Vendor Assessment - Self Assessment

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Vendor Assessment Guidelines

Method of Assessment
No Commodity Evaluation of Sample Quality Audit
1 Medias (CD, DVD, USB) Yes Yes
2 Printed Materials Yes Yes
3 Label Yes No
4 Corrugated Materials Yes No
5 Chipboard Yes No
6 Subcontractors Optional Optional

Application of Assessment
1 The above method of assessment shall be applied to direct material(s) vendor (MM AVL) only.

2 On site audit is not mandatory for all overseas vendors unless deem required.
3 "Pass" criteria for audit is minimum 70%.
4 Subcontractor audit shall be required when the outsourced process will not be verified.
(Example - required: MM send material > Vendor pack > Vendor Delivery to Customer)
(Example - not required: MM send material > Vendor pack > Return to MM > MM Inspect & Delivery)

Service provider shall be exempted from audit.

'Evaluation of Sample' (service) shall be considered during contract review (if applicable).

Vendor Assessment Report Guidelines

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Assessment Report

Section 1 (To be completed by Buyer)

Purchase details:

Quality Contact Person:


Check all applicable and related to purchase:

ISO certificates:
Chain-of-Custody Certificate
EMC certificates:
UL certificates:
RoHS Test Report:
Other certificates:

*Note: To attach a copy of the applicable licence, certificate and test report for new vendor.

Completed by:

Name / Designation / Date

Section 2 (To be completed by QA Department)

Assessment: 1st qualification Re-assessment

Sample/Service submitted:
Evaluation Pass / Acceptable Fail / Not Acceptable
If Fail, actions required:

Vendor Assessment Report Assessment Report

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On-Site Audit Conducted: Yes No Not Required
Results Pass Fail
If Fail, actions required:
*Note: To attach a copy of the audit report.

Completed by:

Name / Designation / Date

Section 3 (To be completed by Purchasing)

Final Assessment Status: Approved Not Approved (De-list for re-assessment)

Completed by:

Name / Designation / Signature / Date

Vendor Assessment Report Assessment Report

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Audit Report

Date of Audit:

MM Auditor(s):

Audit Result:
Audit Score:

Audit Elements: 1. Order Processing & Fulfilment

2. Production Process
3. Quality Performance
4. Compliance program & status
5. Change Control & Notification.
6. ISO Elements

Corrective Action required (SCAR will be issued):


Area for Improvement proposed:


Vendor Assessment Report Audit Report

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MM Lead Auditor:

(Name / Signature/ Date)

Vendor Quality Representative:

(Name / Signature/ Date / Company Stamp)

Vendor Assessment Report Audit Report

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Audit Results
1. Order Processing & Fulfilment

6. ISO Elements 6 2. Production Process


5. Change Control & Notification. 3. Quality Performance

4. Compliance program & status

Vendor Assessment Report Chart (Audit Result)

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Audit Checklist

Audit Element Observation, Evident & Assessment Score

1. Order Processing & Fulfilment
1.1 Is there proper order handling process - from order receipt to
1.2 Is there monitoring of fulfillment status?
1.3 Is there BCP or arrangements in place?
2. Production Process
2.1 Is there documented production process?
2.2 Is internal verification controls in-place to ensure required quality is
met by the production process?
2.3 For process verification using gage, instrument or testing program
only, is gage-repeatability-and-reproducability (GR&R) or measurement
system analysis (MSA) performed to ensure consistency of testing results?

2.4 Are all personnel involved in the production process or verification

process competent with training record?
2.5 Is there status identification for finished output?
2.6 For non-conformance (NC) products, is there proper identification,
segregation, disposition and correction action process and records?
2.7 Is there process failure or NC trend monitoring?
2.8 Is there proper preservation of product within the storage, production
and delivery process?
2.9 Are equipment or machine used in production process? If yes, are
there calibration and/or maintenance program in-place, as applicable?
2.10 Are production records properly completed and maintained (with
retention period defined)?
3. Quality Performance
3.1 Are feedbacks and complaints received, processed and improvements
implemented? To review at least last 3 months of feedbacks, especially
those from Mentor Media.
4. Compliance program & status

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Audit Checklist

Audit Element Observation, Evident & Assessment Score

4.1 Are there specific licence, certificate(s), test report(s) and/or
declarations involved for the supplied material? If yes, is(are) licence,
certificate or test report still valid?

Example of certificates & declarations:

Paper: Chain-of-Custody certificate
Electronics: EMI/EMC certificates
Materials: UL certificate, RoHS Test Report, DRC Conflict Free (3TG)
Sourcing: Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Conflict-
Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI)

5. Change Control & Notification.

5.1 Is there a process to manage change (raw materials, process and
5.2 Is there a communication requirement to inform Mentor Media should
change (certificate validity, raw material, process or product) has impact
on quality characteristics and compliance status?
6. ISO Elements Applicable to company with ISO certification only.
6.1 Is ISO certificate available, valid and scope applicable to purchased
6.2 Is Quality Management System (QMS) and organization structure
6.3 Is Policy and Objective(s) defined, published, communicated and
monitored? If objective is not achieved, any action plan in place?
6.4 Are appropriate resource (people, infrastructure, equipment and
environment) defined and fulfilled?
6.5 Is Awareness (policy, objective(s), QMS contribution & NC implication,
and changes to product and service requirements) & Communication
(internal & external) process defined?
6.6 If Design and Development is part of the QMS, is there a process for
proper planning, inputs, controls, outputs and changes?

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Audit Checklist

Audit Element Observation, Evident & Assessment Score

6.7 Is there a documented process for Supplier Management, including
qualification, management of change, performance review?
6.8 Is there monitoring, measurement, analysis & evaluation activities
defined and records available? Minimumly required for Customer
6.9 Is Internal Audit program in-place?
6.10 Is Management Review program in-place?

Vendor Assessment Report Audit Checklist

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Change History
Created Date Content Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
20-Aug-07 First Issue
25-Aug-09 Update 'Assessment Guidelines'. Chai Soo Teng
21-Jan-14 Changed form title from "New Vendor Qualification Report" Chai Soo Teng
to "Vendor Assessment Report".
4-Nov-14 Changed Mentor Media logo. Chai Soo Teng
24-Apr-18 1. Update 'Assessment Guidelines': Jacky Teh James Ying Caroline
- Removed Security Audit; excluded in ISO documents.
- Removed 'Indirect Direct Material Vendor' table; not required by MM-QP-ADM-02.
- Update 'Commodity' to include all media types.
- Changed 'Subcontractor - Quality Audit' from 'Yes' to 'Optional'; audit is applicable
when outsourced process is considered with high quality impact.
- Added 'Pass criteria'.
2. Re-layout assessment report template and removed vendor's information like
'Capital' and 'Current Plant Size', which are more relevant to 'Credit Application'
3. Revised Audit Checklist and Report:
- Checklist revised to boardly cover ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO13485 and GDPMDS.
- Security and ESG assessment removed, not required.

12-Jan-18 1. 'Assessment Guideline' added illlustration on when Supplier Audit Jacky Teh James Ying Yap Rueh
is required. Herng
2. Remove signature requirement (to reduce excessive scanning)
- Assessment Report: Section 1 & 2.
- Audit Report: MM Lead Auditor.
3. Audit Report
- Added '(SCAR will be issued)" to "Corrective Action required", to
simplify follow-ups and standardize SCAR approach to all
compulsory action items from suppliers.
- Changed "Area for Improvement required" to "Area for
Improvement proposed"; not compulsory element.

10-Sep-18 Audit Checklist added Jacky Teh James Ying Yap Rueh
"1.3 Is there BCP or arrangements in place?" Herng

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