Speech Act Used To Promote Positive Emotions in Social Media: Tiktok

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Speech Act Used to Promote Positive Emotions in Social Media:

Indra Dwi Lestari1,
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,STKIP PGRI SIDOARJO
@[email protected]

Penelitian ini menganalisis penggunaan tindak tutur dan strategi komunikasi di TikTok
Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana bahasa memengaruhi respons dan perilaku emosional positif di
media sosial, dengan mengacu pada teori tindak tutur J.L. Austin. Penelitian ini berfokus pada
tindak tutur asertif dan ekspresif dalam diskusi TikTok yang berkaitan dengan strategi
menghasilkan uang dan kegiatan pengajaran di kelas, memeriksa ucapan pembuat konten dan reaksi
audiens mereka. Hasilnya menyoroti pentingnya menyeimbangkan komunikasi informasi yang
asertif dengan elemen ekspresif yang membangkitkan emosi. Kombinasi ini mendorong
keterlibatan, apresiasi, dan pembelajaran audiens. Pentingnya pemahaman tindak tutur dalam
membentuk respons emosional dan mendorong interaksi positif di media sosial

This study analyzes the use of speech acts and communication strategies on TikTok This study
examines how language influences positive emotional responses and behaviors on social media,
drawing on J.L. Austin's speech act theory. The research focuses on assertive and expressive speech
acts in TikTok discussions related to money-making strategies and classroom teaching activities,
examining creators' utterances and their audience's reactions. The results highlight the importance
of balancing assertive communication of information with expressive elements that evoke emotion.
This combination promotes audience engagement, appreciation and learning. The importance of
understanding speech acts in shaping emotional responses and promoting positive interactions on
social media.

Keywords: speech act, social media, positive emotion.

Positive emotions include feelings or happiness, joy, contenment and an overall sense of well-being.
According to Zhao ( 2021) positive emotion refers to the emotional response of complainant to the tone and
response provide by a service. In the context social media, positive emotions play a significant role in social media
behavior. Positive emotions play a role in social media behavior, including promotional activities for products or
services. Every company have strategies for promoting products and service (Kaul, 2019). Positive emotions
expressed in comments on social media can have a positive impact on products or services. The effectiveness of
positive emotions in recommending a product or service greatly influences potential buyers to buy or use services
from a company (Rocklage & Fazio, 2020).
Zhao (2021) states that emphasizes the significance of emotional marketing in the internet environment, as
emotions play a crucial role in purchasing decisions. Bishen (2019) highlights the role of emotions in purchasing
behavior and the significance of emotional marketing in influencing purchasing decisions and brand loyalty. This
means that emotions play an important role in influencing how consumers make purchasing decisions and also
how loyal they are to certain brands. Understanding and effectively targeting the emotional aspects of consumer
behavior is key to success in competitive markets. Emotional branding is crucial in achieving target customers in
various products and industrie ( Sullivan, 2019).
In this research, the researcher aims to both identify and analyze the speech acts and communication strategies
employed in social media to understand how they can be used effectively to promote positive emotions among
users. The author has chosen J.L. Austin's and J.R. Searle speech act theory as the main theoretical framework for

this research because this theory is very relevant in understanding how language and expressions can be used to
create certain effects on audiences, including in the context of social media to create positive emotion. Overall,
this theory has been a strong foundation in various communication studies, making it a strong choice in this
research. According to a report published by 'We Are Social', recent data shows that by January 2023, the number
of active social media users in Indonesia will reach 167 million people, which is 60.4% of the country's total
population (Kemp, 2023). This result confirms the significant potential to create a positive impact within the social
media ecosystem by applying the principles of speech act theory in language use and expression.

Speech act theory is a model that describes how language is used to perform actions and affect the world, not
just to describe it. In simpler terms, speech act theory explains how words can be used to do things and bring
about changes in the world. J.L. Austin's speech act theory proposes that when we speak, not only describing the
world truthfully or falsely, but also doing things in the world (Mabaquiao, 2018). According to J.L. Austin's (in
Mabaquiao, 2018) speech act theory outlines three types of speech acts that occur every time we speak. The first
type is the locutionary act, which involves producing an utterance that has meaning in a particular language. The
second type is the illocutionary act, which is the intended function or purpose of the utterance in a specific context,
such as making a promise or giving an order. The third type is the perlocutionary act, which is the effect or
consequence of the utterance on the listener or the world, such as persuading someone or making them feel a
certain way.
The question in this study is what types of speech acts are used by content creators to spread positive emotions
in influencing audiences to do positive things and how audiences react to the utterances conveyed by content
creators. To answer this research question, the author takes data from one of the social media platforms, namely
tiktok. Currently, tiktok is the dominant social media platform. Many new trends are created from this platform,
which triggers content to go viral and gain popularity and public attention (Deswina, 2023).

The research method used for this study is qualitative. This approach is used to identify and analyze speech
acts and communication strategies used in social media. This research uses data from one of the social media
platforms, TikTok. The data was taken by the researcher from 2 content creator accounts. The researcher selects
1 content that contain positive emotion from each account. Then, the researcher observes the content and audience
reactions to the content and transcribes the utterances made by the content creator. To find out the audience's
reaction to the content created by the content creators, the researcher selected 5 comments that showed positive
emotions from the audience and transcribed and identified the types of speech acts and then interpreted. Then, the
data is selected based on the type of speech act, and the data is presented in a table based on the type of speech
act. Finally, the researcher interprets each utterance based on the types of speech acts.


The analysis revealed that content creators use various types of utterances to spread positive emotions and
influence the audience to do positive things. The dominant speech acts in discussions about making money on
TikTok are assertive illocutionary acts, specifically with a total of 4, followed by 2 expressive illocutionary acts
and 1 commisive illocutionary act. Audience reactions to these discussions show a total of 6 speech acts, including
5 assertive illocutionary acts and 1 expressive illocutionary act. During the teaching discussion, the data shows
that there are eight types of speech acts: six assertive illocutionary acts, one expressive illocutionary act, and one
directive illocutionary act. In the response of the audience to the teaching discussion, there are seven types of
speech acts: four expressive illocutionary acts, two assertive illocutionary acts, and one directive illocutionary act.

How can you really make 330,000,000 money from Tik Tok?.
Actually, my neighbor didn't believe me.
What is the feeling of people not going anywhere how come they can have a lot of money.
Even though you can also get it from TikTok, obviously not from the results.
There are many ways you can do this so that you can get money from tiktok..
First, make diligent videos every day, every time, just keep posting.
Actually, from the content, if your content is good, you can get endorsements too.
But if you want the money to be bigger, you convert it into your livestream to sell.
If you don't have capital. It's okay to just use affiliates, you don't need to use capital.
But what makes your head explode is how do you create content to make it fyp?.
You know that there is also a structure.
The first 3 seconds must have a hook to make people stunned by your video and then 10 seconds after
this hook can continue with stories that people are related to want to hear us right
Then slowly connect to the product you are selling.
Then the product review must also be as clear as possible.
So that people when they enter your live just check-out.
If you sell bags, tell us the reference to its use, what function the slot
If you sell clothes, at least tell me what kind of mix and match example.
Watch this, there are Army-colored pants that are good for you to wear with white clothes, if the pants
are high waist, they are also good for you to wear with clothes with balloon and puffy sleeves, there are
sweet chain details, right?.
Let's see, try to know if i'm promoting, it doesn't feel like i'm promoting.
So it must be as smooth as possible so that people don't get bored looking at it.
If you are also interested in these pants, i'm selling ready stock in my dilive now for only 40 thousand

No. Utterance Type of Meaning
speech act
1. "There are many ways you can do this so that Assertive This confidently states the feasibility
you can get money from tiktok." of earning money on TikTok,
addressing potential doubts.
2. "First, make diligent videos every day, every Assertive This directly instructs on a necessary
time, just keep posting." action for success, emphasizing
3. "The first 3 seconds must have a hook to make Assertive This assertively presents a specific
people stunned by your video and then 10 structure for creating engaging
seconds after this hook can continue with content.
stories that people are related to want to hear
us right."
4. "If you sell bags, tell us the reference to its use, Assertive This directly offers the speaker's
what function the slot has." product with specific information for
immediate purchase.
5. "But what makes your head explode is how do Expresive This dramatically exaggerates the
you create content to make it fyp?" difficulty of creating successful
content, emphasizing the challenge
and sparking curiosity.
6. "Watch this, there are Army-colored pants that Expresive This enthusiastically introduces and
are good for you to wear with white clothes..." describes a product, aiming to engage
and pique interest.
7. "Let's see" Commisive This indirectly offers further
demonstration or explanation,
implying willingness to delve deeper
into specific aspects.

Audiens react from the speaker :

No. Comment Utterance Type of Meaning

speech act
1. "I think she has a new "I think she has Assertive This directly expresses the speaker's
editor good, the edits do a new editor" belief or opinion about a change in
not make bored " editing style.

"the edits do not Assertive This confidently states the positive

make bored" impact of the editing, highlighting
its effectiveness in preventing
2. Hopefully the knowledge "I go to school Assertive This confidently informs listeners
will spread. I go to school while about your commitment to both
while affiliating 🥰🥰💪 affiliating" pursuing an education and engaging
in affiliate work

"Hopefully the Expressive This expresses a heartfelt desire for

knowledge will knowledge to be freely shared and
spread" disseminated.

3. Very classy to make the "it's smart to Assertive This confidently states the opinion
video teaching, it's smart have the idea” about the concept behind the video,
to have the idea.. praising the creator's intelligence
and originality
4. "Not boring, not tense, "The video is Assertive This confidently expresses the
the video is cool, even cool" viewer's positive opinion, using
though it's educational." slang to emphasize its enjoyable
and appealing nature.
5. Cool marketing trick sis “Cool Expresive The users are inspired by the
marketing” content created by the speaker

Speaker 2 :

Good morning everyone
I'd like to share with you today's class activity.
After the 2nd graders are familiar with the concept of weight units
In today's meeting the children will learn together how to calculate the weight of an object.
Thus the children will know that units of weight are used to facilitate daily activities.
For example, purchasing food products, knowing one's body weight, buying vegetables and other
weight calculation activities.
So to measure the unit of weight
One of the representatives from each group makes a scale

No. Utterance Type of Meaning

speech act
1. "Good morning everyone" Expressive The speaker wants to convey the
speaker's greetings and joy to the
2. "I want to share with you today's Assertive The speaker wants to convey
class activities today" information about today's classroom
activities to student.
3. "After the children grade 2 have Assertive The speaker wants to convey
recognized the concept of units of information that Grade 2 children
weight" already have basic knowledge of units
of weight.
4. "In today's meeting the children Assertive The speaker wants to convey the
will learn together how to information that the Grade 2 children
calculate the weight of an object" will learn new material on how to
calculate the weight of an object.
5. "Thus the children will know that Assertive The speaker stated the fact that
units of weight are used to children will know that units of
facilitate daily activities" weight are used to facilitate daily
6. "For example, purchasing food Assertive The speaker conveyed the information
products, knowing the weight of a that units of weight are used in
person's body weight, buying various daily activities.
vegetables and other weight

7. "Then to measure the unit of Assertive The speaker conveyed information
weight" that to determine the weight of an
object, an appropriate measuring
instrument is needed.
8. “One of the representatives from Directive The speaker asked one of the
each group make a scale" representatives from each group to
make a scale as a measuring tool for
weight units.

Audiens react from the speaker :

No. Comment Utterance Type of Meaning

speech act
1. I'm really happy to see the I'm really happy to seeExpresive The user feel inspired by
teacher teaching. I want the teacher teaching. I the teacher and want to
to be a teacher too. want to be a teacher be a teacher like her
Always be healthy too. Always be healthy
teachers teachers
2. Your teaching method is "Your teaching method Expresive The user feels inspired
very inspiring, I use your is very inspiring” by the speaker's way of
method in class too, teaching
thank you. .
"I use your method in Directive By expressing gratitude
class too" and mentioning the use
of the teaching method in
the speaker class, the
user indirectly
encourage the
continuation or support
of the method
3. So I want to go to “"So I want to go to Expresive This directly conveys
elementary school again elementary school your playful longing to
if the teacher is smart like again" return to a simpler time,
this. specifically under the
guidance of a smart
teacher like the one you
4. It's good that the children “Masyaallah Expresive Expressing awe and
in the class are easy to Tabarakallah admiration for the
manage. My students are situation with your own
in 2nd grade too but students.
masyaallah tabarakallah
"It's good that the Assertive This directly states the
children in the class are user opinion about the
easy to manage" classroom situation in
another class.

5. When I used to write and When I used to write Assertive The user pointed out the
memorize, now there is and memorize, now fact that the way of
there is practice so I learning was different

practice so I understand understand not just the then and now and argued
not just the material. material. that practice in the lesson
is very important to
improve understanding.

The data shows that speaker 1's content is dominated by assertive speech acts, conveying a large amount of
information and instructions on how to make money from TikTok. Although there are some expressive elements
that highlight the difficulties in creating the content, they are not as prominent. Speaker 1's statement contains a
variety of speech acts, including assertive instructions on how to make money from TikTok and expressive
descriptions of the challenges of creating successful content.This suggests that the message in the statement not
only offers practical advice on using TikTok to make money, but also emphasizes the difficulties in achieving
success on the platform.

In second speaker, assertive speech acts are the most common, as most statements are related to classroom
activities and learning objectives. However, the greetings also had an expressive element, conveying a sense of
pleasure to the students. The type of speech act dominant in the comments listed depends on the focus of each
statement. For example, some statements predominantly express emotions, impressions or wishes, while others
are more assertive by conveying opinions, information or instructions.


The analysis of speech acts used by content creators on TikTok and in a classroom setting reveals insights into
their communication strategies and audience reactions. Speaker 1 predominantly uses assertive speech acts,
providing detailed instructions and information about how to earn money on TikTok. Assertive instructions about
TikTok strategies dominate, although there are some expressive elements that highlight challenges. The text
provides practical advice while acknowledging platform challenges. The audience's responses are assertive and
expressive, reflecting their level of engagement with the content. The comments express admiration, appreciation,
and aspirations while acknowledging the content creator's expertise and innovative approaches. To convey
information about classroom activities and learning goals,
Speaker 2 uses primarily assertive speech acts. The primary assertive acts aim at providing information and
guidance related to the educational context. The audience's responses to the teaching discussion also include a
combination of assertive and expressive speech acts. These convey admiration, enthusiasm, nostalgic sentiments,
and opinions about the classroom scenario, demonstrating engagement and appreciation for effective teaching. In
this context, the following speech acts are often used. Expressive acts are also common, adding emotional depth,
admiration, and aspiration to responses. In both TikTok content and educational settings, this combination of
assertiveness and expressiveness promotes audience engagement, appreciation, and learning.


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