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Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

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Journal of Second Language Writing

The development and use of cohesive devices in L2 writing

and their relations to judgments of essay quality
Scott A. Crossley a,*, Kristopher Kyle a[6_TD$IF], Danielle S. McNamara b
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA


Article history: An important topic in writing research has been the use of cohesive features. Much of this
Received 2 November 2014 research has focused on local and text cohesion. The few studies that have studied global
Received in revised form 26 January 2016 cohesion have been restricted to first language writing. This study investigates the
Accepted 27 January 2016
development of local, global, and text cohesion in the writing of 57 s language (L2)
university students and examines the effects of these cohesion types on judgments of L2
writing quality Growth is observed in the use of a number of local, global, and text cohesive
features across a semester-long upper-level English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.
Second language acquisition
Second language writing Local, global, and text features also predicted whether an essay was written at the
Essay quality beginning or the end of the semester with an accuracy of 71%. In addition, the use of local,
Natural language processing global, and text cohesive features explains 36% of the variance in human judgments of text
Learner corpus cohesion and 42% of the variance in overall judgments of writing quality. This study has
important implications for second language acquisition, writing development, and writing
ß 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The use and effects of cohesive devices in student writing has been of interest for some time (McCutchen & Perfetti, 1982;
Witte & Faigley, 1981), but their impact on essay quality is unclear. For instance, the presence of local cohesive devices (i.e.,
devices related to sentence level cohesion such as connectives or word overlap between sentences) in writing produced by
adult first language (L1) writers is often associated with judgments of lower writing quality (Crossley & McNamara, 2010,
2011; Evola, Mamer, & Lentz, 1980; McCulley, 1985). In contrast to L1 writing studies, a number of studies examining adult
second language (L2) writing report positive correlations between the presence of local cohesive devices and writing quality
(Jafarpur, 1991; Yang & Sun, 2012). There are several unexplored explanations for these differential findings.
One such explanation rests on differences in links between writing quality and the production of local cohesive devices,
global cohesive devices (i.e., devices related to cohesion between larger chunks of texts such as word overlap between
paragraphs in a text), and text cohesive devices (i.e., devices related to cohesion across an entire text such as the ratio of
pronouns to nouns [givenness] and word repetition [lexical diversity] in the text). Recent computational studies have
reported differences between local and global cohesive devices and their relation to writing quality for L1 writers, with local
cohesion negatively related to writing quality and global cohesion positively related to writing quality (Crossley &
McNamara, 2011; Crossley, Roscoe, McNamara, & Graesser, 2011). No studies, to our knowledge, however, have explicitly

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 404 413 5179.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.A. Crossley), [email protected] (K. Kyle), [email protected] (D.S. McNamara).
1060-3743/ß 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

examined differences between local, global, and text cohesive devices in L2 writing. Understanding differences between
these types of cohesive devices in L2 writing may help to better explain L2 writing proficiency and differing expectations for
L2 writers on the part of expert raters.
Beyond examining the relations between cohesive devices and writing quality, there has also been an interest in
investigating the longitudinal development of cohesive devices for both L1 learners (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987;
Berninger, Fuller, & Whitaker, 1996; Hayes & Flower, 1980; Myhill, 2008) and L2 learners (Crossley, Salsbury, & McNamara,
2010a; Crossley, Salsbury, McNamara, & Jarvis, 2010; Yang & Sun, 2012). However, more research concerning the
development of cohesive devices has been conducted for L1 writers than L2 writers resulting in a paucity of available
information about cohesion development in L2 learners. To our knowledge, studies examining the development of local,
global, and text cohesive devices in L2 learners are infrequent, and none of these links the development of these cohesive
devices with judgments of writing quality.
This study addresses these gaps by examining the development of local, global, and text cohesive devices in L2 learners in
conjunction with examining the relations such developments have on human judgments of writing quality (both judgments
of overall writing proficiency and more fine-grained judgments of text coherence). Such an approach affords the opportunity
to examine not only growth in the use of cohesive devices by L2 learners, but also links between such growth and expert
judgments of essay quality. To do so, we use computational indices of local, global, and text cohesive devices to examine how
the production of cohesive devices change over time in L2 writers (i.e., longitudinal growth1[7_TD$IF]) and how the use of cohesive
devices are related to human ratings of L2 writing. The use of computational tools affords us the opportunity to investigate
large corpora of texts for a greater number of cohesion indices, something that was not possible in past research.

1.1. Cohesion and coherence

An important distinction in cohesion studies is the difference between cohesion and coherence. Cohesion generally refers
to the presence or absence of linguistic cues in the text that allow the reader to make connections between the ideas in the
text. Generally these cues are local in nature, but they can also be based on global or text cohesion. Examples of local
cohesion cues include overlapping words and concepts between sentences and explicit connectives such as because,
therefore, and consequently (Halliday & Hasan, 1976). Examples of global cohesion cues include semantic and lexical overlap
between paragraphs in a text (Foltz, 2007) such that words or ideas in one paragraph are repeated in subsequent paragraphs.
In addition, cohesion can be measured at the text level (i.e., throughout an entire text). One example of this is givenness in
which cohesion is measured across the text based on the number of words that are new (e.g., an initial noun referent) or
given (noun referents that can be referred to pronominally). In general, global and text cohesion cues are more implicit than
local cohesion cues. In contrast to cohesion, coherence refers to the understanding that the reader derives from the text (i.e.,
the coherence of the text in the mind of the reader). This coherence depends on a number of factors including cohesion cues
and nonlinguistic factors such as prior knowledge and reading skill (McNamara, Kintsch, Songer, & Kintsch, 1996; O’Reilly &
McNamara, 2007).
A number of studies have shown that cohesive devices are important indicators of text comprehensibility such that an
increase in text cohesion generally leads to greater comprehension of a text (Crossley, Yang, & McNamara, 2014b;
Gernsbacher, 1990; Crossley & McNamara, 2011). However, the facilitative effects for cohesive device are stronger for low-
knowledge readers than high-knowledge readers (McNamara et al., 1996). In terms of the relation between cohesive devices
and human judgments of coherence, the results are more nuanced. At least three studies have indicated that local and text
cohesion are either not related or negatively related to human ratings of text coherence in both L1 and L2 writing (Bestgen,
Lories, & Thewissen, 2010; Crossley & McNamara, 2010; Crossley & McNamara, 2011). In contrast, Crossley and McNamara
(2011) reported that markers of global cohesion in L1 writing were positively related to expert judgments of text coherence.
This finding is supported by L1 longitudinal studies that indicate that developing writers show advancements in their use of
global cohesion by developing greater links between paragraphs (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987; Hayes & Flower, 1980).

1.2. Development in the use of cohesive devices: L1 and L2 learners

A number of studies have investigated the development of cohesive devices in L1 writers, but fewer have focused on L2
learners. For L1 writers, most studies have supported the notion that the use of cohesive devices increases as writers develop,
especially in elementary and middle school. In general, as L1 writers develop, there is an increase in the use of cohesive
devices to manipulate text level structures (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987). However, there are strong grade level effects for
cohesion indicating that students at various levels use cohesive devices differently (Crowhurst, 1987; Fitzgerald & Spiegel,
1986; Yde & Spoelders, 1985). For instance, studies have shown that as early as the second grade, writers begin developing
more cohesive writing through the use of local cohesion devices such as referential pronouns and connectives (King & Rentel,
1979). In addition, Rentel, King, Pettegrew, and Pappas (1983) reported an increase in lexical repetition across grades 1–4.
These studies along with others demonstrate that for young writers, the distance between the ties used to create cohesion

The notion of growth should be considered relative because, in many cases, growth is actually related to decreasing linguistic features. For instance, a
decrease in frequent words over time would still indicate positive lexical development.
S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16 3

decreases over time such that referents are closer to one another, leading to more cohesive text (Fitzgerald & Spiegel, 1986;
McCutchen & Perfetti, 1982; Yde & Spoelders, 1985). The increased use of such local cohesion cues continues until around the
8th grade (McCutchen & Perfetti, 1982) such that 8th grade essays contain more connectives and overlap between words and
concepts across sentences than 6th grade essays (McCutchen, 1986). At a later stage, generally for older children who are
more advanced writers, there is a movement away from the use of local cohesive devices and a movement toward the
development of more complex syntactic constructions, which can be used to implicitly connect ideas (i.e., through
modifications and embeddings: Crossley et al., [9_TD$IF]2011; Haswell, 2000; McCutchen & Perfetti, 1982). For example, Crowhurst
(1987) reported a decrease in the use of temporal and causal conjunctions in narratives across 6th, 10th, and 12th graders.
Overall, Crowhurst found that older students tend to use a greater variety, but not necessarily a greater number, of
conjunctions than younger students. Crossley et al. (2011) also found that college freshmen wrote essays that contained less
explicit cohesion (e.g., fewer positive logical connectives and less content word overlap between adjacent sentences) than
11th graders, who produced essays with less cohesion than 9th graders, indicating that at more advanced levels, the reliance
on local cohesive devices is less frequent. Haswell (1986) also reported that graduate students used fewer cohesive and
identical ties than undergraduate writers and Haswell (1990) found differences between freshman and junior writers and
undergraduate and graduate writers for local specification of given information (i.e., cohesive ties that connect given and
new information) and local coherence (logical connectives).
Studies that examine the use of cohesive devices over time for L2 learners are less frequent and those available focus on
the development of cohesive devices in speech, which may not overlap with developments in writing. For instance, Crossley,
Salsbury, and McNamara (2010b) investigated the longitudinal development of six L2 speakers over the course of the year
and found increased semantic similarity among utterances as learners studied a second language (i.e., participants showed
increased repetition of semantically related words across utterances as a function of time). Crossley, Salsbury, and
McNamara (2010c) found that over the course of a year of study, the number of misunderstandings between L1 speakers and
L2 learners decreased and that this decrease was associated with an increase in global and text cohesive devices related to
causality (i.e., causal verbs and particles) and semantic similarity between utterances. Thus, as L2 learners’ speech became
more coherent to the L1 interlocutors, the L2 learners employed a greater amount of global and text cohesion in their speech.
Lastly, while not a longitudinal study, Yang and Sun (2012) compared differences between the argumentative writing of
second and fourth-year undergraduate Chinese learners of English as an L2. They reported differences in the number of local
cohesive devices (pronouns, conjunctions, ellipsis, and lexical overlap) used based on proficiency level such that more
advanced learners used a greater number of cohesive devices and used them more accurately.
Overall, research indicates that L1 learners begin to depend less on local cohesion cues in their writing as they develop
with age and grade level. The few studies examining L2 learners indicate that local, global, and text cohesion features may
increase as a function of proficiency although available longitudinal research is limited to spoken data. A better
understanding of these differences could help researchers develop more robust theories of second language acquisition and
L2 writing and assist writing instructors in constructing more accurate expectations of L2 learner growth in the classroom.

1.3. Cohesion features and human judgments of writing quality

A number of studies examining both L1 and L2 writers have been conducted to investigate the relations between cohesive
devices and human judgments of writing quality. In terms of adult L1 writers2, with the exception of one study (Witte &
Faigley, 1981), studies generally report that local cohesive devices are either not positive indicators of essay quality or are
negative predictors, while global cohesive devices demonstrate positive relations with essay quality. The findings for L2
writing is mixed. Some studies report positive relations between the use of cohesive devices and essay quality, while other
studies report either no relations or negative relations with essay quality.
In an early study of L1 writers, Evola et al. (1980) found that local cohesive devices were not strong indicators of essay
quality. Witte and Faigley (1981) compared the use of local cohesive devices in low and high level L1 writers (college
freshmen). They reported that high-level writers used a greater number of certain types of cohesive devices (reference and
conjunctions) than low-level writers. McCulley (1985) later found that the overall number of cohesive devices in a writing
sample was not a good predictor of essay quality for L1 writers, although the production of specific cohesive devices
(synonyms and hypernyms) was related to essay quality (though these features are also strongly linked to lexical
sophistication). In a similar study, Neuner (1987) found that the overall number of cohesive devices produced by L1 writers
did not distinguish low- and high-level essays, although cohesive chains across paragraphs did (i.e., global cohesion).
More recent studies using computational tools to measure the use of cohesive devices in L1 adult writers have
demonstrated that local cohesion cues are either unrelated or negatively related to essay quality, while global cohesion cues
can be positively related to essay quality. For example, McNamara, Crossley, & McCarthy (2010a), found no difference in
essay quality as a function of local and text cohesive devices (i.e., word and semantic overlap, positive logical connectives,
logical operators, negative temporal connectives) in a corpus of freshman college writings. Additional studies by Crossley

Cohesive devices are a strong indicator of writing quality for L1 children, with many studies reporting links between the quality of a writing sample and
the production of cohesive devices (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987; Cameron et al., 1995; Cox, Shanahan, & Sulzby, 1990; Englert & Hiebert, 1984; Hayes &
Flower, 1980; Myhill, 2008; Struthers, Lapadat, & MacMillan, 2013).
4 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

and McNamara (2010, 2011) indicated that local cohesive devices such as semantic coreference, causal cohesion, spatial
cohesion (i.e., cohesion related to the use of location nouns and motion prepositions, such as house and into), connectives and
logical operators, anaphoric resolution, and word overlap along with text cohesive measures such as temporal cohesion (i.e.,
the repetition of tense and aspect) either did not correlate or correlated negatively with human ratings of text quality, even
though human ratings of coherence best explained overall judgments of essay quality. However, global cohesive devices that
measured semantic similarity between paragraphs demonstrated positive relations with essay quality (Crossley &
McNamara, 2011; McNamara, Crossley, & Roscoe, 2013; Crossley et al., 2011).
For L2 writers, a number of studies show positive relations between essay quality and the production of local and text
cohesive devices. For instance, Jafarpur (1991) found that the quality of essays written in English by undergraduate Iranian
students was correlated with the number of cohesive ties and cohesive types used in the essays. Chiang (2003) explored
essay quality using expert holistic scores and analytic ratings of essay quality. Chiang found that human ratings of essay
quality were best explained by analytic ratings of cohesion and coherence taken from L1 and L2 expert raters. The strongest
analytic rating for explaining overall essay quality was local in nature: transitions between sentences in the absence of
conjunctions. Liu and Braine (2005) examined a number of local cohesive devices and reported that essay quality scores for
undergraduate Chinese L2 writers moderately correlated with the total number of cohesive devices in the text (i.e., text
cohesion). In addition, the number of lexical cohesive devices strongly correlated with essay quality. Yang and Sun (2012)
also reported strong correlations between the total number of correctly used cohesive devices and essay quality for
argumentative essays written by Chinese writers of English.
In contrast to these studies, recent studies using computational tools have indicated that local cohesion is negatively
related to essay quality. For instance, in a study that examined the writing quality of independent essays (i.e., impromptu
writing) produced by Hong Kong high school students, Crossley and McNamara (2012) found that local and text cohesive
devices such as content word overlap between adjacent sentences, positive logical connectives, aspect repetition, and
semantic similarity between sentences were negatively correlated with expert ratings of essay quality for Hong Kong high
school students. One of the text cohesion devices (aspect repetition) was a negative predictor in a regression model that
predicted 26% of the variance in the essay scores. In a similar analysis, Guo, Crossley, and McNamara (2013) used local
cohesion indices to examine independent essay scores and source-based essay scores (i.e., writing that requires the use of
reading and/or listening materials as stimuli for composing an essay) found in the Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL). Guo et al. (2013) reported that indices of local cohesion (e.g., content word overlap, and conditional connectives)
and text cohesion (e.g., aspect repetition) were negatively correlated with judgments of essay quality for the independent
essays. However, for the source-based essays that heavily relied on text integration (i.e., from outside sources), local cohesive
indices (e.g., semantic similarity between sentences and noun overlap between sentences) were positively correlated with
essay quality and included in regression models that predicted essay scores.
Overall, these studies (with the exception of Witte & Faigley, 1981) indicate that expert ratings of L1 essay quality are
either not predicted by local cohesive devices or negatively predicted by local cohesive devices. In contrast, there is some
evidence that expert ratings of L1 writing quality may be predicted by global cohesive indices. For L2 writing, the results are
mixed. Earlier studies report positive relations between cohesion features and essay quality and more recent studies using
computational approaches report that more cohesive devices equate to lower scores of essay quality. Notably, the majority of
the cohesive devices investigated in these L2 studies have been local in nature. Thus, the relations between global cohesive
devices and essay quality have yet to be explored. Exploring these relations could facilitate a better understanding of how
linguistic elements of writing interact with judgments of proficiency providing links to pedagogical interventions and
writing strategy development.

2. Method

The purpose of this study is to assess cohesion development in L2 writers and how this development may be related to
expert judgments of writing quality. To this end, we use a number of automated cohesion indices that measure both local and
global cohesion to assess growth in descriptive essays written by L2 learners at the beginning, middle, and end of a semester
long writing course. We complement this analysis by assessing the degree to which these cohesion indices predict the
variance in human ratings of essay quality for essays written throughout the course. In doing so, we address two key
questions: (1) Do L2 writers demonstrate development in their use of cohesive devices over the course of a semester (i.e.,
longitudinal growth), and, if so, (2) Are there similarities between the cohesive devices that show growth over the course of a
semester and the cohesive devices in L2 essays that predict human ratings of writing proficiency?

2.1. Corpus

The corpus used in the analysis consists of 30-min descriptive essays written by university level students (N = 57)
enrolled in upper-level English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses at Michigan State University (levels 3 and 4 of an
intensive English program). There were a total of four sets of two essay topics. The students chose from one of two topics at
each time of writing and the topic sets were counterbalanced so that each topic set was equally sampled at the beginning,
middle, and end of the semester data collections. See Appendix A for the topic sets. Each student wrote three essays, one
at the beginning of the semester, one at the semester midpoint, and one at the end of the course. Each essay was written in a
S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16 5

six- to eight-week interval (i.e., there were six to eight weeks between each submission but students did not have six to eight
weeks to write each essay). The final corpus included 171 essays (57 writers  3 essays each). The essays averaged 335.351
(SD = 97.537) words and 5.388 (SD = 4.165) paragraphs in length. A number of previous studies have used this corpus to
examine the development and effects of phraseological competence (Bestgen & Granger, 2014), syntactic complexity (Bulte
& Housen, 2014), and linguistic variation (Friginal & Weigle, 2014) in L2 learners. For additional details regarding the
collection and makeup of the dataset, we refer the reader to Connor-Linton and Polio (2014).

2.2. Human ratings

Two expert raters assessed the quality of each essay using a composition grading scale that required the raters to rate
each essay on five different analytical features: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics (see
Connor-Linton [10_TD$IF]& Polio 2014, for additional information about the grading scale and raters). The essay scoring was blind.
The raters did not know the time frame in which the essays were written or that multiple essays were written by a single
writer. After scoring, the analytic ratings were combined into an overall rating for each essay. Of interest for this study is
the combined rating for each essay (i.e., the overall quality of the essay) and the organization rating, which includes
assessments of cohesion. Briefly, the organization rating presumes that traits related to higher writing proficiency
include excellent overall organization, excellent use of transition words, excellent connections between paragraphs,
unity within paragraphs, a clear thesis and substantive introduction and conclusion. The first four properties are strongly
related to text cohesion while the latter two are linked to text cohesion, but not exclusively (i.e., they also have links to
presenting and supporting main ideas and claims in the paper). Interrater reliability between the two raters for the essays
written by the 57 participants in this study was acceptable (see Table 1). Strong multicollinearity was reported between
all ratings (see Table 2).

2.3. Selected cohesion indices

To report on text cohesion, we selected cohesion indices from Coh-Metrix and the Tool for the Automatic Analysis of
Cohesion (TAACO; Crossley, Kyle, & McNamara, in press), both advanced computational tools that measure cohesion
(Crossley & McNamara, 2014; Graesser, McNamara, Louwerse, & Cai, 2004; McNamara, Graesser, McCarthy, & Cai, 2014).
TAACO, in contrast to Coh-Metrix, provides a greater breadth of global cohesion indices. TAACO also provides synonym
overlap indices and part of speech (POS) tagged cohesion indices. Coh-Metrix, unlike TAACO, uses Latent Semantic Analysis
(LSA) to provide semantic overlap. While both tools report some measures that are redundant with one another, we only
selected indices from each tool that measured unique cohesion features. We used an automatic approach to assessing text
cohesion because it affords speed, flexibility, and reliability (Higgins, Xi, Zechner, & Williamson, 2011). An overview of all
selected cohesion indices is presented in Table 3.

2.3.1. Local cohesion indices

We selected a number of local cohesion indices from Coh-Metrix and TAACO. These indices included measurements of
sentence cohesion (overlap of syntactic tags and phrases), incidence of theoretical and rhetorical connectives, semantic
similarity between sentences, synonym overlap between sentences, and lexical overlap between sentences. These are
discussed below. Connectives. Coh-Metrix provides indices on five categories of theoretically-based connectives (Halliday & Hasan,
1976; Louwerse, 2001): causal (because, so), contrastive (although, whereas), additive (moreover, and), logical (or, and), and
temporal (first, until). Finally, Coh-Metrix contrasts positive (also, moreover) versus negative (however, but) connectives. Coh-
Metrix also calculates the incidence of conjuncts, subordinating conjunctions in a text, and’s, and all connectives (i.e., a list of
all connectives found in English). TAACO reports a number of connective indices that are based on rhetorical features (i.e., not
based on theoretical perspectives but rather on rhetorical uses). These connectives include coordinating connectives, semi-
coordinators, basic coordinators, complex subordinators, contrasts, and opposition (e.g., on the contrary). Since connectives
are used to connect clauses, phrases, and/or sentences, the indices are considered local in nature.

Table 1
Interrater reliability for human ratings.

Feature r

Content 0.82
Organization 0.70
Vocabulary 0.76
Language use 0.77
Mechanics 0.85
Overall score 0.88
6 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

Table 2
Correlations between rating scales (including combined overall score).

Rating Organization Vocabulary Language use Mechanics Overall score

** ** ** **
Content 0.86 0.82 0.77 0.63 0.90**
Organization 0.76** 0.74** 0.67** 0.90**
Vocabulary 0.84** 0.70** 0.91**
Language use 0.76** 0.91**
Mechanics 0.86**

** p < 0.001. Lexical overlap (between sentences). Coh-Metrix considers four forms of lexical overlap between sentences: noun
overlap, argument overlap, stem overlap, and content word overlap (McNamara, Louwerse, McCarthy, & Graesser, 2010b).
Argument overlap measures how often two sentences share nouns with common stems while stem overlap refers to how
often a noun in one sentence shares a common stem with the other word types in a second sentence. Finally, content word
overlap calculates the number of shared content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) between adjacent
sentences. TAACO also counts a number of lexical overlap indices. These indices compute lemma (e.g., wrote and writes both
belong to the lemma write) overlap between two adjacent sentences and between three adjacent sentences for all words,
content words, and function words. TAACO also calculates average overlap scores that are sensitive to a word/lemma’s POS
(e.g., noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and pronoun). In addition to providing the number of lemmas that overlap between
adjacent sentences, TAACO calculates whether there is any overlap between adjacent sentences (binary overlap) for these
features. Semantic similarity (between sentences). Coh-Metrix uses Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to measure the semantic co-
referentiality of a text. LSA is a statistical representation of deeper world knowledge used to assess the level of semantic
similarity between text segments (Landauer & Dumais, 1997; Landauer, Foltz, & Laham, 1998). Specifically, Coh-Metrix
measures similarity between adjacent sentences as well as similarities between verbs in adjoining sentences. Synonym overlap (between sentences). TAACO calculates overlap between words and word synsets between
sentences for nouns and verbs using the WordNet database. Unlike strict overlap indices, these indices measure overlap
between semantically related words (e.g., the synset for jump contains the related words leap, bound, and spring among
others). Syntactic cohesion. Coh-Metrix measures syntactic similarity (i.e., syntactic cohesion) by examining the uniformity
and consistency of the part of speech (POS), phrasal, and clausal constructions between sentences in the text. These indices
are calculated by comparing the similarity between adjacent sentences for these constructions.

Table 3
Cohesion features, categorization, tool, and examples.

Feature Cohesion type Tool Description Example of high cohesion

Causal cohesion Text Coh-Metrix Use of causal verbs and particles He kicks the ball because he is angry
Connectives Local Coh-Metrix/TAACO A number of theoretical and First, she was rich and happy
rhetorical lists of connectives
Givenness Text TAACO Ratio of pronouns to nouns; The man was happy he had that
incidence of demonstratives
Lexical diversity Text Coh-Metrix/TAACO Word repetition across a text The big dog saw the big cat
Lexical overlap Both local Coh-Metrix/TAACO Overlap between nouns, The sun was bright. The day was
and global arguments, stems, content and sunny
function words, and POS tags (for
both sentences and paragraphs)
Semantic similarity Local, global, Coh-Metrix LSA cosine values to measure The dog was tired. So was the cat
and text similarity between text
segments (for both sentences,
paragraphs, and across the text)
Spatial cohesion Text Coh-Metrix Use of motion and temporal He placed the book on the table
verbs and prepositions
Synonymy overlap Both local TAACO Overlap of synonyms across The animal was small. It was a cat
and global sentences and paragraphs
Syntactic cohesion Text Coh-Metrix Overlap of POS tags and phrasal She throws the ball. He hits the ball
categories between sentences
Temporal cohesion Text Coh-Metrix Repetition of tense and aspect He went to the store because she
asked him
S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16 7

2.3.2. Global cohesion indices

We selected a number of global cohesion indices from Coh-Metrix and TAACO. These indices all measure cohesion across
paragraphs and include LSA based indices, lexical overlap, and synonym overlap. These are discussed below. Semantic similarity (between paragraphs). Coh-Metrix also uses LSA to measure the semantic co-referentiality
between paragraphs in a text. Specifically, Coh-Metrix measures similarity between adjacent paragraphs and similarity
between paragraph types (i.e., initial, middle, and final paragraphs). Lexical overlap (between paragraphs). TAACO calculates a number of paragraph overlap indices. These indices
compute lemma overlap between two adjacent paragraphs and between three adjacent paragraphs using the same features
as the sentence overlap indices (e.g., average and binary lemma overlap, content word lemma overlap, function word lemma
overlap, and POS-sensitive lemma overlap). Synonym overlap (between paragraphs). TAACO calculates overlap between words and word synsets between
paragraphs for nouns and verbs using the WordNet database.

2.3.3. Text cohesion indices

We selected a number of text cohesion indices from Coh-Metrix and TAACO. These indices measure cohesion at the
overall text level without regard to sentence or paragraph distinctions (i.e., these indices compute average scores across a
text). These indices include causal cohesion, temporal cohesion, spatial cohesion (all related to situation model
development; Zwaan, Magliano, & Graesser, 1995; Zwaan & Radvansky, 1998), givenness (incidence of demonstratives and
pronoun to noun ratios), lexical diversity, and semantic similarity. These are discussed below. Causal cohesion. Coh-Metrix calculates the level of causal cohesion in a text by measuring the ratio of causal verbs to
causal particles (Graesser et al., 2004). The measure of causal verbs is based on the frequency count of main causal verbs
identified through WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998; Miller, Beckwith, Fellbaum, Gross, & Miller, 1990). The causal particles are
counted based on a defined set of particles, such as because and as a result. Spatial cohesion. Coh-Metrix assesses spatial cohesion with two forms of information: location information (verbs
and prepositions) and motion information (verbs and prepositions; Dufty, Graesser, Lightman, Crossley, & McNamara, 2006).
Both motion verbs and location nouns are identified through WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998; Miller et al., 1990). Temporal cohesion. Temporal cohesion is measured by Coh-Metrix in three ways: aspect repetition, tense repetition,
and the combination of aspect and tense repetition. Time is represented in text through two dimensions: tense (past,
present, future) and aspect (in progress versus completed). With the use of these dimensions, Coh-Metrix calculates the
consistency of tense and aspect across an entire text. Givenness. A greater number of pronouns and demonstratives are used when information is given (McNamara et al.,
2014). Thus, TAACO calculates the ratio of nouns to pronouns with the presumption that a greater ratio of pronouns will
relate to more given information. TAACO also counts the incidence of demonstratives (i.e., this, those, that, and these), which
are generally used with given information. Lexical diversity. Measures of lexical diversity relate to the repetition of words by a writer. Coh-Metrix reports on a
number of sophisticated LD indices that control for text length, including MTLD (McCarthy, 2005; McCarthy & Jarvis, 2010)
and D (Malvern, Richards, Chipere, & Durán, 2004). TAACO calculates a number of different type-token ratio (TTR) indices
beyond those found in Coh-Metrix. These include TTR based on all of the words in a text, only content words (e.g., nouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs), and only function words (e.g., pronouns, preposition, and determiners). Other TTR indices
reported by TAACO are based on lemma counts for all words, content words, and function words. In addition, TAACO
calculates TTR for bigrams (2-word sequences) and for trigrams (3-word sequences). Semantic similarity (across text). Coh-Metrix uses LSA to measure semantic similarity between all sentences and
paragraphs (i.e., family resemblance) across the entire text.

2.4. Statistical analysis

There is little previous research that suggests the strength of one cohesion index over another in either predicting
language growth over time or predicting human ratings of essay quality. For this reason, we take a data-driven approach to
our statistical analysis in which we rely on effect sizes for the variables to assign importance and order of entry within our
statistical models. Our first research question is whether and how L2 writers’ use of cohesive devices changes during a
semester-long writing course. For this analysis, we removed any variables that were not normally distributed and then
conducted within-subjects Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) using the remaining selected Coh-Metrix and TAACO indices
8 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

focusing on the initial, middle, and final essays written over the course of the semester (N = 171). The ANOVAs provided us
with information about which syntactic indices demonstrated significant linear growth patterns. Those indices that
demonstrated significant linear growth patterns were then entered into a Support Vector Machine (SVM) supervised
learning algorithm to assess how well the indices predicted if an essay was written at the beginning of the semester or at the
end of the semester. An SVM learning algorithm produces a statistical learning model using classification and regression
analysis that assigns a probability to each text given a number of instances (i.e., what is the probability that a text was
written at the beginning or the end of the semester based on the cohesive features found within that text; Witten, Frank, &
Hall, 2011).
For the SVM learning model, we tested the predictive strength of the indices using a ten-fold-cross-validation (10-CV)
analysis (Witten et al., 2011). In this analysis, we chose 10 fixed folds wherein a tenth of the observations in turn were left out
for testing and the remaining 90% of the instances were used as the training set. We assess the accuracy of the model by
testing its ability to predict the classification (the human rating) of the omitted instances. Such an approach affords us the
opportunity to test the models generated by the SVM on an independent data set (i.e., on essays that are not used to train the
model). If the 10-CV results demonstrate significant classification results as reported by a Chi-squared test, our level of
confidence in the model increases supporting the extension of the analysis to external data sets.
Our second research question addressed whether cohesive devices were predictive of human ratings of essay quality. To
answer this question, we conducted regression analyses to examine if the selected Coh-Metrix and TAACO indices of
cohesion were predictive of human ratings of essay quality for both the organization analytic ratings and combined score
ratings. For this analysis we used all of the rated essays in the analysis (N = 171). After removing any variables that were not
normally distributed, we conducted Pearson Product Moment Correlations between the human ratings for the essay and the
cohesion indices. Those indices that demonstrated significant correlations were then included in a stepwise regression
analysis to examine how well the indices predicted the variance in the human ratings. For the regression analysis, we used
training and test sets to assess the generalizability of the regression model to an outside corpus. We divided the corpus of
171 essays into training and test sets following a 67/33 split (Witten et al., 2011). Those variables that demonstrated
significant correlations with the human ratings were used as predictors in a regression analysis using the essays in the
training set only. The model from this regression analysis was then applied to the held back essays in the test set to predict
their ratings.
For each analysis, we also control for multicollinearity by examining correlations between indices and ensuring that the
indices were not strongly related (i.e., r < 0.70). In addition, we control for overfitting in the models by ensuring a 15/1 item
to predictor ratio. Controlling for statistical assumptions such as normality and multicollinearity allow us to use only
variables that contribute uniquely to the models and to verify that the findings of the analysis are not the result of random
noise in the data.

3. Results

3.1. Longitudinal growth human scores

A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant effect for time (initial, middle, and final essay) on total score,
F (2, 112) = 27.897, p < 0.001, hp2[1_TD$IF] = 0.333. A significant linear trend, F (1, 56) = 47.378, p < 0.001, hp2 = 0.458, confirmed the
expectation that time led to significant improvements in the total essay scores (see Table 4). Follow-up pairwise
comparisons were conducted to evaluate differences among the means. The scores for the initial essays were significantly
lower than those for the middle (p < 0.001) and final essays (p < 0.001); however, the difference between middle and final
essays was not significant.
A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant effect for time (initial, middle, and final essay) on organization score,
F (2, 112) = 24.011, p < 0.001, hp2 = 0.300. A significant linear trend, F (1, 56) = 38.437, p < 0.001, hp2 = 0.407, confirmed the
expectation that time spent in a writing class led to significant improvements in the essay organization scores (see Table 4).
Follow-up pairwise comparisons were conducted to evaluate differences among the means. The organization scores for the
initial essays were significantly lower than for the middle essays (p < 0.001) and final essays (p < 0.001); however, the
difference between middle and final essays was not significant.

Table 4
Mean total and organization scores for initial, middle, and final essays written
across the semester.

Essay Total score Organization score

Initial 49.40 (10.29) 9.54 (2.07)

Middle 55.37 (7.99) 10.92 (1.75)
Final 57.11 (8.31) 11.41 (1.78)

Note: Standard deviation in parentheses.

S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16 9

Table 5
Mean cohesion index scores for initial, middle, and final essays written across the semester.

Index Initial essay mean (SD) Middle essay mean (SD) Final essay mean (SD) F p h2
Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (nouns) 2.57 (1.54) 3.64 (2.20) 4.01 (2.03) 18.13 0.001 0.25
Content lemma TTR 0.59 (0.07) 0.56 (0.07) 0.55 (0.07) 14.97 0.001 0.21
LSA between all sentences and paragraphs 0.24 (0.11) 0.27 (0.09) 0.30 (0.07) 14.42 0.001 0.21
Incidence all positive connectives 0.16 (0.03) 0.18 (0.03) 0.18 (0.03) 14.17 0.001 0.20
Adjacent overlap two sentences (all words) 3.78 (1.51) 4.66 (1.68) 4.64 (1.75) 12.98 0.001 0.19
LSA initial to final paragraphs 0.42 (0.20) 0.48 (0.19) 0.53 (0.15) 11.54 0.001 0.17
Adjacent overlap two sentences (function words) 0.05 (0.02) 0.06 (0.02) 0.06 (0.02) 9.54 0.003 0.15
Bigram TTR 0.89 (0.04) 0.87 (0.05) 0.87 (0.04) 9.43 0.003 0.14
Adjacent overlap three sentences (function words) 0.10 (0.05) 0.12 (0.04) 0.12 (0.037) 9.19 0.004 0.14
Synonym overlap paragraphs (nouns) 2.95 (2.59) 3.95 (3.11) 4.76 (3.60) 9.67 0.003 0.15
Incidence all positive causal connectives 0.10 (0.03) 0.11 (0.03) 0.11 (0.03) 9.00 0.004 0.14
Syntactic similarity between sentences 0.14 (0.04) 0.13 (0.03) 0.13 (0.03) 6.89 0.011 0.11
Verb overlap 0.55 (0.14) 0.60 (0.11) 0.61 (0.12) 5.84 0.019 0.09

3.2. Longitudinal growth automated indices

Repeated measures ANOVAs were then conducted on the selected Coh-Metrix and TAACO indices to examine if significant
differences in cohesive devices existed between initial, middle, and final essays. Of the 30 indices that were normally
distributed, 13 demonstrated significant linear trends between the initial, middle, and final essays (see Table 5 for details). Of
these variables, three were classified as global cohesion. These variables were related to lexical overlap (adjacent overlap two
paragraphs [nouns]), semantic similarity (LSA initial to final paragraphs), and synonym overlap (synonym overlap paragraphs
[nouns]). Six variable were classified as local cohesion. These variables were related to connectives (all positive connectives,
incidence all positive causal connectives) and lexical overlap (adjacent overlap two sentences [all words], adjacent overlap two
sentences [function words], adjacent overlap three sentences [function words], verb overlap sentences). Four variables were
classified as text cohesion. The variables were related to lexical diversity (bigram TTR, content lemma TTR), semantic similarity
(LSA between all sentences and paragraphs), and syntactic cohesion (syntactic similarity)3. Pairwise comparisons between
initial, middle, and final essays showed that, in all cases, final essays demonstrated significantly higher levels of cohesive
devices than initial essays and in most cases middle essays demonstrated significantly higher levels of cohesive devices than
initial essays (with the exceptions of LSA initial to final paragraphs and noun synonym overlap between paragraphs). However,
in all cases, there were no significant differences between middle and final essays in terms of the production of cohesive

3.2.1. Confirmatory support vector machine model

The 13 significant indices above were then used in a confirmatory SVM learning model to predict whether the essays were
written at the beginning or end the semester. We did not focus on distinguishing middle semester essays because the
pairwise comparisons reported no significant differences between middle and final essays. The SVM learning model using
the 13 significant syntactic indices and 10-CV correctly allocated 81 of the 114 essays in the total set, x2 (df = 1,
n = 114) = 20.217, p < 0.001, for an accuracy of 71.05% (the chance level for this analysis is 50%). The results from the SVM
learning model are reported in the confusion matrix presented in Table 6. The measure of agreement between the actual
category of the essay (i.e., beginning and end of semester) and that assigned by the model produced a Cohen’s Kappa of 0.421,
demonstrating moderate agreement.

3.3. Regression analyses: Organization

3.3.1. Correlations training set

Correlations were conducted between the cohesion indices and the human ratings of organization for the 119 (of the 171)
essays selected for the training set by SPSS. Thirty Coh-Metrix and TAACO indices demonstrated significant correlations and
reported at least a significant and small effect size (r > 0.10) with the human ratings while not demonstrating
multicollinearity with one another (see Table 7).

3.3.2. Regression analysis training set

A stepwise regression analysis using these indices as the independent variables to predict the human ratings of
organization yielded a significant model, F (4, 115) = 14.091, p < 0.001, r = 0.574, r2 = 0.329. Three cohesion indices were
included as significant predictors of the human ratings: adjacent overlap two paragraphs (function words), function word TTR,

In these cases, the incidences of the cohesion features are not calculated at the sentence or paragraph level, but rather at the text level. Thus, depending
on where the features occur, they could relate to either local and/or global cohesion.
10 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

Table 6
Confusion matrix for support vector machine algorithm.

Initial essay Final essay

LOOCV set Initial essay 41 16

Final essay 17 40

Table 7
Pearson correlations: Cohesion indices to organization scores.

Index Cohesion type r

Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (function words) Global 0.54**

Adjacent overlap two paragraphs lemma (verbs) Global 0.42**
Function word TTR Text 0.42**
Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (nouns) Global 0.41**
Adjacent overlap two sentences (function words) Local 0.37**
LSA initial to final paragraph Global 0.29**
Adjacent overlap one paragraph (adverbs) Global 0.29**
Causal links, verbs, and particles Text 0.26**
Adjacent overlap two sentences (all words binary) Local 0.28**
Synonym overlap paragraphs (verbs) Global 0.27**
Verb overlap Text 0.25**
Incidence all positive connectives Local 0.24**
Incidence all positive causal connectives Local 0.21**
Syntactic similarity between sentences Local 0.20**
Adjacent overlap two sentences (verbs) Local 0.20**
Synonym overlap paragraphs (nouns) Global 0.19*
Adjacent overlap one paragraph (adjectives) Global 0.19*
Adjacent overlap one sentence (pronouns) Local 0.18*
Incidence of conjunctions Local 0.18*
Incidence of coordinating conjuncts Local 0.16*
Incidence of all causal connectives Text 0.16*
LSA initial to middle paragraph Global 0.16*
Lexical diversity: D Text 0.16*
Incidence of conjuncts Local 0.16*
Synonym overlap sentence (nouns) Local 0.14*
Synonym overlap sentence (verbs) Local 0.14*
Incidence of ‘and’ Local 0.13*
Incidence of positive intentional connectives Local 0.12*
Bigram TTR Text 0.11*

* p < 0.050.
** p < 0.010.

incidence of coordinating conjuncts, and adjacent overlap one sentence (pronouns). The first (adjacent overlap two paragraphs
(function words) is a lexical overlap index related to global cohesion while the second is a lexical diversity index related to
text cohesion (function word TTR) and the other two indices are connective and lexical overlap indices related to local
cohesion. The model demonstrated that the four indices explained 33% of the variance in the human ratings of organization
for the essays in the training set (see Table 8 for additional information).

3.3.3. Regression analysis test set

We used the model reported for the training set to predict the human ratings for organization in the test set. To determine
the predictive power of the three variables retained in the regression model, we computed an estimated rating for each essay
in the test set using the B weights and the constant from the reported training set regression model. A Pearson’s correlation
was then conducted between the estimated rating and the actual rating of each of the essays in the test set. This correlation
together with its r2 was then calculated to determine the predictive accuracy of the training set regression model on the
independent data set.
The regression model, when applied to the test set, reported r = 0.603, r2 = 0.364. The results from the test set model
demonstrated that the combination of the three cohesion indices accounted for 36% of the variance in the organization
ratings of the essays in the test set.

3.4. Regression analyses: Combined ratings

3.4.1. Correlations training set

Correlations were conducted between the cohesion indices and the combined human ratings of the 118 (of the 171)
essays selected for the training set by SPSS. Thirty-two Coh-Metrix and TAACO indices of cohesion demonstrated significant
S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16 11

Table 8
Linear regression analysis to predict organization scores: training set.

Entry Variable Added r r2 B SE B

Entry 1 Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (function words) 0.49 0.21 0.14 0.04 0.32
Entry 2 Function word TTR 0.51 0.27 11.23 3.69 0.27
Entry 3 Incidence of coordinating conjuncts 0.55 0.30 49.75 23.59 0.17
Entry 4 Adjacent overlap one sentence (pronouns) 0.57 0.33 14.44 7.05 0.16

Notes: Estimated Constant Term is 13.676; B is unstandardized Beta; SE is standard error; B is standardized Beta.

correlations and reported a significant and at least a small effect size (r > 0.010) with the human ratings while not
demonstrating multicollinearity with one another (see Table 9).

3.4.2. Regression analysis training set

A stepwise regression analysis using these indices as the independent variables to predict the combined human ratings
yielded a significant model, F (4, 114) = 53.781, p < 0.001, r = 0.666, r2 = 0.443. Four cohesion indices were included as
significant predictors of the essay ratings: adjacent overlap two paragraphs (function words), adjacent overlap two sentences
(function words), adjacent overlap two paragraphs (pronouns binary) and pronoun to noun ratio. Of these, two were lexical
overlap indices related to global cohesion (adjacent overlap two paragraph [function words], adjacent overlap two
paragraphs[pronouns binary]), one was a lexical overlap index related to local cohesion (adjacent overlap two sentences
[function words]), and one was a givenness index related to text cohesion (pronoun to noun ratio). The model demonstrated
that the four indices explained 44% of the variance in the combined human ratings of the essays in the training set (see
Table 10 for additional information)

3.4.3. Regression analysis test set

The regression model, when applied to the test set, reported r = 0.648, r2 = 0.420. The results from the test set model
demonstrated that the combination of the four cohesion indices accounted for 42% of the variance in the combined ratings of
the essays in the test set.

Table 9
Pearson correlations: Cohesion indices to combined scores.

Index Cohesion type r

Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (function words) Global 0.59**

Lemma function word TTR Text 0.45**
Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (nouns) Global 0.44**
Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (verbs) Global 0.44**
Adjacent overlap two sentences (function words) Local 0.42**
Incidence positive connectives Local 0.33**
Synonym overlap paragraphs (verbs) Global 0.33**
Adjacent overlap two sentences (all words) Text 0.32**
Incidence positive causal connectives Local 0.30**
Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (pronouns binary) Global 0.28**
Causal links, verbs, and particles Text 0.26**
Syntactic similarity between sentences Local 0.25**
LSA initial to final paragraph Global 0.25**
Lexical diversity: D Text 0.25**
Verb overlap Text 0.24**
Incidence of conjunctions Local 0.24**
LSA initial to middle paragraph Global 0.23**
Synonym overlap paragraphs (nouns) Global 0.22**
Number of motional prepositions Text 0.21**
Synonym overlap sentences (verbs) Local 0.19**
Incidence of ‘and’ Local 0.17*
Incidence casual connectives Text 0.16*
Aspect repetition Text 0.15*
Incidence intentional connectives Local 0.15*
Pronoun to noun ratio Text 0.15*
Synonym overlap sentences (nouns) Local 0.14*
Incidence of coordinating conjuncts Local 0.14*
Incidence of demonstratives Text 0.13*
Incidence of conjuncts Local 0.11*
Incidence of simple subordinators Local 0.11*
Incidence negative connectives Local 0.11*

* p < 0.050.
** p < 0.010.
12 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

Table 10
Linear regression analysis to predict combined scores: training set.

Entry Variable added r r2 B SE B

Entry 1 Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (function words) 0.56 0.32 0.85 0.20 0.38
Entry 2 Adjacent overlap two sentences (function words) 0.62 0.39 67.51 19.79 0.28
Entry 3 Adjacent overlap two paragraphs (pronouns binary) 0.64 0.41 9.37 3.52 0.23
Entry 4 Pronoun to noun ratio 0.67 0.44 6.61 2.67 0.19

Notes: Estimated Constant Term is 37.343; B is unstandardized Beta; SE is standard error; B is standardized Beta.

4. Discussion

This analysis has demonstrated growth in the use of cohesive devices in L2 writers over the course of a semester. From the
beginning of the semester until the end of the semester, L2 writers in this study generally wrote essays that demonstrated
greater local, global, and text cohesion. The results of the study also indicate that indices of cohesion are predictors of human
judgments of text organization and overall essay quality for L2 writing. However, cohesion patterns between the
longitudinal analysis and the human judgments of quality show few similarities indicating a potential mismatch between
cohesion growth and assessments of proficiency.
In terms of predicting human judgments of L2 writing organization, two indices that measure function word cohesion
were predictive. The first index was a positive global predictor (adjacent overlap between paragraphs: function words) and
the second measured text cohesion (function word TTR). The repetition of function words (i.e., the TTR index) was a negative
predictor of essay quality. In addition to these two indices, two indices of local cohesion were also negative predictors of
organization scores (incidence of coordinating conjunctions and sentence overlap of pronouns). For overall writing quality,
four cohesive devices were predictive of human judgments. Two were global in nature (adjacent overlap between
paragraphs for both function words and nouns), one was local in nature (adjacent overlap between sentences for function
words), and the last measured text cohesion (pronoun to noun ratio). Only the last index was a negative predictor of human
judgments of essay quality.
In reference to L2 cohesion development, this study demonstrated that a number of cohesive devices showed growth in
predicted directions from the first to the final essay written within a semester. The strongest growth, as indicated by the
effect size, was an increase in noun overlap between paragraphs, indicating an increase in global cohesion across essays. The
next strongest variable, content lemma TTR demonstrated that writers increasingly repeated content words across a text
(i.e., text cohesion). Two other indices supported the notion that writers increased cohesion at the text level by increasing the
semantic similarity between all sentences and paragraphs (i.e., LSA between all sentences and paragraphs) and increasing
the repetitions of bigrams across a text (i.e., a lower bigram TTR score). The remaining variables that showed gains were
generally evenly split between local and global cohesion indicating that L2 writers increasingly used terms that were more
strongly related across paragraphs (LSA initial to final paragraphs, noun synonyms between paragraphs) and across
sentences by producing essays with more connectives, less lexical diversity, and greater lexical overlap between sentences
(for all words and for verbs). In contrast to these general findings, one cohesion index demonstrated decreasing use over
time: syntactic cohesion. However, this index is related to syntactic complexity as well as cohesion in the sense that lower
syntactic similarity between sentences can indicate a greater variety of syntactic structures (cf. Crossley & McNamara, 2014).
Thus, within a semester, we see growth in a variety of cohesion features. Specifically, we see growth in word overlap in terms
of the overlap of ideas and function words at the sentence, paragraph, and text level. We also see growth in the use of
connectives with the L2 writers in this sample producing a greater number of connectives over time. Thus, like previous
studies, these findings support the notion that L2 learners exhibit growth at the local, global, and text level (Crossley et al.,
2010a, 2010b; Yang & Sun, 2012)
Interestingly, of the 30 indices queried, over half showed no significant differences among the initial, middle, and final
essays. These included most indices related to situation models reported by Coh-Metrix. Situation models apply to deeper
cohesion features related to a text’s temporal, causal, and spatial features (along with the intentionality of a texts) related to a
reader’s understanding of the text. Discontinuities in any of these dimensions within the text can cause a break in textual
cohesion and make a text more difficult to process (Zwaan et al., 1995; Zwaan & Radvansky, 1998). However, because the
texts sampled in this study are descriptive in nature and written by L2 writers, it may be the case that such links are
unnecessary given the genre and because the writers may not have yet developed the skills to create such links in their
writing. In addition to situation model indices, most connective indices did not show significant growth patterns indicating
that the L2 writers in this study did not show development in terms of explicit cohesion links. However, they did
demonstrate development in their use of more implicit cohesive devices such as lexical and semantic overlap between
sentences and paragraphs.
We did not find similar patterns for cohesive devices when analyzing the indices that were most predictive of human
judgments of organization and combined writing scores. The strongest predictors of judgments of text organization were
calculated using function words and connectives (i.e., overlap of function words between paragraphs, function word TTR,
incidence of coordinating conjuncts, and adjacent overlap of pronouns), explaining 36% of the variance of the human scores.
S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16 13

None of these indices demonstrated growth patterns in the longitudinal analysis (and the longitudinal indices that showed
growth were mainly calculated using content words: nouns and verbs). Of the 13 cohesion variables in the longitudinal
analysis, eight variables did show significant correlations with human judgments of text organization but none of these
indices were included in the regression model. The indices that loaded in the combined writing score regression model were
also all related to function words. Unlike the organization score regression, one local cohesion index that demonstrated
growth in the longitudinal analysis was included in the combined writing score regression analysis (adjacent overlap two
sentences[function words]). This index explained 7% of the variance for the human judgments in the training set. The other
three variables, which did not show growth patterns in the longitudinal study, related to global cohesion and text cohesion
(i.e., adjacent overlap two paragraphs [function words], adjacent overlap two paragraphs [pronouns binary], and pronoun to
noun ratio) explained about 37% of the variance in the training set. Combined, the variables in the regression model
explained 42% of the variance for the human scores in the test set. Of the 13 cohesion variables that showed significant
growth in the longitudinal analysis, eight additional variables showed significant correlations with human judgments of
combined scores, but seven of these variables were not used as predictors in the regression analysis.
The differences between the longitudinal study and the human judgments bear some discussion. The longitudinal
analysis generally indicates that the use of cohesion features related to content words develops in learners more so than
cohesive features related to function words. For instance, the two variables that reported the strongest effect sizes over time
were based on content word overlap between paragraphs and across the text. A number of other variables that were
predictive of longitudinal growth were also based on content words or a combination of content and function words. Only
two variables were based on connectives and only two were uniquely based on function words. This differs from predictors
of human judgments, which were mostly based solely on function words or connectives (in one case). It is possible, then, that
human raters attend to more functional elements of overlap in text segments (e.g., determiners, conjunctions, prepositions,
and pronouns) and that a writers’ proficiency is associated with their ability to create these links in texts. This finding may be
due to different expectations between L1 and L2 writing. In contrast to L2 writing, research into human ratings of L1 writing
show that global cohesion markers focused on content word overlap are generally the most predictive features of rater
quality. Knowing that the purpose of L2 writing is often not for content (as it is with L1 writers), but rather linguistic
sophistication (Weigle, 2002), it make sense that L2 ratings are more strongly predicted by global overlap of function words
related to text organization and syntax.
An additional finding from this study that bears examination is the number of positive correlations that were reported
between local cohesive devices and text organization and combined essay scores. Such a finding counters many recent
investigations into L2 writing (Crossley, Kyle, Allen, Guo, & McNamara, 2014a; Crossley & McNamara, 2012; Guo et al., 2013).
One possible reason for these differences could be genre expectations. The majority of these previous studies have examined
L2 writing proficiency using corpora of argumentative essays. These essays are based on independent tasks that are
persuasive in nature and do not require domain or topic-specific knowledge. These tasks differ from the descriptive writing
prompts found in this corpus. Thus, it is possible that descriptive writing prompts require more local and global cohesion as
compared to independent prompts. Such differences have been reported between independent and integrated essays (i.e.,
essays that required the integration of source materials) with integrated essays demonstrating positive correlations with
local cohesive devices (Guo et al., 2013). Second, many of the independent writing samples that have been analyzed in the
past have been taken from standardized tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). It may be the case
that raters of standardized tests, which require more sophisticated writing approaches, may favor complexity over cohesion
(Guo et al., 2013).
Differences also may exist between raters who are judging L1 writing and raters who are judging L2 writing. For instance,
the majority of investigations into L1 writing show that human scores for text cohesion (Crossley & McNamara, 2010, 2011)
and overall essay quality (Crossley & McNamara, 2010, 2011; Crossley et al., 2011; McNamara et al., 2013; McNamara,
Crossley, Roscoe, Allen, & Dai, 2015) negatively correlate with indices of local cohesion, but positively correlate with indices
of global cohesion in a manner dissimilar to that reported for L2 writers. Thus, it is possible that rater bias in terms of the first
language of the writer plays a role in the assigning of essay quality scores. Support for such an argument may lie in L1 writing
studies, which show that, at an early stage, L1 writers’ use of both local and global cohesion is associated with higher essay
quality. However, once young L1 writers reach a level at which they can coordinate sentences, they then begin to work
toward composing at the global level by developing coherence between paragraphs (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987; Hayes &
Flower, 1980). These global cohesive devices become a marker of quality for L1 writers, while local cohesive devices begin to
be associated with poor writing quality (Berninger et al., 1996). Previous studies have also shown that L1 ratings of
coherence are best explained by global and not local cohesion (Crossley & McNamara, 2011).

5. Conclusion

This study has provided evidence for using computational tools to examine growth patterns in the use of cohesive devices
by L2 writers. An important element of this study was linking such growth to human ratings of text organization and
combined writing quality. We found that, in most cases, cohesion cues that demonstrated growth patterns in L2 writers were
not the same features that predicted judgments of proficiency in regression models. Such findings have important
implications for both language testing and teaching. From a testing perspective, the results provide evidence for the types of
cohesion devices that are predictive of essay quality providing some indication of what elements inform assessors’ decisions.
14 S.A. Crossley et al. / Journal of Second Language Writing 32 (2016) 1–16

Since these features are already automated, they could also be used to develop automatic essay scoring systems. From a
teaching perspective, the results provide some clues to which cohesion elements show growth over a semester-long period.
Knowing which cohesion elements demonstrate growth could help better inform teachers about the possible trajectories of
their students and potentially allow them to better pinpoint instruction and intervention to target specific areas of cohesion
As always, some caution is warranted in interpreting the results. In this study, we have focused on a rather narrow
element of the linguistic profile of writing: cohesion. While cohesion is an important element of writing (as seen in the
reported effect sizes), it does not operate in isolation. Future studies may consider how cohesion interacts with other
linguistic elements such as the lexicon and syntax in explaining growth and predicting writing quality. In addition, while we
have measured a number of cohesive devices, there may be cohesive devices we did not calculate and some of our
calculations may only tap into cohesion, but not fully measure it. Regarding the sample population, we only examined a
small sample of ESL writers over a short span of time. Additionally, this population was of a limited range of proficiency
levels. Future studies would benefit from a larger sample size of a greater range of proficiency levels observed over a longer
period of time (e.g., a year-long program). Follow-up studies may also benefit from comparing instructed versus
uninstructed learners and ESL to EFL learners. Lastly, this study focused on timed, descriptive writing. Future studies should
consider assessing proficiency using a variety of different speaking and writing tasks to test the effects of genre and task.
Such methodological changes would allow for falsification studies that could provide additional evidence in relation to the
use of cohesive devices in L2 writing and their effects on human judgments of proficiency[3_TD$IF].


This research was supported in part by the Institute for Education Sciences (IES R305A080589 and IES R305G20018-02).
Ideas expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the IES. We also thank
Charlene Polio and Jeff Connor-Linton for organizing the 2012 Georgetown University Round Table focusing on the data used
in this study.

Appendix A

A.1. Set A

Describe your current home.

Describe a place you have visited recently.

A.2. Set B

Describe the campus of MSU.

Describe a good or bad teacher that you have had.

A.3. Set C

Describe your family.

Describe a good friend of yours.

A.4. Set D

Describe a school that you have attended.

Describe a problem that the United States or some other country is facing.


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Scott Crossley is an Associate Professor at Georgia State University. His interests include computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, and second language
acquisition. He has published articles in second lexical acquisition, second language writing, second language reading, discourse processing, language assessment,
intelligent tutoring systems, and text linguistics.

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