Course Content - NLP Basic Practitioner Certification

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NLP Basic Practitioner Certification (Generic) All-In-One

Overview Everyone wants to understand why people do what they do.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is often described as the
operating system or the operating manual of our mind.
Understanding NLP opens a gateway for us to better understand
human behaviour.

This understanding allows us to master our own while influencing

others’ thoughts, feelings and actions.
Learning Objectives This program will incorporate the use of Neuro Action Learning
accelerate the learning and internalisation of the skills.

Upon completing this workshop, participants will be able to :

● Design powerful outcomes and breakthrough any limiting
● Build instant and deep rapport & trust
● Communicate effectively and influence others around
● Master their own lives by mastering their emotions,
thoughts and actions
● Create impact & change in the people around them
● Understand & Influence others effortlessly

Target Participants High Potential Executives, Mid to Senior Managers, Leaders,

Sales/Marketing People, Business Owners, Trainers & Coaches
Group Size 5 – 20 per class

Duration 5 days

Methodologies Trainer incorporates technologies learnt from Neuro Associative

Conditioning, Neuro Action Technology and fundamental Neuro
Linguistic Programming with Action Learning to create an
environment where participants will be fully engaged on both
conscious and subconscious level.

Training is delivered in a highly interactive and experiential way.

Concepts and background information are presented through
group exercises, discussion and activities creating an environment
that facilitates accelerated learning and application.

The trainer will facilitate discussion of real issues and challenges

that the participants face in their work and private lives. Each
activity will be thoroughly de-briefed to link the learning to real life

Program Value Proposition

A vast body of scientific evidence now exists on how, when, and

why people say “yes” to requests. Among them is the study of
NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming.

NLP is about modelling; studying, understanding and transferring

the skills of top performers in any field. By using NLP, your people
will be able to enhance their regular activity into a focussed,
energetic and strategic experience.

NLP is an advanced tool used by many successful professionals in

a whole range of activities. The simplicity of the tool plus its
effectiveness makes it a much sought after edge of today’s

Participants will learn, practice and assimilate these skills into their
daily activities until they become unconsciously competent in
these skills.

NLP Basic Practitioner Certification (Generic) All-In-One


What Is NLP Understanding NLP

NLP & Neuro Sciences
History Of NLP
Understanding The Mind
Day 1 : Success Mastery Mindset of Success
Outcome Thinking & Well Formed Outcome

Activity : Goal Achieving

Learning Outcome : Participants will be able design
their outcome and plan their action steps powerfully

Ultimate Breakthrough
Activity : Glasswalking
Outcome : Participants will learn to
breakthrough their limiting beliefs and learn to take
massive and decisive action. They will also learn to
support each other and they mutual support, trust and
rapport will be embedded into their psyche through this

Day 2 : Communication Calibration

Mastery Building Rapport
Understanding People – Meta Programs
Body Language

Activity : Eye Assessing Cue

Learning Outcome : Participants will experience for
themselves the accuracy of eye assessing cue in
determining the current operative modality.

Activity : The Rapport Dance

Learning Outcome : Participants will be able to build
deep trust and rapport instantly with anyone.

Day 3 : Self Mastery Emotional Mastery

State Management
Movie Of The Mind

Activity : Resource Anchor

Learning Outcome : Participants will learn to install a
resource anchor will help the participant get into a state
of feeling resourceful.

Activity : Remaking Of Your Movie

Learning Outcome : Participants will learn to create
new meaning to their memories and experience life

Day 4 : Influence Mastery Effective Questioning – Meta Model

Effective Questioning – Meta Stating
Framing & Reframing & Deframing

Activity : The SCORE Dance

Learning Outcome : Participants will be able to easily
and powerfully understand their problems and come up
with effective solutions.

Activity : Power Of Frames

Learning Outcome : Participants will be able frame
and reframe limiting beliefs. Very often, an
objection/resistance is merely a limiting belief and this
technique will powerfully handle the
Day 5 : Coaching Mastery Conflict Resolution
Parts Integration
Hypnosis Inductions
Understanding Timecoding

Activity : Perceptual Positions

Learning Outcome : Participants will be able
understand differing views and beliefs from theirs in the
even of a conflict and be able to internalise and accept
these differing views.

Activity : Trance & Time Code

Learning Outcome : Participants will be able to induce
trance state and effectively remove any limiting
belief/emotion that may have occurred in the past
End of Programme

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