Example of Geography Coursework Evaluation

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Writing coursework, especially in subjects like geography, can be a challenging and time-consuming

task. It requires extensive research, analysis, critical thinking, and effective communication of ideas.
Geography coursework often involves fieldwork, data collection, and the application of various
methodologies. Additionally, the need for accurate referencing and adherence to specific formatting
guidelines adds another layer of complexity.

Students may face difficulties in managing their time effectively, understanding intricate
geographical concepts, and presenting their findings in a coherent manner. The pressure to meet
deadlines and the overall workload from other courses can further intensify the challenges of
completing coursework successfully.

While it's important for students to develop their academic skills, seeking help when needed can be a
viable option. ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ is a platform that offers assistance with coursework, providing
support in research, writing, and structuring the content. Their professional writers have expertise in
various subjects, including geography, and can deliver high-quality work tailored to the specific
requirements of the coursework.

It's crucial to note that seeking help should be done responsibly, and the use of such services should
be in accordance with academic integrity guidelines. Students should view external assistance as a
tool for learning and improvement rather than as a shortcut.

In conclusion, writing geography coursework can be a challenging task, and ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔

provides a potential solution for those who may need assistance. However, it's important for students
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At the first three sites there was dense forest to both sides of the river, (which can be. Overall, there
is an increase in depth as you go along the river’s course. Channel efficiency is a calculation in which
cross-section area is divided by the wetted perimeter of the river. An example of this is at site 3
where we were near a confluence. The perfect Dress is a bridal shop filled with friendly, helpful, and
hard working people. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036 0.082 0.105 0.17 0.091 0.127 0.183. Students explore
how to draw a world map by hand and how to locate countries. An investigation into how physical
channel characteristics. Problems and Limitations encountered in Data Collection. Also, as I did not
do a pilot study, and only measured the river once in the summer, my results and conclusions could
be affected. Therefore, I would not be measuring the exact width of the river, and the result would
be shorter than the actual width, therefore making my results wrong. It shows that 61 out of the 72
people asked believe that Cromer does have a good future with only 11 tourists disagreeing. Young
scholars invsestigate cocoa producing regions in the world. Somerset’s population is over sixty-five
and this shows that it is a popular retirement. To measure the size of the bedload, callipers were used
to measure the length, width and height of the pebbles. It was found that in Pillow Mounds, there
was exposed topsoil in all of the spots that were visited. Average Clast Size (cm) 9.84 9.6 8.64 10.28
12.64 5.38 11.14 7.34. Flow Rate (s) 1 100 54.44 100 12.52 7.6 7.33 100 100. Hypothesis 2- The
depth of the river will increase as you go from source to mouth. There were some limitations when
we were measuring our data and the methods we. Holford. It took the least amount of time to
measure so was therefore taken first. We. PLEASE NOTE: Both essays were written by me and in
my own words, except for quotations from published and unpublished sources which are clearly
indicated and acknowledged as such. Shakespearean play in maths and lost coursework singh 11sk
geography. There is none in the picture of R.H.G and this shows that there have been more people in
Pillow mounds. From the map I can see that the areas near the beach have a high environmental
quality based on factors such as litter, attractiveness and traffic noise. The width of the river starts to
increase as we go from site1to site 4 by 2.95m. At site. To complete my survey I first had to decide
on a location, I decided to choose Church St again, because I knew it was a popular location. Plunge
pools and waterfalls are also features which can be found at this stop. Farming plays a major role in
Somerset because it does not only take up most of the. This meant that we expected the river to be
shallow at these.
At some sites we were very near to confluences and this could have affected our. This makes the area
receive less sunlight and will be less appealing to tourists who want to spend a whole day out. We
used the cailleux roundness index chart and a ruler when measuring the clast size. She paired it with
her knowledge and brought things that did compliment my shape. Additional data collected
Comparing flowcharts To show Cromer's growth as a tourist destination I will use two flowcharts to
show the development of Cromer compared with traditional seaside resorts. One reason why the
depth increased at some sites and then decreased at others was. This means that not as many
activities, like ball games or biking can be done in R.H.G. This will make people who want to do
those activities go to Pillow Mounds instead. R.H.G is also surrounded by a large amount of trees.
This stop also has its own micro climate compared to the mountain top because it is in a valley. Now
a statistical test called Spearman’s Rank correlation must be undertaken to see. Quickly for the data
you are reforming the geography coursework, gcse. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol
Channel), we expected the river to. In the lower course of the river there is lateral erosionwhich.
Bradshaw model scenario where about project must be concentrated here. As many tourists travel to
Cromer in cars as it is not easily accessible, traffic congestion is a big problem. Steph knew exactly
what questions to ask to figure out what to pull. The gradient of the river starts to decrease rapidly
as you go from site1 to site 2. Then. This would have ensured that the sites I had chosen typified that
stretch of river. These reasons may be why the council doesn't want to develop the area as it is seen
as a place of natural outstanding beauty, and if they chose to develop they would lose some of their
tourists. Another explanation of why the width readings were not as the hypothesis had. Guidelines
to for inclusion in swanage here, although horse riders and maths. 15% discount on quickly for a
shakespearean play in youre. I have chosen to represent the depth of the river as a bar chart because it
is very easy. You can simply visit our website and talk to our live chat support to get free coursework
examples. It shows things like, how eroded the surface looked from when we first arrived, how clean
the air smelt when we first arrived and the amount of traffic on the roads near the area at the time.
Enhance your class' geography skills using this resource. This line graph can help to answer one of
the enquiry questions, as it shows Cromer's need for more hotels and transport links to increase its
chances of having a better economic future. And that is that more people have been in the Pillow
Mounds and have eroded the ground by walking over it. Site 4 was near an urban area, (Holford),
which meant that there was concrete and. There was only exposed topsoil in 3 spots in R.H.G. This
tells us the same as all graphs that talked about how much the ground had been walked on each area.
At site 8 our readings showed us that this was overall the deepest part of the river. The. A further
technique is now required to test the significance of the relationship. The.
How Can Someone Do My Homework Online Better Than Me. Flow Rate (s) 2 100 43.06 58.46
18.62 10.4 23.35 100 61.49. This graph shows that a lot of the residents of Cromer think tourism is a
good industry and is beneficial to Cromer. There are three types of sampling methods which could
have been used on this river. The velocity was measured using a hydroprop and an impeller. This
graph can be linked back to both of the enquiry questions as it is clear to see that, a lot of residents
believe that tourism has a good economic impact on Cromer by bringing money to the area, which
can be used by the local council to improve services. We chose to sample eight sites along the River
Holford’s course because this would. This graph can be linked with Fig. 2 which states that residents
think the most common problem of tourism is traffic congestion; this thought is proved by this graph
as it shows the high traffic levels. Marl. Overall, visually, my hypothesis, that the width will increase
as you go from. Students explore how to draw a world map by hand and how to locate countries.
There is none in the picture of R.H.G and this shows that there have been more people in Pillow
mounds. The following page has a copy of the results from the tourist's questionnaires. This means
that the majority of tourists think Cromer has a good future whether it develops or not.
Environmental Mapping Another method I used to collect data was environmental mapping. There
were many problems that we encountered on our river study. Some of the features found at this stop
include interlocking spurs and V-shaped valley. This meant that the width of the river was expected
to. Her opinion is that Cromer will remain the same; it will not develop industrially or diversify into
other ways of attracting a wider range of people. The Spider Graph also says that Robin Hood Green
was a very small area compared to the Pillow Mounds. Graphs to show the depth of the river along
all eight sites. I do think there needs to coursework summaries and evaluation stages. From the flow
charts, you can see that Cromer has develop much faster than other resorts, but now faces pressure as
it can not be further developed and is losing out on a younger generation of tourists so therefore it
doesn't have the best economic future compared to other resorts. Fig. 7 Interpretation From the
above line graph you can see that 32 of the tourists interviewed, were staying in Cromer for one
week. Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go along the river’s course. I took this photo to
show that there is a negative as well as positive effect to tourism. The results were given a score
from 3 to -3 with -3 being the worst and 3 the best. I would make if I were going to undertake this
river study again. One physical problem was that there was debris in the river such as tree branches
and. Label and lost coursework data support provides geography 20%. To complete my survey I first
had to decide on a location, I decided to choose Church St again, because I knew it was a popular
location. Newham also has a higher amount of economically active residents, while Cromer has a
small amount.
Average Clast Size (cm) 9.84 9.6 8.64 10.28 12.64 5.38 11.14 7.34. Writing service with 7 customer
support provides top quality papers written piece. My photos were reliable as they were what you
could see, but again they may have been affected by the time of year that we visited. Most of the
tourists believe that Cromer should be developed to suit younger people. Barcelona? by entered into
a secondary school revision resource for ideas. At reading 1 the depth was 0.043m and was the
lowest measurement because it was. The environmental impact is good in some ways, because as a
result of tourism the council needs to keep the area tidier to encourage tourists to visit the area. They
describe the AOs in a way that students will understand. I will also be justifying why I used a
particular type of graph as. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we expected
the river to. Although 30 residents believe that tourism has increased job rates Fig. 14 shows that
only 20 out o of 72 residents asked have a job in Cromer. The last reading that we had to take at
each site was the Gradient. To travel to Cromer we used the M11 to Cambridge (80km approx) and
the rest of the journey we traveled on smaller roads. This problem has also, already been shown in
the flowchart and may lead to Cromer not having a good economic future, as people will choose to
go to other resorts as they are more accessible. Fig. 10 Pedestrian Count - Pictogram Morning: 0:46-
0:56 Afternoon: 2:16- 2:22 Late Afternoon: 2:20-2:30 Key: Interpretation- The above pictogram
shows the results from my pedestrian count, which I completed on Church St. Site’s 8 cross sectional
area was 0.42256 m2 which was the highest reading of all the. Spearman’s Rank is a statistical
technique which is used to see if there is a correlation. It was hard to get an exact depth reading
because the water was always moving. This. At site 1 the cross sectional area was 0.008418 m2,
which is the lowest result out of all. While the graph does show that tourism has a good economic
impact on Cromer, it also shows that tourism may not be able to offer Cromer a good economic
future in the long-term, as residents don't think that tourism has allowed Cromer to develop its
attractions; therefore not bringing the younger generation to Cromer. Fig. 2 Interpretation This pie
chart shows, what residents think are the most common problems brought by tourism. These methods
would have given me results which were close to their true value, and would have proven if the
hypothesis was correct or not. Getting diseases from the river Hands were washed thoroughly with
soap. However, it shows that there is no Broad leaf grass in one of the spots in R.H.G which means
that Pillow Mounds had higher plant diversity. There were lots of objects such as tree branches in the
river. This is strange because it would be expected that there is more exposed topsoil in P.M because
of the higher expected amount of tourism. Perhaps I should have measured the river at another time
in the year. A further technique is now required to test the significance of the relationship. The.
SECONDARY INDUSTRY: Secondary industry jobs involve working in factories. Furey d: policies
layout of results rough draft mine. This meant that it was the group member’s opinion on whether the
clast was rounder. I would improve this method by increasing the time we spent at Cromer.
It shows that 61 out of the 72 people asked believe that Cromer does have a good future with only
11 tourists disagreeing. On the other hand tourism only offers seasonal business to many shops and
this may be a problem as tourists only visit certain times if the year. See other similar resources ?7.99
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. I will compare
a flow chart showing the growth of a traditional seaside resort, with a flowchart showing the growth
of Cromer. There is also boulder clay which vegetation has formed on top of. Where we were along
the drainage basin could have changed the width of the river. Students take a closer look at the
geographic theme of place. We used the cailleux roundness index chart and a ruler when measuring
the clast size. There are many possible explanations for why the width of the river followed the. The
reason for this may be that Cromer does not have enough economic opportunities and residential
towns such as London. This interview helps to answer the enquiry questions as it shows tourism may
have had a negative effect on Cromer, as the younger residents of Cromer believe there are not
enough opportunities for them, and the jobs that are available are either low paid ore seasonal. At
some points, the impeller could not turn due to the fact that the river was too. Overall, there is an
increase in depth as you go along the river’s course. At site 5 the five readings taken across the width
of the channel were quite varied. The water is also getting deeper as the river is now entering its
middle course. The reason for this may be that the council receives extra money to keep this area tidy
for tourists. Fig.11 shows that tourists believe litter is not a big problem in Cromer In conclusion my
surveys show that environmental impact is both good and bad. This evidence disagrees with that of
the amount of total plants because it shows that more people might have worn away the broad leaf
grass in R.H.G. The reason that more people equals less plant diversity is that the ground may have
been so badly trampled on, that the broad leaf grass could have died out. Many of the featured Ph.D.
Theses have received awards. I will also explain how my data links back to my enquiry questions. Not
a lot could have been done to improve the methods used to measure the depth of the river. Explore a
variety of concepts including production and distribution, and people and the environment. This
graph shows the percentage of all types of plant and vegetation that I found in the areas. The third
reading we took was the wetted perimeter. This, links in with the annotated photo and spider graph
where they support the view that there would be more tourism in Pillow Mounds. Overall, our river
study on the River Holford was very successful because we took a. Thank you again ?? Cindy
Cassandra DESTINE My wedding is next month I did not have a dress until I went to the perfect
dress on Friday the 6th of October, I know right. This may mean that it will be hard for Cromer to
have a good economic future, as it doesn't appeal to all ages as a tourist destination. At site 7 the
cross sectional area was 0.219 m2 which was a decrease from site 6.The. This photo also supports the
speech bubble on pg 28 in which 6 tourists believe Cromer could be improved by sorting out traffic
congestion. Heather is not as abundant as previous stops and there is no Mountain Ash trees.
These will be the width of the river channel, the average depth. It then rises significantly to reach the
largest average depth of 23 before falling, rising and then falling again to finish the average depth at
Stop 10 being 8.67. Depth (m) 5 0.016 0.51 0.083 0.04 0.07 0.089 0.053 0.15. Conclusion As I have
now completed the data presentation and interpretation section of my coursework, I will conclude on
what I have found out and I will also answer the enquiry questions. This resource hasn't been
reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can
review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. This is because
there is a main road fenced off near R.H.G and the pollution was coming right into the area. I would
improve this method by increasing the time we spent at Cromer. Gradient 0.086 0.034 0.021 0.008
0.029 0.021 0.021 0.006. Location: Church St Below is a scanned sheet which I used to collect the
data for my environmental mapping survey. This graph helps to answer the enquiry questions as it
shows that tourism hasn't offered Cromer a good economic future as there is not that many
economically active residents living in Cromer. Fig. 19 Interpretation- The above photo shows a gift
shop in Cromer. Average Depth 0.0122 0.1246 0.0686 0.093 0.09904 0.0812 0.0876 0.152. However
there were inconsistencies at each site, and sometimes access to the water was limited and this could
not happen. From this information, the environmental impact on Cromer has not been as destructive
as other tourist destinations, as the council look after the area well but there has still been some
substantial damage caused. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036 0.082 0.105 0.17 0.091 0.127 0.183. I found
this method very effective as the final data used was not from just one person, but a large group of
both tourists and residents, so I also had a mixture of different opinions. The depth at site 6 generally
decreased from 0.099m at site 5 to 0.0812m which came. Cromer also has a higher amount of elderly
dependents compared to Newham, this shows that Cromer is seen as a place for the elderly and
therefore may not have a good economic future as no other age ranges may visit. Average Flow Rate
(s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565 16.55 81.33 87.163. This information is from the 1991 Census so
it is secondary data. Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8. The rest of the class also had
to do this and all the results are going to be used to create a large sample. It rises before falling again
and then rises and falls again. In the higher profile of the river mainly vertical erosiontakes place. Dr.
NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the.
This is a drastic increase.Welcome to IXLs geography page. This Spearman’s rank correlationgraph
test tells us that 0.453 is under a significance. The gradient decreased from source to mouth and this
can be seen in this scatter. At site 3 the cross sectional area was 0.155036 m2 which shows that there
was an. Data Presentation- In this section, of my coursework I will present all my collected data as
graphs, annotated photos, labeled maps, charts, etc. I went during the summer, where the river would
be smaller than normal, as processes such as evaporation would have affected the volume of water in
the river.

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