Unit 3 32,33,34,35

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IS 800 : 2007

SECTION 6 Where the deflection due to the DESIGN OF TENSION MEMBERS
combination of dead load and live load is likely to
be excessive, consideration should be given to 6.1 Tension Members
pre-camber the beams, trusses and girders. The Given: Length of both legs of angle 100 mm,
value of desired camber shall be specified in Thickness of angle =8mm, Diameter of bolt, d=
design drawing. Generally, for spans greater than 22 mm Pitch, p= 80 mm,fu=410 MPa,fy=250
25 m, a camber approximately equal to the MPa, Ym0=1.1,Ym1=1.25, Number of bolt, n = 3.
deflection due to dead loads plus half the live load To Find: Tension carrying capacity of angle.
may be used. The deflection of a member shall be 1. Diameter of bolt holes,dh, = 22 + 2 = 24 mm
calculated without considering the impact factor 2. IS hand book No. 1
or dynamic effect of the loads on deflection. Gross area of angle, A = 1539 mm²
Roofs, which are very flexible, shall be designed 3. Design strength due to gross section yielding.
to withstand any additional load that is likely to Tdg=Ag.Fy/Ym0 =1539x250/1.1*10^-3=349.8kN
occur as a result of ponding of water or Design strength due to net section rupture,
accumulation of snow or ice. T=0.9*Anc.Fu/Ym1)+Beta.AgoFy/Ym0
i. From Fig. 3.13.1, the length of end connection,
5.6.2 Vibration Lc= 2*80= 160 mm
Given: Width, b = 300 mm, Thickness, t = 12 mm, ii.b=w+w-t (Edge distance=40mm)
Diameter.d = 17.5 mm, Pitch, p, = 40 mm, Gauge, = 100+60-8= 152 mm
gi= 60 mm, dh = 17.5+2=19.5 mm iii.
To Find: Minimum net area of cross-section. B=1.4-0.076.(w/t).(fy/fu).(bs/Lc)<-(fu/fy)*(Ymo/
1.Net sectional area, An=(b-ndh+n’pi2/4gi)t Ym1)
2. From Fig. 3.3.1, along section 1-2-5-6. = 1.4-0.076.(100/8).(250/410).(152/160)<-
An=[300-2*19.5+0] x 12= 3132 mm² (410*1.1/250*1.25)
3. From Fig. 3.3.1, along section 1-2-3-4-5-6. (:.0.7<0.85≤ 1.44)
n=4, n' = 2 B = 0.85
An =(300-4*19.5+(2*402/4*60)*12=2824mm2t iv. Net area of connected legs, Anc = [(100-24-
4. From Fig. 3.2.1, along section 1-2-3-4-7, 8/2= 576 mm²
n = 3, n' = 1 v. Gross area of outstanding legs, A =(100-8/2)*8
An=(300-3*19.5*(1+402/4*60)*12=2978mm2 = 768 mm²
5.Hence minimum net area of cross section= 2824 Tdn=(0.9*576*410)/1.25+0.85*768*250)/1.1)
mm² x10^3 =318.4 kN
5. Check for Block Shear:
5.6.3 Durability Edge distance 40 mm ,i. From Fig. 3.13.1(b),
Given: Thickness of gusset plate = 16 mm, Avg= 8*(2*80+40)=1600 mm"
Diameter of bolt = 18 mm, Edge distance = 40 Avn= 8*(2*80+40-2.5*24)=1120 mm²
mm, Pitch of bolt = 75 mm To Find: Block shear Atg=8x40=320 mm2
strength of the gusset plate. Atn=8x(40-0.5x24)=224 mm²
Assume for grade of steel Fe 410: fy= 250 MPa, Tdb1=(1600*250/√3*1.10)+(0.9*410*224/1.25)
f u= 410 MPa *10^-3=276.07 kN
Block Shear Strength: Tdb2=(0.9*410*1120/√3*1.25)+(250*320/1.1)*
1. The design strength T of connection shall be 10^-3=263.613 kN
taken as smaller of vii. Block shear strength of angle,
Tdh1 = (Avg.fy/√3Ymo)+0.9Atn.Fu/Yml Tdb =263.613 kN
Tdh2=0.9Avn.Fu./(√3Ym1)+AtgFy/Ym0 Tension carrying capacity of angle = 263.613 kN
i. Avg=(40+75+75)*12*2 = 4560 mm²
ii. Avn= [(190-2.5x20)*12]*2 = 3360 mm² 6.3 Design Strength Due To Rupture of Critical
iii. A= 60 x 12=720 mm² Section
iv. A = (60-1.0 x 20) x 12=480 mm² 6.3.1 Plates
v. Tdb1=(4560*250)/√3x1.1)+(0.9*480*410/1.25) Given: Load=830 kN, Length of member = 3.2 m
= 740040.82 N = 740.041 kN To Find: Design tension member.
vi.Tdb2=(0.9*3360*410)/√3x1.25)+(720*250/1.1) Assume:fu=410MPa and fy=250 MPa, d=20 mm
=736.3Kn Hence block shear strength is 736.3 1. Factor id = 1.5 * 830 = 1245kN
and with edge distance = 30 mm
2.Required area=1.1x124 x1000/250=5478 mm² 19.Overall depth=230.8+2*30=290.8 mm=300
3. Select two channels ISLC 225 @ 240 N/m each 20. Length of plate= width of the member = 280
with the following properties: 21. Thickness of tie plate=1/50 *distance between
Gross area of section, A = 3053 mm², innermost connecting line of bolts
Width of flange, bf=90mm g=50 mm =1/50 x (280-2x 50)= 3.6 mm=/6 mm
Moment of inertia, Izz= 2547.9 x 10^4mm^4 22. Provided (300 x 280 x 6) mm tie plates.
Thickness of flange,tf,= 10.2 mm
Thickness of web,tw= 5.8mm Given: Width of plate = 225 mm, Thickness of
rzz= 91.4mm ,Cy =24.6 mm plate = 10 mm, Lap length = 100 mm, fu=410
4. Diameter of hole, d, 16+2 =18 mm MPa, fy= 250 MPa, Ym0= 1.1, Ym1 = 1.25 To
5. Gross area of bolt, Ag= 2*3053 = 6106mm^2 Find: Block shear strength,
6. Assuming staggered bolt, deduction of two 1. From Fig. 3.9.1,
holes will be made in the calculation of the net Avg=Avn=2x100x10=2000 mm²
area. 2. Atg=Atn=225x10=2250 mm²
Net area provided = Gross area-area of bolt holes - 3. Block shear strength will be minimum of Tdb1
(0.5 x web area) and Tdb2, and calculated
=6106-2x 18-0.5 (2x (225-2x 10.2) x 5.8] Tdb1=Avg*fy/√3Ym0)+(0.9Atnfu/Ym1)
= 4883.32mm^2<5478mm2 =2000x250/√3x1.1)+(0.9x2250x410/1.25)*10^3
7. As the net area provided by the two channels is =926.631 kN
less than the net area required, we have to provide 4.Tdb2=0.9*(Avn.fn/√3Ym1x1.1)+(Atg.fy/Ym0)
additional cover plate. =(0.9x2000x410/√3x1.25)+(2250x250/1.1)*10^-3
Required net area of cover plates=5478-4883.32 = = 852.23 kN
594.68 mm² 4.Hence, block shear strength of welded tension
8. Let us provide an additional plate of size 280x6 member is 852.23 kN.
mm with area 594.68mm² and arrange two
channels. 6.3.4 Other Section
9.ybar= 2*3053(112.5+6)+280x6x3)/ 2x3053+280 Given: Factor tensile load,Tu= 200 kN,Diameter
×6=93,578 mm of bolt,d=20 mm,fy=250 N/mm,fy=410 N/mm²,
10.Ixx= 2*2547.9*10^4+2*3053*(118.5- Design strength of bolt=45.3N, Ym1= 1.25
93.578)^2+280*(6^3)/12+280*6*(93.578-3)^2 To Find: Design an angle section. Obtain the net
= 68.54*10^6*mm^4 area A, required to carry the design load T, from
11.Iyy=2(209.5x10^4+3053x(280/2-24.6)^2)+6* the equation using the ultimate stress.
280^3/12 Tu=fu.(A/Ym1)
12. Total area, Therefore, net area,
A=2x 3053 +280+6=7786 mm² An=200*103*1.25/410=609.76 kN
13 Minimum radius of gyration, Increase the net area,(An) by 25% to obtain the
Rmin=√(68.54*10^6/7786)=93.82mm gross area.
14. Slenderness ratio, λ=l/rmin=3200/93.82 A= 1.25 x 609.76=762.2 mm2 …eq1
λ=34.1 <180 2. Obtain the gross area, A required to carry the
Hence is within allowable limit design load T, from the equation using the yield
15.Net area= 2x3053+280x6-2[18x10.2+18x6) stress.
-0.5(2x(225-2x10.2)x5.8] Tu=fy.(Ag/Ym0)
Net area 6016.12> 5478 mm² Therefore,Ag=(200*10^3*1.1/250)=880mm2 .eq2
16. Tensile strength of the member (assuming 3. From eq.(1) and eq.(2), we get
more than four bolt) Required gross area, Ag= 880 mm²
=0.8 x 6016.12*410/1.25)*10^-3=1578.63kN > Select an angle section ISA 70 x 70 x 8 mm with
1245 kN Hence the tensile strength of the member Ag=1058 min²(>880 mm²)
is as required. 4.The strength of 20 mm diameter bolts in single
17. The two channels should be tied effectively at shear = 45.3 kN
regular intervals with tie plates, so as to function Hence required number of bolts =200/45.3=4.415
as a single unit. Assume, edge distance and pitch of bolt are 30
18. Effective depth of tie plate = 280-2x mm and 60 mm respectively.
24.6=230.8 mm Assuming 16 mm diameter bolts
2.The design strength,Tdg of angle is limited to
IS 800 : 2007 the yielding of gross cross sectional area Adg is
given by,
5.The design strength Tdg of plate limited to the
yielding of gross cross sectional area, Ag is given Tdg= fy.Ag/gamma.m0
by,Tdg=fy.(Ag.Ym0) Tdg=250*2102/1.1=477727. N
=250x(1058*10^-3/1.1)=240.45 kN =477.73kn>450kn
6. The design strength, T of angle governed by 3. Sizing of Lug Angle:
rupture of net cross dn sectional area, A, is given i. Gross area of outstanding leg in single angle
by.Tdn=0.9.Fu.Anc/Ym1+(Beta.Agd.Fy/Ym0) =(95-10/2)x10=900 mm²
i.B=1.4-0.076(w/t)(fy/fu)≤(bs/lcf)<-(fuYm0/fyYm ii. Load carried by the outstanding leg of the
) single angle is proportional to its area in
ii.From Fig. 3.20.1, w=70 mm,t=8 mm, comparison with the total area. Hence load carried
iii.bs=(70+40-8)= 102 mm. by outstanding leg kN= 900/2102*450=192.6kn
iv.Lc=4x60=240 mm iii.Lug angle should be designed to take a load not
v.Diameter of bolt hole, d=20+2=22 mm less than 20% in excess of load carried by
outstanding leg. Hence, Load considered for lug
SECTION 7 angle, Tdn =1.2*192 =231.22 kN
DESIGN OF COMPRESSION MEMBERS iv. For preliminary sizing of lug angle use the
7.1 Design Strength relation.
7.1.1 Anc=(70-8/2-22)*8=352mm2 Tdn=alpha.An.Fu/Ym1
Agd=(70-8/2)*8=58mm2 where, Tdn =231 kN,alpha= 0.8 for welds, fu=
B=1.4-0.076(70/8).(250/410).(102/240)<- 410MPa and gammamm1=1.25
(410*1.1/250*1.25)=1.23<-1.44 231.22*10^3=0.8*(An*410)/1.25
B=1.23,(:.0.7<-B<-1.44 Required net area An= 881.1 mm²
Tdn=0.9*410*352/1.25)+(1.23*528*250/1.1) v. The gross area is arrived by increasing the net
Tdn=251510.4N=251.51KN area by 25 %.Required gross area Ag= 1.25*
7. The design strength, T of connection shall be 881.17=1101.5mm^2
taken as smaller of, do Therefore, provide ISA 75 x 75 x 8 as lug angle.
Tdb1=Avg.Fy/√3Ym0)+(0.9.Atn.Fu/Ym1) Hence, actual gross area, Ag= 1138 mm
Tdb2=(0.9.Avn.Fy/√3Ym1)+(Atg.fy/Ym0) 4. Design of Connection:
i.Assuming, an end distance of 40 mm, i Let us assume the size of weldS=8 mm (> 3 mm)
ii.From Fig. 3.20.1(6), Avg=(40+60 x 4)8 ii. Effective throat thickness of the weldtt= KS =
=2240mm² 0.7*8 =5.6mm
iii.Avn=(40+ 60 x 4-4.5 x 22) 8=1448 mm² iii.The design strength of the weld,
iv.Atg=30x8=240 mm² Pdw =Lw1.tt*(fu/√3*gammamv)
v.Atn=30-(22/2)x8=152 mm² (:.Ymv=1.25)
vi.Therefore,Tdb1=(2240*250/ 450*10^3=Lw1*5.6*410/(√3*1.25)
√3*1.1)+(0.9*152*410/1.25)x10^-3=338.79KN Length of weld for main angle Lw1=424.34
vii.Tdb=(0.9x1448x410/ approx 430mn .
√3*1.25)+(240x250/1.1)x10^-3=301.33 kN 5. Design the Lug Angle:
8.The tensile capacity of member ISA70x70x8 Pdw=Lw2*tt*(fu/√3*Ymw)
with 5 bolts of 20 mm diameter is the least of 231.22*10^ 3=Lw2*(5.6*410/√3*1.25)
Tdg,Tdn and Tdb Therefore, Length of weld for lug angle, L=218.034=220
(T=Tg=240.45 kN>200 kN mm.
6.Welding is provided along the connected legs of
Given: Angle section - ISA 125x95x10 both angle as shown in
mm,Fy=250N/mm2,Ymo=1.1, Factored tensile
force = 450 kN
To Find: Design the section with lug angle
1.Gross Ag = 2102mm^2
Here, the 125 mm side is connected to the gusset
plate and 95 mm side is the outstanding leg.

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