Spotted Dove

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Spotted dove

The spotted dove or eastern spotted dove (Spilopelia

chinensis) is a small and somewhat long-tailed pigeon that is a Spotted dove
common resident breeding bird across its native range on the
Indian subcontinent and in East and Southeast Asia. The species
has been introduced to many parts of the world and feral
populations have become established.

This species was formerly included in the genus Streptopelia

with other turtle-doves, but studies suggest that they differ from
typical members of that genus. This dove is long tailed buff
brown with a white-spotted black collar patch on the back and
sides of the neck. The tail tips are white and the wing coverts
have light buff spots.

There are considerable plumage variations across populations

within its wide range. The species is found in light forests and
gardens as well as in urban areas. They fly from the ground with
an explosive flutter and will sometimes glide down to a perch. It S. c. suratensis in India
is also called the mountain dove, pearl-necked dove, lace-
Conservation status
necked dove, and spotted turtle-dove.

Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1]
The spotted dove was formally described in 1786 by the Austrian
naturalist Giovanni Antonio Scopoli and given the binomial Scientific classification
name Columba chinensis.[2] This species was formerly included Domain: Eukaryota
in the genus Streptopelia.[3] A molecular phylogenetic study
published in 2001 found the genus was paraphyletic with respect Kingdom: Animalia
to Columba.[4] To create monophyletic genera the spotted dove Phylum: Chordata
as well as the closely related laughing dove were moved to the
resurrected genus Spilopelia that had been introduced by the Class: Aves
Swedish zoologist Carl Sundevall in 1873. Sundevall had Order: Columbiformes
designated Columba tigrina as the type species, a taxon that is
now considered a subspecies of the spotted dove.[5][6] Family: Columbidae
Genus: Spilopelia
Several subspecies have been proposed for the plumage and size
variation seen in different geographic populations. The nominate Species: S. chinensis
form is from China (Canton), which is also the origin of the
Binomial name
introduced population in Hawaii. Subspecies formosa from
Taiwan has been considered as doubtful and indistinguishable Spilopelia chinensis
from the nominate population. The population in India suratensis (Scopoli, 1786)
(type locality Surat) and ceylonensis from Sri Lanka have fine
rufous or buff spots on the back. There is a size reduction trend Subspecies
with specimens from southern India being smaller, and
ceylonensis may merely be a part of this cline. The lesser and
median wing-coverts are also spotted at the tip in buff.[7] This
spotting is lacking on populations further north and east of India, See text
such as tigrina, which also differ greatly in vocalizations from
the Indian forms. The population from Hainan Island is placed in Synonyms
hainana. Others like vacillans (=chinensis) and forresti (=
tigrina) and edwardi (from Chabua = suratensis) have been Streptopelia chinensis
considered invalid.[8][9]
Stigmatopelia chinensis
Five subspecies are recognised:[6] Turtur suratensis
Spilopelia chinensis suratensis (Gmelin, JF, 1789) –
Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan
Spilopelia chinensis ceylonensis (Reichenbach, 1851) – Sri Lanka (has shorter wings than
Spilopelia chinensis tigrina (Temminck, 1809) – Bangladesh and northeast India through
Indochina to Philippines and the Sunda Islands
Spilopelia chinensis chinensis (Scopoli, 1786) – northeast Myanmar to central and east
China, Taiwan
Spilopelia chinensis hainana (Hartert, 1910) – Hainan (off southeast China)

The subspecies S. c. suratensis and S. c. ceylonensis differ significantly from the other subspecies in both
plumage and vocalization.[11] This has led some ornithologists to treat S. c. suratensis as a separate species,
the western spotted dove.[12]
S. c. ceylonensis S. c. chinensis
Near Galle, Sri Lanka Zhengzhou, China

S. c. tigrina
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The ground colour of this long and slim dove is rosy buff below Measurements
shading into grey on the head and belly. There is a half collar on Nominate (Chinese
the back and sides of the neck made of black feathers that bifurcate
and have white spots at the two tips. The median coverts have
brown feathers tipped with rufous spots in the Indian and Sri Length 300–340 mm (11.8–
Lankan subspecies which are divided at the tip by a widening grey 13.4 in)
shaft streak.[10][7]
295–330 mm (11.6–
The wing feathers are dark brown with grey edges. The centre of 13.0 in)
the abdomen and vent are white. The outer tail feathers are tipped Culmen 15.5–19 mm (0.6–
in white and become visible when the bird takes off. Sexes are 0.7 in)
similar, but juveniles are duller than adults and do not acquire the
neck spots until they are mature. The length ranges from 28 to 32 15.5–18 mm (0.6–
centimetres (11.2 to 12.8 inches).[7][15][16] 0.7 in)
Wing 154–163 mm (6.1–
Abnormal plumages such as leucism can sometimes occur in the 6.4 in)
148–160 mm (5.8–
6.3 in)
Tail 155–165 mm (6.1–
6.5 in)
137–160 mm (5.4–
6.3 in)
Tarsus 23–25 mm (0.9–
1.0 in)
21–24 mm (0.8–
0.9 in)
Weight 162–200 g (5.7–
7.1 oz)

The bifid neck feathers [18] 150–205 g (5.3–

7.2 oz)
Nominate (Taiwanese

Culmen 16 mm (0.63 in)

15.8–17.6 mm (0.6–
0.7 in)
Wing 146 mm (5.7 in)
148.5–157 mm (5.8–
6.2 in)
In flight
Tail 152 mm (6.0 in)
132–145.5 mm (5.2–
5.7 in)
Distribution and habitat
Tarsus 24.5 mm (0.96 in)
The spotted dove in its native range in Asia is found across a range 23.8 mm (0.94 in)
of habitats including woodland, scrub, farmland and habitation. In S. c. suratensis[9]
India it tends to be found in the moister regions, with the laughing
dove (S. senegalensis) appearing more frequently in drier areas. Culmen 18–21 mm (0.7–
These doves are mostly found on the ground where they forage for 0.8 in)
seeds and grain or on low vegetation.[9] 19–21 mm (0.7–
0.8 in)
The species has become established in many areas outside its
native range. These areas include Hawaii, southern California,[19] Wing 135–146 mm (5.3–
Mauritius,[20] Australia[21] and New Zealand.[22] 5.7 in)
132–143 mm (5.2–
In Australia they were introduced into Melbourne in the 1860s and
5.6 in)
have since spread but there is insufficient evidence that they
compete with native doves. They are now found in streets, parks, Tail 118–143 mm (4.6–
gardens, agricultural areas, and tropical scrubs in diverse locations 5.6 in)
throughout eastern Australia and around the cities and major towns 117–133 mm (4.6–
across southern Australia.[21] The original populations appear to be 5.2 in)
S. c. chinensis and S. c. tigrina in varying proportions.[23][24]
Tarsus 21–24 mm (0.8–
0.9 in)
20–24 mm (0.8–
0.9 in)
S. c. hainana[13]
Length 275–305 mm (10.8–
12.0 in)
272–315 mm (10.7–
12.4 in)
Culmen 15–17 mm (0.6–
0.7 in)
15–17 mm (0.6–
S. c. chinensis in Zhengzhou, China
0.7 in)
Wing 139–157 mm (5.5–
Behaviour and ecology 6.2 in)
137–149 mm (5.4–
Spotted doves move around in pairs or
5.9 in)
small groups[25] as they forage on the
ground for grass seeds, grains, fallen Tail 131–140 mm (5.2–
fruits and seeds of other plants.[26] 5.5 in)
They may however take insects 123–146 mm (4.8–
occasionally and have been recorded 5.7 in)
feeding on winged termites.[27] The
Tarsus 23–25 mm (0.9–
flight is quick with regular beats and
an occasional sharp flick of the wings. 1.0 in)
A display flight involves taking off at 20–26 mm (0.8–
a steep angle with a loud clapping of 1.0 in)
the wing and then slowly gliding
Weight 120–142 g (4.2–
S. c. suratensis with a
down with the tail spread out.[9] The
5.0 oz)
hatchling and egg at nest breeding season is spread out in warm
regions but tends to be in summer in 120–145 g (4.2–
the temperate ranges.[9] In Hawaii, 5.1 oz)
they breed all year round, as do all three other introduced species S. c. tigrina[13]
of doves. Males coo, bow and make aerial displays in
courtship.[28] In southern Australia, they breed mostly from Length 300–305 mm (11.8–
September to January, and in the north in autumn.[29] They nest 12.0 in)
mainly in low vegetation, building a flimsy cup of twigs in which 310–320 mm (12.2–
two whitish eggs are laid. Nests are sometimes placed on the 12.6 in)
ground or on buildings and other structures.[30][31] Both parents
take part in building the nest, incubating and feeding the young. Culmen 15–17 mm (0.6–
The eggs hatch after about 13 days and fledge after a fortnight.[9] 0.7 in)
More than one brood may be raised.[32] 15–16 mm (0.6–
0.6 in)
The vocalizations of the spotted dove include cooing softly with a
Wing 148 mm (5.8 in)
Krookruk-krukroo... kroo kroo kroo with the number of terminal
kroos varying in the Indian population and absent in tigrina, 144 mm (5.7 in)
chinensis and other populations to the east.[9] Tail 151–156 mm (5.9–
6.1 in)
The species has been extending its range in many parts of the
world. Populations may sometimes rise and fall rapidly, within a 147–158 mm (5.8–
span of about five years.[33] In the Philippines, the species may be 6.2 in)
outcompeting the Streptopelia dusumieri.[34][35] Their habit of Tarsus 24–24.5 mm (0.9–
1.0 in)
flushing into the air when disturbed makes them a hazard on 24–25 mm (0.9–
airfields, often colliding with aircraft and sometimes causing 1.0 in)
Weight 130–190 g (4.6–
6.7 oz)
References 130–156 g (4.6–
1. BirdLife International (2016). "Spilopelia chinensis" (http 5.5 oz)
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3.RLTS.T60482887A95160992.en (
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3. Peters, James Lee, ed. (1937). Check-List of Birds of the
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3). Vol. 3. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
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35. Waldbauer, GP & SM Waldbauer (1982). "First sight record of the Spotted Dove Streptopelia
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36. Linnell MA, Conover MR, Ohashi TJ (1996). "Analysis of bird strikes at a tropical airport".
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External links
Xeno-canto: audio recordings of the spotted dove (
Photographs and other media on the Internet Bird Collection (
Pigeon taxonomy (
Spotted Dove Photos (Dark Mutation) (

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