Avaya Communication Manager Administering Network Connectivity R10.2.x Dec2023

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Administering Network Connectivity on

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager

Release 10.2.x
Issue 1
December 2023
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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................ 7
Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 7
Discontinued support for IP Server Interface (TN2312, commonly known as “IPSI”)...................... 7
Chapter 2: Networking Overview............................................................................................. 9
Network terminology................................................................................................................ 9
Digital telephone calls.............................................................................................................. 9
Network regions.................................................................................................................... 10
Features affected by the increase in locations and network regions..................................... 12
Interswitch trunk connections................................................................................................. 12
Branch office networks..................................................................................................... 12
Spanning Tree Protocol................................................................................................... 13
Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing....................................................................................... 13
Dial Plan Transparency.................................................................................................... 15
Network quality management................................................................................................. 15
VoIP transmission hardware................................................................................................... 16
Processor Ethernet.......................................................................................................... 16
LAN security......................................................................................................................... 18
Connection Preservation........................................................................................................ 19
Session refresh handling.................................................................................................. 19
Connection Preserving Migration...................................................................................... 19
Support to tandem MIME for PIDF-LO..................................................................................... 21
Support for Channel Type identification over ASAI to CTI application......................................... 21
Chapter 3: Converged Networks........................................................................................... 22
Voice over IP converged networks.......................................................................................... 22
Network assessment....................................................................................................... 22
Avaya gateways.................................................................................................................... 23
Avaya Aura Media Server..................................................................................................... 23
IP trunks............................................................................................................................... 23
SIP trunks............................................................................................................................. 24
Creating a SIP trunk signaling group................................................................................. 24
H.323 trunks......................................................................................................................... 26
Preparing to administer H.323 trunks................................................................................ 26
Verifying customer options for H.323 trunking.................................................................... 26
QoS parameters.............................................................................................................. 27
IP node names and IP addresses..................................................................................... 27
Assigning IP node names................................................................................................. 28
Defining IP interfaces....................................................................................................... 28
Best Service Routing ...................................................................................................... 29
Administering an H.323 trunk........................................................................................... 29

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H.323 trunk signaling group.............................................................................................. 30
Creating an H.323 trunk signaling group............................................................................ 30
Creating a trunk group for H.323 trunks............................................................................. 33
Modifying the H.323 trunk signaling group......................................................................... 34
Dynamic generation of private/public calling party numbers................................................ 34
Avaya IP phones................................................................................................................... 36
IP softphones.................................................................................................................. 36
Avaya IP telephones........................................................................................................ 39
Hairpinning, shuffling, and direct media............................................................................. 43
Examples of shuffling....................................................................................................... 45
Hairpinning and shuffling administration interdependencies................................................ 48
Network Address Translation............................................................................................ 50
Shuffling......................................................................................................................... 52
Fax, modem, TTY, H.323 Clear Channel calls over H.323 IP trunks, and SIP 64K Data calls
over SIP trunks..................................................................................................................... 58
Relay.............................................................................................................................. 58
Pass-through.................................................................................................................. 58
T.38................................................................................................................................ 59
V.150.1 Modem Relay...................................................................................................... 59
SIP 64K Data.................................................................................................................. 60
Administering fax, TTY, modem, and clear-channel calls over IP trunks............................... 60
Considerations for administering FAX, TTY, modem, and Clear-Channel transmission.......... 61
FAX, TTY, modem, and clear channel transmission modes and speeds............................... 63
Bandwidth for FAX, modem, TTY, and clear channel calls over IP networks......................... 67
Media encryption for FAX, modem, TTY, and clear channel................................................. 68
SRTP media encryption......................................................................................................... 69
Platforms........................................................................................................................ 70
Administering SRTP........................................................................................................ 71
Administering SRTP for video signaling............................................................................. 71
Chapter 4: Voice, Video, and Network quality administration............................................ 73
Factors causing voice degradation.......................................................................................... 73
Packet delay and loss...................................................................................................... 74
Transcoding.................................................................................................................... 75
Bandwidth....................................................................................................................... 75
Quality of Service and voice quality administration................................................................... 75
Layer 3 QoS................................................................................................................... 76
Layer 2 QoS................................................................................................................... 76
IP codec sets.................................................................................................................. 78
IP network regions........................................................................................................... 81
Call Admission Control..................................................................................................... 95
Administering DPT........................................................................................................ 100
Network Region Wizard................................................................................................. 101
Manually interconnecting the network regions.................................................................. 102

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Setting network performance thresholds.......................................................................... 107
Enabling or disabling spanning tree................................................................................ 108
Jitter buffers.................................................................................................................. 109
UDP ports..................................................................................................................... 110
Media encryption................................................................................................................. 110
Limitations of media encryption....................................................................................... 110
Types of media encryption.............................................................................................. 111
License file.................................................................................................................... 111
Legal wiretapping.......................................................................................................... 115
Possible failure conditions.............................................................................................. 115
Interactions of media encryption with other features......................................................... 115
Network recovery and survivability........................................................................................ 116
Network management.................................................................................................... 116
H.248 link loss recovery................................................................................................. 118
Chapter 5: Resources........................................................................................................... 124
Communication Manager documentation............................................................................... 124
Finding documents on the Avaya Support website........................................................... 126
Accessing the port matrix document................................................................................ 126
Avaya Documentation Center navigation......................................................................... 127
Training.............................................................................................................................. 128
Viewing Avaya Mentor videos............................................................................................... 128
Support.............................................................................................................................. 129
Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base......................................................................... 129
Appendix A: PCN and PSN notifications............................................................................ 131
PCN and PSN notifications................................................................................................... 131
Viewing PCNs and PSNs..................................................................................................... 131
Signing up for PCNs and PSNs............................................................................................ 132

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Chapter 1: Introduction

This book provides background information about the network components of Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager.
You can refer to the book when you:
• Connect Avaya phones to various networks.
• Configure Avaya phones.
• Configure Port Networks (PN).
• Administer converged network components, such as Avaya Aura® Media Server, gateways,
trunks, fax, modem, TTY, and clear-channel calls.
This document is intended for anyone who wants to gain a high-level understanding of the product
features, functionality, capacities, and limitations within the context of solutions and verified
reference configurations.
• Technical support representatives
• Authorized Business Partner
For more information about the supported servers and supported gateways, see Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager Hardware Description and Reference.

Discontinued support for IP Server Interface (TN2312,

commonly known as “IPSI”)
With Release 10.2, Communication Manager does not support the IP Server Interface (IPSI). As
a result, access and functionality are removed. This means, the IPSI connected cabinets and
gateways do not work with Communication Manager Release 10.2. Examples of IPSI connected
cabinets and systems include G3cfs, G3csi, G3i, G3r, G3s, G3si, G3vs, G3x, G600, G650, MCC,
SCC, CMC, IPSI, IP Server Interface, and IP port network.
Discontinued support also includes the TN8412, which previously paired with the TN8400 blade
server. TN8412 was last supported with Communication Manager Release 5.x.

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For more information, see the End of sale G650 document published on the Avaya Support

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Chapter 2: Networking Overview

Network terminology
The Communication Manager network can contain multiple servers and equipment, including
data-networking devices that servers control. Such equipment might be geographically dispersed
across many sites. Each site might segregate equipment into distinct logical groupings of
endpoints, including stations, trunks, and gateways, referred to as network regions. A single
server system has one or more network regions. If one server is inadequate for controlling the
equipment, multiple systems can be networked together. One or more network regions make a
site, and one or more sites make a system, which in turn is a component of a network.
Types of networks:
• Nondedicated network: Businesses have a corporate network, such as a LAN or a WAN.
Over this corporate network, businesses distribute emails and data files, run applications,
access the Internet, and exchange fax and modem calls.
This type of network and the traffic that it bears is a nondedicated network. The network is a
heterogeneous mix of data types.
• Converged network: A nondedicated network that carries digitized voice signals with other
data types is a converged network. The converged network is a confluence of voice and
nonvoice data.
• Dedicated network: Network segments that carry telephony traffic are dedicated networks
because the network segments carry only telephony-related information.
• IP network: A digital network carries telephony and non telephony data in a packet-switched
environment, such as TCP/IP, instead of a circuit-switched environment, such as TDM. The
digital network is an IP network.

Digital telephone calls

A digital telephone call consists of voice data and call-signaling messages. Some transmission
protocols require transmission of signaling data over a separate network, virtual path, or channel
from the voice data. Data that is transmitted between switches during a telephone call includes:
• Voice data that contains digitized voice signals
• Call-signaling data with control messages

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Networking Overview

Network regions
A network region is a group of IP endpoints that share common characteristics and common
resources. Every IP endpoint on the Communication Manager system belongs to a network
region. You can differentiate between the network regions either by the resources assigned or the
geographical location or both.
You can create different network regions when a group of endpoints:
• Require a different codec set based on bandwidth allocation or a different encryption
algorithm than another group.
• Gain access to specific PROCR, gateways, or other IP resources.
• Require a different UDP port range or QoS parameters than another group.
• Report to a different VoIP Monitoring Manager server than another group.
• Require a different codec set based on bandwidth requirement or encryption algorithm for
calls within the group than calls between separate endpoint groups.
The concept of locations is also similar to network regions. Use the location parameter to:
• Identify distinct geographic locations, primarily for call routing purposes.
• Ensure that calls pass through proper trunks based on the origin and destination of each call.
Communication Manager supports 2000 locations and network regions. You can now configure
network regions as core network regions and stub network regions. You can configure network
regions from 1 to 250 as core network regions or stub network regions. Network regions 251 to
2000 are stub network regions. A core network region is the traditional network region and can
have multiple direct links with other network regions. For a diagrammatic representation of core
network regions, see Figure 1: Core network regions on page 10. The solid lines in the diagram
indicate a direct communication path between two core network regions. The dotted lines indicate
an indirect logical communication path between two core network regions.

Figure 1: Core network regions

A stub network region must have a single defined pathway to only one core network region. For
a diagrammatic representation of core network regions and stub network regions, see Figure 2:
Core and stub network regions on page 11.

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Network regions

Figure 2: Core and stub network regions

Stub network regions communicate with other network regions using the defined communication
pathways of the core network regions. For example, a scenario where stub network region 251
directly communicates with core network region 1. If stub network region 251 wants to send data
to core network region 3, then stub network region 251 first sends data to core network region
1. From core network region 1, Communication Manager uses the predefined communication
pathway of core network region 1 to reach core network region 3. For a diagrammatic
representation of the communication pathway, see Figure 3: Communication Pathway from a stub
network region to a core network region on page 11.

Figure 3: Communication Pathway from a stub network region to a core network region

The benefit of having a stub network region is that you do not have to configure multiple
communication pathways to different network regions. When you add a stub network region,
administer the communication path only to the core network region to which the stub network
region connects.

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Networking Overview

Features affected by the increase in locations and network

The increase in the number of network regions and locations can affect the following features:
• Dial Plan Transparency (DPT): The DPT feature can work in a stub network region only with
endpoints. Stub network regions use the media processing resources of the core network
regions that the stub network regions connect to. Administer the DPT feature in a core
network region that is directly linked with other stub network regions. Only then can the
endpoints in the stub network regions connect to endpoints in other network regions.
• Inter-gateway Alternate Routing (IGAR): Any stub network region from 1 to 250 can use
IGAR if the stub network region contains a branch gateway or a port network. IGAR is
unavailable for stub network regions from 251 to 2000.
• Emergency Calling: When an endpoint in a stub network region dials an emergency number,
Communication Manager analyzes the dialed number. Communication Manager then uses
the ARS location table to route the call to the destination. The call is routed using a
predefined route pattern.

Interswitch trunk connections

You can use the connected switches within an enterprise to communicate easily, regardless of the
location or the communication server that the switches use. Interswitch connections also provide
shared communications resources, such as messaging and call center services.
Switches communicate with each other over trunk connections. Different types of trunks provide
different sets of services. Commonly used trunk types are:
• Central Office (CO) trunks that provide connections to the public telephone network through a
central office.
• H.323 trunks that send voice and fax data over the Internet to other systems with H.323 trunk
• H.323 trunks that support DCS+ and QSIG signaling.
• Tie trunks that connect switches in a private network.
• SIP trunk equipped with SIP signaling
For more information about the trunk types, see Administering Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager, 03-300509.

Branch office networks

In Communication Manager environments, MultiVOIP™ gateways provide distributed networking
capabilities to small branch offices of large corporations. MultiVOIP extends the call features of a
centralized Avaya server. MultiVOIP provides local office survivability to branch offices of up to 15
users who use analog or IP telephones.

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Interswitch trunk connections

The G4xx Media Gateways offer interfaces for digital and analog stations, trunks, and various
media services, such as facilitating 6-party conferences and announcements. Until Avaya Aura®
Release 10.1, G4xx Media Gateways were installable solely in branch offices connected to a
common network with other branches and the headquarter sites.
Since the Avaya Aura® Release 10.1, the G4xx Media Gateway supports a new network topology
(Edge Friendly) where branch offices are on separate networks, interconnected through the
Internet or through SD-WAN.
With the Release 10.2, the survivable components, Survivable Remote Server (LSP), and Branch
Session Manager (BSM), can also deploy in the Edge Friendly topology. The Edge Friendly
configuration facilitates integration between on-premises gateways and survivable servers with a
core Communication Manager hosted in the Cloud.

Spanning Tree Protocol

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a loop avoidance protocol. If your network does not have loops,
you do not need STP. However, you must always enable STP. If you do not enable STP, all traffic
stops on the network with a loop or with the wrong cable plugged into wrong ports.
However, STP is slow to converge after a network failure and provide a new port into the network.
By default, the speed is ~50 seconds.
A modified version of STP is the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol. Rapid Spanning Tree converges
faster than STP and enables new ports faster than the older protocol. As the Rapid Spanning Tree
protocol works with all Avaya equipment, use the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol.

Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing

With Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing (IGAR), Communication Manager can use the PSTN
instead of the IP-WAN for bearer connections. This feature is beneficial when the IP-WAN cannot
carry the bearer connection for the single-server systems that use the IP-WAN to connect bearer
traffic between port networks or gateways.
Communication Manager Release 6.3.5 and earlier supported IGAR for analog, DCP, and
H.323 endpoints. Communication Manager Release 6.3.6 extends this support to SIP
IGAR requests PSTN to provide bearer connections in any of the following conditions:
• Reaching the number of calls or bandwidth allocated through Call Admission Control-
Bandwidth Limits (CAC-BL).
• Facing VoIP RTP resource exhaustion in a port network or media gateway.
• Encountering the codec set between a pair of network regions set to pstn.
• Finding forced redirection configured between a pair of network regions.
IGAR provides enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) to large, distributed single-server
configurations. IGAR is intended for configurations where the IP network is not reliable enough

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Networking Overview

to carry bearer traffic. If you have more than one IP network available, you can use H.323 or SIP
trunks for IGAR instead of the PSTN.
When Communication Manager needs an inter-gateway connection and adequate IP bandwidth
is unavailable, Communication Manager attempts to substitute a trunk connection for the IP
connection. For example, Communication Manager can substitute a trunk connection in any of the
following situations:
• A user in one Network Region (NR) calls a user in another NR
• A station in one NR bridges on to a call appearance of a station in another NR
• An incoming trunk in one NR routes to a hunt group with agents in another NR
• An announcement or music source from one NR must be played to a party in another NR
Communication Manager attempts to use a trunk for inter-region voice bearer connection when
the following five conditions are met:
• An inter-gateway connection is needed.
• IGAR requests PSTN to provide bearer connections.
• IGAR is enabled for the NRs associated with each end of the call.
• The Enable Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing system parameter is set to y.
• The number of trunks, used by IGAR in each NR, has not reached the limit administered for
that NR.
The SRC PORT TO DEST PORT TALKPATH page of the status station screen shows the IGAR
trunk connectivity for an inter-NR call.
A Trunk Inter-Gateway Connection (IGC) is established using ARS to route a trunk call from one
NR to IGAR Listed Directory Number (LDN) extension administered for another NR. The Trunk
IGC is independent of the call. Therefore, Communication Manager can originate the IGC from
the NR of the calling party to the NR of the called party, or vice versa. Some users use Facility
Restriction Levels or Toll Restriction to determine who gets access to IGAR resources during a
WAN outage. For these users, the calling user is considered the originator of the Trunk IGC for
authorization and routing. For outgoing trunk groups administered to send the Calling Number,
the IGAR Extension in the originating NR is used to create this number using the appropriate
A few examples of failure scenarios and how Communication Manager handles the scenarios:
• On a direct call, the call continues to the first coverage point of the unreachable called
endpoint. If no coverage path is assigned, the calling party hears a busy tone.
• If the unreachable endpoint is accessed through a coverage path, the coverage point is
• If the unreachable endpoint is the next available agent in a hunt group, that agent is
considered unavailable. The system tries to route the call to another agent using the
administered group type, such as Circular distribution and Percent Allocation Distribution.

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Network quality management

Dial Plan Transparency

Dial Plan Transparency (DPT) preserves the dial plan when a gateway registers with a Survivable
Remote server or when a port network registers with a Survivable Core server. Port network
registers with a Survivable Core server due to the loss of contact with the primary controller. DPT
establishes a trunk call and reroutes the call over the PSTN to connect endpoints that can no
longer connect over the corporate IP network.
You need not activate DPT in the license file. DPT is a standard feature in Communication
Manager Release 4.0 and later. DPT is similar to IGAR as both provide alternate call routing
when normal connections are unavailable. A major difference is that DPT routes calls between
endpoints that two independent servers control. IGAR routes calls between endpoints that a single
server controls. The DPT and IGAR features are independent of each other, but you can activate
both simultaneously.
Limitations of DPT:
• DPT only handles IP network connectivity failures between network regions.
• DPT calls are trunk calls. Therefore, Communication Manager does not support many station
• For Release 4.0, DPT applies only to endpoints that are dialed directly. DPT cannot route
redirected calls or calls to groups.
• DPT cannot reroute calls involving a SIP endpoint that has lost registration with the Session
• DPT works only when failover strategies for gateways and port networks, and alternate
gatekeeper lists for IP stations are consistent.
For information about administering DPT, see Administering DPT on page 100.

Network quality management

A successful Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) implementation involves quality of service (QoS)
management that is affected by three major factors:
• Delay: Significant end-to-end delay can cause echo and talker overlap.
• Packet loss: During peak network loads and periods of congestion, voice data packets might
• Jitter (Delay variability): Data packets arrive at their destination at irregular intervals because
of variable transmission delay over the network.
For more information about these QoS factors and network quality management, see:
• Chapter 6: Voice and Network quality administration on page 73.
• Avaya Aura® Core Solution Description .

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Networking Overview

VoIP transmission hardware

The following circuit packs are essential in an Avaya telecommunications network:
• Avaya Aura® Media Server
Provide high-capacity VoIP audio access to the switch for local stations and outside trunks.
Avaya Aura® Media Server is used by Communication Manager to provide IP audio
capabilities similar to legacy H.248 media gateways or port networks with media processors.
• Branch gateways
- Extension of Communication Manager telephony features to branch offices when
controlled by a remote server.
- Standalone telephony systems when controlled by an embedded S8300E.
- Survivable Remote server backup for a remote server.
The branch gateways include the G430 Branch Gateway, G450 Branch Gateway, and IG550.

S8300E supports G430 Branch Gateway and G450 Branch Gateway.
For more information about Avaya hardware devices, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
Hardware Description and Reference.

Processor Ethernet
Processor Ethernet (PE) provides connectivity to IP endpoints, gateways, and adjuncts. The PE
interface is a logical connection in the Communication Manager software that uses a port on the
NIC in the server. The NIC is the s-called native NIC. PE uses the PROCR IP-interface type. You
do not need additional hardware to implement PE.
During the configuration of a server, PE is assigned to a Computer Ethernet (CE). PE and
CE share the same IP address, but are different in nature. The CE interface is a native
computer interface while the PE interface is the logical appearance of the CE interface within the
Communication Manager software. The interface that is assigned to PE can be a control network
or a corporate LAN. The interface that is selected determines which physical port PE uses on the
For more information about how to configure the server, see Administering Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager.
A Survivable Remote server or a Survivable Core server enables the Processor Ethernet interface
automatically. Using the PE interface, you can register H.248 gateways and H.323 endpoints on
the Survivable Remote server. You must set the H.248 and the H.323 fields on the IP Interface
Procr screen to the default value yes.
Branch Gateway and H.323 endpoint registration on the Survivable Core server is possible.
Administer the Enable PE for H.248 Gateways and Enable PE for H.323 Endpoints fields

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VoIP transmission hardware

on the Survivable Processor screen of the main server. The IP Interface Procr screen of the
Survivable Core server displays the values that you administered for the H.248 and H.323 fields.
Both the Survivable Core server and the Survivable Remote server require the PE interface to
register to the main server. Do not disable the PE interface on either server.

Support for Processor Ethernet on a Survivable Core server

The capabilities of survivable core servers are enhanced to support the connection of IP devices
to the Processor Ethernet (PE) interface.
A survivable core server can use the PE interface to support IP devices, such as Branch Gateway,
H.323 Gateways, IP Adjuncts, IP telephones, IP trunks, and SIP trunks. The survivable core
server can provide the equivalent benefit of a survivable remote server. The survivable core server
can be duplicated, providing more redundancy to the survivability of the system.
For PE on duplex servers to work, assign the PE interface to the PE Active server IP address and
not the server unique address. The NIC assigned to the Processor Ethernet interface must be on
a LAN connected to the main server.
• If the survivable remote server or the survivable core server registers to PE on the main
server, PE must have IP connectivity to the LAN. The LAN must be assigned to the NIC used
for PE on the survivable core server.

Firmware for optimal performance

Processor Ethernet on duplex servers works effectively only when the branch gateways and IP
telephones are on the current release of the firmware.
Use the following IP telephone models to ensure optimal system performance when you use
Processor Ethernet on duplex servers:
• J129, J139, J159, J179, and J189.
• 9608G, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G.
• 1608, and 1616.
• 9610, 9620, 9630, 9640, and 9650 telephones with firmware 3.0 or later. Any later 96xx and
96x1 models that support Time to Service (TTS) work optimally.
• 4601+, 4602SW+, 4610SW, 4620SW, 4621SW, 4622SW, and 4625SW Broadcom
telephones with firmware R 2.9 SP1 or later. 46xx telephones are supported if the 46xx
telephones are not in the same subnetwork as the servers.
All other IP telephone models must reregister if a server interchange occurs. The 46xx telephones
reregister if the telephones are in the same subnetwork as the servers.
To ensure that you have the most current versions of firmware, go to the Avaya Support website at
http://support.avaya.com. Click Downloads and select the product.

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Networking Overview

LAN security
Customers do not want users to access the switch by using the INADS line. When users use the
INADS line, users continue to PROCR and then gain access to a customer LAN. However, the
Avaya architecture prevents users from accessing the customer LAN.Figure 4: Security-related
system architecture on page 18 shows a high-level switch schematic with a TN799 (PROCR).

Figure 4: Security-related system architecture

Logging in through the INADS line, customers can access software. Software communicates with
firmware over an internal bus through a limited message set. The two main reasons why a user
cannot go to the customer LAN through the INADS line are:
• A user logging into software cannot get direct access to the PROCR firmware.
The user can only enter SAT commands that request PROCR information or configure
PROCR connections.
• Communication Manager disables the PROCR application TFTP and cannot enable the
TELNET only interconnects PROCR Ethernet clients to the system management application
on the switch. FTP exists only as a server and is used only for firmware downloads. FTP
cannot connect to the client network.

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Connection Preservation

Connection Preservation
Communication Manager supports Connection Preservation and Call Preservation for handling
SIP calls. Any SIP telephone connected to Communication Manager through a server that enables
SIP can use this feature. SIP Connection Preservation and Call Preservation are always active.
Call Preservation and Connection Preservation during LAN failure
When near-end failure is detected, the SIP signaling group state changes to the Out-of-service
state. The SIP trunk in the trunk group is in a deactivated state and cannot be used either for
incoming or outgoing calls. Stable or active calls on the SIP trunk are not dropped and are kept
in the In-service/active state. When the active connection is dropped, SIP trunk changes to the
Out-of-service state. When far-end failure is detected, the SIP signaling group state changes to
the Far-end-bypass state. Stable or active calls are not dropped, and the SIP trunk changes to the
pending-busyout state. When the active connection is dropped, the SIP trunk status changes to
the Out-Of-Serivce/FarEnd-idle state.
Call Preservation and Connection Preservation when LAN connectivity is revived
When the near-end failure ends, the SIP signaling group state changes to the In-service/active
state. Stable or active calls on the SIP-trunk are kept in the In-service/active state. When the
far-end failure ends, the SIP signaling group state changes to the In-service/active state. The state
of Stable or active calls on the SIP trunk changes from pending-busyout to the In-service/active
The Connection Preservation mechanism also works with DCP and H.323 telephones.

Session refresh handling

When SIP session refresh handling fails, the SIP call is set to Connection Preservation. A net
safety timer keeps the call active for 2 hours. After 2 hours, the call drops unless the user ends the
call before that time.

Connection Preserving Migration

The Connection Preserving Migration (CPM) feature preserves bearer connections while Branch
Gateway migrates from one Communication Manager server to another because of network
failure or server failure. Users on connection preserved calls cannot use features such as Hold,
Conference, or Transfer.
CPM does the following:
• Preserves the audio voice paths.
• Extends the period for recovery operations.
• Continues to function during the complementary recovery strategies of Avaya.

H.248 and H.323 link recovery

The H.248 link connects a Communication Manager server and a gateway. The H.323 link
connects ties a gateway and an H.323-compliant IP endpoint. Link recovery is an automated
method that the gateway uses to reacquire a lost link. The link might be lost from either a primary

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Networking Overview

call controller or a Survivable Remote server. The H.248 link and the H.323 link provide the
signaling protocol for:
• Call setup
• Call control during the call
• Call tear-down
When the link is out of service, link recovery preserves calls and attempts to reestablish the
original link. If the gateway or the endpoint cannot reconnect to the original server or gateway,
then link recovery automatically attempts to connect with alternate TN799DP (PROCR) circuit
packs. Link recovery only connects with circuit packs that are within the configuration of the
original server or the Survivable Remote server.

Auto fallback to the primary server

The auto fallback to primary controller feature returns a fragmented network to the primary
server automatically. Fragmented networks have a number of branch gateways that one or more
Survivable Remote servers service. This feature applies to all branch gateways. You can complete
the distributed telephony switch network by automatically migrating the gateways back to the
primary server.

Survivable Remote servers

Survivable remote servers can function as survivable call processing servers for remote or branch
customer locations. Survivable remote servers have a complete set of Communication Manager
features. With the license file, survivable remote servers function as survivable call processors.
If the link between the remote branch gateways and the primary controller breaks, the telephones
and the gateways register with the survivable remote server. Survivable remote servers provide a
backup service to the registered devices and control these devices in a license-error mode.
For more information about survivable remote servers, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
Hardware Description and Reference.
The Survivable Remote Server is also known as Local Survivable Processor (LSP). From
Communication Manager Release 10.2, Local Survivable Processor supports the Edge
Friendly network topology.

Survivable core servers

Survivable core servers provide survivability to port networks by putting backup servers in various
locations in the customer network. The backup servers service port networks when:
• The Simplex server fails.
• The Duplex server pair fails.
• connectivity to the main Communication Manager server is lost.

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Support to tandem MIME for PIDF-LO

Survivable core servers can be either Simplex or Duplex servers. The servers offer full
Communication Manager functionality in the survivable mode, provided enough connectivity exists
to other Avaya components. For example, endpoints, gateways, and messaging servers.

Standard Local Survivability

Standard Local Survivability (SLS) consists of a module built in to G430 Branch Gateway or
G450 Branch Gateway to provide partial backup gateway controller functionality. The gateway
provides the backup function when the connection with the primary controller is lost. To provide
Communication Manager functionality when no link is available to an external controller, you can
use a G430 Branch Gateway or G450 Branch Gateway without a local S8300E. Standard Local
Survivability (SLS), Local Survivable Processor (LSP), and Branch Session Manager (BSM) are
compatible with Edge Friendly Branch Survivability.

Support to tandem MIME for PIDF-LO

Communication Manager Release 7.1.1 and later can tandem Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME) attachments for Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO)
in a SIP message. Communication Manager can also pass the PIDF-LO information in the SIP

Support for Channel Type identification over ASAI to CTI

Communication Manager supports channel type identification over ASAI to a CTI application from
7.1.1 onwards. For incoming SIP trunk calls, Communication Manager Release 7.1.1 and later
identifies the channel type as voice, video, or unknown when the call:
• Enters a monitored Vector Directory Number (VDN) or hunt group (skill/split)
• Is monitored and is alerting at a deskphone or Agent
For this feature to work, the CTI link between Communication Manager and Application
Enablement Services must be greater than 11.
This feature might not work or might show an unknown channel type on the CTI application when:
• The Direct Media feature is enabled
• Communication Manager is not able to identify the channel from the incoming SIP request

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Chapter 3: Converged Networks

Voice over IP converged networks

Until recently, voice, video, and data were delivered over separate, single-purpose networks.
A converged network brings voice, data, and video traffic together on a single IP network.
VoIP technology from Avaya provides a cost-effective and flexible way of building enterprise
communications systems through a converged network.
Some flexible elements of a converged network include:
• Separation of call control and switching functions. See Separation of Bearer and Signaling
• Different techniques for handling data, voice, and FAX.
• Communications standards and protocols for different network segments.
• Constant and seamless reformatting of data for differing media streams.
Digital data and voice communications superimposed in a converged network compete for
network bandwidth, or the total information throughput that the network can deliver. Data traffic
requires significant network bandwidth for short periods of time, while voice traffic demands
a steady, relatively constant transmission path. Data traffic can tolerate delays, while voice
transmission degrades if delayed. Data networks handle data flow effectively. However, when
digitized voice signals are added to the mix, networks must be managed differently to ensure
constant, real-time transmission needed by voice.

Network assessment
Adding VoIP taxes network resources and performance because VoIP requires dedicated
bandwidth and is more sensitive to network problems than data applications alone. Many
customer IP infrastructures that appear to be stable and perform at acceptable levels might have
performance and stability issues that create problems for Avaya VoIP Solutions. Therefore, Avaya
cannot assure performance and quality without a network assessment even when a customer
network seems ready to support full-duplex VoIP applications.
In Avaya, the network assessment services for VoIP consist of two phases:
• Basic Network Assessment: A high-level LAN and WAN infrastructure evaluation that
determines the suitability of an existing network for VoIP.
• Detailed Network Assessment: A detailed analysis of the information gathered in the basic
network assessment to provide functional requirements for the network to implement Avaya

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Avaya gateways

For more information, see
• The network assessment offer in Avaya Aura® Core Solution Description .
• Avaya Communication Solutions and Integration (CSI) at http://csi.avaya.comfor a portfolio of
consulting and engineering offers to plan and design voice and data networks.
For information about the Avaya network assessment policy, see http://netassess.avaya.com. This
link is available only from within the Avaya corporate network.

Avaya gateways
The H.248 gateways include the G430 and G450 models. Both gateways have Media Module
slots for analog, digital, loop start trunks, or T1/E1 capability. G430 and G450 also provide VoIP
resources and announcement capabilities.
The following documents provide additional information about administration of Avaya gateways:
• Administering Avaya G450 Branch Gateway
• Administering Avaya G430 Branch Gateway
• Avaya G450 Branch Gateway Overview and Specification
• Avaya G430 Branch Gateway Overview and Specification
• Avaya Branch Gateway G450 CLI Reference
• Avaya Branch Gateway G430 CLI Reference

Avaya Aura® Media Server

The Avaya Aura® Media Server provides a large number of VoIP resources and announcement
capabilities for large IP or cloud deployments.
For more information about Avaya Aura® Media Server, see Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager Feature Description and Implementation.

IP trunks
The following sections describe the administration of IP trunks:
• SIP tunks

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Converged Networks

• H.323 trunks

SIP trunks
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an endpoint-oriented messaging standard defined by the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SIP trunking functionality is available on any Linux-based
server. Linux servers function as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) gateways. These servers
support name and number delivery among the various non-SIP endpoints, such as analog, DCP,
or H.323 stations, and analog, digital or IP trunks that Communication Manager supports. These
servers also support name and number delivery between SIP-enabled endpoints, such as the
Avaya 4600-series SIP Telephones. In addition to calling capabilities, IP Softphone Release 5 and
later include optional instant messaging client software, which is a SIP-enabled application. IP
Softphone Release 5 also continues full support of the existing H.323 standard for call control.
Avaya SIP Softphone Release 2 and later release fully support SIP for voice call control, instant
messaging, and presence.
Communication Manager assigns two types of numbering to an incoming SIP trunk call:
• Private numbering: If the domain of the PAI, From, or Contact header in an incoming INVITE
matches the authoritative domain of the called party network region.
• Public numbering: If the domain of the PAI, From, or Contact header in an incoming INVITE
does not match the authoritative domain of the called party network region.
Public and private numbering plans are important when the incoming SIP trunk call is routed back
over an ISDN trunk group.
ISDN defines numbering plans (NPI) and types of number (TON) within those plans.

Table 1: NPI and the values of TON within the plans

Number length NPI=Public NPI=Private NPI=Unknown

Longest TON=international TON=Level 2 n/a
Middle TON=national TON=Level 1 n/a
Shortest TON=Local TON=Level 0 n/a
“don’t know” TON=Unknown TON=Unknown TON=Unknown

If the caller does not know or does not want to specify the TON or NPI, Communication Manager
can set that value to Unknown. When an incoming SIP call is routed to an ISDN network,
Communication Manager always sets the TON to Unknown.

Creating a SIP trunk signaling group

1. Type add signaling-group n, where n is the signaling group number.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.

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SIP trunks

2. In the Group Type field, type sip.

3. In the Near-end Node Name field, type the node name of the procr.
The node names are administered on the Node Names screen and the IP Interfaces
4. In the Far-end Node Name field, type the far end Session Manager name.
Leave this field blank when the signaling group is associated with an unspecified
5. In the Near-end Listen Port field, type the port number depending on the transport
For example, enter 5060 for TCP/UDP and 5061 for TLS.
6. In the Far-end Listen Port field, enter the number entered in the Near-end Listen Port
7. In the Far-end Network Region field, enter a value from 1 to 250 or leave the field blank.
Identify the network assigned to the far end of the trunk group. The far-end network region
is used to obtain the codec set for negotiation of trunk bearer capability.
8. In the Far-end Domain field, type the name of the IP domain that is assigned to the far
end of the signaling group.
For example, to route Session Manager calls within an enterprise, the domain assigned to
the proxy server is used. For external SIP calling, the domain name can be the name of
the SIP service provider.
Leave this field blank when you do not know the far-end domain.
9. In the DTMF Over IP field, specify the DTMF digits for transmission .
The valid options for SIP signaling groups are:
• in-band: All G711 and G729 calls pass DTMF in-band.
• out-of-band: All IP calls pass DTMF out-of-band.
• rtp-payload: RFC 2833 specifies this method. By default, RFC 2833 is the default value
for newly added SIP signaling groups.
For more information about the options, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Screen
Reference .
10. Save the changes.
11. Type add trunk-group n, where n is the trunk group number.
12. In the Group type field, type sip.
13. In the TAC field, type the trunk access code number.
14. In the Service type field, type tie.
15. In the Signaling Group field, type the signaling group number that you configured earlier.

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Converged Networks

16. In the Number of Members field, type the number of members that you want to assign for
the trunk.
Enter a value in this field only when member assignment is auto.
17. Save the changes.

H.323 trunks
H.323 trunks use an ITU-T IP standard for LAN-based multimedia telephone systems. When
IP-connected trunks are used, trunk groups can be defined as tie lines equivalent to ISDN-PRI
between switches over an IP network.
H.323 trunk groups can be configured as:
• Tie trunks supporting ISDN trunk features such as DCS+ and QSIG
• Generic tie-trunks permitting interconnection with H.323 v2-compliant switches from other
• Direct-inward-dial (DID) public trunks providing access to the switch for unregistered users

Preparing to administer H.323 trunks

1. To busy out the signaling group, type busy signaling-group number.
2. Type change signaling-group number.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
3. In the Trunk Group for Channel Selection field, type the trunk group number.
If there is more than one trunk group assigned to this signaling group, enter the group that
accepts incoming calls.
4. Save the changes.

5. Type release signaling-group number to release the signaling group.

Verifying customer options for H.323 trunking

About this task
Verify that H.323 trunking is set up correctly on the system-parameters customer-options screen.
To make any changes to fields on this screen, go to the Avaya Support website at http://
1. Type display system-parameters customer-options.

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H.323 trunks

2. Go to the Optional Features screen.

3. Verify that the G3 Version field reflects the current version of Communication Manager.
4. Verify that the value in the Maximum Administered H.323 Trunks field is set to the
number of trunks bought.
The value must be greater than 0.
5. Verify that the Maximum Administered Remote Office Trunks field is set to the same
value as the number of office trunks bought.
This field is on page 2 of the Optional Features screen.
6. Go to the page that displays the IP trunks and ISDN-PRI fields.

7. Verify that IP Trunks and ISDN-PRI are enabled.

If not, get a new license file.

QoS parameters
Four parameters on the IP-Options System-Parameters screen determine threshold Quality
of Service (QoS) values for network performance. You can use the default values for these
parameters, or you can change the default values to fit the needs of your network. See Setting
network performance thresholds.
You can also administer additional QoS parameters, including defining IP Network Regions and
specifying the codec type to be used. See Voice and Network quality administration on page 73.
Related links
Setting network performance thresholds on page 69

IP node names and IP addresses

Communication Manager uses node names to reference IP addresses throughout the system.
Use the IP Node Names screen to assign node names and IP addresses to each node in the
network with which this switch communicates through IP connections. The Node Names screen
must be administered on each node in an IP network.
An IP node name can be any of these:
• Processor Ethernet (PE) IP Address
• Bridge or router IP Address
• SIP Trunk IP Address
• Avaya Application IP Address
• Messaging IP Address
Enter the Messaging name and IP address on the Messaging Node Names screen. Enter data for
all other node types on the IP Node Names screen.
For H.323 connections, each Avaya Aura® Media Server IP Address on the local switch must also
be assigned a node name and IP address on the IP Node Names screen.

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Converged Networks

Assign the node names and IP addresses in the network in a logical and consistent manner
from the point of view of the network. Assign the names and addresses in the planning stages
of the network. The names and addresses are available from the Avaya Support website at http://
Within the survivable Edge topology, the Local Survivable Processor (LSP) node names IP
addresses are not the real IP addresses of the unreachable LSPs. Instead, they are local IP
addresses assigned on main Communication Manager to access the remote servers. These IP
addresses could be local IP's on the same subnetwork as the PROCR interface or loopback
addresses internal to the Communication Manager server.

Assigning IP node names

About this task
You must assigns node names and IP addresses to each node in the network. Administer the IP
Node Names screen on each call server or switch in the network.
Assign the node names and IP addresses logically and consistently across the entire network.
Assign these names and addresses in the planning stages of the network. The names and
addresses are available from the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com.
1. Type change node-names ip.
The system displays the IP Node Names screen.
2. In the Name field, type the unique node names for the following:
• Each Remote Office
• Other IP gateways and hops
The default node name and IP address is used to set up a default gateway. This entry is
automatically present on the Node Names screen and cannot be removed.
When the Node Names screen is saved, the system automatically alphabetizes the
entries by node name.
3. In the IP Address field, type the unique ip address for each node name.
4. Save the changes.

Defining IP interfaces
1. Type add ip-int.
The system displays the IP Network Region screen.
2. Complete the fields using the information in IP Network Region field descriptions.
3. Save the changes.

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H.323 trunks

If you change 802.1p/Q on the IP Network Region screen, the format of the Ethernet
frames is changes. 802.1p/Q settings in Communication Manager must match the
settings in the interfacing elements in your data network.

Best Service Routing

Use H.323 trunks to implement Best Service Routing (BSR). This is an optional procedure. You
can use H.323 trunks for polling, or for both polling and interflow. The additional network traffic is
insignificant because polling requires only a small amount of data exchange. However, interflow
requires a significant amount of bandwidth to carry the voice data. Depending on the other uses
of the LAN or WAN and its overall utilization rate, voice quality could be degraded to unacceptable
If H.323 trunks are used for BSR interflow, the traffic must be routed to a low-occupancy or
unshared LAN WAN segment. You might also want to route internal interflow traffic, which has
lower quality-of-service requirements, over H.323 trunks. You can route customer interflow traffic
over circuit-switched tie trunks.

Administering an H.323 trunk

1. Create one or more IP Codec sets that enable the appropriate transmission modes for the
endpoints on the gateways.

You create the FAX, modem, TTY, and clear channel settings, including redundancy,
on the second page of the IP Media Parameters screen. location must precede action.
2. Assign each codec set to the appropriate network region.
3. Assign the network region to the appropriate devices:
• Avaya Aura® Media Server
• G430 or G450 Branch Gateway
4. If the G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server resources are shared among
administered network regions, administer internetwork region connections.
Related links
Administering fax, TTY, modem, and clear-channel calls over IP trunks on page 60
Defining IP interfaces on page 28
IP codec sets on page 78
IP network regions on page 81
Manually interconnecting the network regions on page 102

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Converged Networks

H.323 trunk signaling group

Create a signaling group that is associated with H.323 trunks that connect this switch to a far-end
switch. One or more unique signaling groups must be established for each far-end node to which
this switch is connected through H.323 trunks.
The steps in this section address only those fields that are related to H.323 trunks. For
information about the other fields, see Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.

Creating an H.323 trunk signaling group

1. Type add signaling-group number.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
2. In the Group Type field, type h.323.
3. Leave the Trunk Group for Channel Selection field blank.
After you create a trunk group, use the change command. Then type the trunk group
number in the Trunk Group for Channel Selection field.
4. In the T303 Timer field, type the number of seconds that the system waits for a response
from the far end before invoking Look Ahead Routing.
The system displays the T303 Timer field when the Group Type field on the DS1 Circuit
Pack screen is isdn-pri. The system also displays the T303 Timer when the Group Type
field on the Signaling Group screen is h.323.
5. In the H.245 DTMF Signal Tone Duration (msec) field, specify the tone duration of DTMF
tones sent in an H.245-signal message.
The system displays the H.245 DTMF Signal Tone Duration (msec) field when the DTMF
over IP field on the Signaling Group screen is set to out-of-band. The value of the H.245
DTMF Signal Tone Duration (msec) field can be either in the range 80 ms to 350 ms. The
default value is blank.
6. In the Near-end Node Name field, type the node name for the PROCR IP interface on this
The node name must be administered on the Node Names screen and the IP Interfaces
7. In the Far-end Node Name field, type the node name for the far-end PROCR IP Interface
used for trunks assigned to this signaling group.
The node name must be administered on the Node Names screen on this switch.
Leave the Far-end Node Name field blank when the signaling group is associated with an
unspecified destination.

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H.323 trunks

8. In the Near-end Listen Port field, type an unused port number from the range 1719, 1720,
or 5000 to 9999.
Avaya recommends using port number 1720. If the LRQ field is y, type 1719.
9. In the Far-end Listen Port field, enter the same number as the one in the Near-end
Listen Port field.
Leave the Far-end Listen Port field blank when the signaling group is associated with an
unspecified destination.
10. In the Far-end Network Region field, enter a value between 1-250.
Leave the field blank to select the region of the near-end node (PROCR). Identify the
network assigned to the far end of the trunk group. The region is used to obtain the
codec set used for negotiation of trunk bearer capability. If specified, this region is used for
selection of a codec instead of the default region obtained from the PROCR used by the
signaling group .
11. In the LRQ Required field, type n when the far-end switch is an Avaya product and H.235
Annex H Required? is set to n.
Type y in one of the following situations:
• The 235 Annex H Required? field is set to y or
• The far-end switch requires a location request to obtain a signaling address in its
signaling protocol.
12. In the Calls Share IP Signaling Connection field, type y for connections between Avaya
Type n when the local or remote switch is not an Avaya switch.
13. In the RRQ Required field, type y when a vendor registration request is required.

14. In the Bypass if IP Threshold Exceeded field, type y.

The system removes trunks assigned to this signaling group from service when IP
transport performance falls below limits administered on the Maintenance-Related System
Parameters screen.
15. In the H.235 Annex H Required field, type y.
The H.235 Annex H Required field indicates whether the Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager server requires H.235 amendment 1 with annex H protocol for authentication
during registration.
16. In the DTMF Over IP field, specify the transmission of the DTMF digits.
The valid options for SIP signaling groups are in-band and rtp-payload.
The valid options for H.323 signaling groups are in-band, in-band-g711, out-of-band, and
17. In the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field, type y.

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This option optimizes bandwidth resources and improves sound quality of voice over IP
(VoIP) transmissions. For SIP Enablement Services (SES) trunk groups, this value helps in
direct audio connections between SES endpoints.
18. In the Link Loss Delay Timer field, specify how long to hold the call state information in
the event of an IP network failure or disruption.
Communication Manager preserves calls and starts this timer at the onset of network
disruption or signaling socket failure. If the signaling channel recovers before the timer
expires, all call state information is preserved and the signaling channel is recovered. If the
signaling channel does not recover before the timer expires, the system:
• raises an alarm against the signaling channel
• maintains all connections with the signaling channel
• discards all call state information about the signaling channel
19. In the IP Audio Hairpinning field, type y to enable hairpinning for H.323 or SIP trunk
Using the IP Audio Hairpinning field entry, you have the option for H.323 and SES-
enabled endpoints to be connected through the IP circuit pack in the server or switch,
without going through the time division multiplexing (TDM) bus.
20. In the Interworking Message field, select a value that determines what message
Communication Manager should send when an incoming ISDN trunk call is routed over
a non-ISDN trunk group.
Normally select the value PROGress, with which the public network can cut through the
B-channel. The caller can then hear tones provided over the non-ISDN trunk, such as
ringback or busy tone .
Selecting the value ALERTing causes the public network in many countries to play
ringback tone to the caller. Select this value only if the DS1 is connected to the public
network, and it is determined that callers hear silence rather than ringback or busy tone
when a call incoming over the DS1 is routed to a non-ISDN trunk.
21. In the DCP/Analog Bearer Capability field, set the information transfer capability in a
bearer capability IE of a setup message to speech or 3.1kHz.
The default value is 3.1kHz. The default value provides 3.1kHz audio encoding in the
information transfer capability. Selecting the value of speech provides speech encoding in
the information transfer capability.
22. If using DCS, go to the Administered NCA TSC Assignment page of this screen.
To enter NCA TSC information on this screen, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
Screen Reference.
23. Save the changes.

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H.323 trunks

Creating a trunk group for H.323 trunks

About this task
Use this procedure to create a new trunk group for H.323 trunks. Each H.323 trunk must be a
member of an ISDN trunk group and associated with an H.323 signaling group.
The following steps address only those fields that are specifically related to H.323 trunks. For
information about the other fields, see Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.
1. Type add trunk-group next.
The system displays the Trunk Group screen.
2. In the Group Type field, type isdn.
3. In the Carrier Medium field, type H.323.
4. In the Service Type field, type tie.
5. In the TestCall ITC field, type unre.
6. In the TestCall BCC field, type 0.
7. In the Codeset to Send Display field, type 0.
8. if the far end comprises non-Avaya endpoints, change the Outgoing Display field.
9. Go to the Trunk Features page of the screen.

10. Verify the values in the Send Name, Send Calling Number, and Send Connected
Number fields.
If these fields contain y, the system accesses the ISDN Numbering - Public/Unknown
Format screen or the ISDN Numbering - Private screen based on the Format field. The
system uses information from these screens to construct the actual number to be sent to
the far end.
11. To add a second signaling group, go to the Group Member Assignments page of this

Each signaling group can support up to 31 trunks. For more trunks between two
switches, add a second signaling group with different listen ports. Add the trunks to the
existing or second trunk group.
12. In the Port field, type ip.
When the screen is submitted, this value is automatically changed to a T number.
13. In the Name field, type a 10-character name to identify the trunk.

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14. In the Sig Grp field, type the number for the signaling group associated with this H.323

Modifying the H.323 trunk signaling group

About this task
Update values in the Signaling Group screen to add a trunk group number to the Trunk Group for
Channel Selection field.
1. Type busy signaling-group number to busy out the signaling group.
2. Type change signaling-group number.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
3. In the Trunk Group for Channel Selection field, type the trunk group number.
When more than one trunk group is assigned to a signaling group, enter the group that
accepts incoming calls.
4. Save the changes.
5. Type release signaling-group number to release the signaling group.

Dynamic generation of private/public calling party numbers

Often, a private Calling Party Number (CPN) is generated for calls within a network. However, a
public CPN is required for calls that route through the main network switch to the PSTN.

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Figure 5: Private/public calling party numbers (CPN)

In this network, the customer wants to use internal numbering among the nodes of the network,
for example, a 4-digit Uniform Dial Plan (UDP). However, when any node dials the PSTN, the call
must be routed to the PSTN through the main switch.
On page 2 of the ISDN Trunk Group screen, set the Numbering Format field to private or unk-pvt.
With the value unk-pvt, the number is encoded as an unknown type of number, however, the
Numbering-Private Format screen is used to generate the actual number.
In this scenario, IP trunks function as ISDN trunks.
In the network example, the system only generates a private CPN if the caller dials a private level
0, 1, or 2, or unknown unk-unk number. If the caller dials a public number, the system generates
a public CPN. You must fill the Numbering-Private Format and Numbering-Public/Unknown Format
forms appropriately. You must then set the IP trunk groups on the two satellites to use private or
unk-pvt numbering format for their CPNs.
You can designate the type of number for an outgoing call as Private level 0, 1, or 2 either on
the AAR Analysis screen or the Route Pattern screen. You can designate the type of number
as unk-unk or unknown only on the Route Pattern screen. If you are using UDP, then you must
use the Unknown Type of Number.

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The default Call Type on the AAR Analysis screen is aar. For historical reasons, aar maps to a
public numbering format. Therefore, you must change the Call Type for calls within your network
from aar to a private or unk-unk type of number. For a UDP environment, you must set the
Numbering Format to unk-unk on the Route Pattern screen.

Avaya IP phones
The following sections describe the installation and administration of Avaya IP telephones:
• IP Softphones on page 36
• Avaya IP telephones on page 39

IP softphones
IP softphones operate on a personal computer equipped with Microsoft Windows and TCP/IP
connectivity through Communication Manager. Avaya offers the following softphone applications:
• IP softphone for any telephone user
• IP Agent for call center agents
• Softconsole for console attendants
• Avaya one-X® Communicator
• SIP softphone
• one-X Portal as a software-only telephone
IP softphones can be configured to operate in any of the following modes:
• Road-warrior mode: Consists of a personal computer running the Avaya IP Softphone
application and Avaya iClarity IP Audio with a single IP connection to an Avaya server or
• Telecommuter mode: Consists of a personal computer running the Avaya IP Softphone
application with an IP connection to the server and a standard telephone with a separate
PSTN connection to the server.
• Shared Control mode: Provides a registration endpoint configuration using which an IP
Softphone and a non-softphone telephone can be in service on the same extension at the
same time. In this new configuration, both the softphone and the telephone endpoint provide
call control. The telephone endpoint provides the audio.
Documentation on how to set up and use the IP softphones is included on the CD-ROM containing
the IP softphone software. For information about administering Communication Manager to
support IP softphones, see Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.
This section focuses on administration for the trunk side of the Avaya IP Solutions offer and a
checklist of IP softphone administration. For information about administering IP softphones, see
Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.

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The two main types of IP Softphone configurations are:

• Administering a Telecommuter Telephone on page 37
• Administering a Road-warrior telephone on page 38
Communication Manager can distinguish between various IP stations at RAS using the product ID
and release number sent during registration. An Avaya IP phone can register when:
• a number of stations are present in the network with the same product ID and the same or
lower release number
• the number of stations is less than the administered system capacity limits
System limits are based on the number of simultaneous registrations. A license is required for
each station that must be IP softphone enabled.

Administering a Telecommuter telephone

About this task
The Telecommuter phone uses two connections, one to the personal computer over the IP
network and the other to the telephone over the PSTN. IP Softphone personal computer software
handles the call signaling. With IP Softphone R5 or greater, iClarity is automatically installed to
handle voice communications.
The System Parameters Customer Options screen is display only. Use the display
system-parameters customer-options command to review the screen. The License
File controls the system software release, the Offer Category, features, and capacities. With
the init login, you cannot change the customer options, offer options, or special applications
1. Type display system-parameters customer-options and press Enter.
The system displays the System Parameters Customer Options screen.
2. Verify that IP Softphone is enabled.
Review the following fields on the screen:
• In the Maximum Concurrently Registered IP Stations field, the value must be greater
than 0 and less than or equal to the value for Maximum Ports.
This field identifies the maximum number of IP stations that are simultaneously
registered, not the maximum number that are simultaneously administered.
• In the IP Stations field, the value must be y.
• In the Product ID field, for new installations, IP Soft, IP Telephone, IP Agent, and IP
ROMax, the system displays the product IDs automatically.
This field is a 10-character field with any character string.
• In the Rel. (Release) field, check the release number.

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• In the Limit field, check the value.

The default setting is the maximum value based on the Concurrently Registered
Remote Office Stations field on page 1 of the System Parameters Customer Options
3. Type add station next and press Enter.
The system displays the Station screen.
4. Add a DCP station, or change an existing DCP station.
5. In the Type field, type the telephone model.
6. In the Port field, type x for a virtual phone or the port number of an existing telephone.
7. In the Security Code field, type the station security code that is assigned to the extension
as a password.
8. In the IP Softphone field, type y.
9. Go to page 2, and verify whether the Service Link Mode: as needed field is set as shown.
10. Install the IP Softphone software on the personal computer of the user.

Administering a road warrior telephone

About this task
The softphone application runs on a personal computer that is connected over an IP network. In
the road warrior mode, the application uses one channel for call control signaling and one channel
for voice.
The System Parameters Customer Options screen is display only. Use the display
system-parameters customer-options command to review the screen. The License
File controls the system software release, the Offer Category, features, and capacities. With
the init login, you cannot change the customer options, offer options, or special applications
1. Type display system-parameters customer-options.
2. Verify that IP softphone is enabled.
Go to the appropriate pages on the System Parameters Customer Options screen to
review the following fields:
• In the Maximum Concurrently Registered IP Stations field, the value must be greater
than 0.
• In the IP Stations field, the value must be y.
• In the Product ID field, for new installations, IP Soft, IP Telephone, IP Agent, and IP
ROMax, the system displays the product IDs automatically.
The Product ID field is a 10-character field with any character string.

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• In the Rel. (Release) field, check the release number.

• In the Limit field, check the default value.
The default value is 1.
3. Type add station next and press Enter.
The system displays the Station screen.
4. Add a DCP station or change an existing DCP station.

5. In the Type field, type the telephone model to use, such as 6408D.

6. In the Port field, type x if virtual, or the port number of an existing telephone.
For an IP Softphone, type IP.
7. In the Security Code field, type the station security code that is assigned to the extension
as a password.

8. In the IP Softphone field, type y.

9. Go to page 2, Service Link Mode: as-needed.

Install the IP Softphone software on the personal computer of the user. With the IP
Softphone Release 2 or later, iClarity is automatically installed.

Avaya IP telephones
The Avaya line of digital business telephones uses Internet Protocol (IP) technology with Ethernet
line interfaces and has downloadable firmware.
IP Telephones provide support for dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) and either Trivial
File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over IPv4/UDP. These
protocols enhance the administration and servicing of the telephones.
For information about feature functionality of the IP telephones, see the Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager Hardware Description and Reference, or the appropriate IP Telephone
user guides.
For more information about installing and administering Avaya IP telephones, see
• 4600 Series IP Telephone Installation Guide
• 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator's Guide
• Avaya one-X Deskphone Edition 9600 Series IP Telephone Installation and Maintenance
• Avaya one-X Deskphone Edition 9600 Series IP Telephones Administrator Guide
• Avaya one-X Deskphone Value Edition 1600 Series IP Telephones Installation and
Maintenance Guide
• Avaya one-X Deskphone Value Edition 1600 Series IP Telephones Administrator Guide
Release 1.0

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For more information about IP Wireless Telephone Solutions, go to http://support.avaya.com.

4600-series IP telephones
The 4600-series IP telephone product line possesses a number of shared model features and
capabilities. All models also feature:
• Downloadable firmware
• Automatic IP address resolution through DHCP
• Manual IP address programming
The 4600-series IP Telephone product line includes the following telephones:
• Avaya 4601 IP telephone
• Avaya 4602 and 4602SW IP telephone
• Avaya 4610SW IP telephone
• Avaya 4620 and 4620SW IP telephone
• Avaya 4622SW IP telephone
• Avaya 4622 IP telephone
• Avaya 4625 IP telephone
• Avaya 4630SW IP Screenphone
• Avaya 4690 IP conference telephone
Support for SIP-enabled applications can be added to several of these IP telephones by a model-
specific firmware update. For more information, see the Avaya Firmware Download website .

96x1-series IP telephones
The 96x1-series IP telephone product line possesses a number of shared model features and
capabilities. All models feature:
• Downloadable firmware
• Automatic IP address resolution through DHCP
• Manual IP address programming
The 96x1-series IP telephone product line includes the following telephones:
• Avaya 9611 H.323 and SIP deskphones for everyday users
• Avaya 9621 H.323 and SIP deskphones for essential users
• Avaya 9641 H.323 and SIP deskphones for essential users
• Avaya 9610 IP telephone for walkup users

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9600-series IP telephones
The 9600-series IP telephone product line possesses a number of shared model features and
capabilities. All models feature:
• Downloadable firmware
• Automatic IP address resolution through DHCP
• Manual IP address programming.
The 9600-series IP telephone product line includes the following telephones:
• Avaya 9610 IP telephone for Walkup users
• Avaya 9620 IP telephone for the Everyday user
• Avaya 9630 IP telephone with advanced communications capabilities
• Avaya 9640 IP telephone with advanced communications capabilities, color display
• Avaya 9650 IP telephone for the executive administrative assistant
• Avaya 9608 IP telephone
• Avaya 9611 IP telephone
• Avaya 9621 IP telephone
• Avaya 9641 IP telephone
Support for SIP-enabled applications can be added to several of these IP telephones through a
model-specific firmware update. See the Avaya Firmware Download website for more information.

1600-series IP telephones
The 1600-series IP Telephone product line possesses a number of shared model features and
capabilities. All models feature:
• Downloadable firmware
• Automatic IP address resolution through DHCP
• Manual IP address programming
The 4600-series IP Telephone product line includes the following telephones:
• Avaya 1603 IP Deskphone for walkup users
• Avaya 1608 IP Deskphone for the everyday user
• Avaya 1616 IP Deskphone for navigational use
Support for SIP-enabled applications can be added to several of these IP telephones through
a model-specific firmware update. For more information, see the Avaya Firmware Download

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J1xx-series IP telephones
The J1xx-series IP telephone product line possesses a number of shared model features and
capabilities. All models feature:
• Downloadable firmware
• Automatic IP address resolution through DHCP
• Manual IP address programming.
The J1xx-series IP telephone product line includes the following telephones:
• Avaya J129 IP telephone
• Avaya J139 IP telephone
• Avaya J159 IP telephone
• Avaya J179 IP telephone
• Avaya J189 IP telephone
Support for SIP-enabled applications can be added to several of these IP telephones through a
model-specific firmware update. See the Avaya Firmware Download website for more information.

IP telephone hardware and software

IP telephones are shipped from the factory with operational firmware installed. Some system-
specific software applications are downloaded from a TFTP or HTTP server through automatic
power-up or reset. The IP telephones search and download new firmware from the file server
before attempting to register with Communication Manager.
During a Communication Manager upgrade, any data in the /tftpboot directory is overwritten
with new software and firmware.
The software treats the 4600-series and 9600-series IP telephones as any new station type,
including the capability to list/display/change/duplicate/remove station.
Audio capability for the IP telephones requires the presence of G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya
Aura® Media Server. Either of the circuit packs provide hairpinning and IP to IP direct connections.
Using a media processor resource conserves TDM bus and timeslot resources and improves
voice quality.
To register H.323 endpoints without TTS, at least one connected network region of the IP station
must have a PROCR.

Administering Avaya IP telephones

About this task
IP Telephones Release 1.5 or later use a single connection, and you only need to administer the
station type.
1. Type add station next.
The system displays the Station screen.

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2. In the Type field, type the IP Telephone 4600-series model number, such as 4624.
The following phones are administered with an alias:
• 4601: Administer as a 4602.
• 4602SW: Administer as a 4602.
• 4690: Administer as a 4620.
3. In the Port field, type x or IP.

A 4600-series IP Telephone is always administered as an X port. After successful
registration by the system, a virtual port number is assigned. Note that a station that
is registered as unnamed is not associated with any logical extension or administered
station record.
4. For IP Telephones Release 2 or earlier with dual-connection architecture, complete the
following fields:
• In the Media Complex Ext field, type the H.323 administered extension.
• In the Port field, type x.
5. Save the changes.

Hairpinning, shuffling, and direct media

Communication Manager can shuffle or hairpin call path connections between two IP endpoints.
Shuffling is done by rerouting the voice channel away from the usual TDM bus connection
and creating a direct IP-to-IP connection. Shuffling and hairpinning are similar because these
techniques maintain connection and conversion resources that might not be needed. Connection
and conversion resources are preserved depending on the compatibility of the endpoints that are
attempting to interconnect.
Shuffling and hairpinning techniques differ in the way that these techniques bypass the
unnecessary call-path resources.
Shuffled or hairpinned connections:
• Conserve channels on the G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura® Media Server.
• Bypass the TDM bus, conserving timeslots.
• Improve voice quality by removing unnecessary VoIP-TDM-VoIP conversions.
Shuffling releases more resources on the G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura® Media
Server than hairpinning does. Therefore, Communication Manager first checks both endpoints
to determine whether Communication Manager meets the criteria for using a shuffled audio
connection. If the shuffling criteria are not met, Communication Manager routes the call
according to the criteria for hairpinning, if hairpinning is enabled. If hairpinning is not enabled,
Communication Manager routes the call to the TDM bus. Both endpoints must connect through
the same G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura® Media Server for Communication Manager to
shuffle or hairpin the audio connection.

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For information on interdependencies that enable hairpinning and shuffling audio connections,
see Hairpinning and shuffling administration interdependencies. For Network Address Translation
(NAT), see Network Address Translation.

Hardware and endpoints

The G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server is required for shuffling or hairpinning
audio connections.
You can administer the following endpoint types for hairpinning or shuffling:
• All Avaya IP stations
• Stations of other vendors that are compatible with H.323

Shuffled audio connections

Shuffling an audio connection between two IP endpoints means rerouting the voice channel away
from the usual TDM bus connection and creating a direct IP-to-IP connection. Shuffling saves
resources such as G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server channels and improves
voice quality by bypassing transcoding. Both endpoints must be capable of shuffling.
Communication Manager uses the following criteria to determine whether a shuffled audio
connection is possible:
• A point-to-point voice connection exists between two endpoints.
• No other active call on either endpoint, including in-use or held calls, requires TDM
connectivity. For example, applying tones, announcement, conferencing, and others.
• The endpoints are in the same network region or in different, interconnected regions.
• Both endpoints or connection segments are administered for shuffling by setting the Direct
IP-IP Audio Connections field to y for shuffled IP calls to use a public IP address by default.
• If the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field is y, during registration the endpoint might
indicate that it does not support audio shuffling. In this scenario, the a call cannot be shuffled.
If the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field is n, during registration the endpoint might
indicate that it can support audio shuffling. The calls to that endpoint cannot be shuffled,
giving precedence to the endpoint administration.
• The rules for Internetwork region connection management on page 54 are met.
• At least one common codec is present between the endpoints involved and the Inter-network
region Connection Management codec list.
• The endpoints have at least one codec in common as shown in the current codec
negotiations between the endpoint and the switch.
• Both endpoints can connect through the same G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media

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Examples of shuffling
Shuffling within the same network region

Figure 6: Shuffled audio connection between IP endpoints in the same network region

Number Description
1 Avaya server
2 G4xx Media Gateway
3 G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura® Media
5 LAN/WAN segment administered in Communication
Manager as network region 1

Shuffling within the same network region on page 45 is a schematic of a shuffled connection
between two IP endpoints within the same network region. After the call is shuffled, the IP Media
Processors are out of the audio connection and free to serve other media connections.

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Determining whether an endpoint supports shuffling

About this task
To determine whether an endpoint supports audio shuffling. make a test call from an endpoint that
supports shuffling to another endpoint whose shuffling capability is unknown.
1. On the station screen, administer the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field on page 2 as
y (yes) for both endpoints.
Use the change station extension command to reach the station screen for each
2. From the endpoint that can support shuffling, make a call to the endpoint that you are
Wait for 2 minutes.
3. On SAT, type status station extension, where extension is the administered extension
of the endpoint that you are testing, and press Enter.
The system displays the Station screen for this extension.
4. In the GENERAL STATUS section of page 1, note the Port field value .
5. Scroll to page 4.
In the AUDIO CHANNEL section, note the value in the Audio field in the Switch Port
• If the values are the same, the endpoint supports shuffling.
Administer the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field as y (yes).
To find the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field, use the change station
extension command and scroll to page 2.
If the values are different, then the endpoint cannot shuffle calls.
Administer the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field as n (no).

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Shuffling between different network regions

Figure 7: Shuffled audio connection between IP endpoints in different network regions

Number Description
1 Avaya server
2 G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura® Media
3 G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura® Media
Table continues…

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Number Description
5 LAN/WAN segment administered in Communication
Manager as network region 1
6 IP voice packet path between LAN routers
7 LAN/WAN segment administered in Communication
Manager as network region 2

Figure 7: Shuffled audio connection between IP endpoints in different network regions on page 47
is a schematic of a shuffled audio connection between two IP endpoints that are in different
network regions that are interconnected. The internetwork region connection management rules
are met for these different network regions. After the call is shuffled, both Media Processors are
bypassed, making those resources available to serve other media connections. The voice packets
from IP endpoints flow directly between LAN routers.

Administrable loss plan

Two-party connections between IP endpoints are not subject to the administrable loss plan of the
switch. Due to this exemption, audio levels do not change when a two-party call changes from
the TDM bus to a shuffled or hairpinned connection. Although IP endpoints can be assigned
to administrable loss groups, the switch is only able to change loss on IP Softphone calls
including circuit-switched endpoints. Conference calls with three parties or more are subject to
the administrable loss plan, regardless of whether the calls involve IP endpoints or not.

Hairpinning and shuffling administration interdependencies

The following table summarizes the Communication Manager interdependencies that enable
shuffling audio connections.
To use shuffling with either Category A or B features, the Software Version field must be
R9 or later. Use the list configuration software-versions command to view the
Software Version field.

Table 2: Shuffling administration

Administration screen Required customer Other interactions

Station IP StationsRemote Shuffling is available only for the following
Office endpoints:
• Avaya IP telephone Release 2
• Avaya IP Softphone Release 2 or later
Signaling group H.323 Trunks
Inter network region H.323 TrunksIP User login must have features
Stations Remote Office permissions.
Table continues…

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Administration screen Required customer Other interactions

Feature-Related System H.323 TrunksIP
Parameters Stations Remote Office

The fields listed in the Required customer options column must be enabled through the
License File. To determine if these customer options are enabled, use the display system-
parameters customer-options command. If any fields listed in the Required customer
options column are not enabled, then:
• The field for shuffling are not displayed.
• In the Inter Network Region Connection Management screen, the second page with the
region-to-region connection administration does not display.
Although fully H.323v2-compliant products of other vendors have shuffling capability, you must
test the endpoints before administering such endpoints for shuffling. See Determining whether an
endpoint supports shuffling on page 46.
SIP Early Direct Media
Communication Manager supports SIP Early Direct Media for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
calls. Direct Media signals the direct talk path between SIP endpoints before a call connects.
Direct Media provides the following enhancements to SIP calls:
• Eliminates shuffling of SIP calls after the call connects.
• Eliminates clipping on the talk path.
• Reduces the number of signaling messages for each SIP call.
• Reduces Communication Manager processing for each SIP call and increases the capacities
of Communication Manager and SIP Busy Hour Call Completions (BHCC).
• Determines the media path early in the call flow and uses fewer media processor resources
to configure the system.
Related links
Administering shuffling in network regions on page 54

Preparing to enable SIP Early Direct Media

1. Ensure that the call originator is SIP.
If the call originator is not SIP, Communication Manager does not apply SIP Early Direct
Media to the call.
2. Set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections and Initial IP-IP Direct Media fields in the SIP
signalling group screen of the originating SIP User Agent to y.
3. Ensure that the call-originating party does not have a call on hold.

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If you do not meet with the prerequisites for SIP Early Direct Media, Communication
Manager allocates media processors and shuffles the call after the connection is

Network Address Translation

Network address translation (NAT) is a function, typically in a router or firewall, by which an
internal IP address is translated to an external IP address. The terms internal and external are
generic, ambiguous and more specifically defined by the application. For example, the most
common NAT application is to facilitate communication from hosts on private networks to hosts on
the public Internet. In such a case, the internal addresses are private addresses, and the external
addresses are public addresses.
This common NAT application does not use a web proxy server, which would be an entirely
different scenario.
Another common NAT application is for some VPN clients. The internal address in VPN clients
is the physical address, and the external address is the virtual address. This physical address
does not have to be a private address, as the subscriber can pay for a public address from
the broadband service provider. Regardless of the nature of the physical address, the physical
address cannot be used to communicate back to the enterprise network through a VPN tunnel.
After the tunnel is established, the enterprise VPN gateway assigns a virtual address to the VPN
client application on the enterprise host. This virtual address is part of the enterprise IP address
space, and it must be used to communicate back to the enterprise network.
The application of the virtual address varies among VPN clients. Some VPN clients integrate with
the operating system so that packets from IP applications on the enterprise host are sourced
from the virtual IP address. Examples of IP applications include FTP or telnet. The IP applications
inherently use the virtual IP address. With other VPN clients, the IP applications do not use the
virtual IP address. Instead, IP applications on the enterprise host inherently use the physical IP
address, and the VPN client performs a NAT to the virtual IP address. This NAT is the same as the
translation done with a router or firewall.

Types of Network Address Translation

Static 1-to-1 NAT
In Static 1-to-1 NAT, every internal address has an external address, with a static 1-to-1 mapping
between internal and external addresses. Static 1–to-1 NAT is the simplest, yet least efficient
type of NAT in terms of address preservation because every internal host requires an external IP
address. This limitation is often impractical when the external addresses are public IP addresses.
Sometimes the primary reason for using NAT is to preserve public IP addresses. Hence, two other
types of NAT, many-to-1 and many-to-a-pool, are available for preserving public IP addresses.
Dynamic many-to-1 NAT
In Dynamic many-to-1 NAT, many internal addresses are dynamically translated to a single
external address. Multiple internal addresses can be translated to the same external address

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when the TCP/UDP ports are translated in addition to the IP addresses. This type of address
translation is known as network address port translation (NAPT) or port address translation
(PAT). The external server receives multiple requests from a single IP address, but from different
TCP/UDP ports. The NAT device remembers which internal source ports were translated to which
external source ports.
In the simplest form of many-to-1 NAT, the internal host must initiate the communication to the
external host, which then generates a port mapping within the NAT device. The external host can
then reply to the internal host. With this type of NAT, in its simplest form, the external host cannot
generate a port mapping to initiate communication with the internal host, and without initiating
communication, there is no way to generate port mapping. This condition does not exist with
1-to-1 NAT, as there is no mapping of ports.
Dynamic many-to-a-pool NAT
Many-to-a-pool NAT combines some of the characteristics of both 1-to-1 and many-to-1 NAT. The
idea behind many-to-a-pool NAT is that 1-to-1 mapping is avoided, but too many internal hosts
are present to use a single external address. Therefore, a pool of multiple external addresses is
used for NAT. Enough external addresses are available in the pool to support all internal hosts.
However, the number of internal hosts is greater than the number of pool addresses.

Issues between NAT and H.323

Some of the hurdles that NAT presents to H.323 include:
• H.323 messages, which are part of the IP payload, have embedded IP addresses in them.
NAT translates the IP address in the IP header, but not the embedded addresses in the
H.323 messages. This problem can be and has been addressed with H.323-aware NAT
devices. The problem has also been addressed with Communication Manager 1.3 and later
versions of the NAT feature.
• When an IP telephone registers with the gatekeeper or call server, the IP address of that
endpoint must stay the same for the duration of the registration.
This hurdle rules out almost all current implementations of many-to-a-pool NAT.
• TCP/UDP ports are involved in all aspects of IP telephony, including endpoint registration,
call signaling, and RTP audio transmission.
These ports must remain unchanged throughout an event, during the registration, or during
a call. Also, the gatekeeper must have, ahead of time, the ports that will be used by the
endpoints for audio transmission, and these ports can vary for every call. These requirements
complicate how H.323 works with port address translation (PAT), which rules out most current
implementations of many-to-1 and many-to-a-pool NAT.

Communication Manager NAT Shuffling feature

With the Communication Manager NAT Shuffling feature, IP telephones and IP Softphones can
work behind a NAT device. This feature was available before release 1.3, but it did not work with
shuffled calls activated by enabling Direct IP-IP Audio. The NAT feature now works with shuffled

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The following terms are used to describe the NAT Shuffling feature:
• Native Address: The original IP address configured on the device, also known as the internal
• Translated Address: The IP address after it has gone through NAT, as seen by devices on the
other side of the translation, also known as external address.
• Gatekeeper: The Avaya device that is handling call signaling which is processor Ethernet.
• Gateway: The Avaya device that is handling media conversion between TDM and IP. The
device can be any of the following branch gateways:
- G450
- G430
With this feature, Communication Manager keeps track of the native and translated IP addresses
for every IP station such as an IP telephone or IP Softphone. If an IP station registration displays
with different addresses in the IP header and the RAS message, the call server stores the two
addresses. The call server also alerts the station that NAT occurred.
This feature works with static 1-to-1 NAT. This feature does not work with NAPT, so the TCP/UDP
ports sourced by the IP stations must not be changed. Consequently, this feature does not work
with many-to-1 NAT. This feature works with many-to-a-pool NAT if the translated address of a
station remains constant for when the station is registered, without port translation.
The NAT device must perform plain NAT, not H.323-aware NAT. Any H.323-aware feature in the
NAT device must be disabled, so that two independent devices do not try to compensate for H.323
The following rules govern the NAT Shuffling feature:
• When Direct IP-IP Audio is enabled and a station with NAT and a station without NAT
communicate, the translated address is used. The Direct IP-IP Audio parameters are
configured on the SAT ip-network-region screen. Direct IP-IP Audio is enabled by default.
• When two stations with NAT communicate, the native addresses are used when Direct IP-IP
Audio is administered with Yes or Native (NAT). The translated addresses are used when
Translated (NAT) is specified.
• The Gatekeeper and Gateway must not be enabled for NAT so that these devices can be
assigned to any network region.

You can administer shuffled connections:
• Independently for systemwide applicability
• Within a network region
• At the user level

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Checklist for administering shuffling

Use this checklist while administering shuffling at any of these levels:
• System level
• Network region level
• IP trunks level
• IP endpoints level
No. Task Description

1 Administer shuffling for the system from the See Administering hairpinning and
Feature-Related System Parameters screen. shuffling at the system-level on
page 53.
2 Administer shuffling for the network region See Inter-network region
level from the Network Region screen. connection management on
page 54.
3 Administer shuffling for IP trunks from the See Administering H.323 trunks
Signaling Group screen. for hairpinning and shuffling on
page 56.
4 Administer shuffling for IP endpoints from the See Administering IP endpoints
Station screen. for hairpinning and shuffling on
page 56.

Administering shuffling at the system level

Before you begin
Ensure that the following fields on the Customer Options screen are set to y:
• IP Stations
• H.323 Trunks
• Remote Office
If the IP Stations, H.323 Trunks, and Remote Office fields are set to n, the Direct IP-IP Audio
Connections fields do not display.
About this task
You can administer shuffling as a system-wide parameter.
1. On the SAT screen, type change system-parameters features and press Enter.
The system displays the Feature-Related System Parameters screen.
2. Go to the page with IP PARAMETERS and set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field
to y.
When you set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field to y, shuffled IP calls use a public
IP address by default.

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3. Save the changes.

Internetwork region connection management

Shuffling endpoints or media processing resources in any given network are independently
administered for each network region. A matrix is used to define the connections between pairs of
The matrix specifies which regions are valid for resource allocation when resources in the
preferred region are unavailable. When a call exists between two IP endpoints in different regions,
the matrix specifies whether those two regions can be connected directly.

Administering shuffling in network regions

Before you begin
Ensure that you set the following fields on the Optional Features screen to y:
• IP Stations
• H.323 Trunks
• Remote Office
If the IP Stations, H.323 Trunks, and Remote Office is set to n, the shuffling fields on the IP
Network Regions screen do not display. You must enable these in the License File of the system.
1. On the SAT screen, type change ip-network-region number and press Enter.
The system displays the IP Network Region screen.
2. In Intra-region IP-IP Direct Audio and Inter-region IP-IP Direct Audio type one of the
• y: Permits shuffling the call.
• n: Does not permit shuffling the call.
• native: Uses the IP address of a telephone itself, or no translation by a Network
Address Translation (NAT) device.
• translated: Uses the translated IP address that a Network Address Translation (NAT)
device provides for the native address.
The Intra-region IP-IP Direct Audio field permits shuffling if both endpoints are in
the same region. The Inter-region IP-IP Direct Audio field permits shuffling if the two
endpoints are in two different regions.

If a NAT device is not in use, then the native and translated addresses are the same.
For more information about NAT, see Administering Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager and Avaya Aura® Core Solution Description.
3. On the Inter Network Region Connection Management screen, administer the common
codec sets.

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For more information about the fields on this screen, see Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager Screen Reference.

You can connect IP endpoints in different network regions only when you enter the
codec set to be used in the matrix. Also, you cannot share PROCR, Avaya Aura®
Media Server, or G4xx Media Gateway resources among network regions.

Use any of the following commands for a list of codecs:
• list ip-codec-set
• list ip-media-parameters
4. Save the changes.
Related links
IP codec sets on page 78
Hairpinning and shuffling administration interdependencies on page 48

Codecs to administer and select

When an IP endpoint calls another IP endpoint, Communication Manager requests that the
second endpoint choose the same codec that the first endpoint offered at call setup. However,
if the second endpoint cannot match the codec of the first endpoint, the call is set up with the
preferred codec for each endpoint. The data streams are converted between the endpoints, often
resulting in degraded audio quality because of the different compressions or decompressions or
multiple use of the same codec. For more information, see IP CODEC sets on page 78.
When a station or trunk initially connects to the server, Communication Manager selects the first
codec that is common to both the server and the endpoint. The Inter Network Region Connection
Management screen specifies the codec sets to use within an individual region (intra-region) and
between or among (inter-region) network regions. If the endpoint and the G4xx Media Gateway
or Avaya Aura® Media Server are in the same region, the administered intraregion codec set is
chosen. If the endpoint and the G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server are in different
regions, the administered inter-region codec set is chosen.
For example, a region might have its intranetwork codec administered as G.711 as the first choice,
followed by other low bit rate codecs. The Inter Network Region Connection Management screen
for the internetwork region might have G.729, a low-bit codec that preserves bandwidth, as the
only choice. Initially, when a call is set up between these two interconnected regions, the G4xx
Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server provides the audio stream conversion between
G.711 and G.729. When the media stream is shuffled away from a TDM-based connection, the
two endpoints can use only the G.729 codec.

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For administering an H.323 trunk that uses Teletype for the Deaf (TTD), use the G.711 codec
as the primary choice. This choice ensures accurate TTD tone transmission through the

Administering H.323 trunks for shuffling

Before you begin
Ensure that you set the following fields on the Optional Features screen to y:
• H.323 Trunks
• Remote Office
If you set the H.323 Trunks and Remote Office field to n, the shuffling fields on the Signaling
Group screen do not display. You must enable these features in the License File of the system.
1. On the SAT screen, type change signaling group number and press Enter.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
2. Set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field to y.
After you set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field to y, shuffled IP calls use a public
IP address by default.
3. Save the changes.

While administering an H.323 trunk that uses Teletype for the Deaf (TTD), use the
G.711 codecs as the primary codec choice. This choice ensures accurate TTD tone
transmission through the connection.
Related links
Hairpinning and shuffling administration interdependencies on page 48

Administering IP endpoints for shuffling

Before you begin
Ensure that the following fields on the Optional Features screen are set to y:
• IP Stations OR
• Remote Office
If the IP Stations or Remote Office fields are set to n, the hairpinning and shuffling fields on the
Station screen do not display. These features must be enabled in the License File of the system.

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About this task

Shuffling is independently administered for each endpoint on the Station screen. The specific
station types that you can administer for shuffling are:
• All Avaya IP stations
• H.323-compatible stations from other vendors
1. On the SAT screen, type change station extension and press Enter.
The system displays the Station screen.
2. Set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field to y.
After you set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field to y, shuffled IP calls use a public
IP address by default.
3. Save the changes.

You cannot set the Direct IP-IP Audio Connections field to y if the Service Link
Mode field is set to permanent.
Related links
Hairpinning and shuffling administration interdependencies on page 48

IP stations used for service observing in a call center

If a Call Center supervisor wants to service-observe an active shuffled call, the agent might notice
a 200 ms break in the speech. The break occurs while the call is redirected to the TDM bus.
To avoid the break in speech while the call is redirected, administer the shuffling and hairpinning
fields as n (no) for stations that are used for service observing.

IP endpoint signal loss

The amount of loss applied between any two endpoints on a call is administrable. However, the
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) has published standards for the levels that IP
endpoints must use. The IP endpoints always send and receive audio at TIA standard levels.
IP audio signals are sent or received over the TDM bus through a G4xx Media Gateway or
Avaya Aura® Media Server. For these IP audio signals, the Media Module adjusts the levels to
approximately match the levels of a signal to or from a DCP set. By default, IP endpoints are the
same loss group as DCP sets, Group 2.

Loss to USA DCP levels

The switch instructs the G4xx Media Gateways or Avaya Aura® Media Server to insert loss into the
signal coming from the IP telephone. The Media Module then inserts gain in the signal going to the
IP telephone, to equal the levels of a signal to or from a DCP set.
The loss that is applied to a shuffled audio connection is constant for station-to-station, station-to-
trunk, and trunk-to-trunk connection types.

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The voice level on a shuffled call is not affected by entries administered in the 2-Party Loss
Plan screen.

Fax, modem, TTY, H.323 Clear Channel calls over H.323 IP

trunks, and SIP 64K Data calls over SIP trunks
Communication Manager uses the Relay mode or the Pass-through mode to transport fax,
modem, and Teletypewriter device (TTY) calls over IP interfaces. Communication Manager
supports transport of the following:
• TTY calls over the corporate Intranet and the Internet
• Faxes over a corporate Intranet or the Internet

Faxes sent to non-Avaya endpoints cannot be encrypted.
• T.38 fax over the Internet, including endpoints connected to non-Avaya systems
• Modem tones over the Internet, including endpoints connected to non-Avaya systems
• H.323 Clear Channel data calls over H.323 IP
• SIP 64K Data calls over SIP trunks
• Avaya devices are G430 and G450
Avaya no longer sells G250, G350, and G700.

In the Relay mode, the firmware on the device detects fax, modem, or TTY tones. To process the
call over the IP network, the firmware uses the appropriate modulation protocol for fax or modem,
or Baudot transport representation for TTY. The modulation and demodulation process for fax and
modem calls reduces bandwidth use over the IP network as compared to the Pass-through mode.
The Relay mode improves the reliability of transmission. The correct tones are regenerated before
the calls reach the destination endpoint.
Do not use Avaya-proprietary fax and modem relay protocols. For modem relay applications,
use the V.150.1 modem relay protocol. For fax relay applications, use the T.38 fax protocol.

In the Pass-through mode, the firmware on the device detects the tones of the call for fax,
modem, or TTY. The firmware then uses G.711 encoding to carry the call over the IP network.

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The Pass-through mode provides high-quality transmission when endpoints in the network are all
synchronized to the same clock source.
The Pass-through mode increases the bandwidth use of each channel. However, you can
make the same number of simultaneous fax or modem calls on the device as voice calls.
For the Pass-through mode on a modem and TTY calls over an IP network, the sending and
receiving servers must have a common synchronization source. Using a source on the public
network, you can establish synchronized clocks.

In the T.38 mode, the gateway DSP devices convert T.30 signals into T.38 packets and send the
converted packets to a peer. If the fax endpoint on the far end supports T.30 signaling, the peer
converts the packets back into T.30 signals and passes the packets to the fax endpoint. However,
if the fax endpoint supports the T.38 protocol, the peer passes the packets directly to the fax
T.38 is the preferred industry standard fax protocol. H.323 and SIP trunks support the T.38
Communication Manager uses the T.38 protocol for fax transmission over IP network facilities.
Communication Manager supports the transition of an existing SIP audio call to a fax call.
During a SIP audio call, when Communication Manager receives a reINVITE message with the
audio and image stream, Communication Manager performs one of the following operations:
• If T.38 is administered, Communication Manager accepts the image stream and rejects the
audio stream.
• If T.38 is not administered, Communication Manager accepts the audio stream and rejects
the image stream.
For more information about FAX over IP and T.38-G711-fallback, see Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager Feature Description and Implementation.

V.150.1 Modem Relay

The V.150.1 protocol is an ITU-T recommendation for the transmission of modem data over
IP networks. This protocol is the preferred industry-standard modem relay protocol. SIP trunks
support the V.150.1 Modem Relay mode. In the V.150.1 Modem Relay mode, modem features
are implemented according to ITU-T V-series recommendations. These recommendations are
used for interoperation with the non-Avaya trunk-side and line-side modem equipments, and with
native-V.150.1 secure IP endpoints. This mode uses the V.150.1 protocol that defines how to
send modem traffic between modems and telephone devices over an IP network. This mode also
supports Modem-over-IP interoperability with SIP endpoints and third-party SIP gateways. This
mode uses the Simple Packet Relay Transport (SPRT) protocol to send data between V.150.1–
capable endpoints.

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SIP 64K Data

With SIP 64K Data, Communication Manager controls the mechanism to enable the support of the
RFC 4040 media service.
Communication Manager uses RFC 4040 Clear Mode data transport to support the media
transport of ISDN traffic. The ISDN traffic is directed to a destination that is reached through a
SIP trunk.
Associated with the SIP 64K Data field are two other fields, Redundancy and Packet Size (ms).
Communication Manager communicates the values of the Redundancy and Packet Size (ms)
fields to the media gateway so that the gateway properly operates with the DSP conversion of the
TDM media into an IP media stream.
For more information about Redundancy and Packet Size (ms) fields, see Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager Screen Reference.

Administering fax, TTY, modem, and clear-channel calls over IP

About this task
Using ISDN-PRI trunks, calls are sent either over the public network or over an H.323 or SIP
private network to Communication Manager switches.
The endpoints that send and receive the calls must be connected to a private network. The private
network uses H.323, SIP, or LAN connections between gateways or port networks.
1. Create one or more IP codec sets that enable the appropriate transmission modes for the
endpoints on gateways.

Create the fax, modem, TTY, and clear-channel settings, including redundancy, on the
second page of the IP Media Parameters screen.
2. Assign each codec set to the appropriate network region.
3. Assign the network region to the appropriate devices:
• G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server
• Avaya G430 or G450 branch gateways
4. (Optional) Administer internetwork region connections if the G4xx Media Gateway or
Avaya Aura® Media Server are shared among administered network regions.
Related links
Defining IP interfaces on page 28
IP codec sets on page 78
IP network regions on page 81
Manually interconnecting the network regions on page 102

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Considerations for administering FAX, TTY, modem, and Clear-

Channel transmission
When configuring your system for FAX, TTY, modem, and Clear-Channel calls over an IP network,
consider the following factors:
• Encryption
You can encrypt most types of relay and pass-through calls using the Avaya Encryption
Algorithm (AEA) or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). See Media encryption for FAX,
modem, TTY, and clear channel on page 68.
• Bandwidth usage
Bandwidth use of modem relay varies, depending on the packet size used and the
redundancy level selected. The packet size for modem relay is determined by the packet
size of the codec selected. Bandwidth use of modem pass-through varies depending on
the redundancy level and packet size selected. The maximum packet size for modem pass-
through is 20 ms.
Bandwidth use for other modes also varies, depending on the packet size used, whether
redundant packets are sent and whether the relay or pass-through method is used.
For the bandwidth usage, see Table 4: Bandwidth for FAX, modem, and TTY calls over IP
networks on page 67 .
• Calls with non-Avaya systems
Some FAX calls might have one communicating endpoint connected to a non-Avaya
communications system. For such FAX calls, the non-Avaya system and the Avaya system
must both have T.38 defined for the codecs.
Modem and TTY calls over the IP network cannot be successfully sent to non-Avaya
systems. Modem V.150.1 calls are interoperable with other systems that also support the
V.150.1 protocol.
• Differing transmission methods at the sending or receiving endpoints
The transmission method or methods used on both the sending and receiving ends of a
FAX/modem/TTY/clear channel call must be the same.
Sometimes, a call succeeds although the transmission method for the sending and receiving
endpoints is different. Usually, for a call to succeed, the two endpoints must be administered
for the same transmission method.
• H.320 Video over IP using Clear Channel
H.320 Video over IP using Clear Channel is supported. To support H.320 Video over IP, the
port networks or the gateways must have reliable Synchronization Sources and transport for
framing integrity of the channels.
• Hardware requirements

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The relay and pass-through capabilities require the following hardware:

- For Avaya S8300E Servers, G450, G430 Branch Gateway, and the Multi-Tech MultiVoIP
Gateway, the firmware must be updated to the latest available on http://support.avaya.com
- For T.38 FAX capability, endpoints on other non-Avaya T.38 compliant communications
systems can send or receive FAX calls using endpoints on Avaya systems.
• Multiple hops and multiple conversions
A FAX call can undergo two or more conversion cycles, from TDM protocol to IP protocol and
back to TDM protocol. In such situations, the call can fail because of delays in processing
through more than one conversion cycle. A modem or TTY call can undergo only one
conversion cycle, from TDM to IP protocol and back to TDM protocol, on the communication
path. If multiple conversion cycles occur, the call fails. Therefore, both endpoint gateways
and any intermediate servers in a path containing multiple hops must support shuffling for a
modem or TTY call to succeed.
For example, in the following figure, a hop occurs in either direction for calls between port
network A and Gateway C. The calls are transcoded between point B and point D. In this
case, shuffling is required on devices A, B, C, and D.

Figure 8: Shuffling for FAX, modem, and TTY calls over IP

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FAX, TTY, modem, and clear channel transmission modes and

Communication Manager provides many methods for supporting FAX, TTY, modem, and clear
channel transmission over IP.
FAX Relay, FAX Pass-through, TTY Pass-through, Modem Relay, and Modem Pass-through
are proprietary solutions that work only between two Avaya-supported endpoints, such as
media gateways and Communication Manager port networks.

Table 3: FAX, TTY, modem, and clear channel transmission modes and speeds

Mode Maximum rate Comments

T.38 FAX Standard 9600 bps This capability is standards-based and uses IP trunks, H.323 or
(relay only) SIP for communicating with non-Avaya systems. Additionally, the
T.38 FAX capability uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). For
more information, see T.38 fax standard mode.

FAX endpoints served by two different Avaya servers can
also send T.38 faxes to each other if both systems are
enabled for T.38 FAX. In this case, the servers also use IP
FAX Relay 9600 bps Because the data packets for faxes in relay mode are sent
almost exclusively in one direction, from the sending endpoint
to the receiving endpoint, bandwidth use is reduced.

Do not use this proprietary relay protocol. Instead, use T.38
FAX standard or T.38 with fallback to G.711 Pass-through.
Table continues…

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Mode Maximum rate Comments

FAX Pass-through V.34 (33.6 kbps) The transport speed is up to the equivalent of circuit-switched
calls and supports G3 and Super G3 FAX rates.

You can achieve the V.34 speed of 33.6 Kbps if the IP
transport network has minimum delay and only a few hops.
If you are using Super G3 FAX machines as well as modems,
do not assign these FAX machines to a network region with an
IP Codec set that is modem-enabled as well as FAX-enabled.
If its Codec set is enabled for both modem and FAX signaling,
a Super G3 FAX machine incorrectly tries to use the modem
transmission instead of the FAX transmission. Therefore, assign
modem endpoints to a network region that uses a modem-
enabled IP Codec set and assign the Super G3 FAX machines to
a network region that uses a FAX-enabled IP Codec set.
You can assign packet redundancy in both Pass-through and
Relay modes, which means that the gateways use packet
redundancy to improve packet delivery and robustness of FAX
transport over the network.
The Pass-through mode uses more network bandwidth than
the Relay mode. Redundancy increases bandwidth usage even
T.38 with fallback to 9600 bps Communication Manager uses the T.38 protocol for fax
G.711 Pass-through transmission only if the protocol can be successfully negotiated
with the peer SIP entity. Otherwise, Communication Manager
falls back to G.711 for fax transmission. This mode requires a
G.711 codec to be administered on the IP Media Parameters

The T.38 with fallback to G.711 Pass-through feature only
works over SIP trunks.
TTY Relay 16 kbps This transport of TTY supports US English TTY (Baudot 45.45)
and UK English TTY (Baudot 50). TTY uses RFC 2833 or RFC
2198 style packets to transport TTY characters. Depending on
the presence of TTY characters on a call, the transmission
toggles between voice mode and TTY mode. The system uses
up to 16 Kbps of bandwidth, including packet redundancy, when
sending TTY characters and normal bandwidth of the audio
codec for the voice mode.
Table continues…

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Fax, modem, TTY, H.323 Clear Channel calls over H.323 IP trunks, and SIP 64K Data calls over SIP trunks

Mode Maximum rate Comments

TTY Pass-through 87-110 kbps In the Pass-through mode, you can also assign packet
redundancy, which means that the gateways send duplicated
TTY packets to ensure and improve quality over the network.
The pass-through mode uses more network bandwidth than the
relay mode. Pass-through TTY uses 87-110 kbps, depending on
the packet size, whereas TTY relay uses, at most, the bandwidth
of the configured audio codec. Redundancy increases bandwidth
usage even more.
Modem Relay V.32 (9600 bps) The maximum transmission rate can vary with the version of
firmware. The packet size for modem relay is determined by the
packet size of the codec selected but is always at least 30 ms.
Also, each level of packet redundancy, if selected, increases the
linear bandwidth usage . The first level of redundancy doubles
the bandwidth usage, the second level of redundancy triples the
bandwidth usage, and so on.

Modem over IP in relay mode is currently available only
for use by specific secure analog telephones that meet
the Future Narrowband Digital Terminal (FNBDT) standard.
Do not use this proprietary relay protocol. Instead, use the
V.150.1 standard-based relay protocol.
Modem Pass- V.34 (33.6 kbps) Transport speed depends on the negotiated rate of the modem
through and V.90/V.92 endpoints. Though the servers and gateways support modem
(43.4 kbps) signaling at v.34 (33.6 kbps) or v.90 and v.92 (43.4 kbps), the
modem endpoints can automatically reduce transmission speed
to ensure maximum quality of signals. V.90 and V.92 are speeds
typically supported by modem endpoints only when directly
connected to a service provider Internet service.
You can also assign packet redundancy in pass-through mode,
which means that the gateways send duplicated modem packets
to improve packet delivery and robustness of FAX transport over
the network.
Pass-through mode uses more network bandwidth than relay
mode. Redundancy increases bandwidth usage even more. The
maximum packet size for modem pass-through is 20 ms.
Clear-Channel 64 kbps The Clear-Channel mode supports only clear channel data, but
(unrestricted) not analog data transmission functionality such as FAX, modem,
TTY, or DTMF signals. The Clear-Channel mode is purely a
clear channel data. In addition, support is unavailable for echo
cancellation, silence suppression, or conferencing. H.320 video
over IP using clear channel is supported if the port networks
or the gateways have a reliable synchronization source and
transport for framing integrity.
Table continues…

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Converged Networks

Mode Maximum rate Comments

V.150.1 Standard Need V.150.1 protocol is standards-based and uses SIP signaling for
Modem Relay information communication with non-Avaya systems. This protocol uses one
RTP port for sending RFC 2833 tone events, a second RTP port
for exchanging State Signaling Events (SSE), and a third RTP
port for sending the Simple Packet Relay Transport (SPRT) data
The sending and receiving systems negotiate for the support of
V.150.1 in the SDP message set of the SIP protocol.
The two principle applications are:
• Commercial telemetry data transport
• Secure SIP station set voice transport

T.38 fax standard mode

H.323 and SIP call transport segments can be deployed for a single call path. Each time the call
traverses from one technology to the other, a pair of transcoding is generated. H.323 and SIP in a
fax call path can work if one of the end devices is a fax server that integrates using IP. Keep the
number of transcoding nodes to three or fewer to keep the delay to an acceptable level.
The T.38 FAX sending and receiving endpoints can be on port networks or gateways registered to
the same server. In such cases, the gateways or port networks revert to Avaya FAX relay mode.
The sending and receiving systems must announce the support of T.38 FAX data applications.
Support for T.38 FAX data applications must be announced during the H.245 capabilities
exchange for H.323 trunks or the SDP media description for SIP trunks. Avaya systems announce
support of T.38 FAX if the capability is administered on the Codec Set screen for the region.
Also, a T.38-capable media processor must be chosen for the voice channel. In addition, for a
successful FAX transmission, both systems must support the H.245 null capability exchange to
avoid multiple IP hops in the connection.
To use the T.38 FAX capability, disable modem Relay and modem Pass-through. However, the
modem Pass-through mode can use the T.38 FAX capability even if the mode is not disabled.
Additionally, the T.38 FAX capability does not support TCP.
If you experience a packet network loss, assign packet redundancy to T.38 standard faxes to
improve packet delivery and robustness of FAX transport over the network.
T.38 FAX Standard supports Error Correction Mode (ECM). With ECM, a FAX page is transmitted
in a series of blocks that contain frames with packets of data.
After receiving the data for a complete page, a receiving fax machine notifies the transmitting fax
machine of any frames with errors. The transmitting fax machine then retransmits the specified
frames. This process is repeated until all frames are received without errors. If the receiving fax
machine is unable to receive an error-free page, the fax transmission can fail and one of the fax
machines can disconnect. too much content for a table. Create a separate concept topic and link.

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Fax, modem, TTY, H.323 Clear Channel calls over H.323 IP trunks, and SIP 64K Data calls over SIP trunks

Bandwidth for FAX, modem, TTY, and clear channel calls over IP
The following table identifies the bandwidth of FAX, modem, TTY, and clear channel calls based
on the following factors:
• Packet sizes
• Redundancy
• Relay or Pass-Through method
The values are approximate because bandwidth can vary during each call for multiple reasons.

Table 4: Bandwidth for FAX, modem, and TTY calls over IP networks

Packet Bandwidth (in kbps) (bidirectional)

Size (in
Redundancy = 0 Red. Red. =
Redundancy = 1 = 2 3
TTY TTY TTY at FAX Modem Clear Clear
at at G.723 Relay Relay at Channel Channe
G.711 G.729 9600 FAX/ l FAX/
Baud Modem Modem FAX FAX
pass- FAX pass- Relay Relay3
through Relay through 34 4

10 110 54 - - - 110 - 221 - -

20 87 31 - - - 87 - 174 - -
30 79 23 22 25 22.9 - 50 - 75 100
40 76 20 - - 19.6 - - - - -
50 73 17 - - 17.6 - - - - -
60 72 16 14 - 16.3 - - - - -

TTY, Modem Relay, Modem pass-through, and FAX pass-through calls are full duplex. Multiply the
bandwidth of the mode by 2 to get the network bandwidth usage.
TTY at G723 supports 30 and 60 ms packet size.
FAX Relay supports 30 ms packet size.
Nonzero redundancy options increase the bandwidth usage by a linear factor of the bandwidth
usage when the redundancy is zero.
FAX and Modem pass-through support 10 and 20 ms packet size.
Clear Channel transport supports a packet size of 20 ms.

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Media encryption for FAX, modem, TTY, and clear channel

If media encryption is configured, the algorithm used during the audio channel setup of the call is
maintained for most FAX relay and pass-through modes. The exception is the T.38 standard for
FAX over IP, for which encryption is not used.
Encryption is applicable as shown in the following table.

Table 5: Encryption options

Call Type AEA AES SRTP Transport

Modem Pass-through Y Y Y RTP (RFC2198)
Modem Relay Y N N Proprietary
V.150.1 Modem Relay N N N Simple Packet Relay Transport
FAX Pass-through Y Y Y RTP (RFC2198)
FAX Relay Y N N Duplicate Packets
TTY Pass-through Y Y Y RTP (RFC2198)
TTY Relay Y Y Y RFC2198
T.38 FAX Standard N N N T.38 UDPTL Redundancy
Clear Channel Y Y Y RTP (RFC2198)

For more information about the SRTP encryption protocol, see SRTP media encryption on
page 69.
If the audio channel is encrypted, the FAX digital channel is also encrypted, except for the
limitations described above. AEA-encrypted FAX and modem relay calls that switch back to audio
continue to be encrypted using the same key information used at audio call setup.
For the cases of encrypting FAX, modem, and TTY pass-through and TTY relay, the encryption
used during audio channel setup is maintained during the call.
The software works in the following way for encryption:
• For FAX, modem, and TTY pass-through and relay, VoIP firmware encrypts calls as
administered on the CODEC set screen. These calls begin in voice, so VoIP encrypts the
voice channel as administered. If the media stream is converted to FAX, modem, or TTY
digital, the VoIP firmware automatically disables encryption as appropriate. When the call
switches back to audio, VoIP firmware encrypts the stream again.
• For T.38 FAX, VoIP firmware encrypts the voice channel as administered on the CODEC set
screen. When the call is converted to FAX, VoIP firmware automatically turns off encryption.
If the call later reverts back to audio, VoIP firmware encrypts the stream again.

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Setting network performance thresholds

Setting network performance thresholds

About this task
You require a craft login or a higher login to perform this administration.
Communication Manager provides control over four IP media packet performance thresholds to
streamline VoIP traffic. You can use the default values for these parameters, or you can change
the values to fit the needs of your network. These threshold values apply only to IP trunks and do
not affect other IP endpoints.
1. On the SAT screen, type change signaling-group n.
2. On the Signaling Group screen, in the Group Type field, type h.323 or sip.
3. In the Bypass If IP Threshold Exceeded field, type y.
If bypass is activated for a signaling group, the system compares the ongoing
measurements of network activity with the values in the IP-options system-parameters
screen. If the current measurements exceed the values in the IP-options system-
parameters screen, the bypass function terminates use of the network path for the
signaling group. The following actions are taken when thresholds are exceeded:
• Existing calls on the IP trunk associated with the signaling group are not maintained.
• Incoming calls do not arrive at the IP trunks on the bypassed signaling group and are
diverted to alternate routes.
• Outgoing calls are blocked on this signaling group.
If so administered, blocked calls are diverted to alternate routes, either IP or circuits, as
determined by the administered routing patterns.

Use the default values.

SRTP media encryption

Secure Real Time Protocol (SRTP) is a media encryption standard that provides encryption of
RTP media streams for SIP and 9600-series IP telephones. SRTP is defined in RFC 3711.
The following SRTP features are supported by Communication Manager Release 4.0 and later:
• Encryption of RTP. Encryption is optional, but recommended.
• Authentication of RTCP streams. Authentication of RTCP streams is mandatory.
• Authentication of RTP streams. Authentication of RTP streams is optional, but recommended.
• Protection against replay.

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The following SRTP features are not supported by Communication Manager:

• Several automatic rekeying schemes
• Other options within SRTP that are not expected to be used for VoIP, such as key derivation
rates or MKIs
Previous releases of Communication Manager supported AEA and AES media encryption for
H.323 calls, however no media encryption was available for SIP calls. Starting with Release
4.0, SRTP provides encryption and authentication of RTP streams for SIP. SRTP also provides
authentication of RTP and RTCP for SIP and H.323 calls using the 9600-series telephones.
SRTP encryption of FAX and modem relay and T.38 is not supported. FAX and modem relay and
T.38 are not transmitted in RTP. Therefore, where an SRTP voice call changes to a fax relay, fax is
not encrypted.
SRTP is available only if :
• Media Encryption is enabled in the license file.
• Media Encryption is activated by IP codec set administration in the same manner as for other
encryption algorithms.
In Communication Manager Release 7.0 and later, you can use the Encrypted SRTCP feature to
provide enhanced security for the media control streams associated with the RTP media stream.
The RTP and RTCP streams are two consecutive UDP ports. The RTCP control stream
conveys usage data. An example of usage data is the identification of the two parties on a
given call.
Also, in Communication Manager Release 7.0 and later, the AES encryption option now includes
AES-256. AES-256 applies to voice media streams and video media streams for the IP network
region that governs the ip-codec-set

The SRTP feature is supported on all Linux-based platforms running Communication Manager.
The SRTP feature is also supported on all versions of SES, regardless of platform, starting with
Release 4.0.
The following gateway platforms also support SRTP, SRTCP, and AES-256:
• Avaya Aura® Media Server
• VoIP Media Modules and on-board VoIP engines as follows:
- G430 Branch Gateway
- G450 Branch Gateway

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SRTP media encryption

Administering SRTP
Before you begin
Ensure that the Media Encryption over IP feature is enabled in the license file.
About this task
Administering SRTP encryption is the same as administering AES and AEA encryption.
1. On the Customer Options form, ensure that the Media Encryption Over IP? field is set to
2. On the IP Media Parameters form, administer the Media Encryption type in the Media
Encryption field.
You can use this field to specify a priority listing for one of five available options for the
negotiation of encryption.
For two network regions that have different codec sets that are assigned to a third codec
set. The settings for media Encryption will then depend on the third codec set.
3. Administer the ip-network-region form for SIP options.
Use the Allow SIP URI Conversion? field to specify whether a SIP Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI) is permitted to change. For example, if sips:// in the URI is changed to
sip://, then the call can be less secure. However, changing to a less secure URI can be
necessary to complete the call. In the Allow SIP URI Conversion? field, you can enter n
to forbid URI conversion. Then calls made from SIP endpoints that support SRTP to other
SIP endpoints that do not support SRTP fail. Enter y for converting SIP URIs. The default
is y.
4. Configure an endpoint to use SRTP.
For an endpoint, set SRTP as media encryption and TLS as transport.
To enable the SRTP on an endpoint:
• Use 46xxSettings.txt to set MEDIAENCRYPTION 10, 11 (Support 10-srtp-aescm256-
hmac80, 11-srtp-aescm256-hmac32 if you want to use AES-256 media encryption)
• Use 46xxSettings.txt to set MEDIAENCRYPTION 1, 9 (Support 1-srtp-aescm128-
hmac80, 9=none as recommended)
• Use 46xxSettings.txt to set SIPSIGNAL 2 (2 to use Transport protocol as TLS)
For more information about administering SRTP, see Media Encryption

Administering SRTP for video signaling

1. Type change system-parameters customer-options.
The system displays the Optional Features screen.

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2. On page 4 of the Optional Features screen, set the Media Encryption Over IP field to y.
This setting applies both audio and video SRTP.
3. Type change system-parameters features.
The system displays the Feature-Related System Parameters screen.
4. On page 19 of the Feature-related System Parameters screen, set the Initial INVITE with
SDP for secure calls field to y.
5. Type change signaling–group n, where n is the signaling group number.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
6. Set the Enforce SIPS URI for SRTP field to y.
7. Type change system-parameters ip-options.
The system displays the IP-Options Systems Parameters screen.
8. On page 2 of the IP-Options Systems Parameters screen, set the Override ip-codec-set
for SIP direct-media connections field to:
• n if you are running Communication Manager 6.3.2 or later.
• y if you are running an earlier release of Communication Manager.
9. Type any of the following:
• change ip-codec-set n
• change ip-media-parameters n
Where n is the ip codec set number.
The system displays the IP Media Parameters screen.
10. In the Media Encryption section, administer the SRTP options.
a. In field 1, type 10-srtp-aescm256-hmac80.
b. In field 2, type 11-srtp-aescm256-hmac32.
c. In field 3, type 1-srtp-aescm128-hmac80.
d. In field 4, type 2-srtp-aescm128-hmac32.
e. In field 5, type none.

For video calls to work on the Best Effort SRTP mode, select none.
11. Repeat Step 6 for each ip codec set.

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Chapter 4: Voice, Video, and Network
quality administration

This chapter provides information about:

• Improving voice quality by adjusting the voice packet traffic flow through an IP network, also
known as implementing Quality of Service (QoS).
• Network recovery and survivability
Implementing QoS requires administration adjustments to Avaya equipment as well as
LAN/WAN equipment, such as switches, routers, and hubs.
For more information about QoS, see Avaya Aura® Core Solution Description.
For more information about implementing QoS, see the White Paper, Avaya IP Voice Quality
Network Requirements (LB1500-02), at http://www.support.avaya.com.

Factors causing voice degradation

VoIP applications put severe constraints on the amount of end-to-end transfer delay of voice
signal and routing. If these constraints are not met, users complain of garbled or degraded voice
quality, gaps, and pops. Due to human voice perception, VoIP applications can afford to randomly
lose a few voice packets and the user can still understand the conversation. However, if voice
packets are delayed or systematically lost, the destination experiences a momentary loss of
sound, often with some unpleasing artifacts like clicks or pops. Some general complaints and their
causes are listed in the following table:

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Table 6: User complaints and their causes

Complaint Possible causes and links to information

‘Talking over’ the far end • Packet delay and loss
• Echo
• Network architecture between endpoint and
intermediate node
• Switching algorithms
Echo at the near-end and far-end • Impedance mismatch
• Improper coupling
• Codec administration
Too soft or too loud voice • PSTN loss
• Digital loss
• Automatic Gain Control
• Conference loss plan
Clicks, pops, or stutters • Packet loss
• Timing drift due to clocks
• Jitter
• False DTMF detection
• Silence suppression algorithms
Muffled, distorted, or noisy sound • Codec administration
• Transducers
• Housings
• Environment
• Analog design

Some factors causing voice degradation are:

• Packet delay and loss
• Echo
• Transcoding

Packet delay and loss

The causes of voice degradation include:
• Packet delay or latency
The following factors can cause packet delay or latency:
- Buffer delays

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- Queuing delays in switches and routers

- Bandwidth restrictions
• Jitter or statistical average variance in end-to-end packet travel times
• Packet loss
The following factors can cause packet loss:
- Network overload
- Full jitter buffers
- Echo
Use a network assessment that measures and solves latency issues before implementing
VoIP solutions. For more information, see Avaya Aura® Core Solution Description.

When IP endpoints are connected through more than one network region, each region must use
the same codec. A codec is the circuitry that converts an audio signal into the digital equivalent
and assigns companding properties. Packet delays occur when different codecs are used within
the same network region. In this case, the G4xx Media Gateway or Avaya Aura® Media Server
acts as a gateway translating the different codecs, and an IP-direct or shuffled connection is not

In converged networks that contain coexistent voice and data traffic, the volume of either type of
traffic is unpredictable. For example, transferring a file using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) can
cause a sharp burst in the network traffic. At other times, the network might have no data.
While most data applications are insensitive to small delays, the recovery of lost and corrupted
voice packets is a significant problem. For example, users are not concerned if the reception of
email or files from file transfer applications is delayed by a few seconds. In a voice call, the most
important expectation is the real-time exchange of speech. To achieve real-time communication,
network resources are required for the complete duration of the call. If resources are unavailable
or the network is too busy to carry the voice packets, clicks, pops, and stutters are heard at the
destination. Therefore, for real-time exchange of speech with adequate quality, a fixed amount of
bandwidth is continually required during the call.

Quality of Service and voice quality administration

Delay is a crucial cause of VoIP quality degradation, and many other causes are highly
interdependent with delay. Therefore, delay must be reduced by improving the routing in the
network or by reducing the processing time within the endpoints and intermediate nodes.

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Voice, Video, and Network quality administration

For example, when delay is minimized:

• Jitter and electrically induced echo abate.
• Intermediate node and jitter buffer resources are released making packet loss insignificant.
As packets move faster in the network, the resources at each node are available for the next
packet that arrives. Packets are not dropped because of lack of resources.
Delay cannot be eliminated completely from VoIP applications because delay includes the
inevitable processing time at the endpoints plus the transmission time. However, the delay that
is caused because of network congestion or queuing can be minimized by adjusting the following
Quality of Service (QoS) parameters:
• Layer 3 QoS
- DiffServ
• Layer 2 QoS: 802.1p/Q
These parameters are administered on the IP Network Region screen. See IP network regions.

Layer 3 QoS
The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) or DiffServ is a packet prioritization scheme.
DiffServ uses the Type of Service (ToS) byte in the packet header to indicate the forwarding class
of the packet and Per Hop Behaviors (PHBs). After the packets are marked with the forwarding
class, the interior routers and gateways use this ToS byte to differentiate the treatment of packets.
A DiffServ policy must be established across the entire IP network. The DiffServ values used by
Communication Manager and by the IP network infrastructure must be the same.
If you have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a service provider, the volume of traffic of each
class that you can inject into the network is limited by the SLA. The forwarding class is directly
encoded as bits in the packet header. After the packets are marked with the forwarding class, the
interior nodes, including routers and gateways, can use this information to differentiate treatment
of packets.

Resources Reservation Protocol (RSVP) can be used to lower DiffServ priorities of calls when
bandwidth is scarce. The RSVP signaling protocol sends requests for resource reservations to
routers on the path between the sender and the receiver for the voice bearer packets. RSVP does
not send requests for resource reservation for call setup or call signaling packets.

Layer 2 QoS
802.1p is an Ethernet tagging mechanism that can process Ethernet switches to give priority to
voice packets.

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If you change 802.1p/Q on the IP Network Region screen, the format of the Ethernet frames
changes. 802.1p/Q settings in Communication Manager must match similar settings in your
network elements.
The 802.1p feature is important to the endpoint side of the network because personal computer-
based endpoints must rank audio traffic over routine data traffic.
For IEEE standard 802.1Q, you must specify both a virtual LAN (VLAN) and a frame priority at
layer 2 for LAN switches or Ethernet switches, for routing based on MAC addresses.
802.1p/Q provides 8 priority levels and many Virtual LAN identifiers. Interpretation of the priority
is controlled by the Ethernet switch and is usually based on highest priority first. The VLAN
identifier permits segregation of traffic within Ethernet switches to reduce traffic on each link.
802.1p operates on the MAC layer. The switch always sends the QoS parameter values to
the IP endpoints. Attempts to change the settings by DHCP or manually are overwritten. The
IP endpoints do not process the VLAN on or off options. Turning VLAN on requires that the
capabilities be administered on the LAN switch nearest to the IP endpoint. VLAN tagging can be
turned on manually, by DHCP, or by TFTP.
If you have varied 802.1p from LAN segment to LAN segment, then you must administer 802.1p/Q
options individually for each network interface. You require a separate network region for each
network interface.

Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) provide security and create smaller broadcast domains by
using software to create virtually separated subnets. The broadcast traffic from a node that is in
a VLAN goes to all nodes that are members of the VLAN. Thus, VLANs reduce CPU use and
increase security by restricting the traffic to a few nodes, instead of every node on the LAN.
Any end-system that performs VLAN functions and protocols is VLAN-aware. However, very
few end-systems are VLAN-aware. VLAN-unaware switches cannot handle VLAN packets from
VLAN-aware switches. Hence, Avaya gateways have VLAN configuration turned off by default.
Create separate VLANs for VoIP applications.

Administering endpoints for IP address mapping

1. On the SAT screen, type change ip-network-map and press Enter.
The system displays the IP Address Mapping screen.
2. In the FROM IP Address field, type the starting IP address.
You can type IPv4 or IPv6 address.
The IPv4 address must be a 32-bit address with four decimal numbers, each in the range
0-255 and IPv6 address must be 128–bit address with Hexadecimal numbers.
3. In the TO IP Address field, type the terminating IP address.

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You can type IPv4 or IPv6 address.

The IPv4 address must be a 32-bit address with four decimal numbers, each in the range
0-255 and IPv6 address must be 128–bit address with Hexadecimal numbers.
If the TO IP Address field and the Subnet Mask field are blank , the address in the FROM
IP Address field is copied into this field.
4. In the or Subnet Mask field, specify the mask to be used to get the subnet work identifier
from the IP address.
If this field is nonblank on submission, then:
• Mask is applied to the FROM IP Address field, putting zeros in the non-masked
rightmost bits. The address becomes the stored From address.
• Mask is applied to the TO IP Address field, putting 1s in the non-masked rightmost bits.
This address becomes the stored To address.
Valid entries are a number in the range 0-32 or blank.
The Subnet Mask field and the TO IP Address field can be submitted blank. When both
the fields are blank, the address in the FROM IP Address field is copied into the TO IP
Address field
5. In the Region field, type the network region for the IP address range.
The Region field must contain the network region for this interface. The value can be a
number in the range 1-250.
6. In the VLAN field, specify the virtual LAN value.
The VLAN field sends the VLAN instructions to IP endpoints such as IP telephones and IP
softphones. This field does not send instructions to the PROCR.
The VLAN field can take a value between 0-4095 if you want to specify the virtual LAN
value. Set the VLAN field to n to indicate that VLAN is disabled.
7. In the Emergency Location Extension field, type a value 1-7 digits long for the
emergency location extension.
The default value is blank. A blank entry is often used for an IP softphone dialing in
through PPP from outside your network.
The entry on this screen can be different from the value entered in the Emergency
Location Extension field on the Station screen. When such a mismatch occurs, the
extension entered on this screen is sent to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
8. Save the changes.

IP codec sets
The type of codec used for voice encoding and companding, and compression or decompression
are available on the IP Media Parameters screen. The codecs on the IP Media Parameters screen
are listed in the order of preferred use. A call across a trunk between two systems is set up to use
the first common codec listed.

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The codec order must be administered the same for each system of an H.323 trunk
connection. The set of codecs listed does not have to be the same, but the order of the
listed codecs must.
In the IP Media Parameters screen, define the codecs and packet sizes used by each IP network
region. You can also enable or disable silence suppression for each codec in the set. The screen
dynamically displays the packet size in milliseconds (ms) for each codec in the set, based on the
number of 10 ms frames that you administer for each packet.
Finally, you use this screen to assign the following characteristics to a codec set:
• Whether endpoints in the assigned network region can route FAX, modem, TTY, or clear
channel calls over IP trunks.
• The mode that the system uses to route the FAX, modem, TTY, or clear channel calls.
• Whether redundant packets must be added to the transmission for higher reliability and

For pass-through mode, payload redundancy per RFC2198 is used.
These characteristics must be assigned to the codec set, and the codec set must be assigned to
a network region. Only after assigning are the endpoints in that region able to use the capabilities
established on this screen.

Users might use Super G3 FAX machines and modems. Do not assign these FAX machines
to a network region with an IP Codec set that is both modem-enabled and FAX-enabled.
Do not enable the codec set for both modem and FAX signaling. If both are enabled, a
Super G3 FAX machine incorrectly tries to use the modem transmission instead of the FAX
transmission. Therefore, assign modem endpoints to a network region that uses a modem-
enabled IP Codec set. Assign the Super G3 FAX machines to a network region that uses a
FAX-enabled IP Codec set.
Related links
Administering shuffling in network regions on page 54

Administering an IP Codec set

1. Type any of the following and press Enter:
• change ip-codec-set n
• change ip-media-parameters n
The system displays the IP Media Parameters screen.
2. In the Audio Codec field, specify an audio CODEC.

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3. In the Silence Suppression field, perform one of the following tasks:

• If you want to avoid silence suppression, type n.
• If you require silence suppression on the audio stream, type y.
Silence suppression can affect audio quality.
4. In the Frames per Pkt field, specify frames for each packet.
The frame value can be between 1 to 6.
The system displays the Packet Size (ms) field automatically.
5. In the Media Encryption field, specify an option for the negotiation of encryption.
The system displays this field only if the Media Encryption over IP feature is enabled. The
system specifies one of the five possible options for the negotiation of encryption. The
selected option for an IP codec set applies to all codecs defined in that set.
6. Go to page 2 of the screen.

Use these approximate bandwidth requirements to decide which codecs to administer.
These numbers change with packet size and include layer 2 overhead. With 20 ms
packets, the following bandwidth is required:
• 711 A-law–85 kbps
• 711 mu-law–85 kbps, used in the U.S. and Japan
• 729–30 kbps
• 729A/B/AB–30 kbps audio
• OPUS Codec bit-rate options:
- OPUS-NB12K : 12 kbps
- OPUS-NB16K : 16 kbps
- OPUS-WB20K: 20 kbps
- OPUS-SWB24: 24 kbps
7. In the All Direct-IP Multimedia? field, type y for direct multimedia through the following
• H.261
• H.263
• H.264 (video)
• H.224
• H.224.1 (data, far end camera control)

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8. In the Maximum Bandwidth Per Call for Direct-IP Multimedia field, enter the unit of
measure corresponding to the numeric value entered for the bandwidth limitation. The unit
of measure can be kbits or mbits.
The system displays this field only when Allow Direct-IP Multimedia is y.
9. In the FAX Mode field, specify the mode for fax calls.
10. In the Modem Mode field, specify the mode for modem calls.
11. In the TDD/TTY Mode field, specify the mode for TDD/TTY calls.
12. In the Clear Channel field, type y or n.
• If the value is y, 64 kbps clear channel data calls is possible for this codec set.
• If the value is n, 64 kbps clear channel data calls is not possible for this codec set.
13. In the Redundancy field, perform one of the following:
• For call types TTY, fax, or modem that do not use pass-through mode: Enter the number
of duplicated packets, from 0 to 3, that the system sends with each primary packet in the
call. A value of 0 means that you do not want to send duplicated packets.
• For clear-channel call type and call types for which you selected the pass-through mode:
Enter either 0 or 1. If you select 0, the system does not use redundant payloads. If you
select 1, the system uses redundant payloads.
14. In the Media Connection IP Address Type Preferences field, enter any of the following:
• ipv4/ipv6
• ipv6/ipv4
• ip4/none
• ipv6/none
15. Save the changes.
16. Type any of the following and press Enter:
• list ip-codec-set
• list ip-media-parameters
The system lists all codec sets on the CODEC Set screen.
17. Review the codec sets.

IP network regions
Use network regions to group IP endpoints and VoIP and signaling resources that share the
same characteristics. Signaling resources includes Avaya Aura® Media Server and PROCR. In

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this context, IP endpoint refers to IP stations, IP trunks, and G430 and G450 branch gateways.
These IP endpoints and resources have the following characteristics:
• Audio Parameters
- Codec Set
- UDP port Range
- Direct IP-IP connections
- Hairpinning
• H.323 security profile
- TLS service
• Signaling channel encryption
- TTS service
• Registration and reregistration process

Communication Manager uses TLS to encrypt the signaling channel between
Communication Manager and 96x1 H.323 phones. It also uses TTS for fast registration
and reregistration process.
• Quality of Service Parameters:
- Diffserv settings
• Call Control per-hop behavior (PHB)
• VoIP Media PHB
- 802.1p/Q settings
• Call Control 802.1p priority
• VoIP Media 802.1p priority
- Better than Best Effort (BBE) PHB
- RTCP settings
- RSVP settings
- Location
• WAN bandwidth limitations
- Call Admission control - Bandwidth Limitation (CAC-BL)
- Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing (IGAR)
For more information about ip-network-region, see Administering Avaya Aura® Communication

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For more information about using network regions, with examples, see the application note
Network Regions for Avaya MultiVantage™ Solutions at: http://www.support.avaya.com. For
more information about configuring network regions in Communication Manager, see the
application note Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Network Region Configuration Guide,
at: http://www.support.avaya.com.

Defining an IP network region

About this task
Never define a network region to span a WAN link.
Accept the default values for the following screen.
1. Type change ip-network-region.
The system displays the IP Network Region screen.
2. Complete the fields using the information in IP Network Region field descriptions.

3. Save the changes.

If you change 802.1p/Q on the IP Network Region screen, the format of the Ethernet
frames changes. 802.1p/Q settings in Communication Manager must match the
settings in all interfacing elements in your data network.

IP Network Region field descriptions

Name Description
NR Group Use this field to assign a network region group to
the network region. You can enter a value from: 1 to
2000 for large systems. 1 to 250 for small systems.

Do not leave the field blank. You can assign
multiple network regions to the same network
region group.
Region Network Region number, 1–2000.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Location Blank or 1–2000.
If you leave the field blank, the system obtains
the location from the PROCR that the endpoint
is registered through. The system can also get
the location from the gateway through which the
endpoint is registered. The setting for the location
field applies to IP telephones and softphones.
Name The name of the region. Enter a character string up
to 20 characters.
Authoritative Domain The network domain of the server.
Stub Network Region The network region that is a core network region
or a stub network region. For network regions 251
to 2000, this field is a read-only field with a default
value n.
If you are creating a stub network region, you
must enter more information on page 4, in the dst
rgn field. Enter the number of the destination core
network region that directly connects with this stub
network region.

To convert a core network region to a stub
network region, ensure that the core network
region is connected with only one core network
region. A stub network must have only one
direct connection with a core network.
Codec Set Specifies the codec set assigned to a region. Enter
a value between 1-7. The default value is 1.

Codec sets are administered on the CODEC
Set screen. See“ IP CODEC sets”.
Table continues…

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Name Description
UDP Port-Min Specifies the lowest port number to be used for
audio packets. Enter a value between 2-65406. The
default is 2048.

This number must be twice the number of
calls that must be supported plus one, must
start with an even number, and must be
consecutive. The minimum range is 128 ports.

Do not use the range of well-known or IETF-
assigned ports. Do not use ports below 1024.
UDP Port-Max Specifies the highest port number to be used for
audio packets. Enter a value between 130-65535.
The default value is 65535.

Do not use the range of well-known or IETF-
assigned ports. Do not use ports below 1024.
Call Control PHB Value The decimal equivalent of the Call Control PHB
value. Enter a value between 0-63.
• Use PHB 46 for expedited forwarding of packets.
• Use PHB 46 for audio for legacy systems
that only support IPv4 Type-of-Service, which
correlates to the older ToS critical setting.
• Use PHB 46 if you negotiated a Call Control PHB
value in your SLA with your Service Provider.
Audio PHB Value The decimal equivalent of the VoIP Media PHB
value. Enter a value between 0-63:
• Use PHB 46 for expedited forwarding of packets.
• Use PHB 46 for audio for legacy systems
that only support IPv4 Type-of-Service, which
correlates to the older ToS critical setting.
Call Control 802.1p Priority Specifies the 802.1p priority value, and displays
only if the 802.1p/Q Enabled field is y. The valid
range is 0–7. Avaya recommends 6 (high). See
Caution below this table.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Audio 802.1p Priority Specifies the 802.1p priority value, and displays
only if the 802.1p/Q Enabled field is y. The valid
range is 0–7. Avaya recommends 6 (high). See
Caution below this table.
Video 802.1p Priority Specifies the Video 802.1p priority value, and
displays only if the 802.1p/Q Enabled field is y. The
valid range is 0–7.
H.323 Link Bounce Recovery Specifies whether to enable H.323 Link Bounce
Recovery feature for this network region. Select y
or n.
Idle Traffic Interval (sec) Enter the maximum traffic idle time in seconds in
the range 5-7200. Default is 20.
Keep-Alive Interval (sec) Specify the interval between KA retransmissions in
seconds. Enter a value in the range 1–120. The
default value is 5.
Keep-Alive Count Specify the number of retries if no ACK is received.
Enter a value in the range 1–20. The default value
is 5.
Intra-region IP-IP Direct Audio Enter y: To save on bandwidth resources
and improve sound quality of voice over IP
Enter native (NAT): If the IP address from which
audio is to be received for IP-to-IP connections
within the region is that of the IP telephone/IP
Softphone. Ensure that the IP address has not
been translated by NAT. IP telephones must be
configured behind a NAT device before this entry
is enabled.
Enter translated (NAT): If the IP address
from which audio is to be received for IP-to-IP
connections within the region is the address with
which a NAT device replaces the native address.
IP telephones must be configured behind a NAT
device before this entry is enabled.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Inter-region IP-IP Direct Audio Enter y to save on bandwidth resources
and improve sound quality of voice over IP
Enter translated (NAT)if the IP address from
which audio is to be received for direct IP-to-IP
connections between regions is to be the one with
which a NAT device replaces the native address.
IP telephones must be configured behind a NAT
device before this entry is enabled.
Enter native (NAT) if the IP address from
which audio is to be received for direct IP-to-
IP connections between regions is that of the
telephone itself without being translated by NAT.
IP telephones must be configured behind a NAT
device before this entry is enabled.
IP Audio Hairpinning? Enter y for IP endpoints to be connected through
the server’s IP circuit pack in IP format, without first
going through the Avaya TDM bus.
RSVP Enabled? Specifies whether or not you have to enable RSVP.
Enter y or n.
RSVP Refresh Rate (sec) Enter the RSVP refresh rate in seconds 1-99. This
field only displays if the RSVP Enabled field is set
to y.
Retry upon RSVP Failure Enabled Specifies whether to enable retries when RSVP
fails. Enter y or n. This field only displays if the
RSVP Enabled field is set to y.
RSVP Profile This field only displays if the RSVP Enabled field
is set to y. You set this field to what you have
configured on your network:
• guaranteed-service makes a limit on the end-
to-end queuing delay from the sender to the
receiver. This setting is the most appropriate
setting for VoIP applications.
• controlled-load, a subset of guaranteed-service,
provides for a traffic specifier but not the end-to-
end queuing delay.
Table continues…

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Name Description
RSVP unreserved (BBE) PHB Value Provides scalable service discrimination on the
Internet without per-flow state and signaling at
every hop. Enter the decimal equivalent of the
DiffServ Audio PHB value, 0-63. This field only
displays if the RSVP Enabled field is set to y.

The per-flow state and signaling is RSVP.
When RSVP is not successful, the BBE value
is used to discriminate between Best Effort and
voice traffic that has attempted to get an RSVP
reservation, but failed.
RTCP Reporting to Monitor Server Enabled If enabled, sends RTCP Reports to a special server,
such as for the VMON tool.

Regardless of how this field is administered,
RTCP packets are always sent peer-to-peer
IPV4 Server Port Available only if RTCP Reporting is enabled and if
Default Server Parameters are disabled.
• Valid entry: 1 to 65535
• Usage: The port for the RTCP Monitor server.
Default is 5005.
IPV6 Server Port Available only if RTCP Reporting is enabled and if
Default Server Parameters are disabled.
• Valid entry: 1 to 65535
• Usage: The port for the RTCP Monitor server.
Default is 5005.
RTCP Report Period (secs) Available only if RTCP Reporting is enabled and if
Default Server Parameters are disabled.
• Valid entry: 5 to 30
• Usage: The report period for the RTCP Monitor
server in seconds.
Server IPV4 Address The IPv4 address for the RTCP Monitor server.
Available only if RTCP Reporting is enabled and if
Default Server Parameters are disabled.
Server IPV6 Address The IPv6 address for the RTCP Monitor server.
Available only if RTCP Reporting is enabled and if
Default Server Parameters are disabled.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Use Default Server Parameters If enabled, uses the system-wide default RTCP
Monitor server parameters. Available only if RTCP
Reporting is enabled.
ANAT Enabled Use this field to control the call processing behavior
to send Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT)
offer system wide.
The valid entries are:
• y: Communication Manager sends ANAT offer
irrespective of the ip-network-region system wide
• n: Communication Manager does not send ANAT
offer irrespective of the ip-network-region system
wide setting.
PLAN TRANSPARENCY enabled for any row on subsequent pages, the
following fields for each network region must be
administered to route the bearer portion of an IGAR
Conversion to Full Public Number - Delete • Valid entry: 0 to 7
• Usage: The digits to delete.
Conversion to Full Public Number - Insert • Valid entry: 0 to 13 or blank
• Usage: The number of digits to insert.
International numbers should begin with plus (+).
The Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing (IGAR) and
Dial Plan Transparency (DPT) features convert
the plus (+) digit to appropriate international
access code when starting the trunk call.

The optional plus (+) at the beginning of the
inserted digits is an international convention
indicating that the local international access
code must be dialed before the number.
Dial Plan Transparency in Survivable Mode The valid entries are:
• y: Enables the Dial Plan Transparency feature
when a gateway registers with a Survivable
Remote Server (Local survivable processor), or
when a port network registers with a Survivable
Core Server (Enterprise Survivable Server).
• n: Default is n.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Incoming LDN Extension An extension used to assign an unused Listed
Directory Number for incoming IGAR calls.
Maximum Number of Trunks to Use for IGAR It is necessary to impose a limit on the trunk usage
in a particular port network in a network region
when Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing (IGAR) is
active. The limit is required because if there is a
major IP WAN network failure, it is possible to use
all trunks in the network region(s) for IGAR calls.
• Valid entry: 1 to 999, or blank
• Usage: The maximum number of trunks to be
used for Inter-gateway alternate routing (IGAR).
BACKUP SERVERS IN PRIORITY ORDER Lists the backup server names in priority order.
Backup server names should include Survivable
Remote Server names and Survivable Core Server
names. If you are using the Processor Ethernet,
the backup servers list must include the survivable
core PE address else the phones will not register to
the survivable core during a failure. Any valid node
name is a valid entry. Valid node names can include
names of Customer LANs, ICCs, Survivable Core
Servers, and Survivable Remote Servers.
H.323 SECURITY PROFILES Permitted security profiles for endpoint registration
in the network region. You must enter at least
one security profile. Otherwise, no endpoint will be
permitted to register from the region.
The valid entries are:
• challenge: Includes the various methods of
PIN-based challenge and response schemes in
current use. This is a relatively weak security
• pin-eke: The H.235 Annex H SP1
• strong: Permits the use of any strong security
profile. The H323TLS profile is the strongest
security profile in Communication Manager.
• any-auth: Includes any of the security profiles.
• H323TLS: Communication Manager apples this
security profile when the network region of an
H. 323 phone is administered with H323TLS
or Strong security profiles. Also, Communication
Manager and the endpoint negotiate by using the
H323 TLS profile. H323TLS profile sends H.323
signaling messages through a TLS-encrypted
Table continues…

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Name Description
Allow SIP URI Conversion Administers whether or not a SIP URI should be
permitted to change. Degrading the URI from sips//:
to sip//: might result in a less secure call. This is
required when SIP SRTP endpoints are allowed to
make and receive calls from endpoints that do not
support SRTP.
The valid entries are:
• y: Allows conversion of SIP URIs. Default is y.
• n: No URI conversion. Calls from SIP endpoints
that support SRTP made to other SIP endpoints
that do not support SRTP will fail. However, if you
enter y for the Enforce SIPS URI for SRTP field
on the signaling group screen, URI conversion
takes place independent of the value set for
the Allow SIP URI conversion field on the IP
Network Region screen.
Near End Establishes TCP Signaling Socket Indicates whether Communication Manager (the
near end) can establish the TCP socket for H.323
IP endpoints in this network region.
The valid entries are:
• y: Communication Manager determines when to
establish the TCP socket with the IP endpoints,
assuming the endpoints support this capability.
This is the default.
• n: The IP endpoints always attempt to set up the
TCP socket immediately after registration. This
field should be disabled only in network regions
where a nonstandard H.323 proxy device or a
non-supported network address translation (NAT)
device would prevent the server from establishing
TCP sockets with H.323 IP endpoints.
Near End TCP Port Min • Valid entry: 1024 to 65531
• Usage: The minimum port value used by the
processor Ethernet when establishing the TCP
signaling socket to the H.323 IP endpoint. The
range of port number must be at least 5 (Max-
Min+1). Default is 61440.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Near End TCP Port Max • Valid entry: 1028 to 65535
• Usage: The maximum port value to be used
by the processor Ethernet when establishing the
TCP signaling socket to the H.323 IP endpoint.
The range of port number must be at least 5
(Max-Min+1). Default is 61444.
AGL The maximum number of destination region IP
interfaces included in alternate gatekeeper lists
The valid entries are:
• 0 to 16: Communication Manager uses the
numeric value of gatekeeper addresses.
• all: Communication Manager includes all possible
gatekeeper addresses in the endpoint's own
network region and in any regions to which the
endpoint's region is directly connected.
• blank: The administration field is ignored.
codec-set • Valid entry: 1 to 7, pstn, or blank
• Usage: The codec set used between the two
regions. This field cannot be blank if this route
through two regions is being used by some non-
adjacent pair of regions. If the two regions are
disconnected at all, this field should be blank.
direct-WAN Indicates whether the two regions (source and
destination) are directly connected by a WAN link.
The default value is enabled if a codec-set is
dst rgn • Valid entry: 1 to 250
• Usage: The destination region for this inter-
network connection.
Dyn CAC Available only if the WAN-BW-limits (Units) is
Dynamic. The gateway must be configured to be a
CAC (Call Admission Control) gateway.
• Valid entry: 1 to 250, or blank
• Usage: The gateway that reports the bandwidth-
limit for this link. Default is blank.

If you set the BW Management Option field to
shared-SM, you cannot view this field.
Table continues…

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Name Description
IGAR Allows pair-wise configuration of Inter-Gateway
Alternate Routing (IGAR) between network regions.
The valid entries are:
• y: Enables IGAR capability between this network
region pair. Default for a pstn codec set.
• n: Disable IGAR capability between this network
region pair. Default, except for a pstn codec set.
• f: Forced. Moves all traffic onto the PSTN. This
option can be used during initial installation to
verify the alternative PSTN facility selected for a
network region pair. This option can also be used
to temporarily move traffic off of the IP WAN if an
edge router is having problems or an edge router
needs to be replaced between a network region
Intervening-regions Allows entry of intervening region numbers between
the two indirectly-connected regions.
• Valid entry: 1 to 250
• Usage: Up to four intervening region numbers
between the two indirectly-connected regions.

Indirect region paths cannot be entered until
all direct region paths have been entered. In
addition, the order of the path through the
regions must be specified starting from the
source region to the destination region.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Mtce The valid entries are:
• t: This is a test-only option. Inter-region
connectivity testing is performed for the network
region pair by using a simple PING sent between
entities in each network region. If a test fails,
only an error is added to the system error log.
IP media connections between the region pair are
never blocked. The testing is done at the rate of
not more than once per 5 minutes.
• m: This is a measurement based option. Inter-
region connectivity testing is performed by a
continuous set of PINGs sent between entities
in each network region. The Ping Test Interval
(sec) and Number of Pings Per Measurement
Interval fields control the rate of testing. The
Roundtrip Propagation Delay (ms) and Packet
Loss (%) thresholds control success or failure. If
the, test measurements exceed the administered
thresholds; future IP media connections between
the network region pair will be blocked.
• d: No testing is performed for the network region
src rgn • Valid entry: 1 to 250
• Usage: The source region for this inter-network

Sync The system displays Sync when the

Synchronization over IP field is enabled.
The valid entries are:
• y: Timing IGC streams are allowed between the
region pair that is being administered. The default
value is y.
• n: Do not allow timing IGC streams between the
region pair that is being administered.
Video (Norm) • valid entry: 0 to 9999 for Kbits, 0 to 65 for Mbits,
or blank for NoLimit
• Usage: The amount of bandwidth to allocate for
the normal video pool to each IP network region.

If you set the BW Management Option field to
shared-SM, you cannot view this field.
Table continues…

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Name Description
Video (Prio) • Valid entry: 0 to 9999 for Kbits, 0 to 65 for Mbits,
or blank for NoLimit
• Usage: The amount of bandwidth to allocate for
the priority video pool to each IP network region.

If you set the BW Management Option field to
shared-SM, you cannot view this field.
Video (Shr) Specifies whether the normal video pool can be
shared for each link between IP network regions.

If you set the BW Management Option field to
shared-SM, you cannot view this field.
WAN-BW limits (Total) The valid entries are:
• 1 to 9999: The bandwidth limit for direct WAN
links. Values for this field can be entered in the
number of connections, bandwidth in Kbits or
calls, or left blank for NoLimit.
• 1 to 65: Values for this field can be entered in the
number of connections, bandwidth in Mbits, or left
blank for NoLimit.

If you set the BW Management Option field to
shared-SM, you cannot view this field.
WAN-BW-limits (Units) • Valid entry: Calls, Dynamic, Kbits/sec, Mbits/sec,
or blank for NoLimit
• Usage: The unit of measure corresponding to the
value entered for bandwidth limitation. Bandwidth
should be limited by the number of connections,
bandwidth in Kbits/sec, or bandwidth in Mbits/sec,
or left blank. Default is blank.

If you set the BW Management Option field to
shared-SM, you cannot view this field.

Call Admission Control

Call Admission Control (CAC) is a feature to set a limit on the bandwidth consumption or number
of calls between network regions.

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If SRTP media encryption is used for SIP and H.323 calls, CAC must be adjusted for the
additional overhead imposed by the authentication process. SRTP authentication can add 4
(HMAC32) or 10 (HMAC80) bytes to each packet.
The primary use of this feature is to prevent WAN links from being overloaded with too many calls.
To use CAC, set either a bandwidth limit or a number-of-calls limit between network regions, as
• Bandwidth consumption is calculated using the methodology explained in Avaya Aura® Core
Solution Description.
• The L2 overhead is 7 bytes, which is the most common L2 overhead size for WAN protocols.
• The calculated bandwidth consumption is rounded up to the nearest whole number.
• The calculated bandwidth consumption takes into account the actual IP codec being used for
each individual call. All calls do not use the same codec.
• If the administrator chooses not to have the server calculate the bandwidth consumption, the
user can enter a manual limit for the number of calls. However, this manually entered limit is
adhered to regardless of the codec being used. Therefore, the administrator must be certain
that all calls use the same CODEC, or that the manual limit calculates the highest possible
bandwidth consumption for the specified inter-region codecset.
• If a call between two network regions traverses an intervening network region, the call server
keeps track of the bandwidth consumed across both inter-region connections.

• With the Call Admission Control (CAC) sharing between Communication Manager and
Session Manager feature, Session Manager acts as the central authority for bandwidth
management. Communication Manager obtains bandwidth for voice and multimedia IP
connections from Session Manager.
The figure above shows a simple hub-spoke network region topology. The WAN link between
network regions 1 and 2 has 512 kbps reserved for VoIP. The WAN link between network regions
1 and 3 has 1 Mbps reserved for VoIP. The link between network regions 1 and 4 is one where
the 7-byte L2 overhead assumption cannot hold, such as an MPLS or VPN link. In this case, the

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administration is such that all inter-region calls terminating in region 4 use the G.729 codec (with
no SS at 20 ms).
Therefore, you can set a limit on the number of inter-region calls to region 4. You must know
exactly how much bandwidth that CODEC consumes with the MPLS or VPN overhead added.
Finally, the link between network regions 1 and 5 requires no limit, either because there are very
few endpoints in region 5 or because there is practically unlimited bandwidth to region 5.
The corresponding IP Network Region screens for each network region are shown below.

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Following is the screenshot of the screen when you set the BW Management Option field to

Administering DPT
1. On the SAT screen, type change system-parameters features and press Enter.
The system displays the Feature-Related System Parameters screen.
2. In the Enable Dial Plan Transparency in Survivable Mode field, type y.
3. In the COR to Use for DPT field, type one of the following values:
• station: With this setting, the Facility Restriction Level (FRL) of the calling station
determines whether that station is permitted to make a trunk call. The FRL also
determines the trunks that the calling station is eligible to access.
• unrestricted: With this setting, the first available trunk preference determined by
ARS routing is used.
4. Save and exit the screen.
5. On the SAT screen, type change ip-network-region number, where number is the ip
network region number.
The system displays the IP Network Region screen.
6. In the Dial Plan Transparency in Survivable Mode field, type y.

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7. Allocate an incoming DID or LDN extension for incoming DPT calls.

This extension can be shared by IGAR and DPT.
8. Ensure that enough trunks are available for IGAR.
You do not need to set the maximum number of trunks for DPT.
9. Use existing routing techniques to ensure that an outgoing DPT call from a specified
network region has access to an outgoing trunk.
The outgoing trunk need not be in the same network region as the calling endpoint if the
endpoint and trunk network regions are interconnected.

Network Region Wizard

The Avaya Network Region Wizard (NRW) is a browser-based wizard that supports IGAR, CAC,
and codec set selection for interconnected region pairs. For a system with several network
regions, the wizard can configure the system for best IP performance and save time for the
personnel provisioning the system.
Through a simplified, task-oriented interface, the NRW guides you through the steps required
to define network regions and set all necessary parameters. With NRW, provisioning of multiple
IP network regions is simple and quick. For example, NRW is beneficial while provisioning Call
Admission Control through Bandwidth Limits (CAC-BL) for large distributed single-server systems
that have several network regions. NRW is especially valuable for provisioning systems with
numerous network regions, for which administration using the System Access Terminal (SAT)
scales poorly.
NRW provisioning tasks include:
• Specification and assignment of codec sets to high-bandwidth or intra-region LANs and
lower-bandwidth or inter-region WANs.
• Configuration of IP network regions, including all intra-region settings, and inter-region
administration of CAC-BL for inter-region links.
• Ongoing network region administration by the customer, Avaya technicians, and Business
Partners to accommodate changes in the customer network following cutover.
• Assignment of VoIP resources, such as PROCR, G4xx Media Gateway, Avaya Aura® Media
Server, and endpoints to IP network regions.
NRW simplifies and expedites network region provisioning by:
• Using algorithms and heuristics based on graph theory to reduce the repetitive manual entry
in SAT to configure codecs and CAC-BL for inter-region links. With SAT, the number of
inter-region links that must be configured by the user does not scale well. With the NRW, the
number of region pairs that require manual administration increase linearly with the number
of regions.
• Providing OVA of widely applicable default values for codec sets and intra-region parameter
settings. Users can customize the OVA with the default values that users prefer.

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• Running on any Internet browser supported by the Avaya Integrated Management (IM)
product line. NRW uses browser capabilities to offer user-friendly prompting and context-
sensitive online help.
For the NRW Job Aid and worksheet, see http://support.avaya.com/avayaiw. This standard IM
support tool is delivered with every Linux-based Communication Manager system.

Manually interconnecting the network regions

You can enable IGAR using the Enable Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing field on the Feature-
Related System Parameters screen.
If PROCR, G4xx Media Gateway, and Avaya Aura® Media Server resources are shared among
administered network regions, on the Inter-Network Region Connection Management screen,
define the following:
• Which regions communicate with which other regions.
• Which codec set is used for inter-region communication.
Specify the codec set on the Inter-Network Region Connection Management screen before
connecting IP endpoints in different network regions or communicating among network
For the Call Admission Control - Bandwidth Limitation feature, you can also specify:
• Whether regions are directly connected or indirectly connected through intermediate regions.
• Bandwidth limits for IP bearer traffic between two regions by using a maximum bit rate or
number of calls.
When a bandwidth limit is reached, more IP calls between those regions are diverted to other
channels or blocked.
When the codec set administered across a WAN link contains a single codec, the bandwidth
limit is specified as the number of calls. When the codec set administered across a WAN link
contains multiple codecs, the bandwidth limit is usually specified as a bit-rate. For regions
connected across a LAN, the normal bandwidth limit setting is no limit.
For more information about using network regions, see Network Regions for Avaya MultiVantage™
Solutions at: http://www.support.avaya.com. For more information about configuring network
regions in Communication Manager, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Network Region
Configuration Guide, at: http://www.support.avaya.com. For information about using the Network
Region Wizard, see Network Region Job Aid at: http://support.avaya.com.

Internetwork region connections

The Alternate Routing Extension field is available on the IP Network Region screen. Each
network region uses this field, which is up to 7 digits long, to route the bearer portion of the IGAR

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If IGAR is enabled for any row on pages 3 through 19, then the user must enter an IGAR
extension before submitting the screen. Also, the user is blocked from blanking out a previously
administered IGAR extension. If IGAR is disabled by the System Parameter, the customer is
warned when any of these fields are updated.

The IGAR System Parameter is disabled.

Pair-wise administration of IGAR between network regions

An IGAR column is added to the IP Network Region screen for pair-wise configuration of IGAR
between network regions. If the field is set to y, the IGAR capability is enabled between the
specific network region pair. If the field is set to n, the IGAR capability is disabled between the
network region pair.
The following screen validations must be performed:
• When IGAR Extension is not administered on page 2 of the IP Network Region screen, the
user is blocked from submitting the screen. The user is blocked if any network region pair has
IGAR enabled.
• When IGAR is disabled using the System Parameter, the customer is warned if IGAR is
enabled for any network region pair.
The system displays the following warning:
WARNING: The IGAR System Parameter is disabled.
Normally, the administration between Network Region pairs can have a codec set identified for
compressing voice across the IP WAN. However, if the IP WAN bandwidth is exceeded, and the
IGAR field is set to y, the voice bearer is routed across an alternate trunk facility. However, under
some conditions, you can force all calls to the PSTN.
The forced option can be used during initial installation to verify the alternative PSTN facility
selected for a Network Region pair. This option can also be used to move traffic off the IP WAN
temporarily. For example, the option is useful if an edge router is having problems, or an edge
router must be replaced between a network region pair.
When the codec set type is pstn, the system uses y as the default value for the IGAR field. This
default value must be used because Alternate Trunk Facility is the only means of routing the voice
bearer part of the call. The other values permitted for this field are f(orced) and n(o).
When the codec set is set to pstn, the following fields are hidden:
• Direct-WAN
• WAN-BW Limits
• Intervening Regions
When the codec set is not pstn and not blank, the system uses n as the default value for the
IGAR field.

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Figure 9: Internetwork region connection management

Specify codec sets for your shared network regions by putting a codec set number in the codec-
set column. Specify the inter-region connections and bandwidth limits in the remaining columns.
In this example, network region 3 is connected to regions 6 and 7. Network region 3 is indirectly
connected to regions 2 and 4 through region 1, and 5 through region 6.

G4xx Media gateways to network region mapping for media modules

The critical non-IP boards of interest are the trunk media modules over which IGAR calls are
routed. In some instances, the system cannot establish an IP connection between two media
gateways. Then, the system tries to establish an IGAR trunk connection between the two MGs.
The system tries to use trunks in the specific MG requested. However, because Communication
Manager does not require every MG to have PSTN trunks, you must get trunks from another MG.
The system can only get trunks from a MG in the same network region as the one in which the
original request was made.

Status of interregion usage

You can check the status of bandwidth usage between network regions with the following
• status ip-network-region n, where n is the network region number
• status ip-network-region n/m
With the status ip-network-region n command, the system displays the Inter Network
Region Bandwidth Status screen.
If you set the BW Management Option field to shared-SM, you cannot run this command.
The system displays the message: Consult SMGR for bandwidth status.

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When you run the status ip-network-region n command, the connection status, bandwidth
limits, and bandwidth usage is displayed for all regions directly connected to n. For regions
indirectly connected to n, only the connection status is displayed. If regions n and m are
indirectly connected, using n/m, the command displays the connection status, bandwidth limits,
and bandwidth usage for each intermediate connection.
The IGAR Now/Today column on the Inter Network Region Bandwidth Status screen displays the
number of times IGAR is used for a network region pair.

Figure 10: IP network region status screen

Following is the screenshot of the screen when you set the BW Management Option field to

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The numbers in the column titled IGAR Now/Today indicate the following :
• The first number displays the number of active IGAR connections for the pair of network
regions at the time the command is invoked. This number is up to 3 digits long or 999.
• The second number displays the number of times IGAR is used for the pair of network region
since the previous midnight. This number is up to 3 digits long or 999.

Administering the network region on the Signaling Group screen

1. On the SAT screen, type change signaling-group group number and press Enter.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
2. In the Far-end Network Region field, type the number of the network region that
corresponds to this signaling group.
The network region number has a value in the range 1-250.
3. Press Enter.
The system saves the changes.

Reviewing the network region administration

1. Type busy signaling-group number.
The signaling group is now in busy-out state.

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2. Type change signaling-group number.

The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
3. In the Trunk Group for Channel Selection field, type the trunk group number.
When more than one trunk group is assigned to this signaling group, enter the group that
accepts incoming calls.
4. Save the changes.
5. Type release signaling-group number.
The signaling group is released.

Setting network performance thresholds

About this task
You require a craft login or a higher login to perform this administration.
Communication Manager provides control over four IP media packet performance thresholds to
streamline VoIP traffic. You can use the default values for these parameters, or you can change
the values to fit the needs of your network. These threshold values apply only to IP trunks and do
not affect other IP endpoints.
1. On the SAT screen, type change signaling-group n.
2. On the Signaling Group screen, in the Group Type field, type h.323 or sip.
3. In the Bypass If IP Threshold Exceeded field, type y.
If bypass is activated for a signaling group, the system compares the ongoing
measurements of network activity with the values in the IP-options system-parameters
screen. If the current measurements exceed the values in the IP-options system-
parameters screen, the bypass function terminates use of the network path for the
signaling group. The following actions are taken when thresholds are exceeded:
• Existing calls on the IP trunk associated with the signaling group are not maintained.
• Incoming calls do not arrive at the IP trunks on the bypassed signaling group and are
diverted to alternate routes.
• Outgoing calls are blocked on this signaling group.
If so administered, blocked calls are diverted to alternate routes, either IP or circuits, as
determined by the administered routing patterns.

Use the default values.

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Administering network performance parameters

1. On the SAT screen, type change system-parameters ip-options.
The system displays the IP Options System Parameters screen.
2. In the Roundtrip Propagation Delay (ms), Packet Loss (%), Ping Test Interval (sec),
and Number of Pings per Measurement Interval fields, type appropriate values.
The default values for these fields are:
• Roundtrip Propagation Delay (ms): High: 800, Low: 400
• Packet Loss (%): High: 40, Low: 15
• Ping Test Interval (sec): 20
• Number of Pings per Measurement Interval: 10
You can change these values to suit the requirements of the network.
3. Save the changes.

Enabling or disabling spanning tree

1. On the P330 stack processor, open a telnet session using the serial cable connected to the
Console port of the G4XX.
2. At the P330-x(super)# prompt, type set spantree help and press Enter.
The system displays the Set spantree commands screen.
Figure 11: Set Spantree commands on page 109 shows the full set of Spanning Tree

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Figure 11: Set Spantree commands

3. To enable Spanning Tree, type set spantree enable and press Enter.
4. To set the version of Spanning Tree, type set spantree version help and press
The system displays the selection of Spanning Tree protocol commands.
5. To set the rapid spanning tree version, type set spantree version rapid-
spanning-tree and press Enter.
The 802.1w standard defines the default path cost for a port different from STP (802.1d).
To avoid network topology change when migrating to RSTP, the STP path cost is
preserved when changing the spanning tree version to RSTP. You can use the default
RSTP port cost with the set port spantree cost auto command.

Avaya P330s now support a Faststart or Portfast function because the 802.1w
standard defines the support for these functions. An edge port goes to a device that
cannot form a network loop. To set an edge port, type set port edge admin
statemodule/port edgeport.
For more information about the Spanning Tree CLI commands, see the Avaya P330 User’s
Guide at http://support.avaya.com.

Jitter buffers
Jitter buffers must not be more than twice the size of the largest statistical variance between
packets because network packet delay is usually a factor. The best solution is to have dynamic
jitter buffers that change size in response to network conditions. Avaya equipment uses dynamic
jitter buffers.

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Jitter can occur because of the following factors:

• Network congestion
• Insufficient bandwidth
• Route changes that can interact with network congestion or lack of bandwidth

UDP ports
With Communication Manager, you can configure User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port ranges that
are used by VoIP packets. Network data equipment uses these port ranges to assign priority
throughout the network. When the endpoint installer or user does not provide values for the UDP
port ranges, Communication Manager can download default values to the endpoint.

Media encryption
Communication Manager supports encryption for IP bearer channel voice data transported in Real
Time Protocol (RTP) between any combination of gateways and IP endpoints. Encryption provides
privacy for media streams carried over the IP network
Digitally encrypting the audio or voice portion of a VoIP call can reduce the risk of electronic
eavesdropping. IP packet monitors, sometimes called sniffers, are similar to wiretaps for circuit-
switched (TDM) calls. However, an IP packet monitor can monitor and capture unencrypted IP
packets and play back the conversation in real-time or store it for later playback.
With media encryption enabled, Communication Manager encrypts IP packets before the packets
traverse the IP network. An encrypted conversation sounds like white noise or static when played
through an IP monitor. End users do not know that a call is encrypted because:
• Visual or audible indicators are not present to indicate that the call is encrypted.
• Encrypted calls and nonencrypted calls do not differ in voice quality.

Limitations of media encryption

Security alert:
Ensure that you understand these important media encryption limitations:
• Any call that involves a circuit-switched (TDM) endpoint, such as a DCP or analog telephone,
is vulnerable to conventional wire tapping techniques.
• Any call that involves an IP endpoint or gateway that does not support encryption can be
a potential target for IP monitoring. Common examples are IP trunks to third-party vendor
• Any party that is not encrypting an IP conference call exposes parties on the IP call between
the unencrypted party and the supporting media processor to monitoring. This vulnerability
can occur although the other IP links are encrypting.

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Media encryption

Types of media encryption

Communication Manager supports the following Secure Real Time Protocol (SRTP) encryption
• srtp-aescm128
• srtp-aescm256
• None

License file
Media Encryption does not work unless the server has a valid license file with Media Encryption
enabled. If Media Encryption is not enabled in the current license file, install a license file with
Media Encryption enabled.

Determining whether media encryption is enabled in the current License

1. Type display system-parameters customer-options and press Enter.
The system displays the Optional Features screen.
2. Go to the page with the Media Encryption Over IP? field and verify that the value is y.

In the U. S. and other countries, media encryption is enabled by default, unless
prohibited by export regulations.

Administering media encryption for IP codec sets

Before you begin
The Media Encryption field is displayed on the IP Media Parameters screen only when:
• The Media Encryption over IP feature is enabled in the license file.
• The Media Encryption over IP feature is displayed as y on the Customer Options screen.
If the Media Encryption Over IP? field is set to n, the Media Encryption field on the IP Media
Parameters screen is hidden and functions as if none is selected.
About this task
On the IP Media Parameters screen, you can administer the type of media encryption, if any, for
each codec set.
H.323 endpoints do not require any encryption administration, and end users need not do
anything to use media encryption

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For information about SIP endpoints, see Administering Avaya 9601/9608/9608G/9611G/

9621G/9641G/9641GS IP Deskphones SIP
1. On the SAT screen, type any of the following and press Enter:
• change ip-codec-set number
• change ip-media-parameters number
The system displays the IP Media Parameters screen.
2. Enter up to three media encryption types.
The Media Encryption field specifies one, two, three, four, or five options for the
negotiation of encryption. In this exam, you can choose one mode each from SRTP, aes,
and aea. You can specify no encryption by entering none in the Media Encryption field.
The default value for this field is none. The order in which the options are listed signifies
the preference of use, similar to the list of codecs in a codec set. Two endpoints must
support at least one common encryption option for a call to be completed between them.

The option that you select in the Media Encryption field for each codec set applies to
all codecs defined in the set.
Related links
IP Network Region field descriptions on page 83

Media encryption field description for IP codec set

Name Description
aes Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the
standard cryptographic algorithm for U.S.
government organizations to protect sensitive
or classified information. Advanced Encryption
Standard reduces circuit-switched-to-IP call
capacity by 25%.
AES is an Avaya proprietary technique and not
recommended. Instead, use the following four
SRTCP options:
• 10-srtp-aescm256-hmac80
• 11-srtp-aescm256-hmac32
• 1-srtp-aescm128-hmac80
• 2-srtp-aescm128-hmac32
Table continues…

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Media encryption

Name Description
aea Avaya Encryption Algorithm (AEA) is not as secure
an algorithm as Advanced Encryption Standard,
but call capacity reduction with Avaya Encryption
Algorithm is negligible.
Use this option as an alternative to Advanced
Encryption Standard encryption when:
• All endpoints within a network region using this
codec set must be encrypted.
• All endpoints communicating between two
network regions and administered to use this
codec set must be encrypted.
AEA is an Avaya proprietary technique and not
recommended. Instead, use the following four
SRTCP options:
• 10-srtp-aescm256-hmac80
• 11-srtp-aescm256-hmac32
• 1-srtp-aescm128-hmac80
• 2-srtp-aescm128-hmac32
SRTP-several encryption modes AEA and AES encryption algorithms are not
supported on SIP endpoints, use the following four
SRTCP options:
• 10-srtp-aescm256-hmac80
• 11-srtp-aescm256-hmac32
• 1-srtp-aescm128-hmac80
• 2-srtp-aescm128-hmac32
none Media stream is unencrypted. This option prevents
encryption when using this codec set and is
the default setting when Media Encryption is not

Administering media encryption for H.323 signaling-groups

Before you begin
On the Customer Options screen, set the Media Encryption Over IP? field to n.
1. Type change signaling-group number.
The system displays the Signaling Group screen.
2. In the Media Encryption? field, type y.
Media Encryption on trunk calls using this signaling group, is enabled.

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If you leave this field with the default value n, the system overrides the encryption
administration on the IP Media Parameters screen or any trunk call using this signaling
group. The IP codec set used between two networks can be aes or aea. However, a
call between two endpoints over an H.323 trunk using this IP codec set fails because
there is no voice path.
3. In the Passphrase field, type an 8-character to 30-character string.
This string must meet the following conditions:
• Must contain at least one alphabetic and one numeric symbol.
• Can include letters, numerals, and exclamation point (!), ampersand (&), asterisk
(*), question mark (?), semicolon (;), single quotation mark ('), caret (^), opening
parenthisis((), and closing parenthesis ()), dot (.), colon (:), and hyphen (-).
• Is case-sensitive.
You must administer the same passphrase on both signaling group forms at each end of
the IP trunk connection. For example, if you have two systems A and B with trunk A-B
between them, administer both Signaling Group forms with the same passphrase for the
A-to-B trunk connection.
If you administered a passphrase, a single asterisk (*) is displayed in this field. If you did
not administer a passphrase, the field is blank.
The Passphrase field does not appear if either the:
• Media Encryption Over IP? field on the Customer Options screen is n.
• Media Encryption? field on the Signaling Group screen is n.

Viewing encryption status for stations and trunks

About this task
You can use the status station and status trunk commands to view the current status of
encryption usage by stations and trunks.
1. On the SAT screen, type status station extension, and go to the Connected Ports
On the Connected Ports screen, you can see that a port is currently connected and using a
G711 codec with SRTP media encryption.
2. On the SAT screen, type status trunk group/member.
A display screen similar to the status station screen displays the trunk information.

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Media encryption

Legal wiretapping
You can administer Service Observing permissions to a selected target endpoint. Use this option if
you receive a court order to provide law enforcement access to certain calls placed to or from an
IP endpoint. Put the observer and the target endpoint in a unique Class of Restriction (COR) with
the same properties and calling permissions as the original COR. Without this configuration, the
target user might know of the change.
For more information about Service Observing, see Table 7: Media Encryption interactions on
page 115

Possible failure conditions

Because of restricted media capabilities, using Media Encryption in combination with an
administered security policy might lead to blocked calls or call reconfigurations. For example,
consider that the IP codec set used between two network regions is administered as aes or aea.
If a call between two endpoints does not support at least one common encryption option, then a
voice path is unavailable.

Interactions of media encryption with other features

Media Encryption does not affect most Communication Manager features or adjuncts, except for
those listed in Table 7: Media Encryption interactions on page 115

Table 7: Media Encryption interactions

Interaction Description
Service Observing You can Service Observe a conversation between encrypted endpoints. The
conversation remains encrypted to all outside parties except the communicants
and the observer.
Voice Messaging Any call from an encryption-enabled endpoint is decrypted before it is sent to
a voice messaging system. When the G4xx Media Gateway and Avaya Aura®
Media Server receives the encrypted voice stream, Media Processor decrypts
the packets before sending them to the voice messaging system. The voice
messaging system then stores the packets in unencrypted mode.
Hairpinning Hairpinning is not supported when one or both media streams are encrypted,
and Communication Manager does not request hairpinning on these encrypted
VPN Media encryption complements virtual private network (VPN) security
mechanisms. Encrypted voice packets can pass through VPN tunnels,
essentially double-encrypting the conversation for the VPN leg of the call path.
Table continues…

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Interaction Description
H.323 trunks Media Encryption on a call varies based on the following conditions at call set up:
• Whether shuffled audio connections are permitted.
• Whether the call is an interregion call.
• Whether IP trunk calling is encrypted or not.
• Whether the IP endpoint supports encryption.
• The media encryption setting for the affected IP codec sets.
These conditions also affect the codec set that is available for negotiation each
time a call is set up. T.38 packets can be carried on an H.323 trunk that is
encrypted. However, the T.38 packet is sent in the clear.

Network recovery and survivability

Various options are available to ensure quick network recovery and survivability. This section
discusses the following features and options:
• Network management
• H.248 link loss recovery
• Survivable core servers
• QoS policies
• Monitor network performance

Network management
Network management is the practice of using specialized software tools to monitor and maintain
network components. Proper network management is a key component for the high availability of
data networks.
The two basic network management models are:
• Distributed: Specialized, nonintegrated tools to manage discrete components.
• Centralized: Integrated network management tools and organizations for a more coherent
management strategy.
This section describes Avaya VoIP Monitoring Manager and Avaya Policy Manager, which are
integrated management tools.
For a detailed discussion of network management products from Avaya, common third-party
tools, and the distributed and centralized management models, see Avaya Aura® Core Solution

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Network recovery and survivability

Monitor network performance

Using the Avaya VoIP Monitoring Manager, a VoIP network quality monitoring tool, you can
monitor the following quality-affecting network factors:
• Jitter levels
• Packet loss
• Delay
• Codecs used
• RSVP status

QoS policies
Avaya Policy Manager is a network management tool for controlling Quality of Service (QoS)
policies for both the data and the voice networks.
QoS policies are assigned according to network regions and are distributed through the Enterprise
Directory Gateway to your systems and to routers and switching devices.
In Figure 12: Avaya Policy Manager application sequence on page 117, you can see how Avaya
Policy Manager works.

Figure 12: Avaya Policy Manager application sequence

First, business rules are established in Avaya Policy Manager. Avaya Policy Manager uses LDAP
to update Communication Manager. Directory Enabled Management (DEM) identifies the change
in the directory. EDG updates Communication Manager administration through the Ethernet
switch. Using messages from the Communication Manager, PROCR, G4xx Media Gateway,
Avaya Aura® Media Server, and IP phones mark audio packets with DSCP as 46. Avaya Policy

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Manager then distributes policy information to other network devices, including low latency service
for DiffServ value of 46.
For more information about Avaya Policy Manager, go to the Avaya Support website at http://

H.248 link loss recovery

H.248 Link Loss Recovery is an automated way in which the gateway reacquires the H.248 link.
H.248 Link Loss Recovery can occur when the link is lost from either a primary call controller or a
survivable remote server. The H.248 link between a server running Communication Manager and
a gateway, and the H.323 link between a gateway and an H.323-compliant IP endpoint, provide
the signaling protocol for:
• Call setup
• Call control with user actions such as Hold, Conference, or Transfer, while the call is in
• Call tear-down
If the link is out of service, Link Recovery preserves any existing calls and attempts to reestablish
the original link. If the gateway or endpoint cannot reconnect to the original server or gateway, Link
Recovery automatically attempts to connect with alternate survivable processor.
Overlap with the Auto Fallback to Primary feature occurs when:
• Link Loss Recovery starts while the gateway tries to migrate back to the primary.
• Link Loss Recovery new registration message indicates that service is being obtained from
A rare condition can exist in which an outstanding gateway registration to the primary exists while
the link to the survivable remote server is lost. The gateway awaits a denial or acceptance from
the primary call controller. If the call controller accepts, then Link Loss Recovery is terminated, and
the gateway is serviced by the primary call controller. If the call controller denies, then the gateway
immediately sends a new registration to the primary call controller. The registration indicates no
service, and the existing H.248 Link Loss Recovery feature takes over.
Both features try to return service to the primary call controller. However, Link Loss Recovery
returns service based on a link failure, whereas auto fallback to primary returns service based on
a working fragmented network.

Auto fallback to primary controller for branch gateways

The auto fallback to primary controller feature automatically returns a fragmented network, in
which a number of Branch Gateways are being serviced by one or more survivable remote
servers, to the primary server. This feature is targeted towards all Branch Gateways. By migrating
the gateways back to the primary automatically, the distributed telephony switch network can be
made whole sooner without human intervention.
The auto fallback migration, in combination with the connection preservation feature for H.248
gateways is connection preserving. Stable connections are preserved, while unstable connections,

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Network recovery and survivability

such as ringing calls, are not preserved. A very short interval without dial tone can still exist for
new calls.
The gateway presents a new registration parameter that indicates that Service is being obtained
from a survivable remote server. The parameter indicates the number of active user calls on
the gateway platform. The server administers each gateway with a set of rules for Time of Day
migration, enable or disable, and the setting of call threshold rules for migration.
Using this feature, the administrator can define any of the following rules for migration:
• The gateway must migrate to the primary automatically or not.
• The gateway must migrate immediately when possible, regardless of active call count.
• The gateway must only migrate if the active call count is 0.
• The gateway must only migrate within a window of opportunity by providing day of the week
and time intervals per day. This option does not take call count into consideration.
• The gateway should be migrated within a window of opportunity by providing day of the week
and time of day, or immediately if the call count reaches 0. Both rules are active at the same
Internally, the primary call controller gives priority to registration requests from the gateways that
are currently not being serviced by an survivable remote server. This priority is not administrable.
An auto-fallback can be denied for several reasons, which can result from general system
performance requirements or from administrator-imposed requirements. General system
performance requirements can include denial of registration because of too many simultaneous
gateway registration requests.
Administrator-imposed requirements for denial of a registration can include:
• Registrations restricted to a windowed time of day.
• Migration restricted to a condition of 0 active calls, that is, there are no users on calls within
the gateway in question.
• The administered minimum time for network stability has not been exceeded.
This feature does not preclude an older gateway firmware release from working with
Communication Manager 10.x or vice versa. However, the auto-fallback feature is not available.
For this feature to work, the call controller is required to have Communication Manager, while the
gateway is required to have the gateway firmware available at the time of the Communication
Manager 10.x release.
Existing branch gateways are the targets.
For each gateway, the following administration must be performed:
• Adding Recovery Rule to Gateway screen.
• Scheduling the auto fallback within the system-parameters area on the System Media
Parameters Gateway Automatic Recovery Rule screens.

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Basic feature operation

This sections shows the basic operation of the auto fallback to primary for branch gateways
feature. By default, this feature is disabled in the gateway or server.
If the gateway is initially registered with an older server, the gateway uses the version information
exchange to prevent fallback to the primary automatically.
• By administering this feature on a server, this feature can be enabled for any or all gateways
controlled by the server.
The enable or disable administration on the server determines whether the server accepts
or denies registration requests. The requests are sent with a parameter that service is
being obtained from a survivable remote server. However, the gateway continuously attempts
to register with the server, even if the server has been administered never to accept the
registration request. When the auto fallback feature is disabled on the server, the server is
administered to never accept registration requests. Then, a manual return of the gateway is
required, which generates a different registration message that is accepted by the server.

The registration messages are still valuable when auto fallback is disabled on the server.
Because registration messages function as keep-alive messages, these messages can
be used to monitor the stability of the network over time.
• The permission-based rules that include time of day and context information are only
available with the server.
The survivable remote server does not require any of these translations.
• When associated with a primary controller running Communication Manager, the gateway
attempts to register with the primary controller when connected to a survivable remote server.
This registration attempt happens every 30 seconds after the gateway can communicate with
the primary controller. The registration message contains an element that indicates that a
survivable remote server is servicing the gateway. The message also contains the number of
active user calls on that gateway.
• On the initial registration request, the primary controller starts the encrypted TCP link for
H.248 messaging.
The TCP link is started for H.248 messaging regardless of whether that initial registration
is successful. The encryption is maintained throughout the period when the registration
requests are valid. The encryption is also maintained after a registration is accepted by
the primary controller. Encryption of the signaling link is performed at the outset during
this automatic fallback process. The encryption ensures the security of the communication
between the primary call controller and the gateway.
• The primary controller, based on the administered rules, can allow or deny a registration.
If the primary controller gets a registration message without Service State information, then
the primary honors those registration requests above all others immediately. Registration
messages can originate without Service State information, for example, from an older
gateway, or when a new gateway is without service.

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Network recovery and survivability

• If registration is denied, the gateway continues to send the registration message every 30
seconds, which acts as a de facto keep-alive message.
• The gateway constantly monitors the call count on the platform and asynchronously sends a
registration message when 0 context is achieved.
• After the registration message is accepted by the primary, the H.248 link to the survivable
remote server is dropped.

Older gateway loads

The auto fallback feature on the server is passive in nature. An older gateway load trying to
register with the current Communication Manager load registers with priority. The prioritization
occurs because the value of the Service-State is that of a gateway without service. Defined rules
for the gateway are ignored because an older gateway firmware release attempts registration only
when no other server services the gateway. Therefore, the administration of rules for old gateway
firmware loads are irrelevant.

Adding Recovery Rule to the Media Gateway screen

1. On the SAT screen, type change media-gateway n, where n is the assigned media
gateway number, and press Enter.
The system displays the Media Gateway screen.
2. In the Recovery Rule field, type one of the following recovery rule number:
• None is the default value, which indicates that automatic fallback registrations are not
• A value between 1 to 50, or 1 to 999 applies a specific recovery rule to that numbered
S8300E support up to 50 gateways, and a standalone server supports up to 999 gateways.

A single recovery rule number can be applied to all gateways, or each gateway can
have a recovery rule number or any combination in between.
By associating the recovery rule to the Media Gateway screen, an administrator can use
the list media-gateway command to see which gateways have the same recovery
rules. All administration parameters for the gateways are consolidated on a single screen.
The actual logic of the recovery rule is separate, but an administrator can start from the
Gateway screen and proceed to find the recovery rule. These changes also apply to the
display media-gateway command.
For more information about the fields on this screen, see Maintenance Commands
for Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, Branch Gateways and Servers at http://

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System Parameters Media Gateway Automatic Recovery Rule screen

You can define recovery rules on the System Parameters Media Gateway Automatic Recovery
Rule screen. You can access this screen by using the change system-parameters mg-
recovery-rule n command. This screen is available within the system-parameters area of
administration screens. The maximum number of screens that can be administered correspond to
the maximum number of gateways supported by the server. For the S8300E, you can administer
up to 50 screens, while for standalone servers, you can administer up to 999 screens.

System Parameters Media Gateway Automatic Recovery Rule field

Name Description
Recovery Rule Number The number of the recovery rule:
• Up to 50 for the S8300E server
• Up to 999 for the standalone servers
Rule Name Optional text name for the rule to aid in associating
rules with gateways.
Migrate H.248 MG to primary Administrable options for migrating the H.248 media
gateway to primary:
• immediately
• 0-active calls
• Time-day-window
• Time-window-OR-0-active-calls
For more information about these options, see
Migrate H.248 MG to primary options.
Minimum time of network stability Administrable time interval for stability in the H.248
link before auto fallback can happen. Enter a value
between 3 and 15 minutes. The default value is 3

Migrate H.248 MG to primary options

The following options are available for the Migrate H.248 MG to primary field:
• immediately: The first gateway registration that comes from the gateway is honored,
regardless of context count or time of day.
A warning is visible when a user selects this option. This option is the default value for all
• 0-active calls: The first gateway registration reporting 0 active calls is honored.
• Time-day-window: A valid registration message received during any part of this interval is

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Network recovery and survivability

Time of day is local to the gateway.
Any number of active calls are supported. The time scale provided for each day of the week
goes from 00 to 2300 hours (military time). The user must type an x or X for each hour where
return migration must be permitted. To disallow return migration for a given hour, the field
is left blank. This method gets around overlapping time issues between days of the week.
Users can specify as many intervals as required.
• Time-window-OR-0-active-calls: A valid registration is accepted anytime, when a 0 active call
count is reported. The registration is also accepted if a valid registration with any call count is
received during the specified time or day intervals.
The time scale provided for each day of the week goes from 00 to 2300 hours (military time).
The user must type an x or X for each hour where return migration must be permitted. To
disallow return migration for a particular hour, the field is left blank. This method gets around
overlapping time issues between days of the week. Users can specify as many intervals as

Recovery rules applied across all gateways

Administrators can see how the recovery rules are applied across all gateways from the Media
Gateway Report screen. Use the list media-gateway command to view the recovery rule for
each gateway in the network.

Figure 13: Media Gateway Report screen

In this example, check the values administered for gateways 1 and 3. With the administered
values, the primary controller rejects registration requests when the gateway is active on a
survivable remote server. Gateway 2, on the other hand, is administered with Recovery Rule
number 10. Use the display system-parameters mg-recovery-rule 10 command to
view the details of recovery rule number 10.

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Chapter 5: Resources

Communication Manager documentation

The following table lists the documents related to Communication Manager. Download the
documents from the Avaya Support website at http://support.avaya.com.
Title Description Audience
Avaya Aura® Communication Provides an overview of the features of Sales Engineers,
Manager Overview and Specification Communication Manager. Solution Architects
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes security-related issues and Sales Engineers,
Manager Security Design security features of Communication Solution Architects
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the system capacities for Avaya Sales Engineers,
Manager System Capacities Table Aura® Communication Manager. Solution Architects
LED Descriptions for Avaya Aura® Describes the LED for hardware Sales Engineers,
Communication Manager Hardware components of Avaya Aura® Solution Architects
Components Communication Manager.
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the hardware requirements for Sales Engineers,
Manager Hardware Description and Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. Solution Architects
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the system survivability options Sales Engineers,
Manager Survivability Options for Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. Solution Architects
Avaya Aura® Core Solution Provides a high level description for the Sales Engineers,
Description solution. Solution Architects
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the reports for Avaya Aura® Sales Engineers,
Manager Reports Communication Manager. Solution Architects,
Engineers, Support
Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Provides procedures to maintain Avaya Sales Engineers,
Aura® Communication Manager, servers and gateways. Solution Architects,
Branch Gateways and Servers Implementation
Engineers, Support
Table continues…

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Communication Manager documentation

Title Description Audience

Maintenance Commands for Avaya Provides commands to monitor, test, and Sales Engineers,
Aura® Communication Manager, maintain Avaya servers and gateways. Solution Architects,
Branch Gateways and Servers Implementation
Engineers, Support
Avaya Aura® Communication Provides procedures to monitor, test, and Sales Engineers,
Manager Alarms, Events, and Logs maintain Avaya servers and describes the Solution Architects,
Reference denial events listed on the Events Report Implementation
form. Engineers, Support
Administering Avaya Aura® Describes the procedures and screens for Sales Engineers,
Communication Manager administering Communication Manager. Implementation
Engineers, Support
Administering Network Connectivity Describes the network connectivity for Sales Engineers,
on Avaya Aura® Communication Communication Manager. Implementation
Manager Engineers, Support
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes SNMP administration for Sales Engineers,
Manager SNMP Administration and Communication Manager. Implementation
Reference Engineers, Support
Administering Avaya Aura® Describes server options for Sales Engineers,
Communication Manager Server Communication Manager. Implementation
Options Engineers, Support
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes how to administer Sales Engineers,
Manager Data Privacy Guidelines Communication Manager to fulfill Data Implementation
Privacy requirements. Engineers, Support
Implementation and Upgrading
Deploying Avaya Aura® Describes the implementation instructions Implementation
Communication Manager in while deploying Communication Manager Engineers, Support
Virtualized Environment on VMware. Personnel, Solution
Deploying Avaya Aura® Describes the implementation instructions Implementation
Communication Manager in while deploying Communication Manager Engineers, Support
Software-Only and Infrastructure as on a software-only environment and Personnel, Solution
a Service Environments Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, and Architects
Google Cloud Platform.
Table continues…

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Title Description Audience

Upgrading Avaya Aura Describes instructions while upgrading Implementation
Communication Manager Communication Manager. Engineers, Support
Personnel, Solution
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the features that you can Sales Engineers,
Manager Feature Description and administer using Communication Manager. Solution Architects,
Implementation Support Personnel
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the screens that you can Sales Engineers,
Manager Screen Reference administer using Communication Manager. Solution Architects,
Support Personnel
Avaya Aura® Communication Describes the special features that specific Sales Engineers,
Manager Special Application customers request for their specific Solution Architects,
Features requirement. Avaya Business
Partners, Support

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website

1. Go to https://support.avaya.com.
2. At the top of the screen, click Sign In.
3. Type your EMAIL ADDRESS and click Next.
4. Enter your PASSWORD and click Sign On.
5. Click Product Documents.
6. Click Search Product and type the product name.
7. Select the Select Content Type from the drop-down list
8. In Select Release, select the appropriate release number.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list only
displays the documents for the selected category.
9. Press Enter.

Accessing the port matrix document

1. Go to https://support.avaya.com.
2. At the top of the screen, click Sign In.
3. Type your EMAIL ADDRESS and click Next.
4. Enter your PASSWORD and click Sign On.

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Communication Manager documentation

5. Click Product Documents.

6. Click Search Product and type the product name.
7. Select the Select Content Type from the drop-down list
8. In Choose Release, select the required release number.
9. In the Content Type filter, select one or both the following categories:
• Application & Technical Notes
• Design, Development & System Mgt
The list displays the product-specific Port Matrix document.
10. Press Enter.

Avaya Documentation Center navigation

For some programs, the latest customer documentation is now available on the Avaya
Documentation Center website at https://documentation.avaya.com.
For documents that are not available on Avaya Documentation Center, click More Sites >
Support on the top menu to open https://support.avaya.com.
Using the Avaya Documentation Center, you can:
• Search for keywords.
To filter by product, click Filters and select a product.
• Search for documents.
From Products & Solutions, select a solution category and product, and then select the
appropriate document from the list.
• Sort documents on the search results page.

• Click Languages ( ) to change the display language and view localized documents.
• Publish a PDF of the current section in a document, the section and its subsections, or the
entire document.
• Add content to your collection using My Docs ( ).
Navigate to the Manage Content > My Docs menu, and do any of the following:
- Create, rename, and delete a collection.
- Add topics from various documents to a collection.
- Save a PDF of the selected content in a collection and download it to your computer.
- Share content in a collection with others through email.
- Receive collection that others have shared with you.

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• Add yourself as a watcher using the Watch icon ( ).

Navigate to the Manage Content > Watchlist menu, and do the following:
- Enable Include in email notification to receive email alerts.
- Unwatch selected content, all content in a document, or all content on the Watch list page.
As a watcher, you are notified when content is updated or deleted from a document, or the
document is removed from the website.
• Share a section on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
• Send feedback on a section and rate the content.
Some functionality is only available when you log in to the website. The available functionality
depends on your role.

The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at http://www.avaya-
learning.com. After logging in to the website, enter the course code or the course title in the
Search field and press Enter or click > to search for the course.
Course code Course title
20460W Virtualization and Installation Basics for Avaya Team Engagement Solutions
20980W What's New with Avaya Aura®
71201V Integrating Avaya Aura® Core Components
72201V Supporting Avaya Aura® Core Components
61131V Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager Release 10.1
61451V Administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Release 10.1

Viewing Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot
Avaya products.

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About this task

Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on
the Avaya-run channel on YouTube.
• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to https://support.avaya.com/ and do one of
the following:
- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos, click Clear All and select Video in the Content
- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, click Clear All and select
Video in the Content Type.
The Video content type is displayed only when videos are available for that product.
In the right pane, the page displays a list of available videos.
• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to www.youtube.com/AvayaMentor and do
one of the following:
- Enter a keyword or keywords in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or
- Scroll down Playlists, and click a topic name to see the list of videos available. For
example, Contact Centers.

Videos are not available for all products.

Go to the Avaya Support website at https://support.avaya.com for the most up-to-date
documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,
downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service
request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a
support team if an issue requires additional expertise.

Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base

The Avaya InSite Knowledge Base is a web-based search engine that provides:
• Up-to-date troubleshooting procedures and technical tips
• Information about service packs
• Access to customer and technical documentation
• Information about training and certification programs
• Links to other pertinent information

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If you are an authorized Avaya Partner or a current Avaya customer with a support contract, you
can access the Knowledge Base without extra cost. You must have a login account and a valid
Sold-To number.
Use the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base for any potential solutions to problems.
1. Go to https://support.avaya.com.
2. At the top of the screen, click Sign In.
3. Type your EMAIL ADDRESS and click Next.
4. Enter your PASSWORD and click Sign On.
The system displays the Avaya Support page.
5. Click Support by Product > Product-specific Support.
6. In Enter Product Name, enter the product, and press Enter.
7. Select the product from the list, and select a release.
8. Click the Technical Solutions tab to see articles.
9. Select Related Information.

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Appendix A: PCN and PSN notifications

PCN and PSN notifications

Avaya issues a product-change notice (PCN) for any software update. For example, a PCN must
accompany a service pack or an update that must be applied universally. Avaya issues a product-
support notice (PSN) to alert Avaya Direct, Business Partners, and customers of a problem or a
change in a product. A PSN can also be used to provide a work around for a known problem,
steps to recover logs, or steps to recover software. Both these notices alert you to important
issues that directly impact Avaya products.

Viewing PCNs and PSNs

About this task
To view PCNs and PSNs, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the Avaya Support website at https://support.avaya.com and log in.
2. On the top of the page, in Search Product, type the product name.
The Avaya Support website displays the product name.
3. Select the required product name.
4. In the Choose Release field, select the specific release from the drop-down list.
5. On the product page, click Product Documents.
6. In the Latest Support, Service and Product Correction Notices section, click View All
7. Select the appropriate filters as per your search requirement.
For example, if you select Product Support Notices, the system displays only PSNs in the
documents list.
You can apply multiple filters to search for the required documents.

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PCN and PSN notifications

Signing up for PCNs and PSNs

About this task
Manually viewing PCNs and PSNs is helpful, but you can also sign up for receiving notifications of
new PCNs and PSNs. Signing up for notifications alerts you to specific issues you must be aware
of. These notifications also alert you when new product documentation, new product patches,
or new service packs are available. The Avaya Notifications process manages this proactive
notification system.
To sign up for notifications:
1. Go to https://support.avaya.com and search for “Guide to Managing Your Avaya Access
Profile for Customers and Partners”.
Under the Search Results section, click Guide to Managing Your Avaya Access Profile for
Customers and Partners.
2. Set up e-notifications.
For detailed information, see the Subscribe to E-Notifications procedure.

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Numerics C
1600-series IP Telephones .................................................. 41 CAC ..................................................................................... 95
4600-series IP phone, configuration files .............................42 call admission control .......................................................... 95
4600-series IP Telephones .................................................. 40 Call Admission Control ...................................................... 102
802.1p/Q .............................................................................. 76 Channel Type identification over ASAI ................................ 21
9600-series IP telephones ................................................... 41 checklist
96x1–series IP telephones .................................................. 40 administering shuffling .................................................. 53
circuit packs ......................................................................... 16
A delete ..........................................................................127
accessing port matrix .........................................................126 edit name ....................................................................127
adding generating PDF .......................................................... 127
Recovery Rule on Media Gateway screen ................. 121 sharing content ........................................................... 127
administering connecting switches .............................................................12
DPT ............................................................................ 100 connection management
endpoints for IP address mapping ................................77 inter-network region ......................................................54
gateways ...................................................................... 23 Connection Preservation ..................................................... 19
H.323 trunks ................................................................. 29 content
H.323 trunks for shuffling ..............................................56 publishing PDF output ................................................ 127
IP codec set ..................................................................79 searching .................................................................... 127
IP endpoints for shuffling .............................................. 56 sharing ........................................................................127
media encryption for IP codec sets ............................. 111 sort by last updated .................................................... 127
media encryption for signaling groups ........................ 113 watching for updates .................................................. 127
network performance parameters ...............................108 converged networks .............................................................22
network region ............................................................ 106 CPM feature .........................................................................19
shuffling at system level ................................................53 create
shuffling in network regions .......................................... 54 SIP trunk signaling group ............................................. 24
SRTP ............................................................................ 71 creating
Telecommuter telephone .............................................. 37 H.323 trunk signaling group ..........................................30
administrable loss plan ........................................................ 48
administration D
H.323 Trunk .................................................................. 26
H.323 Trunks ................................................................ 26 defining
IP telephones ................................................................42 IP network region ..........................................................83
adminster and select determining
codecs .......................................................................... 55 endpoint support for shuffling ....................................... 46
affected features whether media encryption is enabled ..........................111
increase in locations ..................................................... 12 digital telephone calls
assigning data types ....................................................................... 9
IP node names ............................................................. 28 disabling
auto fallback to primary ........................................................20 spanning tree ..............................................................108
feature operation ........................................................ 120 documentation
Avaya support website .......................................................129 Communication Manager ........................................... 124
documentation center ........................................................ 127
finding content ............................................................ 127
B navigation ................................................................... 127
bandwidth ............................................................................ 75 documentation portal ......................................................... 127
bandwidth limitation ........................................................... 102 finding content ............................................................ 127
Best Service Routing (BSR) ................................................ 29 navigation ................................................................... 127
DPT ......................................................................................15
comparison ................................................................... 15

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ELS ...................................................................................... 20 iClarity ..................................................................................38
enabling IGAR .................................................................................... 13
spanning tree ..............................................................108 pair-wise administration ..............................................103
encryption, media ...............................................................110 implementing QoS ............................................................... 73
Enhanced Local Survivability (ELS) .....................................20 INADS line
Enterprise Survivable Servers ............................................. 20 restrictions for usage .................................................... 18
ESS ......................................................................................20 increase in locations
affected features ........................................................... 12
InSite Knowledge Base ......................................................129
F Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing ......................................... 13
failure conditions ................................................................ 115 internetwork region connections ........................................ 102
Fax over IP interregion usage
administration ............................................................... 60 status .......................................................................... 104
overview ....................................................................... 58 IP ......................................................................................... 42
Super G3 fax machine ..................................................78 IP codec sets, administering ................................................78
Fax pass through IP interfaces .........................................................................28
bandwidths ................................................................... 67 IP network regions ............................................................... 81
considerations for configuration ....................................61 IP Softphone
encryption ..................................................................... 68 administration ............................................................... 36
Fax relay IP telephone .........................................................................39
bandwidths ................................................................... 67 administration ............................................................... 42
considerations for configuration ....................................61 IP telephones .......................................................................36
encryption ..................................................................... 68 IP trunks ...............................................................................23
field description
media encryption .........................................................112 J
field descriptions
IP Network Region ........................................................83 J1xx ..................................................................................... 42
finding content on documentation center ...........................127 jitter ...................................................................................... 15
finding port matrix .............................................................. 126 jitter buffers ........................................................................ 109

G250 Media Gateway .......................................................... 21 LAN security
generating CPN ................................................................... 34 system architecture ...................................................... 18
link recovery .........................................................................19
load balanced TN2602AP circuit packs ............................... 28
H LSP ...................................................................................... 20
link loss recovery ........................................................ 118 M
H.248 auto fallback to primary ..................................... 20, 118
H.248 link recovery .............................................................. 19 media encryption ................................................................110
H.323 clear channel over IP ................................................ 58 FAX, modem, and TTY ................................................. 68
H.323 link recovery .............................................................. 19 feature interactions ..................................................... 115
H.323 Trunk license file ................................................................... 111
administration ............................................................... 26 limitations .................................................................... 110
hairpinning and shuffling SRTP ............................................................................ 68
administration interdependencies .................................48 support ........................................................................ 111
direct media .................................................................. 43 Media Gateway Report screen .......................................... 123
supported endpoints ..................................................... 44 Migrate H.248 MG to primary
supported hardware ......................................................44 options ........................................................................ 122
hardware interface ............................................................... 16 MIME ................................................................................... 21
Modem over IP
administration ............................................................... 60
overview ....................................................................... 58

December 2023 Administering Network Connectivity on Avaya Aura® Communication Manager 134
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Modem pass through port matrix ..........................................................................126
bandwidths ................................................................... 67 preparing
considerations for configuration ....................................61 before enabling Direct Media ........................................49
description .................................................................... 63 PROCR ................................................................................16
encryption ..................................................................... 68 PSN notification ................................................................. 131
rates ..............................................................................63
Modem relay
bandwidths ................................................................... 67
considerations for configuration ....................................61 QoS ......................................................................................15
description .................................................................... 63 voice quality administration .......................................... 75
encryption ..................................................................... 68 QoS parameters .................................................................. 27
rates ..............................................................................63 QoS policies ....................................................................... 117
monitor Quality of Service (QoS) ...................................................... 15
network performance .................................................. 117 Quality of Service policies .................................................. 117
MultiVOIP gateways ............................................................ 12
My Docs .............................................................................127
N Rapid Spanning Tree ........................................................... 13
recovery rules
NAT ...................................................................................... 50 defining ....................................................................... 122
network Relay mode ..........................................................................58
converged .......................................................................9 reviewing
dedicated ........................................................................ 9 network region administration .....................................106
IP .................................................................................... 9 RSVP ................................................................................... 76
nondedicated .................................................................. 9
Network Address Translation ...............................................50
NAPT ............................................................................ 51 S
NAT and H.323 issues .................................................. 51
S8300E ............................................ 16, 42, 51, 106, 121, 122
NAT Shuffling feature ....................................................51
searching for content ......................................................... 127
types of NAT ................................................................. 50
Service Observing ..............................................................115
network management .........................................................116
network recovery ................................................................116
IP stations .....................................................................57
Network regions ...................................................................10
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) .......................................... 24
network regions, IP .............................................................. 81
node names, assigning ........................................................27
network performance thresholds .......................... 69, 107
non-IP boards
sharing content .................................................................. 127
Port network to network region mapping .................... 104
shuffled audio connection
NRW .................................................................................. 101
within a network region .................................................45
shuffled connections ............................................................ 75
O shuffling ................................................................................52
criteria ...........................................................................44
older gateway loads ...........................................................121 different network regions .............................................. 47
overview signal loss
converged networks ..................................................... 22 IP endpoint ................................................................... 57
signaling group .............................................................. 30, 34
P signing up
PCNs and PSNs ......................................................... 132
pass-through mode ..............................................................58 SIP 64K Data ....................................................................... 60
PCN notification ................................................................. 131 SIP session refresh
PE failure handling ............................................................. 19
recommended firmware ................................................17 SIP trunks ............................................................................ 24
support on Survivable Core server ............................... 17 SLS ...................................................................................... 21
PE interface ......................................................................... 16 sort documents by last updated .........................................127
Per Hop Behaviors ...............................................................76 spanning tree protocol (STP) ...............................................13
PIDF-LO ...............................................................................21 SRTP ................................................................................... 71
port address translation (PAT) ............................................. 51 SRTP media encryption ....................................................... 69

December 2023 Administering Network Connectivity on Avaya Aura® Communication Manager 135
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SRTP media encryption (continued) V
for FAX, modem and TTY .............................................68
Standard Local survivability ................................................. 21 V.150.1 Modem Relay ..........................................................59
STP ......................................................................................13 verifying
Super G3 fax machine ......................................................... 78 customer options for H.323 trunking .............................26
support ...............................................................................129 video signaling ..................................................................... 71
supported platforms ............................................................. 70 videos ................................................................................ 128
survivability ...................................................................19, 116 viewing
Survivable Core servers ...................................................... 20 encryption status .........................................................114
Survivable Remote servers ..................................................20 PCNs .......................................................................... 131
System Parameters Media Gateway Automatic Recovery PSNs .......................................................................... 131
Rule Virtual Local Area Networks .................................................77
field description ...........................................................122 voice degradation
causes .......................................................................... 74
factors ...........................................................................73
T.38 ...................................................................................... 59 W
T.38 fax
bandwidths ............................................................. 67, 68 watch list ............................................................................ 127
considerations for configuration ....................................61
overview ....................................................................... 58
T.38 fax standard mode ....................................................... 66
telephone, IP ........................................................................39
Telephones .......................................................................... 42
TN2312BP (IPSI) ................................................................. 16
TN2602AP circuit pack
administer for load balancing ........................................28
TN2602AP IP Media Resource 320 ...............................16, 28
Alternate Gatekeeper ................................................... 16
TN802B MAPD IP Interface Assembly ................................ 16
training ............................................................................... 128
trunk group ...........................................................................33
H.323 ............................................................................ 26
SIP ................................................................................24
TTY over IP
administration ............................................................... 60
overview ....................................................................... 58
TTY pass through
bandwidths ................................................................... 67
considerations for configuration ....................................61
description .................................................................... 63
encryption ..................................................................... 68
rates ..............................................................................63
TTY relay
bandwidths ................................................................... 67
considerations for configuration ....................................61
description .................................................................... 63
encryption ..................................................................... 68
rates ..............................................................................63

USA DCP levels
loss ............................................................................... 57
User Datagram Protocol ports ............................................110

December 2023 Administering Network Connectivity on Avaya Aura® Communication Manager 136
Comments on this document? [email protected]

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