Timing Chain Replacement On A Volvo 3.2L Engine

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Volvo TechTips

Spring 2023
Information for the Independent Volvo Specialist v8 | n1

Also Inside:
3.2L Engine Timing
Chain Replacement

Volvo Seats and

Seat Belts

Interior Repairs

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Volvo TechTips

Spring 2023
Information for the Independent Volvo Specialist v8 | n1

Volvo TechTips is a publication sponsored by Features
Volvo Car USA LLC. No part of this newsletter
may be reproduced without the express written Timing Chain
permission of Volvo Car USA LLC. Replacement on a
Have a content idea, suggestion, or comment? Volvo 3.2L Engine
Contact us: [email protected] The 3.2 liter engine is a
six cylinder non-turbo
engine. In this article, we
Visit Volvotechinfo.com for more information will cover the replacement
on specific tools referenced. If original of the engine timing chain
tools are no longer available for purchase, and related components.
substitute a generic equivalent as needed.

Head of Volvo Car USA Parts Operations
Michael Lohfink Testing, Repairing,
Director, Parts Operations
and Servicing Volvo
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Roman Grudinin
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belts that you may find
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Christina Lloyd-Williams through your shop.
Manager, Wholesale Parts & Certified Collision

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Interior Repairs on
[email protected] Volvo Vehicles
In this article, we will cover
Contributing Writers a few different repairs that
Kevin Parkhurst, Gary Smith, Sean Stephens,
Wayne Riley, Frank Walker don't take a lot of time, but
knowing these situations
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Spring 2023 3
Timing Chain Replacement
on a Volvo 3.2L Engine

Shown here:
ECM on top of
air filter housing
The 3.2 liter engine is a six-cylinder non-turbo engine. In this article,
we will cover the replacement of the engine timing chain and related
components on an XC90. The procedure may differ on other models.
To do this job you will need side); intake side Volvo tool number 9997264; and
some special tools: front exhaust side, number 9997263. You will need a torx
crankshaft tool number T60 wrench for the center bolts for these gears, Volvo
9997257; front camshaft part number 9997272. The position sensors for the
timing chain cover when assembling, two of them, are
tool lock number 9997261;
Volvo part numbers 9997266 and 9997267.
Volvo special tool the anvil block, two of them
9997257 installed on (they hold the camshaft Set the vehicle on a hoist and drain the coolant and oil.
front of crankshaft gears on the timing chain Remove the front right tire and inner fender. Remove
the plastic plug at the crankshaft and insert tool
number 9997257 and turn with a ratchet until it lines
up in position. The little pin on the tool will lock into
place when correctly installed.

Remove the top cover over the engine and set it

aside. Remove the coolant expansion tank from the
vehicle. Remove the torque mount and bracket to
get access to the front camshaft plug seals. Using a
screwdriver, puncture the front plastic plugs and pop
both out. Insert tool number 9997261 on the front
of the camshafts and tighten down. This will lock the
camshafts in place.

On the other side of the engine, remove the fresh

air intake hose to air filter housing; two bolts hold
Special tools needed to replace the timing chain on it in place. Remove the plastic cover over the ECM
the 3.2L engine on top of the air filter housing. Disconnect the two
electrical connectors
to the ECM. It’s a
good ideal to squirt the
connectors with a good
to help in removing
them. Remove the
cover over the fuse box
and disconnect the
positive cable and plug
at the fuse box, tuck
wires out of the way.
Disconnect the hose
at the air filter housing
and disconnect the air
mass meter electrical
connector. Remove the
air filter housing from
the vehicle.

Hook up an A/C
machine and recover
the refrigerant from the
A/C compressor that will need to be removed system. Disconnect
Spring 2023 5
Timing Chain Replacement on a Volvo 3.2L Engine

Drive belt tensioner that needs to be removed Air conditioning bracket at top of transmission with
tool installed

Radiator hose to remove

and how to do it

both A/C hoses, plug the hoses

and compressor so moisture and
debris cannot contaminate the
A/C system. This will make it
easier to remove the hose to the
throttle housing. Once the hose
to the throttle housing is removed,
we can then remove the A/C
compressor. Disconnect the
two electrical connectors at
the compressor.

Disconnect the two bolts for the

power steering reservoir and
remove the bracket. Using an open
end 19 mm wrench, relieve tension
on the belt and insert a 3 mm pin
Power steering pump connected to water pump
to hold it in place. Remove the
bracket from the A/C compressor
to the engine. The bracket that the A/C compressor mounts to needs
to be removed. There are seven bolts that hold this
Remove the three bolts on top of the compressor and bracket down; remove them and the bracket.
the ones at the front of the compressor. Maneuver the
A/C compressor out and set it aside. Remove the drive Once this bracket is out of the way, we can now start
belt tensioner at the A/C mounting bracket. to remove the power steering pump. Extract the
power steering fluid from the reservoir as much as
Remove the radiator hose at the bottom of the radiator possible. Disconnect the hoses at the bottom of the
and the hose that is attached to it. reservoir and set the reservoir aside.
6 Volvo TechTips Spring 2023
Cabin Filter

All Volvos are equipped with a cabin filter that cleans the
incoming air to ensure a healthier in-car environment.
Replace the cabin filter every other maintenance visit,
or more frequently if driving in high traffic areas
or on dusty roads.
Contact your Volvo dealer for a complete
selection of Volvo Genuine Parts.

Spring 2023 7
Timing Chain Replacement on a Volvo 3.2L Engine

Now we will want to remove the

fuse box. There is a bolt under the
positive cable which we already Bolt 1 of 2
removed. Remove that bolt and the (bolt 2 of 2
one on the other side of the fuse is hidden)
box. Using a tie strap, connect it to
the fuse box and tie strap it out of
the way. Remove the transmission
gear selector cable and bracket.
Remove the three bolts at the
brake module and pump bracket,
and pull up on the assembly so that
there is room to get to the power
steering pump.

Disconnect the high pressure hose

at the pump. Remove the bracket at
the back of the pump. With a long
stem T25 torx bit, remove the two Two bolts at power steering pump pulley to water pump that need
bolts at the power steering pump to be removed
pulley to water pump.
Remove the
Now remove the two bolts at the bottom of the pump vacuum pump at
on both sides, and maneuver the power steering pump the timing cover;
from the water pump and set it aside. Remove the two bolts hold
it on. Now the
drive belt and idler pulley.
timing cover can
On the back be disassembled.
The two tools used to remove
side of the Remove the two
pulley at READ assembly
engine, on center bolts and
the exhaust the 20 outside
side, there bolts, and pop the outer cover off.
is a coolant On the front of the timing chain tensioner is a little
pipe that is tab; insert a small screwdriver and pry it open enough
connected to push the tensioner down and lock it into place, so
to the water Water pipe at back of engine that tension is loose at the chain. Insert the pin into the
pump. connects to water pump tensioner to hold it in place.
This pipe
needs to be Install special tools on front of timing chain gears at
disconnected; there are two bolts above the exhaust camshafts, 9997264, 9997263, and 9997272 to
remove the center bolts on both gears. (See image
manifold on each side that need to come out. There is
next page.)
also a bolt right at the water pump that needs to be
removed, and then pulled loose from the water pump. Remove the bolt at the tensioner guide and remove
the guide. Mark the gears so you can reinstall them
The drive belt pulley at the front of the timing chain
the same way they came off. Slide both camshaft
cover will need to be removed using special tool gears off with the timing chain and remove from
numbers 9995760 and 9512926. Insert a screwdriver engine. Try to keep the chain on the gears and install
at the center of the plastic cover at the pulley and pop the new chain onto the gears at the same position.
out the cover and discard. Use the tools to unbolt and This will help when installing the new chain.
remove the pulley.
This will be a good time to replace the gasket at
Remove the coolant pipe at the bottom of the timing the inner timing cover. Remove the two bolts at the
cover that inserts into the water pump housing; there tensioner guide and remove the inner cover with the
are two bolts at the bottom of the cover to remove. water pump assembly. Clean the area really well and
8 Volvo TechTips
Spinning engine over
at front of engine
crankshaft, using tool
number 9997257

the tab with a small screwdriver and

pull out the pin. Let the tensioner
expand and remove the small
screwdriver at the tab.

Reinstall the two anvil tools at

camshaft gears, 9997264 and
9997263. Use tool number
9997272 to tighten both camshaft
bolts. On the exhaust side, torque
Special tools installed at camshaft gears
to 75 Nm and then 90 degrees.
On the intake side, torque to
110 Nm. Remove the tools after
the center bolts at the camshaft
gears are tight. Also remove tool
number 9997261 at the front of
the engine which is locking down
the camshafts. At the front of the
crankshaft, turn the engine over a
couple of times just to make sure
everything is lined up correctly.

Now make sure to clean the

surfaces of both the engine block
and the outer timing chain cover.
Install the new gasket and set the
cover into place. Install three bolts
Inner timing cover that needs to come off and replace inner gasket in the cover but do not tighten
them completely. Using special tool
install a new gasket. There is also a rubber seal at the numbers 9997267 and 9997266,
READ assembly that should be replaced at the same insert them in front of the cover to align the cover up
time, and replace the O-ring at the water pump pipe. into place. See image next page.

Back out the two 9 mm fasteners at the inner cover a Insert the twenty 7 mm bolts and the two 8 mm bolts
couple of turns. Install the inner cover onto the engine but don’t tighten them yet. Tighten the three center
and tighten down the two bolts to 17 Nm. Install new bolts at the center of the timing chain cover to 17 Nm.
guide rails. Now with the new chain on the gears, Now tighten the twenty bolts on the outside of the
install the gears and chain to the engine. Install the cover, in order, to 17 Nm. Remove the alignment tools
center bolts at the camshaft gears and leave them from the cover. See image next page.
loose for right now.
Using the 9 mm allen wrench socket, turn the two
Install the tensioning arm and new tensioner and fasteners in until they touch. Install the two 8 mm
torque down to 10 Nm. On the new tensioner, pull back bolts and tighten to 24 Nm. See image next page.
Spring 2023 9
Timing Chain Replacement on a Volvo 3.2L Engine

There is a plastic pin that fits into

the center of the power steering
pump that fits into the water pump.

Once the power steering pump

is correctly installed to the water
pump, install the two bolts that
secure the pump to the engine
and tighten down. Install the
bracket at the back of the pump
and tighten down. Install the two
screws at the power steering
pump to water pump coupling
pulley and tighten down. Connect
the high pressure power steering
hose to the pump using a new
O-ring at the pressure hose.

Install the vacuum pump at the

Special Volvo tool to align front timing chain cover tool numbers intake camshaft at the timing chain
9997267 and 9997266 cover, lining up the vacuum pump
drive to the camshaft. Two bolts
hold the pump in place, tighten
down. Install the idler pulley to the front
timing chain cover and tighten down.

Install a new lip gasket at the intermediate

shaft using tool number 9997265. Install a
new coupler pulley and tighten down using
tools 9995760 and 9512926. The correct
torque is 60 Nm.
The three center bolts that
The two 9 mm allens
need to be tightened first; Install a new bottom radiator hose onto the
that need to be turned
then the twenty bolts that pipe from the water pump. Turn the collector
in until they touch
need to be tightened in order at the radiator hose counterclockwise to
secure it to the pipe. Secure the other end of
Install the pipe that inserts into the water pump and the radiator hose to the radiator and tighten the clamp.
secure with the two bolts that hold it to the engine.
Install the coolant pipe at the back of the engine Now set the air conditioning bracket into place on
by the exhaust manifold that connects to the water top of the transmission, and start the bolt in the
pump. There is one bolt at the pump and two bolts center of the bracket to the transmission finger tight.
that secure the pipe near the exhaust manifold; torque Use tool number 9997262 to align the A/C bracket.
bolts to 17 Nm. Set the tool into place and start the bolts, but just
finger tight at this time. Make sure that the tool is
Install the power steering pump onto the water pump in place correctly and that the coupler pulley turns
coupling pulley, counterclockwise.
making sure to
fit it into place Install the bolts at the bracket except the two that
properly. Install have the allen wrench adjusters, and finger tighten
them for now. Tighten the two bolts at the tool and
the drive belt
then tighten the center bolt at the bracket to the
first around the
transmission to 50 Nm. Insert an allen wrench at the
pulley before
bolt hole on top of the bracket and torque to 1 Nm,
inserting the
then insert the bolt and torque to 50 Nm.
power steering
pump to the Correct way to install power Tighten the other bolts at the front of the bracket,
water pump. steering pump onto water pump 8 mm to 24 Nm and the 10 mm to 50 Nm. The allen
10 Volvo TechTips
bolt at the front of bracket screws in and gets torqued
to 1 Nm. Intall the bolt and torque to 24 Nm. Remove
the tool from the bracket.

Run the drive belt around the power steering pump

pulley to the idler pulley and down to the coupler
pulley. Install the belt tensioner at the bracket and
leave the pin in place at this time for the tensioner.

Install the air conditioning compressor into the
bracket, and route the drive belt around the pulley.
Install the bolts for the compressor and tighten down.
Connect the electrical connectors to the compressor. Genuine Parts
Install the bracket from the engine to the compressor
and the bracket for the power steering reservoir. We know quality repairs matter at
Connect the hose to the reservoir to the power steering your shop, and we’re here to help.
pump. Set the reservoir into the bracket and secure.
Get all the benefits of Volvo Genuine
Install the three bolts at the bottom of ABS module Parts by contacting your Volvo retailer.
bracket and tighten. Put the fuse box back in place
and secure the two bolts that hold it down. Tighten
down the positive cable and plug in the connector
at the fuse box. Set the air filter box, with the ECM
module on top, into place. Install the plastic pipe to
the throttle housing and the air filter housing and
tighten both clamps.

Connect the two A/C lines to the compressor and

secure. Secure the bracket for the A/C lines near the
intake manifold. Evacuate the A/C system and charge.

Install the camshaft plugs and install the torque

mount at the front of the engine, right side. Set the
expansion tank into place, use the proper tool to
vacuum the system, and install new coolant. Install
the plug at the crankshaft, the inner fender, and the
wheel on the right side.

Add oil to the engine and power steering fluid to the

power steering reservoir. With the vehicle still on the
hoist and the cap off of the power steering reservoir,
turn the steering wheel back and forth to get air out of
the steering system. This could take a little while.

Start the vehicle up and check the power steering fluid;

you might have to shut the engine off and turn the
wheel back and forth again to let air escape from the
reservoir. Start the engine back up and let it warm up.
Look around just to make sure everything looks good.

Test drive the vehicle and then check again making

sure fluids are full.

Replacing the timing chain on this vehicle isn’t

something you do every day, but next time around will

definitely be easier.
Spring 2023 11

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