Pitot Tube (Minor Project) by Kamal Joshi

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The velocity an object is defined as the displasment
(covered by it ) per in a particular direction.
The symbol used to represent velocity is “v” (small
character) or “v”
Velocity = Displacment /Time
V= d/t

Velocity Dimensions are: V=[LT-1]

Unit = m/s

Unit of velocity
𝑽, 𝑽,
Common symbols →

SI unit m/s

Other units
Dimension LT-1

Hydraulic coefficients
Coefficient of contraction
Coefficient of contraction is defined as the ratio of the
area of jet at Vena contracta to the area of orifice
(theoretical area). It is denoted Cc.

Mathematically , Cc = Area of jet at Vena contracta / area

of orifice
Cc = Ac/ A
Ac = area of jet at vena – contracta
A = area of orifice

The value of Cc varies with the available head of liquid

and shape , size of orifice . In general for an orifice Cc =
0.61 to .69

Coefficient of Velocity
It is defined as the ratio of actual velocity of jet of fluid at
vena – contracta to the theoretical velocity of jet . The
corfficient of velocity is denoted by Cv The mathematical
expression for Cv is given below

Cv = Actual velocity of jet at Vena contracta/theoretical

velocity of jet

Cv = Va /√2𝑔𝐻

Here Va is actual velocity and √2𝑔𝐻 is theoretical

g =Acceleration due to gravity
H = Head of liquid
The variation in fluid velocity is due to friction of orifice .
For orifice . For orifice Cc =0.9 to 0.95

Coefficient of discharge
Coefficient of discharge is defined as the ratio of actual
discharge of fluid to the theoretical discharge. It is
denated by Cd.
Let Qa = Atual discharge
Qth = Theoreical discharge Then
Cd = Qa/Qth
For an orifice Cd = 0.61 to 0.65

Relationship between Cc, Cv, Cd

We Know that
Cd =

Qactual = Actual velocity of jet, v x Actual area of jet Ac

Qtheoretical = Thearetical velocity √2𝑔𝐻 x Thearetical

area , A
𝑉 𝑋 Ac
Cd =
√2𝑔𝐻 𝑋 𝐴

Ac 𝑉
Cd = x
𝐴 √2𝑔𝐻

Cd = Cc Cv

It is a device used to measure the local or point velocity
by measuring the difference between impact pressure
and static pressure. The orifice meter and venture meter
measure the averge velocity of the entire fluid stream,
whereas the point measures the velocity at one point

The module was created by the French

engineer Henri in 1732. Originally, it was used
to calculate the speed of a river.

It is widely used to determine the airspeed of an aircraft,

water speed of a boat, and to measure liquid, air and gas
flow velocities in industrial applications. The pitot tube is
used to measure the local flow velocity at a given point in
the flow stream and not the average flow velocity in the
pipe or conduit

Fig.1.Pitot Tube

The basic principle is that if the velocity of
flow at a particular point is reduced to zero (known as
the stagnation point ), the pressure increase due to
conversion of the kinetic energy, into the pressure
energy , and by measuring the increase in the pressure
energy at this point the velocity may be determined.

Construction and Working

A simple form of pitot tube is shown in fig. 1. It consists
of a glass tube, sufficient large for capillary effects to be
negligible and bent at right angles. A single tube of this

kind may be used for measuring the flow velocity in an

open channel.

Fig. 2 : Simple point tube for measuring velocity in open

The tube is dipped vertically in the flowing stream
of fluid with its open end A facing the flow and the other
open end projecting above the liquid surface. The fluid
enter the tube the level of the fluid in the tube exceeds
that of the fluid surface because the end A of the tube is
a stagnation point where the fluid is at rest and the fluid
approaching end A divides at this point and passes
around the tube. At the stagnation point, the linetic
energy is converted into the pressure energy and hence
the fluid in the tube rises above the surrounding fluid
surface by a height that corresponds to the velocity of
fluid approaching the end A of the tube.

Consider a point I at the upstream of end A lying in

a horizontal plane in the flowing stream where the flow
velocity is u.
Applying the Bernoull’s equation between point I
and A, we get
h0+u2/2g = h0 +h

u = √2𝑔𝐻 …………..(1)
where h0 is the height of the fluid raised in the tube
above the free surface, (h0 + h)is the stagnation pressure
head at point A which consists of a static pressure head
h0 and dynamic pressure head/ impact pressure head h.
Hence, the velocityat my point in the flowing
stream can be determined by dipping the pitot tube to
the required point and measuring the height h of the
fluid raised in the tube above the free surface.
Taking into account the loss of energy, Equation is
modified to yield the actual flow velocity as

u = C √2𝑔𝐻 ………………..(2)
where C is the coefficient of point tube and it is generally
taken as 0.98

Pitot Tube for Measrement Velocity of Flow in Pipes

Fig. 3: Pitot tube used for measuring velocity in pipes

The pitot tube shown in fig. 3 consists of an impact tube,
the opening of which facing to the direction of flow and a
static tube, the opening of which is perpendicular to the
direction of flow. The impact tube measures the
impact/dynamic pressure and the static tube measures
the static pressure. The two tube may be connected to
the arms of a manometer for measuring the pressure
Applying Bernoull’s equation between station 1 and
2,wet get

P2 is greath than P1 where P1 = static pressure P2 =

stagnation / impact pressure. (P2 – P1) can be expressed
in terms of a manometer reading ∆ℎ.

If ∆𝐻 is the pressure head expressed in terms of m of

flowing fluid, we get

By taking into account the loss of energy due to friction,

the actual point/ local velocity is given by

u = √𝟐 𝒈 ∆𝑯 .................(10)
where C is the coefficient of point tube

Pitot- Static Tube

It is a device in which
the tube recording static
pressure and stagnation/ impact
pressure are combined
Fig. 4: Pitot – static tube (for measuring velocity in pipes)
It consists of two concentric tubes arranged parallel
to the direction of flow. The inner tube has a small
opening that faces the flow. The end of the outer tube is
sealed and this tube is perforated with a series of small
holes perpendicular to the direction of flow to given an
accurate indication of the static pressure. The impact
pressure is measured at the open end of the inner tube.
The tube are connected to a manometer. If ∆𝐻 is the
manometer reading expressed in terms of m of the
flowing fluid, then the velocity of the fluid at the location
of the pitot tube given by

u = 𝑪√𝟐 𝒈 ∆𝑯 …………………..(11)
The pitot tube measures the velocity at a point and
hence, it can be used for finding the velocity distribution
across the pipe section. The total flow rate can be
obtained from a single reading (velocity reading) only if

the velocity distribution across the pipe section is in

With the help of pitot tube , the maximum velocity
which exists at the center of the pipe is measurd and
based on laminar or turbulent flow conditions, the
average velocity is estimated which in trun used for the
calculation of the flow rate. For laminar flow, the
maximum velocity is twice the average velocity and for
turbulent flow, the maximum velocity is 1.18 time the
average velocity. The Reynolds number is calculated
using a value of the maximum velocity and than flow
pattern is decided based on its value. For NRe more than
10000,the flow is considered to be turbulent. The flow is
treated to be in a transition region. NRe value between
4000 and 10,000 and for this region the maximum
velocity is 1.33 to 1.18 time the average velocity.
 It is a less cost, small meter and there is no need of
any moveable part.
 In this meter, there is lees lasting pressure damage.
 We can install it very easily.

 External soild in a liquid can simply block the pitot
tube and disturb usual interpretation as a
 Its accuracyis low.
 Its range capability is less.

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