Maintenance Notice 2

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Course content:
The meaning and value of maintenance. Overview of damage mechanisms and their
maintenance burden; evaluation of equipment function reduction loss. Failure models, effects
and critically analysis, failure prevention. Maintenance planning (planned preventive,
planned corrective maintenance, condition monitoring techniques). Maintainability and
reliability assessment. Organising for maintenance. Maintenance cost analysis and reduction.
Computer applications in maintenance engineering.


• To enable the student to understand the principles, functions and practices adapted in industry
for the successful management of maintenance activities.
• To explain the different maintenance categories like Preventive maintenance, condition
monitoring and repair of machine elements.
• To illustrate some of the simple instruments used for condition monitoring in industry.


Basic Principles of maintenance planning – Objectives and principles of planned maintenance
activity – Importance and benefits of sound Maintenance systems – Reliability and machine
availability – MTBF, MTTR and MWT – Factors of availability – Maintenance organization –
Maintenance economics.


Maintenance categories – Comparative merits of each category – Preventive maintenance,
maintenance schedules, repair cycle - Principles and methods of lubrication – TPM.

Condition Monitoring – Cost comparison with and without CM – On-load testing and off-load
testing – Methods and instruments for CM – Temperature sensitive tapes – Pistol thermometers –
wear-debris analysis


Repair methods for beds, slideways, spindles, gears, lead screws and bearings – Failure analysis
– Failures and their development – Logical fault location methods – Sequential fault location.


Repair methods for Material handling equipment - Equipment records –Job order systems -Use
of computers in maintenance.

ME 422 Maintenance Engineering Page 1

It is the routine and recurring process of keeping a particular machine or asset in its normal
condition so that it can deliver the excepted performance or service without any loss or damage.

Principles of Maintenance Planning

Maintenance principles are followed in a system to guide the staff to work efficiently and
effectively to achieve the overall objectives of the maintenance system.
i) Plant Management in Maintenance work:
The main role of the maintenance function is to provide safe and effective operation
of the equipment to achieve the designed targets on time with economic usage of
ii) Production and Maintenance Objectives:
The plant is driven by the production targets. The objective of these maintenance
functions is to support these targets.

Information based Decision Making:

The maintenance objectives are successfully achieved by the use of reliable information system.

Planning of Maintenance Function:

All the maintenance functions are to be carefully executed by a way of proper planning to ensure
the effective utilization of manpower and materials.
Manpower for Maintenance:
The manpower requirements of the maintenance system must be carefully evaluated based on the
time and motion study.

Workforce control:
Determination of exact workforce required to meet the maintenance objectives of the system is
difficult task due to the element of uncertainty. Hence the proper control and monitoring of
workforce are needs to be ensured.

Role of spare parts:

A good maintenance management system requires appropriate tools. So the system should have
good quality tools and that too available in required quantities to ensure the proper function of
the maintenance works.

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Important Factor to be considered in Maintenance Planning
The maintenance works include the following factors:

• Job Distribution
• Programme
• Man Power Allocation
• Staffing
• Planning Techniques
• Planning Procedure.
• Maintenance Control

Job Distribution:
The first and foremost task in maintenance planning is the distribution of the pots to the
personnel for preventive and emergence maintenance works.

A maintenance programme is a well formulated combination of the available skills and resources
that ensures optimum and appropriate utilization to meet the objective of the organization.

Man Power Allocation:

It is the most important task of the maintenance management group. The central idea of man
power allocation can be drafted using the information available from maintenance records and
planning the tasks to meet the objectives of the organization.

It is the task of provided the required manpower for the maintenance function. The advantage of
preventive maintenance is that the work can be planned and scheduled properly for the effective
use of resources.

Planning Techniques:
The planning methods are Gantt charts, Critical path method are recently used for maintenance
planning and scheduling.

Maintenance Control:
It is the auditing technique to ensure the effective utilization of the maintenance budget. This
involves the integration of with the system.

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The profit of any industry depends only on the return of the investment. The capital cost and
operating cost are the major factors involved in any industrial investment. The life of the
equipment and maintenance schedule information provided by manufacturer may not be realized
in practice to make the need for having a sound management system. The following are the
benefits of sound maintenance management system.

• Minimization of overtime.
• Improvement in availability of system.
• Extended life of equipment.
• Safety and smooth operation of the process
• Provide adequate back up supply
• Minimization of normal expected wear and tear of equipment.
• Safety of the personal involved in the organization.
• Increased reliability of the system.
• Provide proper working environment.

The concept of reliability has found increased use in industries engineering maintenance and

Need for reliability of Maintenance:

The reliability of a system, equipment and product is very important aspect of quality for its
consistent performance over the expected life span.
Reality is defined as the probability that a component / system, when operating under given
condition will perform its intended functions adequate for a specified period of time. It refers to
the like hood that equipment will not fail during its operation. The four important factors
required in the determination of reliability are:
• Reliability expressed as probability
• Adequate performance acquirements
• Duration of adequate performance.
• Environmental or operating conditions.

i) Reliability expressed as probability.

It is the ratio of the number of times we can expect an event to occur to the total number of trail
undertaken. A Reliability factor can be expressed as probability. A reliability factor equal to one
means that device performs satisfactorily for the prescribed duration under the give
environmental condition.
ii) Adequate Performance Requirement:
A system may perform satisfactorily even though one or more components may not be
functioning. In reliability analysis there is a need to define the magnitude of satisfactory or
adequate performance of the system.

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iii) Duration of Adequate Performance:
The duration of adequate performance is used to state the time up to which the desired
performance of the system is achieved under the given operating conditions.

iv) Environmental or operating condition:

Environmental condition indicates the prevailing conditions at which the system is under

Reliability is the probability of a device performing its purpose adequately for the period
intended under the give operating conditions.

Reliability Model:
A basic measurement of the reliability of the product i.e. its probability, is that of mean time
between failures. Suppose that products are taken at random from a large group and let all of
them fail during the time period then the probability of failure during the period “t” is given by;
Pt = nt N
It is necessary to evaluate the performance of the product over the intended length of time T for
the determination of reliability.
Thereafter a large number of products are tested so that the relative frequency becomes a smooth
function f(t) of time. Then reliability expressed by

Failure rate is approximately constant in that of the practical cases. Then function assumes the
form of the exponential probability function as given by

The probability of failure is the ratio of the number of units that failed at specified period of time
to the total population.

Mean Failure Rate (h)

The mean failure is the rate h is obtained by finding the mean of the failure rates for specified
period of time.
Mean time is failure (MTTF)
Let t, is the time to failure for the first specimen, t is the time to failure for the second specimen
and tn is the time to failure for the N specimen. Hence the mean time to failure for N specimens
are: HTTF = (t1+t2+…….tn) /n
= 1/N
It is difficult to record the failure for each component when the numbers of specimens tested are
large. Instead, we can record the number which fails during the specific intervals of time.

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Mean time between failures (HTBF)
Mean time between failures (HTBF) is the mean or average time between successive failures of a
product. Mean time between failures refers to the average time of breakdown until the device is
beyond repair.

Mean time to Repair (MTTR)

Mean time to repair (MTTR) is the arithmetic mean of the time required to perform maintenance
action. MTTR is defined as the ratio of total maintenance time and number of maintenance
Total maintenance time
Number of maintenance action

Maintenance Action Rate:

Maintenance action rate is the number of maintenance action that can be carried out on
equipment per hour. = 1/MTTR

Reliability can be generally of two types
• Inherent Reliability: It is associated with the quality of the material and design of
machine parts.
• Achievable Reliability: It depends upon other factor such as maintenance and operation
of the equipment.

It is a concept closely related to the characteristics of equipments design and installation. It is
defined as the probability that a unit or system will be restored to specified working conditions
within a given period when maintenance action is taken in accordance with the prescribed
procedures and resources.

It is the ratio of the time at which the equipment is available for the designated operation service
to the total time of operation and maintenance of the equipment. It is also defined as the ratio of
equipments uptime to the equipment down time over a specified period of time.
The three types of availability are:
• Inherent availability
• Achieved availability
• Operational availability

Inherent availability
It is the probability that a system or equipment shall operate satisfactorily when used under
prescribed conditions in an ideal support environment without any scheduled or preventive
maintenance at any given time.
Inherent availability = MTBM/MTBM+MTTR

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Achieved availability
It is the probability that a system or equipment shall operate satisfactorily when used under
prescribed conditions in an ideal support environment with periodic preventive and corrective
maintenance at any given time.
Achieved availability = MTBM/ MTBM+M

Operational Availability
In industrial system a certain amount of delay will always caused by time element such as
supply downtime and administrative downtime.
Operational availability = MTBM/ MTBM+MDT
Where MOT is the mean downtime is the satisfied number of the downtimes including the
supply downtime and administrative downtime.

A maintenance organization can be countered as made up of three basic and necessary
• Resources
• Administration
• Work planning and control system.

Resources include men, spares and tools involved in the task of maintenance.

It include a nearby of authority and responsibility for decision making and plans for the
execution of work.

Work planning and control system

This is the mechanism for planning and scheduling the wok. This also includes the feedback of
information to drive the maintenance effort to its defined objective.

The basic objective of the maintenance organization is to ensure that the maintenance functions
are carried out effectively and hence to minimize the production loss due to maintenance. There
has to be a close relationship between the production and maintenance departments to achieve
the desired targets of the industry. Continuous monitoring of planned preventive maintenance
schedules identified for the equipment is required to complete the maintenance tasks in time.

Maintenance of modern equipment and industry requires a healthy, balanced and rationalized
organization, devoted to achieve the goals of maintenance task. The organization required for
any system can be formed after study of the existing continuous and also the future demands of
the industry.

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The increasing complexity of present day equipment maintenance management has brought into
focus two other aspects known as maintainability and availability, both of them are closely
related to reliability.


The tasks of the maintenance are as follows:
• Identification of organization roles pertaining maintenance function.
• Determination of maintenance workload.
• Uniform distribution of total maintenance work to all the personal in the department.
• Identification and assignment of essential works to the various sections of the
maintenance department
• Proper knowledge about the technical expertise/ experience of the workers deputed for
the particular part
• Proper training of the staff of maintenance to meet the growing demands of the industry
and to catch up with the modern trends in maintenance.
• Designing the policies and procedures at an early stage to help the maintenance
department to achieve the goals of the industry.

Maintenance Functions and Activities

The functions and activities of the maintenance organization are as follows:
• Identifying areas for implementation of preventive maintenance program.
• Making suitable arrangements for maintenance facilities for carrying out the maintenance
works properly.
• Planning and scheduling the total maintenance work
• Ensuring proper and timely supply of spare parts.
• Managing proper inventory control of materials spares and tools required for
• Standardization of maintenance work.
• Implementing modifications to the existing equipment wherever possible.
• Assisting the purchase department in processing materials.
• Identification of outdate and surplus equipment for replacement and disposals.
• Training of maintenance personnel.
• Analysis of future demands and forecast the role of maintenance activities.
• Implementation of safety norms and procedures
• Ensuring safety of personnel and equipment.

Types of maintenance organization

The selections of a type of maintenance system will largely depend on the structure of an
industry. Maintenance organization can be broadly classified into three types as follows.

i) Decentralized
This is suitable for large sized plants where enter unit communication is difficult to get. In this
type of organization the maintenance is difficult to get. In this type of organization, the
maintenance is under the control of chief engineer of production to ensure understanding
between the production and maintenance department.

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ii) Centralized
This is suitable for small units where unit communication is feasible. In this type of organization
the maintenance is under the control of chief maintenance engineer. The responsibilities
accountability is with the concerned department heads.

iii) Partially Centralized

This is the modified version of centralized maintenance organization and suitable for the
industry where the units are located at far away locations. In this type of organization, the
maintenance personal attached with production unit will carry out the routine maintenance
works. Scheduled maintenance works such as overhauls. Planned maintenance works,
procurement of spare parts are under the control of chief maintenance engineer at the control

There are basically at least two types of organization that are followed in most of the industries.
They are:
• Line organization
• Line staff organization.

Line organization consists of a general foreman and a number of specialist foremen under them
is shown below.

General Foreman
Foreman Electrical Storekeeper

The specialist foreman executes maintenance work in their respective areas while the general
foreman supervises the total work under his control and the various maintenance tasks carried
out in the industry. This kind of structure is an old type maintenance organization.


A few more staff members such as storekeeper and clerk are added to the line organization to
form the line organization structure as given below.

The advantage lies in separating the maintenance work from the storekeeping and the role of
clerk is to record the maintenance activities. The recording of maintenance related activities
helps the organization to restructure the strategies adopted to achieve the objectives of


Maintenance functional organization
Maintenance functional organization is the structure based on craft concept. In this organization
structure persons joined the organization as apprentices and devoted to higher positions such as
foreman after sufficient experience in their respective jobs. In organization, the maintenance
functional organization in which few workers are placed under each functional foreman.

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Centrally Controlled Maintenance Organization
The limitation of this kind of maintenance is that it is possible only for equipments which can be
shifted to workshop.

Area Maintenance organization

Area maintenance organization provides better utility of manpower when the units are located at
various locations.
For example mining industry, area maintenance manager takes care of maintenance for a
particular area and is equipped with number of workers to carryout maintenance works including
emergency work.


External maintenance service.
It is available in two forms contract maintenance service and manufacturers after sale service.

Advantages of external maintenance service

⦁ It is very economical
⦁ Technically better and specialist are responsible for maintenance activities
⦁ Skill preservation
⦁ Better service
⦁ Updating to modern and existing trends and needs.

Outsourcing in maintenance
The term outsourcing assumed recent importance in the area of computer information technology
and communication due to emergence of business process outsourcing (BPO) outsourcing is
followed in small industries to hand once the maintenance activities to external agencies. This is
due to the reason that economy of the industry does not permit to have maintenance people on
their own. It is followed in large industries also to ensure maximum control over the maintenance
⦁ Lot of maintenance is minimized
⦁ No need for having maintenance as a department.
⦁ Better quality of service achieved through employing specialists.
⦁ Better maintenance practice
⦁ Performance metrics are clearly defined and achieved by outsourcing the
maintenance jobs.

Lift cost Analysis:
The factors to be considered in the purchase of equipment for industries include: the cost,
quality, performance and maintenance requirements. Some balance is to be made between the
capital cost and operating cost of the equipment in finding the suitability of the equipment.

Life cycle costing is the cost analysis for the equipment in an industry that accounts total cost of
the equipment over a span of time which includes the capital cost, operating cost and
maintenance cost. The aim of life cycle costing is to ascertain the total cost of equipment over
the span of its entire life period.

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Advantages of life cycle costing
• Integration of engineering, economics and financial aspects lead to the way of
robust metric for the selection and purchase equipment required for the

• Reduced operating and maintenance cost of equipments due to cost analysis

over span of time.

• It leads to the selection of proper and economically viable equipment.

Estimation of Economic Life of Equipment

The economic life of equipment depends on the maintenance of repair costs, availability and
operational efficiency. A plot of cumulative efficiency and maintenance and repair cost per
cumulative hours vs. operating hours of the equipment to find the economic life of the

Maintenance Cost
Budgets are allocated for all the activities in planning stage itself which includes the maintenance
cost. The cost of maintenance is difficult to measure due to random nature of failures. The words
on maintenance history may be useful in determining the cost.

Component of Maintenance Cost

The maintenance cost is comprised of two factors:
⦁ Fixed cost
⦁ Variable cost

Fixed Cost
This includes the cost of support facilities including the maintenance staff. Variable Cost
This includes the consumption of spare parts, replacement of components and cost other facilities
required to meet the requirements of maintenance.

The evaluation of maintenance cost should consider the following factors;

⦁ Cost of maintenance from the recorded data.
⦁ Level and requirements of maintenance.
⦁ Cost of replacement of components and assemblies subjected to wear and tear.
⦁ Accounting the number of break downs with their levels
⦁ Downtime of the equipment for want of maintenance repair.
⦁ Penalty cost due to loss of production.
⦁ Cost of manpower involved.
⦁ Cost of additional manpower requirement for emergency breakdown and

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Maintenance Budget
The maintenance budget is used to set aside certain amount of money to meet the expenditures
incurred in achieving the objectives of maintenance. The following are the types of maintenance

Appropriation Budget
Budget used to allocate money for each activity independently
Fixed Budget
Fixed used to allocate money for a specified period of time.
Variable budget
Dynamic allocation of expenditure based on maintenance requirements and activities.

Cost Minimization in Maintenance organization

⦁ Centralized, planning, scheduling and control.
⦁ Grouping of specialized workforce.
⦁ Effective later utilization strategies.
⦁ Proper and effective use of contract maintenance system to reduce the overhead
costs on equipment and manpower.
⦁ Purchase of reliable equipment and spares.
⦁ Use of skilled and trained workforce.
⦁ Proper selection of suitable type of spares, materials and lubricants.
⦁ Proper safety education and formulating the safe practice.
⦁ Constant appraisal and education to workforce about the objectives, strategies and
modern techniques adopted in the area of maintenance.

Calculate the failure rate of a component from the following data

Number of components tested = 750
Period of time = 1000 hrs
No. of failure reported for the given period of time = 5

Let R be the probability of reliable function for specified period of time and F be the
probability of failure R + F = 1
Failure rate = No of failures in a unit time
= number of failures / time period.
= 5/750 x 1/1000
This is based on the assumption of uniform failure rate for the given period of time.
Probability of failure = 1-R = 1-99.34 = 0.66% 23.

Problem –1
Equipment is subjected to maintenance. Time constant for completing the work is 60
minutes. If MTTR is 0.3 hrs. calculate the probability that it will met the desired


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Probability of maintenance equipment, M = 1 –e

Problem -2
A process plant consists of fire equipments connected in services as shown in figure
given below. In this continuous production environment, the major failure is in the failure
of the pumps delivering the fluid form one quipment to other.
Health -> Reader -> Cooler -> vessel -> Tank
P1 P2 p3 p4
Process plant with equipments connected in services.
The failure rate of pump delivered to the heater is 0.00001 per hr and the failure raters for
the pump delivering the fluid to the reactor, cooler, sedimentation vessel and storage tank
are 0.0002, 0.00018, 0.00003 and 0.00005 per hour. Calculate the reliability of the
process plant.


Maintenance Approach
Breakdown maintenance planned maintenance
Preventive, corrective, predictive condition, Reliability, control Maintenance

Maintenance based maintenance control maintenance

Breakdown Maintenance
In this system, the equipment is allowed to function / operate till no failure occurs i.e. no
maintenance work is carried out in advance to prevent the failure. As long as the
equipment is functioning at a minimum acceptable level, it is assumed to be effective.
This means the people wait till the equipment fails and repair. This approach of
maintenance is ineffective and extremely expensive. The following factors contribute to
high maintenance costs;
⦁ Poor planning
⦁ Incomplete repair

Most repairs are poorly planned due to time constraint caused by production and plant
management. This will cost three to four times than the same repair when it is well
This approach focus only on repair or the symptoms of failure and not on the root cause
of failure. This results only in increase in the frequency of repair and correspondingly the
maintenance costs.

For example when a bearing fails, it leads to production stop. By this approach only the
bearing will be replaced with a new one, but no attempt will be made to study the cause
of failure or to present a recurrence of this failure. This may seriously affect the reliability
of the system.

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Breakdown of an equipment or machine or station in a system will have a significant
effect on the production cost, quality and schedules. For each break down, one or more
operations that are to be performed by that particular machine/ equipment are idled,
which in turn delays the completion time of the job. Mean while, parts waiting for this
equipment/machine are to be diverted and assigned to other competing machines because
of this the cost of manufacturing goes up.

Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is the progress focused on regular planned tasks that will
maintain all critical machinery and system in optimum operating conditions. The
effectiveness of this program is judged on life cycle cost of critical equipment rather than
on how quickly the broken machines are restored to working conditions. It is a proactive
approach towards maintenance management.
The main objectives of this program are to;
⦁ Eliminate breakdowns
⦁ Eliminate deviations from optimum operating conditions
⦁ Eliminate unnecessary repair
⦁ Optimize all critical plant systems.

Preventive Maintenance
It is a maintenance program which is committed to the elimination or prevention of
corrective and breakdown maintenance. A comprehensive preventive maintenance
program involves periodical evaluation of critical equipment/machinery to delete
problem and schedule maintenance task to avoid degradation in operating conditions.

Benefits of Preventive Maintenance

In general the cost incurred towards breakdown maintenance is usually higher than the
cost incurred on preventive maintenance. It maintains the equipment in good condition to
preventing them from bigger problems and hence;
• prolongs the effective life of the equipments.
• Detects the problem at earlier stages.
• Minimizes / eliminates the rewash/ scrap and help in reducing the process
variability. Significantly reduces unplanned downtime.

Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance is a management technique that uses regular evaluation of the
actual operating conditions of plant equipment, production systems and plant
management functions to optimize total plant operation. It is not a solution for all the
factors that limit total plant performance.

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⦁ Vibration Monitoring:–determines the actual condition of equipments / machines by
studying the noise or vibration produced during functioning.
⦁ Thermography:–determines the condition of plant machinery systems etc by studying
the emission of infra red energy i.e. temperature.
⦁ Tribology:–determines the dynamic condition of bearing lubrication, rotor support
structure of machinery etc by adopting any one of the techniques like lubricating oil
analysis, spectra graphic analysis, fessography and wear particle analysis.
⦁ Electrical Motor Analysis:–determines the problem within motors and other electrical
⦁ Visual inspection:-determines the conditions of working elements visually based on the


It is one of the well-established systematic and a step by step instructional tool for
selecting applicable and appropriate maintenance operation types. It helps in how to
analyze all failure modes in a system and define how to prevent or find those failures
early. The rough process of a CM is as follows.

Target products or systems of maintenance should be clearly identified, and necessary

data should be collected.

All possible failures and their effect on target produced or systems are systematically

Preventive or corrective maintenance operations are considered selection of operations is

done based on rational calculation of effectiveness of such operations for achieving
required maintenance quality, such as reliability, cost etc.

Applications of RCM
When designing, selecting and installing new systems in a plant. When setting up
preventive maintenance for complex equipment and systems for which we are not clear
on how they work. When teaching people the basics of reliability it helps to explain the
matters in a detailed fashion using RCM.


The goal of TPM program is to significant increase the production, at the same time
increasing employee morale and job satisfaction.
The aim of total production maintenance was to maximize plant and equipment
effectiveness to achieve optimum life cycle cost of equipment.

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Implementation of TPM
To implement an effective TPM is an organization there are certain stages to be planned
and executed.
Stage I-initialization
Stage II-Introduction on TPM
Stage III-Implementation of TPM
Stage IV-Institutionalization

Stage I
Announcement by management about TPM. Joe level management people should attend
awareness programs on TPM to have proper understanding, commitment and active
involvement. Then all matters about TPM should be communicated to all others in the
⦁ Initial education
⦁ Setting up TPM departmental committees.
⦁ Establishing TPM working system and target
⦁ A plan for institutionalizing.

Stage II Introduction Stage

A grand ceremony is to be arranged inviting our customers, affiliated companies, sister concerns
and communicating them that we care for quality.

Stage III –Implementation Stage

There are certain activities which are performed and known as pillars of TPM are carried out.
Stage IV Institutionalizing stage
Once the action is familiar with the TPM process and have experienced success with small level
problems and then with high and complicated problems, the company can apply for PM award.

TPM starts with 5, S principle. Problems cannot be clearly seen when the workplace is
unorganized. Cleaning and organizing the workplace helps the tem to uncover problems.

5S. Seiri –Sort out.

This means sorting and organizing the items as critical, important, frequently used items, useless,
that are not needed as of now.
Seiton –Organize
Each item has a place and only one place. The items can be identified early by writing name
plates and colored tags. `

Their involve cleaning the workplace free of turss, grease, oil, waste, scrap etc. no loosely
hanging wires or oil leakage from machines.

SEIKETSU –Standardization

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Employees have to discuss together and decide on standards for keeping the workplace/
machines/pathways neat and clean. These standards are implemented for whole organization and
are inspected randomly.

SHIFTSUKE –Self Discipline

This is to bring about self discipline among employees of the organization. This includes
weaving badges, following work procedures, punctuality, dedication to the organization etc.


Also, known as autonomous maintenance. The pillar aims at developing operators capable of
taking care of small maintenance tasks themselves, thus freeing up the skilled maintenance
people to expend time on more value added activity and technical repairs

Pillar 3 –Kaigen
“Kai” means change “Zen means good. Means a continuous improvement will be there. The
above graph shows the continuous improvement.

Pillar 4 –Planned Maintenance

It is aimed to have trouble free machines and equipments producing defect free products for total
customer satisfaction. This maintenance classified into four “families or groups” which were
defined earlier.

Pillar 5 –Quality Maintenance

It is aimed towards customer delight by getting them from the highest quality through defect free
manufacturing. Focus is on eliminating non- conformances in a systematic manner. We gain
understanding of what parts of the equipment affect product quality and being to eliminate
current quality concerns and then more to potential quality concerns.

Pillar 6 –Training
It is aimed to have multi-skilled employees whose morale is high and who are eager to work and
perform all the required functions independently and effectively.

Pillar 7 –Office TPM

It must be followed to improve, productivity, efficiency in the administrative functions and
identify and eliminate losses. This includes analyzing processes and procedures towards
increased office automation. Office TPM addresses twelve major losses.

Pillar 8 –Safety Health and Environment

This pillar aims at achieving;
⦁ Zero accident
⦁ Zero health damage
⦁ Zero fires.


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In many of the aspects, TPM is found to have similarity with the total quality management
(TQM) program. The following are the similarities between them.

Empowerment of employees to initiate corrective action, bench marking and documentation.

Top level management committed to the program. Long range outlook perspective.

Category TQM TPM
Objective To have quality To have reliable equipment
Means of achieving Through systemized Through active participation
of management employees
Target Minimized defective Elimination of losses and
Preventive maintenance

The main objectives are to achieving zero defects zero accidents and zero breakdowns in all
functional areas of an organization. Also the objectives include creating different team of people
to have active participation aiming at minimization of defects and to inculcate autonomous

It is a joint maintenance operations activity in which maintenance agrees to make the resources
available at a specific time when the unit can also be made available by operations. Resources
include manpower, materials, tools and any special equipment.

The work scheduling should be aimed at to have least adverse effect on normal operating
schedule while optimizing the use of maintenance resources – especially labours.
The success of any maintenance schedule depends on two basic elements.
⦁ Work should not be scheduled which is not completely ready for scheduling, regardless of
⦁ People from other operating units should be involved while creating the schedule.

Communication is the main key to establish successful maintenance scheduling. This involves
everyone from planners, schedulers, maintenance supervisor, craftsman, store room personnel.
Any discontinuity in communication will heavily influence and drag down the success rate.

Stake holders and their role

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In maintenance scheduling, the stake holders belong to various departments or sections of the
company. For the scheduling to be effective, it is essential to ensure a sound communication
among the stake holders. Each one of the stake holders in the communication chain has a role to
play, which are to be clearly defined and they should be made aware of it.

1. Planner
The work is property planned with respect to customer requirements, shares material, directly
purchased material and special service mentioned on work order. Also the work to be carried out
with the time of safety requirements should be described.

2. Schedules
These should ensure that;
⦁ Trades are available to conduct the work during the schedule duration.
⦁ Materials and/or service availability
⦁ communicating the details of the above to person involved in maintenance and operations.

3. Maintenance Supervisor
He / She will be responsible for the day to day activities comprised in weekly schedule and
also determines the business availability. They attend to specific such as to who-what –where
4. Craft Man
She/he executes the assigned task and keep informing the maintenance team, the outcome as
well as any practical difficulty in their part, for any further analysis.

5. Storeroom personnel
They maintain the records of receipt of goods and notify if any damage exists.

6. Operations Superintendent
He/she must be kept informed in advance about the equipment condition since he is well
aware of production schedule. He should determine the opportune time with maintenance to
release the equipment.

7. Operator
He is the person responsible for securing the equipment and report back to maintenance
personnel if any elevation is observed.

⦁ Job plans providing number of person, required, lowest required craft skill level, craft work
hours per skill and job duration information and necessary for advanced scheduling.
⦁ Weekly and daily schedules must be adhered to as closely as possible. Proper priorities
must be placed on new work orders to prevent interruption of these schedules. ⦁ A scheduler
develops a one –week schedules for each crew based on craft hours available, forecast that
shows the highest skill available.
⦁ The one –week schedule assigns work for every available work hour. The schedule allows
for emergencies and high priority, reactive jobs by scheduling a significant amount of work
on the easy interrupted tasks.

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⦁ The crew supervisor develops a daily schedule one day in advance using current job
progress, the one-week schedule and new high priority reactive job as a guide.
⦁ Wrench time is the primary measure of work force efficiency and of planning and
scheduling effectiveness. Work that is planned before assignment reduces unnecessary delays
during jobs and work that is scheduled reduces delays between jobs.
⦁ Schedule compliance is the measure of adherence to the one –week schedule and its

Generally, the maintenance scheduling embraces the following activities.
⦁ Inspection
⦁ Repair
⦁ Overhauling

Hence the term repair does not reflect the actual but only the time duration consumed to
perform the corrective action. Based on the time the repair may be minor ones like
adjustment of fasteners, adjustment of belt tension, etc, or major ones like un conditioning
the bed surfaces, guide ways and cleaning of bearings etc.

To create maintenance scheduling program, the various maintenance activities may be

classified into four categories which are as follows;
⦁ Inspection (I)
⦁ Minor Repair (R)
⦁ Medium or major (R2) and
⦁ Overhauling (O)

Repair cycle
The repeated performance of all/some of the above mentioned activities in sequence between
successive overhauling is termed as Repair cycle” It is clear that first an inspection activity is
scheduled followed by minor/major repair activities. Then an inspection takes place followed
by a major repair. Again a second inspection is followed by major repair. Like this is goes
and completes one repair cycle.
Overhauling is defined as a repair cycle. This typical repair cycle covers three inspection and
two minor and major repair activities.
An index number generally known as repair completely number is used to devote the
complexity repairing equipments. More the complexity number more will be the activities
involved and in turn more staffing required completing the repair cycle.

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It is one of the maintenance methods which are used to assess the health and conditions of
equipment, machines, systems or process by absorbing, checking, measuring and monitoring
several parameters. This technique is also called as equipment health monitoring (EHM).

Key features of condition Monitoring

The key features of effective condition monitoring system include the following:
(i) Links between cause and effect:
A clear relationship mostly exists between the measurement being taken and the condition of
the equipment.
(ii) System with sufficient response:
The monitoring system must respond quickly enough to provide burning of deterioration in
machine condition for appropriate action to be taken.

Benefits out weighting Cost

The benefits of performing condition monitoring to predict equipment condition must
outweigh the implementation and running cost.

Data Storage and review facilities

A system for measuring and recording data must exist to enable the condition of equipment
to be predicted.

Fundamental steps in Condition Monitoring

An effective condition monitoring system follows the following basics steps:
⦁ Identifying critical systems
⦁ Selecting suitable techniques for condition monitoring
⦁ Setting baselines/alerts
⦁ Data Collection
⦁ Data assessment
⦁ Fault diagnosis and repair
⦁ System review

Types of Condition Monitoring

There are three types of condition monitoring as follows:
(i) Subjective Condition Monitoring:
Here the monitoring personnel use their perception of senses and judgment to note any
change of the condition. The guidelines or hints where to book for leakage, bearing play etc.
posture or figures illustrating different conditions of components may also be helpful.
(ii) Aided Subjective or condition monitoring with simple gadgets:
Here the monitoring personnel use simple gadgets to add their ability to perceive conditions
better. These gadgets are discussed more in detail in the objective condition monitoring.

(iii) Objective condition monitoring:

Different instruments and facilities are used for obtaining data giving direct measure of the
parametric condition of the components even while the machine is working.

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Advantages of Condition Monitoring
⦁ Improved availability of equipment
⦁ Minimized breakdown costs
⦁ Improved morality of the operating personal and safety.
⦁ Improved reliability
⦁ Improved planning Disadvantages
⦁ Gives only marginal benefits
⦁ Increased running cost
⦁ Sometimes difficult to organize

Cost comparison with and without condition monitoring.

Methods and Instruments for Condition Monitoring

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Computerization of a maintenance work order system enhances and improves maintenance
efficiency if the correct computer system for the installation is used. The computer
maintenance system is more effective if there is a manual work order system already in use.
The objective of computerized maintenance system is as follows:
⦁ Maintenance of existing equipment
⦁ Inspection and service of the equipment
⦁ Installation or revamping of the equipment
⦁ Maintenance storekeeping
⦁ Craftsman’s administration

Advantages of computerized maintenance management system

The features in the computerized maintenance management system provide the following
advantages to the user:
⦁ Improve maintenance efficiency
⦁ Reduce maintenance asks
⦁ Reduce the equipment downtime by proper scheduling
⦁ Reduce the overtime and ensure optimal utilization of man power
⦁ Increase the lift of equipment
⦁ Provide historical database to assist in maintenance planning and budgeting
⦁ Provide maintenance reports in specific formats depending on the requirements.
⦁ Quicker access to the plant maintenance statistic
⦁ Conformity with health and safety standards

The overall reduction of maintenance costs after the introduction of a computerized

maintenance management system in the diagram given bellow
Work identification

Work planning

Work scheduling

Work execution

History recording


General Structure of Computerized Maintenance Management System

Most computerized maintenance management systems accomplish these objectives through
the use of four system modules. They are:
⦁ Work order planning and scheduling
⦁ Maintenance store contracts
⦁ Preventive maintenance
⦁ Maintenance reports

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Work order planning and scheduling:
Computerized work orders are documents that detail maintenance works. The computerized
work order should contain information such as;
⦁ Work order
⦁ Details of equipment for which work is requested
⦁ Description of work
⦁ Type of work such as emergency routine, preventive maintenance etc.
⦁ The basis for an effective work order system is the work order number.
⦁ All material and labour works are charged to this number

Work order must be input into CMMS from a maintenance request from, which is filled is by
the industry requesting the maintenance work once the work order is in the system, the user
may work at the work order, update it as it is being worked on, and remove it from the
backlog once it has bear completed. In case of emergencies action being with mental
instructions and the paper work follows later, the plant uses the work order form as the
document to record information associated with executing the work request.

Work order entry

The general work order entry requires the following information to be filled by the user:
⦁ Equipment number that requires maintenance
⦁ Priority and description of the work
⦁ Estimated cost of work
⦁ Information for dependent or associated work tasks for a complex maintenance jot.

Work order backlog:

The backlog is the storage area for all active work orders.

Work order system:

The work order system is the information system for the maintenance organization. It is
important for an organization to maintain proper records to perform any meaningful analysis
on its policies and procedures.
The computerized maintenance management system allows computer tracking and analysis
of work orders as well as plant equipment data.

General Structure of Maintenance Work Order Maintenance Work Order:

A Maintenance work order generally carries the following information
⦁ Work order number and code
⦁ Departments address and code.
⦁ Date of issues.
⦁ Detects of approval
⦁ Date of receipt of work order
⦁ Priority
⦁ Location
⦁ Equipment details

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Planning and Scheduling Work Orders:
It has four objectives:
⦁ provide on efficient methods of requesting and assigning work performed by maintenance
⦁ provide an efficient methods of transmitting written instruction on the work to be carried
⦁ to provide a method of estimating and then recording actual maintenance costs and
⦁ to provide a method of gathering the information necessary to prepare reports for

The correct number of craftsmen may be scheduled so that work order is carried out in the
most efficient manner.

The material module should provide the following information:
⦁ stock number of required parts
⦁ quantity required
⦁ cost per item
⦁ description of item

CMMS require the following information about the tool:
⦁ tool ID
⦁ description of tool
⦁ quantity required
⦁ cost of tool(if necessary)

It contains the list of work order to be performed. Scheduling module of CMMS contains the
following information;
⦁ weekly schedules
⦁ work order completion
⦁ work order cost charges
⦁ labor records

Maintenance store controls

The two primary objective of the store control modules are to:
⦁ monitor material states
⦁ monitor material resources

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CMMS maintenance store module contains the following information to satisfy its objective:
⦁ store stock material issue states
⦁ list of unplanned materials
⦁ planned materials
⦁ stocks return
⦁ stock item work order reference
⦁ store catalog-stock number
⦁ store cycle counts
⦁ purchase order inquiry
⦁ purchase order update

Preventive maintenance modules:

This function is used to change or update preventive maintenance scheduling information.
The preventive maintenance module of CMMS contains the following information:
⦁ user defined specific tasks
⦁ grouping of tasks by crafts
⦁ equipment preventive maintenance entry/update
⦁ preventive maintenance meta recording update
⦁ predictive maintenance

Maintenance reports:
The maintenance reporting function with provide management with the information
necessary to operate the maintenance organization at peak efficiency This report contains the
following information:
⦁ work order priority analysis
⦁ planner efficiency
⦁ supervisor work order performance
⦁ Still work order performance
⦁ Work order costs report
⦁ Completed work performance this field contain the information about total labour costs,
cumulative costs and labour hours by craft
⦁ Work order backlog summary
⦁ Equipment repair history
⦁ Equipment maintenance costs report
⦁ Safety work order backlog
⦁ Stock item usage report
⦁ Work order waiting list
⦁ Preventive maintenance overdue report


Job cards contain necessary detail necessary details for performing individual job in
maintenance. Job card may be in the form of a card, sheet or paint out Job card contain the
following information:
⦁ equipment code and shop code
⦁ job code
⦁ nature of job & job details

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⦁ initiation time
⦁ job start and completion time
⦁ man hours spent
⦁ constraints/duration

Benefits of job card system

The following are the benefits and advantages of job card system
⦁ information about maintenance history
⦁ knowledge of frequency of maintenance for equipments
⦁ details of equipment which require maintenance resources
⦁ help in job auditing
⦁ evaluation of costs of maintenance
⦁ information about equipment downtime
⦁ estimation of loss of production
⦁ idea about man power utilization

Equipment records
They are information containing the details of installation service repair, maintenance
activities, conditions, defects, schedules and plans for future implementation equipment
records are to be used to maintain control on maintenance cost, reliability and availability

Types of equipment records

They are many types of equipment records available in industry catering to various needs.
They are as follows:
⦁ planned work and percentage to planned work achieved
⦁ ratio of planned to planned work
⦁ production delays & downtime
⦁ ratio of preventive work to corrective work
⦁ failure patterns
⦁ repetitive breakdown
⦁ manuals including operating manual, instruction manual, maintenance manual, job manual
and drawings
⦁ history cards and records
⦁ spall cards
⦁ maintenance requirement records
⦁ performance details
⦁ cost reports
⦁ condition monitoring reports

Advantages of equipment records:

The following are the advantages of equipment records:
⦁ clear picture about the details of maintenance programmers is obtained
⦁ Information about completed, pending and regular jobs carried out to the equipment are
⦁ Records discriminated to various units of the industry helps in standardization of

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⦁ Evaluation of performance of maintenance tasks
⦁ Provide details of frequency of maintenance requirements for each equipment
⦁ Comparison of time taken for completing the maintenance job with parts records

Maintenance work execution, monitoring and control

A well designed organization should have proper strategies to execute, monitor and control
over the various maintenance tasks

The role of monitoring in maintenance has the following advantages:
⦁ Gather information about derivation and delay in execution of maintenance may provide
idea about the need to add more resources to complete the maintenance tasks in scheduled
time frames
⦁ Communication of the changes in jobs content to the various follow up agencies.
⦁ Provide information about constraints in technical issues and necessary steps can be taken
to improve the existing techniques
⦁ Provide a lead to implement technical advancement and methodologies in future to
complete the tasks in more efficient manner.

The system shows the interaction between shop supervisors and maintenance executes. After
the constraints of material or resources met, unfinished maintenance tasks will be executed.

In order to have a good understanding of the different CMMs it very important you go
through the group assignment so that you can acclimatize yourself with how these aspects are
put together in a computerized package.

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