Annex Awp C 2024 927 1 - en

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1. Pilot Project - Sport Supports' - emergency sport actions for youth..............................3

2. Preparatory Action - European Fellowship Scheme for Researchers at Risk................5

Pilot Project - Sport Supports' - emergency sport actions for youth

Budget line PP 07 23 03
Pilot Project within the meaning of Article 58(2)(a) of Regulation (EU,
Legal basis:
Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the
Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013,
(EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No
1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No
541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L
193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

Many refugees arrived in the EU, notably but not exclusively because of the Russian war of
aggression against Ukraine. Participating in sport can help to become eventually ready to re-
build one’s life. The world of sport can contribute to assisting people hit by humanitarian
crisis such as war in order to facilitate overcoming trauma, adapting to new environments,
creating bonds with the temporary hosting communities and fostering their mental and
physical well-being. The focus group are children and young people affected by humanitarian
crises and mass migration processes in the context of war. This pilot project would also
generate inclusion in the public space and promote the exchange of cultures and traditions of
different ethnic or social groups.
This pilot project will focus on encouraging community integration of children and youth. By
improving their mental well-being by attending sport sessions, these individuals will
eventually become ready to adjust to their new environment. Sport activities, with their
power of bringing people together, will help interaction with the host community; facilitate
integration into the education system and the labour market.
To achieve the best results those activities should be organised at the local, grassroots level,
mainly through grassroots sports clubs, involving only one country, as it is easier to respond
to integration needs by implementing activities at the local level.
The main beneficiaries will be children and young people affected by humanitarian crises and
mass migration processes in the context of war.

Activities, games and sports must be designed in order to meet specific social and
psychosocial goals. They need to be age appropriate, culturally appropriate and be considered
in respect to the gender roles in the community. Building on the existing physical capacities
of participants, experienced coaches will help them feel comfortable by encouraging those
performing skills that they already know. Therefore, cooperation between grassroots sports
clubs and centres that could offer social, psychological or pedagogical support would be
important and required. This project would also involve, mainly as facilitators, sport
federations. In addition, the purpose of this proposal is to inspire other sport clubs to set up
support programmes by publishing and promoting experiences and good practices.

The expected results include:
 Promote, in and through sport, the direct engagement of young people affected by the
war with meaningful activities in at local level, in their host communities;
 Facilitate overcoming trauma, adapt to new environments and create bonds with the
temporary hosting communities;
 Improve physical and mental well-being of those displaced by attending sport
 Collect experiences and good practices for dissemination and further inspiration to
take up similar initiatives elsewhere in Europe.
This action will be implemented by the Commission and/or the European Education and
Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), according to the establishment and delegation act
entrusting the EACEA with certain tasks related to the management of the pilot projects and
preparatory actions in the field of education, youth, culture and sport, and in accordance with
the conditions set out in Article 4(4) of the Commission Decision C(2022)5057 delegating
powers to the EACEA1 with a view to the performance of tasks linked to the implementation
of Union programmes in the field of education, audiovisual and culture, citizenship and
solidarity comprising, in particular, implementation of appropriations entered in the general
budget of the Union.
3.1 Grants
The pilot project will be implemented through a call for proposals. The selected projects
should be led by grassroots sport organisations organising sport activities at local level.
Description of the actions:

Actions must promote community integration of children and young people affected by
humanitarian crisis such as war in the hosting communities.

To reach the objective of improving mental well-being and overcoming trauma through sport,
the projects shall involve cooperation between grassroots sports organisations and centres
that offer social, psychological or pedagogical support.

Eligible applicants

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

 Be an organisation active in the field of sport (such as sport federation, club, etc.) with
legal personality (public or private body);

 Have a registered legal office in one of the EU Member States.

The total budget estimated for grants is EUR 1 920 000 .

Commission Decision C(2022)5057 of 22.07.2022 delegating powers to the European Education and Culture
Executive Agency with a view to the performance of tasks linked to the implementation of Union programmes
in the field of education, audiovisual and culture, citizenship and solidarity comprising, in particular,
implementation of appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union and repealing Decision
C(2021)951 final

3.2 Experts
The evaluation of proposals resulting from thet call for proposals will be carried out by
external experts selected via the call for expression of interest available at the Portal Expert
Database (2021-2027) for a total estimated amount of EUR 80 000.

Budget line PP 07 23 03 — Pilot Project - 2024 Commitment
Sport Supports' - emergency sport actions for appropriations (amounts in EUR)
EU Budget

Mode of
WPI (*) Actions Budget implementation

Actions for the implementation of Sport

1.00 Supports - emergency sport actions for 1.920.000 CFP EACEA

1.02 Support to selection (experts) 80.000 SE EACEA

TOTAL 2.000.000

(*) WPI: Work Programme Index

(**): Mode of implementation
CFP: Grants awarded through call for proposals
SE: Experts art. 273 FR

Preparatory Action - European Fellowship Scheme for Researchers at Risk

Budget line PA 01 23 02
Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 58(2)(b) of Regulation
Legal basis:
(EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of
the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No
1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013,
(EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision
No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012
(OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

The budget of the European Union for 2023 included appropriations for the establishment of
a Preparatory Action (PA) on a European Fellowships Scheme for Researchers at Risk, to
address the fragmented support for researchers at risk at European level and build capacity to
respond swiftly to the needs of at-risk scholars. An amount of EUR 6 000 000 was put to this
effect under budget line PA 01 23 02.
Subsequently, the European Commission adopted an Annual Work Programme for 2023 for
the implementation of pilot projects and preparatory actions in the area of education, youth,
sport and culture (C(2023) 1704) of 20 March 2023, which included EUR 6 000 000 to
finance the implementation of the Preparatory Action.
As part of the budget of the European Union for 2024, the budgetary authority earmarked an
additional amount of EUR 6 000 000 under the same budget line to reinforce and expand the
support activities for researchers at risk under the Preparatory Action.


The main objective of the preparatory action is to pilot a European Fellowship Scheme to
support Researchers at Risk, by establishing, testing and validating the procedures for the
selection of fellows (assessing their risk and awarding them the fellowship) and for matching
fellows with host institutions in the EU, including by awarding fellowships to researchers at
This action has already been approved for 2023 with the goal to set up a fellowship scheme
and test it with around 30 fellowships, which is insufficient given the well-evidenced need for
support among at-risk researchers.
According to the budgetary authority’s wishes, additional appropriations for this preparatory
action are intended to provide stronger support for researchers at risk, addressing their
training and networking needs and potentially increasing the number of fellowships.
The additional appropriations for this preparatory action are particularly intended to
strengthen training and networking support for researchers at risk, which is key support
element and a persisting need expressed by researchers themselves (both on research-related
and transversal skills and competences, networking events and meetings). It will also be used

to support the hosting organisations, who may need guidance and training on the wide span of
responsibilities they will assume towards hosted researchers.
With the additional funds, it is expected that the researchers will receive an appropriate level
and scope of training which will further facilitate their integration into the host country’s
research and innovation system, whether academic or non-academic. It will provide them
with more opportunities to build sustainable collaborative links with counterparts in the host
country and EU at large. The additional funds will also strengthen capacities of the host
organisations in meeting the needs of the hosted researchers in a tailored way without putting
an additional strain on their resources.
This action will be implemented by the Commission and/or the European Research Executive
Agency (REA), according to the establishment and delegation act entrusting REA with
certain tasks related to the management of the pilot projects and preparatory actions in the
field of research and innovation and in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 4(5)
of the Commission Decision C(2021)952 delegating powers to the REA 2 with a view to the
performance of tasks linked to the implementation of Union programmes in the field of
Research and Innovation, Research of the Fund for Coal and Steel and Information Provision
and Promotion Measures concerning Agricultural Products comprising, in particular,
implementation of appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union.
3.1 Grants
This is an extension of the 2023 Preparatory Action, therefore there will be no new call for

The total budget for 2024 is EUR 6 000 000, providing a top-up to the previous call, which
foresaw this possibility of increase in available budget.


Commission Decision C(2021)952 of 12.02.2021 delegating powers to the European Research Executive
Agency with a view to the performance of tasks linked to the implementation of Union programmes in the
field of Research and Innovation, Research of the Fund for Coal and Steel and Information Provision and
Promotion Measures concerning Agricultural Products comprising, in particular, implementation of
appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union

Programming table for 2024

Budget line PA 01 23 02 — Preparatory 2024 Commitment

Action - European Fellowship Scheme for appropriations (amounts in EUR)
Researchers at Risk
EU Budget

Mode of
WPI (*) Actions Budget implementation

Preparatory Action - European Fellowship

1.00 6.000.000 CFP REA
Scheme for Researchers at Risk

TOTAL 6.000.000

(*) WPI: Work Programme Index

(**): Mode of implementation
CFP: Grants awarded through call for proposals

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