Cuestionario 10mo. Basica

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THIRD QUIMESTER / 2023 - 2024
1.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be AM / IS / ARE

a) A: ______you a teacher? B: Yes, I ______

b) A: _____ your name Marcus? B: Yes, it _____
c) A: _____ your children here? B: No, they _________
d) A: ______ this your suitcase? B: No, it _______
e) A: Where _____ we? B: I think this _____ Oxford Street.
f) A: ______ it Saturday today? B: No, It ______ Sunday.
g) A: ______ your friends from the UK? B: No, ______ from the US.
h) A: Hello, Maria. How _____ you? B: fine, thanks.
i) A: How old _____ Peter? B: I think he _____ 30 years old.
j) A: _______ David and Molly here? B: Yes, they _______next to the door.

2.- Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun.

1. (Joe, Scott, and Bob) __________went hiking on the mountain together.

2. (My Aunt Jane) _________ likes to watch scary movies on television.
3. (Nick and I) ________ have a favorite restaurant in town.
4. (The neighbor’s car) ________ has a very noisy engine.
5. (Jenny and Fatima) ________ wore heavy coats to school because of the rain.
6. (The little old lady) ________ walks very slowly with a cane.
7. (Adam’s grandfather) ________ retired from the U.S. Army four years ago.
8. (The blue notebook) ________ contains all the notes from Science class.
9. (The pens and pencils) ________ belong in the cup on the counter.
10. (Your Uncle Peter) ________ works for a large company in Europe.
11. (The Andersons) ________ were our neighbors for seven years.
12. (Amanda Sanderson) _______ is the prettiest girl in school.
13. (The boy wearing red) ________ scored the most points in the basketball game.
14. (The small girl) _______ is the youngest student in the class.
15. (Your parents) _______live in a beautiful home in the country.
16. (The green apple) ________ will be ripe in a couple of weeks.
17. (The sweet oranges) ________are on sale at the grocery store today.
18. (Sally and Jeff) __________rode on the fastest roller coaster yesterday.
19. (You and I) _________can carpool together to the meeting.
20. (Timothy Johnson) _________wrote a book about space travel.
21. (The city of Tokyo) _________is the capital city of Japan.
22. (Melanie and Susan) _________got fired because they were late to work.
23. (My friend, Susannah) _________was honored by the principal at the assembly.
24. (Your parents and I) ________got to know each other at the party.
25. (Our cousin Kenny) ________ just graduated from high school.
3.- Complete with my / your / his / her / their / its
a. Do you like your job?

b. I know Mr Woods but I don’t know ______wife.

c. Mr and Mrs Fisher live in England. ______ son lives in Australia.

d. We’re going to have a party. We’re going to invite all ______ friends.

e. Anne is going out with ______friends this evening.

f. I like tennis. It’s _____ favorite sport.

g. Is that _____ car?’ ‘No, I don´t have a car.’

h. I want to phone Catherine. Do you know _____ phone number?

i. Do you think most people are happy in _______ jobs?

j. I’m going to wash _______ hair before I go out.

k. This is a beautiful tree. _____ leaves are a beautiful colour.

l. John has got a brother and a sister. ______brother is 25 and _____sister is 21.

4.- Countries and nationalities

5.- Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form ´S

a) This is ____________ book. (Ryan)

b) He is _____________ brother.(John)
c) The ______________ room is nice. (Children)
d) Where is __________ football (Nick)
e) Our ____________ van is big. (Parents)
f) My __________ family lives in Scotland.
g) Their __________ house is green. (Grandparents)
h) My ___________ watch is always slow. (Grandma)
i) These are my __________ keys. (Mum)
j) The ______________ laptops are brand new. (Secretaries)

6.- Simple present: Complete with the correct words.

7.- Simple present: Choose the correct answer.
a) Mechanics usually ________ work at nine o'clock. Start – starts

b) My cousin Peter _________ in France. Live - lives

c) The village bank ___________ at eight o'clock in the morning. Open – opens

d) Susan _________ toys and clothes for children. Sells – sell

e) I usually _________ coffee and toast for breakfast. Have – has

f) Mike ________ old cars. Repairs – repair

g) This museum _________ dozens of paintings. Contains - contain

h) She ________ volleyball after school. Plays – play

i) Our parents ___________ on the second floor. Live – lives

j) Luke ________ to work by bike. Goes – go

8.- Look at the clocks then write times.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________
8. __________________________________________
9. __________________________________________
10. _________________________________________

9.- Look at the family tree, write the members of the family, then writesentences by using ´S

a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________________
e) _________________________________________________________________________
f) __________________________________________________________________________
g) _________________________________________________________________________
h) _________________________________________________________________________
i) __________________________________________________________________________
j) __________________________________________________________________________

10.- Unscramble the sentences

a) night / at / sleep / I _______________________________________________

b) works / factory / He / in / a _______________________________________________

c) You / cinema / to / go / the _______________________________________________

d) I / up / get / don’t / at / nine _______________________________________________

e) Portuguese / doesn’t / She / speak _______________________________________________

f) don’t / computers / We / use _______________________________________________

g) in / Do / live / you / Portugal? _______________________________________________

h) Saturday? / Tim / Does / work / on _______________________________________________

i) My / cooks / well / very / mum _______________________________________________

j) beach / go / in / the / to / We / August _______________________________________________

k) likes / ice-cream / Your / much / sister / very _______________________________________________

l) brother / your / Do / and / you / play / together? _______________________________________________

m) Alice / television / watch / not / does _______________________________________________

n) not / listen / do / music / I / to _______________________________________________

o) people? / a / Does / cure / doctor _______________________________________________

p) in / lives / My / niece / Chicago _______________________________________________

q) breakfast / have / usually / at / o’clock / I / eight _______________________________________________

r) theatre / They / to / the / don’t / usually / go _______________________________________________

s) spend / you / lot / often / money? / of / Do / a _______________________________________________

t) go / twice / My / I / month / the / cinema / a / and / to / friends My friends go to the cinema twice a month
11.- Match the words with the pictures. Write the numbers only.
12. Speaking activity: Answer the following questions
a. What’s your name?
b. Where are you from?
c. How old are you?
d. What do you do?
e. Do you have any siblings?
f. What time do you usually wake up?
g. What do you in the morning?
h. What do you like to do in your free time?
i. What´s your favorite color?
j. Do you like reading?
k. Do you listen to music?
l. What kind of music do you like?
m. Do you practice any sport?
n.- What sport do you practice?

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