Macbeth Essay Gcse Coursework

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Writing coursework, especially for a challenging subject like a Macbeth essay for GCSE, can be a

demanding and time-consuming task. It requires in-depth knowledge of the play, critical analysis
skills, and the ability to articulate your thoughts effectively. Here are some challenges you might

1. Understanding the Play: Macbeth is a complex Shakespearean play with intricate characters
and themes. Comprehending the nuances of the plot, characters, and underlying messages
can be challenging.
2. Critical Analysis:Crafting a compelling essay involves more than just summarizing the plot.
You need to critically analyze the characters, their motivations, and the themes presented in
the play, requiring a deep understanding of literary analysis.
3. Time Management: Students often face time constraints, especially when coursework
deadlines loom. Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments can
be overwhelming.
4. Research Skills: Depending on the coursework requirements, you may need to conduct
research to support your arguments. This involves finding relevant academic sources and
integrating them into your essay.

Given these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable sources can be a viable option. However,
it's crucial to choose reliable platforms for academic help. While ⇒ ⇔ is
mentioned, it's important for individuals to exercise caution and ensure that any service they
consider is ethical, provides original work, and adheres to academic integrity.

If you find yourself struggling with your Macbeth essay GCSE coursework, it might be beneficial to
seek guidance from your teachers, classmates, or use legitimate academic assistance platforms. These
resources can provide support and help you improve your understanding of the subject matter while
maintaining the integrity of your academic work. Always prioritize your learning and growth
throughout the coursework process.
Macbeth is believed to have been written for James I. Witchcraft was a subject that the English took
very seriously. First, at actually sets the plot in motion as Macbeth's decision on the murdering of
Duncan wavers under Lady Macbeth's constant flattery and mockery. They turn and leave down the
hillside with their guns slung over their backs. When Macbeth went to the witches, he saw three
apparitions. She also tries to make Macbeth feel guilty by saying she would kill her own child if she
had promised (although he only considered it, a technique of deception used by Lady Macbeth used)
to kill the King and then changed her mind. Macbeth’s killing of these two innocent bodyguards
shows how already he has changed to a merciless monster that will do anything to keep hold of
power. A director may influence audience response by creating a Macbeth that either is subtle in
believing that he may one day become king if he plays his cards right or has an already blatant
obsession with this idea of becoming king. In part, the mischief they cause sterns from their
supernatural powers, but mainly it is the result of their understanding of the weaknesses of their
specific victim’s- they play upon Macbeth’s ambition like puppeteers. We get a clip of an alley, there
are rats running around in it, this shows disease, dirt and decay. It is these riddles and prophecies
from the witches that moves the plot of the story from scene to scene and shows just how important
the witches are in the play.The witches show that Macbeth's strength is only physical and that he has
mental, emotional and moral weaknesses which affect his ability to be a great king. He realises that
he’s gone so far as to never return or regain any free choice and therefore he arrives upon the heath
looking for self-recognition. Macbeth is clearly a fearless warrior and a very powerful to be able to
use a heavy broad sword. You would cut yourself off from God and would suffer for the rest of your
life. I also believe that this is the last point in the play that Macbeth is shown with any sanity
whatsoever. His obnoxiousness is seen throughout the play and pure ignorance stops any clear
thinking. This shows that Macbeth is ambitious about becoming king but will not do evil to obtain his
goal on the other hand his wife is more than willing forcing his hand to try and get him to murder the
king. She tells him he is coward and says she would kill her baby, if he doesn't kill Duncan. Will all
great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood clean from my hands?’ cries Macbeth appalled by what he
has accomplished in Act 2 Scene 2. This is the last point within Macbeth’s transition from a highly
regarded man to a dreadful man that Macbeth is seen by the audience as truly upright, because after
this part in the play, Shakespeare shows Macbeth as awful and terrible, due to the murder of Duncan.
The first witch wants to put a spell on a sailor whose wife refused to give her chestnuts. The
audience, who have seen Macbeth as a brave, noble and ambitious man, will see how he has
changed. Macbeth, later on in the play drops hints ironically in public conversation. From here on in
this scene Macbeth and lady Macbeth’s mood and attitude to their guests and surroundings rapidly
change, and show influence to their feelings through out the rest of the play. The witches tell
Macbeth in puzzling riddles that he will be 'Thane of Glamis', 'Thane of Cawdor' and 'King
hereafter'. She was very clever, manipulative, sly and sneaky in accomplishing her desires, and this
shows in Act 1, Scene 7, when she became very impatient with Macbeth on his continuous refusal to
murder Duncan. The witches tell us that they are going to meet Macbeth. As there is thunder and
lightning in this scene, lighting and sound effects could create a very frightening atmosphere. They
are in fact germinating those seeds of lust for power within Macbeth and therefore by putting these
ideas into his head help make him believe that he can in fact become a dictator. He wrote about
witchcraft because it interested the king, James 1 st had written a book on the supernatural called
This Duncan is a good king I think this makes Macbeth seem even worse when he goes to kill him it
shows that he is willing to kill good people to get where he wants to be. Empty reply does not make
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terms and conditions. As king, the audience would have expected Macbeth to do things himself and
not have expected Macbeth asking others for help. The witches tell us that they are going to meet
Macbeth. Macbeth is tragic, partly because he comes to depend on the witches information. This is
when there is a first mention of killing in the play when the witches are killing pigs, probably for
spells. He is persuaded by the witches that he is safe unless one of the three apparitions will happen
to him. Evil is like a disease in Macbeth, it keeps spreading till he has murdered Duncan, killed
Banquo and attempted to kill his son, slaughtered MacDuff's family up to the point of his death. A
car horn beeps and Banquo leaves, Macbeth lingers, again drawn to the evil, and keeps looking at
them, walking backwards through the door. To do this, she says things like “ From this time such I
account thy love, ” meaning she thinks what he said about killing Duncan was a worthless promise
that gave her false hope. Shakespeare shows their close relationship until they have started falling
into a state of near-despair after the murder of Banquo and Macduff’s wife and son. She is
determined that he will become the king; she says that “shalt be what thou art promised”, which is
very shocking and confusing for the audience because they have no idea who controls who. He turns
his back on Ross, Banquo and Angus, this is what he will go on to do later on in the play to betray all
the ones he knows on his quest to be King. In Roman Polanski’s film based on the play, Macbeth
seems entranced with the witches’ prophecies and much debate can be heard going on within his
head on whether to act or not. The play was written between 1603 and 1606, coinciding with the
accension of James the Sixth of Scotland to the English throne, as James the First of England in
1603. Also it is a key indication of the themes of the play that appearance cannot be trusted. Will all
great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood clean from my hands?’ cries Macbeth appalled by what he
has accomplished in Act 2 Scene 2. When they appear, it is in a storm on thunder and lightening.
Also, in the play, the witches mention “hurly-burly” which is an old English word for chaos and
confusion. He is not decieved by the witches, but by his own interpretation of what they said. People
were scared of witches and witchcraft, yet fascinated. When Macbeth went to the witches, he saw
three apparitions. This is a very big blow to Macbeth’s ego, so it is bound to change his mind on the
subject of killing Duncan. Shakespeare got some good ideas from old history books and wrote the
play. She is very jumpy and is startled by sudden noises. The thought of killing King Duncan
horrified Macbeth but Macbeth reacted to his first instincts as his ambition to become king overcame
any doubts he had and he killed Duncan to achieve the position of King of Scotland. The characters
are introduced by freeze-frame the first man, the leader is Macbeth, he is wearing jeans and a dark
jumper, this may suggest that he is evil. So Macbeth is tied all the time because he can never get a
good nights sleep ever again, which explains why he is always angry and irritated. Later Macbeth’s
decision to kill Banquo is a turning point, up until this he has been bullied into action by this wife.
Lady Macbeth is the other big character in the play, she is a very complicated character.
She keeps on washing her hands, hoping that she can wash away the guilty feelings she has, just as
easy as washing away the blood after King Duncan's murder. The absence of Macduff marked him as
a threat in Macbeth’s mind, and one more person to be disposed of for his and his wife’s evil safety.
The ghost shows that Macbeth still has guilt within him and he regrets ever spilling Duncan’s blood.
This gave Shakespeare an outline of Macbeth’s career, from the meeting of the witches, until his
death to the hands of Macduff. Later Lady Macbeth’s condition worsens eventually leading to her
sleepwalking. If he doesn’t kill the King then he doesn’t love her. They laugh and mock Macbeth
making him look pathetic in our eyes. So at this point I feel he his starting to convince himself that
this deed is just to immoral and he is loyal to his king but Lady Macbeth in the end succeeds to
manipulate Macbeth into killing Duncan. He is the co-leader of the Scottish armies alongside his best
friend Banquo. Macbeth then mentions to Banquo “your children shall be Kings”, this is a clue to
the fact that Macbeth believes the witches. But screw your courage together to the sticking place and
we’ll not fail’. Just before the battle outside of Dunsinane, Lady Macbeth commits suicide. Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. They were to create
a gentle and supportive role for their husband. Our customer service team will review your report and
will be in touch. ?0.00 1.00 1 review Download Save for later ?0.00 1.00 1 review Download Save
for later Last updated 22 February 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share
through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest kellyblili 3.82 238 reviews Not the
right resource. Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous gentleman’ this shows that Macbeth know knows
that in order to become thane of cawdor he will have to do something to the current thane of cawdor
as he is alive. Give me my armour.’ He isn’t even scared of dying and decrees that life is a
performance and that others only judge us from the way we act. Also, I agree with the first part of
the statement when it says “following this, the issue for the audience is not what Macbeth will do or
why but rather the means and consequences of the murder”. On the surface it would appear that
Macbeth was responsible for the murder since he committed the crime, but when more is read into it,
it becomes clear that Lady Macbeth was more responsible. Macbeth - Who is the more evil, Macbeth
or Lady Macbeth? Discuss. The actors are using Shakespearean language in a modern setting. At this
point in Polanski’s film Macbeth releases Macduff stating that he has already spilled too much of the
Macduff blood after murdering his family. King’s were God’s representatives on earth, so any action
against a king was a direct crime against God. Before act 1, scene 7 Lady Macbeth reads the letter
that Macbeth sent ahead of him and Duncan to tell Lady Macbeth about the prophecy, him being
declared Thane of Cawdor and Duncan will be staying in their castle over night. He also says “Till
he unseemed him from the nave to the chops” this shows that macbeth is ambitious as he will not
leave the battle field until he had killed everyone. Lady Macbeth then explains her plan in full detail
of how they are going to “ drug the guards ” and then blame them the next morning. He is sitting
alone at the end of his hall tormenting within his brain; what went wrong. Because she knows that
she is ultimately responsible for forcing Macbeth’s hand, her mind is tormented by the figurative
blood on her own hands. The third witch says “all hail Macbeth that shall be King here after”. At the
end of the scene Macbeth regrets killing Duncan.
The first would be spoken plainly, with no meaning or expression, in one, simple, plain tone. He
already desired to be king and he disapproved of his place in the first place. But go at once’, but the
differ immensely because ones very orderly and the other is very rushed. He was a bit confused and
wonders if it is really true. It is a play of crime, guilt, remorse and retribution. When the first
apparition says “Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth: beware Macduff”, as soon as the apparition says
“Beware Macduff” thunder and lightning effects could take place as this would tell the audience
that Macduff could be a threat to Macbeth later on in the play. It is estimated that in Scotland
between 1564 and 1603 eight thousand suspected witches were burned to death. It is introspective
and reveals the inner motives to the audience.) Our first impressions are that she is very ambitious
and a good judge of character ( she knows Macbeth is ambitious but he is too noble to kill the King).
It is these riddles and prophecies from the witches that moves the plot of the story from scene to
scene and shows just how important the witches are in the play.The witches show that Macbeth's
strength is only physical and that he has mental, emotional and moral weaknesses which affect his
ability to be a great king. Banquo says “you shall be King”, reminding Macbeth of his so called
future. Of course, though, all of the actors were men because they could easily grow facial hair.
When Macbeth hears the prediction from the witches, he didn't react by saying dismissive words.
She is a profoundly ambitious woman who lusts for power and position. Our customer service team
will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later
?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Last updated 17 May 2018 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest The English teacher's online resources 3.00 41 reviews Not the right resource. If ill’ he’s
think about if the witches mean him evil. Also the way in which the witches speak is in rhyme which
makes them seem strange and isolated as nobody in the play speaks in rhyme. Macbeth’s servants and
lords are deserting him and just to enforce the lack of control he has, their positions are randomly
given out to other lesser men. To please the King, Shakespeare introduced a few of his ancestors
including Banquo. They laugh and mock Macbeth making him look pathetic in our eyes. Their
familiars call to them and they disappear chanting. Lady Macbeth goes far enough to actually mock
her husband in to the killing, she does this in more than one occasion, she questions his manhood -
'.And live a coward in thine own esteem.'Macbeth retorts saying that anyone who is more than a man
than him is not even human and does not waver. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie! Despite Macbeth
not planning the murder, he is still the one who carries out the actual murder and kills the king. Had
he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t.”. He describes his position as exactly halfway
through a river of blood, so he might as well carry on going forward instead of turning back. She is
as ambitious as her husband-when she gets the letter from Macbeth she assumes that they need to
plan to kill the king. In addition when Macbeth says “let us towards the King” he means, let’s go and
visit the King so I can figure out how to kill him. See other similar resources ?0.00 5.00 2 reviews
Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Dave521 3 years ago report 5 Very
handy Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Erikurr4 4 years
ago report 5 Fantastic resource. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's
good to leave some feedback. Lady Macbeth acts all innocent when around king Duncan but really
she was plotting to kill him all along.
The stronger one out of the two is lady Macbeth but even she cracks when she dreams of their being
blood on her hands and tries washing it while sleepwalking. In Polanski’s version his servants are
seen to be scared of him and when one of them hands in their resignation he throws the letter into
the fire cursing them with riddles of his own. She says that she would rather kill her child than break
an agreement. If the audience’s first impression of Macbeth had been on the battle field where he
fought Macdonwald, I think they would have seen him as a murderous tyrant from the very
beginning of the play, but Shakespeare did not do that for a reason: to make the audience grow to
like Macbeth and then feel more involved in his downfall. In this case it is King Duncan of Scotland
who has been “appointed” by God to rule the highlands. We then have another extra scene, they drag
Cawdor to a car. They can’t except that witches could have power over the weather because they
believe in the Natural Order, with God at the top in control. She is going to toss his ship about and
make sure that he does not sleep. So at this point I feel he his starting to convince himself that this
deed is just to immoral and he is loyal to his king but Lady Macbeth in the end succeeds to
manipulate Macbeth into killing Duncan. However, after she hears that Macbeth is returning home,
she calls upon evil spirits and other demonic entities to give her some aid. It seems like he weights up
all the pros and cons and then feels hes going to get caught because fate will catch him as Duncan is
a good king. If he doesn’t kill the King then he doesn’t love her. I can see the power on his face he is
almost annoyed that they are leaving it shows that he likes what they are saying. She begins to speak
to the devil so that “no pity will run through her veins and to make sure that she won’t be able to feel
any compassion so no feelings can stop her from carrying out her deed”. It’s just like when ambition
affected her more strongly than Macbeth before the crime, guilt plagued her more strongly
afterwards. Lady Macbeth questions the manhood of her husband, implying that he must murder
Duncan in order to prove himself a man. Lady Macbeth then pressures Macbeth that they will not fail
“we fail. But go at once’, but the differ immensely because ones very orderly and the other is very
rushed. Also, Shakespeare introduced superstition as a big part of the play, because in the Jacobean
period, superstition was rife and the King had a great interest in it. Birnam wood comes to
Dunsinane in the form of camouflage for the advancing English army led by Malcolm and Macduff.
However, after hearing the Curse, Macbeth immediately regrets Killing Duncan. Satan had rebelled
directly against God and therefore he was responsible, through witches and evil spirits, for every
attack on the Divine Order. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. After Macbeth says this he asks Banquo “do you not hope your children shall
be Kings”. From here on in this scene Macbeth and lady Macbeth’s mood and attitude to their guests
and surroundings rapidly change, and show influence to their feelings through out the rest of the
play. Lady Macbeth is adamant that “a little water clears us of this deed”. I think that Macbeth was
first influenced by the witches to kill Duncan what they said to him to him was true about him
becoming Thane of Glamis and also about him becoming Thane of Cawdor. He murdered his way to
the top and defended his position to the last, aiming to withhold the power he unjustly took. On
stage I would have the ghost on stage because it is more obvious what’s going on and it’s easier for
the actor to react to it. This shows how good and strong Macbeth is in battle.

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