11 Lecture 11 - Beam - Design - Examples
11 Lecture 11 - Beam - Design - Examples
11 Lecture 11 - Beam - Design - Examples
lower of
Step 1: Grades of steel and concrete
D = 550 + 50 = 600mm
i) Maximum BM Mu
Mu = wu Leff 2/ 8
= 17.25 x 64/8 = 138 kNm
At Centre of Support
Vu = 17.25 x8/ 2 = 69 kN
iii) Design Shear Strength of Concrete ( c) Table 19
= 0.33
Sv = 100.5/0.33 = 304 mm
v) Check for Spacing
i) Basic Value = 20
ii) Modification Factor (kt) from Fig 4
> Min(16,25) = 25 mm
4 - # 16 (th)
2L - #8 @ 300 (th)
2 - #10
2L - #8@300
4 - #16
Section A - A
Example 2
Design a simply supported beam of effective span
8 m subjected to imposed loads of 35 kN/m. The
beam dimensions and other data are: b = 300 mm,
D = 700 mm, M 20 concrete, Fe 415 steel.
Step 1: Grades of steel and concrete
Leff = 8000 mm
b = 300mm ; D = 700
Assume two rows of reinforcement and Max Dia=#25
effective cover = 25+8+25+12.5 = 70.5 mm = 70mm
Adopt d =630 mm
Step 4: Factored Loads wu
i) Maximum BM Mu
Mu = wu Leff 2 / 8
= 60.4 x 64 / 8 = 483.2 kNm
= 1809.14 mm2
Mu2 = Mu – Mu,lim
Assume d’ = 50 mm
=777.64 mm2
Ast2 = Asc(fsc-fcc)/0.87fy
=777.64 (351.8 – 8.92)/0.87x415
= 738.5 mm2
Asc,max , CL
2 2
v) Rebar Details
At Centre of Support
At Face of Support
v > c
iv) Maximum Shear Stress (c,max) Table 20
2.8 N/mm2
v c and < c,max Provide Shear Reinforcement
v) Minimum Shear Reinforcement Asv CL
L1 L1/131.16 = 4/241.6
4 L1=4 x 131.16 / 241.6 =2.17 m
Sv = 100/0.33 = 303 mm
Provide 2L - #8 @ 200 mm c/c for a distance of 2.25 m
from both ends.
In the remaining zone provide 2L - #8 @ 300 mm c/c
Step 7: Limit State of Serviceability – L/d
i) Basic Value = 20
ii) Modification Factor (kt) from Fig 4
> Min(25,25) = 25 mm
2 - # 20 (th)
A 4 - # 25 (th)
2L - #8 @ 300
2L - #8 @ 200
4 - #16
2L - #8@300
2 - #20
4 - #25
Section A - A
Example 3 : Design of Flanged Beams
Design simply supported beam supporting a slab of
100 mm thick, Spacing of the beams = 4,000 mm
c/c, effective span = 10 m and imposed loads on
slab = 4 kN/m2. Use M 25 and Fe 500
100 mm thick
Beam C/L
LL = 4 kN/m 2
4M 4M 10M
Step 1: Grades of steel and concrete
D = 650+ 50 = 700 mm
Df = 100
D = 700
dw = 600
b w = 300
ii) Effective width of the flange CL 23.1.2 (a)
bf = lo/6 + bw + 6 Df
Beam C/L
Slab Load
6.5 kN/m2
4M 4M 10M
2M 2M
ii) Load Transferred to Beam from Slab
i) Maximum BM Mu
Mu = wu Leff 2/ 8
= 45.75 x 100 / 8 = 571.9 kNm
ii) Df / d = 100/ 650 = 0.154 < 0.2
Mu = C x Lever arm
= 0.36 fck Xu bf ( d - 0.42 Xu)
= 2075 mm2
vi) Check for Ast,min and Ast,max
Ast,min CL (a) ; b=bw
At Centre of Support
At Face of Support
v > c
iv) Maximum Shear Stress (c,max) Table 20
3.1 N/mm2
v c and < c,max Provide Shear Reinforcement
v) Minimum Shear Reinforcement Asv CL
i) Basic Value = 20
ii) Modification Factor (kt) from Fig 4
> Min(25,25) = 25 mm
2500 mm
Step 1 : Trail section
Assume L/d = 7
d = 2500/7 = 357.14 mm
Adopt d = 375 mm, an effective cover of 50mm
D = 425 mm
Assume b = 230mm
Trial Beam Size:
230 x 425 at Fixed end
230 x 230 at Free end
Step 2 : Loads on Beam (wu) kN/m
Self weight = 0.23 x (0.425+0.23)/2 x 25
= 1.88 kN/m
LL = 12 kN/m
Total Load = 13.88 kN/m
Factored Load wu = 13.88 x 1.5 = 20.82 kN/m
Step 3 : Effective Span
Leff = 2500 + (375/2) = 2688 mm
Step 4 : Limit State of Collapse - Flexure
i) Mu = 20.82 x 2.6882/2 = 75.22 kNm
ii) Mu,lim = 0.36 x 0.48 x(1-.42x0.48)230 x3752 x20
= 89.25 kNm
Mu < Mu,lim Section is Singly reinforced
iii) Compute Ast
75.22x106 = 0.87 x415x375xAst(1- (Ast x415/(230 x 375 x20))
75.22 x106 = 135393.75Ast – 32.57 Ast2
Ast= 660.5 mm2
iv) Rebar Arrangement
Ast= 660.5 mm2
Adopt 2- # 16 + 1- #20 Ast = 716 mm2
Step 5 : Limit State of Collapse - Shear
i) Vu = 20.82 x 2.5 = 52 kN
ii) v = 52 x1000/(230 x375) = 0.6 N/mm2
Table 19,
c =0.58 N/mm 2
350 mm
2- #16 + 1-#20