(2020) Karaoz Tavakoli

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Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 42 (2020), 671–695


Research Article

Zeynep Duran-Karaoz
University of Reading

Parvaneh Tavakoli
University of Reading

The article reports on the findings of a study investigating the relationship between first language
(L1) and second language (L2) fluency behavior. Drawing on data collected from Turkish learners
of English, the study also addresses the question of whether proficiency level mediates the
relationship, if any. The data were coded for a range of breakdown, repair, speed, and composite
measures. Language proficiency was measured by means of two tests: Oxford Placement Test
(OPT) and an Elicited Imitation Task (EIT). The results show that some breakdown and repair
measures were positively correlated in L1 and L2, but no correlations were observed for articulation
rate and speech rate. The relationships were not mediated by proficiency level. Regression analyses
show that a number of models predicted L2 fluency. L1 fluency contributed significantly to models
predicting pausing behavior; EIT scores predicted L2 speech rate; and L1 fluency and OPT scores
predicted L2 repair and mid-clause pauses. The important implications of the findings for fluency
research and second language pedagogy are discussed.


Research in second language (L2) oral fluency is inspired by at least two convincing
rationales. First, recognizing the importance of fluency as a key construct of L2 ability,
researchers have attempted to examine fluency in relation to other dimensions of linguistic
output such as syntactic complexity and accuracy. Second, researchers are interested in
fluency as a means toward developing a more profound understanding of L2 processing

The experiment in this article earned an Open Materials badge for transparent practices. The materials
are available at https://www.iris-database.org/iris/app/home/detail?id=york%3a937494&ref=search.
* Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Zeynep Duran-Karaoz, University of
Reading, English Language and Applied Linguistics, Edith Morley, Whiteknights Campus, United Kingdom.
E-mail: [email protected]

© Cambridge University Press 2020. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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672 Zeynep Duran Karaoz and Parvaneh Tavakoli

and production. Regardless of rationale and motivation, researchers in this area are most
likely to agree that (a) fluency has a complex nature that is difficult to conceptualize and
measure, (b) our current knowledge of what psychological and social factors contribute to
fluency is limited (see Segalowitz, 2016, for a detailed discussion), and (c) more research
is needed to extend our understanding of fluency.
In its short history, oral fluency research has yielded some important findings that help
us develop not only a more in-depth understanding of fluency and its components but also
a more reliable measurement of it. These findings also point at emerging evidence to
suggest that L2 fluency behavior is, at least to some extent, influenced by L1 behavior and
individual differences (de Jong et al., 2015; Derwing et al., 2009; Huensch & Tracy-
Ventura, 2016). This body of research implies that the amount of pausing and hesitation in
L2 speech might, to some extent, mirror L1 fluency behavior, and that L2 fluency can, at
least to some degree, be predicted from L1 fluency behavior. These findings, however,
remain rather limited as few languages, language typologies, and individual differences
have been examined so far.
One of the shortcomings in the current understanding of fluency is its relationship with
proficiency level (Tavakoli et al., 2017). While it is commonly agreed that fluency
increases as proficiency improves, little research has examined whether the relationship
is linear (ibid.). More central to the focus of this article is the question of whether L2
proficiency level plays a role in the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency. To the best of
our knowledge, there has been little research investigating whether the relationship
between L1 and L2 fluency persists consistently across assessed levels of proficiency,
or to what extent L2 speakers’ fluency behavior deviates from their L1 fluency behavior
when they become more proficient L2 users. The current study aims to help fill this gap by
examining the relationship between L1 Turkish and L2 English fluency behavior, and by
probing whether proficiency level mediates this relationship.


Fluency in its broad sense is “a cover term for oral proficiency” (Lennon, 1990, p. 398),
and is sometimes interchangeably used for overall proficiency. In the narrow sense of the
term, however, fluency is regarded as a component of oral communicative ability, both
temporal and nontemporal aspects, that influence how smoothly and effortlessly speech is
delivered (Derwing et al., 2009). The present study is interested in fluency in the latter
sense of the term. While we do not aim to add another definition to the literature, we find
Koponen and Riggenbach’s (2000) definition useful as it considers fluency as “flow,
continuity, automaticity, or smoothness of speech” (p. 6).
Research in L2 fluency has shed light on the complex and multifaceted nature of
fluency. Segalowitz (2010), in his triadic framework, proposes that fluency consists of
three aspects of cognitive, utterance, and perceived fluency. Cognitive fluency is the
“ability to efficiently mobilize and integrate the underlying cognitive processes respon-
sible for producing utterances” (Segalowitz, 2010, p. 48); utterance fluency refers to the
temporal characteristics of speech that can be measured objectively (e.g., speed, pauses, or
hesitations); and perceived fluency concerns the listener impression of the cognitive
fluency of a speaker. While these three aspects are equally important and are inevitably
interrelated, utterance fluency has been central to research in second language acquisition
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(SLA) (e.g., de Jong et al., 2015; Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2017; Kormos & Denes,
2004; Thai & Boers, 2016; Wright, 2013) as its concrete and measurable nature allows
objective and systematic examination. A new classification of different aspects of fluency
is proposed by Skehan et al. (2016) who argue that utterance fluency should be divided to
speed, clause level, and discourse level. They propose that clause processing, which
focuses on lexical choices occurring within a clause, is linked to mid-clause pausing and
influenced by the work of the Formulator and Articulator in Levelt’s model (Levelt, 1989,
see the following text for a brief discussion). In contrast, discourse-level processing,
occurring above the clause level and dealing with issues and problems related to
conjoining linguistic units, should be considered a discourse-level fluency. The authors
maintain that discourse-level disfluencies are linked to the Conceptualizer’s demands,
while the clause-level disfluencies are evidence of microplanning and connected to
the Formulator. Given that Skehan et al.’s proposal still needs empirical evidence from
L2 research to be validated, we will adopt Segalowitz’s (2010) classification of fluency in
this study.
For measurement purposes, utterance fluency is generally divided into three categories:
breakdown, speed, and repair (Skehan, 2003; Tavakoli & Skehan, 2005). Breakdown
fluency concerns the flow of speech and examines pauses in terms of amount, location
(mid- vs. end-clause position), and character (filled vs. silent). Speed fluency refers to the
speed with which speech is produced (e.g., number of syllables per second), and repair
fluency indicates repair strategies speakers employ to monitor and modify their utterances
(e.g., false starts, repetitions, or corrections). A useful distinction made in this area is
between pure and composite measures of fluency (de Jong et al., 2015; Hunter, 2017;
Tavakoli et al., 2017). While composite measures, that is those combining two or more
aspects of fluency (e.g., speed and breakdown fluency in Mean Length of Run), are known
to be linked with human judgement of fluency (e.g., Kormos & Denes, 2004; Prefontaine
& Kormos, 2016), pure measures, that is those examining only one aspect of fluency
(Skehan, 2014), are believed to reveal underlying processes of speech formulation and
production (e.g., Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2017) and can help provide a more nuanced
picture of the speech production processes.
L2 fluency research has also gained currency in view of the need for developing an L2
speech production model. Many researchers (de Bot, 1992; Kahng, 2014; Kormos, 2006;
Skehan, 2009) have taken Levelt’s (1989) model of L1 speech production as a starting
point. According to this model, during the process of speech production a speaker goes
through three stages of conceptualization, formulation, and articulation. During concep-
tualization, the speaker generates a preverbal message that then moves to the formulation
stage, where an original linguistic message is formulated through grammatical and
phonological encoding of lemmas accessed in the lexicon. This then moves to the
articulation stage, where the linguistic plan is converted into overt speech. de Bot
(1992) and Kormos (2006) claim that although similar processes may be in place between
the two language processing systems, there is a range of L2-related phenomena that
should be carefully considered in the development of an L2 speech processing model,
including differences in L1 and L2 speech development and cross-linguistic influences.
Kormos (2006) argues that for L2 processing because L2 speech may not yet have become
automatic, an additional L2-specific knowledge store is needed to act as a source of
declarative memory to process “knowledge of syntactic and phonological rules” (p. 178).
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In effect, the degree of automaticity in speech production highlights one of the key
differences between L1 and L2 processing (Kormos, 2006; Tavakoli, 2019).
To develop a better conceptualization of L2 speech processing, therefore, it is necessary
to examine the extent of the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency and the factors that
may affect this relationship, for example, individual differences such as language profi-
ciency. Derwing et al. (2009) argue that insight can be gained through an investigation of
automatic processing in both languages or through a careful investigation of fluency in L1
and L2 speech production. The present study is primarily interested in the latter, that is,
examining fluency in L1 Turkish and L2 English speakers. A brief overview of relevant
research in this area is presented in the following text.


Studies focusing on the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency are relatively scarce
(e.g., de Jong et al., 2015; Derwing et al., 2009; Huensch &Tracy-Ventura, 2016;
Riazantseva, 2001; Towell & Dewaele, 2005; Towell et al., 1996). One of the earliest
studies on this topic is Riazantseva (2001). Comparing data elicited from advanced and
intermediate Russian learners of L2 English, Riazantseva examined the pausing
phenomena in L1 Russian and L2 English. Measuring pauses of longer than 100ms,
she found that the intermediate group exhibited more L1-like behavior than the advanced
group and interpreted the differences in the light of L1 transfer, concluding that L2
speakers may overcome these effects as their L2 proficiency develops. The study design,
however, did not include low-proficiency learners, nor did it examine the relationship
between pausing behavior and other aspects of fluency.
In a longitudinal study of L2 immigrant learners in Canada, Derwing et al. (2009)
investigated the extent to which temporal features of L1 speech can be related to L2
fluency characteristics. They collected data throughout 2 years (at 2 months, 10 months,
and 1 year of residency in Canada) with 16 L1 Slavic and 16 L1 Mandarin speakers of L2
English, performing the same task in their L1 and L2. The data were analyzed for a
number of temporal measures (i.e., number of pauses per second, speech rate, pruned
syllables per second) and rated by trained judges. The fluency ratings demonstrated
correlations between L1 and L2 measures, highlighting a stronger correlation for the
Slavic L1 group than for the Mandarin L1 group. The results also indicated that L1 and L2
measures correlated significantly for both Slavic and Mandarin languages during the
initial stages of language exposure, but at later stages only for the Slavic group. The
authors concluded that the group differences might be attributed to different amounts of
exposure to English or to a “closer relationship between Slavic languages and English
than between Mandarin and English” (p. 534).
Perhaps the strongest evidence about the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency
behavior comes from two recent studies: de Jong et al. (2015) and Huensch and Tracy-
Ventura (2016). Working with learners of Dutch as an L2, de Jong et al. (2015) used two
types of fluency measures, that is uncorrected measures and measures corrected for L1
behavior, to explore the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency. They postulated that
because the original L2 measures could be testing both personal speaking styles and
learners’ L2-specific skills, correcting these measures by adjusting for L1 fluency
behavior would lead to a more accurate measurement of fluency. They examined two
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typologically different L1s, that is English and Turkish, and elicited language samples
through eight different tasks from intermediate to advanced proficiency learners. Their
results showed that all L2 fluency measures were, to a certain extent, related to L1 fluency,
with the variance ranging from 21% to 57%. The authors also reported that although all
measures (i.e., both corrected and uncorrected) predicted proficiency significantly, the
corrected measure of syllable duration predicted L2 proficiency more strongly than its
original uncorrected equivalence, concluding that adjusting this measure for L1 fluency
would lead to more accurate results.
In another study, Huensch and Tracy-Ventura (2016) examined the contribution of L1
fluency behavior, cross-linguistic differences, and L2 proficiency to L2 fluency behavior
over time in a study-abroad context. The participants, L1 English speakers who were
studying Spanish and French for their university degree, performed an oral narrative task
three times: twice in their L2s (once before traveling abroad and once after residing abroad
for 5 months), and a last time in their L1 after they had returned home from study abroad.
The results suggested that “L1 fluency behaviour, cross-linguistic differences, and
proficiency differentially contributed to explaining L2 fluency behaviour prior to and
during immersion” (Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2016, p. 2). They reported that profi-
ciency level predicted L2 fluency measures of mean syllable duration and mean silent
pause duration before residing abroad; however, after 5 months of study abroad no
influence of proficiency level was observed for any of the L2 fluency measures employed.
These results are particularly noteworthy as they show a clear relationship between L1 and
L2 fluency and, moreover, broaden our perspective on the change in fluency behavior as
proficiency increases. However, this study neither examined different proficiency levels
systematically nor did it establish whether proficiency level mediates the relationship
between L1 and L2 behavior. Like Huensch and Tracy-Ventura (2016), most studies
examining the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency were performed with learners in a
study-abroad context or participants using and learning L2 in the target language
community for communication purposes (de Jong et al., 2015; Derwing et al., 2009; Di
Silvio et al., 2016; Leonard & Shea, 2017). Given the research evidence that fluency is one
of the key aspects of the L2 use to benefit from study abroad or life in the L2 community
(Mora & Valls-Ferrer, 2012; Tavakoli, 2018; Wright, 2013, 2018), it seems necessary to
conduct studies that investigate the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency among
speakers who have not had substantial exposure to the L2 or authentic opportunities
for using it for genuine communication purposes.
A final study to report here is Peltonen (2018) who examined L1 and L2 fluency
behaviors among Finnish children learning English at school. Working with 42 partici-
pants from two school levels, she examined a range of fluency measures and reported
positive correlations between the majority of temporal L1 and L2 measures. In addition,
the study suggested that many L2 temporal measures can be predicted from L1 behavior.
While the participants in this study belonged to two levels, Peltonen (2018) acknowl-
edged that the two groups may not be distinctive in their proficiency level, and therefore,
the results may not show whether proficiency level mediates relationship between L1 and
L2 fluency behavior.
Taken together, the results of these studies suggest there is a link between L1 and L2
fluency behavior and imply that relationships between the two would change over time as
proficiency increases. However, these results are neither conclusive nor generalizable to
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different L1s (de Jong et al., 2015; Derwing et al., 2009). Further research is needed to
demonstrate whether and in what ways the L1-L2 fluency relationship changes when
learners’ proficiency improves. Before discussing the study, it is necessary to highlight the
role of proficiency in understanding the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency.


Language proficiency is an individual learner difference commonly examined in L2 studies

due to its direct relationship with L2 acquisition and development. Language proficiency,
or as Hulstijn (2015) defines it, “knowledge of language and the ability to access, retrieve
and use that knowledge in listening, speaking, reading and writing” (p. 21), is of particular
interest to the current study as it can help develop a better understanding of the relationship
between L1 and L2 fluency. In L1, speech production relies largely on incremental, parallel,
and automatic processing (Levelt, 1989). The parallel and automatic nature of L1 proces-
sing helps make speech fluent with little undue hesitation or disruption. In contrast, L2
speech production, particularly at lower levels of proficiency, does not operate on automatic
processing. Working with incomplete linguistic knowledge, the L2 speech production
process faces several challenges including access and retrieval of linguistic units and
monitoring the language during and after production (Kormos, 2006). This controlled
and serial, rather than parallel, processing is often marked by signs of disfluency, for
example, slower speech rate and frequent pauses. When proficiency improves, whether due
to exposure, practice, or instruction, linguistic knowledge expands and parallel processing
becomes possible, the production process becomes more automatic and speech becomes
more fluent. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that at higher levels of proficiency an
increase in automaticity makes parallel processing possible, freeing up attentional resources
available to the speaker, and L2 speech processing becomes more similar to L1 speech
processing. This implies that as language proficiency improves, one might expect a stronger
relationship between L1 and L2 fluency behavior. In contrast, for less proficient speakers,
this relationship may be overshadowed by the L2 speech production challenges (e.g., serial
processing, and access and retrieval demands), and therefore, two different processing
systems can be observed. While research in this area already recognizes that L2 fluency is at
least partly related to L1 fluency (de Jong, et al., 2015; Peltonen, 2018), it is necessary to
understand whether this relationship persists as proficiency develops. This is what the
current article aims to investigate.


The current study attempts to expand our knowledge of the relationship between L1 and
L2 fluency in three regards. First, it aims to examine the relationship between L1 Turkish
and L2 English to contribute to the current understanding of fluency research in this area.
Previous studies have shown that typological similarities and differences between two
languages seem to affect the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency behavior (de Jong
et al., 2015; Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2016). Structural differences between Turkish
and English can also be expected to affect the results. In Turkish, a highly agglutinative
language, words can have several affixes (mostly suffixes) to reflect different meanings or
grammatical functions. For example, an English sentence or phrase, such as “they will
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come,” can be expressed in a single word in Turkish, with “come” as the morpheme
(i.e., “gelecekler”). Given that speed is usually calculated in terms of number of syllables
per minute, it is not expected to be affected by the structure of words and utterances.
However, in an agglutinative language, it is common to produce a word of several
syllables to represent a whole sentence, and this is likely to result in speaker’s producing
more syllables in Turkish than in English in the same amount of time, which might have an
influence on speed. Given that the current study is not focusing on cross-linguistic
differences between the two languages, this is one of the several questions about
L1-L2 fluency relationship that future research will need to address.
Second, the study aims to examine whether L2 proficiency level mediates the relation-
ship between L1 and L2 fluency. Compared to most previous studies that have looked at
only one or two levels of proficiency (de Jong et al., 2015; Derwing et al., 2009; Huensch
&Tracy-Ventura, 2016), the current study is one of the few studies in which participants
come from three different proficiency levels (A2, B1, and B2 of the CEFR). In addition,
from a methodological point of view, we are extending the existing research framework by
examining proficiency level from a broader perspective. Research in SLA suggests there
are two underlying constructs in language proficiency, that is declarative and procedural
knowledge. However, most of the research in fluency studies examined proficiency in terms
of either of the two kinds. This is a shortcoming of research in this area because recent
research (e.g., Tavakoli et al., 2017) showed that certain aspects of fluency might be linked
to different kinds of linguistic knowledge. Our rationale for using measures of language
proficiency that test both kinds of knowledge was based on the assumption that a more
complete profile of the learner proficiency would provide us with a more valid interpre-
tation of the role of proficiency in the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency.
Following research in this area (Gaillard & Tremblay, 2016), we employ the Elicited
Imitation Task (EIT) and the grammar section of the Oxford Placement Test (OPT). We
assume that the first is more likely to test the participants’ procedural knowledge while the
latter it is more likely to test their declarative knowledge.
The following research questions guide our study:

(1) Is there a relationship between L1 Turkish and L2 English fluency behavior? If so,
(1a) To what extent does language proficiency mediate the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency
(2) To what extent can L2 fluency measures be predicted from L1 fluency behavior?


The study had a factorial design with language proficiency as the independent variable,
and different measures of fluency as the dependent variables of the study. Language
proficiency was between-participant variables, representing three levels (A2, B1, and B2
according to the CEFR).


The data was initially collected from 44 participants who volunteered to take part in the
study at the time of the data collection; however, data from two of the participants were
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removed at a later point because they did not meet all task completion requirements. The
data reported, therefore, here comes from 42 native speakers of Turkish undergraduate
students (25 females and 17 males) aged between 19 and 25. They were taking English
courses at a state university in Turkey either as part of their foundation classes or their
degree program (i.e., as a compulsory course of General English). They had varying levels
of English at the start of their programs and had been on these courses for five months at
the time of the study.
Previous research (Mora & Valls-Ferrer, 2012; Tavakoli et al., 2016) has shown that
life/study-abroad experiences and professional use of L2 would have a positive impact on
fluency helping it develop fast. Therefore, to explore our research questions and to ensure
homogeneity of the sample, we needed a group of participants whose L2 fluency was not
affected by such experiences. To control for this, a short demographic questionnaire,
available on IRIS (https://www.iris-database.org/iris/app/home/index), was used before
the data collection, and data from anyone with such a profile were excluded.


Oral Narrative Tasks

For the purposes of this study, two oral narrative tasks were used (see Appendix 1).
Following de Jong and Vercellotti’s (2016) recommendations for careful selection of
“features that constitute task complexity” (p. 387), a number of criteria were considered
when selecting the narratives. These included number of characters and props (de Jong &
Vercellotti, 2016), amount of contextual support (Révész, 2009), similar storyline com-
plexity (Tavakoli & Foster, 2011), and similar amount of intentional reasoning (Awwad
et al., 2017). Although care was taken to choose comparable tasks, we are aware that the
two narratives were different and as such a task design impact might be detected. We ran
t-tests to check for any possible effects of task design.

Proficiency Tests
Proficiency is measured rather variably in L2 studies. This measurement ranges from
studies using C-tests and vocabulary size tests to those employing internationally stan-
dardized and validated four-skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) tests. In the
current study, our measurement of proficiency was based on the definition of proficiency
provided earlier (Hulstijn, 2015, p. 21). Following Hulstijn’s (2015) definition, we
examined language proficiency along the two dimensions of “knowledge of language”
or declarative knowledge and “the ability to use the language” or procedural knowledge
(for further discussion see “Research Aims”). To achieve this aim, we used the grammar
section of the OPT (Allan, 2004), and the EIT (Ortega et al., 2002; Tracy-Ventura et al.,
2014) to measure the participants declarative and procedural knowledge, respectively.1
EITs are increasingly used in L2 studies to measure procedural knowledge (Yan et al.,
2015) and as evidence of the participants’ interlanguage (Ellis, 2005; Kim et al., 2016). In
an EIT, participants are asked to repeat a set of sentences of varying length and complexity
usually after listening to it once. Also, because it is dependent on fast language processing
and producing speech in real time, the EIT is arguably more suited to measuring
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procedural oral language ability, that is, both implicit and speeded-up explicit knowledge
types (Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2019).2
The EIT used in the current study consisted of a total of 30 sentences in English
designed to test L2 proficiency with a combination of grammatical features, syntax, and
vocabulary. These sentences varied in length (between 7 to 19 syllables), ordered from the
fewest syllables to the most, and were adopted from Ortega et al. (2002). The task also
involved a practice session using additional five Turkish sentences at the beginning of the
test to make sure the procedures were well understood and followed. The results of the
proficiency tests are discussed in the following text.


The data were collected on two separate days. On the first day, all participants sat the OPT
in a classroom, and the EIT individually in a different room. Individual meetings were
then arranged for the participants in the same week to perform the oral narratives in L1 and
L2. In the implementation of the EITs, the procedures in Gaillard and Tremblay (2016)
were followed. Following the practice session in Turkish, the participants were presented
with the English sentences one by one while they were recorded. They were asked to listen
to each of the sentences, which was followed by a beep sound and then were required to
repeat it. There were two seconds between the end of each sentence and the beginning of
the beep sound, and the participants had only one attempt to repeat the sentences. The
rationale for this arrangement came from previous studies (Gaillard & Trembly, 2016;
Ortega et al., 2002) that suggested this procedure to ensure the test takers do not merely
mimic the stimuli, but rather they would process them.
On a separate day, the participants performed the tasks. They were divided randomly
into two equal groups, with one group performing Task A and the other performing
Task B.3 They were given the picture prompts and 30 seconds of planning time, followed
by 90 seconds to retell the story. No additional information about the tasks or vocabulary
to be used was provided. Their speech was digitally recorded as they performed the tasks.
Each participant had to narrate the story twice, once in Turkish and once in English. To
control for any practice effect, a counterbalanced design was used for the language in
which they performed the task, that is, half of the participants narrated the story first in L1
and then in L2, while the other half performed the tasks in the reverse order of first L2 and
second L1. The details of the counterbalanced design are provided in Table 1. All the
information about the purposes of the study and the instructions were provided in Turkish.

TABLE 1. The groupings of the participants across tasks (N = 42)

Tasks Subgroups

Task A (The boy going ice-skating) Task A—Group 1 Task B—Group 2

n = 21 (English first, Turkish second) (Turkish first, English second)
n = 10 n = 11
Task B (The boy looking for his car) Task B—Group 1 Task B—Group 2
n = 21 (English first, Turkish second) (Turkish first, English second)
n = 11 n = 10

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To determine the power of the study’s sample size, we used GPower 3.1 (Faul et al.,
2009) to run a post-hoc power analysis. Running the analysis for a linear regression fixed
model, we calculated the power of each individually significant regression model with an
alpha level of .05, an effect size of .15, and a sample size of 42. The results showed a
power of .98 for number of mid-clause filled pauses, .99 for speech rate, and .95 for
number of repair. The only significant model achieving a power below the .80 threshold
level was for number of mid-clause silent pauses (1 β = .67). The results of the power
analysis suggest a good level of confidence could be maintained in the findings.


The OPT comprised 100 questions in total, and for each correct item, 1 point was awarded.
The scoring of the EIT sentences was done based on a holistic scale (i.e., scores ranging
from 0 to 4), which was adapted from Ortega et al. (2002) and has been since employed in
several studies (e.g., Gaillard & Tremblay, 2016; Kim et al., 2016; Tracy-Ventura et al.,
2014; Wu & Ortega, 2013). Based on this scale, four points were given for exact
repetition, three points for accurate repetitions of the sentences keeping the content
meaning but including small structural changes, two for repetitions that included changes
in grammar that could affect the meaning of the sentences, one for repetition of the half of
the sentence, and zero when less than half of the sentence or no repetition was provided.
After providing a second rater a training session on the scoring system, a total of 20% of
the data was scored by this researcher. The correlation coefficient between the two sets of
scores was .98. The maximum score one could obtain on the EIT was 120. For compa-
rability reasons, the OPT scores were converted into 120 as well (please see Appendix 2
for descriptive statistics for OPT and EIT scores). There was a positive moderate
correlation between the OPT and the EIT scores (r =.51, p < .001), suggesting that a high
score on the OPT was associated with a high score of the EIT. This correlation demon-
strates that about 26% of the variance in participants’ OPT scores can be accounted for by
their EIT scores.
The mean of the EIT and the OPT scores was calculated, and this combined score was
used to group the participants into proficiency levels. The groupings were based on the
scoring system of the Oxford Online Placement Test, that is, each 20-scores corresponds
to one level of proficiency (A1: 1–20; A2: 21–40, etc.). Table 2 shows the proficiency
categorisation of this placement test and the participants in this study. While the maximum

TABLE 2. The proficiency groupings of the participants based on Oxford Online

Placement Test scoring system (N = 42)
CEFR levels Mean score of OPT and EIT* n

C2 81 < 100 –
C1 61–80 –
B2 41–60 12
B1 21–40 15
A2 1–20 15

*This is the combined score of OPT and EIT scores (50% of each), and the maximum score is 120.

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Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 681

score one could obtain was on this test 120, our participants’ combined scores ranged
between 21 and 80, suggesting they belonged to the three levels of A2, B1, and B2 of the
CEFR (Council of Europe, 2009), with 15, 15, and 12 participants in each group,
respectively (see Oxford English Testing website for further information about how
scores are interpreted in terms of the CEFR levels). Although we did not use the
proficiency level categorization in our data analysis, we believe placing the participants
into the corresponding CEFR levels of proficiency is helpful when discussing the results.
In the narrative tasks, the participants produced speech samples of varying length (see
Appendix 3); however, 60 seconds was used as the cutoff point for data analysis. To have
comparable measures of analysis, analyses of shorter samples were corrected for time to a
60-seconds level. Following Foster et al. (2000), the data were transcribed and coded for
AS-units and clause boundaries. Instances of repair fluency (i.e., repetitions, replacements,
false starts, and reformulations) were marked with a set of conventional symbols. Our
choice of repair measures follows previous research (Hunter, 2017; Kormos, 1998; Skehan,
2003, 2009, 2015) that suggests repetitions, replacements, false starts, and reformulations
are examples of repair strategies that L2 learners use. Whether these repairs occur because
of the conceptualization demands (e.g., amount of information) or formulation demands
(e.g., lexical retrieval or syntactic encoding), they suggest that speakers are engaged in a
repair process. Also, unpruned data were used in the analysis; that is to say, the syllables in
repetitions, replacements, reformulations, and false starts were included in the analysis.
Following Thai and Boers (2016), we used the Syllable Count program (www.
syllablecount.com) for English transcripts to calculate the syllable counts. We used a
similar program, Hece Hesaplama (www.hesapla.online.com), to calculate the syllable
counts in the Turkish transcripts. To ensure the reliability of these programs, 10% of these
calculations for both languages were double checked by manual counts, and an interrater
of 0.98 (Cohen’s Kappa) was achieved. To ensure the interreliability for the data coding,
20% of the coded data were checked by a second bilingual (Turkish-English). Again,
Cohen’s Kappa statistics was performed to determine the consistency on the placement of
clause boundaries, pauses, and repair fluency instances and types (i.e., repetitions,
replacements, reformulations, and false starts), combining all of the second-coded data.
For each of these, a reliability of above 0.95 was achieved.
The audio files were analyzed for silent pauses and the length of all pauses
using PRAAT software, which allowed for accurate measurement and multiple revisions.
The data were segmented using the Annonate to TextGrid (silences) command
(Boersma & Weenink, 2010). A threshold of 250ms was chosen for all the pauses
(de Jong et al., 2015).
To capture an accurate and complete picture of fluency, it was necessary to use
measures that were shown to represent each aspect of utterance fluency reliably. Follow-
ing recent research in this area, we chose the following seven measures. For breakdown
fluency, frequency of pauses, both filled and silent, at mid-clause and end-clause positions
were chosen (Bosker et al., 2013; Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2017). Fluency research
(de Jong et al., 2015; Hunter, 2017; Tavakoli et al., 2017) emphasizes that to understand
speakers’ breakdown behavior, it is necessary to examine pause character (filled or
unfilled) and location (mid-clause and end clause). Speech rate was selected to represent
composite (speed and pausing aspects combined) fluency as it has been reported to be one
of the most sensitive aspects of utterance fluency to demonstrate change in fluency
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TABLE 3. Utterance fluency measures and calculations (adopted from Kormos, 2006,
p. 163)
Breakdown fluency measures (pauses above 0.25 sec)

Number of mid-clause filled pauses (MCFP)/min The total number of filled pauses within the clauses
divided by the total speaking time
Number of end-clause filled pauses (ECFP)/min The total number of filled pauses between the clauses
divided by the total speaking time
Number of mid-clause silent pauses (MCSP) min The total number of silent pauses within the clauses
divided by the total speaking time
Number of end-clause silent pauses (ECSP)/min The total number of silent pauses between the clauses
divided by the total speaking time
Repair fluency measures
Number of repair The total number of repetitions, replacements,
reformulations, and false starts.
Speed fluency measures
Articulation rate Number of syllables divided by total speaking time in
seconds (excluding pause time) / number of
syllables per minute
Composite measures

Speech rate Number of syllables produced divided by total

speaking time in seconds (including pause time)/
number of syllables per minute.

behavior (Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2017; Mora & Valls-Ferrer, 2012; Tavakoli, 2018;
Tavakoli et al., 2017). Articulation rate was also included in our measures as it is the only
pure measure of speed that excludes pauses to provide a measure of how fast someone
speaks regardless of their pausing behavior. Total number of repairs, that is, total number
of repetitions, replacements, false starts, and reformulations, has also been suggested as a
valid measure to demonstrate L2 speakers’ repair behavior and monitoring processes
(Hunter, 2017; Kahng, 2014; Skehan, 2009). Table 3 demonstrates the utterance fluency
measures used in this study.


Before answering the research questions, the descriptive statistics provided in Table 4 for
means and standard deviations are discussed for the different fluency measures across the
two languages. As shown in Table 4, the figures in Turkish as L1 and English as L2 were
very similar for number of end-clause filled pauses. For a number of other fluency
measures, the figures seemed different in the two languages. These included measures
of breakdown and repair fluency, and speed and composite measures.
To see whether these differences are statistically significant, paired samples t-tests
were run (Table 4). Bonferroni-corrected p values were also considered to minimize
Type I errors. To estimate the magnitude of the differences, effect sizes (Cohen, 1988)
were calculated, and the results were interpreted using the field-specific benchmarks
suggested by Plonsky and Oswald (2014), that is, for within group comparisons and
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Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 683

TABLE 4. Descriptive statistics and t-test results for L1 and L2 fluency measures
(N = 42)
Fluency measures Mean Std. deviation t Sig. (2-tailed) CI (95% for Mean) Cohen’s d

Breakdown measures
Lower Bound 1.54
Tur number of MCFP 2.67 3.61
Upper Bound 3.80
–5.79 .001 0.80
Lower Bound 4.47
Eng number of MCFP 5.75 4.07
Upper Bound 7.02
Lower Bound 2.52
Tur number of ECFP 3.68 3.71
Upper Bound 4.83
.72 .471 0.13
Lower Bound 2.39
Eng number of ECFP 3.24 2.71
Upper Bound 4.09
Lower Bound 7.58
Tur number of MCSP 9.24 5.31
Upper Bound 10.90
–10.93 .001 1.92
Lower Bound 17.85
Eng number of MCSP 19.51 5.34
Upper Bound 21.18
Lower Bound 13.87
Tur number of ECSP 15.34 4.71
Upper Bound 16.81
6.35 .001 1.42
Lower Bound 8.91
Eng number of ECSP 9.80 2.84
Upper Bound 10.69
Repair measures
Lower Bound 2.05
Tur number of repair 2.82 2.46
Upper Bound 3.59
–2.07 .044 0.34
Lower Bound 2.81
Eng number of repair 3.77 3.07
Upper Bound 4.73
Speed measures
Lower Bound 359.97
Tur articulation rate 378.52 59.51
Upper Bound 397.07
16.66 .001 3.50
Lower Bound 178.52
Eng articulation rate 192.69 45.46
Upper Bound 206.86
Composite measures
Lower Bound 207.49
Tur speech rate 224.16 53.48
Upper Bound 240.82
17.23 .001 3.29
Lower Bound 69.59
Eng speech rate 79.42 31.72
Upper Bound 89.31

Note. SD: Standard Deviation; L1: first language; L2: second/foreign language; MCFP: mid-clause filled
pauses; MCSP: mid-clause silent pauses; ECFP: end-clause filled pauses; ECSP: end-clause silent pauses.

correlations, small (d = .60; r = .25), medium (d = 1.00; r = .40), and large (d = 1.40; r =
.60). The results showed a statistically significant increase, with medium to large affect
sizes, from Turkish to English in the number of mid-clause filled pauses (t = –5.79, p <
.001, d = .80) and number of mid-clause silent pauses (t = –10.93, p < .001, d = 1.92)
while a statistically significant decrease, with large effect sizes, from Turkish to English
was observed in number of end-clause silent pauses (t = 6.35, p < .001, d = 1 .42),
articulation rate (t = 16.66, p < .001, d = 3.50), and speech rate (t = 17.23, p < .001, d =
3.29). The lower articulation and speech rates and more frequent mid-clause pauses
(both silent and filled) imply that overall the speakers were more fluent in their L1. The
effect sizes further indicate that the differences in fluency measures between Turkish and
English are important.

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684 Zeynep Duran Karaoz and Parvaneh Tavakoli

TABLE 5. Correlations between L1 and L2 fluency measures for all groups (N = 42)
Fluency measures r p

Breakdown fluency measures

Number of MCFP .60* .001
Number of ECFP .30* .048
Number of MCSP .34* .024
Number of ECSP –.05 .727
Repair fluency measures
Number of repair .44** .003
Speed fluency measures
Articulation rate .07 .653
Composite measures
Speech rate .26 .088

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

We also ran a number of t-tests to examine any possible effects of the two different
narratives on the speakers’ performance (Table S1, see the supplementary information
online). The results showed no statistically significant differences between fluency of
performances in the two tasks.
Research question 1 examined whether there was a relationship between L1 fluency
and L2 fluency behavior. To address this question, Pearson product-moment correlations
were run between L1 and L2 fluency measures for the four aspects of fluency
(i.e., breakdown, repair, speed, and composite) separately. Preliminary analyses were
performed to ensure that there were no violations of the assumptions of normality,
linearity, and homoscedasticity. As can be seen in Table 5, the results demonstrate
moderate to strong positive correlations for some breakdown measures. Regarding
breakdown fluency, there was weak (under r = .4) to moderate (under r = .7) (see Plonsky
& Oswald, 2014) positive correlations between the two languages for number of
mid-clause filled pauses (r = .60, p = .001), number of end-clause filled pauses
(r = .30, p = .048), number of mid-clause silent pauses (r = .34, p = .024), and for number
of repair (r = .45, p = .003). No significant correlations were found for speed and
composite measures (Figure S1, see the supplementary information online).
To examine the extent to which the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency was
moderated by L2 proficiency level (represented by the mean score of EIT and OPT
scores), partial correlations were carried out separately for this variable as the controlling
factor. Once again, it was ensured that the assumptions of normality, linearity, and
homoscedasticity were not violated. Weak to moderate correlations were maintained
for all the significant results. An inspection of zero order correlations (Table 6) suggested
that controlling for language proficiency had little impact on the strength of relationship
between the measures; number of mid-clause filled pauses (r = .60, p < .001), number
of end-clause filled pauses (r = .32, p < .040), number of mid-clause silent pauses (r = .36,
p < .020), and number of repair (r = .46, p < .001) achieved a statistically significant
level, with zero order correlations of r = .60, p < .001; r = .30, p < .048; r = .34, p < .024;
and r = .45, p < .003, respectively.

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Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 685

TABLE 6. Partial correlations for significant results, controlling for language

proficiency level
Fluency measures r p Zero order (Pearson) correlation

Number of MCFP .60 .001 .60, p < .001

Number of ECFP .32 .040 .30, p < .048
Number of MCSP .36 .020 .34, p < .024
Number of repair .46 .001 .44, p < .003

Research question 2 examined the extent to which measures of L2 fluency can be

predicted from measures of L1 fluency and language proficiency. To address this
question, multiple regressions were run for all fluency measures (variables entered
simultaneously) with English fluency measure as the dependent variable, and Turkish
fluency measure and language proficiency measured by the OPT and the EIT scores as
independent variables. Inspections of the SPSS output, for example, normal distribution
of residuals, independence of observations, multicollinearity among the independent
variables, and linearity between the dependent and independent variables suggested that
all assumptions of regression analysis were met. The results from the multiple regressions
are presented in Table 7.
As indicated in Table 7, the results imply that for a number of measures, models
predicting L2 fluency from L1 fluency and language proficiency reached a statistically
significant level. As for breakdown fluency, the significant models were number of
mid-clause filled pauses, F (3,38) = 9.10, p < .001, and number of mid-clause silent
pauses F (3,38) = 4.11, p < .01, explaining 41% and 24% of the variance in the
participants’ performance, respectively (adjusted R2 = .37 and .18, respectively). While
the models for number of end-clause silent pauses, F (3,38) = .75, p < .525, and
articulation rate, F (3,38) = 1.17, p < .371, did not reach a statistically significant level,
the model for number of end-clause filled pauses F (3,38) = 2.63, p < .06 missed reaching
a significant level, although 17% of the variance in the number of end-clause filled pauses
was explained by this model (adjusted R2 = .10). For number of mid-clause filled pauses,
Turkish fluency measure significantly contributed to the model (p < .001) while language
proficiency did not. For number of mid-clause silent pauses, all measures (i.e., L1
measure, OPT and EIT scores) significantly contributed to the model (p < .012, p < .03
and p < .049, respectively).
Other models reaching a significant level was number of repair, F (3,38) = 5.88, p < .002
and speech rate, F (3,38) = 11.70, p < .001. For the model of number of repair, while
Turkish number of repair (p < .007) and EIT scores (p < .02) made a significant contribution
to the model, OPT scores did not. The variance explained by this measure was 31 %
(adjusted R2 = .26). Interestingly, for the model of speech rate, the contribution made by
OPT scores was nonsignificant, while the EIT scores and L1 fluency measure made a
significant contribution to the model (p < .001 and p < .036, respectively). The amount of
variance explained by speech rate was 48% (adjusted R2 = .43), suggesting that L2 speech
rate can be predicted from language proficiency assessed by the EIT scores and Turkish
speech rate. To interpret the strength of the adjusted R2 values, we followed Plonsky and
Ghanbar’s (2018) recent proposal in which values of up to .20 are considered small and
those above .50 are regarded as large.
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TABLE 7. Multiple regressions models predicting L2 fluency from L1 fluency, OPT score, and EIT score

686 Zeynep Duran Karaoz and Parvaneh Tavakoli

Effect size
Measures Test Statistics B SE β F p R Square Adjusted R2 (Cohen’s f2)

Breakdown fluency measures

Number of MCFP Intercept .690 2.42 F (3, 38) = 9.10 .001 .41 .37 .69
L1 measure .606 .146 .538 .001
OPT score .072 .043 .253 .100
EIT score –.035 .023 –.225 .138
Number of ECFP Intercept 5.75 1.92 F (3, 38) = 2.63 .064 .17 .10 .20
L1 measure .262 .115 .359 .028
OPT score –.053 .035 –.277 .136
EIT score –.001 .018 –.014 .938
Number of MCSP Intercept 9.06 4.33 F (3,38) = 4.11 .013 .24 .18 .31
L1 measure .391 .149 .389 .012
OPT score .143 .063 .382 .03
EIT score –.068 .033 –.336 .049
Number of ECSP Intercept 9.52 2.33 F(3,38) = .758 .525 .05 –.01 .05
L1 measure –.021 .100 –.035 .836
OPT score –.005 .039 –.027 .889
EIT score .026 .020 .245 .202
Repair fluency measures
Number of repair Intercept –.411 1.99 F(3,38) = 5.88 .002 .31 .26 .44
L1 measure .522 .182 .419 .007
OPT score .066 .036 .308 .070
EIT score –.044 .018 –.380 .020
Speed fluency measures
Articulation rate Intercept 136.78 58.50 F(3,38) = 1.07 .371 .07 .00 .07
L1 measure .100 .122 .131 .416
OPT score .012 .581 .004 .983
EIT score .472 .318 .275 .147
Composite measures
Speech rate Intercept –.859 22.07 F (3, 38) = 11.70 .001 .48 .43 .92
L1 measure .153 .070 .258 .036
OPT score .340 .309 .153 .277
EIT score .655 .164 .547 .001
Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 687


The prime aim of the current study was to investigate whether L1 and L2 fluency
behaviors were related, and whether this relationship was mediated by proficiency level.
The study also aimed to examine to what extent L1 fluency behavior and language
proficiency predicted L2 fluency in a group of Turkish learners of English. Our descriptive
statistics highlighted a number of similarities and differences between L1 and L2 fluency
behavior. It was interesting to see that the participants produced similar amount of
end-clause filled pauses in the two languages, while they showed large differences in
their pausing behavior for number of mid-clause pauses (both filled and silent) and
end-clause silent pauses. This is similar to previous research in this area (Skehan,
2014; Tavakoli, 2011) in that L2 speakers make more frequent mid-clause and fewer
end-clause pauses. We believe providing descriptive statistics about fluency measures in
different languages would offer a baseline for cross-linguistic analysis of fluency in future
studies. As anticipated, the results of the t-tests showed that the participants were overall
more fluent in their L1. The higher figures for repair measure in English and a much higher
speed in Turkish are examples of their higher fluency levels in L1.
The results also indicated that overall L2 speed measure was lower than those reported
in previous studies (e.g., Mora & Valls-Ferrer, 2012; Tavakoli et al., 2016). The lower L2
speed measure in our study may be explained by the fact that several of our participants
were from an A2 proficiency level, and none of them had either studied or lived abroad in
an English-speaking community, whereas in both Tavakoli et al. (2016) and Mora and
Valls-Ferrer (2012), the participants were on study-abroad courses and had higher
proficiency levels.
The results of the correlation analyses suggested that some of the breakdown measures
and total number of repairs were positively correlated in L1 and L2, although the strength
of associations varied. The results showed significant positive correlations for three
breakdown measures, that is, number of mid-clause filled pauses (r = .60), number of
end-clause filled pauses (r = .31), and number of mid-clause silent pauses (r = .35),
suggesting that the L2 speakers’ frequency of pausing was to some extent a function of
their L1 pausing behavior. These correlations replicate the findings of Peltonen (2018) in
which moderate to high correlations of (r = .66) and (r = .41) were reported for mid-clause
silent pauses and mid-clause filled pauses. Interestingly, the highest correlation found in
our results is for mid-clause filled pauses (r = .60), indicating a high degree of association
between L1 and L2 pausing behavior. Previous research has suggested that mid-clause
pausing is a key characteristic of L2 speech production, especially when the production
process is not yet automatic (Kormos, 2006; Segalowitz, 2010; Tavakoli, 2011; Tavakoli
& Skehan, 2005). The high correlation obtained for mid-clause filled pauses, however,
suggests that L2 pausing behavior in the current study is also to some extent a function of
one’s personal style carried over from L1 behavior. Overall, these findings corroborate the
findings of previous research (de Jong et al., 2015; Peltonen, 2018) regarding the
correlations between breakdown measures in L1 and L2.
The results also indicated a positive correlation for total number of repairs (r = .45) in
the two languages, confirming the hypothesis that L2 repair behavior might be related to
L1 repair behavior. This finding is in contrast with that of Peltonen (2018) where weak
correlations between L1 and L2 repetitions were found. The different results might have

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688 Zeynep Duran Karaoz and Parvaneh Tavakoli

been caused by the way repair fluency is operationalized in the two studies. While
Peltonen (2018) measured repair in terms of repetitions, in our study we examined a
range of repair measures that the SLA literature suggests as reliable representatives of
repair processes. Examining a wider range of repair measures, we argue, has given us a
rich opportunity to investigate the L1 and L2 repair behaviors and to explore the possible
relationship between them.
With regard to L2 speakers’ use of repairs across different proficiency levels, some
emerging research evidence (Tavakoli et al., 2017) suggests that use of repairs is not
related to proficiency level, implying that a kind of personal style might be at work. This
finding is particularly important as repair is often perceived as an indicator of dysfluency
in second language pedagogy, for example, language benchmarks such as CEFR and
language testing scales such as IELTS. L2 teachers regularly associate repair with
monitoring processes involved in L2 production, and often link it to the development
of the learner’s interlanguage system. The results presented here suggest that while
repair measures represent the speaker’s process of repairing an utterance, for example,
correcting an L2 error or reformulating an L2 structure and concept, it can to some extent
demonstrate the speaker’s personal speaking style. This is an important point to be
included in L2 teacher training programs as previous research (Tavakoli & Hunter,
2018) has highlighted the crucial role that teachers’ understanding of the relationship
between L1 and L2 fluency plays in their classroom practice and their ability to help
their learners.
As for speech rate and articulation rate, however, the results did not show any
significant correlations between L1 and L2 fluency behavior. This is in contrast to de
Jong et al. (2015), Derwing et al. (2009), and Huensch and Tracy-Ventura (2016) who did
report correlations for speed measures. We interpret these contradictory results in the light
of the differences between our participants and those in the other studies. Our study
included 15 participants at A2 (CEFR) level of proficiency. As discussed earlier, learners
at lower proficiency levels often speak at a slower speed with more mid-clause pauses,
hesitations, and interruptions. This means their speech rate and articulation rate are
typically slower than those in their L1; the different L2 speaking patterns in the A2 level
participants may have made it difficult to obtain a significant correlation between the two
speed patterns. It is also important to note that our participants had never lived/studied
abroad or used English for professional purposes in their everyday life. Arguably, they
had fewer opportunities for developing fluent speaking skills compared to those in de Jong
et al. (2015), Derwing et al. (2009), and Huensch and Tracy-Ventura (2016) who had
lived/studied abroad.
When controlled for proficiency level, the significant results of the partial correlations
suggested that the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency was maintained across
different proficiency levels and indicated that the relationship between fluency behavior
in the two languages was not mediated by proficiency. This suggests that the relationship
between L1 and L2 fluency behavior persists regardless of how proficient the speakers are,
highlighting the fact that the L2 speaker’s fluency behavior is, at least to some extent,
related to their L1 fluency behavior.
Our second aim was to investigate whether L2 fluency behavior can be predicted from
L1 fluency behavior and language proficiency. The results of multiple regression analyses
indicated that four models predicted L2 fluency, with L1 fluency making a significant
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Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 689

contribution to all of them, OPT to one and EIT to three. When interpreting the findings,
we have followed Plonsky and Ghanbar’s (2018) proposal in which R2 values in the realm
of .20 (or below) and .50 (and above) are considered as small and large, respectively. The
models predicting L2 fluency were mid-clause filled and mid-clause silent pauses, total
number of repairs and speech rate. Two of the significant models where L1 fluency
predicted L2 fluency behavior were number of mid-clause filled pauses and number of
mid-clause silent pauses (R2 values of 41% and 24%, respectively, which are
regarded medium and small) with L1 making a significant contribution to both (p <
.001 and p < .01). These findings are in line with Huensch and Tracy-Ventura’s (2016)
results where frequency of L1 pauses predicted L2 fluency behavior. However, a key
difference between the two studies is that instead of measuring pauses at clause boundary,
which is recommended in the literature, Huensch and Tracy-Ventura (2016) examined
pauses at AS-unit boundary. The literature on fluency studies (Peltonen, 2018; Skehan,
2009, 2014) considers this a limitation, which has been addressed in the current study as
we distinguished between mid- and end-clause pauses. The more detailed analysis of
pause location provides a more useful insight into the differences between L1 and L2
pausing behavior and seems to be crucial for an in-depth understanding of the differences
between L1 and L2 processing.
The highest significant level achieved was for speech rate (R2 = 48%) in which the EIT
scores made a significant contribution to the model (p < .001), whereas L1 measure made
a significant but modest contribution (p < .04). This finding is interesting as it suggests that
the L2 speech rate can be predicted by a measure of procedural knowledge. It is necessary
to note that articulation rate, which is a pure measure of speed, failed to show a significant
model, suggesting speed of performance in L1 cannot predict L2 speed. This finding
highlights the importance of including both pure and composite measures of speed when
analyzing fluency. For total number of repairs, both L1 behavior and the EIT scores made
significant contributions to the model (p < .007 and p < .02, respectively). The adjusted R2
figure of 26% in this model implies that L2 repair can also be predicted from L1 repair and
L2 procedural knowledge. It is worth noting that the R2 figures obtained for our significant
models ranged between small level of .18 to a medium level of .48 (Plonsky & Ghanbar,
2018) indicating the models were able to explain up to 48% of the variance in learners’
The results also revealed that in a number of models, language proficiency predicted L2
fluency behavior. Our interest in examining the role of language proficiency was
motivated by previous research (de Jong, 2016; de Jong et al., 2015; Huensch
&Tracy-Ventura, 2016) that questioned whether language proficiency mediated the
relationship between L1 and L2 fluency behavior. We were also inspired by research
(e.g., de Jong et al., 2012; Révész et al., 2016) that claimed some L2 fluency measures
were reliable predictors of proficiency. For speech rate, the model reached significance
with the EIT scores making a significant contribution to the model (R2 figure of 48% and
p < .001).
The results indicated that the EIT scores were a good predictor of a number of L2
fluency measures, that is, speech rate, number of repairs, and mid-clause silent pauses.
This finding highlights the role of procedural knowledge in producing fast and
uninterrupted speech. The OPT scores, however, predicted mid-clause silent pauses
suggesting that L2 declarative knowledge may encourage silent pauses in mid-clause
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690 Zeynep Duran Karaoz and Parvaneh Tavakoli

position. That is to say, mid-clause silent pauses are opportunities the speakers employ to
use their declarative knowledge of the language during the production process. Research
in this area (Kahng, 2014; Skehan, 2014; Skehan et al., 2016) reports that mid-clause
pausing is linked to the Formulation (Levelt, 1989) stage of speech processing. Taking the
two points together, it is plausible to argue that L2 learners who rely on their declarative
knowledge are expected to have more mid-clause pausing. Given the relatively small
sample size of the study, however, we suggest the results are considered with caution.


Our study has been the first to examine the role of proficiency level in L1 and L2 fluency
behavior systematically across three proficiency levels. In addition, it is one of the first
studies to examine proficiency level through more than one means. For these reasons,
our findings will make a valuable contribution to helping develop a more reliable
understanding of the relationship between L1 and L2 fluency behavior. Overall, our
results are in line with recent research in oral fluency (Huensch & Tracy-Ventura, 2016;
Peltonen, 2018), and reveal that L1 and L2 fluency behaviors are related for breakdown
and repair measures, and that the relationship persists across different proficiency levels.
Unlike Peltonen (2018), our results suggest that L2 pure speed measure cannot be
predicted from L1 speed. We interpret this difference in relation to how the participants’
proficiency was assessed as the current study adopted a more systematic approach to
measuring proficiency.
The results also reveal that the pausing and breakdown aspects of L2 fluency can, to
some extent, be predicted from L1 fluency behavior. The significant models for speech
rate, number of mid-clause filled and silent pauses and total number of repairs suggest
that a considerable amount of the variance in L2 fluency behavior can be explained by
L1 fluency. It may be inferred from the results that pure speed measure, that is,
articulation rate, is independent in the two languages. The results also indicate that
L2 procedural knowledge predicts speech rate, whereas the participants’ declarative
knowledge contributes to the models predicting mid-clause silent pausing. The results
of the study have significant implications for the field of language testing, particularly
for developing speaking rating scales. Rating scales for the assessment of speaking in
many international language tests, for example, the British Council’s IELTS and
APTIS, frequently refer to features such as pauses and reformulations as indicators of
disfluency. The results of the current study suggest that frequent use of such features
may represent, at least to some extent, the speaker’s L1 behavior rather than their L2
An important methodological contribution of this study concerns the assessment of
proficiency level as well as the impact that the choice of test might have on the results.
We used two measures of proficiency to tap into different underlying constructs of L2
speaking proficiency, that is, L2 declarative and procedural knowledge. This allowed
us to see which aspects of fluency are linked to declarative and which to procedural
types of linguistic knowledge. The findings clearly suggest that a more complete profile
of the learner proficiency can help shed light on the role of proficiency in fluency

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Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 691

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least to some extent, tap into procedural knowledge as well. For research purposes in our field, however, a
grammar test is usually used as a measure of declarative knowledge (references).
Given that we do not distinguish between implicit knowledge and speeded-up explicit knowledge in this
study, the use of EIT seems well justified for measuring procedural knowledge of both kinds.
Using two different tasks was aimed at increasing test security.

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Oral narrative tasks (Henry comics by Don Trachte, adapted from Holtz, 2012)

Task A. The boy going ice-skating

Task B. The boy looking for his car

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Predicting L2 Fluency from L1 Fluency Behavior 695

APPENDIX 2. Descriptive statistics for OPT and EIT scores (N = 42)

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation CI (95% for Mean)

Lower Bound 28.12

EIT scores 9.0 105.0 36.38 26.51
Upper Bound 44.64
Lower Bound 60.49
OPT scores 37.0 88.0 64.93 14.25
Upper Bound 69.38

APPENDIX 3. Descriptive statistics for the length of speech samples* produced in L1

and L2 (N = 42)
Mean Std. Deviation CI (95% for Mean)

Lower Bound 32.39

Turkish 36.47 13.09
Upper Bound 40.55
Lower Bound 46.74
English 50.45 11.88
Upper Bound 54.15

*The lengths of speech samples that were used for data analysis.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263119000755 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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