Pherobull Stimulant Spray For Bull
Pherobull Stimulant Spray For Bull
Pherobull Stimulant Spray For Bull
Improved collection
Allows to collect semen faster
Increases the safety of the bull handlers and collectors.
Time saving
decreases reaction time by up to 25% (*)
decreases ejaculation time by up to 15% (*)
Better ejaculate
increases semen concentration by up to 6% (*)
increases total number of spermatozoa collected by up to 9% (*)
Healthy pubescent, sub adult or adult bulls, experiencing sexual behavioral problems (libido) as a result of
overexploitation (satiety) or lack of interest. Pherobull™ should be used in conjunction with other alternative
collection techniques to improve interest, to include: - new teaser introduction, create jealousy, change of
environment or of the animal handler/collector, A.V pressure or temperature change).
Pherobull ™is NOT to be used on bulls presenting physical problems incompatible with a good utilization of their
reproductive potential (overaged, acute or chronic back problems, locomotion issues, etc…)
(*) results may vary. See complete study for added information and instructions on
150 ml Bottle
Packaged in lots of 6
Pherobull ™ is a nasal spray to stimulate sexual function and increase the reproductive capacity of the bull. This spray is
made of synthetic molecules naturally occurring in the urine of cows in estrus.
(Patent INRA / UNCEIA)
Spray directly into bull’s nostrils, two sprays in each nostril, from a distance of approximately 20 cm (8”).
Note: Do not make sudden movements when applying.
Spray should be administered within 20 minutes of expected introduction to the teaser. The dose should not be
increased. Increasing the dose could have the opposite expected results by saturating receptors in the nasal
mucous membrane (negative feedback).
If the bull is to be collected twice, repeat the treatment only if the second collection takes place more than one
hour after the first collection.
Use only when the animal is scheduled for collection following the above instructions. Do not shake before use.
Synthetic molecules (concentration <1%)
Pherobull™ contains no organic solvent or propellant - non-flammable