=7.582 p<0.01) had positive impacts on consumers active Content, Consumer Engagement with
engagement. Thus, these findings support H1a, H2a, and H3a. Purchase Intention
Based on the presenting data, remunerative content will be
more likely to lead to consumer active engagement. Cheung To address the last research question, multiple regression
et al. (2022) explained that consumers prefer to share this analysis with SPSS 27.0 statistic package was also conducted
remunerative content to gratify their requirements for social to find out the connection between social media content, and
interaction with their peers holding similar opinions. consumer engagement with purchase intention. As shown in
Regarding the effects of social media content on passive Table 3, the relationship has been clarified. Compared to
engagement, informative content (β=0.407, t=7.699, p<0.01), social media content (β=0.416 t=7.853 p<0.001), consumer
self-enhancing content (β=0.430, t=8.258 p<0.001), and engagement (β=0.54, t=12.683 p<0.001) has a stronger and
remunerative content (β=0.390, t=7.331 p<0.01) had positive more positive connection with purchase intention. Thus, these
impacts on consumers passive engagement. Thus, these data proves that H4 and H5 are convincing. Although social
findings also support H1b, H2b, and H3b. In comparison with media content is applied by luxury sportswear brands to
the other two content, self-enhancing content will play a more achieve their marketing goals, the content seems less likely to
important role in consumers with passive engagement. leave an impressive impression on consumers. Some
Although Kim and Drumwright (2016) mentioned consumers consumers might prefer to browse content for getting relieved

rather than develop relationships with the brands. However, if behaviors have represented their willingness to follow the
potential consumers have engaged with the brands, their brands and become their consumers.

Table 3. Relationship between social media content, consumer engagement with purchase intention
Independent Variable Dependent Variable β t-value R2 F
Social media content 0.416 7.853*** 0.173 61.674***
Purchase Intention
Consumer engagement 0.54 12.683*** 0.291 124**
***p< 0.001, **p< 0.01, *p<0.05

5. Discussion consumers from Western countries might have diversified

opinions over this research topic. Secondly, this paper did not
This paper has examined the effectiveness of three types of restrict which customer journey the participants were in.
social media content affecting consumers' engagement and Since when consumers are exposed to a wide range of social
purchase intention, focusing on the luxury sportswear market. media content, they will behave differently at different stages
In addition, the relationship between the effects of social of the customer journey. Thirdly, the research focused on the
media content on consumers' purchasing intention was also overall luxury sportswear market. Cases analysis targeting
provided by the research. specific brands is required to conduct, as different brands
In terms of the relationship between social media content should have unique characteristics and missions to satisfy
and consumer engagement, the corresponding results consumers. Finally, in addition to self-enhancing content,
illustrated that self-enhancing content and remunerative remunerative content, and informative content, there might be
content have positive and significant effects on consumers' other types of content that will influence the dependent
active engagement. Regarding passive engagement, variables. Thus, future research should take this limitation
informative content will have a deeper impact on it, followed into account.
by self-enhancing content and remunerative content. What’s
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