Appendix 1 Rent Bank Intake Loan Application Form

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Sources Advocacy, Housing & Prevention Services

Rent Bank Loan Application

NOTE: Completion of this form does NOT guarantee loan approval. Please also note that the process takes
roughly 2-3 weeks from when you first make an inquiry to when you receive funds.

Name Telephone  Do NOT leave message Alternative Telephone (optional)

Email (optional) Preferred Method of Contact: Gender

 Phone  Email  Other:  Male  Female  Other

Current Address City Postal Code

Canadian Citizen  Yes Age  <19  19-59  >60 Family Status  Single or  Couple
If no, what status
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): # of Dependent Children:

Referred by Intake Date: Intake Worker Intake Database #


Current Housing Emergency – check all that What is your current monthly rent?
 Received Eviction Notice
 Already Evicted/Currently Homeless If BEHIND on rent, how much do you owe (i.e. rental arrears)?
 Cannot Make Next Month’s Rent
 Behind in rent payments If you need NEXT month’s rent how much do you need?
 Received Verbal Eviction Warning
 Received Utilities Disconnection Notice If behind with UTILITY payments, how much do you owe?
 Utilities are Already Disconnected
BC Hydro: ______________Fortis: _________________
 Behind in Utilities
 Need Damage Deposit What is the total amount of assistance you require?
 Need 1st Month’s Rent
 COVID-19 Related
What is the cause of your current crisis?

What other resources/alternatives have you sought out?

Newton Resource Centre, April 2020

What are possible solutions to your housing crisis?

Additional Information/Comments/Considerations?

How long have you lived at your current How long have you lived at your previous Are you planning to move soon?
address? address?  Yes  No
What are your total monthly expenses FAMILY Income Source(s) Other source(s) of income (e.g. Children
(including rent)?  Employment: $_________ Tax Benefit, child support, etc.)

 Income Assistance (IA): $_________

 Persons With Disability (PWD): $_______
 Pension $_________
Total: $__________/year/month Total: $__________/year/month Total: $__________/year/month
Do you have a bank account? Do you have any credit cards, pay day Have you recently declared
 Yes  No loans or other loans? bankruptcy?
 Yes  No  Yes  No
Can you provide 3 months of bank If yes, what is the total amount of all If yes, has your bankruptcy been
statements? credit card/loan debt? discharged?
 Yes  No  Yes  No  N/A
Total: $__________
Do you have 2 pieces of government Do you have any personal references? Have you been free of substance
issued ID (One Photo)?  Yes  No addictions for 1 year?
 Yes  No  Yes  No
Have you attached your 3 months bank Applicant’s Signature: Date of Application:
statements to this application?
 Yes  No  N/A
1st Call Back  LM to CB N/A Appointment Time

2nd Call Back  LM to CB  N/A

 Provided information  Unable to contact Date Closed Worker Initial Program Database #
 Assistance provided  No help currently needed
 Provided referral  Moved to HF

Newton Resource Centre, April 2020

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