Prac Brochure Sept2016 Ver1

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How Do I Become Certified and Professionally Designated?

Preparation for the NLP Practitioner Training - Home Study

Our unique process gets you started right away with the pre-study for the training on CD's
or on a thumb drive. You listen to the audios at your own pace, then come to any of our
scheduled trainings and finish your training. You will have ample opportunity at the
training to transform past programs while also leaning the skills of NLP, Time Line
Therapy®, Hypnosis, and NLP Coaching. See when our next training is:

This Training meets the standards of the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming
and the ABNLP Coaching Division. It is also approved by the Time Line Therapy® Association
and the American Board of Hypnotherapy. So your certification and your designations have
worldwide recognition.
Canadian Leaders of
NLP, TLT, Hypnosis,
This NLP Training includes the Board Approved Evaluation that tests your written and
demonstrated NLP skills and installs the ethics and ecology that are necessary for your
NLP Coaching Training,
success as both a client and an NLP Practitioner Coach. Upon successful completion you will ABNLP, ABH, TLTA, ABNLP Coaching
become Board Certified and designated at the Practitioner Coach Level in each of the Approved Certifications and Designations
Certification Benefits:
• ABNLP has the highest standards of ANY certifying body on the planet
• International Transferability of your certifications
• Positioning and Leveraging
• Inclusion in a hugely viable and lucrative field that is recession resistant!
• Cross platform applications to any training field
• Professional designations and recognition in the field of Leadership and Empowerment

What do I need to take part?

• A Curious Mind and a Willingness to Learn
• Professional Mindset and Behaviour
• A desire to learn in a fun, fast-paced, international environment
• All participants will be screened prior to admission

Who should attend?

• Anyone who must communicate for a living
• Anyone on a commission income
• Anyone who seeks to facilitate as part of a team in the mind-body industry
• All speakers and those who seek to make keynotes with greater impact
• Managers, sales managers, team leaders and those who work with individuals
and groups
• Educators who have child, teen, or adult students Presented by Dr. Kim Redman PhD
• Anyone looking to transition or grow in the field Master Trainer, Speaker, Coach, Author
Canada's only Board Approved Master Trainer of NLP and Hypnosis
of leadership and empowerment Board Approved Trainer of Master TLT, and Master Coaches
• Anyone seeking the ability to empower themselves
and others in a changing environment

Enrol now: Call 905-727-4676 for your pre-entrance interview

ABNLP Approved
Quantum Leadership
Fee for NLP Training and Evaluation includes: 20 CD’s or a thumb drive for Practitioner
Training, Time Line Therapy® book, Magic of NLP Demystified book and shipping.
Payment plans, in-house specials and options are available for candidates, so enrol now! NLP Coach Practitioner Program
Creatrix Transformational Solutions Inc. • 905-727-4676 •
ABNLP Approved NLP Coach Practitioner & Evaluation What will the NLP Coach Strategies: The “Matrix” How-To Of All Behaviours
• Discover and Tweak the Steps of any Behaviour Program
Practitioner Training teach you? • Install Missing Strategies
• Leadership and Excellence Strategies
• Sales Strategies: Decision, Buying, Reassurance
Can I take an NLP Coach Practitioner Training Why our NLP Practitioner Coach Training? Mind Mastery Model for Leadership and Empowerment: • Learning Strategies: Spelling, Motivation
course in just 8 days? NLP = Results! Today, there are major career and business • Presuppositions and fundamental beliefs that funnel into • Relationship Strategies: Attraction, Deep Love
Yes! Of course you can! 8 days: 7 days of training + $10,000 opportunities to make money while you help your company, Leadership
Business Mastery Day now offered complimentary for our business, or clients to reach their goals as a Certified NLP • Mechanisms for choosing and living the empowering Mind Parts: Stop the Insanity and Reclaim the Resources
graduates! NOW get FOUR certifications in ONE! Use these Practitioner and NLP Coach. NLP Practitioners and NLP Mastery model and how to silence the Mind Servitude • Stop Inner Conflicts
technologies to accelerate your career or begin a new one! Coaches are in demand the world over. It is a great model • Stop the “Part of Me Wants To/ Part of Me Doesn't”
investment for your future! Current graduates who are • How to take control of the intricate connections between Scenarios
Our graduates are some of the most successful in the field.
following the business model given in the course have your mind, your emotions and your behaviour • Reclaim Your Unconscious Resources
waiting lists of 3-6 weeks! • The clearest and easiest model of how people learn,
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most practical, communicate, change, and empower themselves and others Coach Transformation Dynamics:
results oriented technology of detecting, understanding • Quantum Neurological Goal Setting: How to set goals and • Accelerated Transformation: What Happens and How to
and getting in control of our conscious and unconscious During this 8 day on-site intensive program you will qualify Manage It
ALWAYS achieve them
thinking and creating. Prime Ministers, Presidents and for Four Board Certifications and Professional Designations: • Leadership Frames as Coach Behaviours
• 11 Principles of Goal Mastery including Team Goal
Captains of Industry are trained in these tools. We will Clarification Questions and Templates • NLP = Results Focus (and how to handle consequences)
• NLP Practitioner
• Feedback and Tasking for Maximum Transformation
show you why, and how to use these tools with self and • NLP Coach (Executive & Life) Language Mastery for Leadership and Empowerment: • S.M.A.R.T. Goal Quantum Installation with Process
others - individually, as a coach, and from a leadership • Time Line Therapy® Practitioner/ Creating Your Future®
• Traverse the Hierarchy Of Ideas Mapping and Time Lines
perspective. Coaching Processes Specialist • Business Model for the Transformational Field
• Quantum Linguistics Intro: The “Magic” Questions that
• Hypnotherapist Reveal Inner Truth • Business Templates for Leadership and Coaching
• Covert and Overt Communication of Topics to the
Who is leading the training? Certification, successful evaluation(s), passing the open- Time Line Therapy®/Creating Your Future® Coaching
This training is being facilitated personally by Master book board exam and entrance into the Boards will also • Covert and Overt Hypnotic Language Patterns Processes:
• Metaphors for Resourcing and to Assist Behaviour Shifts • Systematic Releases of Gestalts, Limiting Decisions and
Trainer Dr. Kim Redman. Dr. Redman is the internationally allow the candidate to practise any or all of the above listed
• Overcome Objections Elegantly Beliefs
accepted expert in Quantum Leadership™. Kim is Canada's modalities. Graduates may do this as entrepreneurs within
• Conversational Trance to Bypass Resistance • Dissipate Resistance Through Quantum Learning
only Board Certified Master Trainer of both NLP and their own business or as intrepreneurs by creating and • The Breakthrough: Tailored for Business, Therapy or
Hypnosis. She is one of a small but elite group of trainers leveraging these trainings to support their teams and NLP Practitioner Platform Skills: Education
that include Tony Robbins, David Shephard, and Drs. Tad organization. It's a win-win. Any organization can say Rapport: Go Beyond 'Liking' to deep trust and mutual • Trauma and PTSD: Symptom Relief and Refocus
and Adriana James. In addition to her NLP and Hypnosis "Certified". "Board Certified and Designated" speaks to the
understanding Hypnosis Platform Skills and Induction Styles:
Training, Kim has spent over twenty-five years studying the international recognition and transferability of your • “The 7 Seconds”: Can you use them? Leverage them for
Ancient Wisdoms and synergizing them into the leadership credentials and an ease in leveraging your professional • Increase Your Own Abilities as a Hypnotic Subject
Leadership? • Experience Deep Trust with Your Own Unconscious Mind
skills most coveted by industry leaders. You'll find Kim's designations as a marketing tool both for yourself and your • Body Language and Kinesic Interviewing: Theirs and Yours! • Catalepsy: Arm
approach takes the Master Quantum NLP™ skills to the organization. Very few training organizations on the planet • Matching and Mirroring for Unconscious Trust • Safety Precautions
next level. A perspective of the current quantum can offer this to you. • Vocality for Rapport: Tonality and Pitch Impact (even over • Suggestions: How The Unconscious Accepts or Rejects
technologies and mind-body sciences are included in this the phone!) Them
course for the most complete look at leadership, legacy, Since our candidates arrive from many different • Self Hypnosis for Self and Others
Representational Systems: Put Your Message in Their Internal
communication, health, and manifestation available on the professional backgrounds, you will be participating in a • Milton Erickson: Inductions and Business Techniques
planet today. dynamic and energized environment that facilitates the
• Switch Representational Systems; Conflict Resolution,
application of the Practitioner Level Techniques in many
Negotiation, Sales
This training allows the successful graduate to become different career areas. This exposure heightens the • The Windows to the Soul: Eye Patterns
Board Certified in the leading fields of Executive and Life candidate's ability to facilitate across multiple fields • Increase Behavioural Flexibility and Creativity
Coaching, as well as NLP, TLT/CYF and Hypnosis. immediately upon graduation. • The Personalities Behind the Words: Who's Hiding What?
International Coach Federation (ICF) standards are met and
exceeded using the quantum change technologies of NLP, Due to Kim's unique background in successful methods of Submodalities: The Secret of Your Mind's Holographic
TLT, and Hypnosis in a quantifiable standard. This one week learning, Creatrix Transformational Solutions Inc. has Computer
Fastrak® Program is designed with the busy professional in developed a student support network that is unique to any • Change the Intensity of Your Leadership or Fear Programs
mind. Through the application of the advanced quantum NLP Trainer on the planet. Upon enrolment, candidates are • Acrostic Vision: Instantly Shift Perceptual Positions
technologies, and a multimedia pre-study, this training is invited into our Facebook Preparation Group and successful • Increase Wanted Behaviours; Decrease Disempowering
graduates are added into our Facebook graduate Behaviours
completed with a 8 day on-site intensive practicum.
• Swish: Install Compelling Future Behaviours
community. Significant resources exist here for your business
This training has a high ratio of trainers to students in development as well as a membership that is excited to Anchoring: How to Feel Like You Want to Feel at Anytime
order to support each candidate in the fun and fast-paced mastermind and support each other. The Expert Model™ for • Make Emotional Triggers a Thing of the Past
environment. You'll receive the attention and the our industry is given during the course and additional • Access Your Strongest Emotional Resources at Any Time
immediate feedback you need to reinforce your own business development resources are available for graduates • Visual, Phrase, and Kinesthetic State Anchoring
success. Seats are very limited, so sign up early! who seek them. We are serious about your success! • Get Rid of Procrastination Forever!
ABNLP Approved NLP Coach Practitioner & Evaluation What will the NLP Coach Strategies: The “Matrix” How-To Of All Behaviours
• Discover and Tweak the Steps of any Behaviour Program
Practitioner Training teach you? • Install Missing Strategies
• Leadership and Excellence Strategies
• Sales Strategies: Decision, Buying, Reassurance
Can I take an NLP Coach Practitioner Training Why our NLP Practitioner Coach Training? Mind Mastery Model for Leadership and Empowerment: • Learning Strategies: Spelling, Motivation
course in just 8 days? NLP = Results! Today, there are major career and business • Presuppositions and fundamental beliefs that funnel into • Relationship Strategies: Attraction, Deep Love
Yes! Of course you can! 8 days: 7 days of training + $10,000 opportunities to make money while you help your company, Leadership
Business Mastery Day now offered complimentary for our business, or clients to reach their goals as a Certified NLP • Mechanisms for choosing and living the empowering Mind Parts: Stop the Insanity and Reclaim the Resources
graduates! NOW get FOUR certifications in ONE! Use these Practitioner and NLP Coach. NLP Practitioners and NLP Mastery model and how to silence the Mind Servitude • Stop Inner Conflicts
technologies to accelerate your career or begin a new one! Coaches are in demand the world over. It is a great model • Stop the “Part of Me Wants To/ Part of Me Doesn't”
investment for your future! Current graduates who are • How to take control of the intricate connections between Scenarios
Our graduates are some of the most successful in the field.
following the business model given in the course have your mind, your emotions and your behaviour • Reclaim Your Unconscious Resources
waiting lists of 3-6 weeks! • The clearest and easiest model of how people learn,
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most practical, communicate, change, and empower themselves and others Coach Transformation Dynamics:
results oriented technology of detecting, understanding • Quantum Neurological Goal Setting: How to set goals and • Accelerated Transformation: What Happens and How to
and getting in control of our conscious and unconscious During this 8 day on-site intensive program you will qualify Manage It
ALWAYS achieve them
thinking and creating. Prime Ministers, Presidents and for Four Board Certifications and Professional Designations: • Leadership Frames as Coach Behaviours
• 11 Principles of Goal Mastery including Team Goal
Captains of Industry are trained in these tools. We will Clarification Questions and Templates • NLP = Results Focus (and how to handle consequences)
• NLP Practitioner
• Feedback and Tasking for Maximum Transformation
show you why, and how to use these tools with self and • NLP Coach (Executive & Life) Language Mastery for Leadership and Empowerment: • S.M.A.R.T. Goal Quantum Installation with Process
others - individually, as a coach, and from a leadership • Time Line Therapy® Practitioner/ Creating Your Future®
• Traverse the Hierarchy Of Ideas Mapping and Time Lines
perspective. Coaching Processes Specialist • Business Model for the Transformational Field
• Quantum Linguistics Intro: The “Magic” Questions that
• Hypnotherapist Reveal Inner Truth • Business Templates for Leadership and Coaching
• Covert and Overt Communication of Topics to the
Who is leading the training? Certification, successful evaluation(s), passing the open- Time Line Therapy®/Creating Your Future® Coaching
This training is being facilitated personally by Master book board exam and entrance into the Boards will also • Covert and Overt Hypnotic Language Patterns Processes:
• Metaphors for Resourcing and to Assist Behaviour Shifts • Systematic Releases of Gestalts, Limiting Decisions and
Trainer Dr. Kim Redman. Dr. Redman is the internationally allow the candidate to practise any or all of the above listed
• Overcome Objections Elegantly Beliefs
accepted expert in Quantum Leadership™. Kim is Canada's modalities. Graduates may do this as entrepreneurs within
• Conversational Trance to Bypass Resistance • Dissipate Resistance Through Quantum Learning
only Board Certified Master Trainer of both NLP and their own business or as intrepreneurs by creating and • The Breakthrough: Tailored for Business, Therapy or
Hypnosis. She is one of a small but elite group of trainers leveraging these trainings to support their teams and NLP Practitioner Platform Skills: Education
that include Tony Robbins, David Shephard, and Drs. Tad organization. It's a win-win. Any organization can say Rapport: Go Beyond 'Liking' to deep trust and mutual • Trauma and PTSD: Symptom Relief and Refocus
and Adriana James. In addition to her NLP and Hypnosis "Certified". "Board Certified and Designated" speaks to the
understanding Hypnosis Platform Skills and Induction Styles:
Training, Kim has spent over twenty-five years studying the international recognition and transferability of your • “The 7 Seconds”: Can you use them? Leverage them for
Ancient Wisdoms and synergizing them into the leadership credentials and an ease in leveraging your professional • Increase Your Own Abilities as a Hypnotic Subject
Leadership? • Experience Deep Trust with Your Own Unconscious Mind
skills most coveted by industry leaders. You'll find Kim's designations as a marketing tool both for yourself and your • Body Language and Kinesic Interviewing: Theirs and Yours! • Catalepsy: Arm
approach takes the Master Quantum NLP™ skills to the organization. Very few training organizations on the planet • Matching and Mirroring for Unconscious Trust • Safety Precautions
next level. A perspective of the current quantum can offer this to you. • Vocality for Rapport: Tonality and Pitch Impact (even over • Suggestions: How The Unconscious Accepts or Rejects
technologies and mind-body sciences are included in this the phone!) Them
course for the most complete look at leadership, legacy, Since our candidates arrive from many different • Self Hypnosis for Self and Others
Representational Systems: Put Your Message in Their Internal
communication, health, and manifestation available on the professional backgrounds, you will be participating in a • Milton Erickson: Inductions and Business Techniques
planet today. dynamic and energized environment that facilitates the
• Switch Representational Systems; Conflict Resolution,
application of the Practitioner Level Techniques in many
Negotiation, Sales
This training allows the successful graduate to become different career areas. This exposure heightens the • The Windows to the Soul: Eye Patterns
Board Certified in the leading fields of Executive and Life candidate's ability to facilitate across multiple fields • Increase Behavioural Flexibility and Creativity
Coaching, as well as NLP, TLT/CYF and Hypnosis. immediately upon graduation. • The Personalities Behind the Words: Who's Hiding What?
International Coach Federation (ICF) standards are met and
exceeded using the quantum change technologies of NLP, Due to Kim's unique background in successful methods of Submodalities: The Secret of Your Mind's Holographic
TLT, and Hypnosis in a quantifiable standard. This one week learning, Creatrix Transformational Solutions Inc. has Computer
Fastrak® Program is designed with the busy professional in developed a student support network that is unique to any • Change the Intensity of Your Leadership or Fear Programs
mind. Through the application of the advanced quantum NLP Trainer on the planet. Upon enrolment, candidates are • Acrostic Vision: Instantly Shift Perceptual Positions
technologies, and a multimedia pre-study, this training is invited into our Facebook Preparation Group and successful • Increase Wanted Behaviours; Decrease Disempowering
graduates are added into our Facebook graduate Behaviours
completed with a 8 day on-site intensive practicum.
• Swish: Install Compelling Future Behaviours
community. Significant resources exist here for your business
This training has a high ratio of trainers to students in development as well as a membership that is excited to Anchoring: How to Feel Like You Want to Feel at Anytime
order to support each candidate in the fun and fast-paced mastermind and support each other. The Expert Model™ for • Make Emotional Triggers a Thing of the Past
environment. You'll receive the attention and the our industry is given during the course and additional • Access Your Strongest Emotional Resources at Any Time
immediate feedback you need to reinforce your own business development resources are available for graduates • Visual, Phrase, and Kinesthetic State Anchoring
success. Seats are very limited, so sign up early! who seek them. We are serious about your success! • Get Rid of Procrastination Forever!
How Do I Become Certified and Professionally Designated?
Preparation for the NLP Practitioner Training - Home Study
Our unique process gets you started right away with the pre-study for the training on CD's
or on a thumb drive. You listen to the audios at your own pace, then come to any of our
scheduled trainings and finish your training. You will have ample opportunity at the
training to transform past programs while also leaning the skills of NLP, Time Line
Therapy®, Hypnosis, and NLP Coaching. See when our next training is:

This Training meets the standards of the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming
and the ABNLP Coaching Division. It is also approved by the Time Line Therapy® Association
and the American Board of Hypnotherapy. So your certification and your designations have
worldwide recognition.
Canadian Leaders of
NLP, TLT, Hypnosis,
This NLP Training includes the Board Approved Evaluation that tests your written and
demonstrated NLP skills and installs the ethics and ecology that are necessary for your
NLP Coaching Training,
success as both a client and an NLP Practitioner Coach. Upon successful completion you will ABNLP, ABH, TLTA, ABNLP Coaching
become Board Certified and designated at the Practitioner Coach Level in each of the Approved Certifications and Designations
Certification Benefits:
• ABNLP has the highest standards of ANY certifying body on the planet
• International Transferability of your certifications
• Positioning and Leveraging
• Inclusion in a hugely viable and lucrative field that is recession resistant!
• Cross platform applications to any training field
• Professional designations and recognition in the field of Leadership and Empowerment

What do I need to take part?

• A Curious Mind and a Willingness to Learn
• Professional Mindset and Behaviour
• A desire to learn in a fun, fast-paced, international environment
• All participants will be screened prior to admission

Who should attend?

• Anyone who must communicate for a living
• Anyone on a commission income
• Anyone who seeks to facilitate as part of a team in the mind-body industry
• All speakers and those who seek to make keynotes with greater impact
• Managers, sales managers, team leaders and those who work with individuals
and groups
• Educators who have child, teen, or adult students Presented by Dr. Kim Redman PhD
• Anyone looking to transition or grow in the field Master Trainer, Speaker, Coach, Author
Canada's only Board Approved Master Trainer of NLP and Hypnosis
of leadership and empowerment Board Approved Trainer of Master TLT, and Master Coaches
• Anyone seeking the ability to empower themselves
and others in a changing environment

Enrol now: Call 905-727-4676 for your pre-entrance interview

ABNLP Approved
Quantum Leadership
Fee for NLP Training and Evaluation includes: 20 CD’s or a thumb drive for Practitioner
Training, Time Line Therapy® book, Magic of NLP Demystified book and shipping.
Payment plans, in-house specials and options are available for candidates, so enrol now! NLP Coach Practitioner Program
Creatrix Transformational Solutions Inc. • 905-727-4676 •

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