Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases
tuberculosis complex
TUBERCULOSIS (MTBC) and resistance to rifampicin (RIF) in less
than 2 hours
Causative Agent: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis - used for TB diagnosis among
(acid-fast bacilli) • presumptive DR-TB
Mode of Transmission: • PLHI with signs and symptoms of TB
Direct: Airborne through droplet nuclei (coughing, • smear-negative patient with OR findings
sneezing, and spitting) suggestive of TB
Indirect: Continuous exposure to infected persons (a) patients with EPT
within the family
Incubation Period: 2-10 weeks 3. TB Skin Test (TST)
⁃ aka Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) Test or
NTP (National Tuberculosis Control Program) Mantoux Test
Vision: A Tuberculosis-Free Philippines ⁃ shall NOT be used as the sole basis for TB
Zero deaths, disease, and suffering due to diognosis
tuberculosis ⁃ detect exposure to TB
Legal Basis: RA 10767-Comprehensive TB ⁃ test used among children
Elimination Plan Act of 2016 ⁃ intradermal (inner aspect of forearm) »
⁃ Locolized Rx - 48-72 hrs
Cardinal Signs/Symptoms (lasting for 2 2 weeks) • (+) Mantoux Test will have 210mm induration
• Cough
• Unexplained fever 4. Chest X-Ray (CXR)
• Unexplained weight loss ⁃ complement bacteriologic testing in the diagnosis
• Night sweat of TB
Other Symptoms ⁃ low specificity
• Hemoptysis ⁃ does not differentiate DS-TB form DR-TB
• Easy fatigability / malaise ⁃ helpful in localizing the site of TB lesion
• Shortness of breath / DOB ⁃ may be useful in diagnosing TB patients that are
asymptomatic, and cannot submit sputum specimen
2 Classification of TB but are suspected to have TB
(Anatomical Site) iB ha Ings ⁃ Posteroanterior (PA) upright view
1. Pulmonary TB (PTB) - Lungs ⁃ Pregnant: Written consent + abdominal
2. Extraordinary TB (EPTB) - Organs other protective shield
than the lungs
laboratory/DiagnosticExam course or short period
1. Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy (DSSM)
-the primary diagnostic methad adopted by the NTP • Locally known as "TUKTOK GAMUTAN" is a
provides a definitive diagnosis of active TB method to ensure treatment adherence by providing
procedure is simple economical constant supervision to TB patients.
microscopy center could be put up even in remote • (DOTS) is believed to be the most effective
areas strategy for controlling TB.
⁃ serves as one of the boses for categorizing IB
coses according to standard case definition ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS TO ENSURE SUCCESS
⁃ used to montor progress of patients with TB IN ITS IMPLEMENTATION
while they are on onti-TB treatment and confirm cure • Availability of Quality Assured
at the end of treatment. Sputum Microscopy,
• Uninterrupted Supply of Anti-TB
Ziehl-Neelsen Microscopy Drugs
(Gram Staining) • Supervised Treatment
economical • Patient and Program Monitoring
• Political Will
Fluorescence Microscopy (FM)
-efficient in detecting acid-fast bacilli (AFB) 5 MAJOR DRUGS TX. FOR TB
H - Isoniazid
2. Xpert MTB/RIF R - Rifambin
⁃ as a rapid diggnostic assay test for I and drug Z - Pyrazinamide
resistence E - Ethambutol
S - Streptomycin
Two or more Anti- TB drugs are combined in one • DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN
tablet, especially when medication is not observed. • ANTIBIOTICS
Each drug is prepared individually
• BC vaccination of newborn infants provides ⁃ TDAP/DAP
• 50% Protection against any TB disease. • PREVENTIVE MEASURES
• Health éducation ⁃ ISOLATION
• Environmental sanitation ⁃ DISTANCING
• Early diagnosis and treatment ⁃ HANDWASHING
• Respiratory isolation
The roles of the t'B wurse manaser can can be
summed up into tee major fuactions: Whooping cough (caused by Bordetella pertussis
1. Managing services for the Individually dlagnosed bacteria) and haemophillus pertussis is a respiratory
or suspected of having TB from Inielation to infection primarily affecting babies under 6 months
completion of treatment and a change in the old and older children with fading immunity
diagnosis or death.
2. Scheduling Immedlately anether date I° patient SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
is unable to keep appointments to avold the patient • RUNNY NOSE
being labeled as dellnquent • SNEEZING
DIPTHERIA (unique: presence of • LOW-GRADE FEVER
pseudomembrano membrane)
• highly contagious DIAGNOSE THRU:
• caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae • Nose or Throat Culture and Test
• mainly affects the nose and throat • Blood Test - pagtaas an wbc
• Chest X-ray - ma order to determine may
2 TYPES inflammation or fluid ha lunga
• respiratory diptheria (nose, lungs)
• cutaneous diptheria (wounds and blisters) PHASES
1. catharal phase - runny nose coughing fever 1 to
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS 2 weeks non specific signs and symptms
• A thick, gray membrane covering the throat and 2. paroxysmal phase - whooping cough 1 to 2
tonsils months specific symptoms
• Swollen glands in the neck 3. convalescent phase - severe complication an
• Sore throat symptoms nagtitikawara na
• Fever
• Throat pain. TREATMENT
• Weakness or fatigue AZITHROMYCIN
• Breathing problems CLARITHROMYCIN
• Slurred speech
• skin sores that will not heal and may be covered Whooping cough in infants under 6 months requires
with the grey tissue. hospital treatment including suctioning, oxygen, IV
fluids, and precautions to prevent infection spread to
If infection continues: other patients, staff, and visitors.
• Nerve;
• Kidney; complication: abdominal hernia kay sge tim pag
• Heart problems inubo. as nurses, instruct patient to use pillow for
support, hug the pillow while coughing.
Diagnostic Test/Procedure
Laboratory Test COVID - 19
• Throat Culture
• can also take a sample from an open sore or MOT: Droplets (greater than 5), Alrborne (less than
ulcer 5), Fomites (pwede maging reservoir)
• Known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). • Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to
• Caused by the virus Severe Acute Respiratory life-threatening.
Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
• first is SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome 1. Bacterial Pneumonia
• seconds is MERS, ha saudi nag originate 2012 • The most common cause of bacterial pneumonia
• recently an SARS- CoV-2 is Streptococcus pneumoniae.
• Can occur on its own or developed after you've
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS had a cold or the flu.
• Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after
exposure. 2. Viral Pneumonia
• Presymptomatic transmission • This is usually caused by respiratory viruses
• Asymptomatic transmission • Most viral pneumonias are not serious and last a
• Common symptoms can include: shorter time than bacterial pneumonia
• Fever • SARS-CoV-2 = adult
• Cough • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) = young
• Tiredness children
Vaccination AMOEBIASIS
inactivated - im
recombinant- im ⁃ pathogneumonic sign: bloody mucoid stool and
life attenuated- intranasal tenesmus (sget popo pero feeling niya di laghap
Annual vaccination is recommended for hiya nakag poop)
• Pregnant women ⁃ once u get infected, for lifetime na ini
• Children aged 6 months to 5 years madedeadtivate la an parasite ha sulod.
• People over age 65 • an intestinal (bowel) illness caused by a
• People with chronic medical conditions microscopic (tiny) parasite
• Health workers • caused by: Entamoeba histolytica
Other ways to prevent influenza:
• wash and dry your hands regularly cover your SIGNS & SYMPTOMS
mouth and nose. • NAUSEA
• dispose of tissues correctly • DIARRHEA
• stay home when feeling unwell • WEIGHT LOSS
• avoid close contact with sick people • STOMACH TENDERNESS
• avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. • OCCASIONAL FEVER
- CHLORAMPHENICOL (first antibiotic used for tx of If you think you have dengue:
typhoid fever) There's no specific treatment for dengue
• See a healthcare provider if you develop a fever
Prevention Strategies or have symptoms of dengue. Tell him or her about
• Hand hygiene and handwashing your travel.
• Proper sanitation • Rest as much as possible.
• Sanitary disposal of feces • Take acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol)
• Avoidance of feces, fomites, and flies to control fever and relieve pain. Do not take aspirin
• Safe handling of food and fluids (acts as anti platelet ) (stops blood clotting)or
Ibuprofen!(nipis the blood)
• Typhoid Vaccine • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Drink water
• 0,5 ml per IM single dose. or drinks with added electrolytes.
• Suitable for individuals aged 2 years and above.
• Community Education PREVENTION
• Cover and clean water containers on a regular
DENGUE or chikungunya • Keep your house clean and tidy
⁃ causitive agent: dengue virus or chikunggunya • Wear protective clothing like long sleeves and
virus pants inside and outside
⁃ an natransmit or nagdadara: aegis egypti, • Invest in a mosquito net
nakagat hira day time and low la it ira pag fly • Consider putting up screens
⁃ routine extraction of blood: hemorrhagic fever, • Purchase insecticides that's effective against
target han pathogens kay decreased platelete levels mosquitoes and is safe to use inside your home
kay higher risk for bleeding amo always gin • Dispose of waste properly
checheck • Drain and clean your roof gutters to avoid water
build up
• Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease widely • Apply mosquito repellent all over your body
spread in tropical and subtropical regions. The
disease is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, which DENGUE FEVER
breed in a peri-domestic environment. G1 - FLUE LIKE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
• Dengue can occur more than once in a person's G2 - INCREASED RAHES, PETECHIAE,
lifetime ECHIMOSIS
• High fever (104°/40°C) INTERNAL BLEEDING
G4 - PRESENCE OF HEMORRAHGIC SCHOCK • Primaquine - p. ovale and vivax and promotes
MALARIA • Quinine and Quinidine - severe and
complicated malaria cases thru iv or oral
• Malaria, is a potentially life-threatening disease
caused by infection with Plasmodium protozoa PREVENTION
transmitted by an infective female Anopheles • Eliminate anopheles mosquito vectors
mosquito vector. (female mosquito kay amon • Limit dusk to dawn outdoor exposure
nakuha hin blood ha tawo kay they need protein kay • Use insect repellent (diethyloluamide, picaridin, or
hira man na carry han baby) (bites ha gabi and high oil of lemon eucalyptus) and nets
flyer) • Advise travelers
Prevention HEPATITIS B
1. Vaccination (childhood) Two types of polio • serious liver infx
vaccines; • cause: HBV
• Inactivated polio vaccine developed by jonas salk • pale colored stool kay not enough bile
• Oral polio vaccine (live-attenuated) - developed
by albert sabin Acute Hepa B
1. Practice good hand hygiene • less than 6 mos.
2. Wash hands often with soap and water. • fast onset & fast recovery
3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are not enough.
chronic Hepa B
• newborns/children Tzanck Smear and Polymerase Chain Reaction
(PCR) Test
• Perinatal transmission TREATMENT:
• exposure to infected blood and body fluids Supportive care, anti-viral drugs
• sexual transmission
• needlestick injury PREVENTION AND CONTROL:
Immunization (Varivax) for 2 doses at 12 to 18
Sx months
• Abd. Pain
• dark urine MEASLES
• fever CAUSATIVE AGENT: Morbili virus
• joint pain MODE OF TRANSMISSION: Airborne
• nausea and vomiting Acute onset of fever, rhinitis, conjunctivitis,
• weakness and fatigue bronchitis, excessive lacrimation, Koplik’s spots,
• jaundice maculo papular rashes.
DX 8 to 20 days, average of 10 days.
Hepa B Panel (all is done thru phlebotomy) TREATMENT:
• HBSAg (used to detect currnt infection) supportive care , antibiotic if with complications like
• HBsAb (used to check if may antibody an lawas pneumonia.
para han certain na sakit)
• НВсАЬ (used to detect kun nagka hepa kana LABORATORY/ DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION:
before) Tissue culture of naso-pharyngeal secretions and
• HBeAb (used to detect kun gaano ka severe an serological testing.
na cause han virus ha imo liver)
TX administer measles vaccine (MMR vaccine) at the
• antiviral agent age of 9 and 12 months.
• entecavir
• tenofovir o lamivudine GERMAN MEASLES
• adefovir telbivudine
• liver transplant MODE OF TRANSMISSION:
Droplet and direct
Prevention contact with nasopharyngeal secretions of infected
• Нера B vax person
• practice safe sex SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:
• avoid reusing and sharing needle Fever, headache, malaise, maculopapular rash,
• wash hands thoroughly with soap and water p enlarged post auricular occipital and posterior
contact c blood, body fluids, & contaminated surface cervical lymphadenopathy, sore throat, rhinitis,
conjuctivitis, bronchitis, forchheimer's spot .
CAUSATIVE AGENT: 10 to 21 days
Varicella Zoster Virus
MODE OF TRANSMISSION: Serological testing
Direct and indirect contact with droplets from
respiratory passages or vesicle fluid. TREATMENT:
Supportive care but for exposed pregnant woman in
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: 1" trimester or 2nd trimester, serum immune globulin
Body malaise, fever, itchy vesicular-pustular lesions is administered to protect the fetus.
first appearing on the chest and trunk spreading to
Rubella vaccine (MMR vaccine) at the age of 9 and
14 to 16 days, range 2 to 3 weeks
HERPES ZOSTER • Praziquantel
• Is an opportunistic infection caused by a type of
fungi called "Candida."
• "Candida Albicans"
• It can affect the oral cavity, vagina, penis, or other
parts of the body.
Vaginal Candidiasis
• This happens when too much yeast grows in the
Invasive Candidiasis
• Serious and life-threatening infection
• Happens when candida enters your bloodstream
and travels to your heart, brain, blood, eyes, and
Signs and Symptoms:
• Fever
• Chills