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Numerical methods and


Teacher: dr inż. Robert Szmurło

Pass regulations

Written test – 40 points – 15th week
– 3-4 questions:

3-4 hand calculations presenting knowledge of particular numerical methods
– only classical calculator is allowed
– only special “tables-sheets with equations” are allowed (published in ISOD), NO
course notes, books can be used during the exam

Project - 20 points
– 2 milestones (5 points – 12th meeting) + (5 points - presentation + 10 points – report -
15th meeting)

Laboratory exercises– 40 points
– 8 exercises analyzing the methods in engineering (each for 5 points)

Matlab introduction - Technical example (2 meetings)

Interpolation (Lagrange, Newton, Spline) (2 meetings)

Approximation (polynomial interpolation, arbitrary base least squares approximation) (2

Solving systems of linear equations (direct methods) (2 meetings)

Nonlinear equations (single equations and systems) (2 meetings)

Integration of functions (discrete and continuous) (2 meetings)

Ordinary differential equations 1 (1 meeting)

Ordinary differential equations 2 (1 meeting) 2/6
Course outline - Lecture

Interpolation (3h)
– Polynomial
– Trigonometric
– Cubic spline functions

Approximation (2h)
– Polynomial base
– Arbitrary base

Matrix linear algebra, solving systems of linear equations (4h)
– Matrix operations review, (0.5h)
– Elimination methods (1.5h)
– Factorization methods (2h)

Nonlinear equations (2h)

Calculating integrals and derivatives of functions (2h)

Ordinary differential equations (3h)

Reading (in english)

Cleve Moler: Numerical Computing with MATLAB, 2004 (Free book available
online at: http://www.mathworks.com/moler/chapters.html)

Singiresu S. Rao, Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists,
Addison-Wesley, 2001

Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers,
McGraw-Hill, 2010, ISBN 978–0–07–340106–5

– Stoer J., Bulirsch R.: Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Springer 2002,

– 3. Fausett L. V.: Numerical Methods: algorithms and applications, Prentice-Hall,
– D. Kincaid, W. Cheney, "Numerical analysis", Cole Publishing

Reading (in polish)

T. Markiewicz, R. Szmurło, S. Wincenciak, Metody numeryczne. Wykłady na
Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Warszawskiej, Wydawnictwo: OWPW,

Guziak T.,Kamińska A., Pańczyk B., Sikora J.:Metody Numeryczne w
Elektrotechnice, Lublin 2002, Wydawnictwa Uczelniane.

J. Krupka, R. Z. Morawski, L. J. Opalski: Wstęp do metod numerycznych dla
studentów elektroniki i technik informacyjnych. Oficyna Wydawnicza PW,
Warszawa 1999

– E. Majchrzak, B. Mochnacki: Metody numeryczne. Podstawy teoretyczne, aspekty

praktyczne i algorytmy. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2004
– Bolkowski S., Stabrowski M., Skoczylas J., Sroka J., Sikora J., Wincenciak S.:
Komputerowe metody analizy pola elektromagnetycznego. WNT, Warszawa 1993
– 5. A. Kiełbasiński, H. Schweflick: Numeryczna algebra liniowa. WNT, Warszawa

Contact (office hours)

E-mail and current office hours can be found in ISOD

You are strongly encouraged to visit me during the office hours to ask

You can contact me by e-mail or MS Teams.


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