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Article 309 of the Constitution of India provides that subject to the

provisions of the Constitution, Acts of appropriate Legislature may regulate the
recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and
posts in connection with the affairs of the State, and, until a provision in that
behalf is made by or under an "Act" of the appropriate Legislature, such rules may
be framed by the Governor of the State.

2 Earlier, at the time of framing three Volumes of Punjab Civil Services

Rules, the desirability of framing the "Act" was examined by the then Punjab
Government in consultation with the Government of India and it was observed
that from the promulgation of the Constitution, various sets of rules were framed
and revised under the proviso to Article 309 and brought into conformity with
the Constitution. Since the said proviso empowers the President and the Governor
to make rules in the case of services and posts in connection with the affairs of the
Union and of the State respectively, it was not considered necessary to enact the
Act, referred to above.

3. The matter regarding re-writing of all the three Volumes of Punjab

Civil Services Rules has been under active consideration of Haryana Government
for last many years. The Governor of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred
by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, has been pleased to
approve the following seven rules books of Haryana Civil Services Rules to regulate
the terms and conditions of services of the employees of State of Haryana :-

1. Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2016

2. Haryana Civil Services (Pay) Rules, 2016
3. Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 2016
4. Haryana Civil Services (Allowances to Govt. Employees) Rules, 2016
5. Haryana Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2016
6. Haryana Civil Services (General Provident Fund) Rules, 2016
7. Haryana Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2016

4. Haryana Civil Services (Govt. Employees’ Conduct) Rules, 2016,

Haryana Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules, 2016 and Haryana Civil
Services (Compassionate Financial Assistance) Rules, 2016 are being notified
separately by the General Administration Department.
5. Main features of these Rules are as under :-

(1) All the instructions/policy decisions taken by Haryana

Government upto December, 2015 have been incorporated and
redundant/obsolete rules or portion thereof have been deleted.

(2) The language of these rules is easy to understand and catchword

titles have been provided to make the reading user friendly.

(3) New terms created from time to time since 1953 have been
defined. Terms common for more than one rules books have been
compiled at one place.

6. The soft copy both in Hindi and English language has also been made
available on the website of Finance Department namely www.finhry.gov.in. The
hard copy of English language would also be made available in near future for sale
in the sale depots of Printing & Stationery Department, Haryana.

7. If any error or omission is found in these rules the same may please be
brought to the notice of Finance Department, Haryana Civil Secretariat,
Chandigarh so that the same can be corrected.

Dated : 19 July, 2016 Sanjeev Kaushal

Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana,
Finance Department.

Chapters Index of
Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) See Page
Rules, 2016
Chapter - I Preliminary 1

Chapter - II Definitions 5

Chapter - III General 7

Chapter - IV Various Modes of Journey and entitlement 11

Chapter - V Daily Allowance and Reimbursement of Hotel 19


Chapter - VI Travelling Allowance to appear before 25


Chapter - VII Travelling Allowance for Departmental 31

Examination or Training

Chapter - VIII Transfer Travelling Allowance 33

Chapter - IX Travelling Allowance for Medical Advice/ 47
Chapter - X Travelling Allowance on Retirement or Death 31
while in service

Chapter - XI Travelling Allowance in case of tour out of India 43

Chapter - XII Control over Travelling Allowance 51
Chapter - XIII Miscellaneous 55
Rules Index of
Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowances) Rules, 2016
Chapter - I Preliminary

1. Short title and commencement

2. Extent of application
3. Special provisions, if any, inconsistent with these rules
4. Regulation of claim to travelling allowance

5. Power to relax, interpret and amend

6. Re-delegation of powers
7. Repeal
Chapter - II Definitions
8. Definitions
Chapter - III General
9. Different kinds of travelling allowance
10. Grading of Government employees
11. Entitlement of travelling allowance while on leave or under
12. Competent authority for tour

13. Beginning and end of journey

14 False claim/drawl of travelling allowance

Chapter - IV Various Modes of Journey and entitlement
15. Journey by class of accommodation of entitlement or above class

16. Reimbursement of actual cost of travelling

17. Entitlement of journey by bus
18. Entitlement of journey by rail
19 Entitlement of journey by sea or river steamer

20. Entitlement of journey by air

21. Permission for journey by air in exceptional circumstances
22. Selection of airlines for journey by air
23. Reimbursement of reservation and cancellation charges
24. Tickets to be appended to claim
25. Reimbursement of ferry and/or toll charges of Public conveyance
26 Entitlement of journey by own vehicle or taxi and rate of road
mileage allowance
27. Reimbursement of toll charges in case of journey by own vehicle
28. Journey by Government employees in a vehicle of one of them
29. Local journey while on tour
30. Journey within radius of 20 kms of headquarters
Chapter - V Daily Allowance and Reimbursement of Hotel Charges

31. Rate(s) of Daily Allowance within and out of Haryana.

32. Conditions for drawl of daily allowance.
33. Drawl of daily allowance beyond ten days in a month.

34. Daily allowance with reference to city where night is spent.

35. Rate of daily allowance in case of enforced halt.
36. Drawl of daily allowance when journey is performed by Government

37. Drawl of daily allowance when journey is performed by own vehicle

or taxi.
38. Daily allowance in case of stay in the rest house.
39. Drawl of daily allowance when treated as a State guest.
40. Reimbursement of hotel charges outside Haryana and Chandigarh.
Chapter - VI Travelling Allowance to appear before Court/Inquiry
41. Travelling allowance to appear before Police/Vigilance/CBI or Court
42. Travelling allowance to appear before Inquiry Officer
43. Travelling allowance for a journey for perusal of record
44 Travelling allowance for journey to give evidence

45 Travelling allowance for journey in connection with affairs of other

46. Travelling allowance for journey to give evidence while on foreign
47. Travelling allowance in case of institution of judicial proceedings by
private party

48. Travelling allowance to a retired Government employee

Chapter - VII Travelling Allowance for Departmental Examination or Training
49. Travelling allowance to appear for an examination
50. Cancellation of departmental examination at the last moment
51. Travelling allowance while on training within India
52. Where training centre/Institution is fixed as temporary headquarters
Chapter - VIII Transfer Travelling Allowance
53. Entitlement of composite transfer grant
54. Rate of composite transfer grant
55. Transfer travelling allowance/Composite Transfer Grant on change
of headquarters while under suspension
56. Time limit for journey on transfer at a distance above 500 kms
57. Travelling allowance on temporary Transfer
58. Travelling allowance in case of additional charge
59. Travelling allowance on taking and handing over charge
60. Transfer to another station while in transit
61. Transfer Travelling allowance in case of transfer while on leave
62. Transfer travelling allowance on subsequent appointment
63. Travelling allowance on transfer to foreign service or on deputation
to another Government/Department
Chapter - IX Travelling Allowance for Medical Advice/ Treatment
64. Travelling allowance for medical treatment
65 Commencement and termination of journey for medical treatment
66. Travelling allowance to appear before Medical Board
67 Travelling allowance for attendant
68. Travelling allowance to Medical Officer deputed for consultation
Chapter - X Travelling Allowance on Retirement or Death while in service
69. Transfer travelling allowance/ Composite transfer grant on
70. Conditions to avail the concession of transfer travelling allowance on
71. Procedure for drawl of transfer travelling allowance on retirement
72. Transportation charges of vehicle on retirement
73. Settlement at the last station or within twenty kilometers
74. Transfer travelling allowance to the family of deceased or
disappeared Government employee
75. Grading of the family of a deceased or disappeared Government
Chapter - XI Travelling Allowance in case of tour out of India
76. Grant of travelling allowance in case of tour out of India
Chapter - XII Control over Travelling Allowance
77. Submission of Claim once in a month
78. Declaration by the Government employee
79. Time limit to prefer the claim
80. Restriction on tour
81. Controlling Officer and his duties
82. Control over travelling allowance bills
Chapter - XIII Miscellaneous
83. No travelling allowance on first appointment
84. Actual travelling expenses on re-appointment/re-employment
85. Travelling allowance for a journey made during leave or while under
86. Journey in connection with an Organization under Haryana or any
other Government
Haryana Government
Finance Department
The 19th July, 2016

No. 2/2/2013-4FR/1571.― In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to

article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the
following rules, regulating the terms and conditions for grant of Travelling Allowance
to Government employees of the State of Haryana:-

Chapter - I


1. Short title and commencement.―

(1) These rules may be called the Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance)
Rules, 2016.
(2) These rules shall be deemed to have come into force from 19th July, 2016.

2. Extent of application.―

Except as otherwise provided, these rules shall apply to all Government employees
of Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ including Members of All India Services serving in
connection with the affairs of Haryana State, and any other Government employee
or class of Government employees to whom the competent authority may, by
general or special order, make them applicable.

Note 1.― The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly has agreed under clause (3)
article 187 of the Constitution that until a law is made by the Legislature of the
State under clause (2) of article 187 of the Constitution or rules are framed by
the Governor in consultation with the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
under clause (3) of article 187 of the Constitution of India, these rules and
amendments thereof, if any, after prior consent of the Speaker, shall apply to
the secretarial staff of the Haryana Legislative Assembly.

Note 2.― The Chairman, Haryana Public Service Commission, has agreed to the
application of these rules as amended from time to time, in the case of officers
2 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

and employees of the Haryana Public Service Commission.

Note 3.― If any doubt arises as to whether these rules apply to any person or not,
the decision shall lie with the Finance Department.

3. Special provisions, if any, inconsistent with these rules.―

When in the opinion of the competent authority, special provisions inconsistent with
these rules are required with reference to any particular post or any conditions of
service, that authority may, notwithstanding anything otherwise contained in these
rules, and subject to the provisions of clause (2) of article 310 of the Constitution of
India, provide in the terms and conditions of appointment of the person appointed to
such post for any matter in respect of which in the opinion of that authority special
provisions are required to be made:

Provided that in the terms and conditions of appointment it shall be clarified in

respect of any matter for which no special provision has been made in the terms
and conditions of appointment, provisions of these rules shall apply.

4. Regulation of claim to travelling allowance.―

(1) A Government employee’s claim to travelling allowance shall be regulated by

the rules in force at the time the journeys in respect of which they are made or

(2) The travelling allowance of a Government employee, who is promoted or

reverted or granted an increased rate of pay with retrospective effect, shall not
be reviewed.

5. Power to relax, interpret and amend.―

The power to interpret, change, amend, relax and removal of doubt of these rules
shall lie with the Finance Department.

Note 1.― Communications regarding the interpretation and alteration of these rules
shall be addressed to the Finance Department through the Administrative
Department concerned.

Note 2.― Where the Finance Department is satisfied that the operation of any of
these rules regulating the conditions of service of Government employees or
any class of such Government employees, causes undue hardship in any
particular case, it may by order dispense with or relax the requirements of that
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 3

rule to such extent and subject to such conditions, as it may consider

necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner.

6. Re-delegation of powers.―

The Administrative Department/Heads of Departments/ Appointing Authorities

competent for any purpose under these rules may re-delegate the powers on their
own responsibility and subject to such restrictions as they may like to impose, to the
officers working under them at their headquarter offices and also declare as
Controlling Officer for the purpose of countersigning the travelling allowance bills.
Copies of all such orders shall invariably be supplied to the Finance Department
and the Principal Accountant General, Haryana.

7. Repeal.―

The Travelling Allowance Rules contained in Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume
III in force immediately before the commencement of these rules, are hereby

Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed
shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of
these rules.

4 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - II


8. Definitions.―

(a) Unless the context otherwise requires;

(1) “actual travelling expenses” means the actual cost of journey performed in

public interest and also includes taxes, ferry and toll charges paid, if any;

(2) “composite transfer grant” means a lump sum amount payable to a

Government employee in lieu of transfer travelling allowance;

(3) “controlling officer” means a Head of Department or any other

departmental officer who is entrusted with the responsibility of controlling the
incurring of expenditure and/or the collection of revenue by the competent

Note.― Administrative Secretary may declare any gazetted officer a

Controlling Officer for the purpose of travelling allowance, who is
immediately subordinate to him and is working in his own office;

(4) “daily allowance” means an allowance for each day or part of a day spent

away from headquarters, which is intended to cover the ordinary daily

charges incurred by a Government employee in consequence of such

Note.― Where the distance between two stations (from bus stand to bus
stand) is less than twenty kilometers by the shortest route, no daily
allowance shall be admissible in such case;

(5) “duty point” means the place of office where an employee is on duty. In

case of departure for both outward and inward journey, it may be the place of
office, residence, stay or place of work visited, as the case may be;

(6) “emoluments” for the purpose of grading for travelling allowance purposes

means basic pay or grade pay which is being drawn by a Government

employee on the day when the journey is performed by him for tour in public
6 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

(7) “own vehicle” means a registered personal vehicle in the name of the

Government employee concerned or in the name of his/her spouse;

(8) “public conveyance” means the train, bus, aircraft, river steamer or any

other public conveyance which plies regularly for the conveyance of

passengers and run by an organization under the control of any State
Government or Government of India and also the private organizations
authorized by any Government;
Note.― It does not include any „Chartered‟ means of conveyance;
(9) “shortest route” means that route by which the traveller can most speedily

reach his destination by ordinary mode of travelling. If journey is performed

within haryana from one station to another the shortest route from bus stand
to bus stand and out of haryana the shortest route from railway station to
railway station shall be taken into account for the purpose of these rules;

Note.― In case of doubt, a Head of Department may decide which shall be

regarded as the shortest of two or more routes;

(10) “tour” A Government employee is treated on tour when he is away from his
headquarters either within, or beyond his sphere of duty, in public interest,
with proper sanction of the authority not lower than Head of office. In case of
doubt, the Controlling Officer may decide whether a Government employee
during the period of particular absence from headquarters is to be treated on
tour or not;

(11) “transfer travelling allowance” means the composite transfer grant

admissible to a Government employee on his transfer from one station to
another in public interest which involves change of residence;

(12) “travelling allowance” means an allowance admissible to a Government

employee to cover the expenses incurred by him while on tour in public
interest. It includes daily allowance, road mileage allowance, local mileage
allowance, permanent travelling allowance. It also includes reimbursement of
actual travelling expenses and hotel charges limited to entitlement;

(b) The terms not defined in this chapter but defined in the Haryana Civil Services
(General) Rules, 2016 shall have the same meaning for the purpose of these

H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 7

Chapter - III


9. Different kinds of travelling allowance.―

The following are the different kinds of travelling allowance, which may be drawn in
different circumstances by Government employee as per provisions of these rules;

(a) actual cost of travelling;

(b) daily allowance;

(c) reimbursement of hotel charges;

(d) road mileage allowance;

(e) local mileage allowance;

(f) composite transfer grant

10. Grading of government employees.―

The gradation pattern for the purpose of entitlement and calculating of travelling
allowance based on grade pay is as under: -

Grade- I Employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 10,,000/- or

above and those who are in the pay scale of HAG+ or
above and District Judge/Addl. District Judge

Grade- II Employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 8,900 to 9,800

and Judges of senior division.

Grade- III Employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 4,600 to 8,800

and Judges of junior division

Grade- IV Employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 2,500 to 4,200.

Grade- V Employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 1,300 to 2,400.

Note 1.― Travelling allowance of any person working on daily wages, part-time,
8 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

contract basis, work-charged employees, persons re-employed after

retirement or otherwise who are not drawing pay in any pay scale shall be
regulated under these rules on the basis of minimum of the functional pay
scale sanctioned for the same post in Haryana Government.

Note 2.― In case of doubt, appointing authority shall be competent to take the
Note 3.― A Government employee during transit from one post to another shall
rank in the grade to which the lower of the two posts would entitle him.

11. Entitlement of travelling allowance while on leave or under suspension.―

Travelling allowance of a Government employee on leave or under suspension shall

be regulated by the emoluments drawn by him before proceeding on leave or
suspension, as the case may be.

12. Competent authority for tour.―

The following authorities shall be competent to direct a Government employee

subordinate to them to perform journey in the interest of the public service for any
purpose not specified in these rules:-

Head of Office Within Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi

Head of Department Anywhere in India

Administrative Within and out of India.


13. Beginning and end of journey.―

(1) A journey on transfer is held to begin from or end at the actual residence of
the Government employee concerned.

(2) Any other journey is held to begin from or end at the duty point or residence,
as the case may be.

(3) Where a journey begins/ends at a station which is neither the Government

employee’s headquarters nor his place of duty, it may be treated to have
commenced/ended at his residence. The travelling allowance claim in such
cases shall be restricted to the claim had the journey been performed from his
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14 False claim/drawl of travelling allowance.―

The Government employee claiming/drawing a false or bogus travelling allowance

shall be liable to disciplinary proceedings under the Haryana Civil Services
(Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016 and shall be awarded one of the major
punishments as defined in the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal)
Rules, 2016. The following category of claims amounts to a false claim/drawl of
travelling allowance─

(a) for a journey not actually performed;

(b) of a higher class as per entitlement whereas the journey actually performed in
a lower class;

(c) by submitting false certificate/tickets;

(d) of road mileage allowance and/or toll charges when the journey not actually
performed by own vehicle or taxi/auto-rickshaw.

10 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - IV

Various Modes of Journey and Entitlement

15. Journey by class of accommodation of entitlement or above class.―

(1) Except as otherwise provided in these rules each Government employee is

required to travel by the mode and class of accommodation for which he is
entitled under these rules.

(2) There shall be no bar in undertaking a journey by any mode of public

conveyance or in any class of accommodation above the respective
entitlement of the Government employee, provided that the claim filed for
reimbursement shall be restricted to the entitlement. However, in all such
cases, the essential documents required to be submitted and essential
conditions required shall be met with, in reference to the performance of
journey. In such cases, there shall be no pre-requirement of seeking the
approval of the competent authority for performing a journey above the

Note 1.― This provision shall not be applicable if journey is performed by own
vehicle without prior approval of the competent authority.

Note 2.― If journey is performed by any mode or class of accommodation lower

than that of entitlement, the actual fare of lower class of accommodation or
road mileage allowance of lower mode actually used shall be admissible.

Note 3.― The Government employee performing journey by his own vehicle as per
entitlement or by a vehicle lower to the entitlement shall be entitled to road
mileage allowance for the vehicle actually used or entitled, whichever is less.

Note 4.― The Administrative Department is the competent authority to allow a

Government employee to perform a particular journey in a class higher than
that of his entitlement.

16. Reimbursement of actual cost of travelling.―

When journey on tour is performed by public conveyance, the actual fare of the
entitled class/mode or the class/mode by which actually travelled, whichever is less,
shall be reimbursable.
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Note.― The fare of journey shall not be reimbursable if free pass for journey by
public conveyance has been made available to a Government employee.
17. Entitlement of journey by bus.―
The entitlement of class of accommodation of journey by bus shall be as under:-

Grade Journey by Bus

Grade I AC Bus including Volvo of Haryana Roadways.
and II
Grade III AC Bus including Volvo of Haryana Roadways or
Deluxe Bus.
Grade IV Deluxe Bus/Ordinary Bus.
Grade V Ordinary Bus.

18. Entitlement of journey by rail.―

The entitlement of class of accommodation for journey by rail is as under:-

Grade Journey by Rail

Grade I and II A.C. First Class or Executive Class

Grade III A.C. II Tier or A. C. Chair Car

Grade IV A.C. III tier or Non A.C. Chair Car

Grade V 2nd Class/2nd Class Sleeper

Note.― Journey by rail includes Rajdhani Express, Shatabadi Express and other
such trains.

19. Entitlement of journey by sea or river steamer.―

The entitlement of accommodation of journey by sea or river steamer is as


Grade Journey by Sea or River Steamer

Grade I & II Highest Class.
Grade III & IV If there are─
2 Classes by lower class
3 by middle class
4 classes by third class.
Grade V By lowest class.
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Note.― In cases where the steamer company has two rate of fare, one inclusive
and one exclusive of diet, the word „fare‟ in the above rule shall be held to
mean fare exclusive of diet.

20. Entitlement of journey by air.―

The entitlement by air and its class of accommodation are as under:-

Grade Entitlement of accommodation for journey

by Air
Grade I:-
(i) Chief Secretary/ (i) Business Class within India and 1st class
Additional Chief out of India.

(ii) Officers in higher (ii) Business Class within India and 1st class
administrative out of India.
grade (HAG)
(iii) Officers in the (iii) Economy Class within India and premium
grade pay of Rs. economy class out of India.
Grade II Economy Class (within or out of India).
Grade III (i) Officers in the Grade pay of Rs.
8700/8800 may travel by air in economy
class while on tour within or out of India.
(ii) Officers in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 to
8600 may travel by air in economy class
where the journey is of more than 500
kms. which cannot be performed overnight
by train, provided prior approval of the
concerned Administrative Secretary is
invariably obtained.
(iii) Head of Department & Special Secretary to
Government, Haryana need not to obtain
prior approval of Administrative Secretary
for journey by air and condition of journey
beyond 500 kms. is also not applicable to
Grade IV Economy Class (out of India only).
Grade V Economy Class (out of India only).
14 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

21. Permission for journey by air in exceptional circumstances.―

In exceptional circumstances, the Administrative Department (in consultation with

Finance Department) may permit any Government employee to travel by air in
public interest.
22. Selection of airlines for journey by air.―

All the officers concerned shall prefer air india for journey by air. The criteria for
selecting airlines other than air india shall be less and more competitive fares being
offered by the other airlines. Under no circumstances, the fares shall exceed the
normal fare of the entitled class offered by air india or its subsidiaries. Various
incentive schemes and concessional fares offered by airlines shall also be fully
utilized. A Government employee shall try to make booking in advance to the extent
Note.― If available, return tickets at concessional rates shall always be purchased
when a Government employee expects to perform the return journey by air
within the period during which it is available.
23. Reimbursement of reservation and cancellation charges.―

In case of cancellation of a journey due to any reasons, by public conveyance while

on tour or transfer in public interest, the following charges are reimbursable:-
(a) the actual cost of reservation and sleeper charges;
(b) tatkal seva charges;
(c) charges for booking of tickets through internet/ e-ticketing.
(d) cancellation charges for journey cancelled for official reasons or in
unavoidable circumstances.
Note 1.― Except in unavoidable circumstances, no refund of above charges shall
be admissible if journey is cancelled on the request of Government employee.
Note 2.― No refund of “agency charges” shall be made to a Government employee
who books his journey through a “travel agent” for his own convenience.
24. Tickets to be appended to claim.―

(1) When journey is performed by air, river steamer, air conditioned rail/bus or
delux bus, the tickets and boarding pass in case of journey by air, in original
shall be attached with the claim, otherwise ordinary fare shall be admissible.
(2) The actual cost of reservation and sleeper charges shall be reimbursed in full.
Note.― If ticket of journey is lost, the actual cost of journey of the entitled mode
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 15

may be allowed to be reimbursed by the Head of Department to non-gazetted

Government employees and by the Administrative Secretary to gazetted
Government employees in exceptional cases subject to declaration by the
concerned Government employee.

25. Reimbursement of ferry and/or toll charges of public conveyance.―

A Government employee travelling on duty is entitled to reimbursement of the actual

amounts which he may have to spend for payment of ferry and other tolls for the
office items and fares for journeys by public conveyance.

26. Entitlement of journey by own vehicle or taxi and rate of road mileage

(1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, the entitlement of journey by own
vehicle/taxi/ auto-rickshaw and the rate of road mileage allowance admissible
is as under:-

Grade Journey by Journey by own Rate of road mileage

Taxi/Auto- vehicle allowance
I and II AC taxi By own car Rs. 10/ per kilometer
(for own car/AC taxi)

III Taxi (with prior By own car (with Rs. 8/- per kilometer
approval of the prior approval of
Head of office the Head of office
for each for each journey)

IV and V By auto- By own scooter/ Rs. 6/- per kilometer

rickshaw, (with motor cycle (with
prior approval of prior approval of
the Head of the Head of office
office for each for each journey)

(2) The competent authority may, for special reasons to be recorded in writing,
16 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

permit road mileage allowance to be calculated on a route other than the


provided that the journey is actually performed by such routes.

(3) The Government employee performing journey by a vehicle lower than the
entitlement shall be entitled to road mileage allowance for the vehicle actually
used or entitled, whichever is less.

Note 1.― When journey is performed by own vehicle the registration number of the
vehicle used must always be mentioned in the claim preferred.

Note 2.― If a Government employee travels by a route which is not the shortest,
but is cheaper than the shortest, his road mileage allowance shall be
calculated on the route actually used.

27. Reimbursement of toll charges in case of journey by own vehicle.―

Where the journey is undertaken by own vehicle or taxi, all toll charges paid during
the journey within or outside the state shall also be admissible in addition to the
road mileage allowance on production of the original receipt.

28. Journey by Government employees in a vehicle of one of them.―

When two or more Government employees travel in a motor vehicle belonging to

one of them, the owner of the vehicle shall draw road mileage allowance as if he
travelled alone, provided one of them shall be entitled to journey by own vehicle
with or without prior approval of the competent authority, and the other Government
employee(s) shall be treated to have availed of free lift and no road mileage
allowance shall be payable but only daily allowance shall be admissible to him/them
as per provision in these rules.

Note 1.― Full daily allowance for journey day shall be admissible to the co-
passenger(s) other than the owner of the vehicle.

Note 2.― The Government employee shall certify in travelling allowance claim, the
registration number of the vehicle in which journey was performed.

29. Local journey while on tour.―

The local mileage allowance shall be admissible for local journeys performed on
tour within the State or outside the State upto fifty kilometers per visit per city. The
local mileage allowance shall be admissible at the rate of road mileage allowance
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upto the prescribed limit or actual cost of travelling, whichever is less. The local
journey on tour means journey between office/ residence and bus stand/railway
station/airport at headquarters and also at the duty station between bus
stand/railway station/airport and the place of duty/residence.

Exception.― The limit of fifty kilometers shall not be applicable in case of tour in a
city having population more than fifty lakhs as per census data of 2011.

Note 1.― The local mileage allowance shall be calculated in completed kilometer.

Note 2.― The actual cost of travelling limited to entitlement shall be reimbursable
for local journeys performed on tour, on the basis of certificate given by the
Government employee mentioning the places of local journey visited in the
public interest.

Note 3.― A Government employee who performs journey on foot or by bicycle shall
be entitled to local mileage allowance at the rate of Rs. four rupees per

30. Journey within radius of 20 kms of headquarters.―

The Head of office may permit a Government employee to draw the actual cost of
travelling not more than local mileage allowance limited to twenty five kilometers in
a day at the rate admissible under these rules for the journey performed in public
interest at one or more stations within the radius of twenty kilometers of the
headquarters. In exceptional circumstances, Head of office may relax the limitation
of twenty five kilometers by recording reasons specifically.

18 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - V

Daily Allowance and Reimbursement of Hotel Charges

31. Rate(s) of daily allowance within and out of haryana.―

The daily allowance, where admissible, shall be at the following rate:-

Grade In any town/ city in Haryana In any town / city

including Chandigarh outside Haryana/
1 2 3
Grade I Rs. 500/- per day Rs. 600/- per day

Grade II Rs. 400/- per day Rs. 500/- per day

Grade III Rs. 300/- per day Rs. 400/- per day

Grade IV Rs. 250/- per day Rs. 300/- per day

Grade V Rs. 200/- per day Rs. 250/- per day

32. Conditions for drawl of daily allowance.―

The entitlement of daily allowance of a Government employee shall be regulated

under the following conditions:-

1. Daily allowance may be drawn for the period of absence, including the day(s)
of halt and holiday(s) occurring during the tour in public interest, from
headquarters beyond the radius of twenty kilometers.

2. A Government employee who avails even a short casual leave or restricted

holiday while on tour is not entitled to draw daily allowance for that day.

3. Daily allowance shall not be admissible for Sunday or gazetted holiday(s) if

the Government employee is not actually at tour station.

4. Tour and daily allowance shall be restricted to ten days in a month unless it is
extended in public interest by the competent authority.

Note.― Head of Department and Administrative Secretary concerned are

competent authority to allow daily allowance to a Government employee upto
fifteen days and beyond fifteen days in a month, respectively, provided the
tour is administratively justified.
20 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

5. Except as otherwise provided in these rules, after a continuous halt of ten

days duration at a particular station, the halting place shall be regarded as the
Government employee’s temporary headquarters for the purpose of daily

6. If on any day two separate journeys are performed, one daily allowance shall
be admissible in respect of both separate journeys.

7. If a Government employee on tour receives any fee/remuneration in lieu of

travelling allowance from any authority or agency, he may opt either to retain
the amount or to draw travelling allowance under normal rules subject to
deposit the full amount so received in the state exchequer.

33. Drawl of daily allowance beyond ten days in a month.―

(1) There shall be no bar to remain on tour beyond ten days in a month and to
draw daily allowance for the same in case of─

(i) election duty anywhere in India;

(ii) compulsory training under the order of appointing authority or Head of


(iii) attending of court(s) in connection with Government cases;

(iv) personal staff of Ministers and officers who actually remain on tour with
them; and

(v) Car/jeep drivers.

(2) The following may draw daily allowance for more than ten days in a month:-

(i) Deputy Commissioners in haryana may undertake tour upto fifteen days
in a month;

(ii) Junior Engineers of three wings of Public Works Department including

Panchayati Raj Department upto twenty days in a month;

(iii) Police personnel posted in police stations upto twenty days in a month.

34. Daily allowance with reference to city where night is spent.―

The rate of daily allowance shall be determined with reference to the city where the
Government employee while on tour spends the succeeding night(s) of journey. The
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Government employee who spends part of a day in one city and part of it in another
city, shall be entitled to daily allowance at the rate of city where he spends the night
succeeding such day.

Exception.― In case of night stay at Delhi while on tour near Delhi, e.g. Gurgaon,
Faridabad, Sonipat, the officer and the staff accompanying him shall not be
entitled to daily allowance at Delhi rate. However, in case the night(s) is spent
en route while on tour at far flung places, the daily allowance shall be payable
at the normal rate of the city where night is spent.

Note.― Where the night is spent in train the daily allowance shall be determined
with reference to the place of destination.

35. Rate of daily allowance in case of enforced halt.―

In all cases of enforced halt occurring en-route on tour journey or training

necessitated by break down of communication, due to blockade of roads on account
of bundh, curfew, floods, rains, heavy snowfalls, landslides or delayed sailing of
ships or awaiting for air lift etc., the period of such halt shall be treated, as duty and
full daily allowance shall be admissible for the period of enforced halt at the rate
admissible for the station in which the enforced halt takes place.

Note.― The daily allowance under this rule shall not be admissible until it is
sanctioned by Head of Department.

36. Drawl of daily allowance when journey is performed by Government vehicle.―

The Government employee shall be entitled to draw daily allowance for the journey
performed by Government vehicle as under:-

Sr. Absence from headquarters at a Daily Allowance

No. distance of more than 20 kms.

1 Where absence from headquarters is No daily allowance

for upto 6 hours

2 Where absence from headquarters is 50% of daily

for more than 6 hours and upto 12 allowance

3 Where absence is for more than 12 Full daily allowance

hours and upto 24 hours, irrespective
of the fact within one or two calendar
22 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

Note 1.― When the journey is performed partly by Government vehicle (i.e. either
for going from, or for return to headquarters) and partly by public conveyance,
no fare shall be admissible for the distance travelled by Government vehicle
but daily allowance shall be regulated treating overall journey by public

Note 2.― When a Government employee is allowed free transit by aircraft owned or
chartered by Government, he is entitled to daily allowance for each day of
absence from headquarters.

Note 3.― While travelling on duty by Government owned transport, General

Managers, Works Managers, Traffic Managers, Chief Inspector, Inspectors
and Station Supervisors of Government Transport Services, Haryana, shall be
entitled to daily allowance only when they spend the night away from their

37. Drawl of daily allowance when journey is performed by own vehicle or taxi.―

The Government employee who performed journey in his own vehicle or taxi shall
be entitled to half daily allowance for journey day(s).

38. Daily allowance in case of stay in the rest house.―

In case of night stay in the Public Works Department rest house, Circuit house,
Haryana Bhawan run by Government or any organization under any Government on
non-commercial basis and an employee has to make payment for the stay, the daily
allowance shall be reduced to twenty five percent and the lodging charges
(exclusive of breakfast/meals) paid by the Government employee to the
Government/public sector guest house authority for each calendar day shall be

39 Drawl of daily allowance when treated as a State guest.―

A Government employee who, while on tour, is treated as a State guest within or

out of India, the daily allowance shall be admissible at─

(i) ¼th rate if boarding and lodging is enjoyed free of cost;

(ii) ½ rate if either boarding or lodging is enjoyed free of cost;

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(iii) ½ rate if boarding and lodging is enjoyed free of cost for half a day; and

(iv) ¾th rate if either boarding or lodging is enjoyed free of cost for half a day;

Note.— Either casual lunch or dinner or tea availed by a Government employee at

the expenses of Government or an organization it shall be ignored for the
purpose of daily allowance.

40. Reimbursement of hotel charges outside Haryana and Chandigarh.―

(1) Where a Government employee has to stay in accommodation run on

commercial line while on tour outside Haryana and Chandigarh, the actual
hotel/tourist bungalow expenses shall be reimbursable upto the following

Grade Entitlement of Reimbursement of Hotel Charges/

Commercial Guest Houses accommodation

Grade I Upto Rs. 5,,000/- per day plus half daily allowance.

Grade II Upto Rs. 4,000/- per day plus half daily allowance.

Grade III Upto Rs. 3,000/- per day plus half daily allowance.

Grade IV Upto Rs. 1,500/- per day plus half daily allowance.

Grade V Upto Rs. 500/- per day plus half daily allowance.

(2) Reimbursement of hotel or commercial guest house charges shall be

admissible subject to following conditions:-

1. The journey on tour involves overnight stay at destination(s).

2. The Government employees covered under Grade I, II and III of these

rules shall certify the non-availability of accommodation in Haryana
Bhawan or any other rest house/guest house maintained by the
department of Government employee who is on tour out of Haryana/

3. In any case, if the boarding charges (i.e. charges of breakfast, lunch

and/or dinner) of a day(s) have been included in the bill of hotel charges,
no daily allowance shall be admissible for that day.
24 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

4. No hotel charges shall be reimbursed for stay while on tour within the
Haryana and Chandigarh.

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Chapter - VI

Travelling Allowance to Appear Before Court/Inquiry

41. Travelling allowance to appear before Police/Vigilance/CBI or Court.―

(1) If a Government employee, under suspension or otherwise, performs journey

to attend Police, Vigilance, Central Bureau of Investigation, any Commission
or Agency constituted by Government in connection with a case in which he is
suspected to be involved, may be allowed travelling allowance for the journey
as on tour, provided the same was performed under the directions or with the
approval of the Head of office.

(2) Where a Government employee under suspension undertakes a journey for

appearing in a court of law as an accused and is later on acquitted by the
court and reinstated in service or would have been reinstated but for death or
his having attained the age of retirement on superannuation or being allowed
to retire voluntarily, he or eligible family member shall be entitled to travelling
allowance as for a journey on tour limited to his entitlement on the grade to
which he belonged before suspension.

Note.― No travelling allowance shall be admissible for the journey performed for
the opportunity of personal hearing given on the request of Government

42. Travelling allowance to appear before Inquiry Officer.―

If a Government employee (not placed under suspension) against whom

departmental proceedings have been instituted and is required to proceed from one
station to another to appear before the officer conducting the enquiry, he may be
allowed travelling allowance as on tour subject to production of certificate as
specified below from the Inquiry Officer.

This is to certify that Shri ______________________ (Name and designation of
charged person) appeared before me on ____________ at ______________
(place) in the departmental inquiry pending against him and was discharged on
______________ at _____________(time).
26 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

Nothing has been paid to him on account of his travelling and other expenses.

Place : _______________ Signature

Date : ________________ Designation of Inquiry Officer

43. Travelling allowance for a journey for perusal of record.―

Travelling allowance for a journey as on tour including halts (maximum for 3 days in
all) shall be allowed to a Government employee, under suspension or not, for the
journeys undertaken to stations for the purposes of perusal of record or documents
for preparation of his defence. The grant of travelling allowance is subject to the
conditions that—
(i) the punishing authority or inquiry officer, as the case may be, permits that the
records to be consulted are relevant and essential for defence;
(ii) the competent authoity certifies that the records could not be made available
at the headquarters of the concerned Government employee;
(iii) the journey is performed with the approval of the Head of office.

44. Travelling allowance for journey to give evidence.―

(1) Except as otherwise provided in these rules, a Government employee who is

summoned to give evidence in a─

(a) criminal or civil case to which Government is a party; or

(b) departmental inquiry held by a properly constituted authority;
facts of which have come to his knowledge in the discharge of his duties, shall draw
travelling allowance as for a journey on tour, provided─
(i) the certificate of attendance given by the court or other authority which
summoned him shall be attached with the claim;
(ii) amount, if any, received from the court or authority for the travelling
and/or compensation must be credited to Government.

(2) A Government employee shall also be entitled to travelling allowance in cases

(i) he is compelled to answer criminal or civil cases brought against him in
respect of acts done by him in the discharge of his official duty; and
(ii) Government has decided to undertake his defence at the public cost.
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Note 1.— A Government employee who has to perform journey under this rule
during leave or vacation from a place other than his headquarters, is entitled
to travelling allowance as on tour from and to the place from where he is
summoned as if he was on duty.

Note 2.― The provision of this rule shall also apply to the retired Government

(3) A Government employee, who is summoned by the Court or any other

properly constituted authority in the circumstances mentioned in other than
clauses (1) and (2) above, shall not be entitled to any travelling allowance
from the department. If the Court pays him any sum as compensation, in lieu
of travelling allowance, the same may be accepted by him. The period of
absence shall be treated as casual leave or leave of the kind due.

45. Travelling allowance for journey in connection with affairs of other

(1) The payment of travelling allowance of Government employee, who is
required to perform journey in connection with affairs of other Government
including summons by the criminal courts to give evidence regarding facts of
which he has official knowledge, shall be made by the department/
Government where he is serving at that time, provided─
(a) the payment, if any, received by him from that Government or Court, shall be
adjusted in the claim; and
(b) a certificate of attendance shall be produced by him from the concerned
department or Court, as the case may be.
Note.― In order to enable the department/Court to assess the amount admissible
to him, the Government employee shall carry a certificate duly signed by the
controlling officer showing the rates of travelling and daily allowance
admissible to him for a journey on tour. If a Government employee is his own
controlling officer, the certificate shall be signed by him as such.
(2) When a Government employee is summoned to give evidence as a technical
or expert witness, the pay of the Government employee concerned for the
period of his absence from his headquarters and travelling allowance and
other expenses due to him shall first be borne by the Government under
whom he is serving and subsequently shall be recovered from the
requisitioning Government.
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46. Travelling allowance for journey to give evidence while on foreign service.―

A Government employee while on foreign service summoned by Court to give

evidence in a case pertaining to his previous assignment in his parent department in
which Government is a party, his travelling allowance/daily allowance shall be paid
by the foreign employer and the same shall be reimbursed from the parent
department. Any amount received from the Court shall be credited by such
employee to the funds of foreign employer and corresponding reduction shall be
made in the claims for reimbursement.

47. Travelling allowance in case of institution of judicial proceedings by private

When judicial proceedings are instituted by a private party against a Government
employee in respect of matters connected with his official duties or position and the
Government themselves undertakes the defence of Government employee with his
consent, the travelling allowance as for a journey to appear before Court shall be
paid to him at the rate admissible on tour, provided the travelling expenses are not
decreed by the Court of Law as payable by the plaintiff.
48. Travelling allowance to a retired Government employee.―

(1) for perusal of documents—

A retired Government employee shall be entitled to travelling allowance as on
tour, including daily allowance for halts (restricted to daily allowance of
maximum three days) for undertaking journeys to outstations for perusal of
official documents in preparation of his defence against the disciplinary
proceedings instituted against him. The travelling allowance claim in such
cases shall be allowed as per entitlement prior to his retirement. The grant of
travelling allowance shall be subject to the condition that the Inquiry
Officer/Punishing Authority certifies that the official records to be consulted
are relevant or essential for the preparation of the defence statement.
(2) for attending departmental enquiry—

A retired Government employee required to attend departmental enquiry

instituted against him shall be entitled to travelling allowance as on tour for the
journey in connection with the enquiry from the place of his residence after his
retirement to the place of enquiry and back, provided it is certified by the
Inquiry officer that the enquiry had not been prolonged due to the reasons
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 29

attributable to the behaviour of the retired Government employee. The

travelling allowance claim in such cases shall be allowed as per entitlement
prior to his retirement. No advance of travelling allowance shall be paid in
connection with such journeys.

(3) for attending court in case of judicial proceedings―

A retired Government employee, against whom judicial proceedings are

instituted by the Government after retirement and has to attend such cases in
court of law from outstation, shall be allowed travelling allowance on tour and
daily allowance for the journey performed by him from the place of his
residence to the place of judicial proceedings, provided he is honourably
acquitted by the court.

Note.— The travelling allowance to a retired Government employee shall be paid by

his department subject to the production of a certificate from the summoning
court that the retired Government employee has been paid nothing.

(4) when compelled to answer criminal or civil cases―

A retired Government employee shall also be entitled to travelling allowance

in cases where he is compelled to answer criminal or civil cases brought
against him in respect of acts done by him before his retirement in the
discharge of his official duty, provided the Head of Department concerned with
the case has decided to undertake his defence at the public cost.

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Chapter - VII

Travelling Allowance for Departmental Examination

or Training
49. Travelling allowance to appear for an examination.―

(1) A Government employee shall be entitled to draw travelling allowance

including daily allowance for halt at tour rates for the journey to and from the
place at which he appears for an obligatory departmental examination or any
other in-service examination arranged by the Government except for
appointment to a direct post:

Provided that─
(a) travelling allowance shall not be drawn more than twice for any
particular examination; and
(b) the Head of office is the competent authority to disallow travelling
allowance under this rule to any candidate who, in his opinion,—
(i) has culpably neglected the duty of preparing himself for an
obligatory examination;
(ii) does not display a reasonable standard of proficiency in an
examination which is not obligatory.

(2) This provision shall also be applicable to the Government employee who while
on leave is allowed by the competent authority to appear for examination. The
travelling allowance admissible in such cases shall be that as admissible from
his previous headquarter (where he was on duty last) to the place of
examination or from the place where he is spending his leave to the place of
examination, whichever is nearer.
Note.― Departmental examination includes type test or any other test/ examination
compulsory for satisfactory completion of probation period, to get normal
increment or promotion to higher post.
50. Cancellation of departmental examination at the last moment.―

If a Government employee actually performs journey to the place of examination but

does not appear in the examination because of its cancellation at the last moment
i.e. if intimation regarding the cancellation has not been made by newspaper or
otherwise before the commencement of journey, shall be entitled to travelling
32 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

51. Travelling allowance while on training within India.―

When a Government employee is directed to undergo a course of training, he shall

be entitled to─
(a) travelling allowance for to and the return journey from the place of training,
including the journey essential for such training, if any, performed during the
course of training; and
(b) daily allowance for the days of halt shall be as under:-

(i) Where there is no institutional Full daily allowance upto first sixty
arrangements for boarding days
and lodging.
(ii) If arrangements exists on Full daily allowance or half daily
payment basis for either allowance plus actual boarding or
boarding or lodging only. lodging charges, whichever is more.
(iii) If arrangements exists on Full daily allowance or 1/4th daily
payment basis for both allowance plus actual boarding and
boarding and lodging. lodging charges in the institution,
whichever is more.
(iv) If arrangements exists free of 1/2 daily allowance
cost for either boarding or
lodging only
(v) If arrangements exists free of 1/4th daily allowance
cost both for boarding and
(c) The above admissibility of daily allowance shall be reduced to half after sixty
days of training.
(d) For the days of journey, the daily allowance shall be admissible at tour rates.

(e) If arrangement of boarding and/or lodging are made available free of cost but
the same are not availed by the trainee, he shall be deemed to have availed
such arrangements for the purpose of this rule.
(f) No hotel charges shall be admissible in case of training within or out of
52. Where training centre/Institution is fixed as temporary headquarters.―
The travelling allowance shall be regulated as per provisions of rule 57 infra if the
station where the training centre/institution is situated is fixed as temporary
headquarters of a Government employee deputed for training.
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Chapter - VIII

Transfer Travelling Allowance

53. Entitlement of composite transfer grant.―
A Government employee on transfer in public interest shall be entitled to composite
transfer grant as per rate prescribed in these rules in lieu of transfer travelling
allowance, loading and unloading charges, daily allowance, actual cost of travelling,
road mileage allowance, local mileage allowance for self and family member(s) for
journey day(s):


(i) the transfer in public interest involves change of residence; and

(ii) it is certified by the Government employee within a period of six months that
he has shifted his residence to his new headquarters.
No payment of composite transfer grant shall be made by the Head of office and
Treasury Officer until it is clarified by the competent authority in the transfer order
that transfer is in public interest or on administrative grounds.

Note 1.― It may be allowed on transfer even at the same station, provided such
transfer involves obligatory change of residence in any rules.
Note 2.― Where both husband and wife are serving in a department and/or
organization under Haryana Government while working at the same station
are transferred within a period of six months of the transfer of his/her spouse
to one and the same new station, the transfer travelling allowance shall be
admissible to either of them and also subject to the following certificate:-

1. "Certified that my wife/husband who is employed in department/organization

____________________ under Haryana Government will not claim transfer
travelling allowance if she/he is transferred from __________ to
_____________ within six months of my transfer; and

2. "Certified that my wife/husband who is employed in department/organization

____________________ under Haryana Government has not claimed
transfer travelling allowance on her/his transfer from __________ to
_____________ during the preceding six months of my transfer.”

Explanation.― Posting/transfer of spouse at a place within the radius of 20 kms.

shall be treated as same station for the purpose of this rule.
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54. Rates of composite transfer grant.―

The rate of composite transfer grant admissible on transfer from one station
to another in public interest shall be as under, provided it involves change of
residence :

Rate(s) of composite transfer grant

Grading Upto 20 21 to 100 101 201 to 301 to 501 to Above
kms. kms. to 200 300 500 1,000 1,000
kms. kms. kms. kms. kms.
I&II 8,000 16,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 40,000+ 48,000+
III 6,000 12,000 18,000 24,000 30,000 30,000+ 36,000+
IV 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 20,000+ 24,000+
V 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 10,000+ 12,000+
Note 1.― In case of journey beyond 500 kilometers, the composite transfer grant
shall be in addition to actual travelling expenses of family members limited to
entitlement or road mileage allowance, as the case may be.

Note 2.― The above rate of composite transfer grant shall automatically stand
increased @ 5% from 1st April every year after notification of these rules.

Note 3.― In case of transfer at a distance of more than 500 kms. journey may be
performed by a Government employee and his family member(s) by public
conveyance in the entitled class of accommodation or by own vehicle subject
to entitlement.

Note 4.― Composite transfer grant shall be admissible in case of transfer in public
interest irrespective of the fact the Government employee is transferred while
on leave or on return from leave.

Note 5.― The rate in existence at the time of journey shall be applicable.

55. Transfer travelling allowance/composite transfer grant on change of

headquarters while under suspension.―
A Government employee under suspension, whose headquarters are changed in
public interest, shall be entitled to transfer travelling allowance/composite transfer
grant but nothing shall be admissible if the headquarters are changed at his

56. Time limit for journey on transfer at a distance above 500 kms.―

In case of transfer above 500 kilometers, the family members, who proceed within
six months after or one month before the date of relieving, shall be entitled to actual
rail/air fare as per entitlement.
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Note 1.― No travelling allowance shall be admissible in respect of a member added

to the family after the date of transfer.
Note 2.― If a family member(s) travels to the new station from a place other than
the Government employee‟s old station, the Government employee may draw
the actual cost of travelling for the journey made by such member(s) by
rail/air, as the case may be:
provided that their sum shall not exceed the amount of actual fare that would
have been admissible, had such member(s) proceeded from the employee‟s
old station to new station.

57. Travelling allowance on temporary transfer.―

On temporary transfer, in public interest, from one station to another at a distance
beyond twenty kilometers, his travelling allowance shall be regulated as under:-
(1) the travelling allowance and daily allowance for journey days as admissible on
tour under these rules;
(2) daily allowance at the rate of twenty five percent of his entitlement for the
halting days not exceeding one hundred eighty days at the temporary
headquarters or deputation station;
(3) if a Government employee performs journeys on tour in public interest from
the temporary headquarters to some other stations other than his
headquarters, the daily allowance shall be regulated under normal rules;
(4) when the temporary transfer is extended in public interest beyond one
hundred eighty days, then it shall be treated as regular transfer for the
purpose of these rules. In such case, the transfer travelling allowance shall be
admissible from the old station to new one;
(5) where a Government employee, on temporary transfer, is transferred, in
public interest, to another station (other than his old headquarters) before the
expiry of one hundred eighty days, the transfer travelling allowance
(composite transfer grant) shall be admissible from the old station to the new
Note.― No travelling allowance and/or daily allowance shall be admissible if a
Government employee is temporary transferred for his convenience.
58. Travelling allowance in case of additional charge.―
A Government employee who is given additional charge of a post at another station
situated at the distance of more than twenty kilometers, shall be entitled to travelling
allowance and daily allowance as admissible while on tour.
36 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

59. Travelling allowance on taking and handing over charge.―

A Government employee transferred from one post to another, if permitted to hand
over charge of his old post or to take over charge of the new post at a place other
than the headquarters, shall be entitled to travelling allowance including daily
allowance of that place.
60. Transfer to another station while in transit.―
On transfer from one station to another while in transit (before joining new station),
the transfer travelling allowance (composite transfer grant) shall be admissible upto
the new station from the old station from where he has already been relieved.
61. Transfer travelling allowance in case of transfer while on leave.―
A Government employee, who goes on leave, after he had made over charge of his
old post, is transferred to new station shall be entitled to transfer travelling
allowance from his old headquarters to his new station whether the order of transfer
is received before or after the expiry of leave.
62. Transfer travelling allowance on subsequent appointment.―
A permanent Government employee on his subsequent appointment from one
station to another in any department of Haryana Government by direct recruitment
or otherwise shall be entitled to transfer travelling allowance (composite transfer
grant) on joining the subsequent appointment, provided he submitted his application
through proper channel.
Note.― This benefit shall not be admissible to a Government employee either
permanent or temporary of other Government on his subsequent appointment
in any department of Haryana Government.
63. Travelling allowance on transfer to foreign service or on deputation to another
(1) On transfer to foreign service in an organization under any Government or
reverting therefrom in public interest, the transfer travelling allowance of both
ways shall be regulated as per provisions contained in these rules or the rules
of foreign employer, which are more beneficial for the concerned Government
employee. The entire liability shall be borne by the foreign employer.
(2) In case of transfer on deputation to a department under any Government or
reversion therefrom, the transfer travelling allowance shall be regulated under
the rules of, and the entire liability shall also be borne by, the department/
Government, to which the Government employee is proceeding.

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Chapter - IX

Travelling Allowance for Medical Advice/ Treatment

64. Travelling allowance for medical treatment.―

(1) Government employee or his family member(s) dependent on him shall be

entitled to actual travelling expenses (excluding daily allowance) for the
journey within India by entitled mode of journey, except by air, for obtaining
appropriate medical treatment. If the journey is performed by any mode or
class of accommodation higher than that of entitlement the actual travelling
expenses shall be admissible to the extent otherwise admissible under these

(2) If journey is performed by own vehicle for medical treatment, the road mileage
allowance shall be admissible, subject to approval of the competent authority.

(3) Journey by air for medical treatment is not admissible at Government expense
except when it is certified by the nearest civil surgeon or any other higher
authority of a hospital of any Government, that journey by any mode, other
than by air, would have definitely endangered the life of the patient or involved
a risk of serious aggravation of his condition.

Note 1.― The Administrative Department shall be competent to give ex-post-facto

approval for journey by air.
Note 2.― The facility of travelling allowance under this rule shall not be admissible
for follow up treatment or outdoor treatment.

Note 3.— The provisions of this rule shall also apply mutatis mutandis to a retired
Government employee. In case of a retiree already living in other State/ Union
Territory, shall also be entitled to travelling allowance in such like cases
recommended by the Medical Officers of Government hospitals.

65. Commencement and termination of journey for medical treatment.―

The journey for the purpose of medical treatment shall be deemed to have
commenced from the place from which the patient actually travels to the place of
treatment and the return journey to have ended at the place from which the patient
proceeded for obtaining treatment or at the residence of the Government employee
concerned, whichever is nearer.
38 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

66. Travelling allowance to appear before medical board.―

A Government employee, who is directed to appear before the medical board for
medical examination for the purpose of grant of leave on medical certificate or
otherwise in public interest, shall be entitled to travelling allowance including daily
allowance as admissible on tour.

Note.― No travelling allowance is admissible for a journey undertaken to procure a

certificate of fitness required on first appointment to Government service.

67. Travelling allowance for attendant.―

If the Medical Officer of Government, whose duty is to attend the Government

employee/family member, is of the opinion that it is unsafe for the patient to travel
unattended to obtain further medical advice or treatment within or out of the State,
an attendant may accompany the patient, and if the attendant is─

(a) a Government employee, he/she shall be deemed to have been travelling on

duty, and may draw travelling allowance for the outward and return journey as
a journey on tour; and

(b) not a Government employee may draw actual expenses for the outward and
return journey.

68. Travelling allowance to Medical Officer deputed for consultation.―

In case of a Government employee, who is seriously ill and the local Medical Officer
in attendance is of the opinion that a consultation with another Medical Officer is
necessary, it is open to him to move to the Director General of Health Services to
depute another medical Officer for the purpose of consultation, and for the officer so
deputed, the Government shall bear his travelling expenses. In selecting an officer,
the Director General of Health Services shall pay due regard alike to considerations
of propinquity and to the interests of the patient.

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Chapter - X

Transfer Travelling Allowance on Retirement or Death while

in service
69. Transfer travelling allowance/composite transfer grant on retirement.―

Except as otherwise provided in these rules, a Government employee on retirement

shall be granted a concession of composite transfer grant (transfer travelling
allowance) on the scale and conditions set out under these rules to enable him to
proceed from the last station of his duty to the place of settlement or home town
whichever is nearer.

70. Conditions to avail the concession of transfer travelling allowance on

(1) The concession of transfer travelling allowance (composite transfer grant)
may be drawn by a Government employee within one year after the date of─

(a) his retirement or retrenchment; or

(b) expiry of the period of his re-employment, if re-employed after

(2) The family members of the Government employee may proceed during a
period before one month or within six months after retirement in case of
settlement at a station beyond 500 kms. from the place of last posting,

(3) A certificate is required to be submitted by the retiree that he has actually

shifted his house-hold at the place for which claim is being submitted.

Note 1.― It shall be admissible only once.

Note 2.― It shall not be admissible to Government employee who quits service by
resignation, removal or dismissal from service.
Note 3.― If both husband and wife are in service in any department/organization
under any Government at the same station it shall be admissible to one of
them on the undertaking of both that spouse shall not claim on retirement.

Note 4.― It shall be admissible irrespective of the fact that leave travel concession
of home town has been availed by the retiree during the last year before his
40 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

71. Procedure for drawl of transfer travelling allowance on retirement.―

The claim of transfer travelling allowance admissible under these rules, submitted
by the retiree shall be countersigned by the Controlling Officer after satisfying
himself that the claimant and members of his family have actually shifted to the
station of settlement.

72. Transportation charges of vehicle on retirement.―

The Government employee entitled to journey by own car, on his retirement, shall
be allowed to draw, in addition to transfer travelling allowance/composite transfer
grant, the transportation charges of only one car or jeep owned by him or spouse, in
case of settlement out of Haryana beyond a distance of five hundred kilometers
from his last headquarters. The provision for transportation of vehicle shall be as

(i) Wherever a motor car/jeep is transported by the Government employee by

railway or truck on his retirement, the actual expenditure incurred on such
transportation as per railway receipt or at the rates approved by the registered
truck union shall be admissible;

(ii) The Government employee and his family members travelling in own vehicle,
when transported under self propulsion, road mileage allowance @ Rs. 8/- per
kilometer, in lieu of transportation charges, shall be admissible. No additional
road mileage allowance/fare charges for the journey shall be admissible for
family members.

Note.― No separate charges shall be allowed for transporting a two-wheeler

vehicle and it shall form a part of the household effects.

73. Settlement at the last station or within twenty kilometers.―

A Government employee retired from service, on whatsoever reason, shall be

entitled to the concession of transfer travelling allowance (composite transfer grant)
as mentioned below, if he wishes to settle down at the last station of duty or at any
other station within a distance of twenty kilometers, provided it is certified by the
retiree that he has actually changed his residence:-
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Grading Rate of Composite Transfer Grant

I and II 8,000
III 6,000
IV 4,000
V 2,000

74. Transfer travelling allowance to the family of deceased or disappeared

Government employee.―
The family of a deceased or disappeared Government employee shall be entitled to
transfer travelling allowance (composite transfer grant), by the shortest route from
the last headquarters to the home town, provided the journey is completed within
one year from the date of death or date of report given by the police regarding
untraceable disappeared Government employee, as the case may be.

75. Grading of the family of a deceased or disappeared Government employee.―

Transfer travelling allowance of the family of a deceased or disappeared

Government employee shall be regulated with reference to the emoluments drawn
by him before his death or disappearance while in service, as the case may be.

42 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - XI

Travelling Allowance in case of tour out of India

76. Grant of travelling allowance in case of tour out of India.―

(1) The rates of daily allowance for journeys on tour out of India shall be as per
the rates prescribed in Annexure to this chapter. The admissibility of daily
allowance on tour out of India shall be as follows:-

(a) Grade-I and II 100% of the rate prescribed in the


(b) Grade-III 75% of the prescribed rate.

(c) Grade-IV and V 33% of the prescribed rate.

(2) The rates of daily allowance are the same throughout a country and does not
include any cost of local/official journeys. The actual cost of taxi or
conveyance hired for trips on duty which is considered necessary and
reasonable by the controlling authority shall be reimbursed to the officer
subject to specific provision of funds in the sanction order sanctioning the
(3) No monetary ceilings have been prescribed for hotel rentals but instead a
panel of hotels has been drawn for all the major cities of the world. The officer
is required to arrange accommodation in a hotel on the approved panel, for
which Embassy or High Commission concerned shall be contacted, and claim
reimbursement of the actual hotel room rentals (including services charges,
taxes and other charges). For the cities where approved panel of hotels has
not been prescribed, the lowest hotel rate for a particular grade of officer in
the capital city of the country shall be the ceiling for hiring accommodation in a
hotel in such cities. Where the hotel charges include breakfast charges, the
daily allowance shall be reduced by ten percent.
(4) Where the officer makes his own arrangement for accommodation or where
accommodation alone is provided free, he shall be granted daily allowance at
the rate prescribed for his grade.
(5) Where an officer is treated as State guest or has been provided both
accommodation and meals free, twenty five percent of the daily allowance
shall be accessible.
44 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

(6) No reimbursement on account of tips, in addition to daily allowance shall be



Sr. No. Name of the Country Daily Allowance

1 2 3
1 Afghanistan 75.00
2 Albania 75.00
3 Algeria 75.00
4 American Samoa 60.00
5 Angola 75.00
6 Anguilla 75.00
7 Antigua 75.00
8 Argentina 75.00
9 Armenia 75.00
10 Australia 100.00
11 Austria 100.00
12 Azerbaijan 75.00
13 Aruba 75.00
14 Bahamas 75.00
15 Bahrain 75.00
16 Bangladesh 60.00
17 Barbados 75.00
18 Belgium 100.00
19 Belize 60.00
20 Belarus 75.00
21 Benin 60.00
22 Bermuda 75.00
23 Bhutan 60.00
24 Bolivia 75.00
25 Botswana 75.00
26 Bosnia Herzegovina 75.00
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27 Brazil 75.00
28 British Virgin Islands 60.00
29 Brunei 100.00
30 Bulgaria 75.00
31 Burkina Faso 60.00
32 Burundi 60.00
33 Carnarvon 60.00
34 Canada 100.00
35 Cape Verde Islands 60.00
36 Cayman Islands 60.00
37 Central African Republic 60.00
38 Chad 60.00
39 Chile 75.00
40 China 100.00
41 Colombia 75.00
42 Comoros 60.00
43 Congo 60.00
44 Cooks Island 60.00
45 Costa Rica 75.00
46 Croatia 75.00
47 Cuba 75.00
48 Cyprus 100.00
49 Czech Republic 75.00
50 Denmark 100.00
51 Djibouti 60.00
52 Dominica 75.00
53 Dominican Rep. 75.00
54 Ecuador 75.00
55 Egypt 75.00
56 El Salvador 75.00
57 Eritrea 60.00
58 Equatorial Guinea 60.00
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59 Estonia 75.00
60 Ethiopia 60.00
61 Fiji 100.00
62 Finland 100.00
63 France 100.00
64 French Guinea 75.00
65 Gabon 60.00
66 Gambia 60.00
67 Gaza(PNA) 75.00
68 Georgia 75.00
69 Germany 100.00
70 Ghana 60.00
71 Gibraltar 100.00
72 Greece 100.00
73 Grenada 75.00
74 Guadeloupe 75.00
75 Guam 60.00
76 Guatemala 75.00
77 Guinea 60.00
78 Guinea Bissau 60.00
79 Guyana 75.00
80 Haiti 75.00
81 Honduras 75.00
82 Hong Kong 100.00
83 Holy See (Vatican) 100.00
84 Hungary 75.00
85 Iceland 100.00
86 Indonesia 75.00
87 Iran 75.00
88 Iraq 75.00
89 Ireland 100.00
90 Israel 75.00
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91 Italy 100.00
92 Ivory Coast 60.00
93 Jamaica 75.00
94 Japan 100.00
95 Jordan 60.00
96 Kampuchea (Cambodia) 75.00
97 Kazakhstan 75.00
98 Kenya 60.00
99 Kiribati 60.00
100 Korea(North) 60.00
101 Korea(South) 100.00
102 Kuwait 75.00
103 Kyrgyzstan 75.00
104 Laos 60.00
105 Latvia 75.00
106 Lebanon 60.00
107 Lesotho 60.00
108 Liberia 60.00
109 Libya 60.00
110 Lithuania 100.00
111 Luxembourg 100.00
112 Macao 100.00
113 Madagascar 60.00
114 Malawi 60.00
115 Malaysia 75.00
116 Maldives 60.00
117 Mali 60.00
118 Malta 100.00
119 Martinique 75.00
120 Macedonia 75.00
121 Mauritania 60.00
122 Mauritius 60.00
48 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

123 Mexico 75.00

124 Micronesia 100.00
125 Moldova 75.00
126 Monaco 60.00
127 Montenegro 75.00
128 Mongolia 60.00
129 Montserrat 75.00
130 Morocco 60.00
131 Mozambique 60.00
132 Myanmar 60.00
133 Namibia 75.00
134 Nauru 60.00
135 Nepal 60.00
136 Netherland 100.00
137 Netherlands Antilles 75.00
138 New Caledonia 60.00
139 New Zealand 100.00
140 Nicaragua 75.00
141 Niger 60.00
142 Nigeria 60.00
143 Niue 60.00
144 Norway 100.00
145 Oman 75.00
146 Pacific Island (Trust territory) 75.00
147 Pakistan 60.00
148 Panama 75.00
149 Papua New Guinea 100.00
150 Paraguay 75.00
151 Puerto Rico 75.00
152 Principally of Liechtenstein (Vaduz) 100.00
153 Peru 75.00
154 Philippines 75.00
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155 Poland 75.00

156 Portugal 100.00
157 Qatar 75.00
158 Reunion 60.00
159 Republic of Palau 75.00
160 Republic of Slovenia 100.00
161 Republic of San Marino 100.00
162 Romania 100.00
163 Rwanda 60.00
164 Samoa 60.00
165 Sai Torne & Principe 60.00
166 Saudi Arabia 75.00
167 Senegal 60.00
168 Serbia 75.00
169 Seychelles 75.00
170 Sierra Leone 60.00
171 Singapore 75.00
172 Slovak Republic 75.00
173 Solomon Island 60.00
174 Sornalla 60.00
175 South Africa 75.00
176 Spain 100.00
177 Sri Lanka 60.00
178 St. Kitts & Nevis 60.00
179 St. Lucia 60.00
180 St. Vincent & Grenadines 60.00
181 Sudan 60.00
182 Surinam 75.00
183 Swaziland 60.00
184 Sweden 100.00
185 Switzerland 100.00
186 Syria 75.00
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187 Tajikistan 75.00

188 Tanzania 60.00
189 Thailand 75.00
190 Togo 60.00
191 Tonga 60.00
192 Trinidad &Tobago 75.00
193 Tunisia 60.00
194 Turkey 100.00
195 Turkmenistan 75.00
196 Turks & Calicos 75.00
197 Tuvalu 60.00
198 Uganda 60.00
199 UAE. 75.00
200 U.K. 100.00
201 U.S.A. 100.00
202 Russian Federation 75.00
203 Ukraine 75.00
204 Uruguay 75.00
205 US Virgin Islands 60.00
206 Uzbekistan 75.00
207 Vanuatu 75.00
208 Venezuela 75.00
209 Vietnam 60.00
210 Yemen 60.00
211 Walls Futon Islands 60.00
212 Zaire 60.00
213 Zambia 60.00
214 Zimbabwe 75.00

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Chapter - XII

Control over Travelling Allowance

77. Submission of claim once in a month.―

(1) The Government employee shall submit his travelling allowance claim, in
the prescribed form appended to these rules, only once in a month for
various journeys performed during the preceding month and no
supplementary claim in this regard shall be entertained.
(2) The copy, in original, of tour programme approved by the competent
authority shall invariably be attached with the claim.

78. Declaration by the Government employee.―

The Government employee while submitting his travelling allowance claim
admissible under these rules shall make a declaration in his own hand on the
travelling allowance bill as under:-

(designation) do hereby certify that I have actually performed the journeys as
claimed in the travelling bill and the claim is prepared strictly as per provisions in
the Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 2016. I do understand
that in case it is found that the claim or part thereof is based on wrong facts, I
shall be liable to the disciplinary action for major penalties under the Haryana
Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016.

Date : ________________ (Signature of the employee)

79. Time limit to prefer the claim.―

(a) The right of a Government employee to travelling allowance, including

daily allowance, shall be forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if
the claim for it is not preferred within one year from the date on which it
became due, i.e. within one year from the date of completion of journey to
which the claim relates.
(b) When the claim of travelling allowance is submitted by the Government
employee within the prescribed period of one year it shall not be time
barred irrespective of the fact it remains in abeyance for a period
exceeding one year.
52 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

(c) If a retired Government employee becomes eligible for reimbursement of

travelling allowance under rule 48 (3) of these rules, the period of one
year will be reckoned from the date of pronouncement of judgement to the
date of submission of claim.

80. Restriction on tour.―

Head of office or any other higher authority may impose such restrictions, as it
may think fit, upon the frequency and duration of journeys to be made on tour by
any Government employee or class of Government employees.

81. Controlling Officer and his duties.―

(1) The Administrative Department shall be competent to declare any

particular gazetted Government employee under its control to be the
Controlling Officer for the purposes of these rules. The officers of the rank
of Special Secretary to Government Haryana and above as well as Heads
of Department shall be their own Controlling Officers for the purpose of
these rules.

(2) It shall be the duty of every Controlling Officer, before signing or

countersigning a travelling allowance bill:-

(a) to scrutinize the necessity, frequency and duration of journeys and

halts for which travelling allowance is claimed, and to disallow the
whole or any part of the travelling allowance claimed for any journey
or any halt, if he considers that a journey was unnecessary or
unduly protracted, or that a halt was of excessive duration;

(b) to scrutinize carefully the distances entered in travelling allowance

bills and to satisfy himself, by maintaining proper check register (see
proforma below) of bills signed or countersigned by him, that a
double payment for one and the same journey is not passed;

(c) to satisfy himself that fare for journey by railway/steamer/ air/ bus
has been claimed at the rate applicable to the class of
accommodation actually used and concessional return tickets for the
journey(s) charged for in the bill were purchased wherever and
whenever possible;
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 53

(d) to exercise care that there is no evasion or breach of the

fundamental principle of travelling allowance viz., that the travelling
allowance is not to be a source of profit;

(e) to observe any supplementary rules or order which a competent

authority may make for his guidance;

(f) to satisfy himself that the Government employee actually bought a

through ticket at the rate claimed and that it was not possible for him
to get a through ticket at a cheaper rate by paying only for the
appropriate class of accommodation over that portion of the journey
where accommodation of that class was available; and

(g) to satisfy himself that, where the actual cost of transporting personal
effects is claimed under these rules, the scale on which such effects
were transported was reasonable; and to disallow any claim which,
in his opinion, does not fulfill that condition. In respect of claim for
transporting personal effects, he shall also scrutinize the details and
satisfy himself that the claim is reasonable.

Proforma for travelling allowance check register

[see clause (b)]
Page No_______
Name of the employee _____________________________________

Designation ______________________________________________

Sr. Dairy Date of Date of Date of Places Purpose Amount of Initials of

No. No. receipt of preparatio journey visited of the bill controlling
travelling n journey officer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Note.― In order to enable the Controlling Officer to discharge his responsibility,

all Government employees shall, when submitting their travelling
54 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

allowance bills for countersignatures, record a declaration in their own

hand on the bill. In spite of this certificate, the Controlling Officers shall still
have to exercise control otherwise also.

82. Control over travelling allowance bills.―

No bill for travelling allowance shall be paid unless it is countersigned by the

Controlling Officer, or the officer authorized for the purpose.

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Chapter - XIII


83. No travelling allowance on first appointment.―

Except as otherwise provided in these rules, no person on his first appointment

shall be entitled to travelling allowance for the journey performed for medical
certificate of fitness to join his service.

84. Actual travelling expenses on re-appointment/re-employment.―

On re-employment of a pensioner or a person already terminated owing to reduction
of establishment or the abolition of his post, the appointing authority shall permit him
to draw actual travelling expenses limited to his entitlement for himself only on the
post of re-employment or re-appointment, as the case may be.

85. Travelling allowance for a journey made during leave or while under
(1) Journey while under suspension―

Except as otherwise provided in these rules, a Government employee under

suspension shall be allowed the actual travelling expenses by the competent
authority for a journey made during the period of suspension for the purpose
of attending a departmental inquiry.
(2) Journey on recalling from leave or vacation—
When a Government employee is compulsorily recalled to duty before the
expiry of his leave/vacation and the leave/vacation is thereby curtailed by not
less than thirty days, he shall be entitled to draw travelling allowance for the
journey from the place at which the order of recall reaches him or, if the return
journey involves travelling by air or sea, from the port at which he lands in
India, to the station to which he is recalled. If the period by which the
leave/vacation is curtailed is less than thirty days, travelling allowance shall be
allowed at the discretion of the authority recalling the Government employee.

86. Journey in connection with an organization under Haryana or any other

(1) The travelling allowance of a Government employee who performs journey
within or out of India in public interest solely or mainly in connection with any
affair of an organization under Haryana or any other Government, to attend
56 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016

meeting being ex-officio member of the organization or for supervision and

control of affairs of the organization, etc. shall be regulated on the rates
applicable under these rules but the whole expenditure on travelling allowance
including daily allowance shall directly be paid by the concerned organization
without the expenditure entering into Government accounts. No travelling
allowance in advance will be admissible from the parent department.

(2) If journeys and halts are mainly in connection with the affairs of the
Government and partly for the work of the organization under Haryana or any
other Government, the entire expenditure shall be borne by the concerned
department and no amount needs to be recovered from the organization.

Note.― Where an officer holds dual charge of an organization and If it is

considered necessary for administrative reasons that the officer shall have his
own personal staff with him, the above provision for the purpose of journey
performed by the personal staff in connection with any affair of the
organization shall be applicable.

H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 57

(See rule 77)
Bill No. & Date : _______________________________ Voucher No:______________

Establishment of _______________________________ Date:____________________

1 Treasury Code: 10 Plan/ Non Plan (P/NP):

2 D.D.O. Code: 11 Voted/Charged(V/C):
3 Major Head:
4 Sub Major Head:
5 Minor Head:
6 Sub Head/ Scheme:
7 Detailed Head
8 Object Code
9 Demand/Grant No.

(Space for Major Head A/C’s Stamp)

1. Verified the contents of this bill.
2. Certified that the amount being drawn in this bill is in accordance with the provision in
Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 2016 as amended from time to time.

Appropriation for year ____________to_____________ Rs.___________________________

Deduct Expenditure (including this bill) : Rs.___________________________

Balance Available : Rs.___________________________

Passed for Rs. _________________ (in words) Rs.___________________________________

(Signature of Controlling Officer)_________________ (Signature of DDO) _________________

(For use in Treasury Office)

Pay Rs.____________________
(Treasury Clerk)_____________ (AST)______________ (Treasury Officer)______________

(For use in A.G. Office)

Admitted for Rs. ________________________________________________
Objected for Rs. ________________________________________________
Reasons for objection ___________________________________________

(Accounts Officer)
58 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016


TA Claim for the Designation


Name : Headquarters
Basic pay : Grade of
employee (I/II/III/IV/V)

Departure Date & Arrival Date & Purpose Mode & class of Actual cost of
place & time place & time of accommodation travelling for
station station journey & ticket Nos. journey performed
in public
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Local/road mileage Hotel Daily allowance Total of Remarks,

allowance if journey charges, if columns if any
performed by own any, 7+10+11+14
vehicle or taxi/ auto alongwith
rickshaw and toll receipt No.
charges, if any.
Km. Rate Amount No. of Rate Amount
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Total Rs. _______________ (in words) (Rupees. ____________________________________)

Amount of advance if already taken Rs.

Treasury voucher No. & date No.


(Signature of the Claimant)

Passed for amount Rs. _________________(in words) (Rupees________________________)

Minus advance already taken of Rs. _______________________
Net payable Rs. _________________(in words) (Rupees ______________ _______________)

(Signature of D.D.O.)
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 59


1. Copy, in original, of tour programme approved by the competent authority should

invariably be attached with the claim.

2. In case of transfer at a distance more than 500 kms, the details of members of the family
with age be given.

3. Ticket Nos. should be quoted when journeys are performed by air or by rail, bus, river
steamer in any class other than the ordinary class.


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