STCW Table A III 7

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STCW Code Table A-III/7

Specification of minimum standard of competence for electro-technical ratings

Source: IMO

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Safe use of Safe use and operation of Assessment of evidence Understands and follows safety
electrical electrical equipment, obtained from one or instructions of electrical
equipment including: more of the following: equipment and machinery

.1 safety precautions before .1 approved in-service Recognizes and reports

commencing work or experience electrical hazards and unsafe
repair equipment
.2 practical training
.2 isolation procedures Understands safe voltages for
.3 examination hand-held equipment
.3 emergency procedures
.4 approved training ship Understands risks associated
.4 different voltages on experience with high-voltage equipment
board and onboard work

Knowledge of the causes of

electric shock and
precautions to be observed to
prevent shock

Contribute to Basic knowledge of the Assessment of evidence Knowledge that ensures:

monitoring the operation of mechanical obtained from one or
operation of engineering systems, more of the following: .1 operation of equipment and
electrical including: system is in accordance
systems and .1 approved in-service with operating manuals
machinery .1 prime movers, including experience
main propulsion plant .2 performance levels are in
.2 practical training accordance with technical
.2 engine-room auxiliary specifications
machineries .3 examination

.3 steering systems .4 approved training ship

-2- Table A-III/7

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Contribute to Basic knowledge of:
monitoring the
operation of .1 electro-technology and
electrical electrical machines
systems and theory
(continued) .2 electrical power
distribution boards and
electrical equipment

.3 fundamentals of
automation, automatic
control systems and

.4 instrumentation, alarm
and monitoring systems

.5 electrical drives

.6 electro-hydraulic and
electro-pneumatic control

.7 coupling, load sharing

and changes in electrical
Use hand tools, Safety requirements for Assessment of evidence Implementation of safety
electrical and working on shipboard obtained from one or procedures is satisfactory
electronic electrical systems more of the following:
measurement Selection and use of test
equipment for Application of safe working .1 approved workshop equipment is appropriate and
fault finding, practices skills training interpretation of results is
maintenance accurate
and repair Basic knowledge of: .2 approved practical
operations experience and tests Selection of procedures for the
.1 construction and conduct of repair and
operational maintenance is in accordance
characteristics of with manuals and good practice
shipboard AC and DC
systems and equipment

.2 use of measuring
instruments, machine
tools, and hand and
power tools

Function: Maintenance and repair at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Contribute to Ability to use lubrication and Assessment of evidence Maintenance activities are
shipboard cleaning materials and obtained from one or carried out in accordance with
maintenance equipment more of the following: technical, safety and procedural
and repair specifications
Knowledge of safe disposal .1 approved in-service
of waste materials experience Selection and use of equipment
and tools is appropriate
Ability to understand and .2 practical training
execute routine maintenance
and repair procedures .3 examination

Understanding .4 approved training ship

manufacturer’s safety experience
guidelines and shipboard
Contribute Safety and emergency Examination and The effect of malfunctions on
to the procedures assessment of evidence associated plant and systems is
maintenance obtained from one or accurately identified, ship’s
and repair of Basic knowledge of more of the following: technical drawings are correctly
electrical electro-technical drawings interpreted, measuring and
systems and and safe isolation of .1 approved in-service calibrating instruments are
machinery on equipment and associated experience correctly used and actions
board systems required before taken are justified
personnel are permitted to .2 approved training ship
work on such plant or experience Isolation, dismantling and
equipment reassembly of plant and
.3 approved simulator equipment is in accordance
Test, detect faults and training, where with manufacturer’s safety
maintain and restore appropriate guidelines and shipboard
electrical control equipment instructions
and machinery to operating .4 approved laboratory
condition equipment training

Electrical and electronic

equipment operating in
flammable areas

Basics of ship’s fire-detection


Carrying out safe

maintenance and repair
-4- Table A-III/7

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Contribute Detection of machinery
to the malfunction, location of
maintenance faults and action to prevent
and repair of damage
systems and Maintenance and repair of
machinery on lighting fixtures and supply
board systems

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the
support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Contribute to Knowledge of procedures for Assessment of evidence Stores stowage operations are
the handling of safe handling, stowage and obtained from one or carried out in accordance with
stores securing of stores more of the following: established safety practices and
equipment operating
.1 approved in-service instructions
The handling of dangerous,
.2 practical training hazardous and harmful stores
complies with established
.3 examination safety practices

.4 approved training ship Communications within the

experience operator’s area of responsibility
are consistently successful
Apply Knowledge of the Assessment of evidence Procedures designed to
precautions precautions to be taken to obtained from one or safeguard the marine
and contribute prevent pollution of the more of the following: environment are observed at all
to the marine environment times
prevention of .1 approved in-service
pollution of the Knowledge of use and experience
marine operation of anti-pollution
environment equipment/agents .2 practical training

Knowledge of approved .3 examination

methods for disposal of
marine pollutants .4 approved training ship
Table A-III/7 -6-

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Apply Working knowledge of safe Assessment of evidence Procedures designed to
occupational working practices and obtained from one or safeguard personnel and the
health and personal shipboard safety, more of the following: ship are observed at all times
safety including:
procedures .1 approved in-service Safe working practices are
.1 electrical safety experience observed and appropriate safety
and protective equipment is
.2 lockout/tag-out .2 practical training correctly used at all times

.3 mechanical safety .3 examination

.4 permit to work systems .4 approved training ship

.5 working aloft

.6 working in enclosed

.7 lifting techniques and

methods of preventing
back injury

.8 chemical and biohazard


.9 personal safety

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