Week 1

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High Voltage Engineering

EE-421 (3:0)

Faculty: Dr. Katam Nishanth

Course Objectives
• To learn about physical high voltage phenomenon
and their impact in power systems.
• To introduce the fundamental concepts relevant
to high voltage insulations and their
• To understand about various factors that must be
considered while design and safer use of high
voltage systems.
Reference Books
• John Kuffel, E. Kuffel, W. S. Zaengl - High Voltage Engineering
Fundamentals (2000)

• M S Naidu, V Kamaraju - High Voltage Engineering-Tata McGraw Hill


• Ravindra Arora, Wolfgang Mosch(auth.), Mohamed E.

El_Hawary(eds.) - High Voltage and Electrical Insulation
Engineering-Wiley-IEEE Press (2011)

• Slides and Lectures: Fundamentals of High-Voltage Engineering

Prof. Ravindra Arora and Dr. Bharat Singh Rajpurohit
Basic Terminology
• Electric Charge: The presence of an excess of
either positive subatomic particles (protons),
or negative subatomic particles (electrons) in
a substance.

• The electric charge is at rest in dielectrics,

however, it is in motion/restless in conductors.
Basic Terminology
• Ionisation is the process by which electric charges
hence potential builds up on an object

• Electric discharge- sudden movement of charge

• Electric discharge leads to equalization of the

difference of electric potential built by the
sudden movement of charge between any two
Basic Terminology
Dielectric or Insulator
- Insulating (medium or substance), non-
conductive, non-conductor, through which
electricity is transmitted (without conduction).
- A non-conducting or insulating material; a
material which admits electrostatic and magnetic
lines of force but resists passage of electric current
i.e.; flow of charges.
- Displacement current: equivalent current that is
considered to pass through an insulator for the
purpose of analysis.
Basic Terminology
Basic Terminology
• Electrical breakdown: The failure of electrical
insulation properties of insulating materials.
• Global or total breakdown: The complete rupture
or failure of the electrical insulation.
• Local breakdown: Failure of insulating properties
confined locally to a part of the total insulation
• Electrical breakdown of insulation usually occur
between two electrodes/conductors of opposing
polarity, or between the conductor and ground.
Basic Terminology

• Since local breakdown occurs partially, not globally, it is also

described as “Partial Breakdown” (PB)or Partial Discharge
in an electrical insulation.

• In PB, the healthy part of the dielectric continues to provide

electrical insulation between the two electrodes in spite of
failure of insulating properties in some limited part; it does
not bridge the gap between the electrodes.

• PB can occur in any dielectric under adverse conditions.

Like breakdown, the PB phenomenon is injurious for the
Basic Terminology
• Corona: It is a stable PB phenomenon in
gaseous dielectrics.

• Streamer: It is a PB phenomenon in gaseous

dielectrics at hemispherical, spherical and
other curved electrodes, which appears like a
stream or a shower of discharge.
High Voltage is present around us in a variety of forms
• Lightning discharges —> so far the only “natural” form of high
voltage all other forms of HV are human-made

• HV in electric power transmission to avoid excessive line currents

• HV in applications such as
‣ ignition in IC engines
‣ xerography, accelerators, CRT, etc.
‣ pollution control (ESP, DBD, O3 generation)
‣ gas discharge lamps
‣ plasma torches
‣ plasma etching
Advantages of high voltage in power transmission
- Transfer more power —> longer distances —>
economically - permits use of thinner conductors and
hence, less cost

- Significant reduction in power loss in conductors for a

given AC line (ZC of ~250 ohm),
Ptransfer (max) = V2/ZC

‣ V (kV) : 400 700 1000 1200 1500

‣ P (MW) : 640 2000 4000 5800 9000
Rise of Power transmission levels
• 1882: 110 V DC (Edison era)
• 1886: (1 kV) AC; 2 kV AC over 30 km (Tesla era)
• 1891: 3ɸ AC at 25 kV over 170 km distance
• Today we have 800 kV, 1100 kV, 1200 kV lines
High Voltage Electric Power Grid System
• Inter-connected Power System Network- Power Grid
• Generating stations are usually located at long distance
from each other
• Transmission lines transfer the electrical energy from
various generating stations to the sub-stations, which is
then distributed to consumers.
• Generation voltage level in India limited to ~21.5 kV
• 200 MW capacities generate power is 11 kV
• For 500 and 650 MW machines it is at 22 kV level
• The present highest transmission voltage level in India
is 800 kV ac and 1600 kV (±800 kV) dc.
HV transmission levels across globe

PGCIL in May-2016 commissioned its UHV-AC 1200 kV National Test

Station (NTS) at Bina in Madhya Pradesh, which will enhance power
carrying capacity by 4-5 times that of 400 kV lines.
Advantages of High Voltage Power Grid

• Secured and reliable power supply

• Smaller reserve capacity requirement
• Ability to install larger unit size
• Ease in meeting the peak load power demand
High Voltage classification
• International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC
1970) has defined a “High Voltage” as that V >
than 1000V for AC and > 1200V for DC
• General classification of voltage levels
Low < 1000 V
Medium < 70 kV
High 110 kV~220 kV
EHV 275 kV ~ 800 kV
UHV > 1000 kV
Rated Voltages and Frequencies in
Power Systems
Consumer level:
• 120 V, 230 V- single-phase, voltage is supplied between
phase and neutral for house hold consumption.
• 230 V, 400 V, 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, and 11 kV- are three-phase
industrial consumer voltages.
• 3.3 kV and 6.6 kV are being phased out in order to
rationalize the system.
• The railway traction at 25 kV- single-phase, stretch up
to 40 km of track length that supplies power from
2x132 kV/25 kV substation transformers.
Rated Voltages and Frequencies in
Power Systems
Generation level:
• Three-phase synchronous generators
440 V, 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV (small generators)
11 kV (110 & 220 MW),
21.5 kV (500 & 650 MW),
33 kV (1000 MW and above).

Distribution level:
• 11 kV/400 V, 33 /11 kV, and 66/33 kV distribution
transformers- since British system was adopted
• In Germany the rated distribution voltage levels are 400 V,
3.0 kV 6.0 kV, 10 kV, 30 kV and 60 kV).
Rated Voltages and Frequencies in
Power Systems
Transmission with ac (HVAC):
• 132 kV, 220 kV, 380 – 400 kV, 500 kV, 765– 800 kV, 1000 kV
and 1150 kV.

Transmission with dc (HVDC):

• The dc single pole and bipolar lines at ± 100 kV, ± 500 kV,
and ± 800 kV.

• 50 Hz is adopted in India and in most parts of the world.
• Canada, USA, and in Latin American countries 60 Hz.
120 vs 230 V Consumer Voltage
• 120 V rated voltage has a safer touch potential .

• At 120 V double the magnitude of current is required to
deliver the same amount of power as at 230 V.
• Higher I2R losses (4 times more for the same power)
• The cross-sectional area of the conductor has to be
increased four time to maintain the same loss as before.
• Thus the consumption of power at 120 V requires four
times more copper as compared to a 230 V system-
Grounding in HV power systems
Grounding in HV power systems
• It is a completely separate conductor, which is grounded or
• The role of ground conductor in the power system is for
• Ground conductor is present at the top of all the
transmission towers. Thus the towers are also earthed or
grounded i.e. at zero potential.
• This is for lightning protection. For a wide transmission
tower, even two ground conductors may be required for
the protection of all the live conductors from lightning.
• Being at the topmost position, the lightning strikes the
ground conductor, which protects the phase wires below
that are at lower height levels.
Types of Electrical Insulation/Dielectric
Gaseous Dielectrics
• Atmospheric air is the cheapest and most widely
• Other dielectrics are Nitrogen , Sulphur
hexafluoride SF6 and its mixtures with CO2 and N2
• SF6 is very widely used in Gas Insulated
Substations (GIS), Circuit Breakers and gas filled
installations i.e. circuit breakers and cables,
transformers, etc.
Types of Electrical Insulation/Dielectric

• Vacuum of the order of 10-5 Torr and lower
provides an excellent electrical insulation.
• Vacuum is widely used at present as an
insulation in vacuum circuit breakers (VCB)
Types of Electrical Insulation/Dielectric
Liquid Dielectrics:
• Organic liquids, mineral insulating oils (natural and synthetic)
of required physical, chemical and electrical properties are
used very widely in transformers, capacitors, cables and
circuit breakers.

Solid Dielectrics:
• Most widely used are : XLPE, PVC, ceramics, glass, rubber,
resins, reinforced plastics, polypropylene, impregnated paper,
wood, cotton, mica, pressboards, Bakelite, Perspex, Ebonite,
Teflon, etc.

Introduction of nanoparticles into solid and liquid dielectrics has

been found to enhance their insulation properties and is a
popular area of research.
Electric Field Intensity in Dielectrics
• The electric field (E), produced due to potential
on a body, stresses the dielectric (electric
insulation) around it with “ electric stress ” .

• The performance of a dielectric strongly depends

upon the field configuration and the magnitude
of electric field intensity (E) with which it is

• The region around an electrified object can be

considered filled with “ lines of electric force ”.
Electric Field Intensity in Dielectrics
• The “ electric field intensity ” , or “electric field
strength ” , is defined as the electrostatic force
F per unit positive test charge q , placed at a
particular point.
• It is denoted by E – unit is “ N/C ” , that is, the
force per unit charge, or V/m.
• More specifically mentioned as “ electric
stress ” experienced by a dielectric or an
electrical insulating material
Two typical
electrostatic field
Electric Potential and Electric Field Intensity

• Uab is positive if the work is done

in carrying a unit positive charge
from b to a .

• The magnitude of electric field

intensity is, therefore, given by
the value of the rate of change
of potential with distance.
• Qualitative definition of “ electric strength ” of a
dielectric is the - “ maximum electric stress a dielectric
can withstand without rendering it to rupture
completely ” .

• A quantitative definition is, however, complicated

because a large number of factors affect the electric
breakdown of a dielectric.

• Composition of dielectric material, presence of

impurities and imperfections in the dielectric, pressure,
humidity, temperature, electric field configuration
(shape of the electrodes, their size and gap distance),
electrode material and the duration, magnitude and
the waveform of the applied voltage.
• In a time varying ac power frequency (50 Hz) field
(quasi stationary field), the maximum electric
stress occurs at the peak value of the applied

• Intrinsic strength of a dielectric: It is defined for

gaseous and non-gaseous dielectrics differently.

• Gaseous dielectric: It is the magnitude of

breakdown voltage measured across a gap
distance of one cm in uniform field at normal
temperature and pressure (Ex. Air: 30kV/cm at
• Liquid and Solid dielectrics: It is the highest value
of breakdown strength obtained after eliminating
all known secondary effects which may influence
the breakdown adversely.

• It is measured for the ideal conditions of the

dielectric in uniform field.

• Since it is very high for solid and liquid dielectrics

compared to gaseous dielectrics, it is measured
for mm and μm thin films of the liquid and solid
dielectrics respectively instead of 1 cm gap
distance in case of gaseous dielectrics (Ex. XLPE:
30 kV/mm).
Enhanced breakdown
performance of
Anatase and Rutile
titania based nano-oils
DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2016.0058
• In a time varying ac power frequency field (the so
called quasi stationary field), the maximum
electric stress occurs at the peak value of the
applied voltage, not at its rms value.

• This must always be kept in mind while dealing

with other types of voltages, like lightning,
switching and the fast transient impulse voltages,
since their magnitudes are given only in their
peak values.
Partial Breakdown in Dielectrics
• On applying sufficient voltage, extreme electric field
enhancement at a particular or at several locations
within a dielectric may develop depending upon the
electrode configurations.

• At such location/locations the dielectric could get

stressed excessively to the extent that it may lose its
insulating capability restricted only to this region.

• This gives rise to breakdown of the insulation locally

known conventionally as “ partial discharge ” (PD) or
partial breakdown (PB).
Partial Breakdown in Dielectrics
• The voltage applied across the dielectric, at which PB
begins locally somewhere in the dielectric, is known as
“ partial breakdown inception voltage ”, Ui .

• The voltage at which total breakdown of insulation

occurs i.e. gap between electrodes is bridged, is
“complete breakdown voltage” Ub

• PB takes place in all the dielectrics but only under

extremely non-uniform field conditions. Complete
breakdown will eventually occur in any field condition.
Classification of Partial Breakdown(PB)
Electrical and water treeing in polyethylene-insulated cable. (a) Electrical
trees grown from field-enhancing defects at the conductor/insulation
interface in early polyethylene-insulated cable. (b) water trees growing from
the conductor screen or bridging the whole insulation.
Reduction in surface tracking PD current in room
temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubber

ESDD: Equivalent salt deposit density

Classification of Electric Fields

η - Schwaiger Factor, a measure of the uniformity of a field

Uniform field between two parallel plates
A uniform field can be
achieved between two
electrodes designed with
the help of Rogowsky or
Borda profiles, for the
given gap distance.

A dielectric has the

highest dielectric strength
when it is subjected to
uniform electric field.
However, it is very difficult
to realize a uniform field
in practice.
Weakly non-uniform field between two adjacent spheres
Extremely non-uniform field between needle-needle electrodes

Extremely non-uniform field

configuration is the most
commonly prevalent.

Weakly non-uniform field is

achieved often with
moderate design efforts in
coaxial insulation systems,
for example, in cables, gas
insulated systems (GIS), etc.
Degree of Uniformity of Electric Fields ( η)

• The degree of uniformity η (eta), introduced

by Schwaiger in 1922 as measure of the
uniformity of a field

Emean and Emax are the values of the mean and the maximum field
intensities in a dielectric respectively.
U is the peak value of potential difference applied between the
two electrodes at a distance d apart.
Degree of Uniformity of Electric Fields ( η)

• η serves as a ready reference that is important

information for insulation design in electrical
• However, for determining the exact
magnitude of maximum electric stress,
numerical estimation techniques are used
(FEM, FDM, CSM, etc.)
Geometrical characteristic factor
• Schwaiger also introduced a factor “ p ” , the
geometrical characteristic factor for electrode
• He established that it is possible to represent
η as a function of “ p ” described as

where r is the smallest radius of curvature of electrodes, and d the shortest

gap distance between the two electrodes under consideration
For some common and practical electrode configurations, above
equation is represented graphically – known as Schwaiger
Curves. (class discussion from sec. 2.3.1, Ravindra Arora, ref. book)
Next week…Control of the electric field
intensity in dielectrics (Stress Control)

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