Ta Da
Ta Da
Ta Da
(3) New terms created from time to time since 1953 have been
defined. Terms common for more than one rules books have been
compiled at one place.
6. The soft copy both in Hindi and English language has also been made
available on the website of Finance Department namely www.finhry.gov.in. The
hard copy of English language would also be made available in near future for sale
in the sale depots of Printing & Stationery Department, Haryana.
7. If any error or omission is found in these rules the same may please be
brought to the notice of Finance Department, Haryana Civil Secretariat,
Chandigarh so that the same can be corrected.
Chapters Index of
Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) See Page
Rules, 2016
Chapter - I Preliminary 1
Chapter - II Definitions 5
Chapter - I
(1) These rules may be called the Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance)
Rules, 2016.
(2) These rules shall be deemed to have come into force from 19th July, 2016.
2. Extent of application.―
Except as otherwise provided, these rules shall apply to all Government employees
of Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ including Members of All India Services serving in
connection with the affairs of Haryana State, and any other Government employee
or class of Government employees to whom the competent authority may, by
general or special order, make them applicable.
Note 1.― The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly has agreed under clause (3)
article 187 of the Constitution that until a law is made by the Legislature of the
State under clause (2) of article 187 of the Constitution or rules are framed by
the Governor in consultation with the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
under clause (3) of article 187 of the Constitution of India, these rules and
amendments thereof, if any, after prior consent of the Speaker, shall apply to
the secretarial staff of the Haryana Legislative Assembly.
Note 2.― The Chairman, Haryana Public Service Commission, has agreed to the
application of these rules as amended from time to time, in the case of officers
2 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
Note 3.― If any doubt arises as to whether these rules apply to any person or not,
the decision shall lie with the Finance Department.
When in the opinion of the competent authority, special provisions inconsistent with
these rules are required with reference to any particular post or any conditions of
service, that authority may, notwithstanding anything otherwise contained in these
rules, and subject to the provisions of clause (2) of article 310 of the Constitution of
India, provide in the terms and conditions of appointment of the person appointed to
such post for any matter in respect of which in the opinion of that authority special
provisions are required to be made:
The power to interpret, change, amend, relax and removal of doubt of these rules
shall lie with the Finance Department.
Note 1.― Communications regarding the interpretation and alteration of these rules
shall be addressed to the Finance Department through the Administrative
Department concerned.
Note 2.― Where the Finance Department is satisfied that the operation of any of
these rules regulating the conditions of service of Government employees or
any class of such Government employees, causes undue hardship in any
particular case, it may by order dispense with or relax the requirements of that
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 3
6. Re-delegation of powers.―
7. Repeal.―
The Travelling Allowance Rules contained in Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume
III in force immediately before the commencement of these rules, are hereby
Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed
shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of
these rules.
4 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 5
Chapter - II
8. Definitions.―
(1) “actual travelling expenses” means the actual cost of journey performed in
public interest and also includes taxes, ferry and toll charges paid, if any;
(4) “daily allowance” means an allowance for each day or part of a day spent
Note.― Where the distance between two stations (from bus stand to bus
stand) is less than twenty kilometers by the shortest route, no daily
allowance shall be admissible in such case;
(5) “duty point” means the place of office where an employee is on duty. In
case of departure for both outward and inward journey, it may be the place of
office, residence, stay or place of work visited, as the case may be;
(6) “emoluments” for the purpose of grading for travelling allowance purposes
(7) “own vehicle” means a registered personal vehicle in the name of the
(10) “tour” A Government employee is treated on tour when he is away from his
headquarters either within, or beyond his sphere of duty, in public interest,
with proper sanction of the authority not lower than Head of office. In case of
doubt, the Controlling Officer may decide whether a Government employee
during the period of particular absence from headquarters is to be treated on
tour or not;
(b) The terms not defined in this chapter but defined in the Haryana Civil Services
(General) Rules, 2016 shall have the same meaning for the purpose of these
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 7
Chapter - III
The following are the different kinds of travelling allowance, which may be drawn in
different circumstances by Government employee as per provisions of these rules;
The gradation pattern for the purpose of entitlement and calculating of travelling
allowance based on grade pay is as under: -
Note 1.― Travelling allowance of any person working on daily wages, part-time,
8 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
Note 2.― In case of doubt, appointing authority shall be competent to take the
Note 3.― A Government employee during transit from one post to another shall
rank in the grade to which the lower of the two posts would entitle him.
(1) A journey on transfer is held to begin from or end at the actual residence of
the Government employee concerned.
(2) Any other journey is held to begin from or end at the duty point or residence,
as the case may be.
(b) of a higher class as per entitlement whereas the journey actually performed in
a lower class;
(d) of road mileage allowance and/or toll charges when the journey not actually
performed by own vehicle or taxi/auto-rickshaw.
10 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - IV
Note 1.― This provision shall not be applicable if journey is performed by own
vehicle without prior approval of the competent authority.
Note 3.― The Government employee performing journey by his own vehicle as per
entitlement or by a vehicle lower to the entitlement shall be entitled to road
mileage allowance for the vehicle actually used or entitled, whichever is less.
When journey on tour is performed by public conveyance, the actual fare of the
entitled class/mode or the class/mode by which actually travelled, whichever is less,
shall be reimbursable.
12 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
Note.― The fare of journey shall not be reimbursable if free pass for journey by
public conveyance has been made available to a Government employee.
17. Entitlement of journey by bus.―
The entitlement of class of accommodation of journey by bus shall be as under:-
Note.― Journey by rail includes Rajdhani Express, Shatabadi Express and other
such trains.
Note.― In cases where the steamer company has two rate of fare, one inclusive
and one exclusive of diet, the word „fare‟ in the above rule shall be held to
mean fare exclusive of diet.
(ii) Officers in higher (ii) Business Class within India and 1st class
administrative out of India.
grade (HAG)
(iii) Officers in the (iii) Economy Class within India and premium
grade pay of Rs. economy class out of India.
Grade II Economy Class (within or out of India).
Grade III (i) Officers in the Grade pay of Rs.
8700/8800 may travel by air in economy
class while on tour within or out of India.
(ii) Officers in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 to
8600 may travel by air in economy class
where the journey is of more than 500
kms. which cannot be performed overnight
by train, provided prior approval of the
concerned Administrative Secretary is
invariably obtained.
(iii) Head of Department & Special Secretary to
Government, Haryana need not to obtain
prior approval of Administrative Secretary
for journey by air and condition of journey
beyond 500 kms. is also not applicable to
Grade IV Economy Class (out of India only).
Grade V Economy Class (out of India only).
14 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
All the officers concerned shall prefer air india for journey by air. The criteria for
selecting airlines other than air india shall be less and more competitive fares being
offered by the other airlines. Under no circumstances, the fares shall exceed the
normal fare of the entitled class offered by air india or its subsidiaries. Various
incentive schemes and concessional fares offered by airlines shall also be fully
utilized. A Government employee shall try to make booking in advance to the extent
Note.― If available, return tickets at concessional rates shall always be purchased
when a Government employee expects to perform the return journey by air
within the period during which it is available.
23. Reimbursement of reservation and cancellation charges.―
(1) When journey is performed by air, river steamer, air conditioned rail/bus or
delux bus, the tickets and boarding pass in case of journey by air, in original
shall be attached with the claim, otherwise ordinary fare shall be admissible.
(2) The actual cost of reservation and sleeper charges shall be reimbursed in full.
Note.― If ticket of journey is lost, the actual cost of journey of the entitled mode
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 15
26. Entitlement of journey by own vehicle or taxi and rate of road mileage
(1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, the entitlement of journey by own
vehicle/taxi/ auto-rickshaw and the rate of road mileage allowance admissible
is as under:-
III Taxi (with prior By own car (with Rs. 8/- per kilometer
approval of the prior approval of
Head of office the Head of office
for each for each journey)
(2) The competent authority may, for special reasons to be recorded in writing,
16 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
(3) The Government employee performing journey by a vehicle lower than the
entitlement shall be entitled to road mileage allowance for the vehicle actually
used or entitled, whichever is less.
Note 1.― When journey is performed by own vehicle the registration number of the
vehicle used must always be mentioned in the claim preferred.
Note 2.― If a Government employee travels by a route which is not the shortest,
but is cheaper than the shortest, his road mileage allowance shall be
calculated on the route actually used.
Where the journey is undertaken by own vehicle or taxi, all toll charges paid during
the journey within or outside the state shall also be admissible in addition to the
road mileage allowance on production of the original receipt.
Note 1.― Full daily allowance for journey day shall be admissible to the co-
passenger(s) other than the owner of the vehicle.
Note 2.― The Government employee shall certify in travelling allowance claim, the
registration number of the vehicle in which journey was performed.
The local mileage allowance shall be admissible for local journeys performed on
tour within the State or outside the State upto fifty kilometers per visit per city. The
local mileage allowance shall be admissible at the rate of road mileage allowance
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 17
upto the prescribed limit or actual cost of travelling, whichever is less. The local
journey on tour means journey between office/ residence and bus stand/railway
station/airport at headquarters and also at the duty station between bus
stand/railway station/airport and the place of duty/residence.
Exception.― The limit of fifty kilometers shall not be applicable in case of tour in a
city having population more than fifty lakhs as per census data of 2011.
Note 1.― The local mileage allowance shall be calculated in completed kilometer.
Note 2.― The actual cost of travelling limited to entitlement shall be reimbursable
for local journeys performed on tour, on the basis of certificate given by the
Government employee mentioning the places of local journey visited in the
public interest.
Note 3.― A Government employee who performs journey on foot or by bicycle shall
be entitled to local mileage allowance at the rate of Rs. four rupees per
The Head of office may permit a Government employee to draw the actual cost of
travelling not more than local mileage allowance limited to twenty five kilometers in
a day at the rate admissible under these rules for the journey performed in public
interest at one or more stations within the radius of twenty kilometers of the
headquarters. In exceptional circumstances, Head of office may relax the limitation
of twenty five kilometers by recording reasons specifically.
18 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - V
Grade III Rs. 300/- per day Rs. 400/- per day
1. Daily allowance may be drawn for the period of absence, including the day(s)
of halt and holiday(s) occurring during the tour in public interest, from
headquarters beyond the radius of twenty kilometers.
4. Tour and daily allowance shall be restricted to ten days in a month unless it is
extended in public interest by the competent authority.
6. If on any day two separate journeys are performed, one daily allowance shall
be admissible in respect of both separate journeys.
(1) There shall be no bar to remain on tour beyond ten days in a month and to
draw daily allowance for the same in case of─
(iv) personal staff of Ministers and officers who actually remain on tour with
them; and
(2) The following may draw daily allowance for more than ten days in a month:-
(i) Deputy Commissioners in haryana may undertake tour upto fifteen days
in a month;
(iii) Police personnel posted in police stations upto twenty days in a month.
The rate of daily allowance shall be determined with reference to the city where the
Government employee while on tour spends the succeeding night(s) of journey. The
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 21
Government employee who spends part of a day in one city and part of it in another
city, shall be entitled to daily allowance at the rate of city where he spends the night
succeeding such day.
Exception.― In case of night stay at Delhi while on tour near Delhi, e.g. Gurgaon,
Faridabad, Sonipat, the officer and the staff accompanying him shall not be
entitled to daily allowance at Delhi rate. However, in case the night(s) is spent
en route while on tour at far flung places, the daily allowance shall be payable
at the normal rate of the city where night is spent.
Note.― Where the night is spent in train the daily allowance shall be determined
with reference to the place of destination.
Note.― The daily allowance under this rule shall not be admissible until it is
sanctioned by Head of Department.
The Government employee shall be entitled to draw daily allowance for the journey
performed by Government vehicle as under:-
Note 1.― When the journey is performed partly by Government vehicle (i.e. either
for going from, or for return to headquarters) and partly by public conveyance,
no fare shall be admissible for the distance travelled by Government vehicle
but daily allowance shall be regulated treating overall journey by public
Note 2.― When a Government employee is allowed free transit by aircraft owned or
chartered by Government, he is entitled to daily allowance for each day of
absence from headquarters.
37. Drawl of daily allowance when journey is performed by own vehicle or taxi.―
The Government employee who performed journey in his own vehicle or taxi shall
be entitled to half daily allowance for journey day(s).
In case of night stay in the Public Works Department rest house, Circuit house,
Haryana Bhawan run by Government or any organization under any Government on
non-commercial basis and an employee has to make payment for the stay, the daily
allowance shall be reduced to twenty five percent and the lodging charges
(exclusive of breakfast/meals) paid by the Government employee to the
Government/public sector guest house authority for each calendar day shall be
(iii) ½ rate if boarding and lodging is enjoyed free of cost for half a day; and
(iv) ¾th rate if either boarding or lodging is enjoyed free of cost for half a day;
Grade I Upto Rs. 5,,000/- per day plus half daily allowance.
Grade II Upto Rs. 4,000/- per day plus half daily allowance.
Grade III Upto Rs. 3,000/- per day plus half daily allowance.
Grade IV Upto Rs. 1,500/- per day plus half daily allowance.
Grade V Upto Rs. 500/- per day plus half daily allowance.
4. No hotel charges shall be reimbursed for stay while on tour within the
Haryana and Chandigarh.
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 25
Chapter - VI
Note.― No travelling allowance shall be admissible for the journey performed for
the opportunity of personal hearing given on the request of Government
This is to certify that Shri ______________________ (Name and designation of
charged person) appeared before me on ____________ at ______________
(place) in the departmental inquiry pending against him and was discharged on
______________ at _____________(time).
26 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
Nothing has been paid to him on account of his travelling and other expenses.
Travelling allowance for a journey as on tour including halts (maximum for 3 days in
all) shall be allowed to a Government employee, under suspension or not, for the
journeys undertaken to stations for the purposes of perusal of record or documents
for preparation of his defence. The grant of travelling allowance is subject to the
conditions that—
(i) the punishing authority or inquiry officer, as the case may be, permits that the
records to be consulted are relevant and essential for defence;
(ii) the competent authoity certifies that the records could not be made available
at the headquarters of the concerned Government employee;
(iii) the journey is performed with the approval of the Head of office.
Note 1.— A Government employee who has to perform journey under this rule
during leave or vacation from a place other than his headquarters, is entitled
to travelling allowance as on tour from and to the place from where he is
summoned as if he was on duty.
Note 2.― The provision of this rule shall also apply to the retired Government
46. Travelling allowance for journey to give evidence while on foreign service.―
30 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - VII
Provided that─
(a) travelling allowance shall not be drawn more than twice for any
particular examination; and
(b) the Head of office is the competent authority to disallow travelling
allowance under this rule to any candidate who, in his opinion,—
(i) has culpably neglected the duty of preparing himself for an
obligatory examination;
(ii) does not display a reasonable standard of proficiency in an
examination which is not obligatory.
(2) This provision shall also be applicable to the Government employee who while
on leave is allowed by the competent authority to appear for examination. The
travelling allowance admissible in such cases shall be that as admissible from
his previous headquarter (where he was on duty last) to the place of
examination or from the place where he is spending his leave to the place of
examination, whichever is nearer.
Note.― Departmental examination includes type test or any other test/ examination
compulsory for satisfactory completion of probation period, to get normal
increment or promotion to higher post.
50. Cancellation of departmental examination at the last moment.―
(i) Where there is no institutional Full daily allowance upto first sixty
arrangements for boarding days
and lodging.
(ii) If arrangements exists on Full daily allowance or half daily
payment basis for either allowance plus actual boarding or
boarding or lodging only. lodging charges, whichever is more.
(iii) If arrangements exists on Full daily allowance or 1/4th daily
payment basis for both allowance plus actual boarding and
boarding and lodging. lodging charges in the institution,
whichever is more.
(iv) If arrangements exists free of 1/2 daily allowance
cost for either boarding or
lodging only
(v) If arrangements exists free of 1/4th daily allowance
cost both for boarding and
(c) The above admissibility of daily allowance shall be reduced to half after sixty
days of training.
(d) For the days of journey, the daily allowance shall be admissible at tour rates.
(e) If arrangement of boarding and/or lodging are made available free of cost but
the same are not availed by the trainee, he shall be deemed to have availed
such arrangements for the purpose of this rule.
(f) No hotel charges shall be admissible in case of training within or out of
52. Where training centre/Institution is fixed as temporary headquarters.―
The travelling allowance shall be regulated as per provisions of rule 57 infra if the
station where the training centre/institution is situated is fixed as temporary
headquarters of a Government employee deputed for training.
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 33
Chapter - VIII
Note 1.― It may be allowed on transfer even at the same station, provided such
transfer involves obligatory change of residence in any rules.
Note 2.― Where both husband and wife are serving in a department and/or
organization under Haryana Government while working at the same station
are transferred within a period of six months of the transfer of his/her spouse
to one and the same new station, the transfer travelling allowance shall be
admissible to either of them and also subject to the following certificate:-
The rate of composite transfer grant admissible on transfer from one station
to another in public interest shall be as under, provided it involves change of
residence :
Note 2.― The above rate of composite transfer grant shall automatically stand
increased @ 5% from 1st April every year after notification of these rules.
Note 3.― In case of transfer at a distance of more than 500 kms. journey may be
performed by a Government employee and his family member(s) by public
conveyance in the entitled class of accommodation or by own vehicle subject
to entitlement.
Note 4.― Composite transfer grant shall be admissible in case of transfer in public
interest irrespective of the fact the Government employee is transferred while
on leave or on return from leave.
Note 5.― The rate in existence at the time of journey shall be applicable.
56. Time limit for journey on transfer at a distance above 500 kms.―
In case of transfer above 500 kilometers, the family members, who proceed within
six months after or one month before the date of relieving, shall be entitled to actual
rail/air fare as per entitlement.
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Chapter - IX
(2) If journey is performed by own vehicle for medical treatment, the road mileage
allowance shall be admissible, subject to approval of the competent authority.
(3) Journey by air for medical treatment is not admissible at Government expense
except when it is certified by the nearest civil surgeon or any other higher
authority of a hospital of any Government, that journey by any mode, other
than by air, would have definitely endangered the life of the patient or involved
a risk of serious aggravation of his condition.
Note 3.— The provisions of this rule shall also apply mutatis mutandis to a retired
Government employee. In case of a retiree already living in other State/ Union
Territory, shall also be entitled to travelling allowance in such like cases
recommended by the Medical Officers of Government hospitals.
The journey for the purpose of medical treatment shall be deemed to have
commenced from the place from which the patient actually travels to the place of
treatment and the return journey to have ended at the place from which the patient
proceeded for obtaining treatment or at the residence of the Government employee
concerned, whichever is nearer.
38 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
A Government employee, who is directed to appear before the medical board for
medical examination for the purpose of grant of leave on medical certificate or
otherwise in public interest, shall be entitled to travelling allowance including daily
allowance as admissible on tour.
(b) not a Government employee may draw actual expenses for the outward and
return journey.
In case of a Government employee, who is seriously ill and the local Medical Officer
in attendance is of the opinion that a consultation with another Medical Officer is
necessary, it is open to him to move to the Director General of Health Services to
depute another medical Officer for the purpose of consultation, and for the officer so
deputed, the Government shall bear his travelling expenses. In selecting an officer,
the Director General of Health Services shall pay due regard alike to considerations
of propinquity and to the interests of the patient.
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 39
Chapter - X
(2) The family members of the Government employee may proceed during a
period before one month or within six months after retirement in case of
settlement at a station beyond 500 kms. from the place of last posting,
Note 2.― It shall not be admissible to Government employee who quits service by
resignation, removal or dismissal from service.
Note 3.― If both husband and wife are in service in any department/organization
under any Government at the same station it shall be admissible to one of
them on the undertaking of both that spouse shall not claim on retirement.
Note 4.― It shall be admissible irrespective of the fact that leave travel concession
of home town has been availed by the retiree during the last year before his
40 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
The claim of transfer travelling allowance admissible under these rules, submitted
by the retiree shall be countersigned by the Controlling Officer after satisfying
himself that the claimant and members of his family have actually shifted to the
station of settlement.
The Government employee entitled to journey by own car, on his retirement, shall
be allowed to draw, in addition to transfer travelling allowance/composite transfer
grant, the transportation charges of only one car or jeep owned by him or spouse, in
case of settlement out of Haryana beyond a distance of five hundred kilometers
from his last headquarters. The provision for transportation of vehicle shall be as
(ii) The Government employee and his family members travelling in own vehicle,
when transported under self propulsion, road mileage allowance @ Rs. 8/- per
kilometer, in lieu of transportation charges, shall be admissible. No additional
road mileage allowance/fare charges for the journey shall be admissible for
family members.
42 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
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Chapter - XI
(1) The rates of daily allowance for journeys on tour out of India shall be as per
the rates prescribed in Annexure to this chapter. The admissibility of daily
allowance on tour out of India shall be as follows:-
(2) The rates of daily allowance are the same throughout a country and does not
include any cost of local/official journeys. The actual cost of taxi or
conveyance hired for trips on duty which is considered necessary and
reasonable by the controlling authority shall be reimbursed to the officer
subject to specific provision of funds in the sanction order sanctioning the
(3) No monetary ceilings have been prescribed for hotel rentals but instead a
panel of hotels has been drawn for all the major cities of the world. The officer
is required to arrange accommodation in a hotel on the approved panel, for
which Embassy or High Commission concerned shall be contacted, and claim
reimbursement of the actual hotel room rentals (including services charges,
taxes and other charges). For the cities where approved panel of hotels has
not been prescribed, the lowest hotel rate for a particular grade of officer in
the capital city of the country shall be the ceiling for hiring accommodation in a
hotel in such cities. Where the hotel charges include breakfast charges, the
daily allowance shall be reduced by ten percent.
(4) Where the officer makes his own arrangement for accommodation or where
accommodation alone is provided free, he shall be granted daily allowance at
the rate prescribed for his grade.
(5) Where an officer is treated as State guest or has been provided both
accommodation and meals free, twenty five percent of the daily allowance
shall be accessible.
44 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
27 Brazil 75.00
28 British Virgin Islands 60.00
29 Brunei 100.00
30 Bulgaria 75.00
31 Burkina Faso 60.00
32 Burundi 60.00
33 Carnarvon 60.00
34 Canada 100.00
35 Cape Verde Islands 60.00
36 Cayman Islands 60.00
37 Central African Republic 60.00
38 Chad 60.00
39 Chile 75.00
40 China 100.00
41 Colombia 75.00
42 Comoros 60.00
43 Congo 60.00
44 Cooks Island 60.00
45 Costa Rica 75.00
46 Croatia 75.00
47 Cuba 75.00
48 Cyprus 100.00
49 Czech Republic 75.00
50 Denmark 100.00
51 Djibouti 60.00
52 Dominica 75.00
53 Dominican Rep. 75.00
54 Ecuador 75.00
55 Egypt 75.00
56 El Salvador 75.00
57 Eritrea 60.00
58 Equatorial Guinea 60.00
46 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
59 Estonia 75.00
60 Ethiopia 60.00
61 Fiji 100.00
62 Finland 100.00
63 France 100.00
64 French Guinea 75.00
65 Gabon 60.00
66 Gambia 60.00
67 Gaza(PNA) 75.00
68 Georgia 75.00
69 Germany 100.00
70 Ghana 60.00
71 Gibraltar 100.00
72 Greece 100.00
73 Grenada 75.00
74 Guadeloupe 75.00
75 Guam 60.00
76 Guatemala 75.00
77 Guinea 60.00
78 Guinea Bissau 60.00
79 Guyana 75.00
80 Haiti 75.00
81 Honduras 75.00
82 Hong Kong 100.00
83 Holy See (Vatican) 100.00
84 Hungary 75.00
85 Iceland 100.00
86 Indonesia 75.00
87 Iran 75.00
88 Iraq 75.00
89 Ireland 100.00
90 Israel 75.00
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 47
91 Italy 100.00
92 Ivory Coast 60.00
93 Jamaica 75.00
94 Japan 100.00
95 Jordan 60.00
96 Kampuchea (Cambodia) 75.00
97 Kazakhstan 75.00
98 Kenya 60.00
99 Kiribati 60.00
100 Korea(North) 60.00
101 Korea(South) 100.00
102 Kuwait 75.00
103 Kyrgyzstan 75.00
104 Laos 60.00
105 Latvia 75.00
106 Lebanon 60.00
107 Lesotho 60.00
108 Liberia 60.00
109 Libya 60.00
110 Lithuania 100.00
111 Luxembourg 100.00
112 Macao 100.00
113 Madagascar 60.00
114 Malawi 60.00
115 Malaysia 75.00
116 Maldives 60.00
117 Mali 60.00
118 Malta 100.00
119 Martinique 75.00
120 Macedonia 75.00
121 Mauritania 60.00
122 Mauritius 60.00
48 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 51
Chapter - XII
(1) The Government employee shall submit his travelling allowance claim, in
the prescribed form appended to these rules, only once in a month for
various journeys performed during the preceding month and no
supplementary claim in this regard shall be entertained.
(2) The copy, in original, of tour programme approved by the competent
authority shall invariably be attached with the claim.
(designation) do hereby certify that I have actually performed the journeys as
claimed in the travelling bill and the claim is prepared strictly as per provisions in
the Haryana Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 2016. I do understand
that in case it is found that the claim or part thereof is based on wrong facts, I
shall be liable to the disciplinary action for major penalties under the Haryana
Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016.
Head of office or any other higher authority may impose such restrictions, as it
may think fit, upon the frequency and duration of journeys to be made on tour by
any Government employee or class of Government employees.
(c) to satisfy himself that fare for journey by railway/steamer/ air/ bus
has been claimed at the rate applicable to the class of
accommodation actually used and concessional return tickets for the
journey(s) charged for in the bill were purchased wherever and
whenever possible;
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 53
(g) to satisfy himself that, where the actual cost of transporting personal
effects is claimed under these rules, the scale on which such effects
were transported was reasonable; and to disallow any claim which,
in his opinion, does not fulfill that condition. In respect of claim for
transporting personal effects, he shall also scrutinize the details and
satisfy himself that the claim is reasonable.
Designation ______________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 55
Chapter - XIII
85. Travelling allowance for a journey made during leave or while under
(1) Journey while under suspension―
(2) If journeys and halts are mainly in connection with the affairs of the
Government and partly for the work of the organization under Haryana or any
other Government, the entire expenditure shall be borne by the concerned
department and no amount needs to be recovered from the organization.
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 57
(See rule 77)
Bill No. & Date : _______________________________ Voucher No:______________
Pay Rs.____________________
(Treasury Clerk)_____________ (AST)______________ (Treasury Officer)______________
(Accounts Officer)
58 H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016
Name : Headquarters
Basic pay : Grade of
employee (I/II/III/IV/V)
Departure Date & Arrival Date & Purpose Mode & class of Actual cost of
place & time place & time of accommodation travelling for
station station journey & ticket Nos. journey performed
in public
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(Signature of D.D.O.)
H A R Y A N A C I V I L S E R V I C E S (T R A V E L L I N G A L L O W A N C E ) R U L E S , 2016 59
2. In case of transfer at a distance more than 500 kms, the details of members of the family
with age be given.
3. Ticket Nos. should be quoted when journeys are performed by air or by rail, bus, river
steamer in any class other than the ordinary class.